The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 21, 1895, Image 2

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8ent by mall, per year 17.00
Sent by mall, per month 60 ots
Served by carrier, per week.. .. 16 cts
Address U cpmmunioaitlons to The
Pally Astorlan.
Sent by mall, per year, $2.00 in advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
.The Aatorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation ol any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can bo 'had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly in the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
lurgest weekly olrculatlon In the state;
Jno. T. Hamlley & Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
stand on First street. ,
Telephone No. 66.
All communication Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
With improving times tihe old danger
of immigration returns with
all itfua attendant errors. During the do
pressed financial period, Immigration, like
everything else, fell below i'ts previous
records, and among Ithe many unfortun
ate oondl'tions which prevulled we en
Joyed the one good of immunity from the
previous Influx of undesirable population.
.The puMcatton ft (figures showing how
immlgra'tlon had declined in the two
years of dtpresfc'.on led many peopte to
suppose -that ut had been permanently
checked and that some radical lmprov
oienit had taken place, either In the na
ture or ithe enforcement of our immigra
tion Jaws. Th. Is a wholly "Jhisitaken
idea. The rules for the exclusion of
undtaSlnalbla immigration are mo more
rigorous and are enforced with no mure
vigJance hun they were lUhree years ago.
Our country is tJUll open t'o the Invasion
of tiHsaaaed, (pauperized and morally pes--lXenlt
As long as nestta with ithe officers of
tlhe OteamsMp -cumipunlles to decide who
shall enter and iwh'o shall not, there Is
likely to be little br no improvement.
These officials may be imen of average
latttprJty, but Ithey are working for tlie
interests of ithelr companies, not for the
lnlberedts of the Uni'ted States. They are
put upan ba'Kh itltiialt Itfioir passengers do
not belong 'to Ithe excluded classes and
are required to put ithe applicants for
patfsago 'through a formal examination,
being Uhius depiendent for their Informa
tion on tlhe word of these people them
selves, wWo are naituriilly as much inter
ested as tlhe companies in being able to
pass the rules. 'A Bllglhit nudxal cxamlln-
a'tlon la atoo required. This is probably
sufficient to ahijt out contagious (lis
eases and perhaps 1 insane people- and
ldl.ois. The Boston Journal calls tutiten-
Hon to several popular mtoconoeptlons of
the requiromeuilts of our llimmlgniitlon
laws, soma at -which are too Irequ. ntly
dAvX naimfcfly, Uialt 'the (mmlgrunt shall
be able to read and iwrtte, and that he
hull aiffls J30 in money. Neither stipu
lation loppea'ia anywhere in the laws of
the Un'-l-ed Sl.ouefl as regards immigra
tion. Thiey do tippoor lit th'e aHeannphlp
oompainles' formula, In the shape of
questions to be put to the timimigrant,
Biit illhey are there lor Btnttatlcal pur-
poWes, noil tu act as a baTrler for shift
less and Ullteratie lmimigranits.
It ts therefore as important as evur-
more limpoiitunt in tdils critical stage of
our history that mr bniiugraiiion laws
sliould be revised wnd that itlutr enforce
moot should be trade .obligatory upon
tk'me sat of oflldala iwho will have an
Interest in sett'ng them property carried
out. Obviously Illids can only be done
by placing tlhe first responsiblUity la the
handu Of oIlta.aL'ls at foreign port's, and
Jt nuturutly fottouvs that itho consuls
shouM have the supervision of iiwm ra
tion laddied to Ithetr duUwj, being alloweJ
soma exltira asa.ritance if aeccesary. Every
consul thus empwvred should be in
struateU to demand of each Intending
lmmllgranit a cerUfkiaJte from IttK-a ofllclals
of the ikstrict (from iwh'lch he came, bltut
Irg his cotiull-ilo-n, mentul, physical and
flnunUal. Theme tCiould also be at his
service the of a competent phys;
clan to examine the Inwulisirant Just bo-
fore Oj.ibai-katlon. Whatever tiiie rules
of exx-Sualon may be, they can only bv
cunried out in some such way as this.
That May should be Wore swore than
they uro now Is mot to be questiomd,
nrtilll the results of their enforcement or
ivjn-en'foccttnent are- B.mply incalculable
In tlhe future of our country,
There (s an interesting and useful ob
ject lemon In the abstracts of the tax s
assessed for the present year In New
York for state and city purposes, as
shown by the Globe-Democrat. The- tax
payers number 79,000, or one In twenty'
two of the lultat population cf the city.
That Is to soy, the whole burden of such
taxation for a city of nsariy 2,000,000 In
haMtanlts (3 borne by this comparatively
small proportion of c.tlsens, one-half of
the amount being pad by letrt than 1000
persons. The valuation of all property
-of the city listed for taxation is $1,014.
647,615, and the sum to be collec'.cd frvm
It 4a $37.476,9C0, or 1.83 p.r cent of the prin
cipal, wh'.ch Is about one-fourth of in
earning cap&clly under reuuonable condi
tions. Not a dollar of this taxation Is
collect.! from oocupan'ts or tenanfts, or
from the wage-earning ctasjea, as we
caH thero, but from the capitalsis and
owners otf rial ests. whom the Income
Hax mi '.rtt-onded to reach. The tax
books of every other large cliy present
the same proof of the fact that the nch
do not 'ISiolr proper share of the
f.?o It Is not by '.to many,
but by the few, that the taxes of (lie
country are pTlrtclplly paid, and all talk
to the contrary 1b refuted by the official
fijures which are all open to ln;ip?cLlon
Our Kate and local taxea 'comstiltute
I'no bulk of the aggregate contributes
that are required 'to be made for carry
ilng on the business of government. The
floral revenue Is obtained 'In an
way, chiefly from duties, but the
s:ates, counties and, municipalities levy
t.-ibulto d,'.rcctJy upon the property within
her JurtsJlctlon, not in a per capita
fusli.ion, but according to Its value; and
and 'the result is that In every community
a ni.nort'ly lit Whe people pay most of the
tjxec. In other words wv have class
taxation, noDwllhisltantllng our theory of
eriuallty and uniform ty and the clas3
at,'ali:fat twh'xh the discrinuna'tlon Is made
does r.'ot reirrci'ent the labor of the coun
try. The pi-oportion of taxpayers to non-
taxpayers Us much smaller than Is goner
ally unUerut'ood. There are far moi-e
mien Who never fay a dollar in that re
spect than there are men who pay ev.n
such a Bum. The assertion that an in
come ilix or any cJiher peti,al devlcs Is
necessary to compel the to pay a
proper part of the taxes does not deserve
serious cowalderation, for the reason that
tho tax-books answer i t in a plain and
conclusive way. There are some fonms
of proiperty which escape taxation, but
the fact remains that the burden Is so
Imposed thut it fa! is mainly upon i"no
capltaHts ana largre proprietors, an-I not
upon ttoe tolling masses whom 'the d(an
aigoguie'S are always telling that they are
being opprelsseil and impoverished tiy
lawra relating 'to Ithe collection of money
for puJb'ile purposes.
The nlivy deiartment, through the con
strmotjon cortp3, and special offlcjrs do
tailed for the purpose, is miking up a
report for the u'.se of Hie poatoillce de
parement, thawing JufJt wbait American
steaimei-s are tllgible for subsidies under
the law passed by Ithe Fifty-first congress.
So far they have exiimined thirty vetwi-ls,
luct'UJIng the steaimers of the Iniknia
tlonial Navigation company (ilia American
1 ne), Ithe rarfflc Mall vasels, and many
aWitirS Ot J.ncs plying betwe.n the United
States and foreign countries. All these,
with one exception, have been found to
comply with the requirements of Hie
subsidy act In their ab.l'.ty to carry guns
and bei tramsformed into war veisstls in
time of inecld. The exception wis one ves
sel of the Inltirnatlonal, which
Should have fchoiwn fourteen knots of
speiAl, but rcully developed 13.0S knots. In
this case onofhtir fti'al was arranftcd for,
but itihls will lnvoOve the los'3 of a trip
by the vessel. Th last of the big ships
to be examined was the I'ars, ait Now
York, a fUw d iyis ao, and while the ro
su'llts of the oxamlnatjon hove not been
recolvid nt the dojpart'ment, It Is not,
doutncid that she will I prove to be iu f
lufoctory a her slater tJhlp, the New
The money que'stlon Is be' ng asltulc'd
to divert the public imlnd from the real
Issue ftlio tarttf. The two questions uro
bound to go hand ln hand. Tlio Dcmo-
or.itfl iwan't to keep the pe.:i.lo from
thlnUntr ubooit the tariff for a few jvars,
and they hope that In the meantime ilie
eomrary with 11a wonderful resources,
wJl have regained lis lost bua.iuws uutn
ckmltly to tOrrJw the pople K .the iraclk.
Tlie 'Democrats hope, by a J raling, the
public will for.jet Ills troubled bio;ir;iit u.'i
by Vlulr miserable, liieiiipetent uir.ll'
t.nkerlnif. lit Is p.ti'n as diy we mum
have a 'protective tariff In or J r to pros
per. Wh-tare we what kind uf money
wo htive If wk? have no ibii'tiKBs to tran
sact with any kind of money? We do
not want Wall etreeJt buying or s lllnl;
our money, and in that way Injur'nn L"r
buwIiiiMW, and the flivt of ail question-?
w.'t'h Alnerlon, muA be that we enact laws
wiljch 'Willi Improve our bii3ltu.u. And
tho-jse onus are iinalnly proiiV'tlve m.n'i
ures. K'j.v that 'lii-a seawon for the
si.sis-lioru ivsivrlla h.m fairly sot in, and
t'he ovei'worlud titiaineu's jnan an'd tli'nl
hio'u''o are is. ek'inisr relux.uilon fim
rare and the rAmjieratlon of spent' c-ner-K'UU
4,n a short o.i'ii .inuinion nature
aii'd a l:p In old ocean, i't is not out of
place to u-iige-e.l; that Oreon is for Ore
gonlaii!, aii'd chat our ho'ine tiiorta should
be pjilronll.e'.l In pmfiiivuoe to others.
OiWion'u coast weenory -S unoxc-eClcd any
wlliere aird her hea'. lies uro the best pro-
tivte'd safest for 'b.itherj. The liol'el
and c..'.l..'.i.;e3 are smie-i'lor, olTirluj '. VL-ry
cjnvfd'; -iU.i't co-uM bo dv.-ilrc'd. Our e.'.l-
en, -In Clioewlng iWie'lr isuwuiKr plave of
vlla rtvoul'd ftloo exuviae t..'i.'lr patriot
.win arid loyally, pii'tlcu'iuirly as the d
vuu'iagtii oliertU aro of the best. Vvjnen
speiM.i, your miou'ey for and
roereaMio.i, spend It sit 'hbiiie if yij-u con.
'Plw monl.nly dwlcit will pretiably grow
smaller as busineus ge;8 better ai.J the uf Ueimoera'tle 111,0 bovomos short
er, tout sue'li a I'lilng as a surp.iid is hard
ly to b expected until after the liiaiu;u-
rauon of a It pu'bl'.can president In l.vti.
The A'ave-rtcan people are noit worrying
so jnucSi about t'h? po-tblllty of a tiilrd
twin for OeA-etand ns they ute about the
fact KMX there is et.'.l a good deal of iilti
seoo-n'd term 'to be endured.
Wages aro b.lnsj odvauccj bucjuse the
fact lis rekxurnlited thait the next admin
istration lis to be a bond-paying liutead
of a bond-Issuing one.
KxivK-n.a u.;lu.
Tlw tHi'liime-'nt of JtooO.OOO tn cold nt the
ed'.so of laa; week fiMin New lode for
Europe la rcpuilteU to ili.ivo citiA'd con
sldciuiul'i Kuk on tlie s.abouixl. S-mie
peijilo profews to evn; tn t'tie inovemeot a
iviiaxtiig of ilhe pjuvr of tlie bond eyn-
d.uajte, and hl:.t a siifpclon that
It lis a "b'.ow u. 1 ned ut 'tilie government's
ploiey of ai'Jtorfouiliaiiig free coinage." The
man inlho lis not ail the lime on the lo.k.
011K iL-r iwMuJ mo.v Und underhand
Woa'k proUib.y will bo JK-Un d o re
Kurd t'he inHovnent ns a one. The
xjor.U .Ion of our farm produce baa been
enow for Be'wr'il yvaia p.Kt. The rise
of about 30 cents perbushel .n wh-.nt in
this swirkvit ciuiwtd Kuropntn .irrpiortors
of In'Oiubltuuls to look elae.ntb.ere. They
fotEil.1 On 'hoT.di'rs of wtieat In Russia.
AfyiJ.ina und lrAliu jrlad to vccei
ura whtefa wer a miJtwarr.'.al advance
on thi wkj liey lhad aked previously.
thiUiih not hlsh to prevent
buVlnilAt tn c.mtpatCtwn w.. Ii ourselw t.
So ttve rXTilt t!ii;iniior.ita fronn Lhose oiSier
couri!.o'w bl.wt b.'en la-rge enou..h to sup-
u!v kih nnrwnt n-U of th? lr.r!rf
Is's, leaving che imports from the Vnttcd
Suites to flffiire In the statistics as sor- DUANE STREET INPROVE-MENT NO
plus over una m'hiVe the current reiu:re- TICE.
monlM. Corn, too, 'has bic-n ' in price,
tSioUo:i IMkw fact lus not pievcn'-l the
sale of ca:,"xn, and tiis lir.tln'h l
deman'd fwr ir p-.rlc pivducls .s iilow i
for ulnUiar 'audi.' reasons.
Of coui8 !oii-r Jm;j;iis vt foroia tr:'jds,
creJl:tj for a vUiJt aintutint of travel by
Amei-lcaiis t'o ar. 1 In Eiuvpo, and In
tcr.a: and ijv.demU on ..nve-vtmeiua .n
this country, . havi got I) be jaid for
Somiclliow. if oiox in j-roJuce 'or manufac
tured, then In tiro.i-.-y, and tlie foreigners
d'o not vu-evt tuv.ilngi cf I'lie Ire.
6l!ver.i.:3 ,r-:e '.':.. l: s xiun our.eeu f
.lvar 'are tonal tiv itilue Co one ounce
of e'Jl'd. Tie.-y -ware. t!w.r p;y in Bold
mmey. Tiie 'marL-c for s'.'-riiug exchange
has fc'h'.nvn the esi.-.'Ur.ce of a. bilai; d -man-i
fir er, JUis abroa'J during some
wc-2l03 ixvi'i, and t'he demand had to be
mOf. li l.L-t'! been ramored O'.iat the b.ak
in '.''lic'-it Ca'eli wx't wlss cn;rinLeroJ by
rn(.l M'-io wero anxlH'.i to iiave .b: price
of U .ereV.s !., Ty.zii S'J mui'a as to
eni'o-j-:vr:: :i;al puvcha by foreigners,
an'd tviAjJS.y t.'3 curr.-wj will be found
to l live ?.:'i.r.-ul'.i!:cd, the export movenient
of Wucat, Ibalt n t il'o the (Same; tliat
would Ciaw been errrl ncd with k-ss
Ml.-ll'lii:,':;J-j to '. 11 by hoi'dois in otner
bjtsris. If, ;vcvcr, it be true, as ln-tCm-i-wd,
I'ajK nil -30 oi'her off.n-oign have
nearly ex'.-iausie'd 'the prciout auility vt
ej.-eiii, and I'.'he crop pmypxts in Kurope
are po'orcr It ban a f.'.v weeks uyo, we
may look for actlvXy in tlie expert of
'ti'lioaii teem '.'lie Un.i-.ed Scutes nd u
corrtt-pni;'.Kr taflnxr up In -the market
for fere',-;.! cxcCiar.-je, wSileh w.U rend.r
It nc.ultva to ixiJ,k inure gold. Whether
or nor. the tide Will id; !n tine t'liier
way, ylvlng u.s lini;iji.i of ,-oia from Eu
rope, ts another quwllon. Dut a all
probability i'iio anw.ver thereto w.l! foe
given 'by triv.le iDiidiia'or.B, and by them
only. (CLjiaigo Ti'.bune.
Forulyn papers raid that l'rofc:eor
Leyden, the ftimoui (k-rman phys ci.m,
rec.Cval $io,0o0 for eki.erMtig liut laie czar
in h'ls imi Hints:.
She Uolccl
Bliio I'ooked
li'.'n w oi surprise,
; il.iiu with tear-briuuned
Her t'lii t-c-i J:.-l ioa:L'd r.o motion tr.aped,
No word h' -r curling bps esc 'ped.
Hir t-y-s iti.t bgat, her voice win,
He e-.-i.y tuli: "I love you, dear!"
11-c-r cyi ttv.iv d---cp v.ix'i anger's Ciue,
Tucy 'j,ll.i-ned '.nto t-njer blue;
The. haiwhiiy cxve hfr Hp forsHik;
H-er 1'iy open on h-'r book.
Th-en las il:e si'Oke 'he dre.v more Ii'ir,
A'nd laid at-,ai:i: "I low yon, dear."
V .ure E
i.vvll.-; v.ral
ifji ay ;
Her 'Fi'iOe'.i 'li.i.;ed ti.'.l t'ho tears
fciie leoltc'd 'at hi.-n, "Ah, d'o not
I, toil, "m fay, "i lova you,!"
Jl'i emillv roplU J, "Our li a rs are near,
lli.i i a-J.; Were o:.ll, "I love y'ju, U.arl'
Ah! 'w1':en Mlie f!i-e Jt ang-.-r burns,
A'ild 01.I Ui'e'a .".Vet to b,tti-r turi.-i,
When -J'r.-',
1 . .1 '1
H ,ve
.'.v.'.-) are 11.1 !v n.if, lips ch.
1 it'i iltorm and to r-'gret;
-e If
Ore'.ic lli-.n; 11 ,ir
'! "I lov-i you, dear.'
Vlh Id av:
-Lydi 1
,very o:ii y.
who care lo pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest co.,t Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, ami arc
IlkHITllilATlt P
.M 1-lX't'
rrtr'i: r
rr. iiy v Veil A:-
t'he rom
t'.i, Ore.,
Ill Ml COUO.eil
have -d.-'-i-r:.-.'
fi-e--u i.-.'e fo,
i t'he north
l:i !'';e ri:y
if !!i. Ci.y A-t-r
rod 1 o ;-,i';o-:,v.' 1,4..
:h line of'a..'.!;
line of (liand Av
,' A..;.r!.i in la d
tti-i et
nr.-, 1
!u; nil
ut ;md
recorded by J. ,M.'.y, by ie:n ivI: g
.ill uf ilie old .'iLi'uelure ivw on raid sir ft
and di'.vine; j iit.i. I. yin.vr caps and -'. : inf
ers nn.l p'.ankin,; to fti.l v.d:h, (nfliul
In; ;i lev, a'.k i, tiirvu-.,1'.! :w a;-or;li rii'iufs!
3;l f i'..
coverlr, ;
fe.H e-om
roaial: :
IV r.Mhiff 1. 'he mill rilv-.i and
'.'.. 'hi o, piroi:.".'.! t'oe n.xt ;;.'
h '.in.t by (,-r.niin a:-.d llll'ln or tl-.e
; iliO feet, vi. 1 to Ilie e.a'. i.ish d
:.d -Ne'l-diU'r fl,.v,v .!;, gU'.Urs
; - '.(. ht-r: m-e.-e-.- 'ary.
All mi 1
a .A ii,-..-l
l.i'l.ill 1 r.e
e C aeeor.l.inre w'ih plans
iiieai u:.- an 1 eir.l-.rar.ees in re
e rot'.).
.'.n Ji'id .prnm s. s ui'on -uhleli the
sj- f.-l I'.e'fi tl-.lll be 1 Vied to d -iii;-t
and i' ef Mielt ,111
it and ! d,. r:o. eml".- ;c );f
'-.! ai:.l I I'l -ui: ". be a id -.'he f nil
' J j; to.iow.-. (i :: l.m- i.'.i.
fr.y i."..e
said '
a;v do h
liieiK'.ii;;' a. t'ae caiv;.: c irner wf l'-'t
a i M.vk 11- .K u-ieuee s .;:h
er'y ,! a ra ;ut lino '.a the o.n::iw.t
Corner of lot P.I in 'Mhiek li a:-.d ;ln nee
east wi a s-:r. iu;l.-t 10 i..te i !ii:h..-i;t
oor.u-r of lot i) l.i block 1:1 an I .hence
inr.'herly on a .'-;r.ii,'.u l.ue to the
n.uvh.a.-.i. cu'tter of said let 11 and thence
e.i-'.eiiy on a .i-ai . 'at line to he r.uith-ea.-C
on, or of let 4 hi bl..ek 1'. and
i-lu-nee inei'. h.t ;'.-i.-;i ,i iiirii.ot 1 no 10 the
noi'theas-t earner of raid lot I .1: d (hence
w.erly oil a .:r..i,...u line to the 11. r:Ji
nes: corner of lot 1! in bl. ck l.i and th nee
noi'i'.iei'.y on a sti'.ib.'.u line o ih.- no,';h
e.i:lt corner vf lot 1 01 block I'l and
tin :.' wvstirly on n str.i t.nt line so the
p,'..v cf iR-jfimuns. a.l m s.u.l part if siut
city, r.n.l a 4 Ian. (i and pivm ses in tkild and .11X In any k;:h i-li.ill be
Subjedt to su-.'U asses-.nont.
lvstiiiiiucu if tlio oxpeuso of Fuch
Improvements and plans and diagrams
of nuh work or Improvement and of
tlio locality to be Improved, have been
deposited by th. City Surveyor with
t!i Au l tiV ar.d IV! o Ju.l,:; f r exam
ination, and miv bo ir.Fp.c.ed nt the
ofilee . f such otlleer.
At the iiert tni'nr of th
coaun-oa coune'l. af-;er 'the tlrial publica
tion of t'h.s 11 itiee. tow!;: On Wednesday.
Air-rust 7. KC. at tfie hour of TilM p. m.,
't the City It.ill. the d cninoil will
coiifhl.-r Any ob! A'.lo-r.s to fii.'h iiv.vrove
ment (vlntr mide. and if a ronvorranee
nc.'.lrMt such ire.provo. 11. nt, sii od by per
sons ownlrg more itan r-ie-l'.a'.f -f the
property -In such d s'rk-t h-Tein d.- eri'.ie.l.
and In whlili the sjvc -il a.s. -.-s-n -'r't Is
to be lev.!, nh ill b filed with :he Au
ditor and IV.kv Ju.U-o -before the raid
time of nu-t.i-ig of -tl-.e con-mum council,
no Fiu-li iii! rtt or work th dl be
oribvvl fv.'.t'. Iy We concurrence f all
th- Coune linen civet.
Ev onion of t'.io Connon Council.
AUc.-t: K. OS!5v-I!N.
An-!!"r ri-1 rollco Jado,
Ad.orla. July a.h, IMA.
Notloe Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City -of Astoria,
Oregon, have deurniined to Improve jju-
:il4 imucu i
ane street from the east siae or bin street
to the west side of 12th (except the;
irnujlnira r C T i ) 1 Qfn tflTlfl IlLllI
e-.icets), nil in the city of Asto
ria aa laid out ond recorded by
John jrcCiure and extended by Cyrus
Olney, by removing all defective piles,
caiis and ctrlngers, and putting in new
cud sound llr piles, posts and sills wher
ever necessary, and now caps and string
ers, and planking
the some with new
and Bound iir plank four Inches in think -
ne.'s over the trestle work, and time
incnes in uucKness on xne imm Biuu,iu,
ana oy uuiiuing siaewuins on umu b.u
thereof: all the Imnrovemonts to be made
to the full width and established grade
of said street, ar.d to include railings
where necessary, and to be done in ac-
eji-.laneo with plans and specifications,
an i ordinances in reiai.on tnereio. anu premises upon wnicn me
Epoclal ujss.ssment shall bo levieu to ae
fray the cost and expense of such Im
provement and the district embracing
r.M lands and premises be, and the same
are designated as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at the southwest corner of
.nwesi curner ui
Lot one (l, of Ulock Numbered 40 thence
casteny along the center Un.s of DlockS
40, 41, 42, 43, 41, and 61, to the eastern
bound urlc'3 of
of Dlock Numbered C4, thence
nnrlhof'v l,-,n. nlrti tnnn1nrips nt
j " .i-...
along western boundaries of Blocks 2), and
40, to point of beginning; containing Lots
1, 2, 3, and 4, in Ulocks 40, 41, 42, 43, 44;
Lots 1, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0 and 7, In Block 64;
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and II, in Block
61, and Lots 6, 6, 7 and S, In Blocks 60,
21, i'7, 23 und 211, all in the town (now city)
cf Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John jleClure, and extended by Cyrus
Estimates of the expense of such Im
provements and plans and diagrams of
.stiei wor or improvement and of the In-
calliiy to be Improved, have been deposit-
cl by the city surveyor with the auditor
and police judge for examination and may
be inspected at the olllce of such olllcer.
At the -next regular meeting of the
Common Council, after the Ilnal publica
tion of this notice, toivlt: On Wednesday,
July 17th, ll.oo, at tlie hour of 7:30 p. m.,
at the, C.ty Hull, the sild council will con
sider any objections to such im
provement being made, and if a remon
strance against such iraprlvcment, signed
by peioons owning more than one-half
I of the prep-, rty in such district herein de
' Eoribed, a'iul ia which the special tissess-
nunt is to be levied, shall be filed with the
Auditor and Police Judge before the
said t.nie of meeting, of the Common
Council, 110 tueli improvement or work
sliall bo ordered except by the concur
rence of all the? Councllmen elect.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge,
Astoria, July sth, lioo.
Notice is hereby given I'hat the follow
In.; r.sdlu.ioii was adiaplied alt tlhe last
re,,ulur of the conmron council:
It.aolveJ, That i.he city auditor hi and
is liei'eby Instructed to have section 21
of oiM.n.jiice Xo. iirlmted In t'he Dolly
A.-. :or:. '.11, :.,nd (.hot it is the sense of the
c.-i'uii that Kaid -oidinanee 'be str.ctly
e ilo.v. d iy the police force.
OillJi.N'AXChl NO. 1311.
.-le,-. il--.1. ny person 'or pcrsons who
. ::i'.l 11:0 olf .or eli.-;eii:ir-;,ro any ordnance,, i-iscol, l-ille, or o.'lier lireunn, w.thln
th. ckj l.m.ts of A.hLoria, or any fire-.v-nl:-!
or lii'i'.'raeltei-d of any kind or de-
.'oriiJti -in, hi 't Halt i-oution of the o.ty west
of !'. :I(,i a .v.reet, noi'th of Wall street o
I'oort ntri h. in.i.ea.--.t"of Madison stree
- i ll ii1 ie. ,11. -.1' i;ull:y of misdemeanor,
an 1
it, ' i:i conv.ciion thereof, be-fore the
0 e ur:, ."hall be by a lin
. e le- nor more t'lnvn SSO0,
y in-.p. i.-i.hinient in the city Jail, no
::c -. il 100 days: Provide!, that tlie
-r may permit, upon n.u ionat holl
!, a 11.I wilier -days of pubi.e celt-bra-
, t'he f.i i'.e.
tori 1. Ore, July ID, 1-03.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge,
Clity of Astoria.
Notice Is hereby given tha.t N. Clinton
it Sons, contractors for the improvement
of 4.V1 street, in Adair's Astoria, undr
the provisions of Ordinance No. 1010, oh
the UMi day of June, ISilo, Hied in the
oillce of the Auditor and Police Judge of
the City of Astoria, the cert.llcate of the
City Surveyor, and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets mid Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specllled, if no objections to the
acceptance of such work lie Hied and the
Common Council shall dK-m such im
provement projvrly completed, according
to too contract ana plans and enecillca-
lions therefor, the same may be accepted,
Objections to the acceptance of 6aid
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
Hied .11 the oliice of the Auditor and
l once .iiui.'.-.e 0-1 or before Wednesday
June 10111, it-oj
Auditor and Police Judge,
ai'tona, uregon, June llitn, ist'5.
i"ic- is hereby given that I have
b-ea Utoy appointed administrator of the
ot 1.1:0 01 .iiao Thompson, deceased, oth-
orn i.;e known, by his eld country name,
h.icn.'.el i.:i:ionJit, born in Jyskyjarw
ui.-trat 111 county of Knrjala, State of
Arkaiik.i.1, Itusoia. und who was drown
on June litli, JS'S, while fishing at the
mouth of the Columbia river. Ail per-
so is having claims against said estate
are requeued to present the same to me,
'l.-iy v.vuivd, within six months from the of this notice, and all persons in-
iioot.ot to sa.ii ".state are requested to pay
me aiivount ot such indebtedness to me.
Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 30th day of
June, l-t'o. NICK PETTROPF.
Electric Hitlers is a medicine suited for
any lease,.!, but perhaps more generally
needed In the fining, when the languid
exhausted fcelaig is prevailing, when the
bwr Is torpid nnd sluggish and the need
of a tonic mid alterative is felt. A
prompt use cf th-.s medicine has often
awrud long and perhaps fatal biilous
fevers. No uud.e.iie will act more surely
ia ccu-ii. raeting and freeing the system
irom tin malarial poison. Headache, in-, c.nstlpaUon, dizziness, yield
to i-.,ectne Hitters, only 50 cents per
uottic at Liias. Rogers drug store.
As PronUln says, good dress opens
nil doors, you should not lose sight of
the lact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
ana superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. office 64 Dclcum Building.
Portland. Or. Tveserve orders till you
navs seen the spring Una of samples.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
eo pzro c-r so xratt ia eav
cnbiSpc-wcrcs the PoyaL
mocks (11 and (11, to the northeast corner Minting Spells, or are Nervous Slepr!l
of Lot S, Ulock Numbered 61, thence west-;les3i Excitable, Melancholy, or troublPd
dly along center lines of Ulocks 01, 60,!with Dizzy Spells. Klectrio FMtfpra it
Notice Is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the llrm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, Is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
;,, Kill. onnn.t. w.iUZ "
"7;: , iC.,,, cth 'Ti " .. 1
jMsto Capt.8 er.nd h as-
i .1 il .
said llrm.
Astoria, Or., May 13, 1895.
Those who have used Dr. Trine- -wn,
Discovery know Its value. nd thnu
jWho not have now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised
nruggist ana gei a trial bottle free.
tend your name ana aaaress to H. E
Bucklen & Co.. Chicago.
sample box of New Life Pills frpo. n
well as a copy of Guide to Health and
Household Instructor, free. AH o
which Is guaranteed to do you good
ana cost you naming, unas. Rogers
uruggisi, jaa reuows iOUUCllng.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Eleatrlo Bitters has proved to ha th
, ,,.-. Tf ,lo - TITr- "
t dr 0
. Tir T7T .
i, umitA , r.,,-
We urge all who
ire a hniM nH
elve thft Blttpra a. fair t
fir VP run llttpra a rait friMial t-
Z, -T....t. ""'.
ir iiaajiiu'Hi
Unn rl 1
aueiigan are guaranteea by Its use
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chun'
, Rogers drug store. Odd Fellr.wa hn.
The best salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter. ChaDDed Hand
Chilblains, Con;s, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It ts guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
price, 25 cento per x. For ss'a by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows hnllrllncr
There Is one medicine that will cure
immediately, we refer to De watt's Colic
and Cholera Cure for all summer com
plaints. No delay, no disappointment, no
failure. Charles Rogers.
Mr. J. J. Keil. Sharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suffering for over three years
with acute neuralgia and Its consequent
insomnia (which seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
me almost instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Gratefully lours,
Montrose, Pa.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brlx
florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G.
Pulmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them.
Ail the paten: meal sines advertised
in this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articled, etc.,
eon be bougni f.t trie iowest prices at
J. W. Conn'? dru? ctore, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. A. iona.
Having the needed merit to more
than make good all tho advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for
consumption, cougns and Colds, eaoh
bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the
great remedy ror stomach, liver, and
kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best In the world, and Dr. King's New
tone Pills, which are a. perrect pill. All
these remedies are guaranteed to do
just what is claimed for them, and the
denier whose nam: is attached here-
wun, win be glad to tell you more
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
SHILOH'S CURB la sold on a guar-
niee. it cures incipient consumption
t Is the best Cough Cure. Only one
enc a aose. z& cents, 60 cts., and J1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Gentlemen: This is to certify thai 1
have used Krause's Headacne Capsules
with satisfactory results. 1 bought a
box which cost ine and one tapsrle
cured me of a dreadful eick h?adnche,
My wife and mvself nave both used
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Llrbty- Mf'tr Co.. and we re-
commend them tn the public as being
ljusc what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-live cents, for pale by Chas
togcrs. Astoria. Or., sole agents.
Prom a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
derman, of Dlmondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract:
nave no hesitation in recommending
ur. King s New Discovery, as the re
ult3 were almost marvellous In the
case of my wife. While I was pastor
of the Baptist Church at Rives June
tlon, she was brought down with
Pneumonia, succeeding La Grippe. Ter
rible paroxysms of coughing would last
hours with little interruption and It
seemed as If she could not survive
them. a friend recommended Dr.
King's New Discovery; It was quick In
Its work, and satisfactory in Its re
sults." Trial bottles free at Chas.
ttogers' Drug Store. Regular size 60
Travelers find a safe companion in De
WiH's Colic end Cholera Cure. A change
In drinking water and in diet often
causes severe and dangerous complaints.
This medicine always cures thorn. Charles
The only railroad lighting its trains by
The only railroad using the celebrated
electric berth reading lump.
The coaches now running on 'The Mil
waukee" are Palaces on Wheels.
On all its through lines, the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the
most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing, Parlor, and Dicing Cars and Coaches.
For lowest ratesto any point In the
United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket
ageiws, or address C. J. EDDY,
General Anient,
Portland, Oregon.
We recommend De Witt's Colic and
Cholera Cure because we believe ft Is
a safe and reliable remedy. It's good
effects are shown at once in cases or
Cholera Morbus and similar complaints.
Charles Rogers.
Is hereby given forbidding Packwood or
any other persons rrom cutting or re
moving wod or stone from any of my
land without first maklrur sattaractorr
arrangements with James W, Welch.
Notice ts hereby given that L .Leback,
Contractor for the improvement of Duane
street, in Adair's Astoria, under the pro
visions of Ordinance No. 1D2D, on the
12th day of June, 1886, filed la the office
of the Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Astoria, the certificate of the
Olty Surveyor and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Commlttea on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, If no objections to the
acceptance of such work be filed and the
Common Council shall deem such Im
provement properly completed, according
to tlhe contract and plans and specifica
tions therefor, the same may be accepted.
Objeotdons to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
filed in the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge on or before Wednesday,
June 13th, 1805.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzett
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
Two Daily Boats to Portland
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
daily (except Sunday).
Leaves Portland daily Bt 7 a. m., ex
cept Sunday.
"Bailey Gatzert" leaves Astoria Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday nnd
Saturday morning at 0 :45 a. m. ; Snndny
evening at. 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland daily at 8 p. ni., ex
cept Sunday. On Saturday night at 11
p. m. 0. W. STONE,
Agent, Astoria.
Telephone No. 11.
U. B. Scott, President.
E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland.
The Oasis of thf
colorado desert
A Hew
Dry and Pure Tropic;
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
fclany Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio
in tne past by the large numbers who
otnerwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of Its beneflciul climate, hat
been a lack of suitable accominoda
tlon. The Southern Pacific Company,
lanes pleasure in announcing that sev
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tion, that will be rented to appllcuntt
at reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur
nished with modern conveniences, sun-
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all thf
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence in this de
Ughtful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert ol
the Colorado which the Southern Pa
cific, road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, in our opinion, it
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lleve, from personal investigation, thai
lor certain Invalids, tlie-e Is no spot 01
this planet so favorable."
G. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "Th.
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As- to its possibilities as a
health resort, 'here Is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain Is an unknown factor: pure
oxygen, oe-nsa atmosphere and pure
water, uhat more can be desired?
It Is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I hav
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
lis 612 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles t ).oo
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Pacific Company agent.
or address
Asst. Gen, Pass. Art. S. P. Co.
Dlst Pass. Agt
Cor. First and Alder Sts Portland. Or.1
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This Is the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
'. II. MEAD, F. C. SAVaGB,
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt
248 Washington st, Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
ttoute," 250 Washington st., Portland,
lie will mail you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
';rn, Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rnll
road In the world for all clusscs f
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Special Attention Plc to Supplying Ships.
Address, box 180, PostofSce. ASTORIA. Oi
Acts as trustee for corporations and
ndlvlduals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allnwri
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
Q. A. BOWLBT Prciflo,,!
BENJ. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby. C. H. Page. Benf
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
w. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
A complete stock of lumber on han.l
in the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended, to. Offlee and yard
it mill. H. V L LOGAN. PtodT.
nR1r! Orphan
Or business, persons on the nolnt of
taking ai "outing" m land or sea.
yachtsmen and tourists need and should
be provides wltn some preventive of
sea sickness and corrective of the oc-
caslonil III effects of unaccustomed air.
food and water. Many nervous THronA
experience crualms akla to eei sickness
when traveling by rail. Thpy. too. re
quire a medicinal safeguard. The best
tn existence Is Hostet'.er's Stomach B.t
'ttrs, which promptly relieves nnna
sick headache, biiiousnens, cramps and
colic, etc. If business calls v. om
locality where ch.Ua .and fever or bill?us
remiuant is prevalent, don't fail t r,r-w
vid yourself with it. For constipation,
rheumatism and inactivity of the kidneys
It is an excellent remedy. Eminent phy
sicians commend it highly. Lay in a sup
ply before you start by boat steam- r
or train. It Is & mnt r,v.,i
traveling companion.