The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 06, 1895, Image 1

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TnntVlB lifri-rurn Dt
5 f" Washington and Oregoni Fair If
weatheri warmer. . &
ThSTflRIAM hati IIm l.-.rMst LOCAL W
m circulation! trie largest ur..itnL enema-
B 4I. .-I Ik. TOTJI rlrculallnn of
tall papers published In Astoria, jj
VOL. XLIV, NO. 182.
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Fe"ed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
Dealer in
Wall Paper,
Artist Materials,
Paints and Painters Supplies
Glass, Mouldings,
Japanese Mattings,
Rugs and Bamboo Goods
Contractor for
Fresco Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc.
765 Commercial Street.
Snap R Iodak
at any man coming out ot
our store and you'll get a
portrait ol a man brimming
over with ploasant thoughts.
Such quality In the liquors
we have to offer are enough to
Cornc and Try Them.
Ia there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, extension Table, or se
f Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
th closest buyers.
Conromly St.footof Jarksw 'ora
General Machinists and Jrler Makers
Land and Marine Engines, Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
anon notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand in
the same relationship to Marshall'!
Twine as a wooden image does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
at well." They won't They cannot
Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
Custom Houst Broker
and Commission Merchant
50a Bond Street.
Kopp'a Beer Hall.
Cholc Wines, Liquors and Clears.
Only banded over the oar. The largest glass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half. sc.
Pre Lunch.
Chss. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Coaronly and Lafayette Sts.
Th Blacksmith Those shop la oppos
ite Cutting's cannery, is now prepared
to do such odd jobs as making new
cannery coolers, repairing old ones,
making new flshin boat Irons, and re
pairing old ones, and all other black
smithing that requires first-class work-
Brokers and Com mission Merchants.
Consignments Solicited of Poultry, Ergs. Butter,
Fruit. Flour. Feed. Grain, etc.
Returns Made Quick.
Qoode Bold at Wholesale.
No. iu Twelfth St Astoria., Or.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Flies, Rods, etc. Baseballs, Bats
Masks, Gloves, Mits, etc. Croquet sets, Hammock?, Lawn
Tennis Balls, Bird Cages, Garden Sets, Children's Carriages
and Iron Wagons.
Come and See
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats and Shoes.
All direct from the manufacturers. Call and see our shoe stock.
New Lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoea-
Men's Congress Shoes $1,50
Men's Congress Shoes $2.00
Men's Police Shoes . , - ... $3.00
Men's Kangaroo Shoes - - - . - . . . 3 50
The Best Values Ever Known, x
Inspeot our clothing stock. We have full lines of
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits.
Men's suits ranging from $5.00 up to 815.00.
... VT . T, . , Every one of them a getmitie batfjain.
We XL in Hosiery, Underwear. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, lllnukets and Com
forters, White Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Etc.
600 Commercial Street.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home.
STREET CAR LINE will be extended this Bum 'nor to wiliiin 5 minnfoa
walk or this property Will pell at decided
In 5 or 10 acre tracts inside the city limits, also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HIL,L,.-471BondSt., Occident Block,
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Betterthah blankets.
MUSIC HflLlLt. ;
KEATTNQ & CO will open thel
M"lc Hall at 3"t Astor street.
Saturday the 16th. They will
k keep numberless cool lionon
and cirars betides hiring; good tnuiic ail the
With a map, any schoolboy
in Astoria can show you the ad
vantages of this city as the sea
port of the Northwest Empire
And any boy in this city can
show you that a Cash Business
House without unnecessary ex
penses has the advantage in
selling Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots
Shoes, Trunks, Valises
& Reed.
North Paeifie Brewery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave orders with J. L. Carlson at ths
Suraiyside Saloon or Louis Boentge at
me inomopontaa oaioon. All orders will
be promptly attended to.
: first Class funerals :
'' ' " AT
POU'S Orfdertakiipg Parlor,
Ratss Reuouow. . Enbahalnc Spcclaltr
Opn every day from 3 o'clock to 5:30
and 6:30 to 9430 p. m.
rJabscnpUon rates 3 per annum.
Soatkwest cor, Elevsath ami Dana SU.
Pensioners in K ansas Requested
to Demand Gold.
Supreme Court Decides That They
Must Have Salaries Man At
tempts to Shoot Durrant.
Topekla, Has., Aug. 5.-The foUowhur
circular wis dastritotfted aimong itha old
soldiers of Topeka and Shawnee county.
wno itoouy vnsued itme united stttbes pen
sion lomce to draw tuielr Quarterly al
lowance from Ithe government: "Com
rades! Halt. You are entitled to gold In
payment ot your Checks. Demand It.
Do not accept depreciated ourrency."
rne pensioners are paid by Checks,
wnion are cashed at the ivpeka "banks.
This circular was evidently prepared by
rne ipimetauiiats who want to show that
there la not enough gold In the banks
to may Hhe pensions alone. aside from do
ing the other business of the country.
Over 600 pension dhecks were paKi by the
Bank of Topeka today, only It wo men
asking for gotd. One was a customer and
was given the yellow menial. The other
was eumewhat violent and was told, to
get out of t'he bank.
President J. R. Mulviane, of the Bank of
Topeka, when asked about tiha matter
Said: "We do not charge these veterans
anything for collecting their money. The
government does mot keep any money de
posited wiin us; so you see how foolish
it s fnat this circular should be sent
out iteming them to demand gold."
Symes Tells How He Shot Sheriff Coulee.
Missoula, Aug. 6. LaJte tonlKht Bvmcs.
who wi-is arrested, today, admitted ithat
ne was lohe man Wanted (for the mur
der of Constaible Coulee, near llitsville,
wasn., aiDOUt one month ago.
ne 13 a tall and slender mar., about 26
years old, with a Short eaady Jjeard. He
was lying on his coudh and was too weak
to talk at great length. He does not deny
killing Coulee, but eays he did it in self
defense. His eltory is Itlholt he .took up
some stray hogs which came to his ranch
In June. The owner claimed them, but
a recused to surrender them unfll paid
for taking them tip. He states that a
conspiracy wias formed by Oontabl Cnn.
lee and several otihers WWh. whom Symes
nan irouDue at various 'Umesi to hnva
him arrested for larcsny. Coulee mode
the arrest and itook a 44-caHbre gun from
Byrnes, wt overlooked a 38 which was
conceaiied in hla shot pockat.
"uoing duwn the road." said Hvonw.
'Coulee abused me, called me hard iuitim
and said now I've got you, at tihe same
time sticking a gun in my face, I had a
morse and said pull if you wamt to.
winy don t you pull, causing my horse td
rear at the same time. He pulled and
mlssid me. Then I eat mv mm on.i
said: 'Now, old man. It's mv en-m itn
iujii), ana i loegtan to pump and kept
jumpuiB mio nam umtM ne feffl." A gleam
of eatlsfadtion shone on the prisoner's
' ' loia one story, his eves raldv
gnimmerlng as he related how he had
pumped lead Into the conslmMo. "r
was to have toeen, married that same
week," he added, in l nvcirMtifn.1
r'and had .tihe license in my pocket when
nuieu mm.
Husin:ss Houses Will' iReopen at Once.
oprague, AUIT. 6 Tov lhaa IKon
busiest In the history of Sprairue. In manv
years. Touts, tamoomrv ihni .nj
Duawo uu. a.Pl aeacropuons are going up
on every hand. A spirit of hODefuln
s manifested by every himlmA mo i
the oily. There Is nO lllffffrH no ua aim.
p:ies have reached the city on every
train. Al are hustldnir imilHr
tomorrow most of Bhe iburnl i
reopen, ume Northern Pacific sta
tion Is nearly eredted and a gang of men
Is working tonight to finish it. Station
"" -mocks wan move In tomorrow.
.i iio auiui amount of Inmmin lm rrt
w, exceptinir luie railmart'. in...,n.
which is not known. Adjusters r nJ-wl
riving and .the losses will lb paid as soon
no iVSHl'UliU,
o answer nas yet (been received to
e sen to General Manager
Kendrlck, by the txuslness men, skine if
the f(hops will 1e reljullt hero.
tTh!J,'track 'hu've "es" real'-l 'thrcugh
v.., -aim. iu,e wires soretohed both
snoi UIIMI west.
soaicion is in charge of J
S. Jordan and C. M. TUttle and the needy
.vn.,,..! ifiuurin. amention.
Hansen and St. Oialre flemteacd to Be
iangea .(JcMber 18.
Rjn , . .
. .., nuts, o. nni ansen
aomencea 'to De executed by United
jiKige aiciterma this morning. The
date of the execution In r.trjha m
Thomas St. Cladr, Hans-n', companion in
the crime Vj aUso sentenced to die on the
iin uay. imey irnuraered Maurice Flts
geralld, mate of he bark Hwmr Hnu.
and St. Clair were sailors and killed the
mate as part of a plan of mutiny. A
uepera. en ort writ be made tto secure
Kimnnwoiuoa or idamsen's erttence.
Man Attempts to Kill Him at the Court
xiouse Door.
San Frtandsco, Aug. 8. The first at
tempt to do violence to Theodop ri,r.
rant, on trial for the murder of Blanche
ijainoni, since n,s incarcerar.lon was made
todUy, as the daferr.Unt was leaving the
court room. The prison r was in the cue-
iwiy m ine cmer jaiior, when a wild look
ing young man rushed from the
towwde Durrant wth the evtdn
teatlon of onsairitrng him. The Jailor
threw him off before he could reanh m.
rant and the assai&arrt then tried to draw
nw piti. ue waa seize! by two Hmit
tojio aim tiii weapon
otjuevea imui uie anmntlnnt Is famine
Tne serentA Juror to try Durrani
was secured toxny.
Albany, Aug. .-Rv. F. B. Fuller, who
ccua receauy of etvmr n n-
lernai nuccane to 3llss Chambers at I
AUGUST 6. 1895.
Cenltralia, wis arrested here today on a
charge by the United States district at
torney, of Portland, o sending obscene
letters through, the malts to tha sume
woman. Fuller gave 2,Um cash, bonds
for Ms appearance in the United States
count in Portland, where ho will be taken
by a deputy United! States marshal to
morrow. The reverend gentleman, who Is
quite wealthy, nays It Is a case of black
mall against him and that he can estab
lish bis Innocence. Mr. Fuller was tor
meroy a pastor of .the Christian, church
In the city nd awns considerable real es
tate ftsne.
Action by ithe Government to Prevent
i Spreading of Disease.
Washington, Aug. 6. The surgeon-gen
eral of the marine 'hospital service has
ordered a number of tents sent from De
tection camp at Gainesville. G&.. to
Eagle Pass, Texas, for use toy the col-
oxed small pox patients in the refugee
quarantine at ithe latter place. The fed
eral authorities are also to supply sruards
throughout the customs service to keep
the negroes from Scattering and spreading
me disease.
Eleven new cases lhave developed, since
Saturday, making 56 in nil. There have
been three deaths. . .
Omaha. Aug. 6.-The nmawer at it,h A.
P. A. poUce commissioners to the Detl-
tion of ithe regular Hoard of fire and police
commissioners was fllesl In tihe district
court today. The ihearlng comes up in
the monniin gand wilt too in ithe nature
of a iteat of the constitutionality of tiha
new Jaw under w'liieh t'he A. P. A. fecund
is adtlng.
The commission cJalms that a rjremedl-
tated plan was arranged by certain In
dividuals .to render the law vold;also that
the injunction procured by Mayor Btmig
restraining the city council froim
lng the defendants' Ibond was procured
wi'Ji fraudulent purposes and dealing.
No excitement was noted In the citv
Special (to tAsborian.
Salem, Ore., Aug. 6. In iJhe case of
J. B,
HMy, etate raiilroad commissioner.
against H. R. Klnteaid, sricretlary of state,
maaioiamus proceedings to compel the pay.
men of salary, the supreme court todav
aillrmed the decision of the lower court,
sustaining the legality of Ithe railroad
commission; and comnvandlng tihe secre
tary of state to issue Warrants for their
The Wase aCso involves the Btalte Hbr., ilsh and game commissioner, pilot
commissioner, officers usually elected hy
iiio '1'cirisjar.ure, dux wnion ithe aasit lec-ln.
lature nailed to elect and the old offl.
cans hold over. , . .
WTaiSlUnslion. Aug. 5. The naval drv
dock at Port Royal, South Carolina, will
ue reauy tiwr use on itihe law instant and
if aill works well the navy department
ill be itlleveu of what aippeaiedi to be
the dlsagreeoWle necessity of sending the
Indiana, uie llrtlt of our big ibultitlesihips,
to Europe to be docked ibeflore htr trial
trjp. The double turreted monitor. Am
phi'latlte, will be the llreit vessel to go
ui ito nine uiocic .
Lexlhtfion, Ky Aug. 6. Newton Lane.
or mount aterting, who figured in sever
ai itlgh'ta In Lexington last fall' as
partisan of Col. Breclclnridge, killed Jas.
Jtoden'baoich and faitaWy iwounded H. C
Kodenlbaugh, owners of the hotel Wood
lord, Versailles, Ky., in the rotunda of
their "hotel this afternoon. The parti'
are all prominent.
Pttitsourg, Aug. B.-St. LouU 7. F1M
ourg, 4.
Oleveiland, Aug. 6. Cleveland 19. Louis.
VIM' 2.
Boston, Aug. 6 Boston 7, Philadelphia
Washington, Aua. 5. Washington 12.
lsaluimore, 5,
New York. Auc. B.-iNew York 13. Brook.
lyn B.
Seattle, Aug. B. News reached this city
from t'he Bering sea fleet indicating that
seal life in the sea la being des:royed
very faat by the vessels engaged in tak.
ing seals outside of the slxey mile zone
In a short time there will b no seals to
prfftetot in Almerlcan: waiters unless some
me&na can be devised Do prohibit this,
Taeoma, Aug. 6. A meeting, called by
the mayor was held today to .take action
ror ithe relief of the sufferers by th
Sprague fire. The curnmatftee this after
noon raised J250 In. cash and a quantity
or provisions.
Olty of Mexico, Aug. 6. 'Americans who
are interested in pugifllsm Will endeavol
to have the CortKitt-Fltzsimimons fight
held here near the bordens of the federal
district. Public opinion Is hostile.
Newport. R. I.. Atwr. 5. In the race
from Vineyard Haven, to this port today
the Defender btat the Vigilant by nine
minutes and nine seconds in a 30 mile
Albany, Ore., Aug. 6. The saw mill of
Vaugfhn Bros., at Lyons, caught Are Sun
day and burned down, together With 20,000
feet of lumber. Lom, 3,5i0; no Insurance,
Fathion In does changes persistently
In London the IHah and fox terriers have
been superceded toy the Scotch terrier.
This new "smart" dog halls from Aber
deen, and his color should be steel gray,
yellow, and black to be popular. This
year, says an English paper, they are
fashionable and dear. Next year they
win tie sffrtindant and cheap, their succes
sor will be making bis appearance, and
they wlH be going on. The moment the
new doc become too plentiful his reign
Is ever. During the first season he Is
always a well-fcrej ahwtih, k not be-
In worth while to Introduce the Inferior
artMe. Then he gtte popular; there Is
a demaiml for him: he is bred largely
ar.l inconsiderately; he becomes plentiful
and worthless, and the streets are full
of mongrels.-'ew York Times. (
Tht Soldiers Bid Farewell to Man
ager Barmore Incidents of the
Week at Seaside Resorts .
The season alt Ohio seaside may now be
said to toe at Its height. Every cotiUage
is occupied unkl the holteis are sleeping
their guests on corns. It is the vacation
time ot the business mn and with their
families they have aouglht the beautiful
resortis atong Oregonls seashore, where
the cool ocean breeze, natural parks and
nils afflord every means of recuperating
niLun's Worn out Corces.
13verybody sedmedi to bo in Vne best of
spirits and thoroughly enjoying . their
summer outing. Surf balthdng Is naturally
the chief attraction wltihi the mujorlty
of the visitors, amd hundredB are on the
ueadh at every turn of itihe tldj. There
are many handsome cUatiuimies itlhts sea
son, pantlcuAariy among tihe Jadies. The
mfodeist . Bhoides Ibut hiamTsomw ma
terially amd nblby styleis nllwn' the hour
lor those who are content to be onlook
ers. The little ones thoroughly enjoy, in
childish abandon, their liberty on the
sands, and ia bare ifeer, with) clothes
tucked up they paddle In the water's
edge or build Band house to Bee them
waiihad uiway toy the tacxm,inK tides. The
more sober parents ai.d chaperons doubt
less recall their own childish frolics and
present pleasuires are molt unmixed with
a re?rell!ful sigh that the sterner realities
of fife only permit a few Uuys of free
dom urom care. Hut ami are happy, jolly
and oonteuit to let the bright summer
days glide by, wore like landther, only
iraugnu wjin lone pleasures of tifie
moment. :
Sports ot atl klnsdis are devised for the
hours mot occupied in rest or ot the
beach and many pleasant hours are thus
filled 'with recreation and amusement The
soldiers at Camp Geanhurit heid the
boards again liasit week and added not
a Uttle to .the Mtmcitionis ut the seaside.
At the tnnc courte they were Mraated
spedtatiors until they dMterrrtlnied to enter
Che Hew themselves where they carried,
everyimng perore tuiem. Thursday tha
matMh B"Une of baaeballl between the
urtm'tS olub and the soldiens was played
before an lntereatekl cnowd of spectiaitors.
It is neeilieas to say, that the six-tooters
won the day by a large score. Friday
night, while all were dm the arms of sleep,
the camp was awakened Iby a yell oc
casioned iby a midnHgihit attack of Indians.
In a moment aill was confusion and ex
citement. Orders were ramWlv issued: the
ordk.,rliea wore running hltlher and thither
and eoldters rudely awakened toy the call
to arms hurriedly fell la line, In lees
Khan Dour minutes aiflter tihe BiUarm wtae
sounded the battery 11 red lie first gun at
one intruders and lm llv minutes t'he In
fantry nen were lu ciction. In less time
than it takes to itoJ'l It the attacking party
ere reputaed and quiet once mure set
til'td doiwn over Ithe camp,
Thursday might (Most Ojiimin.r.A
drive whist party In the Oeurhart par
lors. There Were dsiht tables, and u
most evening wan had by all.
After Ithe gonna, delicate TOfreahimemta
were served. Mf. Therhleson won ftrw
trize and Mrs. Greonleaf first ladv'is nrlze.
white Sergt. Tlnornton' won the gi-ntie-
man a Doouy prize and Mrs. Lee Clark
tihe ludy'is booby prize. The orlzea were
oeauoiuuu ueanuurt uveinlrs.
Major Jackson. U. B. A., nund rantaln
Gredeaf of Baotery. A. O. N. G.. were
the champion trout Ashers of the week
anu nod many beauties to ishioAv in iii
results oi their paweas.
A muiniojioa.ln and Builiar Wlub was nruan
ized, composed1 of Mrs. Cohen, (Misses
t-iua. ana jraunnw utummllne. Mlsm n.
xoung and Mr. Trevors. The dub fur-
rishes de'lightful muoic during the even
Ings, which Is mudh, appreciated by the
The c'.i.m bake Frtduy night fwus a sreat
suueem. Mr. Jt. A. liXkly arranged the
uaae and started Wh tirM r
turning to Astoria.
An enjoyable oonceHt waa riwn Ri.itur.
oay mgnt By the "Summer School" to the
AUKMuoriumi in OearWarlt park. A large
uuuience wus present and (heartHy cn
cored the excellent numbers. Mr. TVvtiav
and his phonograph, iDoctors Barmore
ana marhart on t'ne vtolln. ithe MLm.,
AfDrsgmt emd Doha Of PorUiand. Mrs. J
T. Itosa of Awtoria, Mr. Trevom of Gear-
nart, and Miss GCIadys Jones of Forest
Grove, were the musicians,
while Prof. Wetherbee gave an int;rest
Ing exhlblitloa of phyalcail culture with
Indian clubs, and Mr. 'Breece rerltad a
comical atory.
Immense crowds t hnanirrtl tlhi rumritt
Sunday and lounsed on the awtarth nr
dipped in the surf. The day was perfect
and everybody , was bent on Waving it
good time. At Garhart the hotel was
pushed to the limit to accomodate the
people. The dining roVm were tawtefully
decorated wloh ferns and refreshing
viands wire served to the hungry
throngs. ,
Prof. Irwin; state urjerinen!nt.
praadhed in the morning ait the Auditor
ium, the service being: at tended! bv lanre
numbers of Whi gueetia and visitors.
in the afternoon Oomoanv A nd Vit.
tery A broke oamp and prepared to re-
turn home. Much regret wtas exoreaaed
on all axles to sew the a owners cm. but
all good times have an end. and while
ine wand psuyed and the colored quar
tette sang the boys fojdod up their tents
nd packfd their belongiings. The com
pany pasi is, vote of thanks for the
kindness and attention received from
Manager Banmore, who- imudi an atrro-
prlaite repSy and invited the boys to re- 1
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
iwii )fsu
Crowds Are Mocking to
turn in the future. Dust words were
said and finally the command to fvi'l in
was given, and while the band played
"Th'4 Girl I Left Behind Me" the boys
f murched to the railway pot.
The foBowing were the arrivals at Gear
hart during the week:
" F. ManBon White, L. Therlhel3on, wlo
and nurse, J. c. Fri'ondly, J. P. ilene
gee and wife, F. IA. Waiots, E. G. Watts,
L. Watts, Wrs. H. R. LittfcfleW, Clara
S. CairMale, J, Moon, L. E. Gardener, E.
A. Forbes, C. W. HodUon and eon.'Ndr
Jrtan Pierce, Jr., Mr. H. Barker, wife and
daughter, Lueila C. Oarson, Mrs. W. IS,
Whiddn, Rao W. iWhlddien, M. WDddden,
A. CJ Whidden', DHarla Wdlhetm, Mrs.
H. M:. Ollnton, muTsa and chlklren, F.
W, Leadbelbter, wife, baby and nurse,
Pauline Rummllln, Mr. and! Mrsi. George
Rummllln, Ella. Runjmilln, Jesale Robson,
E. E. Cable, Emma Parr, Riev. John Mor
rison, Ma Roberts, Miss Lulu Diahl, W.
C. Forbes, wife and children; N. J.
BTjagan; -MUss I. R. Goodman-, Miss D.
E. Goodman, A. C. 'Rowland, IW. C.
Avery and boy, Eva Gertrude AlbrtKht,
WlH CarnaJhan', E. EhrmUn, E. IUte-Tj F.
W. . Vallle, wife and children, W. M.
Oalce, wiife and dhiMren, Alf.-Andi.raon,
Mrs. Wim. Honeyman, nurse and c hildren,
T. D. Honeyiman, Otlto Kramer, Wm. L.
Brewater, C. HuEsey, W. J, Huncyman,
Sol BOwmance, J. H. Richardson son
and wife. Miss Una Solomon, Fred Delry,
Frank Rothschild, ' wifc, chlldreni and
nurse, Robert Caihill, S, B. Lufthicum, H.
B. Bortihlwlck, J. M. Jones, Mlea Carrie
L. Shrtdoo, Henry Biaokman, Linda
Helutz, H. C. Bigger, Jessie E. Robson,
F. A. RUttolge, D. C. O'Reilly, Portland!
A. J. Johnnon, A. T. Toney, B. L. Warde
and wife, F. H. Ward, J. J. Humliton,
Dr. Alf Ktoiy and wife, Qua Kinney,
Alf Kinney Jr., J. H. Bilatt, Josie E.
Dealey, MUggie litmvt, Mary F. Dealey,
Carrie Craeger, Mrs. J. T. Ross, W. A.
Weeulg, Miss Eugene Lewis, D. K. Wur
ren and .wife. Miss MUuVi Warren, Mrs.
H, C; Thompaon, Magnus Orosiby, Mrs.
M. C. Crosby and daughter, R ,G.
Prael, Ohias. . McDonald,. W.' E. Tallant,
C. T. Crosby, F. Lelnienweioer, E. iW.
Crosby, D. Campbell, C. It. Hlggkns, M.
D. Bain, E. F. WilllumB, wjfe, ifimlLy,
and nurre, CUpt. R. Wlltiams, Fred Delly,
S. B. Roberts, H. A. Bmith, H. C.
Thompson. C. F. Overbaugh and wife,
John ft;Cu, Sadie M. Ordng, Oils. M.
McKenzie, T. E. Hawes, J. W. Conn,
J I. W. Strlckler, F. A. Hnry, H. W.
Shlerman and wife, J. M. Beggs, A. T.
Tomey. R. McLean, H. IMnneil, E. Han
sen, Gus Bonn, F. E. Forbes, Lee Aus
tin, H. Wsa, Astur1u; E. Ooovert, wife
ojrtd eon, Vancouver; Mrs. W. IL. Brad
tWaw, The DuKes; Bewle M. Slternea,
San Fnaneltfo; G. M. Irwiin, Salem; Dr.
H. A. Burroore, Dr. P. C. Etihardt, H.
C. Fiulko, PulDman, iWaeh.; It. A. Eddy,
uiirawuij a. inammondi M'isouCu;
Miss 13. V. (Hi, Chadlweffl, Ore.; Mr. and
A!sa. N. Poison, Saleim; J. R. Wethwrbee,
Euglano; air. a ind Mira. WUrd, McMlnn
ville, Ore.; WK1 A. (Mjartow, BuMivan,
Ind. ; Major George 8, Avery and wife,
Galena. 111.; C. H., Kwippton;
Miss Hmma Blagen.'Ww York; Mi E. "
V. , Chaaw-ili; E. P. OoCIender, New
York; O. S, Porter, .Covington, Ga.; Miss
HofflheSmer, Cincinnati; Mrs. BetUnar,
Clnciranuiti; -Francis 13. Lloyd and wife,
Forekit Grove; LUther Camipbell, Warren
ton; D. C. Henry, A. H. Jonge-ntD, J.imes
P. Clancy, Vancouver; JVjhn Adair, Sun
nym;ad; Mrs. G, J. Itffl, North Yakima;
H. Logan, The DavJof ; Ted Shatten, Eu
Romance Begun In the Thick "of the
Fight at Gettysburg. ..
"At Gettysburg, while the light was the
hottest," said General Gordon, "I noticed
a handsome young Federal ofTlcer, whose
bravery was oonsplc-uouB. After the battle
had subsided I found this gallant soldier
lying on the Held. He was dvlna-. and
begged me to send a message to the Urilon
lines. His wife had decided to share with
him the fortunes of war and was at. the
ofllcors' quarters In the Federal army.
"I ordered my men to take the wounded
officer to our camp and make him as com
fortable as possible. Then I sent some
men with a flag of truce to the Union
lines with the message from the dying
officer to his wife.
"Lato that night the party returned and
the meeting of the dying husband and
his young wife Was the most affecting
scene which I have ever witnessed.
"I was compelled to go elsewhere, and
before I left the sorrowing couple I ascer
tained that the name of the wounded
officer was Major Barlow of New York.
I often thought of the sad Incident which
made upon me one of the most vivid Im
pressions that I received In the war.
"Shortly afterward a cousin of mine
whose name and Initials were the same
as mine was killed in battle."
"The war closed. Ten years afterward
I was a with a distinguished gentleman
In New York who Invited me to be pres
ent at a dinner he was to-glve that even
ing, Among the guests to whom I was
Introduced was a certain Major Barlow. I
supposed that he was a cousin of the
man whom I had left dying on the field
at Gettysburg with his devoted wife be
side him.
" 'I once knew a Major Barlow,' I
said to my acquaintance.
" 'I once knew a General Gordon,' h
" 'But the (Major Barlow I knew Is
dead,' I added.
" 'And the General Gordon whom I
knew is also dead,' he answered.
"I started to tell him the story of the
Major Barlow whom I had Uf t dying on
tihe field at Gettysburg, when he Inter
rupted me, exclaiming:
" 'My God, General Gordon, I am that
man! But you were killed at Antletam.'
" 'And 1 know you did at Gettysburg,'
said I, 'for I saw you.'
"Mutual explanations followed. It
seems strange to me that the warmest
friendship of my life should have begun
in those awful scenes of blood and car-
naga at Gettysburg. simple service
I performed that day when I sent
for that dying soldiers wife had made
Major Barlow and his wife the dearest
friends I have ou earth, notwithstanding
I wore the gray and he the blue." Phila
delphia Press.
Since the creamery at Albany e.:arited k
has n. tiled the furnishers of milk eleven
cents per pound for butter, wtl:h only the
Iwh-.r of hatrflng. WllJfv the quality of
mi'.k Increased tihe net protU would be
largely Increased. - ,
Latest U. S. Gov't Peport
n f.-'a'-
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