The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 04, 1895, Image 4

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-tu-mcasure, .
' v - t
iv '
THE only way to at man Is to first find
out just what kind of a man you have to
. White Embroidered
. , t-,..-,,-,.
" fiandkerchiefs
aoc and 35c.
-menf, as Interest will cease thereon titer
tnis date. Dated this 1st day of August,
A. X 189?. - B. L. Ward, treasurer of
Clatsop county, -
8 1-thai
wsl do - take your I
meure exact and cut the suit for you and
it nuit St, or we'll keep 'em.
a, J. .
; I'lOi..- ;, tailoring
1' as. Mcdonald,
.The Tailor.
.V V'oii
3 Commercial Street
tftfor a Finer Dinner
than those .-We'aetve. We're trying In
every way W make them the most en
joyable la (own. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In thr most delicious style. Perfect
service. , j
If you Invite e. ' mend to the Palace
Restaurant ithe plajae is a sufficient guar
antee mat. nsjvui, receive a, gooa meat.
The Palace tyestmnt
ri I I .--
378 CrfmmerdBl Street
Try the P. N. Corsets and von will
" il "
use no outer.
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
endlrg at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States deDartmont of airri.
culture weather bureau: ,
'Maximum terrtperuitun?, 69 degrees. ' r
Mlnlmum temperature, 69 degrees. ,.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from SeDtember 1st.
1894, to date, 76.06 Inches. '
Excess of precipitation from SeDtember
1st, 1894, to date, 4.96 inches.
Try Smith's ice cream. r' :
Fred Brawn's new laundry wag-on ar
rived yesterday.
Ha vie you fee en .the pelt boar of the Col
umbine? H Is a ibeauty.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Wfagate are spending
Mie SalUMaith at Gearhart.
Mrs. Thad Tnullinger left yesterday for
a ishoolt stay tut the coast.
Andrew Young iwas in town yesterday
with his itihorougihfered horse.
Mr. and Mrs, Hyland and Mrs. Trench,
and lent yesterday for the Seashore.
Cap1!. Al. Harrir, of 'Ilwado, wus
town yesCerady. He Is looking well.
The Evergreen Society have arranged
to hdld their iwieeWly meetings again.
Mr. D. 'Staver auvd wflfe and J. E. Hig
gins are spending 'She day at Itihe coast.
Rev. Rllpa wilM preach in- the Swedish
Liittrterain church this evrenlng at 8 o'clock.
Oat your milk of Ralth & WBeon.
Freeh candles every morning at Bmtlh's.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Tine cairpenltens of the town have raised
the iprlce of their work 60 cents per day.
Are Becoming Trominent Feat
ures of the Town.
One Selection Offered, but No Defi
nite Action Taken-Engineer
Curtis Goes to Portland.
The regular quarterly examination of
applicants nor certificates to teach In
me puDiic ecnoois of Clatsop County
Oregon, will be held beginning at 1
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, August 14, 1895,
at MoClure's (Court Street) school house,
Ast'orl'J, Oregon, and continuing three
uaya. examination lor stale diploma will
who came to find Mm.
he iwoa untalren."
A't last account
A flock of 600 riheep, cays the Tribune,
was driven Uhrough the city last Sun
day; tJhey caime from Yamhill county und
the destination wais PonJIand. They wiirje
a partt of a train lead of 4,000 that was
ehlpn-ed by Mr. Dawon of Yamhill, to
h hM ,..,,rr.!, a.,-,:. ,; S.. w" the Ohlcatro trjirke'l. TMs Is live ec
aam H a Tv.,,!, 6,1 ond vemture of tine eMpper, who realized
School Supt., Clatsop Co., Oregon. a eatlsra,c'tory Proflt rom 4he ,lret one'
The case of J. W. Beckley asainst the
UmpqUa Navigation company, brought to
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon-1
The racing: yadHt Lady Madge will be
slipped Into the wai'jar TuestiUy or
Bottle of Qambrlnus beer and sandwich,
16 cents, at Jos. Terp's. '
A. V. AHen'e lat'on aTlth etree-t is being
lilled up w4'th dirt from ithe grading on
Irving avenue.
Best ice cream and Ice cream soda in
the city at the Bombonnlere.
Mrts. Collbent and d&ufrhltier, of Portland,
are ia Aatoria vls'i'ting firiends. They will
stay bvm (wee-ka.
Manufacturers of every description of
uunges,-Awtitreesea, etc
THE SPA Colman's old stand, is the
place for fresh candles end Ice cream.
Flrink Ruclfer was the lucky Winner of
lffe McyWle raffled off at the Crosby hard
ware fltore Friday eveni'ng.
REPAIRINO in ALL its branches
The Resort
THB SAME PLACE-118 12tih street Is
the place to buy fresli flfrh every day.'-
'Mrs. W. L. UhlenJiart has returned
-home after a very plelaainlt summer visit
to her sWtier at AtaeJie. Wah.
The Astorlan will hereafter be found
on eo9e at McCu1re' Hotel at Seaside.'
Our milk is guaranteed strictly pure J
and frerih from the cow dally. Re4th
On Comuieroial street, ia the plaoe
where the businessman and the laboring-
man bo for what is called "BEST UN
THE COAST," or a nice oool drink of & Wilson.
thu nwlahrafAil riamliplnna nar flnnrl- I
. . . WA-w va . I fn 1 PPn O- TTr AXTV KTn COO rstmma.
wisnes of every kind made to order, and - - w--. Rey H A SchwidhBertberg. of coll-
n elegant tree lotjch served every day. ctel atre8t' wlu Te'iir yur "e tOT fbrnia, will flu ithe pulpit at the Oongre-
Mra. Howell and Mins. Reed were among
inose who Jeft for Sald yesterday.
They iwlll remain eevera! weeks.
Don't miss tlhe enteoitlalnlmenlt at the M.
E. Church next TueSoliy everting, August
6th, by the Cumera CJub and the cihurcih.
You are welcome.
I little money. Try them.
tionial church Bhlis afternoon alt 3 o'clock.
Grosbauer & Brach.
'W Iron
-'aif -'
Oenerat riachlnlst and Boiler Works.
All kinds of" Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
ana engine worif or any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette.St, Astoria, Or.
finest lino of liquors and cigars in ths
city. Call and sample them.
The racing cart of Reeoue No. 2 was
takn Ito 'tlhe toliaeksmlithghop yesterday.
where 3t wW undergo some needed rt-
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana-
han Bro.' and have It repaired.
DON'T FORGET That at Noe. 214 and
216 Tenth street is the place to have your
horse elhod and repair work done.
Smith's ice cream ia unequalled ,
cream soda a specialty. Private
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
Mr. J. T. Ross, the pcpuliar merchant,
wen); to GearJiarlt yiesterday iwlhere he win
spend Sunday iwDMi his lliimlly at Fern
Nick Davich succeeded In seiourtng
Domismen yesterday and iwas alloiwed Oils
freedom unit'U ithe next session of the
circuit count.
After (Deals!
If you wont a delightful rtiave or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. B. Hutdhlns, proprietor.
Or,,Bl any other time
Vhen you wuh a good
oigar aek for the well-
known, home-made,
PLEASE STOP, As you pass by Mat.
Strall's second-hand store, on Commer
cial street, end learn prices on his stock,
Divine service at Grace church this
morning at 11. The second service at
P. m. Evening prayer at Holy Innlocents'
unupel at 7:30.
License to wed was Issued yiestarduy by
me oouinity ,werK to Theodore Joeephson
and 'Mies Agneb King, Both parties are
resiaenitis of Vhla city.
WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors,
hand made, white labor 628 Commercial street, cheaper than you
"L,a Belle) Astoria.
eptcinc for
G. W. Lelitlhioff, the well known ai?;iit
of the Gaimlbrlnus Browing Company, of
Ponffland, passed (hrongh town yesterday
un .nis way .to cne sseaside.
New stock com-
Conoeded by all smokers
to be the best cigar
71 Nintl? Street,
J Astoria, Oregon.
Rogers' Saraaparllla Is a
impurities itff the blood. It mures liver
complaint, foul stomach and pimples. ' 8o
Grocers, :an;d : Butchers
Astoria end Upper Astoria. ,
lo Ti And Cotfeor, rTblt Dellcsclct. Domeillc
and Tropical Fruits, Vtgeublei, Sugi
Cured Html, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Hid Slippers!
White fyd Oxfordsl
White Canvas Oxfords!
In buying these goods from us
for graduation exercises one can
be suited here lust as well as
. though . they had sent to San
' Francisco and had the goods made
for them. - ;
All the paten: medlalne advertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
ran be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drua; store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. AUbri.
Japanese Bazaar
. , BINQ LUNG. Prop.
Ladies' and Children's hats
and duck Btutait;
Ladiey .and.. Gentlemen'
underwear made to order.
Lowest prices' in Astoria.
i .
41T Bond Street next door to Mouler
Fruit Store. - ' ' f
Allen Co., "Branch," 710 Commercial St.,
Leading Makes. Low Prices. Easy!
Are ylou goikvg Ho ithe seashore? If so,
ylou fihiould cail'l at the Eates-Crain Drug
Store and buy lone of thii ieiw style
BaUiung Cups.
S. El'bridge 'SmEJh and iwlfe. of Salem
are dn 'tlhe cilly, eitoprAnnr at the Occident.
Thlamas LlnvlUe left last evening for
a 'low days' visit In PoKUaiid,
The Caimeraj Olulb wHl presunlt 130 prize
views mode toy itlhe Lortdkm Camera Club
at the entertailmnenit 'Ho be gUven Tuesday
evening ait itnis- m, -e. Ohuroh.
Plans for Impulovements and laltera'tiona
to 'be imode In the building formerly used
as ithe Portland Butchering edtaibltohment
are being drawn up ILy Llddlcott & Cribb,
Judstment was rendered yealurday In
favor elf defenklantis for $50, In tlhe case
of Frazler vj. Loula and Jonn Borchers,
Thie case caime up before Judge Aber
Water melons! Water melonsl Water
melons! A carload received yesterdViy
will be Bold cheap today at Pat Lawler's,
574 'Commercial.
The Ihose team will have their grand
"try out" near Elmore's tannery this
evamng a't 7:30 oclock. Those whlo wish
to see some cloee running had better be
on hand.
In order to get the benefit o( thet 60-
ocnt round trip rate Sunday to Ilwacol
on the North Pacific, you must purchase I
tickets Saturday.
Trade with Foard & Stokes Co., deal
ers in Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, Hour, fruits and vigetalbles
They will surely jilease you. 6' u
Alt the water works 'the new crusher Is
working very imootthly and required no
readjustiTienlt after having been erected,
The escavaittoln of the baslin wlas almost
completed ludt night tk that concreting
can Ctfrnmiince Wilis week.
Perfect cto&natoess and modern con
venience are the adjuncts of all well
regulated baibh rooms. You will ilnd
them ait the 1'tUace. J. B. Hutdh:ns, pro
prietor. '
Ssls Steci Kea, Wood & foetal
, Society. jCnJliug Cards and An
noancefaenU JSngraved and
' 205 Morrison St.. l'ortland Or.
MAKE Attractive. Start by being the
HnnE? mosi beautilul creature in it.
riUi lU If yon have beanty preserve
it. If not, ybn esn. improve Your looks
immensely. Where there's a will there's
a way. A good- way ia the use ol my
articles, especially . '
tola pitez Creme
75o per pot.
Brings beauty to
the fnco by feed-
- in throuitbe
pun pores, give
life to faded faces.
(j - Bold by Mm D-
457 Duane St. Ass
toria. Oregon.
Mrs Nettie Har-
y..w.!ijMr r.sou, , America
I HMv f beauty doctor,
43 and 42 Geary St.,8an Francisco, Cal.
T!a largest und finest assortment of
p.anos and organs ever seen in Astoria
now on exhibition at tihe W.ley B. Allen
Company, 710 Commercial Btreet. Ask
for terms.
What cows received first premium at
the World's Fair for producing the i
richest milkY JeiBey cows, 'and thofee
are the only kind that J. -A. Rowan
sells milk from.
Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa
Tlon. There is n place in this town where
you can satisfy Cts demands with the
cleanest tand best 25 cent meal you ever
te. Thut place 1b Joe Terp's.
If you are going to Ilwaco Sunday on
the North Puclflc you will have to buy
your tickets Saturdiy to get tne peneflt
of the 60 cent round trip rate. Steamer
fcaves O. It. and (N. crock at 8 . ra.
It (s unlderytood that the name of the
new real estate company that ia" fitting
up ounces opposite tlhe Occident will be
t'he Aistoria Land & Truwt Co. They ex
p:dt to move their new furmjiture in next
Tuesdiiy und bpen Cor touelnesa.
The Aetorta Milkmen's unton was or
ginlsed yeerd'ay. The follawlng were
elected ofnoers: PresUdenlt, William Lar-
sen; secretary, J. WHon; treaaurer, .1. A,
Rowan; executive committee, I. N. Jef
frey, John, Reith and C. H. SCoop.
Mr. R. A. Eddy and wife, Mrs. A. B.
r! nmnV jnHt, Mrs. O. W. Dlcktnson, and
the young tjdles and boys of fhe families,
rei;urm.ia from Gearhart yesterday. Mns.
Dldrtnisan and sons tuok Ohe evening boat
fur Portland and will proceed to thetr
refine In Tacama.
Flra' M. iE. Ohurdh-a,rt:acihting at 11
a. m. by 'Prof. Irwfln. At 7 p. m. an tater-
eetlrur young people's meeting. At 8 p, m
sermon by the Ttev. J. W. Biuhong, D.
D. Subject. "Tricks and Trtckatiere."
Skmnigers, especially, cordially Invited.
Goad Music; ej.ats for atl.
The Horse belonging to D. McTavlsh
thit wlas xlhloA sjme diiys ego and thrown
Into ithe rtver, drifted initio Scow Bay
The carlroas to alrwady beglnnbig to be-
oorme orrenetve to tine residents and It is
suggested that the ipoUce rihould take
steps to have It removed at ono.
No butter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than is ifumlstied tor Jive oeats
a quant by Ulelth A Wilson, .wid de
livered In a clean and ttghMy closed
glass twttle lat your door every .Horn
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Tard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? Mar
be It's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course ithe Astoria Wood Tard Is
proud of It.
Business men of Astoria VlsiUnir Port
land have for years been eoustomtd
te take their mid-day lunoh at the
pem."' The Gem" (a now located at
H Third street, next door the Alns
worth Bank. Jos. E. Fenny.
Notice is hereby rtrca ta aS Earlirs
holding Clatsop county warrants endorsed
prior to August 15, 1S93, to present tiie
tame to the county treasurer for pay-
T. W. Harvey forfestwd 15 In the police
coiMit yeetertlay for being tnrtoxlcated and
J. MSRartd Aor tretpass, wt! given a
chance to hunt work and the officers in
structed Ito run him In again If he was
aln found loafing. For violating or
dinance No. 1131, an up rtver man wtis
flnnd 120 and Oeurtre Granger for a simi
lar vtoteMon, forfeited J10.
. Hopes are ertterttained by the friends of
CHarkie Imacaon, wWo left Ithe lightship
in a wnall boat last Gunduy, that he
may yet be alive. A careful search has
been made by Oar'taln Cann to see if
any trace of the boat couM be found.
but nouhing new 1ms been learned. The
csiitarln sajs that It (niglit te ponsible
that tie was picked up at set by some
vessel ourtiwferd be und.
: iMH Mine HVist Megter. of the
Oocidewt,. qras-serenadad by -Che- Cotuni-
blan Quart, of Portland. The quarts
Is ccnwtol of the following rnembersi
IX N. BasUonv first tenor: F. W. Drake,
eooml tenor; J. M. Hunter, first bass,
SheCl Rleed, second bam. A number of
witfifnl fts .renTM and tlie
rbrtumoe enough to neartrrem were de
llirMnL Miri. Bennett, and Beletner, of
Astoria, responded in a fine duet for Mr.
Yesterday wus a tvplcaS Alatorla day,
brig'hlt and pleasanltly warm. The streets
were ftiled with people and a general
air of Cheerfulness and prosperity per
vaded the town. A number from the
country spent the day in trading and
talking lUiUroad, while a number of
strangers were upon the etreecs. A per
ceptible improvement in business has
taken place and people from abroad are
coming in ito enter the race for prom
able invedtmenta, New offices are being
opt-ned, business enterprises arranged,
and tihe foundations rapidly laid for the
growth and enlargement of Ithe city. Al
ready itlhe railroad Ihos eo changed the
aspect of affairs IthnJt one scarcely recog
nizes tihe pttace as the same town of three
nrontlhs ego. k
The railrdad officials were very busy
yesterday geOttag details Into shape for
conetrudiion work and long stride's were
taken dn the mmater of preliminaries.
Without Ihavlng had actual experience one
can scarcely realize the large amount
of work tihat anust be dne In connection
wJth sudh. an lenterprise belbre a spade
can be pult into Ithe ground. IMgh't of
wuy papers anuslt Ibe examined, surveys
made for permanent locatfan of line,
forces anrunged and the thousand and one
WheeJs ox tine machine put in running
order. All thetse things mean plenty of
hard wbrk far itlhose Interested.
Chief Engineer Curtis went lio Portland
lasl; nighit to Jay his reports before the
contltruatlon company 1n person, und com
plate soimie furllher iplaws for the prose'
cmion of ttie wiark.
Conlslderaible Interest ihas been taken In
tihe past few days In the selection of
a sujtattfe depot site 'for Asl;oria.
diversity of Umtereelts are to be (served
and each has Ms own idea us to location,
An offer was made yesterday lof a site In
tne neiigWbarnood of Clatswp mill, but
no definite action was taken In regtard ito
lit. The matter will probably be decided
liaatern OapltaMtiaa are expected here
dally and HJhls monftlh (will undoubtedly
oee some impontamt buanes transacttons,
A large ninmlber lof real esltate trans,
fena lhave alre'ady been made and a num
ber of large tracts have been bonded at
good prices. Back taxes are being paid
and redemptions made from ax sules.
It la 'flaiir ito presume Wiat the has
turned and an era of prosiptirl'ty opened
for 'this city and locality. Nothing cun
prevent AStoriia from forging ahead un
less It may be Ith'at t'he characteristic
snap and energy of .the business men
on the Sound are permitted to gat'her
tne 'jxuims Tram ureglon a trees. .
The annual meeting of the Stockholders 'fcover damages for clothing lost some
of itM rwiLi w.1,1.,.. t;V "T0!1"?.."8 time ago. while Mrs. Beckley was en
Associlatdon will be held at Odti Tfpsw.i
Hall on Thursday, August 22d, at 2 o'clock
By order of the President,
Spend Sunday at Clatsop Beach! Round
trip 41.00. Tickets on sale at steamer
docks. Thompson, Gatzert, and Dwyer
" -rtoivna, ia.t a, xn, oundey.
route to Myrtle Point on one of the com
pany's Bteamers, was called In' Justice
Smith's court, at Eikton, the 26th Inst,
It resulted In a compromise and wus set
A deed of unselfish heroism, and one
worthy of recognition by the Oregon Hu
mane ssociety, was that of Dr. A. C
Panton, of this city, who, at the peril of
his own life, rescued the child of an utter
stranger which had fallen into a foul
vault and saved it from a horrible death
by asphyxiation. Telegram.
A twister In twisting
May tiwist ihlm a twist,
For in twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
. The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That is, when it's twisted with any
uuicr iwine man MAHHUAjL.tS.
Baker City, says the Democrat. Is In
fested at this time with tramps, who ure
stealing everything they can lay their
hands on and tormenting housewives to
tne extreme.
For piano tuning, please leave orders
at Griffin & Reed's book store, Commer- street, or address Th. Frederlkson,
Piano Tuner, 2OT1 Bond street. Telephone
wo. 24.
A well-furnished sul'.e of rooms, with
use of parlor, and, If desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
Spend Sunday at Clatsop Beach! (Round
trip 91.00. Tickets on sale at steamer
docks. Thompson, Gatzert, and Dwyer
leave Astoria at a, m. Sundey.
Blda for the erection of the1 QlcCue
aweh'lng were -opened yesterday m'jrning
Lldiileoiat & Orrbb secured t'he contract,
The bidders were)
Joseph Andrews .: $2,300
C. G. Palmlberg 2,070
jonn wyiana 2 053
William Miller
Pennel & Kemp .' I,!Xi5
Charles Lucas -. 1,955
J. W. Palmer 943
Pruel & Jacobs i'qi2
Lldcllooat & Cribb i,s75
An 4octon will be held on Monday,
August 12, 1895, at the house of Rescue
Engilne No. 2 flor tlhe purpose of elect
ing a chief engineer and two assistants.
Polls will be open Unom 10 o'clock a. m.
to 4 p. m.
Judges Paul . Bad'oMet. 8. J. Arte-onl.
and J. F. Kearney. Clerks Geo. Goodell,
and C. H. Stbckton. .
By order of t'ha 'board.
AKdi: President A. F. D.
F. J. CARNEY, Secy.
The ifttlowlng are the transfers nied fop
record yesterday;
1. W. Case to Exliltlh H. n.lnn.-i
Idjs 23 and 24, tract 2. block 21.
Hustler & Aiken's t
Same to same, lots 23 and 24. itrucb
2, block 21, Hustler & Aiken's....
Peninsular Land and Trust Co. ta
tt. u. Thompson, tots 21 and 22
block 43. Tavior'a Al:oiri.i
Unbred Sltatea to (Mantin Kienman,
sout'.l 'half of northwest quarter
land Wis 3 and 4, section. 4, fcoiwn
eMp 7 rJorth, range 8 west, patent
If you want a fine Tiiunn -k....
"' "i nanua anu save Mnra1
proflts and agenlts' commissions.
line w. w. KimbaCl Co. maniirB-iiiri.w.
viin-uKu, wiun iiacinc ooast headnuur.
Ir. .I..MI 1 . .
0 m luiwHuiu, are now poniiii.MMno- o
special sale of jultunos and ortrans of i,hvlr
yrxu Tnane ax w commerLMai street. This
an esceptionoJ opportunity 'to buy
frUm itihe mnnUPaCtun;rs. and a mmt
ma.ny have isnawn Bhelr annre.-ln.tlnn w
Seaside, 'Sunday, August 4th. The steam
er Billey Gatzert leaves Fdavel's wharf
at 8 o clock a. m., connecting at the
bridge with train for Gearhart Parte and
Seaside Tickets only $1.00 for the round
The sale of pianos and organs now go
ing on at 6t6 Commercial street, is a
special sale by the manufacturers and
special prices are quoted on this ship
ment. Wo will not guarantee these prices
after this sale. W. W. Kimball Com
Notice Is hereby given that I will not
be responsible for any account, bill, or
contract of any description made by my
son, Wililam Spellmelr.
Astoria, Ore., August 3, 189u.
Manuracturer s sale of Kimball p.anos
and organs Is now on at 6S6 Commercial
street. Come and see us before it is too
late. They are going fast and we will
mot guarantee these prices after this sale.
Spend Sunday at Clatsop Beach! Round
trin ftl (10. TlpUpta nn Bllft flf Rtpflmpr
docks. Thompson, Gatzert, and Dwyer Th entire front of the gown is draped
Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. In Sudermann's
play of "Magda," Is as splendidly dressed
as we arawont to see her: but her mag.
nlflcence becomes all the more admirable
from being put In a setting of ultra-dls.
malness. The scene which all the four
acts pass is a. tynlcal German oarlor.
Brown linoleum covers tihe floor, and upon
mat is laid a square carpet of bllndlngly
garish design. Theie Is the habitual com
fortless sofa, patched unon tihe back with
frightful antimacassars, and In front of
tne sofa, lest boots soli the carpet afore
mentioned, is spread a. little skin mat. A
small table, supporting a globe of fish
stands In the center of the room In read
iness to be tipped over by an Incautious
passer-by. A father In black broadcloth
a mother In brown 'moire and black silk
jacket that regards not the figure's out
line, and a younger sister in gray cash
mere wiwi cross-way bands of tartan silk.
made a capital entourage for the arrival
of Magda, the erring but successful mem
ber of the family,
For her entry Mme. Bernhardt wears
a superb cloak of mauve velvet lined
with fur. As sine flings this o'ft she ex
hibits .herself in a much decollete gown
of amber satin, sprinkled with large
flowers embroidered In gold and crystal.
The Sleeves of yellaw chiffon do not pre
tend to cover the arm, for they are
turned back from the shoulder wit'h a
graduated band of turquols velvet su
perbly decorated wlbh crystal passemen
terie. A similar band Is twisted about
the waist to form a srlrdle and In its
folds nestles a large white water lly. The
bodice Is likewise composed almost en
tirely or yellow chiffon, which falls low
over the waist, and between the folds
of Which are placed long chains of gold
The returned TjrodCcal anDeara the fal
lowing imornlng at the hour of the Ger
man coffee-drinking- In a negligee of white
moire, eugeu, w'nerever edging is possible,
With sable. This garment Is fnrnlnhprl
witti sleeves, which, however, ure onlv
composed of strands of ribbon, so that
agreeable revelations cf the arms are
not infrequent. Over the moire is worn
a cungilng belt of silver sequins, which
Is prolonged at each side into white
scarves, so as to sueirest a silver innl.
Clatsop Bead? .
Seashore tjailtaay Company
In Kffect July i9, 1695.
)!ol leave Anloria one half liour before
trains leuvos btldjo.
ti a. m ,
9:30 a. m
fj 11. 111
T.i:45 D. m
4 p. in, Saturday..
7 p. m. Saturday..
6:15 p. m. Sunday
Nixht boats from Port
land. oat from Astoria.
Day boat- from i'ortl nd,
ltont from A.toria.
iioati from Portland and
Steamer Potter from Port-
luiid and Astoiin.
iloalB from AHtoria.
1:15 p. in..
8 a. 111
1: IT p. m .'
f4:15 p. 111 -..
2:46 p. m. Siitur liiy.
5:40 p. m. Sa'urduy.
5 p. 111. ouniiuy
Day boats for Portland.
Bout fur Astur a.
Nis'il boats for Portland.
Heat f .r Astoiia.
boats for Ant ria and Port
land. iteamcr Potter for ilwaco.
duals for Astoria and Portland.
Daily except Monday.
fLuily except Saturday and Sunday.
For freight and passenger rutos apply to
(J. LfcSTliK, bup't.,
Seashore Railway Co , Soasldc, Oro.
WANTED Position by first class ac
countant. Can furnish references from
beet business men in Portlamd. Held
lait posjulon 16 years. Apply this office,
VV. S."
WANTED Agento to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. For further informa
tion, address Q. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building-, San
Francisco, Col.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some ofllce work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
475.000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
FOR SALE-600 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pac.Iic Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re
ceivedjust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 613 Commercial street.
leave Astoria ut 9 a. m. Sundey.
'v... .mini 112, jio account mmviiraa n.-.
er n so low. This niano wvu. tukon
In part payim.'nt for one of our pianos
and we put tt right down to make It a
bargain and let It
kind of business we do-quick Bates and
smaH profits. It has been put in good
order by a man who understands his
business. Came and see it.
606 Commercial Btreet.
We have soJd -thro m.ra nkinma In
two days, and win send .mi
Monday. This shows what jrood o-ood
nd reasonable tmcs .win t,
ball piano is known In Asiiiri. ,k,.
people know the benefit of binHn f
the mainutuclturers, ia &t Oommerclal
Take an outing to Gearhart Park or
CMsop Beach Sunday.- The North Pacl
nc will leave the O. R. and N. dock Sat
urday evening after the arrival of the
Potter from Portland and the R. R.
Thompson Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
Fare, .00 round trip. Tickets good on
either boat , ,
1 CONCERT. f '
TheTumera club in connection with the
Methodist church will give an entertain
ment next Tuesday evening at the M.
E. church.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Show Royal ticking Powder
superior to u'l clherr,.
Col. W. II. Yanborougti, of Nor Ml Caro
lina, Is visiting in this cilty.
C. F. Lester, of th? Seashore Railroad
coimpuiny, was In town yesterday.
James Dufflngton left ifh'is morning for
a sp.'ash in tihe ocean at Seaside.
Commissioner McGulre iwas among the
Gnitzent's arrivals yeslteirday imornlng.
Miss Be&sJje Stoner, of Kansas City,
was ain arrival ut the Astor yeslterday.
Mrs. Foreman and daughter left yeeter.
dliy for a two weeks outing a't Seaside.
Mirs. Jaim.a Flnlayson and family left
yesterday far a few day' visit at Gear-
Mr. Horace Claggelt, of 'Porif.und, ipossed
Uhrough Astoria yesterday for North
Miss dona, Badollet left on tlhe Dwyer
yesiterday for tt short sltiay wth friends
a't t'he beacb.
W. II. Walker and William Anderson,
of Gray's river, were on a business trip
10 Aii.ioii'ii yesteraay.
Deputy Sheriff Piuel and J. T. Ross
are "out of Itown today, visiting Siiaslde.
They return 'this evening.
M'ra. J. A. Cain- and diugiiuter, of rort-
lau'J, are visiting in Astoria. They lhave
rooms at the Asi.or nous?.
Oharl'ey MbDoiraald, Charles Higglns and
Harry SmJ'.h are raimbllng at Oreg-on's
favor'ite summer reso:'t tally.
W. E., t'he long d'lstiamce run
ner, 'la among U'he 'Ast'ori'ams wlho will
today take a dip in U'he surf at Seaside.
with Brussels lace, over which fall grad
uated chains of gold and pearls.
in -La Frinctsse Lointalne" wa nri
carried back to tihe period of "once upon
o traid wnen every one dressed poet
ically. The princess herself looks like
the 'heroine of a fairy story in her ear-
ments all wrought with silks land precious
stones. A clinging robe of thCck creamy
silk, that 'fits tihe figure like a glove to
the waist, Is caught up Into graceful folds
on the hip and cinctured with a girdle of
gems. The lower part cf the robe Is
covered wtth an appliqu; design of lilies,
anu a solitary lily adorns tihe bust. The
hem Is thickly encrusted with gold em-
Droiuery, ana 'about the neck is worn a
deep collar of goldsmith's work. The
emblems of the lily appear at each side
or teie curiously barbaric gold head-dress-
nail coif, half crown; and Mine. Bern-
narat cames a branch of the fair white
blossom in her hand. During a portion
of the stage romance tihe princess wiars
a Cioaii of cloth of gold, bordered with
a aeign in circles cf diamonds, rubies,
and amethysts gems which shr afr,r.
wards pleases herself In tearing from the
sumptuqus garment to cast t'hem at the
feet of the young troubadous who dies
or love for 'her. A group of white-robed
maidens and children, who scatter Hew
ers and wave censers around the poet's
ueai-nraea aua to tins 'beauty of the scene
The London Queen.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND An anchor and chain, on the
2;'h Inst, by steamer O. K. Apply to
A. E. Salte.
The latest charge brought against the
bicycle is that it injures the bookseller's'
trade. Books never have tha same sale
in summer as In winter. Despite the fact
that paper-covered novels are In demand
by the loungers on the seashore; but this
year there is said to be a more, than usual
depression In trade. The wheelman Is
blamed for this, as It is logically argued
that while Indulging In his favorite pas
tlma he cannot possibly be reading a
book, and that when he gets home from
his spin he is too tired to read. As the
cycling craze is constantly Increasing the
result of Its growth upon literature would
makei an interesting study. Philadelphia
FOUND A silver watch, which the
owner can have by calling at this office
end proving properly.
FOR RENT Purnlslhed rooms; good lo
euiion 'Drortilng liver, Capt. P. E. Fer
Men, 330 JTUh street.
FOR SALE One bedroom set, one cup--ij.irj,
one cockling tl. ove, four chairs
and one rocker; all In good condition.
Aipity 121 Seventh txreet.
FOK RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of jiet. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
L03T--About mlidmlgiht, August 1, 1S05,
at lehe "Hog's Back," 250 futhclms of net.
Sard ne't was made of about five papers
of nj.v 15 ply tiwlne, the rest being old
12 ,ply tjvvline. The buoy's were ligbt
painted, and marked with th'e letters "J.
J." Mdst of t'he lead's were casi: with
square lump on tlhe surface. Finder
can obtain reward by notifying Charles
Hagland, care Astoria n ofllce.
A. L. Bird'sell and S. P. Swentson,
wife, Portland' Girlbnldl.
C. GreenwaCd, P'tld M. E. Sooner and
Francis Simmons, dau'ter, Frar.gfort
Elk Creek. Miss Btssie Stoner
J.A. Bottger, Brkfld Kansas City.
H. Gtiimmdl, Brkfld J. B. Johnson,
Hays Otioak & wife, Three Eight.
Chinook. M. Laroux, Water
J. .Stowmlre, Ch'nok Dog Valley.
Jack James, Ch'mk C. Stewart, HUls'b'o
J. Beamson, CJ.y F. Scott, Portland
G. W. Grlbble, Mrs. J. A. Carr and
Bakersfleld, CU1. daughter, Portland
The Joys of tWs wlorld, hbw they vanish
iin vapor,
The tuom'bs' t'hat enthuse all our souls
with delight.
Wlhen once they are burtied they're sim
ply burnt paper, ' .
And parachute fireworks soon fade ou'
of sight.
'Tls isad to believe It hat blick powder
costs money,
A Ml se-ms so eaisy until one has met it;
And quickly we find that the pie und the
Are all gione .to Hades, and don't you for
get :!
InitereisCing Items Culled from Oregon's
Leajng Newspapers.
News received Tuesday from Va!e. Mal
heur county, says the La Grande Chron
icle, stated that the sheriff had suc
ceeded In locating the safe crackers who
robbed Hope's safe on the 18th inst. They
already have one man in custody, and
have the other cornered on an Island In
the Snake river near Weiser. The man
tht-y caught had sixey dollars in two-cent
postage stamps and a funnel for inserting
powuer in safes.
Refraction Specialist.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
j Eyes Examined Free.
Spectacles Made to Order
The wool season is over and the next
crop to be harvested wiU be grain. A
large yield is expected, and, what is
equally as encouraging to farmers, the
market shows a firmness with prosp.-cis
of an Increasing price. The activity of
the wool season will be repeated at the"
warehouses by the large amount of wheat
handled. We expect as much irrain will
be marketed this year as at any former
The Dairies Chronicle says: "W. H.
Turner, the real estate agwit el Goldsn
dole who so mysteriously disanoeBiwI
Several daya aeo. twu ben found. Hi MT LIFE,
Only the I at tt and most Impro-.ed method
used. Investigat on bv physician a d sclen
tific peoplecouited. Eiaminnt on of children's
eyes a specialty. Diagnosis of the cy. s mrdl
by the Up halmoscope (eye leading) and no
questions asked of the patient.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Tigbe ftotel, Rooms 10 and 11.
LaJLV entrance,
A lady in attend
Mrs. T. S.
Tenn;, says,
nawklns. Chattanooga,
D. W. JJu'ler, of Canajotoarle; ' N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his fam
ily has a r.ays found the very best re
fu.t follow Its use; that bs would not
be without tt. if procurable. G. A. Dyke
man, Druggist, Catsklll, N. Y., says tht
Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubted!?
j the best cough remedy; that he has used
searcmng party o.soovered him at a
place about four miles from Goldendale.
The unfortunate man Is undoubtedly cre
men ted, and re-fused to go wtrh the men
I consider It tne ht u. J. . . . r".an? ttat
edy for a dehilltatpd ,v.m r V ' " '" n8ver Iallea 10 aa 1,1 "lat ls
Sd." For DXfa.7. vi Vi c,ai.m tor it. Why not try a remedy
ney trouble, it excells. PHve '5 cts.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
so long tried and tested. Trial bottles
free at Chaa. Rogers' drug store. Regular
six 50c. and O.