THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1895. What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothingr Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mother, have repeatedly told me of its good effeet npon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of Which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing; syrup 'and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby tending them to premature graves." Sr. J. P. Kiuchelob, Conway, Ark, Th Centaur Company, 77 STATE FlO$VIflLi SCHOOli Mon month, Oregon. A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. W'h" . ;r """ wnll.trnitiArl tnnplifirs. There is an over supply of untrained teachers. Catalogues Cheerfully Sent on Application. Address Or W. A. WANN, Secretary. Diarrhoea, should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DeWitt's .Colic nd Cholera Cure Is effective, s.tfe and certain. Hundreds of testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medi cine. It can always be depended upon, Its use saves time and money. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.. San Diego Cal., says: "SMlon's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would i.o me any good. Price 60 eta. Sold by J. W. Coun. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnua Beer Hall tried to do In selecting their liquors was to pick out what intelligent p-.'y!e would want If they knew It is experienced people should know i.. Make a note of this If you want pure luiuors. George Barclay, Proprietor. Children, especially Infants, ere soon tun down with Cholera Infantum or "Summer Complaint." Don't iait to de termine, but give DeWitt's Colic & Chol era Cure promptly, you can rely on It. Use no otiher. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause's Headacne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kind!) of headache. Yours truly. J. B. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," is sympathetically shown in the following lines, the pre sumption being that sympathy is born, or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Please send Krause's Headache Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, K. Dak. Two boxes to Lillle Wilcox, Brookland, N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great sufferer from headache and your Cap sules are the only tmng that relieves me." Yours very truly, FLORA SEAY, Havana, N. Dak. For sale by Chas. Kogers, Astoria, Or. Sole Agent DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereoy given that the partners-hip heretofore existing between he un dersigned, under the firm name and style Oregon Transportation Company, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay able to Capt. Paul Schrader. and he as suming the payment of all debts due by said firm. Aatorla, Or., May 13. 1S. , PKTER H. CRIM, PAUL SCHRADER. BUCKLBN'3 ARNICA SALVE The best salve In the world foi Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Con s, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guarantepd to give Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price, 25 cents per box. For Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. There is no doubt, no failure, when you Uke DeWitt's Colic & Cholera cure It i, ,,;.ant, pronrp-ly. no bad after effects. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder eoaUiosi AannoaUi or Aim. M I . Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., iiSo. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. V. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. Complete Eight Grade Train ing Department and strong pro fessional and academic courses Tho Diploma of the school entitles one to teach in any County in the State without further examination. uoara ana .Longing, looks and Tuition, $150 per year. Beautiful and healthful loca tion. No saloons. m It There is a good demand tor P. L,. CAMPBELL, President. Anagreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Bold by Druggists or sent by mail 25o..60o and 1.00 per package. Samples free. TfA TTiS The Favorite TOOTS POTOM I1LI llUfortheleetbandUreath.&io. For Sale by S. W. Conn. Cholera 'Morbus is a dangerous com plaint, and often is fatal in its results. To avoid this you should use DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure, ias sewn as the first symptoms appear. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use several boxes of Krause's Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my return, which Is remarkable. Yours. reSDectfullv. JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Renovo (Pa,) Record. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. Easy to take, sure cure, no pain, noth ing to dread, pleasant little pills. De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best for Sick Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, th great Blood nurlfler. filvea fronnoaa arA clearness to the completion and cuter constipation, ?5 cts.. 50 cts , J1.00. r or saie Dy j. w. conn. and Croup Cure, is In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-flve doses only 25 cents. Children invo it RnM by J. W. Conn. Stomieh and bowel complaints are best relieved by the timely use of DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on hav ing this preparation. Don't take any other. INDORSED BY THE PRE3S. GentlpTYlPn Ttilo la tn ...!.. .ho. 1 have used Krause's Headacne fapsules wnu sausiactory results. I fjught a DOT wh1rh nnat inn .ml ... ..u..t. - ' . . . -, niii. .c uiyn cured me of n hrMHfni ru n .iov.A My wife and mvself nave both used me meaicmes manufactured by the Norman L.lphr iffe r?n.. arid commend them tn tt,H mihli am hoin. JJust what they are represented. Kespectruliy. W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant HilJ. Mo. Twentv-five cents, for natn h rhu Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agents. Severe griping pains of the stonvich end bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. t350, for a case it will not cure, t Tide Table for August, 1895. man WiTSK. LOW WATER. DATE. A. M. P. H. A. M. P. M. h.m ft. ih.m ft h.m ft h.m ft 4 0S; J 6 12,3 7 6 011,3 6 6 493 2 7 2712 9 801125 8 i!5l2 2 9 05 2 0 9 4517 1015U5 U (Kil 2 ii ooj'i 6 11 M 3 2 1 1.". 3 7 3 00 3 9 4 24 3 7 6 25131 6 20:2 4 7 08 1 7 7 5(l0 8 4410 8 9 3010 8 10 2610 8 U 25 0 8 Thiimluy,. 1 II iSM5 I2l2j0 it; l'i M6 ; 6 ir.'KO: orii7, i :nii7 it II 427 U I (Mi 80 II WIK0 1 211 6 II 1 477 2 2 U 7 5 2 Wl li 2 5x17 8, 8 2-l'K0 8 52l8 0 4l!8 0 5 12 8 0 5 57 8 0 6M 7 9 7 68 80 4 2.ri 5 HI 6 02 1 -0 61 rrnmy. . Hatiinlay hi;.niay Monclnv, -1 1 -1 7 6 41 7U. 741 -1 3 -1 1 'iiicmlny... i Wivimntlay 7 1-0 W 8(W -04 j nunwiuy. Friday.... ll'. 7 8 2 i-M n, Ul !I ' 4 us! o' 8 31 -Oil -04 0 9 14 853 9 211 950 10 21 HHHirlity..l" Hl'NIUY .11 Mowluy.. 4ft7 ft ft: 5 0 t 7 4B R8 SO 191 TiKfMluy .. l.'i W eiln'Hd'y U Thursday. .1 601 7 2.1 0 02 1 12 2 80 3 40 1 1 08 05 -4)2 SSI 10 If 11 in rriimy in HnturdaVi.17 9(16 81 10 10 8 S 11 128 II1 1241 7 31 1 19 7 9 1 5.r)l8 ;i 2 3218 5 8 0Ni8 6 4 10 -0 8 HUN DAY. W 12 01 6 31-1 Monday. ...If 6 HV-1 6 6 )!-! 6 Tuusday...'!) 0 10 1011 15(1 p eciu m y Thursday Friday ....2:1 Ruturday.. 7 371 8 16 13 -4)7 21 8 : btn; 8 0 0 0 8 16 -8 608 6 4)85 6188 2 6 12 7 9 7 14:7 0 9 85 10 IS BUKUAt. Xi Monday .. W Tiiewlav . . '.'" 10 5.r 2 6 tii 5 3 0 83 0 4 0 3 1148 1 09 2 49 4 10 Wedu'sd'y 2x 8 25 5 0 152 8 04 4tx; 4 5lil l nunuiay .-".i Krlloy....Bii Siiturdny. ill 10 oo:.rd 11 Oil 5 61 II Hill 8 K!7 4 9 8017 4 01 -0 2 10 2817 5j -04 so; ALONG THE WATER FRONT. The steamer D. 8. Baker brought down from the Scandinavian cannery yesterday morning 3,000 cases of salmon which were put on board the itrra Parlma at the O. R. & N. dock. The Manzarrita arrived In (from Destruc tion Island last evening. She reports ha v. inig spoken the sealing schooner Kate & Annie ntar Gray's harbor. The schooner his nine sea otters aboard. A special dispatch received from San Francisco by the Astorian last evening states that the big log raft in tow of the Mlneoli arrived In that city safely at 1 o'clock yisterday morning. The steamer Stute of California left out for Sin Francisco yesterday afternoon. Fifteen hundred barrels of cement were taken on at the O. R. & N. dock. The steamer also had a good passenger list. A summary of the marine mishaps in the l'uget Sound district for 1894, Just made public, shews a total of twenty five cJse3 investigated and losses of $30, 150 accruing. Six steamers were destroyed by fire during the year and ten grounded or sunk. But no collision Is reported. According to the last report of the Port Townsend customs department for the preceding quarter, the number of sail vessels holding permanent regtattr was thirty-nine, with a gross tonnage of 11,936.76 tons; net tonnage, 11,431.1!!.. The steam vessels numbered sixty, gross ton nage, 9,676.89; net tonnage, 6,728.44. Messrs. S. H. Levins, Sons of Philadel phia, one firm among the multitude of the Commercial Astorian s esteemed east ern correfpondents, write a bright let ter, In the course of which they give some mackeral statistics of interest. During the mack;ral s:nsoa the tlrm received es a result of seven months operations :,8i9 barrels of this delicious species of flsh. Julius Berghoff, a Seattle flsh buyer, representing C. L. Mattladge, a large New York dealer, was arrested at the Instance of the lutur, last week, charged v1th misappropriating $1,500 by fraudu lent use of a letter of credit on the Pu- get Sound National Bank. Berghoff de posited Jl.OOO cash bail and has gone to New York on a business trip pending an Tcamln itlon this month. William E. 'Curtis, the Japan' corre spondent of the Chicago Record, finds that the Japanese are looking forward tl the construction of the Nicaragua canal with great eagerness. Japan proposes to surround the world with her ships, and parliament will be asked to guaran tee its great steamship company against loss in ope'alng trade with our Pacific coast. The Japanese wish to exchange their coal for ou.- iron and cotton. The sealing fleet which has been gath ering around Sand Point to be ready to enter Behring Sea on August 1, will to morrow, says Thursday s Colonist, com mence their e;ason's operations. There has been little it anything heard from them since they left the coast of van- couver Island, and whatever does corns now in this direction will only toe antici pated by the Alaska, steamers. According to these the weather oa their Hast voy ages was not as good as they experienced for several previous trips, tout the steam ship Danube which arrived a few days ago reported better weather In the North. Some lonely wayfarer has been using the spacious O. R. & N. dock as a rest ing place for his weary tteid during the last fe.v nights. Unobserved by the usual ly lynx eyed custadlans of that huge warehouse he managed to crawl into tne center of a stack of wheat, removed three tiers of toags, and on this agri cultural couch slept the sleep of the Just erclosed by breastworks of grain and flankad outside of that by- solid battle ments of salmon. His little snap has now teen rudely disturbed and the sacks have 'been replaced three deep la. their old position. Tha company's ojflcluls shouldn't begrudge the tramp his free ledging. He earned it by his ingenuity. It considering the matter of obtaining an adequate supply of seamen for our navy, It should not be forgotten that nearly three thousand enlisted men are diverted to the service of the coast survey and flsh commission, services that are of about as much use to the navy as they are to the state of Nebraska. The utter useless- ness of the coast survey business, all of which work is duplicated and Improved by the bvdroKPJphlc department of the navy, has long since been exposed, end It only appears to b? maintained for the sake of a few scientific civilians who manage to draw large salaries. Abolish both these services end they would be little missed, while the nuvy would have more men at its disposal The British ship Eudora came in from Swansea yesterday afternoon," says tli Bulletin, "thus outsailing the Earl Bur gess, Manydowa and Lord Templemore, which silled eleven, seventeen and nine teen days in advance. The Alice left Swansea, the day af ter the Eudora, and s now due together with the other three. The Eudora has also outsailed the Helen- Sex and Port Patrick from Antwerp and the Sckoto and Sierra Nevada from Liverpool. The Eudora was chartered be fore leaving Swansea to load wheat back upon her arrival here, and she will be dlseharged as rapidly as p'oalble th-t she may carry out that engagement some time next month. We shall be disap pointed if we do not hove a dozen ships from distant ports this week." Mr. J. II. Garrison of Forest Grove writes as follows to the Commercial! As- torian: "The question of the weight of the largest salmon ever taken from the Columbia is In dispute here. Knowing tilat your paper is an acknowledged au thority, I ask you to d-cide the matter." The largest salmon ever caught In this river, thit Is to say the largest whose weight has been thoroughly authenticated was delivered to J. O. Hanthorn's can-m.-ry in 18BI. It weighed 79 1-6 pounds. It has bee.i often rumored that William Hume's cannery once received an 84 pound salmon, but in all probability there s no truth in the statement. SeVcTal cannerymen who have had wide exper ience here In the Industry unite in say ing that thy have never yet sc-en. an 80 pound sadmon. The Duk of Westminster is known thrjughou-t Great Britain, and In fact among mariners the world over ss the sailor's friend, nationality or race malt EQUITABLELBEHTIF OF" NEW YORK Is tihe strangeat and beat managed life Insurance company on the face of the earth. Our rates are no higher tWan otlh' ers, for Ore same kind of a policy, and our contract 'Is so much more liberal to the insurer that you cannot afford to take anything else but an Equitable pol icy. IrTesponalule travelling agents will misrepresent facts to you by trying to make you beMeve that what they have Is Just as good as the Equitable. By consulting the insurance commissioner's reports you will d.scover the falsehood. There is no company, "just as good. The Equitable is now and has been for fifteen years past THE best. L. Samuel, Eugene Samuel, special agents. ing little difference to him In his philan thropy. Some time ago his attention wus called to the splendid work of the San Francisco Seamen's Mission, and so deep ly Impressed was the duke that he sent $000 to the (Rev. James Fell, the seamen' chaplain for the general funds of the so ciety. In commenting on the foregoing generous deed, the Liverpool Journal of Commerce remarks that "unless a per sonal visit had been made to San. Fran cisco few could possibly be aware of the terrible temptations to which apprentices in British ships are exposed in that port." All of which may be true, but from per sonal observation San Francisco, bad as our contemporary paints it, is no worse thin (Liverpool, London or New York. The duke owes Liverpool and London $000 'ach. At the beginning of July there was Cl,328 tons of tonnage In Ban Francisco for grain loading. From that time up to the -tnh ships were cleared much more rapidly than, they arrived, so that on the latter date? there was only 16,500 tons of tonnage in the engaged list for grain. Since the 26th wheat clearing has been less frequent, while arrivals off wheat Vessels have become more numerous. There were Ave ship arrivals from the iitith. to the 29th Inclusive, so that at the opening of business in. iSan Francisco Thursday morning rraln shippers had 26, 675 tons of tonnage in hand. All but two of tHese ships were chartered prior to arrival, (and will therefore commence to load as soon, us they can be discharged. Others have reached the port to the south of uj, and still others win come along later in the week. These arrivals will givo shippers an opportunity to make as good a record in August as they made last month. The steamer (Montlcello, which had the misfortune to burst her boiler on the re cent trip to Sani Francisco and was pick ed up by the Southern Pacific company's sleanur San Benito, has paid that com pany a towage bill of $200 through the National Bank of Commerce, of Seattle, Kind if reports are true, has, in a very fortunate manner, settded the qustlon of salvage. When the steamer left the Sound It was announced that it was the intention to compete with the Southern Pacific between Ban Francisco and Val lejo, but Captain Hatch has written to a friend in Seattle that it never was his intention. Steamboat men, however, have expressed the opinion that in the settle ment of salvage charges with his com petitor, a contract not to go on that route or in competition, has been ogreed upon. Under the marine laws, if the Monticello is worth $40,000, the steamer picking her up could claim $10,000, or one-fourth of the value. The Monticello, so far as learned, carried no insurance, and out side of the loss of a route probably litis gotten off very easily from an embanass lng dilemma. Lieut. W. C. P. Mulr, U. S. N., has arrived in the city, says the 'Post-lntelll-gencer, with orders from the departrnttit to relieve Ensign C T. Vogelgesang, of the Mohican, who having served three years, has been detached to land service. The latter officer will get his orders after the usual three months' leave of absence, jjieut. Muir has recently been engaged as professor of military science and higher mathematics in the Llnsley Institute of Wheeling, W. Va. Under the law a cer tain number of army and naval officers are detailed es Instructors of military science In schools teaching it, and in the LlnsCey institute such an interest in naval affairs has been excited that the West 'Point cadet appointment Went beg ging, while there were many applicants for the naval cadtrtshlp at Annapolis. There are 150 boys In the 'batalllon ut Wheeling, and their interest In naval matters is said to be most remarkable. Ensign Mulr will report for duty this morning on the Mohican, and will remain three years. The Mohican arrived in port last evening and will leave for Nanalmo to test coal and then return hero to test Gllnmn coal. SUMMER SCHEDULE OF THE O. R. & N. STEAMERS. T. J. Potter. Leaves Portlamd Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 a. m., Wed nesday at 8 a. tn., and Saturday at 1 p. m. Leaves Bwaco Wednesday and Sun day at 7 p. m. tides perml&Kmg. Leaves Aetiorla Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and at 7 p. m., and Wednesday and Sunday upon arrival from Ilwaco In the evening. On Wednesday and Saturday (he Potitier will run through to Ilwaco, leaving here directly upon arrival from Portland. R. R. Thompson. Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday f p. m., and Saturday at 10 p. m. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6:16 a. m. Harvest Queen. Leaves Astoria Wednesday and Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Portland Wiednesday and Saturday at 7 a, m. North Pad foe. Leaves Astoria for Ilwaco Mbnday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 6 a. m., also Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fr day at 2 p. m. Leaves Astoria for Young's bay Wednesday and Saturday upon arrival of Potter from Portland. Will make regular Sunday excursions to Ilwaco. Leaving time to be advertised In paper for each excursion. FARES. To Long Beach and Clatsop, $1.50 round trip. To Rwaco, $1.00 round trip. For deUills apply to the city office of the O. R. and N. DR. fl. A. YOUNG. Astoria's Leading Specialist. No. 593 Commercial street, Room 11. Consultation and advice free. Successful ly treats all private, bloUd and skin di scuses, syphilis, gleet, gonorrhoea, In flammations, discharges, strictures, weak ness of organs, night emissions, exhaust ing drains and lost manhood,. You know the cause; get wall and be a man. Most successful catarrah doctor in the west. Rheumatism successfully treated. Kid ney aud urinary complaints, painful, dif ficult, foo frequent, milky or bloody urine; unnatural discharges treated. Con sult this skilled specialist this day. Write your trouble If awray from the city. Med icine sent secure from observation. Of fice hlaurs 10 to 12, 2 to , and 7 to 8. DR. YOITNO, 598 Commercial St., Astoria. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Mxice Is hereby given that the under signed. Assignee of L W. Case, will sell at puMlc auction to Uie higtiet bidder ; for canb in United fliatr goM coin, on I Saturday, August 2h, a the hour I BE WELL THIS SUMMER! Paine's Celery Compound Restores Lost Nervous Energy. 4, I A It For. those many women who have suf fered through the Indoor life of winter and spring with tired nerves, . sleepless nss, neuralgia, rheumatism, the dyspep sia that is best expressed (by the words "no appetlte"-4or the many worn-out women, many of whom will get no real vacation, but must athmd the whole sum mer long to househotd duteles for such women there is every need now of a brioke." feeding of the reduced blood and nervous tissues by means of the best nutritive agent in the wide world today lMlne's ceCry compound. After building up the body by the use of this great modern restorative, diseases of the special organs, heart troubles, kid ney disease, dyspepsia and sleeplessness will disappear. Neglect to satisfy the dtmands of the nervous system by rapid, complete nour ishment of all its parts, carriea heavy renames. Paine's celery compound, more effectively than anything else the world has yet known, restores health to men and women whose blood has been robbed of vitality from whatever cause, and whose nerves have lost their healthy tone. Persons suffering from rheumatism, neu- SIGNATURE is k printed Hi? Sr- ; 9 Rl IIP ILirrnrmllv i across the OUTSIDE wraooer of every bottle of k . tiSrix,i, jA.:S.,.',,.ail-; niiii'-i'-l ' mini '!' The Original and Genuine WORCESTERSHIRE, as a further pro- f tection against all imitations. Agistor the United rtifer,' JOHN of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, tlhe follow ing desctihiid ibuildlnga, which are sit uated on leased ground 3ubiiat to re moval, to-wlt: 1st That certain building occupied by Carnnlhan & Co., a-J a store, on the cor ner of 10th and Bond etreetls. 2nd That certain tiwonstory frame bulld li.g situated on the southwest corner of the IrttereeTttori of 12th und Commercial streets, and occupied on the first floor as a fruit store and barber shop. 3rd-01he building fnoroUIng on Comimer olal Street between, ldtih. and llfch streets, known as tihe Bee Hive. All of said buildings dn tlte City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon. The Assignee reserves the rlsht to r Jeut any aind all bids. D. K. WARREN, Assignee. hear tell of a purchaser wanting to buy an imitation? Why do men who try to sell such articles speak of the act as "working them off?" Simply because peo ple want the best, and it takes work and likewise deception to cell them the worst.' Thte on pleasant experience may befall the housekeeper who determines to the new vegetable shortening. The healthfulness, flavor, and economy of this wonderful cook ing product has won for it the widest popularity, which in turn has attracted the attention of business parasites whoare "work ing off" imitations and coun terfeits. Forewarned is fore armed. Be sure you get the only gennine vegetable shortening cottolen Bold In t and I pound pall Had only by Tho N. K. Falrbanb Company, nr. louis ssd CMcsfc, Kiw lark, BeslW ralgla, and any Ot the countless results of loss of nerve power find a marked change for the better almost at once upon faithfully using Paine's celery com pound. Mrs. James Arthur, whose portrait la riven above, writing from her home in Spokane, Wash., says: "I suffered for three years with neu ralgia and rheumatism. I tried different remedies which would give me only tenv. porary relief. Last year to January and through the spring months I suffered ter rlbCy. I could walk only a short dis tance, and some days not at all. But then I hegan for the first time to use Paine's celery compound. It cured ma permanently and I have) not been troubled since! My knees were so bad last year that I could not sit down or ge-t up alone. Now I walk every day, and it causes no stiffness or lameness In the Joints." Testimonials from men and women in every state and county and town 4n the (jo'intry might be published telling of similar speedy cures. They carry this plain advice to other sufferers: Take Pa ine's celery compound I now in - - w 5 DUNCAN'S SONS , N. Y. ? E. JlcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of , Jmo Transcontinental ttouies, Via Spokane and St. Paul. Pullman and Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Tourist Sleeper Free Reollnlng Chair Care, Astoria to San Francisco. State, Wednesday, July 1 Oregon, Monday, July 8. State, Saturday, July 13. Oregon, Thursday, July 18. State, Tuesday, July 23. Ortgon, Sunday, July 28. State, Friday, August 2, Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. T. J. Potter leave Astoria Monday, Tuesday, Thursday end Friday at 7 p. tn., Wednesday and Sunday upon arr.vail from Ilwaco In the evening. Leaves Portland Monday( Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 a. tn., Wednesday at 8 a. m,, and Saturday at 1 p. nt. R. It. Thompson leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at t:1f a. m.; leaves Port land daily, except Sunday, at 8 p. m. On Saturday w.11 leave at 10 p. m. HarveBt Queen leaves Astoria Wednes day and Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Port land Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. m. For rates and general information cal) on or address C. T. OVEXRBAUGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W, H. HURLBURT, Don. Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. Ifalr Good nanufacturea All Style 1 Wigs, Bangs, Swikhe. Combings Made Up, Dressing, Shampooing, Bleaching and Dyeing, children's Hair Cutting. . RS C E SEDEIiOF, ass Commercial St., cor. Eighth, PROFESSIONAL CARD3.' EL A. SMITH DENTIST. . ,, n - . x a T..(-n rtlllluina. over C. H. Cooper" etore. German Physician. Eclectic. DR. B ARTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor. 9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls, tl; confinements, $10.00. Operations at office free; medicines furnished. W. C. LOGAN, D. I. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 67t Third street DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office over Olsen'a drug store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; a to 6 and 1 to 8 p. m. gun days, 10 to U. J. S. BISHOP, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. " Office and rooms In. Kinney Block. Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:80 Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe cialty, j ' LIBERTY P. MULLINIX. M. D.. -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, B84H Third st, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all cbronl diseases. DR. O. B. ESTE8, PHYSICI N AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger'u store, Astoria. Telephone !o. 52. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND iMJCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms and 8, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY. - OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCES. ' May be found In his office until II O'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I p. m.. and from 6 until 7:30 evenings. W. M. LaForce. " S. ,B. Smith. LaFORCE & SMITH, ' ATTORNEYS-AT-YAW, 885 Commercial street. FRANK J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A, BOWLBY, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street. Astoria, Or. J. N, Dolph, Richard Nixon Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON & DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 20, and 27, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. JAMBS W. WELCH, ' INSURANCE AND RSSAL ESTATE A.GENT. xiuuvas iu reill. Jjl 1UUUB VL yruy- i erty for eale. Correspondence and hudnfl(t flnllnltprt. OfltrA Wolrrh Ttlnolr. 654 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. E. C. HOLDEN. Se-wrstary. V MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN IN PORTLAND-Call on Handley A Haas, 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BEVERAGES. WINES AND BRANDIES. -Use Zin fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French OognRO and wine at Alex Gilbert's. - A. V. AL,L,EN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass sud Squemoqu Streets. Astoria, Or S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING; das and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.- Vt Twelfth street Astoria, Or. ' FREEMAN & HOLMES, Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. StOCGlNC CAJBP KJORK H SPECIALTY 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ' Thin Children. The reason why they are thin" is because their food does not nourish them. Probably they do not assimilate enough fat. Cod-liver Oil is tho most easily assimilated of all fats, but in its natural state it upsets the stom ach and deranges the digestion. In Scott's Emulsion of Col liver Oil with. Hypophosphh s this difficulty is overcome. It is half -digcstedalready and is very palatable. Children grow fat cn it when s!! other '.! r nourish them. Don't b4 ptriuatled lo tccrp '. a nAttHuit! ScoitBowii,N.Y. AIIDnigjIiU, MtaiKiJl,