The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 04, 1895, Image 3

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What is
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
v and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency..
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria U an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Dr. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria is the best remedy for children of
Which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
ending them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kinchelok,
Conway, Arlc
Tha Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
STATE JlOHli SCf4001i
Monmonth, Oregon.
ill mm 11
"'"KfiSSJs- ' well-trained teachers.
There is an over supply of untrained teachers.
Catalogues Cheerfully Sent on Application Address
Secretary. President.
THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all
students. Young men can obtoin board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory
for $2.50 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided
with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Young women desiring board
should address Prof. John Straup, Eugene, Oregon ; "or Secretary Young Women's
Christian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees,
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters, with corresponding
courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered : An English course
leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title graduate
in English; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to the de
gree master of pedngney; n th" -oara' course in civil engineering leading to the
degree civil engineer; t..u. of two years for teachers of physical education
leading to a diploma ai.a t ; director of physical education. The University
charges an incidental fee of ten dollars, which is payable in advance by all students.
Students holding diplomas from the public sohools and those having teachers' cer
tificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those
desiring information regarding the preparatory department should address the
dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
For catalogues and information address
Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly.
It soon becomes chronic. DeWltt's Colic
nd Cholera Cure is effective, safe and
certain. Hundreds of testimonials beur
w itness to the virtue of this great medi
cine. It can always be depended upon,
its use saves time and money.
Captain Sweeney, TJ. S. A.. San Diego
Cal., says: "bMloa's Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine 1 have, ever found
that would no me any good. Price 60
eta. Sold by J. W. Conn.
What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried
to do In selecting their liquors -was 10
pick out what intelligent people would
want If they knew It as experienced
people should know It. Make a note
of this if you want pure liquors. George
Bartley, Proprietor.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headuune capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent
Notice is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the firm name, and style
Oregon Transportation Company, Is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Fuul Schrader. and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said Arm. . ,
Astoria, Or.. MU; CRnf
SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-Aye doses
only 25 cents. Children love It- Sold
by J. W. Conn.
S-vere griping pains of the stomic.i
and bowels instantly and effectually
stopped by De-Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. J
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria,
i 1 A
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known, to me."
R. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill 80. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physldons in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, Mass.
Allen C. Smith, Pres.
Complete Eight Grade Train
ing Department and strong pro
fessional and academic courses.
The Diploma of ihe school
entitles one to teach in any
County in the State without
further examination.
Board and Lodging, Books
and Tuition, $150 per year.
Beautiful and healthful loca
tion. No saloons. .
Tlipvfl a n rrnod demand for
C. H. Chnpman, President, or J. J.
Itin iinlrl nn a ffunrantea hv Mil drar.
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption
aadif-ths best Cough ard Croup Cm .
For Sale by S. W. Conn.
Cholera Morbus Is a dangerous com
plaint, and often is fatal in its results.
To avoid this you should use DeWltt's
Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the
first symptoms appear.
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which Is remarkable.
Yours, respectfully
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria,
Or.; sole agent
Easy to take, sure cure, no pain, noth
irg to dread, pleasant little pills. De
Wltt's Little E-irly Risers. Best for 8ick
Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach and
-KARL'S CLOVER ROOT. th- great
Blood purifier, given freshness and
clearness to the completion and caies
Constipation. ?5 cts.. M cM , tl.OO.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
There is no doubt, no failure, when
you tike DeWitt's Colic & Cholera cure.
It is p' asar.t, acts promptly, no bad
after effects.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains bo Ammonia or Alas.
Tide Table for August, 1895.
A. M.
A. H.
h.m It.
h.m ft
9 42:7 HI
h.m ft.
h.m ft
Tliurwluv.. 1
4S5-0 6 4 04 8 J
5 16 -1 1 6 14 3 7
6 02 -1 7 0 Oi l 8 5
6 41 -1 8 6 4U82
7 15 -1 1 7 27 t 0
7 44 -0 8 8 01 2 5
8 Oil -O 4 8 &V2 2
8 81 -0 1 9 05 2 0
8 58 -0 4 9 85 1 7
9 SO 0 9 10 15 16
9 50 1 4 U 0-.' 1 2
10 21 19
0 02 1 1 11 00 2 6
1 12 0 8 II M 8 2
2 80 0 5 1 15 3 7
8 10 -0 2 8 00 3 9
4 40 -0 81 4 21 3 7
5 81 -1 8 6 26 3 1
6 1(1-1 6 6 21) 2 4
6 50 -1 6 7 01 7
7 87 -1 3 7 6 1 0
8 10 -0 7 8 41 0 6
8 65 0 0 9 80 0 8
9 35 0 8 10 26 0 8
1015 16 1125 0 8
10 55 2 5
0 35 0 4 11 48 3 5
152 0 8 1 0H39
8 04 01 2 4037
4 Oli -0 2 4 10 3 7
4 M i -0 4 6 07 8 6
Friday. .
12 IS
10 4a 8 0
11 SO HO
) an 0 it
1 4717 2
2 IS 7 6
2li7 6
8 24H0
8 5280
4: 8 0
Mondav. .. 6
0 1518 0i
Tuilnv... 6
1 SO
Thursday, s
Friday.... !
2 ft!
2 43
8 21
Sl'NDAY .11
Monday. ...U
Tiii-mliiy .. IS
4 57
612 8 0
6 67 H 0
0M 70
7 5818 0
nm no y u
Friday l(i
7 2;i
8 5a
10 in
0 flti M 1
n u;
10 10:8 8
Mnndnv l'.l
11 12 811
IS 41
2 3!1
8 HO
1 Id
neun su y u
Thursday .S1
Frlday ....2:1
HUNDAY. lifl
Monday . . St
Tuesday . . 2"
Wedn'sd'y 2
Friday.... 80
Sntuniay. HI
8 82
8 0s1
4 88
4 sr
5 2d!
6 4315 3!
8 25 5 0
0 12 7 V
714 76
10 OC ,11
11 0i)5 6'
II 61
8 22 7 4
80 7 4
10 2H7 5l
Tire dredger Ladd larrlved yesterOiy
from the bogback, she (has beea
conducting operations.
The steam; r Manzanlta. will leave to-monrt-W
evening for TKlamook Rock
Work Kxt laying the calble will commence
Tuesday imornlng.
The Sokoto, which arrived in San Fran
cisco on Monday, encountered a hard
blow In the English channel, which
shifted iher cargo of general rnerctiaiullse
to port, giving the vesa.l a heavy list,
which unbecoming position sine carried
hilt across ith AlflianiUc. The ftrce gales
at Cape Horn threw the laid over to
siuirlboarU, heieUng her in Wilat postilion
far off sin even keel. It took several
weeks' hard work after the (storm blew
Itself out 'to cililft the cargo Into place
A very mat and skillful feat In tug
handling took place Monday, says ithe
Call, wttien Clapt Gil Brokaw yf the litlUe
tow (boat Alert of the Spreckels Tug
company (picked up ajid brought In two
vessels In one 'tow. Captain Brokaw
first (hooked oni'jo tlhe barkentine C. O.
Wilder. Then passUmg with tijs tow
abreast of 'the big ship Eudora picked
her up altJo. Wllth their -wheeCs thrown
over In opposite direoal'ons (the two ves
sels were kept apart while .the Itug hauled
them swiftly up the tiiy.
In a letter Cupt. Claud Troup, well
known In Astoria, eays tlhe new steamer
Nakusp, on the Upper Columbia, to take
the place of tlhe steamer Columbia, which
wais burneU laft fall waa launched at
Nelson, B. C, last Wednesday. She Is
tine only three-deck steamer in the north,
wea and is one of Che finest stern wheel
boaus In the world. The nUw boat to take
the plaice of the burned l:etaaner Spokane,
on Koctenal lake, (has commenced build
ing and will be after the model of tlhe
Puget Bound Greyhound In many respects.
Capt. Hartman, of the Bowers dredge
Pytlhon, which h'as Just begum work on
the Lake WUilMngton canal at Sealttle,
waU here Sundlay locking over the scows,
left here by the dredger Anaconda. He
found tihetn in good condition. He is In
need of a boat for towing purposes and
examined 'the steamer City of Astoria,
whiluh lie said would be well adlaptted for
his purpose. If en agreement can be
reached as to price, Ohe "Clity" will prob
albly leave ms and tow tlhe edows with her
around to Puget , sound. tSouth Bend
The aatar.disrmenit of a steaniUh'Ip line
between Pugelt Sound and Central Amer
ica imearas a great deal for tlhe Pacific
NortMwest. We have a good many things,
says a SeauUe paper editorially, to sell
the Spanish republics and can use a
large number of their products. A good
trade migiht be worked up and the mer-
dh'anius and manufacturers of Beaittlc
should lose no time In ihaking a thor
ough Investigation of the matiter. With
a regular steaanKihlp line our people ought
to be able to make satisfactory arrange-
menKs for Bending reprexentaitives doiwn
to see what can be done !n tlhe way of
supplying the Cenitral Americans with
Puget Bound products.
News (has been received on the Sound
by Ithe Northern Pacific Steamship com
pany to 'tlhe effect that 'tlhe steamship
Hankow, .recently adued to the line, was
mixed up willh tlhe typhoon on the
Chinla idoast and hence will be delayed
in reaching Ticmma. AU iolU In the press
dlspatidhea pubtltjhed In till; AyUor'lam, the
typhloon was a severe one and many
wrecks resuJted. The Hankow weathered
the tltclrm weld, buit Bome in
juries that will necessitate (her being laid
up tor repairs for tumj time. It was
intended to dispaltch her atuut August
27 from YokcJham'a unitU Ocltoiber 19, ow.
ing t a complete (revision of (tlhe steam
ship time card necessitated by the acci
dent to her.
At an early hour yesterday morning,
says Tuesday's Poat-Initedlia ncer, the
suction pipe of the dredger Anaconda was
broken and consequently no sand was
torn from the bottom of the bay during
the dUy. The accldenlt. was a peculiar
one aad resulted from the cutl'.er lodg
ing agadnst a pile burled under the water
and tihe dredger ait the same itiiime settling
back against the spud timber on which
she turns. The was running out
rapidly and the boat Ibore bo heavily
agaiinist tlhe spui tlhat it could u&l be
latsoj. The dredger therefore was
wedged in o't both endj. To release It
the suction pipe was raised by putting on
a good head of dteaim, but It had to be
broken to set tlhe dredger free. If the
men had waited for the tide to run out
the weigih't of tlhe Anaconda would have
been thrown on the pipe and would liave
broken i't nearer to the boat. But little,
If any delay, will result from Whe acci
dent, aa a force of men will be busy
extending tlhe pipe line to a point within
the bulkheUd Ibeyond Charles street,
where .tlhe company is mow putting down
brush fascines. R (pairs to Che suction
pipe can be miade Monday and the Ana
conda wll be ready to dlscharse mater
ial behind tlhe (bulkhead proper on Tues
day. Lord Brassey, an acknowledged author
ity upon the subject of war ships, sends
to the London Times some of bis impres
sions upon the fleet of war ships assem
1 ltd at the Kiel. After praising the latest
English battileships he remarks: "As ex
amples of the battleship class, of rela
tively moderate dimensions, the latest
German vessels are a decided success.
Within the limit of 10.000 tons the design
ers have obtained equality with our own
ships -of 14,1)00 tons In speed, in coal en
durance and, some may think, In heavy
armament. Th? German ships of the 8a
chsen typ 7,400 tons, form an efficient
squadron for coast defense. As speci
mens of a small but effective coast de
fense v.ssel, the Thule and Gota, of 3,000
tons, sent to the Kiel by Sweden, are well
worthy of careful study. Turning to
cruisers the Russian Rurlk, the New
York and Columbia of the United States
navy, the German Kaiserin Augusta, the
French Xhipuy de Lome and our own
Blenheim and Endymoin are among the
most recent creations, under their respec
tive fldgs. The RuKk bas an overwhel
ming advantage in the broadside arma
ment. Ia bow and stern fire and gun pro
tection the British cruisers are the more
formidible. Recent experiences seem to
r how that it Is better to carry fewer guns
with protection 'than more guns without
protection. If this view be accepted the
New York and Blenheim may be regarded
s a more effective type than tiie Rurlk
In the Dupuy de Lome, ,2W tons, the
Is tlhe strongest and best managed life
insurance company on the face of the
earth. Our rates are no higher than oth
ers, for foe same kind of a policy, and
our contract is so much more liberal to
the insurer thait you. cannot afford to
take anything else but an Equitable pol
icy. Irresponsible travelling agents w.ll
misrepresent facts to you by trying to
make you beflieve that what they have
is just as good as the Equitable. By
consulting the insurance commissioner's
reports you wl'.l discover the falsehood.
There ;s no company, "Just as good."
The Equitable is now and has been for
fifteen years past THE best. L. Samuel,
Eugene Samuel, special agents.
French have taken a new departure. The
ship is completely protected with 4-lnch
armor. It is clearly most desirable to protection from the shells of quick
firing guns sharged with the new explos
ives, it is for the navel architect to
say how far It Is possible to do this and
i'aijrafy tlhe demand for speed and ooul
endurance as now Insisted upon. It has
not seemed necessary to make observa
tions on the tins squadron representing
the Italian flag at Kiel. The battlteships
were abmlrable specimens of construc
tion and workmanship. The designs are
open to criticism on the ground of the in
adequacy of the protection of armor."
A Joint meeting of thu Murine Engi
neers' Beneficial Association No. 86 and
Harbor Masters and Pilots was held last
evening in the hall of the association in
the Alcazaj- (building to discuss aliens In
the American; Merchant marine
and to protes't against the actions of
Richard Olney, formerly attorney gen-1
eral, and Secretary of the Treasury Car
llt'.e, says Monday's Call. The guest of
the itvening was George Uhler, president
of the 'National Marine Engineers, who
is here on his annual v.slt to the associa
tions oX tihe Paclllc Coaat. Mr. Uhler
made the speech of the evening, and in
Ms remarks scored the administration for
putting foreign seamen and engineers on
an equal footling with Americans in the
merchant service. "This was done," said
he, "by Richard Olney, mow secretary of
state, when he was attorney general of the
United States, and we are here to raise
our voices In protest against this un-American
action. The decision of the then
attorney general was contrary and to
tally at variance with, the Interpretation
of the law Iby the treasury department
und the customs and practices under that
interpretation, for eleven years. An engl
reer had been considered an officer of a
ship, and none but an American could
touch 'the Lever of an engine on an Am
erican ship. The first, second and third
officers of an American snip 'had to be
Americans, but Mr. Olney swept aside the
Dingley act of 1884, which had repealed
that of 1874. The latter act gave privil
eges to aliens on American ships which a
wise administration eaiw were fatal to the
government. The decision of the attor
ney generat was brought about by the
reference to him by (he secretary of the
treasury of a protest by the marine engi
reers of the country against the licensing
of aliens as engineers of the naturalized
steamers New York and Paris. His de
cision in that case threw down the bars
to all foreigners, to the great detriment
of Arierleans. The deep interest taken In
the matter was evidenced by those af
fected aCl .over the country, and the re
sult was Joint meetings everywhere of
the (harbors and associations. Joint com
mittees of these two organizations have
been appointed to confer and endeavor
to bring about legislation which will pro
tect us In our calling, as was the In
tention of the framers of the laws of
protection to 'the merchant marine." The
captains who addreswed the meeting were
received with cheers and other manifes
tations of enthusiasm. They are the only
people affiliating with the engineers,
whose positions are safe from the en
croachments of aliens, yet they were
strongest In their condemnation of the
un-American policy of the former attor
rey general.
T. J. Potter.
Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday ait 7 a. m., Wed
nesday at 8 a. m., and Saturday ait 1 p.
m. Leaves Iliwaco Wednesday and Sun
day at 7 p. m. titles permititjng. Leaves
AstOr.a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and at 7 p. m., and Wednesday and
Sunday upon arrival from Ilwaco in the
evening. On Wednesday and Saturday
the Potter will run through to Ilwaco,
leaving here directly upon arrival from
R. R. Thompson.
Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at S
p. ni., and Saturday at 10 p. m. Leaves
Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6:45 a.
Harvest Queen.
Leaves Astoria Wednesday and Sunday
at 7 p. m. ; leaves Portland Wednesday
ar.d Saturday at 7 a. m.
Norith Pacific.
Leave Astoria for Iliwaco Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday at 6 a. m... also Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Fr day at 2 p.
m. Leaves Aritorla for Young's bay
Wednesday and Saturday upon arrival of
Potter from Portland. WiM make regular
Sunday excursions to Ilwaco. Leaving
time to be advertised in paper for each
To Long Beadh and Claiteop, 1.60 round
trip. To - Ilwaco, 11.00 round trip. For
details apply to the city office of the O.
R. and N.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed. Assignee of I. W. Case, will sell
at public auction to tlhe hlgihest bidder
for cah in United States gold coin, on
Saturday, August 24th. 1895, ait the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the follow
ing described "buildings, which are sit
uated on leased ground subject to re
moval, to-w8t:
1st That certain building occupied by
Camahan & Co., as a store, on the cor
ner of 10th and Bond street. ,
2nd That certain two-tory frame build
ii.g situBited on the soui'.hwsst comer of
the Intersection of 12th and Commercial
streets, and occupied on the first floor
as a fruit store and barber shop.
Jrd The building fromtuing on Commer
cial street between lOtih and 11th titreets,
known as Che Bee Hive. Ail of said
building in the City of AsW-a, Clatsop
County, Oregon.
The Assignee reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
The Worlds Fnlt Test3
showed no lazing powder
bo pun rr .rcct la leav
enlnzpowci- iiw lloyal.
The O. R. and N. Company, In connec
tion with the Astoria and South Coast
railway, has arranged for excursion tick
ets to Clatsop Beach points for fl round
trip. These tickets are good for the
North Pacific leaving Saturday tvenlrg
after arrival of Potter from Portland,
and or R. R. Thompson, leaving Bunda.
morning, at 9 o'clo' k. Thy wiii bIm h
honored on the early morning trip of the
Thompson to connect with the ( o'clock
train at the bridge. Tickets good to re
turn Sunday night.
Events in the Local i'ield De
scribed by "Sun: Line."
Comments on Baseball and Cricket
of General Iutercst-Sugjres-tions
for Future Contests.
As blcycllr.r is such a popular sport,
and so much is sild and written about
Class B men, It is to be hoped that the
L. a! A. will Hb'.en to public oplnfon and
make the cCusses amateur and profession
al, and then the public, would certainly
know where they are at, as any one hav
ing amalteur epott at heairt must know
that Clous B men are purely professional,
The recent Jockeying in the races has
opened the eyes of all managers and now
In every flrdt-class meet a time limit
lis fixed which is a disgrace to am'ai'.eur
sports, and while (hey are legislating they
might Ju.-Jt as well atop the practice of
having a pacemaker. If bicycle men lean
have some one iU pace tllveni, why not
In running, boatraclng, and other promi
nent trpotts? The Idiea originated in herse
raioing as lit Is carried on in stoma parts
of the country now, chiefly in hurdle and
steepieuhiaslng. One man will enter two
horses, one to cult tn pace and bring the
opponents diown at the hurdles, but
thanks to pmpular opinion, wtaere the
races are cairrled on for epioi't, any Jockey
getting far In the lead and having to
slack up lib allow one of Its stable com
panions to win, would be disqualified
probably .for life. Wlhere an amalteur
enters a race, no matter what kind, he
should start l:o win and (Win without
the aid of vouchers, pacemakers, etc.,
When he has 'tihe .above he Is bordering
on professionalism.
Manager G.baon, of the A. F. C. ath
letic teaih, la rusi.Ung footrac s, weight
throweru, Jumpers, ietc, and expects to
take a strong ileaim to Portland for the
fall games.
The A. F. C. has won many tug of war
contests, why not challenge tihe ulultno
.maa. and 'Portland clubs, t(hi event to
take piuue during the regatta? It would
occupy two evenings, and cause IV. s of
When 'tihe new grounds are opened the
boya can use them durlng the winter
months, especially if the intercolleglaite
members get up a It'earn, and there is no
reason why thley should not, as Ohe club
has good material to select from.
The profeesiocnail footrace during the re
gatta shlould be worth going many miles
to sie as I hear Henderson, Tyne, and
Tom Fustier will try conclusions. The
local man, Foster, will no doubt be the
favorite with the Astorlans In betting.
The band of 27 pieces which the regatta
committee has mngaged will keep thingB
lively in the tihape of music and will be
heard with appropriate selections when
the favorite wins, etc., etc. ,
The ho9. teams are out early In the
mornings practicing for the August races
as they do not intend to be anywhere
but Hint alt 'tihe ilnlsh. , ,
At the tennis count great interest ia
being taken ((cspecjullly amongst the la
dies) in the coming contest between the
Kinzle Brothers and W. O. Wilkinson and
R. C. F. Ast'buiry. Club yells with a few
lit tile ecreums wtlll no doubt keep tlhe play
ers up to the mark. Such contests en
thuse and add greatly to the popularity
of the game.
Harry Crlbb's yacht will be launched
early this week, and she will havie a rival,
as Joe Leathers will launch one this week.
Both yachts have lota of enthusiastic ad
mirers, wiho (think the local boats designed
competitors. This no doubt is the be.
ginning of a yachting club that will bolld
boats tlhat oan go abroad and try con
clusions with the cracks of San Francisco
and Victoria, B. C.
The local crietalera, though defeated
by the Multnomah Olub, do not feel dis
couraged. On the contrary, they feel
more dtibermlmed to win the next games.
They were very much handicapped by
having to leave three of tiheir beet men
at home and playing only ten men, and
twine of them being indisposed, and luck
of fielding pnadtice was the chief cause
of lo'sing the ganie. Of all pure amateur
games cricket Is foremost as it is played
regardless of large gate receipts, and you
never hear of playiers having their ex
penses paid and du'tu kept up by the club
for individual players. Tha game comeB
flret tihe receipts are a aecondary consid
eration. Neither do you hear of the um
pire being mobbed, in fact, they are in
variably wined and dined after the g time
The national baseball league, is becom
inv very interesting as the season pro
gresses. There being only 51 points be
tween tihe first S beams. Bosfon, who held
the lead Dor a long time, having dropped
to sixth place. Cleveland leads alt present
by 12 points with Pittstmrg second.
Astoria's Leading Specialist.
No. 598 Commercial street, Room 11.
Consultation and advice free. Successful
ly treats all private, blood and skin di
seases, syphilis, gleet, gonorrhoea, in
flammations, discharges, strictures, weak
ness of organs, night emissions, exhaust
ing drains and lost manhood,. You know
the cause; get wail and be a man. Most
successful out a r rah doctor In the west.
Rheumatism successfully treated. Kid
ney and urinary complain tB, painful, dif
ficult, too frequent, milky or bloody
urine: unnatural discharges treated. Con
sult this skilled specialist this day. Write
your trouble if away from the city. Med
icine sent secure from observation. Of
fice hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6, and 7 to 8.
608 Commercial St., Astoria.
A rare opportunity for sufferers from
special and chrunlc diseases. Do not fall
to consult Dr. de Freye, the eminent
European specialist from Portland, who
can now be consulted free for a limited
period at the Main Street House on 9th,
near Commercial street, on all diseases
of the kidneys, bladder, stomach, Intes
tines and dllllcult and Intricate cases of
both sexes. Loss cf manhood, latest Par
isia.i discovery, eic. He consults free of
The cheapest excursion of the season
will bs given under the auspices of the
Sunday schools of Grace church and
Holy Innocents' next Thursday, (August
8) to Seaside and Clattfop Beach. Tickets,
83 cents, and children under 12 yeirs 35
cents. Buy your tickets early to' avoid
the rush. The steamer E. L. Dwyer with
a barge will leave her dock at 9 a. m.
and the steamer Telephone will meet the
train on Its return in the afternoon. Re
member the date, and prepar for a good
time. Tickets for sile at Grlinn Reed's,
Foard Stokes,' and at Chas. Rogers'
Drug store.
Preiching at 11 a. m. by the pastor.
Subject, "The Journey of Life." In the
''ii'fig Rv. I'. W. JI;, late of
Kmtucky, w411 preach. The Sundiy
t.Mool mwti at 12:15 ar.d Y. P. B. V at
7 p. m. All boys and girls who can sing
snd are not members of other schools are
cordially invited to- attend the Sunday
school choir rehearsal In thb church on
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. This musical
drill cannot fall to be of value to any
who desire to learn to sing-
. The sleamer Ocean Wave leaves Fla
yers wharf ut 8 o'clock Sunday morning
for Ilwaco. Major York's celebrated or
chestra will furnish music both going and
returning. Tickets purchased Saturday
enly 60 cents for the round trip. Sunday
morning the price of tickets will be 81.00.
A farmer In Delaware county has put
his conservative sentiments on record by
affixing to a tree on. his premises a notice
thai "Any idiot of the new Woman species
found riding or walking on these premises
will be arrested." Interviewed as to his
precise reason. 'Agrieola declares that by
"any Idiot of the pew Woman species"
he means "one of those foots in bloomer
costume on a wheel." Three things, then,
are necessary to expose a womon to his
menace: (1) She must be a fool, (2) In
bloomers, (3) on a wheel. It will be open
to any woman against whom the rustic
undertakes to operate his terrors to plead
that she was mot Intended by tha Injunc
tion, because he was not on a wheet,
was not In bloomers, or was not a fool,
and the burdewi of proof will then rest
upon the farmer. It seems that his
specific grievance against the new woman
Is that she scares Ills horse, but It would
not be practicable to produce the horse
before the Justice of the peice and to
note the effect on him of. the culprit.
Meanwhile the best course of a woman
who doubts whether she Is an idiot of
the new ivoman species Is to keep off thj
old man's land. New York Times.
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
jrown'in Virginia, and ore
Hair Goods nanufacturei All Styles I
Wigs, Bangs, Switches Combings
Made Up, Dressing, Shampooing,
Bleaching and Dyeing. Children's
Hair Cutting.
35S Commercial St., cor. Eighth.
Superfluous Hair!
Removed, Eye
brows nrohed ' by
the electrio needle.
Cure guaranteed.
Consultation free.
open parlors at Astoria in a few days.
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unlo you," Is sympathetically
hown In the following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympathy is born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause s
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, K. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. I have always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tnins that relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Hogers, Astoria.
Or, Sole Agent
n..M..n. Tt,l la tn lrtlfV that 1
have used Krause's Headacne lapsules
with satisfactory results, i u-jubui
box which cost lno .S3, tind one capsrie
cured me of a dreadful sick h?ndache.
My wife snd nivself have both used
the medicines manufactured by the
t inhii- "n.. and we re-
nui man aj.' " - . -
thorn r tha nuhllo ss belnff
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. M o.
Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas.
Rogers. Astoria, Or., sole agents.
Mr. .T. J. Kell. Bharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir -1 am glad to say a good
j ... vroaa upflrinnhe Capsules.
After suffering for over three years
with acute neuralgia anu m ti-iinuc...
insomnia (which seemed to. baffle the
. m . . . ttr huai nhvHlclariS)
eilUriD ejL BUM19 v. w - r .
you suggested this remeuy which gave
me almost Instant xeuei. yy
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Gratefully lours,
Montrose, Pa.
Children, especially Infants, sre soon
tun down with Cholera Infantum or
"Summer Complaint." Don't wait to de
termine, but give DeWltt's Colic it. Chol
era Cure promptly, you can rely on It.
Use no ottier.
The best salva In the porld foi Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
PVver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Com.s. and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Plies, or no
pay required. It Is guufanteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per fcox. For ssle by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
SHILOH'S CURE) Is sold on a gvsr
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t is the best Cough Cure. Only one
ent a dose. 25 cents, 50 cts., and $1.00.
Kor Sale by J. W. Conn.
Btonvich and bowel complaints are best
relieved by the timely ue of DeWltt's
Culle and Cholera. Cure. Insist on bav
ins this preparation. Don't take any
Meany Is ths leading tailor and pays
the bighast tash price for far skins.
, . DENTIST. .
r . t oT.f1 Pvthlin 5UiluMi,
over C. H. Cooper's store.
German Physician.
' Ecl-ctlc.
omce over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls, JP;
onnflnprnenu. 110.00. Operations at ofnes
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8..
Mansell Block. 673 Third street.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.: 2 to 6 and 1 to 8 p. m. bun-
days, 10 to 1L : .
J. S. BISHOP, M. D..
Office and rooms In Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30
Surgery and Disease' of Women a Spe
Office,- 584Vi Third St. Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronl
Special attention to diseases r.f wi.ui
en an surgery.' ..
Office over Danzlgei-n store
Telephone To. 2
Offlce, Rooms nd 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
8. Residence, 639, Cedar street
Mnv ba found in his offlce until It
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
W. M. LaForce. 8. B. Smith.
385 Commercial street
Astoria, Oregon.
Office on Second Street. Astoria, Or.
J. N. Dolph. . Richard Nixon
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
cialty. JAMES W. WELCH,
Houses to rent. All kinds of prop
erty for sale. Correspondence and
business solicited. Oillce Welch Block,
654 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon.
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Swumtary.
Handley ft Haas. 150 First street, and
get the Dally Astoiian. Visitors need
not miss their morning paper whlls
fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and apricot brandy. Also French
lognao and wins at Alex Gilbert's.
A. V. AIvIvEN,
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cs ud Squemoque Streets. Astoria. Or
Gas and Steam Fitting, , , .
Hot Air, Steam and . , .
Water Heating;-'"
179 Twelfth street Astoria. Or.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria, Or.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
There are many persons
alive and well to-day with
only" one useful lung.
The consumptive should
not despair. ' Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda strength
ens the vital organs and
supplies healthy tissue to
take the place of tissue
that is diseased.
Give the consumptive
good care and Scott's
Emulsion. You will be
surprised to find how
quickly llna Lea intent
brings relief.
8cott4Bwne,N.Y, All Dmjg'stj. 50cand$l.