) THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1895. : JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. TfcRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year $7.00 Sent by mall, per ironth 60 ota Served by carrier, per week.... IB eta Address all communications to The Dally Astorian. WEEKLY. Snt by mall, per year, $2.00 in advance Postage free to subscribers. , The Astdrian guarantees to Us sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be 'had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorian, the second old est Weekly In the state of Oregon, has next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state, jttb. ti. Habtfley ft Co., are our Port- , Isnd agents, and copies of the Astorian eah be had every morning at their stand on First street. Telephone No. 6. All cortimun'.cationsj Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor Business communications of all kinds and remittances must b addressed to The Astoriaa. THE TREASURY DEFICIT, WWle private business of all kinds Is rtebdKy Improving, the focal affairs of the governmer are still In bad condition, Slid even the most sanguine government officials must shortly aklmct that some other expedient khan the creveolt mongrel tariff most be adopted 4l supply an ln come adequate co uie ordinary experos of the aimbilatration. A statement of receipts from customs In the month of July since 1887 etibwa that they have hoi to ittve elgwt years been so low ue they will be for the current month, and yet Importations are on, a. larger wale. Under the McKmley act the lowest re ceipts for July mew in 18S3, when they amounted ito very nearly $31,000,000. There ha ndt been, a July since 1836 In which the recMpftj aid ntft exceed $30,000,000, so I Halt (this til will fthbw the worst record In a full decade or more. The excess of expenditures over receipts his month irta probably lb hot ar from 115,000,000. Taere Is nothing Ito mtainiunjt expectation of mn increase of revenue during the succeeding Ave avortths of 1895, or at any Mite Dot sudh an increase as will bring tt up to expenditures. The Utter wlll not b so Harge as for July, eo that the month ly xJeftolt will tie less, but that there wl be a deficit may be regarded as certafcu It is pretty sate to say that -when cbn tas theelts early far December at iwlll be confronted by the fact than the receipts of Ithe "treasury (have run (behind expendi tures tturtng the flr live months. Of the ntcul year to the amount of at least $6,000,000, irtlh tJh outlook tuo batter then (toan how for receipts wverltokllng expendi ture. It appears that some of the treas ury officials, Including, perhaps, Secret a ly Carlisle, still hope that there will be a cNange -winch will render unnecessary liny reojirtmendaitlon to congress of means fc.'r providing more revalue, but It li not easy Ito see. upon what they are building he hope, unless It be the expectation of a greattr flood ot Importations. There is ft reason to expect any material ln crefase 6f lrtoorme from Inlternal taxes. Clin amy further demonparaltlon than hult lias been given during Wh eleven mooths of the operation of the present tariff law he necewury to prove it'hUt as a revenue measure It is a most complete fen ure T Is the fact tthaJt Whe receipts for th' monlih wlH he lees by from fc.Ouu.OOO to $6,000,000 than they were in July ot lust year, under the Mn-Kiiniley law, nlot conclusive evidence of the Inferiority of tit existing act so far as providing V goyenrarw-nt w.'th rewnue Is concerned? CeKlkvlnly there can he no question aa this, and yet a Democratic administration will not permit any change to 'be miakle In tins law in a OJredtlon to make it yield more revenue, hut is expected to reco-nv mend Increasing Inllennal taxes or putting la ijjufty on 'tea or coffee, pitopoeltluns which a RepuWlUbon house at representa tives :wllt not and cannot reasonably he expected to etttciluiin. Th New York newspaper are devoting c'onsCderahle space to the fact llihat Blehup Politer has Ooregone his annual vucultlon, and wiKI spend a mumlth an the working rjctor Of the CWthedral mission on the , aat aide of Now York. There are many clergymen who labor all the year In Just juch districts, who suffer privations pa Uexitly amd (wUllngty, if by so doing they - con help 'their flUawts, and whose devo tionind Self-suicrWlce are m.ver heard of In the outside wortdl. Blahup Potter, Jut and geherous us he Is, has nut been stuw to -acknowledge this fact .when lrtfervt.w ed, miil has atao been careful to explain that hi; was not going to Induce mvirtyr doth, or ht he proposed "slumming." He' Wiihfted to ll.arn toc himself the char acter and requirements Of that particular mfeatUrwAeld, and, oertulniy there was no ' b&tec way of obtaining such knowledge 'thafn ty mingling with Ithe ptwple who live smd fetor there. But without giving the (bishop's work sensational tmpont nee, eorimeithlng that he himself depre ctJ, his resolution lo go when? he has gone -is a good example of self-aUnegu tlon. He has set am exulmpCe to the cler gy, and his course la a spo.'ndld object teason :ln the Uwnocracy of the church ill eiuuty of men In the sight of heav en, owIJhlnt ahoult "which we heur a great d.ul, but see very lltti-e. Chrtettom ty '.wll become more of a reaHty to weary t&Mera and workers when It Is brought to thiem by just such simple and gijfle e ram pi The St. Paul PIrtoecr Press saysr Last year niUny a farmer fci Nebraska sold his irtm fbr enijush money to leave tin; state, while, if reports are to be believed, oth p, d-Mhturtoned toy th total failure of i'.c t.,.i Mir.dancd their farms and left the scene of their troubles empty-handed t tugirj Hfe anew elsewhere.. The tiHure pf two crops in that state undoubteOCy sdaled the value of farm property to an mrauvng extent, Judging toy the amount mums would bring at an open sale. This year the com crop, one of the beet In the htetiary of the sUalte, will not Only nil the pockets of the farmers of Nebraska, but It wOl restore In one year the firm values so frightfully undermined by the past. What is true of Nebraska Is more or less true of Mtaieaolta. and Ithe Dako Bas. While there has been no absolute fuBure of crops In the near Northwest, the yield and prices for the pant two years havo not been encouraging. It not to be wondered at thlat Immigration has .turned t the Southwest rather than to that secltion and that the demand for farm property has been very light. The present crop will change this. Not only wHl It bring talto that eeot&oiY epproxl mately $167,000,000, an amount which wlU represent about $76 for every Inhabitant of theele three etots, but It will Increase the value of the farms of the Northwest ajmost 30 per cent, for the property has become profitably productivev The crops will he the moot effective adverlt'jsement that seat Bon ever had, and already the railroad land departments are feeling the effect in inqiuirles by prospective settlers. The happy incident of bountiful crops amd fair prices at one time assures the farmers of a good Income and adds to their wealth by increasing the value of property. In a few months the mart gages of the Northwest ougihlt to be large ly supplanted by bank accounts. AtocordUig to a Washington dispatch the Bimetallic Leugue-foleety so called, for the object of the organization Is the adoption of silver mbnamethlllsm Is go ing 'to he first in the field w th a prestden Ual ticket, and Senator Jones of Nevada, Is to be at the head at ft. Evidently the managers of the leagus have no hope of success, tfhbugh they say .they have great hopes, when they eelect as a danVlkltute a man who, Oiavlng been born a foreigner, Is intelligible. Electoral votes cast for Jones could not be counted. These silver monometatUists who call (themselves bi- mdtnmats know that, and they are think' Ing of listing Junes' name only because he is a wealthy man, owning one or more silver mines, and they believe he will bleed freely if his van'.ity I9 tickled by a nomination. Harrison sayls he bellevus that "the American flag should be hbiated on every public building, and planted In the heart of every American citizen." That kind of talk, siys the CTbtjoDamtocrat, has never yet done harm to a candidate for the pres&Jenoy. The treasury gold reairve is beginning to decline again, but it Is to be hoped that the uldmlnlstnittlon will not be obllg' ed to hire andtlher syndicate of bankers to protect It by selling bonds to th.m at their own price. It Is estimated 'that one of the counties of Illinois will produce 13,000,000 bushels of corn thus year. The general prevalence of suoh facts is rupidly suppressing the free stiver cnaze and other forms of polit ical foolishness. PECULIAR FISH. They Are Blind and Inhabit a Bottomless Pond With no Visible outlet. The aueer flsh What for a short time every season Inhabit the Bottmless pond, near MHford, Ct., made tihelr first ap pearance for this year last Sunday morn- r.s. The pond lies in a deep ravine on the Bouthwest side of New Haven turn pike, only two miles from the village. The wayfarer llnds himself standing on the edge of a circular gulf some 7b ieet across. The ptrpenaicuiar wans are 01 green marble, beautifully shaded and mot tled. About 30 feet below the level wnere the nath terminates the walls end at a fairly even shelf about 12 feet wide. On one side a series of rudely cut steps af ford menas of descent to the level border cf the pond. Old Dan Buckley was buckleberrylng near the quarry three years ago when he dlscovertd the flsh for which the pond Is celebrated. As he apprdached the edge of the pond quietly he saw albout 20 good sized flsh lytrg motionless near the sur face. He dislodged a pebble by accident, and at the sound of Its fall t'he flsh van ished as if by magic. Last year they ap leard early In June and several unsuc cessful attempts were made to catch fhem. A New 'Haven flatting enthusiast took Ashing tackle and a folding canvas boat to (tie pond one morning. His scheme was to snare the flsh if they re fused to notice his bait. He launched tils boat ao.fely and enjoyed the sensation of being the first man to drift out on the Bottomless pond, but the flsh disappeared. For t'.vo hours ho waited In Vain for their refurn. Before he came ashore he tried to sound the depth of the pond. He let out DO yards of trout line, well weighted, but he found no bottom. An attempt to catch the flsh Is to be rnadt this season by a Yale professor and his friends. Their plan Is to set a line gill net horltonhilly across the pond at a depth of about three feet. They hope that the flsh In riftng will run into the mtshes and be cauirtit. All the flsh are of about the same size 18 li,ches long and sUnder, like a dace In form, but almost a Jet hlack. No scales are discernible, and their (Ins and tails resemble those cf the ctmmon brook trout. When in repose, they are only about three or four Inches below the surface and Invariably face to ward the north. The eyes are large and protrude from the head. It has been virtually proved that the flsli are atone blind, for although they sink out of sight at the slightest Jar or noise they do not notice Uhe waving of poles or leaves over the pond. The people here cull the flsh white yes. If the pond Is fed by subterranean streams at water, these fish, It Is thought, may be visitors from an underground lake or from a distant river. There are only about two months In which to study their lhablts. At the opening of August the strange vlritants disappear as suddenly as they come. Henry Tuttle. the expressman, was the first person to see them this year, and he says they look the Same as ever, hut are rathsr blgycr than last year. A dox.n or more persons have visited the pond slnoe Sunday and have seen the flsh. Meiw York Bun, METHOD TO RA1E WATER. "One of the most Interesting and In genious methods of raising water from a river I saw recently on a visit :o Green River," said Assistant Engineer Gllcrest. "It was a contrivance arranged by Charles McPherson at that place, u consists of a wooden wheel two and a half feet In diameter armed with paddles, which were set In motion by the current of the river, into which it was placed be ttreon tiro scows. At one point In the cir cumference of the wheel Is an offset with an opening In It. As the wheel revolves the wa'.er Is forced through the opening Into a coil of pipe In the body of the wheel, whlth Is arranged like a snail's shell. This coil tmnHates In the exle of the wheel, which consists of a gas pipe two and a hUf inches la diameter. A perpendicular aNivlplps rises from th exle five and a half feet above the cen- I ter of the wheel, and through this pipe 1 tlhe water is forced In a continuous stream. "All of the work on the wheel is rough and ready, but the principle of the thing was newi to me. The maker of the wheel told me that a wheel eight feel In dla meter would raise water through a two and a half inch pipe to a height of 20 ireet. The height to twhlch It is raised de pends upon tahe number of colls in the interior of the wheel. The wheel I saw was covered with Russian flron sheeting so as to make It air tight except for the opening at the offset, and I suppose that compressed air has much to do with forcing the water so far above the su.' face. A good feature of the wheel is Chat It need not he permanently fix; anywhere. It is set between two scows and therefore rises and falls with the Current. It was well worth while going a good distance to see It rwurk." Chey enne cwyo.) leader. YVKRE I THE BUN. I'd a:ways thine on holidays, Were I the sun; On sleepy heads I'd never gaze, But focus all my morning rays On busy folks of bustling ways, Were I the sun. I would not melt a sledding snow, Were I the sun; Nor spoil the Ice where stealers go. Nor help those useless weeds to grow. But hurry melons on, you know, Were I the sun. I'd warm the. swimming pool Just right, were I the sun: On school days I would hide my light The Fourth I'd always give you bright, wor set so soon on Christmas night, Were I the sun. I would not heed such paltry toys, Were I the sun Such work as grown-up men employs; But I would favor solid Joys In short, I'd run the world for boys, Were 1 the sun. -(Amos R. Wells, in St. Nicholas. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CBPTANCE OF BOND STREET. Notice ts hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the improvement of Bond street, In Adair's Astonfa, under the provisions o'f Ordinance No. 1941, on the 3d Hay of August, 1896, filed in the office of the auditor and police Judge of the cl';y of Astoria, the oetfaifloate of the City Surveyor and- Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and public Ways. Afltier tho expiration of the time here. InaPter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Common Council shall deem such Im provement properly complete according to the contract and plans mnd specifics ttons therefor, the same may he accepted. Objections to the laecepltamce of said Improvement or any part thereof," may be niea in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, August 7, 18. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Aa.oria, Oregon, August 3, 1896. NOTICE OF THT3 COMPLETION AND 'AOOHPTANCE OF lVTtt STREET SEWER. Notice Is hereby given that J. A. Fas- talbend, contractor for the construction of 14th street sewer, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1946, on the 1st day of August, 1895, filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the city of Astoria, the Certificate of the City Sur veyor and Superintendent of Streets, an- proved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the tlm here inafter specified, if no objection to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Common Council shall deem such im. provement properly completed, according co tne contract and specifications there for, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said sewer or any part therefor may be filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, Auguat 7th, 1895. K. OS BURN, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon, August 2nd, 1895. NOTICE OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 4, 12TH STREET SEWER. Notice Is hereby given that Assessment RtolU No. 4, containing the SDecial as sessment for the construe tiois of sewer In 12th, street, from the north line of Grand avmtue to a point 50 feet north of the norjh line of Bond street, all In the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John MCClure and extended by Cyrus OJney, has been filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge and Is now open for Inspection and will so remain open-until the 1th uay of August 1895, prior to which time all objections to such must be filed (In writing) with the Auditor and Police Julge. The committee on streets and public ways, together with the street assessors, of the City of Astoria, will meet In the council chambers at the city hall, in the city of Astoria, on' Wednesday, Aug. 7th, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to review and equalise such assessment and report their action to the common coun cil. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge Astoria, Or., July 24Jh, 1896. NOTICE OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL, NO. , ON ALLEYWAY IN . ADAIR'S ASTORIA. Notice la hereby given that Assessment Roll No. 2, containing the special assess ment fof the Improvement of alleyway running through Blocks No. 2, 2, 4 and 6, from the west line of 38th street to the west line of 42d street, all In the city of Astoria, as luld out and recorded by John Adair and commonly known as Adair's Astoria, has been nled In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge and Is open for Inspection and wld remain open uroUl the Tt'h day ot August, 18, prior to which time all objections to toon must be filed (In writing) with the Auditor and Police Judge. The committee on streets and public wuys together with the street asaesors of the City Of Astoria, will meet in the council chambers at the City Hall, In the City of Astoria, on Wednesday, Aug. 7th, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to review and equalise such assessment ar.2 report their action to the common coun cil. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria. Or., July 2ii, 1886. ACTIVE EXERCISE And good food In plenty, tends to make children healthy. If children suffer, how ever, from Scrofulous Skin or Bcalp Dis easesIf their blood Is Impure and pim ples or bolls appesx rbey should be given the right medicine. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery brings about the best bodily condition. It purities the blood and renders the liver active as w4l a builds up health and strength. Puny, rale, weait children, get a lasting beneilt and "a good start" from the use of the "Dlscwery." It puts on wholesome flesh and does not nauseate and offend the stomach like the various preparations of cod liver oil. Once used. It Is always In favor. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, headaches. Indigestion, dyspepsia. One dose. Bold by all dealers. KARL'S CfcOVER HOOT will purify rour blood, clear your complexion, reg altte your Bowels, and make your head clear us, belt 26 eta M Ct. said 21.00. ' Sold by J. W. Conn. DUANB STREET INPROVEMENT NO TICE, Notice Is hereby given that the Com- mnn Cnntwll of the CttV Of AstOria, Oregon, have determined to improve Du- ane street from the east siae 01 oin sireei to the west side of 12th street (except the crossings of 7th, 9th and 11th streets), all In the city of Asto na as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, by removing all defective piles, cans and stringers, and putting in new and sound fir piles, posts and sills wher ever necessary, and new caps ana siring ers, and planking the same with new and sound fir plank four Inches in thlnk nn over the trestle work, and three inches in thickness on the solid ground, and by building sidewalks on both sides thereof; all the Improvements to be made to the full width and established grade of said street, and to Include railings -where necessary, and to be done in ac- cordance with plans and specifications and ordinances In relation thereto. The lands and premises upon which the special assessment shall be levied to de fray the cost and expense of such Im provement and the district embracing iM lafa.nfl nrATtilsHlM. Allfl ttlA fl&me! ar dMlffna'e? af tw.1.t:- Lot one (1) ot Block Nnmbered 40, thencelP11 ounaay. On Saturday hih at 11 easterly along the center lines of Blocks 40, 41, 43. 43. 44, and 64, to the eastern boundaries of Block Numbered 64, thence northerly along eastern boundaries of Blocks 64 and 61, to the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block Numbered 61, thence west' erly along center lines of Blocks 61, 60, 26, 27, 28 and 29, to the west boundary of Block Numbered 29, thence southerly along western boundaries of Blocks 29, and 40, to point of beginning; containing Lots 1, 2, S, and 4, In Blocks 40, 41, 42, 43, 44; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7, In Block 64; Lots 8, , 10, 11, 12, U and 14, In Block 61, and Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, In Blocks 60, 26, 27, 28 andJD, all In the town (now city) of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, and extended by Cyrus Olney. Estimates of the expense of such Im provements and plans and diagrams of such work or Improvement and of the lo callity to be improved, have been deposit ed by the city surveyor with the auditor and police judge for examination and may be Inspected at the ofllce of such officer. At the next regular meeting of the Common Council, after the final publica tion of this notice, towIt: On Wednesday, August 7th, 1895, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., at the City Hall, the sild council will con sider any objections to such Im provement being made, and if a remon strance against suoh improvement, signed by persons owning more than one-half of the property in such district herein1 de scribed, and in which the special ussess ment is to be levied, shall be tiled with the Auditor and Police Judge before the said time of meeting, of the Common Council, no such improvement or work shall be ordered except by the concur rence of all the Councllmen elect. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. UbtiuitiN, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, July iith, 1895. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF STATIi OF OREGON, FOR COUNTY OF CLATSOP. THE THE Summons. J. L. Hartman us receiver of the North west Loan & Trust company, plaintiffs, vs. Charles F. 61iter, Lnulse Sllter, W, C. Cowgill, Fred I. Girtanncr, R. A. Frame and A. W. Stowetl, defendants To Fred I. Girtanner, the ebove named defendant: In the name of t'he State of Oregon you are hereby required ito appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause on the first day of the next term of this court following the expiration of six weeks' publication of this summons, as provided for in the order of publication. to wit, on or before Monday, the ltith day of September, 1S95, and if you fall to appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in tire complaint herein, to wit: Fird: That we 'have and recover of and from t'he said defendants Charles F. Sllter and W. C. CowglH the sum of 25,152, being the amount of principal, in lerest and attorney's fees due upon said promissory note and taxes paid by plaintiff upon said real property as afore said, together with ihe cosus and dis bursements of this suit, and interest on said J 1,910 from the. 11th day of June, 1815, at the rate of ten per cent per an num. Second That the said deed .of l.he above described real property made by the said defendants Charles F. and (Louise Sllter to said The Northwest Loan & Trust company on the second day ot April, 182, be decreed and 'held to be a mort gage upon the said real property to se- oure ithe payment to plalnWff of the said principal, interest, attorneys fees and tuxes above mentioned and the costs and disbursements of this suit. Third That the said mortgage be fore closed and the said real property sold and uhe proceeds thereof brought into court and applied tirst to the payment of the costs and disbursements of this suit and the costs, ohargts and expenses of sale of the property, and then to the payment to said plaintiff of the above mentioned sum of S5.1&2 principal, Interest and attorneys' fees and taxes, due him as aforesaid, toget'ner with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cenx ptr annum from the dute of the llling of Ihls complaint, and that If, after the sale of said property and the application of the proceeds Ithereof as aforesaid any portion of said sums of money remain still unpaid, that plaintiff have execution therefor against said defendants Charles F. Sllter and W. C. Cowgill. Fourth That the defendants in this suit and each one and all of them, and any person claiming by, from, or under them, or either or any of them, subsequent to the commencement of this suit, be wholly barred amd foreclosed of and from all and all manner of ris'ht, title, interest, lien, equity and claim of redemption In, to or upon the above described real prop perlty anid any portion thereof, save only the statutory right to redeem. FifthThat plaintiff have such other, further,' or different relief as to the court shall seem equitable In the premises. This summons Is published by order of 'the Hon. T A. Mollrlde, judge of the tbove entitled court, and made and en tered on the 11th day of July, 1S9G. PAXTON, SEARS, HBACH & SIMON, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. DID YOU EVER Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If nor, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence In giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite. Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ntrvous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dliry Spells, Elec tric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by Its use. Large bottles only SO cents at Chaa. Rogers' drug store. "THE MILWAUKEE." The only railroad lighting Its trains by electricity. The only railroad using the celebrated electric berth reading kunp. The coachea now runnimr on "The Mil waukee'' are Palaces on Wheels. On all Its through lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rallxay runs the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep ing, Parlor, and Dlrtng Cars and Coaches. For kwt rat to any po.nt In the United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket agents, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent. Portland, Oregon. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. Columbia River and Pugct Sound Nav igation Co. Two Dally lloata to Portland "Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m. daily (except Snudny). Leaves Portland "daily at 7 a. m., ex cept Sunday. "Bniley (iatzert" leaves Astoria Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Kntnrilnv mnrninir at fi a m . Unn.lnn . m ' ' ' 1 ' J Leaves Portland daily at 8 d. m.. ex. p. m C. W. STUNE. Agent, Astoria, ' Telephone No. 11. u. a. tscott, resident. B. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. ANNUAL PICNIC! -01VEN BY TUB-- Finnish Brotherhood OF A3 fOItlA, ON Sunday, August n, 1895 ' i"SEASIDE" 0. R: & N. Co.'s boat It. R. Thniniieon will leave mo compsiiy w'art at'Ju clonic sharp, cou. necting with train at llio bri go. GRAND HALL, AT Fisher's Hall In the Evening, Tickets, round trip, including ball, fi.oo Committee on Arrangements: CI1AS. MHKRN, MARTIN JACKSON, UA1UY JONK8, JOHN I'ALO, ilENUY KaUl'l'I. E. flcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of Jmo Transcontinental Koutes, Via Spokane St. Taiil. Via Og Jon, Denver and Omaha or a.Paul. Pullman an.1 Tourist Metf f ree eol'ning Ch Irs C r Astoria to San Francisco. State, Wednesday, July 3. Oregon, Monday, July 8. State, Saturday, July 13. Oregon, Thursday, July 18. State, Tuesday, July 23. Ortgon, Sunday, July 28. State, Frlduy, August 2. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. T. J. Politer leaves Astoria Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 p. m., Wtdnes'day and-Sunday upon Arr.vai from Ilwaco In the evening. Leaves Portland Monday( Tuesday, Thursday r.nd Friday ait 7 a. m., Wednesday at 8 a. m., and Saturday at 1 p. m. R. R. Thompson leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6:15 a. m.; leaves Port land daily, except Sunday, at 8 p. in, On Saturday w.il leave at 10 p. m.' Harvest Queen leaves Astoria Wedms- day and Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Port land Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. m, Kor rates und general information call in or address ' C. F. O VERBA (JGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or W H. HUKLIiURT, 0ri. Pj Act.. Pnrtlan.-I. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF DUANE STREET. Notice Is hereby given that L .Leback, Contractor for the Improvement of Duane street, In Adair's Astoria, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 1925, on the 12th day of June. 1805, filed in Uie office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate, of the Citv Surveyor and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Common Council shall dem such Im provement properly completed, according to the contract and plans and specifica tions therefor, the same may be nccepted. Objections to the acceptance of said Improvement or any port thereof, may be filed in the office df the Auditor and Police Judg on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1895. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria.. Oregon, June 13th, 1890. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF 42ND STREET. Notice Is hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the improvement of 42d street, in Adair's Astoria, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1940, on the Uth day of June, 1895, filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the cert. flea te of the City Surveyor, and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work te filed and ttie Common Council shall dtem such im provement properly completed, according to the contracrand plans and specifica tions therefor, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said Improvement or any part thereof, may be filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judg on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1896 K. OSBURN, Auddtor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, Winnesheik county, la., says: Last win ter Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of r..Wi;r Witch Ilaxel Salve and cured larg running gore on his leg. Had been under care of physicians for months without obtaining relief. Sure cure for Piles. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest -f- Tt-ans-Coatinentai Railway System. FE TO -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. . Elegant Day Coaches.' j ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Fnvcd on all tickets Enat. Tourist csr Hie best on wheel. IqulpmentP of the very finest throui'lu ut. -ALSO- Canadlan Pacific -T0- and China Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C. Empress of India bmpress of Japan Empress of China Empress of India fcmpress of Japan Empress of Chim Aurr. Auk Sept. Oct. Nov. Dtc, ,(h. 36th. i6ih. 14th, uih. 9h, Australian stennter leave Vancouver, B. C , 10th ol every month. For ticket rates and information call on or address JAS. FINLAYSON, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash. Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C. The Oasis of thf Colorado Desert A r4ew Health Resort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropica . Climate Pronounced by Physicians tl most Favorable in Ameiica for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cure The objections urged against Indlc In the past by the large numbers wht otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage of Its beneficial climate, haf Deen a lack of suitable accominoda tlon. The Southern Pacific Company takes pleasure In announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indie sta tlon, that -will be rented to appllcuntt at reasonable tates. Trey are fur nlirhed with modern conveniences, sun plied with pure artesian water, and fi situated as to gove occupants all tht advantages to be derived from a moit or less protracted residence In this de Ughtful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert o the Colorado which the Southern Pa cilia road traverses there is an oasis called Indio, which, in our opinion, 1: the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, thai for certain invalids, tlie-e Is no spot oi this planet so favorable." G. T. Stewart, M. I)., write&r "Th purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished sc much that there remains but little fot man to do. As to Its possibilities as a health resort, here Is the most per fect sunsnme, wltn a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, aenps atmospnere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of surrerers wno have been cured, I hav no hesitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO ami 130 .niles from I -OS ano'eles Fare from Los Angeles l3-oo For further Information lnnulre of any Southern Pacific Company agen'. or aouress E. P. ROGERS, Asst Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co JT B. KIRKLAND, Dlst. Pass. Agt Cor. Firs md Alder Sa, Portland. Or Indio Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN I line:. thw CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS" This Is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Tralna uid Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. VV. H. MEAD, P. C. SAVaGB, Gen. Agent Trav P. and P. Agt. 248 Washington st, Portland. Or. Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, ' general agent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington st., Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route Is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road in the world for all classes of travel. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS And OILS. Special Attention Pld to Supplying Ships. J. A FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE fliND" WHARF BUILDER Address, box 160, Posloffice. ASTORIA. Oil rHEflSTOfllflSflVlflGSBAHK Acts as trustee for corporatiii.s en.i individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on n..vir,? deposits at the rate of 4 per cent pei annum. ' Q- A. BOWLBT President BENJ. YOUNG Vice Presldc-n: PRANK PATTON Oishlei DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ Voung, A. S. Beed, D. P. Thompson W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes. SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete stock of lumber on hand n the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus lc, celling, and all kinds of finish; nouldlngs and shingles; also bracket vork done to order. Terms reasonable ind prices at bedrock. All orders romptly attended to. Office and yard t mill. H. v L. LOGAN. Prop'r. 'lumtrtc. Orog-nn IF" As Franklin says, good dress opens ill doors, you should not lose sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit la the main feature. Wanamaker & Brown are noted for fit, workmanship nd superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Office 64 Dekum Building, Portland. Or Reserve orders till vnn have seen the spring line of sampleR. NOTICE. The partnerahlo heretofore tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brlx florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G. Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GREENLUND, ANTON BRIX. BAT AND BE HAPPY! Nobody can do this who his dyanecsia. Even a light meal, eaten with relish, In flicts more or less torture upon the wretched- victim of indigestion. But why alio one's perf to be thus victimized when succor in the shape of Hostettor's Stomach Bit:ers can be summoned? If you are going to any locality a remote cr. try fern 'hure, or new settlement. for i.. stance, where It is not reidily pro- cura!:eprvida yourself In advance with an ad.quate supply. An unaccustomed diet is very apt to produce dyspeptic qualms, so if brackish water aboard ship and tne ea'lng of acta fruits. Forestall further encroachment of the complaint wi:n :ne sups-D ana genial corrictive and prevei.a-ive. Heartburn, sour "nictations, -biliousness, constipation, ma- i.-ii, rheumatism and kidney trouble promptly suceornb to the onsets of this vanquisher of bodily aliments and restor ative of vigor. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest cf. til In leavening Strength U. S. Omtnuteat Report,