The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 26, 1895, Image 4

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a to-measufe,
iHK only way to (It 'a man li to flnt find
outjuat what klud of a man you have to
t-that'i Just wliut wedo-take your
' Beaiurt eiact-andcuttho tolt tor yon-and
It must St. or we'll keep 'em-.
exclusively .r
chas. "Mcdonald,
." The Tailor.
2 Commercial Street
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
ii ii a marva . Wfl'rfl trying In
mau iuubb " - -
very way to make them the moat en
. i. Ail iha "food things'
. ,. on)oked by our excellent
ook-ln the most delicious style. Perfect
service. ,
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace." Hestaorant
Sterling Silver 1
Never has there been suoh a stock
of sterling silver Jewelry as that now
on display at pur store, wan ra w
uoes not realize' the immensity of this
EXSTROM, the Jeweler.
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
lounges, Mattresses, etc.
When the tide sets one way there la
always a cause for it
Women don't come here to buy roosts
steaks, and all other kinds of meat
simply because it's ennstensen & co. s.
Of course there are a few, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
from Ignorance, but the gTeat mass of
housekeepers buy where they can get
the best and for that reason we supply
the majority. of the families in Asto
ria for they know by experience that
ii have only the best.
CHRISTEN5EN & CO.. Prop'rs,
Hundreds of business and professional
mar are h6w coming to our place
Dally. WhyT Because they can at any
time, day or night, call for a sandwich
ken and get It.
We expected to be mobbed for these
sandwaches and our fresh 6 cent beer
when the railroad comes.
Giosbauer & Brach.
V J a.'-
Oanerai HachlnUt and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavelte St., Astoria, Or.
. ,
A Poor Cigar
W. F. SCIIIEBE . never made.
"" ' Don't expect to make, either.
" But marks this s-a-t-i-s-f-a-c-
t-l--n of the 22-karet tort has
accompanied every purchase of
one of the cigars made by him
since he began business. We've
" ' got the notion that a satisfied
- customer "cuts a big figure" in
building up a business. That's
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
so well.
Grocers, 1 and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
In Ttaa and Coffees. Table Delicacies, Domestic
and Tropical Fruits. Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Hans, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Kid Slippers!
White Kid Oxfords!
White Canvas Oxfords!
In buying these goods from us
for graduation exercises one can
be suited here Just as well as
though they had sent to Ban
Francisco and had the goods made
for them. ,
All the paten; meOicilnes advertised
In this paper, together with the eholo
est perfumery, end toilet articles, etc..
ran be bought at ins- lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drun store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, A.lorla.v
Japanese Bazaar
Ladies' and Children's hats
and duck euits. ,
Ladies' and , Gentlemen's
underwear made lo order.
- LoweBt prices in Astoria.
41? Bond 8treet next door to Mouler'i
'-Fniil Stort.U - ' ' '
Saals Steel Diet, Wood Metal.
Society Calling ards end An
nouncements Engraved and
Pri"M. -
20$ Morrison tit., Pentad, Or.
Wfyite Peque
' ' : K t.
' Kid Gloves
buttoni and heavy stitching on back a'o the
newtui uiuf iu iiovea ior summer.
Try the P. N. Corsets and you will
wear no otner.
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
endirg at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by tne united mates department of agri
culture weather bureau:
Maximum temperature, 66 degrees. r
Minimum temperature, 53 degrees.
Preclpltalton, trace. " ' "'
Total precipitation from September 1st,
18)4, to date, 76.05 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, lXHt t'0 date, 5.26 Inches.
v '
Try Smith's Ice cream. v,
Freeh candies every morning alSiuiua's.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint,
ness, No. 613 Commercial street.
THE SPA-Coaman's old stand, Is the
place for fresh candles and Ice cream.
THE SAME FLACE-118 12th Street Is
the place to buy fresh fish every day.
GRAND OPENINO-Of all kinds of for
eign novelty goods, at 666 Commercial
T. E. Schuitz, frescoe and scenic ar
tlst, with B. F. Allen, 365 Commercial
Buy your insect powder at the Kstes-
Crain Drug Store. Only 35 cents per
Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure)
and fresh from the cow daily. Keith
& Wilson.
Pure Persian Insect Powder at the B
tes-Orajn Drug Store. From 15 cents to
40 cents per can.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 628 Commer
cial street, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them. -
finest line of liquors and cigars in the
city. Call and sample them.
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana-
ban Bro.' and have it repaired.
DON'T FORGET That at Not). 214 and
216 Tenth street is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's ice cream is unequalled . Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private par
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
PLEASE STOP. As you pass by Mat.
Strait's second-hand store, on Commer
cial street, and learn prices on his stock
WAH SING & CO.-Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. -
A SURE THING That you can get
fruit and candy for less money than any
where else at M. Mtouler s, on Bond
street. ,
Allen Co., "Branch," 710 Commercial St.,
Leading Makes. Low Prices. Easy
What cows received first premium at
the World's Fair for producing' the
richest milk? Jersey cows, And those
are the only kind that J. A. Rowan
Bella milk from. " .
No 'batter milk was ever brought to
Astorta than la furnished for five cents
a quart by Keith A Wilson, and de
livered in a clean and tightly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
At !he Eastern Liock Co., 1117 12th street;
you come to think of It, after Inspecting
tne quality of goods and the terms trwy
offer, you'll ilnd it's the cheapest place
to 'buy. i
Arrived Mrs. Zwemer, trance medium,
Cun be consulted on all affairs of Ufa,
Coll nit Mrs. M. A. Hall's residence, Stl
Exchange street, old Ross residence. Cir
cles every Tuesday and Friday night at
o clock.
What brines Deonle back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the uosslhllllles everywhere else? May
be It's one 'thing, and May be It's another.
nut tne fact remains back tney come.
And of course ithe Astoria Wood Yard, is
proud of it. '
Business men, of Astoria visiting Port
land hayo for yews been accustomed
to take their mid-day lunoh at the
"Gem." The 'Gem" Is now located at
73 Third street, next door to the Alns-
worth Bank. Job. B. Penny.
Brokers and Commission Merchants.
Consignments Snlli-ltM nt Pnuitrv. Errs. Butttr.
Fruit, Flour, Feed, liraln, etc. j
Returnsi Made Quick.
Qoodst Sold at Wholesale.
No. tn Twelfth St. Astoria, Or.
(las and Steam Fitting;,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-.
179 Twelfth street. Astoria, Or.
a. v. al,i;en,
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and j
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. . ;
Car. Cms u4 Squtmoqut Street. 'AttOTla. Or
Ulackemltho. t
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, flrat-clasa horseshoeing, etc '-" '
157 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth. Astoria, Or. tu
Fresh candies' every hour 'at the B6n
bonnlere. -' ' . .
i;Oet your milk at Rel'th & WKson. '
The Scow Bay Foundry is now running
lit full blast.
Bottle of Oambrlnus beer and sandwich,
15 cents, at Jos. Terp's.
H. B. Ferguson is Buffering from an
affliction of bolls on 'the neck and face.
The As'.ortan will hereafter be found
on ta'.e at McOulre's Hotel at Seaside.
Louis and John Bordhers, of Fort Ste
vens, were In town yesterday to hear Che
railroad new.
Slop ttat tlckllmr in the tihroat twlth
Rogers' Bromeihlal Talbldlis.
J. B. CopelanJ yesterday opened his
new ihoi store and expects to riceive
more r."ock today.
Best ice cream and Ice cream soda la
the city at the Bonbonniers.
- (Plans are being drawn up for a new
and Cegamit front for Hhe real estate
ofllce of Itoibb & Parker. .
' Buy a piano or organ of !tlh'4 Wiley B.
Ann Co., wliKe the "boom" is on.
Aft of his frlenls were glad to see Dr.
Baker about again yesterday. He is re
covering rapidly from his recant acci
dent. Elegant plartoa-Oow Dfdo price. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 710 Commercial St.
The dteaimer Telephone made an excep
tionally fast run from Portland to Mils
olty yesterday. She was at her dock at
1 o'clock.
CaCl on the Wiley B. Allen Oo. and see
the Bradbury tn white mahogany. It is
a beauty.
James W. Welteh was up with the times
yesterVl'Jy and from the top of the flag
:aff in his yard was flying two large
Aimeiioin flags.
PAT LAWLBR & CO.-Fln line of
canned goods and fresh fish, 574 Com
mercial street
The streets of the city had on a holiday
air yesterday afternoon. Many business
houses were beau'tlfully decorated and
everybody was out.
If you want a, delightful shave or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. B. Hutohlns, propr.etor.
Oaipitaln U. B. Scout, Bmlllng and happy,
was among the Teteplhone crowd yester
day who iwere 'wthooplng K up" for As
toria, 'Hairrvmond and the railroad.
For fn:idh imiilk, delivered promiptly every
morviLnK, eltiher from tin cans or in sealed
glass .ir, ask fo-.- tihe Eagle DaCtry. Relth
& WllWMl.
The oorrldons of t(he Occident were
crowded all yesterday afternoon and the
only subject discussed was the glowiing
propped of Astoria's railroad.
Good fe?d and good care and good
cow make good milk. Bellth & Wilson's
EoRte Dialry is one of Uhe beilt in the
After returning from the excursion to
Ilwaco yesterday WlKamette Tribe said
that 'Astoria was too good a pCace to
leave and remained over another day.
Perfect ceanlllness and modern con
venience are the adjuncts of all well
regulated boitlh rooms. You will find
them ait the Palace. J. B. HUtdhlns, pro
prietor. Conductor Walker, of the Seashore
road, rwas in town yesterday. He eays
that since the new coaches were put on
the road is doing double Ithe business it
it did this lUme feat year.
TIHa Inrereitl nd finest assortment of
p.anos and organs ever Been in Astoria
now on exhibition at 'line w.iey a. Alien
Company, 710 Commercial street. Ask
for terms,
Thomas Rawllngs, cin Astoria boy, who
is fciim)r.,oyed on the steamship Oregon,
whldh arrCved from San Francisco yester
day, wue around town during the after
noon ensuing tainds with friends.
. The Finnish Brotherhood have made ar-
rangwnen'ts to give ithelr annual picnic
on A'uuniist lUtlh, alt Seade. As soon as
the prognaim of prises amnangied, It will
be pii'bUu'h-d.
Twenty ftaas "were flying to the breeie
in front of the Hotel Parker yesterday.
They were stretched across the street,
from the hotel to the big (Hustler flag
staff. They presented a pretty eight.
n,inm.r ! ft verv disagreeable sensa
tion. There is a place In this town where
you can sa'fsry its aemanas wim ine
cleanest And bost 25 cent meal you ever
'te. Thult place la joe 'rerp's.
An alarm 'of fire was turned In at t
o'clock yesterday aifternoom, the cause
being the discovery of a email blare at
the' Clatsop Mill. Before the department
arrived, it wae extinguished and no loss
1 The Bstea-Cnain Drug Co. have Issued
a very convenient card, giving the time
,uiKi .ur ftiha stnulI miLrcad. the de
parture of boaits oonnectlng w4th the same
. n.l nlu th KnHil Julv. Ausust
Land 8ei)teimter. All people contemplating
VlSl'Ikng Iwl'i aeasuw rrouria buiuu.uv
a't their dtore- and get a oard.
The phonograph man and balloon sellers
are making their appearance In large
numbers. A balloon man arrived on the
'Telephone yesterday and ten minutes af-
iter landing wae tn business on one of the
en reel corners.
The first man to write his name upon
lintel rw laier as being connected with
ithe railroad, was one of the engineers
who entered the following name at the
Occident yesterday: E. R. Hamilton, A.
and C. R. Ry.
Marrted-dn this city. Wednesday even-
tmr. July AS, 1896, at Orace Episcopal
Church, by the ev. William Seymour
Short, Mr. Thomas Foster, brother of
Chief Engineer Foster, and Miss Emma
Deil, daughter of Captain George Bell.
A targe bundle oC nreworke was acci
dentally set off -In ront of Danlelson's
saloon last evening, causing the roaeJway
to catch Are. First Assistant Stewart
and seven! others wkb the aid of sev
eral buckets of water, soon put It out'.'
ConxMlie Fred Oberg returned yester
day from serous te r(w, where he had
gone to serve papers upo Mrs. A. FH
borg, against whom toer husband has
brought-' eulf tot d'dlasoliKilon Ct lht
bonds of mitrimony. Mr. Frlborg is at
preieot a resident of Eureka, CaL
The. Erlckson saloon on . Astor street
Is Uhe plaice to go wtien in need of wines,
liquors or cigars. Experienced and'obllg
ing men are emuCoyexl and the establlBh
rnent Is the best arranged and neatest in
town. "Kopp'e best" constantly on hand.
Call around. ,
Oiuoer Oberg staiHe Uhat theboat which
was reported s having been stolen at
Knappton yesterday was returned to Mr.
Roseburg. It had become unfastened
from 'the (wharf end drifting down the
river was picked up by a party who did
not knorv to whom It belonged until read
ing the published notice.
We beg to announce that we secured
two of the beat known erttots on crayon
work and we will enlarge your photo
on small weekly or monthly payments,
or for dash if you please. As to the work
manship we guarantee to be of the finest
kind. Our patrons are aware of the fact
that we do not handle Cheap John goods,
so we do not believe In Cheap Tom work
manship. Thanking you for your lib
eral paitronagie we ere.
Very Respectfully Yours,
The moat liberal credit house 107 12th
street, Astoria, Or.
A large package of reworks was taken
to the ibamd stand or Eleventh street hill
last evening, for the purpose of adding
to the evening's demonstration. A mis
chievous boy set Are to the package and
the fireworks went off at once, rolled
down, the west back and set Are to the
steps leaUiiig up the hllil. The chemical
engine was quickly on 'the scene and the
blaze extinguished.
The Pacific Commission Co. received by
steamer from California 600 packages as
sorted produce, consisting of cling and
free Atone peaches, black, blue, red and
green plums, grapes, nectarines, toma
toes, apples, sweet amd hot peppers, pears,
prunes, apprlcots, oranges, lemons, sweet
cherries, musk melons, can'tclopes, water
melons, cherries, honey, etc., etc., etc.
Call and see ue, 122 12th etrect.
A pCeasant lawn party took place last
evening1 at the home of Mrs. Captain
Kindred. The grounds were neatly dec
orated with Chinese lanterns and a pleas
ant evening of music, games und refresh
ments was passed by those present.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fisher,
Mrs. Capt. Kindred, Mr. land Mrs. T.
Smith, the Misses Fisher, Goodman,
Rodgens, Fletfcher, Roberts, Burns, Gran
dee, and Messrs. Carney, Turner, Camp
bell and Clancy.
The U. 5. Gov't Reports
Show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
The W. W. Kimball Co. Incorporated In
New York State for "1000,000.
Music trades have known for some
months past that the W. W. Kimball
Co., of Chicago, had incorporated in New
York state with a capital of $000,000, but
as the-whole plan had not been definitely
decided upon, it was deemed better to
krep the naws 'for a! while.
I aim enabled now 'no state that the W.
W. Kimball Co. have come east to Stay,
and to make a big 'bid for ithe eastern
trade, and especially for the. trade in
rich central New York. Muslc Trades,
New York, February 2, 1895.
This Is only a side Issue with the great
Kimball Co., which evidences its push,
energy and financial success. They S:t
aside $000,000 for (New York state alone,
while numerous Biwatl fry whose entire
capital Is only J10.000, $20,000 or j0,000,
make a great stir, send out "flaming
circulars" and showy catalogues, claim
ing to be Uhe biggest people on earth in
the piano business and threatening dire
ca'.amity to an,w iwho may come in their
way. It s the same old story of the lit
tle bull who defied 'the locomotive the
locomotive passed on and 'the little bull
was heard of no more. Thus does the
great Kimball Co. pursue the even tenor
of Its way, attending etrlctly to its own
busness unmindful of the railings and
ye'.ps of all small ifry following in its
wake. The Kimball piano and organ
have merit and are eoM strictly on their
merits. Until within the past few years
the sale of the KI'mlbaJl pianos and organs
has been confined principally to the mid
dle, southern and western states, but
their sale has since been pushed into the
far east where over 300 dealers are now
handling theim with unparalleled success
In the iface of the so-cailled o'd-time man
ufacturers of New England, and the com
pany by this last move is bearding ithe
lon 1a his den. The sale of the Kimball
Is not confined to one county or state,
'but has the world for Its market.
Km'ball pianos and organs are modern
Instruments, possessing all the latest Im
provements, and are up to date in every
respect, and are used and endorsed by
a'.l the leading musicians of the day,
while certain so-called old line munu
facturers, being aeCfatlslied with their
own , egotism and conceit, have become
antiquated and are relegated. You want
a modem piano or organ, not an an
tiquity. For tunther evidence of the great su
periority of the Kimball in point of tone,
touch, material and construction, you
have but to call and see arid examine
the carloads of these cetebratvd Instru
ments now on sale. Respectfully,
Pacific Coast Representative.
J. C. Hill, of Vancouver, Wash,, is reg
istered at ithe Parker House.
Ex-Oaptam of Police Tlchnor, of Port
land, was (n Astoria yesterday.
W. Hammond and wife, and Mrs. Hall,
of Ilwaco, are guests of the Ast or.
Reporter Pease, of the Portland Ore
goniao, was a passenger on the Telephone
Mrs. M. B. Bosorth . and daughter ar
rived home yesterday. They have been
spending a week with Portland friends.
Professor A. . Tuttle, of the Univer
sity of Virginia, Is sn the city, a guest
of Mr. iL. B. eetey. with whom he ar
rived on the Telephone yesterday after
noon. Mr. George Dickinson, assistant super
intendent of the Northern Pacific Rail
road company, arrived with the Ham
mond party yesterday. Mrs. Dickinson Is
with him.
Fred 'W. Oassedey,
M. Huntsr. PVI'd .
Portland. -
C. W. Flanders,.
J. Jensen, Portland.
Q.' A. Campbell.
M-rtonetta, : Wis.
J. F. Cavlns. P-fl'd
'Mrs. C. McDonald,
Jos. 8c renter, P'tla'd
W. Holmes. War'i'n
E. V. Norton.Pltl'd
W. Hammond fcnd
Miss Habtte H&rri
omind. I
Mrs. Z. DuRstte,
Gervals. . Or.
wife, llwato. -Mrs.
Hal, Ilwaco
Mrs. Elina Mitchell,
W. A. Reid, Rainier
C. Caif.eon, San F.
Goncs Constable,
J. O. LeKhson,
Skamok ws.
W. O. Boomer, City
Monticello's Boiler Bursts and
She Is Towed to 'Frisco.
Durant Must Be Tried in Same Court
No Trouble Anticipated
San Francisco, July 26. The steumer
Montlcello, built to carry, passengers and
freight across Puget Sound, on the trip
down the coast to this port, the boiler
burst off Point Arena and , for nearly
forty-eight hours she floated in closer
and closer to shore until the steamer
San Benito took her in tow and brought
her safely Into harbor. The owners of
the 'Montilcello had announced that she
was intended to run to VeUejo in opposl
tlon to the steamer iSumoO, and the South'
ern Pacific. Strangely enough It was a
Southern Pacific steamer that came to
her rescue and now has a dalm for sal
vage against her. It was about 2 o'clock
Tuesday morning (When- the explosion took
place. There .were weak plate, la the
boiler and two of thelm bulged outTand
ripped a seam under pressure: of 120
pounds of steam. The san Benito lay
by aM last night, land today 'towed the
disabled .vessel into port. ,"'
Lightning Transforms Engine and
Coaches Into a Train of 1 ire.
MldJUetown, Ohio, July 25. During the
electiricul storm, which, was so severe in
and about this city last evening, a west
bound train on the (Mlddletown & Cincin
nati railroad had a peculiar experience at
Monroe, just east of here, The train and
the storm seemed to collide about the
time Ithe station was reached, and for a
space of several minutes t'tife engine and
cars seemed to have been transformed
Into balls of fire.
The lightning played all over the en
gine and along the tops and sides of the
cars, little tongues of flame earning
to leap from one thousand different
p'.aces. The passengers' were badlly frigh
tened, but no One was hurt, with the
exception of M1ss Jewel Palmer, of this
city. Her left arm evfdemtly came In
contact with some A the Iron work of
the car, and she iwas severely shocked..
The shock frightened her, tout did not per
manently injure her, although her arm
nd leflt side were temporarily paralyzed.
San Francisco, July 25.-The case where
in the constutionallty of the federal ship-
pi IS flaws is lnvc.vtd 4s now being heard
in tliie United States district court here.
The suit in question is that by which
four alleged mutineers of the bark Aja-
go, Philip Olsen, John. Bradley, Morris
Hansen, and 'Robert Rolbsrt'son, seek their
liberty on the ground that they are being
held by the United Siutes marshal under
and old English laiwi which ' they claim
Is contrary to the tpirlt of (American lib
The charge against them is mutiny
They Shipped from this port originally
fcr the Columbia river, thence to Valpa
raiso and return. They ''deserted their
ship at Astoria, and, refused to go fur
ther. Then tlhey were arrested by the
United States marshal there and held in
'the Jail until the ship was ready to leave
port, when they wepa returned to her.
As they still refused to work the ship
put In here and they were re-arrested.
Washington, July 25.-The treasury de
partment has declined to entertain a pro
test by the vice-president of the humane
society against the entry into the United
Statea of bulls and torreadors from Mex
ico fo.- bull fighting exhibitions at the
AtCarKia, Exposition. The secretary is
asked that the buKs be excluded on the
ground that they are Immoral instru
ments and the torreadors that their ad
mission would violate the eontract labor
law. ' " '!"'' '
Assistant Secretary Hamlfcie lif' reply
cites Section 10 of the. act of 1891, pro
hibiting the Importation o "any obscene
book, pamphlet, drawing, painting, lnstru
ment, or any other articles of immoral
nature." The letter then proceeds: "If,
as stated, the exhibition of bull fighting
is prohibited by the laws of Georgia, it
la 'expected that the authorities of the
state wOil prevent It, but the subject does
not oppear to come within the Jurisdiction
of the department."
Breakwater, JuQy 26. The schooner Car
rie A. Lane, which arrived here last
night and reported having een fired on
by a Spanish warship, is still anchored
eff the breakwater. Captain F. W. Quick,
commander of the schooner, seems to be
disposed to treat the matter lightly. He
"The Lane cleared from Clerrfugos,
which is on the south side of Cuba, on
July 11. At J o'clock on the morning of
the 18th a steamer flying the Spanish
flag anchored near and fired a shot
across her bows. . The Lane was then a
mile and a half from shore and of course
within Spanish waters. We did not stop
at the first shot. Thereupon, the Spaniards
fired a setond shot, which passed about
twenty feet in tront of our bow and
struck the water beyond. Wo then lost
no time In heaving to. They then search
ed the vessel and finding no contraband
goods allowed us to go."..,.
Washington, July 26. Bids toave been
cpened at the navy department for cer
tain Irhprovemeivts to the Puget Bound
n&r&I station,' and for the construction of
office buildings and officers' quarters. The
lowest bid was the Selndorff Construction
Company, of ScaKle. at ,for deep
ening tits approaches to the channel the
lowest bidders were the New York Dredg
ing Company, at 33.7 cents per cubic yard
for entire work, and 38 cents for limited
quam'tlty, with 6 2-3 cents additional for
additional work; for a well and pumping
plant the only bidders were Howard Jop
lln an J. N. Gibson, of Seattle, $76 for
the pumps, and for the well $400 for 100
feet; $500 for 200 feet; $550 for $300 feet,
amd $5.60 for each additional foot up to
500 feet.
San Francisco, July 25. Cholera is rag
img in Japan, and nearly every province
In the little empire reports a heavy death
rate from- the disease. Officers and pas
sengers of the City of Pekln tell of
deaths from cholera in the streets of
cities where the steamer called, from
this disease. 'Until the steamer Bailee
from Yokohama 1183 deaths had been re
ported. The disease was brought to Jap
an by -the forces returning from the war
in China and Corea, and whenever s
retgiment was sent horns and disbanded
eases of cholera .began- to develop, and
'the disease spread with such rapidity thai
the physicians were unable to keep it in
San Francisco, July 25. In denying the
motion tor a change of venue in the Dur
rani murder case, Judge Murphy an
nounced .that the so-called play based
upon the Emanuel church murders could
not be produced during fhe trial or while
the action was pending in the superior
The empanelling of jurymen then com
menced. Fifty of the jurors offered were
accepted by the court. From the other
hundred jurors who had been summoned
an attempt' was then made to secure
tweUve tallsmen.
A number of young women struggled
with Other curiosity seekers to obtain
admission to the trlul.
Washington, July 26. Apprehension of
serious trouble on the Isthmus of Pan
ama, owing to Uhe strike of railway em
ployes, was considerably relieved by the
receipt of a telegram today from United
States Consul General Vlfqualn, of Pana
ma. stating that the governors of the
Province of, Panama had assured the
consul general of his ability to main
tain order there. It is therefore proba
ble that a warship will not be de
spatched to ithe isthmus unless affairs
tssirme a more threatening aspect than
they have at present.
Washington, July 26. There is reason to
believe that as a. result of the special
cabinet meeting held in Washington last
week Secretary Herbert has abandoned
his Intention to leave the Florida coast
and West- Indlas without a naval vessel
and has ordered the Atlanta to remain
ot watch to head oft the filibustering ex
pedltion which the Spanish minister re
ported was about to clear from the same
port in the United States for Cuba-
Port Townsend, July 25. The British
steamier Antwerp City urrlved today from
Kobe, Japum, listed by the United States
quarantine authorities as a cholera port
without a dear bill of health. The ves
sel was put In quarantine. No sickness
eil aboard. After belns thor
oughly fumigated the vessel wi'll be al
lowed to proceed.
Chicago, July 25. Gen. Schofieid returns
to Washington this evening. He had In
-ron-dad inaoectlne the department ot
Missouri preparatory to maklns out hi
annual report, but the Indian outbreak
has caused him to change his plans and
he will return to Washington tn order ti
direct whatever movements may b; re
Sydney, July 25. The result -of the gen
eral elections In New South Wales are as
follows: MinlsteriaSs, 61; labor, support
ing ministry, 19; government, 80; opposi
tion, i; independent, 1. Otherwise clas
sified, the result is: Free traders, 62
protection, U; labor, 19.
Detroit, July 25. In the trotting race
today for the $2000 purse, Klamath won
William Penn second; Nightengale third.
The best time by Klamath was 2:08.
William Penn won the third heat in
2;07 S-4, and broke the world's record for
trotting geldings.
Liverpool, July 26. Wheat--iSpot, firm
demand, moderate; No. 2 red winter, 6s
5d; 'No. red spring, 5s 8Mid; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, 6s fid; No. 1 California, 5s d.
(Hops-At London, Pacific Coast, f2.
New York, July 25. 'Hops quiet.
Washington, Ju'.y 25. The war depart
ment has been Informed that a company
of cavalry from Fort Robinson left there
at 8 o'clock this morning for Newmarket,
Idiho, which is near the scene of (he
threatened outbreak.
London, July 25. The receiving order in
the bankruptcy case was Issued against
Oscar Wilde's property today by the
Marquis of Queensbury, claiming 677
costs In the debtor's unsuccessful action
for '.IbeL
Having great faith in the future of As
toria, and. berelvlng that with her su
perlorgeographical location over Puge
Sound cities, her two thousand miles of
navigable streams flowing through the
wheat fields of Eastern Oregon. Washing
ton, and Idaho; her vast lumber, coal,
fishing, and other lndustrUs; her superior
6hippng advarrteges over all other cities
north of San Francisco; and believing
that with the completion of the railroad
now - being constructed, that here will
spring up one of the largest cities north
of 6am Francifco, we have opened a teal
estate and investment ofllce at No. -170
and 472 Commercial street, and solicit a
chare of your patronage. Having had
twelve years' experience in the real es
tate business, and being in direct com
jmmfcition with a larse number ot In
vestors we believe our facilities for nan 1
11 rg real estate as good as any firm on
the Pacific coast. We shall, at all times.
do our best In securing manufacturing
lrdustries and promoting the up-building
of your city. All busln s' entrusted to
our care will receive prompt- and careful
attention. Very Respectfully Yours,
The 'American Singer Creates a Great
Sensaitloo In Bulbyreuth as "Elsa." '
The magnificent presentation 'of
"Lohengrin" at Babyreuth last Friday
was doubly marked, because it was the
first time "Lohengrin" was ever brought
out at then Wagnerian festivals, and.
second, because of ithe appearance of
Lillian Nonllca, the soprano, in the role
of Blsa, the first time an American
slng-.r has ever been Invited to partici
pate. Nordlca's success was marked.
The cable dispatches said:'
"Her performance was ths .first artistic
contribution that America has made for
the success of these festivals, and her
work today gave the Americans present
every reason -to be proud of her. No
native singer evur achieved a more pro
nounced triumph than did Mme. Nordica,
the first foreign singer to appear in so
important a part as Elsa."
It is interesting to know that Nordica's
preliminary rehearsing was to the ac
companiment f a Chicago made piano.
In a recent letter to a friend she wrote
as follows: "I do all my studying on
my Kimball piano and the longer I use
It the better I like it."-Chicago Tribune,
June 28.
Clatsop Beacf?
Seashore Hailaiay Company
In Effect July 19, 1895.
lioits leave Astoria one half hour before
trains leavos bridge.
oa. m Nhht boati fiom l'ort-
; laiMl.
0:30 a. m p'oat from Astoria.
3 11 in Day bont- from l'ortl nd.
T5:4 p. 111 HoHt Irom Aitoria.
I p. m. guturday iKoats from i'ort and and
7 p. m. Saturday Steamer Potter from Port
land and Astoiia.
6:15 r,. m. Sunday 'Fnats from Astoria.
S a. 111
tl:J5 p. m
tl:15 p. 111
2Ab p. 111. SuturJsy.
5:15 p. m. Sa'urday.
5 p. 111. Minouy
Day boats lor Portland.
Diiut for Astnr a.
Niiiiit bouts for Portland,
ii' at f t Astoiin.
lio its for Ast ria and Port
land. S'eniiier Polter for Ilwaco.
Bciils for Astoria and Port
land. "Daily except Monday
tLuily except c-'uliird iy ami Sunday.
For freight and passenger rtM apply to
'J. f. LrSTKK, Mip't.,
Betshoro Kuil ay Co , Kcasid.-. Ore.
Girl wanted for general housework. Ap
ply Mrs. Th. Olsen, 627 Grand avenue.
WANTED Fifty men at the Jim to get
a 10 cent shave and a 15 cent hair cut.
378 Astor street, next door west of the
Parker House.
WANTED AgenW to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further informa
tion, address G. M. Etolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some ofllce work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families -and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
'PENT FOR SALE, 'A striped 'tent. Call
at FinCayiiuvTs dock. Ninth street.
FOR SALE-500 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODS Just out Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND An anchor and chain, on the
2!'ih inst, by steamer O. K. Apply to
A E. Sake.
FOUND A silver witch, which the
owner can have by calling at this ofllce
end proving property.
FOR RENT Two four-room cottages,
at $10 each a mionith. Inquire alt 17th St.
and Jerome avenue.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
tion. ,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.