THE DAILY ASTORIAJN, ASTOUIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 19, 1895. for Infants and Children. CraHIRTT years' opiervatlon of Castoria with ths patronage cf J million of parsons, permit n to peak of it nrlthogt gnawing. It la nnqneitjonaMy the 1et remedy for Infanta and Children the world ha ever fcnown. It i harmless. Children Wro it. It gives them health. It will says their live: In it Mothers have something which 1 ahiolntely afo and practically perfect a a child' medicine. Castoria destroys Worm. Caatorift allays FeTsrishiiess. Caatorla prevent vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria enre Dlarrhce and Wind Colin. Caatorla relieve Teething Troubles. Caatorla enre Constipation and flatulency. Caatorla nentralUe the effect of earhonle add ga or polonoq air. Caatorla doe net contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Caatorla aalmllate the food, regnlate the stomach, and towel, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caatorla 1 gut np in one-irUe hottlea only. It la not told in tnllt. DonH allow any one to sail yon anything ele on the plea or promlie that it ia "jnat a good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon pet C - A - S - T - O - R The fae-idmlle algnatnre of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TATE MPIi SGHOOIt Monmouth, Oregon. A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. mmmxivm amass m m -a Mil 5 . .i"i'fcW:iie Complete Eight Grade Training Department and strong professional and academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teach in any County in the State without further examination. Board and Lodging, Books and Tuition, $1.50 per year. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. Thero is a good demand for well-trained teachers. There is an over supply of untrained teachers. Catalogues Cheerfully Sent ot Application. Address Or W. A. WANN, P. L,. CAMPBELL, Secretary. President. Seals Steel Dies, Wood & fdetal. Society Calling Cards and An nouncements Engraved and Printed. VV. G. SMITH, 205 Morrison Sit., Portland, Or. Do Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure never disappoints, never falls to give immediate relief. It cures just as sure as you take it. Charles Rogers. When Baby Was sick, we gave her Castoria. (Then she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whan she had Children, she gave them Castoria. IT MAT DO A3 MUCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writ that he had a severe kidney troubl for many years, with severe pains 1 his back, and also that his bladde was affected. He tried many so-callei Kidney cures, but without any goo resuts. About a year ago he began us of Electric Bitters and found relief a once. Electric Bitters is especlall adapted to cure all kidney and live troubles, and often gives almost in stant relief. One trial will prove ou statement Price, only 60 cents fo large bottle, at Chafl. Rogers' dru store. Captain Sweeney, V. B. A.. San Diego Cal says: "Shlioa's Catarrh Remedy ts the first medicine I have ever found that would o me any good. Price 60 eta. Sold ly J. W. Conn. o Children Cry for Pitcher's Castsrla. - I - A. la on every wrapper. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried to do in selecting their liquors was to pick out what intelligent people would want if they knew it as experienced people should know it. Make a note of this if you want pure liquors. George Bartley, Proprietor. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written, by Rev. J. Gun derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are Iermltted to make th.B extract: "I have no hesitation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives JunotCon she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grlpp?. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not sur vive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satistfacta.-y in re sults." "bottles free at Charles Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 60c and $1. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause'a Headline capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon in my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent. The Worlds Flf Tests : showed no taking powder so pure or so great la leav cuing power as the Royal. The most pleasant llttie pills for regu. lating the bowels, are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Cure sick headache and constipation. Small . pill. Small dose. Charles Rogers. Tide Table for July, 1895. high wina. LOW WATER. DATE. P. M. A U. F.M- I ft S: 0 6 2 08,2 7 8 4" 0 0' 81-',:12 4 80-0 7 416,8 5 6 29-1 2 6 14(8 7 6 W -1 5 6 OS 8 6 6 68-16 65liB8 7 88 -1 5 7 3H 3 1 811 -12 82(131 8 41 -0 7 001)2 9 9 118 -0 3 9 411 2 7 9 85-01 1018 2 6 1002 0 6 1100 2 8 10 31 13 1162,21 1111 18 . .. . . 063 1 7 11 53 2 8 2 00 12 12 48 2 9 8 08 0 7 2U03 5 4 08 -0 1 8 26 3 9 8ttl-0D 4 87 88 6 52 1 5 6 39 3 4 6 36 -1 9 6 82 3 1 721 -2 0 7 2826 8 01 -1 8 8 12 2 2 8 42 -1 4 9 03 1 7 9 22 -0 7 9 54 1 8 1001 -01 10 4(1,1 1 10 43 1 0 1149,0 9 1182 19 I.. .. . . 100 0 7 12 222 7 2 14 0 8 1 2Hi8 4 8 m 01 I 2 6089 h.m ft, h.m ft Monday .. Tuesday.., Weuug'dy. Thursday. Friday Saturday.. HUNDAY. Monday... ..II 8 35:571 815i80 '1 0VII.17I 90i 81 8 11 lolfisl 10 04 8 8! 4 6 6 12 09 6 9,8 4 1142 8 4 1 87,6 8 14 69 12 66i 026 10N 2 45!7 1 Tuesday... We'nesday Thursuav. 14N 2 aoi s oti1 8 411 4 35 8 IS 7 2 8 42 7 4 41117 6 Friday .... 4 4417 0 1)18 70 6 6K76 6 4977 7 89 7 8! 8:11,8 0 9 32,8 2 oniuruuy. SUNDAY. Monday... 8 Si 6 SO Tuesday... 7M-I8 9 21 4 0 weou'itu y, Thursday. 10-10,5 2, Friday . . . . 1141 57 12 30 6 2 "6 17 8 9 10 28 8 4 baiuraay. SUNDAY. Monday... 11248 7 1 VI 162 6 7 7 81 ho! Tuesday... 1 W 89, 2 30 weun tw y Thursday , Friday.... 16H 860 8 42 tm B42 6&HI 8 30 10071 8 US 84.1,8 2 421 82' S04lct 1 5MIH1 6 4,r8 0 7 407 9 841 78 Saturday . SUNDAY.. Monday . . . Tuesday... wry ALONG THE WATEB FRONT. The steamier Oregkm left OuJt for Cali fornia yesterday morning. The steamer Truckee leaves San Fran cisco for this city and way ports tomor row. Sewn carloads of salmon, containing 3,300 oases, were shipped up the river last Mtfhit. Moat of the small steamers (were idle yesterday. There was very little towing on the river. , The Ladd is laid up at Parker's dock having one of her engines repaired'. She will nof. continue her dredging for some days. The British sMp OramartyShire is cow on her way down the river and should arrive here this morning. She is wheat laden, and bound for Liverpool. The new warehouse of the Oregon Im provement company a Seattle has a novel mechanical cori'trl'vance budlt for the handling of vessels at extreme low tide, known as a submarine slip. The two big dredgers, tBie Pyithon and Anaconda, are almost prepared to begin wkxrk in ElUott bay. A pipe line 21000 feet kmg (has been la.d to carry oft the soli as 1't Is pumped from the bottom. Six bjalts arrived down Tram Portland yesterday-aM before 3 p. m. They were the Potter, Telephone, Thompson, Gut zert, Ocean Wave and Lurlitne, and all had a fair sprinkling of passetigerB. The Ocean Waive came down the river yesiterday afternoon and tied up for a few jrinuites at Fluvel's dock, leaving acr.BS for Ilwaco at albcut 1p.m. She brought down a large number of passengers bound for Long Beach. , The Baia FranUlsco sealing schooner Jane Gray had up to Miiy 26 token 1,024 skins. Whien she was sighted off Hono lulu eariy in June effie was Uioug'ht to be a filibustering craft and an armed tug was seJ.-Jt out after her. Pish oomittovued to run very well yester dav and the reitums showed a continued Increase. Two canneries received 35 tons each, and several packed 800 oases by night. It is generally believed that the run will continue tor several days. TheBrltish bark Arth'es, 1208 tons reg ister, Captain MeNeJJi, arrived in port from Yokohama yesterday after a fitr passage of 42 days. B'he is in ballast and is consigned to the Portland Flour ing mills. A tawiboat will be dowro the river flhCs morning to take her to her destination. Her cop'tain reports an un eventful passage. The steamship Oscar II will finish loading lumber today at the Tacoma mill, says Wednesday's Ledger, she will have on a cargo of 2,000,000 feet, destined to Delogoa bay. East Africa. In addi tion to the lumber, a consignment of ten tons of Washington flour will be taken out, as will also several tons of canned fruits, vegetables and salmon. These are Intended as eample shipments, to Introduce the products of th.s state on the eastern Aifrlcan seaboard, and it is npedted that from it a profitable trade wlith thait part of the world may be Che result. The placing of the Potter on One Satur day afternoon rum from Portland has called for a slight change In Who time card of the Seashore Kaitiway Co. The correction is made in today's issue of the Adtorian. On Saturday afternoon pas eengieis for Seaside take tlhe IXwyer, Tel ephone or Harvest Queen at 3:46 p. m. and the Potter on arrival from Portland about 6:30 p. m. The early trip on Mon day morning will be abandoned and an early trip made oiv Sunday morning to connect with steamier Thompson from Portland. No other changes are made in the old schedule. Three sailors of the American ship T.l Ue B. Startouck recently made a bold Bit tempt to steal President Dale's yucht Bonnie Dundee, while their vessel was lying at Honolulu. They stole the craft wklliout difficulty and they would doubt less have got away but for mistaking the two boilers ci il l Ewa. side of the lighthouse for fte b:w.s in the passage. They steered fry U.o Rollers and as a result went oa the reot' and stuck flist. In an interview ,th men stated it was their intention to make for the Mexican coast, expecting tj fall in wiu'.i shlppll.ig on the .way and secure stores and provis ions. ' Should they fall short of supplies Ohey wre to stop at H.lo and secure eatables. A London calble to the Australian press rends as follows: "Durtr.flr his v.e,t Winnipeg, in Manitoba, Mr. J. O. Ward, colonial treasurer of New Zealand, I'-J an interview iwltlh the direo;or3 of the Canadian Pacific railway eompir.y, who decided to inaugumte next umm;r a fa ft mall service between Montreal aud Liver pool. Mr. Ward promised to reconunend Jus government to grant a subsidy for a Pacific service connecting wii:Ji the At lantic line on condition that the Canadian Pacific ra-iiway company ran a direct line of steaimjiTS to New Zealand. As the result of the interview the company sub mitted and advantageous offer in this dlredtioh'." The report of the Pacific Mail Steam ship company for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1895, has recently come to hand. The gross earnings are considerably larger thatm for the previous year, while the expendttures were less. The earnings of the Atlantic line end transpacific line were less, but there wis a gain from the Panama line. One steamer was added to the fleet by purchase. This is the Aztec, 3508 gross tons, formerly known as the Canterbury, and built on Che Ciyde in 1894. This is a really fine steel steam er, well equipped with the most modern and powerful machinery. She is the best freight boat in the whole fleet, and was purchased at a cost of only $171,289. She could not be duplicated for any such money. The subsequent loss of the Col lma neutralizes the addition to the fleet through the above purchase. The Manzanit arrived in port late last night from her trip to Puget Sound. On her way odwn she stopped at Cape Flat tery to pick up a whlstUng buoy, but the sea was runnng to high that she was compelled to lay to at anchor for a day in N-ah Rty. Sie pK-ked up thr buoy THE EQUITABLE LIFE. of New York) Is the Strongest and best managed life Insurance company on the face of the earth. Our rates are no higher than oth ers, for (he same kind of a toTtey, and our contract ds so much more liberal to the insurer that you cannot afford to take anything else but an Equitable pol icy. Irresponsible travelling agents will miarapresenit foots to you by trying to make you 'believe that what they have is Just as good as the Equitable. By consulting the insurance commissioner's reponta you will discover the falsehood. There Is no company, "Just as good." The Equitable is now and has been for fifteen years past THE best. L. Samuel, Eugene SUanuel, special agents. yesterday morning end madie splendid time down the coast to port. Her trip has been uneventful save for two days of cruising on the waiurs of the Sound wtfJh Major General BdhofleM aboard. The steamer took him to the Port Or ford naval station and other strategic points, and he was delighted with his experience. The officers all speak high ly of htB personal quaWHes. The whist ling buoy picked up at Gape Flattery Is one of the largest on the coast, and the crod Wad considerable trouble in raising ft. All the reports o-f the va rious lighthouse keepers have been gath the crow hod considerable trouble in transmitlted to the department. One of the results of the strong com petition now exteLng between the differ ent steamship tines for Oriental trade is a cult from (three-quarters to a cent a pound on freight rates from the Orient. To even matters up with other lines, the O. R. & N. Co., the latest in the field, will hereafter call at Shanghai and Amoy, and there also cut freight rates. The Northern Pacific) cumpany, however, la handling all the freight it can take and is chartering vessels to meet tiua Increased demands. On the 29th Inst., Itihe second of the O. It. & N. company's Steamers will be due in this city. She left Yokohama on the 7th Inst., iwlUh a full cargo. The Asloun the vessel coming has a carrying ca pacity of 4,280 tons dead weight, while the the Ait-more, which toft Hongkong on the 13th inat. and which Is the HMrd and last Ship of the lilne, has a dead weight carrying capacity of about 3,609 tons. The sttumera wJl make Victoria their lirst port of call, but aflter leaving Port' land w.U proceed direct to Honolulu and tlhemce to Japan. The change Is made so as to Include Honolulu in the ports of call, and the time maintained by the vessels will be the some as thut pro. v.di.d under the old schedule. They will coal ait Vlctor.a before leaving, thus sav ing a considerable portion of the time lost in making the special run to Hono lulu. OF INTEREST TO LADIES. We offer no apology In placing before you the Ladles' Safe Protector; It is ab solutely reliable, easJy adjusted, does not become misplaced, and Insures pro tection. Can be worn when desired with out observation or knowledge of another, and prevents disagreeable annoyance un der certain conditions. If you use it mce you will never be without it. It is a faithful, safe, and reliable friendi when ever needed by spclal circumstances re quiring its use. It is an article every woman should kjep ready for immediate use. It is simple to use, and inspires conifldenceto the women, using it. It Is reliable and scientifically made, Insures protection without injury to health, as any good physician would say. We are of the opinion that no article has ever been made which will give as much sat isfaction to the woman, of today as The Ladies' Safe Protector. The Immense sales of this article 13 a substantia en dorsement of our claims. Do not therefore, experiment with any of the numerous unreliable articles, as it is both dangerous to the health and expensive to do so. 6uch ex perimenting can only result In loss of time, disappointment, and dismal failuro. Ladles should remember this before ordering other goods and not waste their time and money on inferior articles. The beat is always the cheap' est. The Ladles' Safe Protector is sold under a positive guarantee for use for one year, with full directions and is sent sealed in a plain wrapper upon re ceipt of express money order for 32.00, three for 35.00. Do not wait but ordiir at once. Address The Lacrosse Specialty Co., Lacrosse, Wis. SUMMER SCHEDULE OF THE O. R. & N. STEAMERS. T. J. Potter. Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday alt 7 a. m., Wed nesday at 8 a. m., and Saturday at 1 p. m. Leaves Ilnvaco Wednesday and Sun day at 7 p. m, tides perml'titJng. Leaves As'Lbr.a Monday, Tuesday, Thursd'iy and Frday at 7 p. m., and Wedmesdliy and baturday upon arrival from Ilwaco in the evening. Oh Wednesday and Saturday ne fouoer will run through to Ilwaco, leaving here directly upon, arrivlal from ForiMamo. R. R. Thompson. Leaves Pontllajnd Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8 p. m., and Saturday at 10 p. m. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6:46 m. Harvest Queen. Leaves Astoria Wednesday artd Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Portland Wkylnesday ana Saturday at 7 a. m. North Pacific. Leaves Aauorta, for Iliwaao Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, ana naturaay at 6 a. m., also Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frday at 2 d. m. Leaves Adtorla for Young's bijf Wednesday and Saturday upon arrival of Potter from Portland. WU make regular Sunday excursions to Ilwaco. Leaving wme to oe advertised in paper for each excursion. FARES. Tj Dong Beadh and Clatsop. 31.60 round ir,?. To Ilwaco $1.00 round tn:p. For Su.idays only the round trip to Ilwaco R'.'il be BO cents. For details apply to the ciy omce oi nine , r. and N. FARM AND GARDEN. BRITISH POTATOES. The sole now why the farmers of the U a tod Klngdjm raise the largest crop of potatoes is becaasj irhey take care of the s,an upon wfcV.i Mho potatoes grow; the Aimeriean farmer raises the smallest crop cf nit the nal: vns, because he at tempts U upon soli which tails to fur nish oi.cesliary plant food. It is alto gether in the farming. A GOOD POINT IN SHEEP. About the most profit secure! from sheep is by the service they perform in consumttng piartts ihoft are of no .value. Some wvds are luxurous to sheep, and are nipped off as sao.i as they appear above ground. Many of the poltoious weeds ere harmless when young, espec ially to Mops and sheen, and as thi.eo crop off the grass when t Is. very young vney ao not allow anytfhlng In the thaps of green food to be wasted. y PROFIT AND L093. The actual dost of an article in raw mi terlafs, taken from the Harm (not Includ ing tabor, etc.), regulates the prom, er that wth dh Is unsold remains In the soi. for some suweedlng crop. Experiments maae wun nw wortn cf roods show that in figures ceppfsft-jting the fertility sold, eggs cost the farmer 33.K; wht, ptl W; muk, ltOS; chee, VAM; und timothy hay, 395.84. This places the hens ahead of the cows, and shows that eggs cost but Tittle compared with, the ob tained Dor tjhem. CONCENTRATED FOODS. ' Many of the 'WonWentrated foods" sold on tiie market for horses, cattle, sheep, swine and pouttry, consist apparently of a mixture of ground wheat and corto, with 13 p:r cent of salt, and perhaps a little of some more concentrated flood, says a report of the Connecticut experi mental suaition. It is sold at the rate of 3100 per ton in targe tots, and 3100 per ton in small quatrotltM. It may be added that Unseed meal is a too an im portant ingredient in such foods, as it Is nearly always beneficial to animals. PLOWING THEORCIIARD. It Is not possible, or best if It were, to plow so cios to trees in sod as to re move alt the grass around their trunks. But such clumps ot grass should be dug out iw.tih a spade and overturned. There are no roots dose to the stump for this grass to interfere with, but it takes Just h sheCiter rrlat line apple tree borer beetle needs .when dupo sluing Its eggs. It also obstructs the view of the tree trunk. Every oroharViiat should woAxi his trees cCos.-ly during the summer for signs of the borer, and the bunch of grass growing around the root of the tree Is what most often prevents the first work of the borer from being ob served. COST OF PJAISING WHEAT. The consolidated returns from over 4,000 experts and 30,000 farmers to the Ohio dopanbment of agriculture show that the average cost of patstng an acre of wheat In Nhjw England is about 320, In the mid dle states 318, in the southern states 111, in the western states 311, in the mountain states 316, and in the Pacific states 312. In New England an acre of corn costs 328, in the mlddlie states 321, in tho south ern States 312, in the western states 311, in the mounitutm states 313, and! In the Pad lie states 318. The total average cost of an acre of wheat is J11.4S, and of corn $11.71. Tine average report placed the average value at wheat at 36.16 per acre and corn 38.21 per acre, which does not, however, include the straw and fodder. HORSES FOR EXPORT. Live Stock Journal. The export horse trade has developed rapidly, and since the first of the year Che foreign, buyers have increased; Eng lish buyers bake more horse for England and Scotland. French buyers come in and buy 100 or 200 horses-tight chunks and small, cheap horses for cabs and bus horses, such as the Engnuh buyers take because they are cheap. German buyers were a new feature ir M'.iy for light draft horses, as they raise no draft horses, buyung the Belgian, French and English drafts, and have raised mloatly their German coach horses, largely absorbed by. the army, and their small, cheap horses, which France buys cheaper for oabs than they can raise (hem In France. French farmers by gov ernment aid, raise high class coach and draft horses and the cities have to buy aheap horses frm Genmany, Russa, or America, or donkeys from Spain. We re verse that principle in this country end raise millions of cheap small horses, but not enough high doss horses for our own home trade and none for export. The ex port trade, it la conceded, is in its in fancy, and our great surplus of horses Is being absorbed and the experiment of Ajmeiioan horse is proving quite sallS' factory to European countries, and w look for a wonderful development of bur export horse trade, and farmers and horse breeders should prepare to supply that export trade with a better class of horses. English buyers buy carefully and pick up at private sale the best they can find and pay 310 or 315 more than to buy so hastily on the market. They are naturally afraid of the Englishman's bug bear side bones. The German expedlMeinit of some BOO medium draft horses will no doubt lead to a large export trade in that class. Ail the European buyers want hlghi class coach and knee action harness horses, and good, large military horses for their great armies, and Kg, heavy draft horses, if we had them; but these buyens look in vain for bonus of these types, al th'ouglh their tempting offers of 3300 to 3500 should inspire our breeders to pro duce what the export trade wumfts, and our home city trade will now be in the market for high class horses and when business is good the price is no object. Already the groat hackneys, with knee action and beauty, command 35C0 to 31,000, AffiICUIVrUHAL NOTES. A rmiioh admits air, nvurmth and mois ture arnd shuts out scorching sun and tOaghting wind. It also prevents the escapa of fertUWng gases. It Collects Che heat rays of the sun and retains them for the warmth and growtth, of the plant during the nlghlt season. Prof. Armefby, at "She Pennsylvania sta tion!, asterMiilned for a number of horses during ten days that, making allbwance for manure dropped outside of the stable, a horse annually produces about 12,500 pounds of fresh manure, which can be saved, and requires for 'bedding 2,600 pounds of straw. TVUthouit doubt a great deal of beef goes to tihe market Which haa cost more to produce tSmn It will sell for. The Vir ginia stattotv made an attempt to test the maMer, and 'feeding eighteen steers for a period of five weeks found the cost pound of increase 'In live weight varied from 8a to 25c. It makes a great difference In the size of nap(berr1ea when the canes have re ceived a liberal applicatlom of fertilizer. Many growers who have procured select ed varieties noted for the large slse of the berry have beere disappointed because they did not provide the canes with an abundance ot plant food for produc ing arge berries. There Is a cheap netting which Is x tenil.voly used In Europe for covering valuable fruits as a defense against the birds. This netting 'Is made of stout flax threads and soaked in a strong astringent liquid to add to as durability. It is sold for one cent a square yard where it is made. I't is something of a mystery why it has not come into mors comimunuse In this country. Humus .'s a term applied to certain or ganic matters in soil. It expresses no definite product, but apptli rather to the entire product of organic decomposi tion, or ratiher, an intermedial stage of this decomposition. This process of or ganic decomposition results In the pro duction of ammonia, which combine wUi certain acids, and is absorbed. Thus the humus may be taken as a measure of the nitrogen in a soil. Onocentadois,4- y-J " 1'.. m anl.l vn mrftnts hw all rinir- glstt. Ii CU78S Incipient Consumption, aadltLotetCoughpdCtou Cars, . y.,r sals by S. V!. Conn. C;-. Price's Cresm BnMnz 9vtfizt Contains as Ammonia er Afaiok MAKE Attractive. Start by being the uAMp moBi ueaumui creature in it. rlUl IC. If you have beauty preserve it. If not, you can improve Your looks immensely. Where there's a will there's a way. A good wny is the use of my artiulos, especially Lola IJontez Creme 75e per pot. Brings beanty to the face by feed ini through the skin pores, gives life to faded fuces. Sold by Mrs I K. BLOUNT, 457 Dnane St. Ass toria.Orejron. Mrs Nettie Har rison, America' J .."j'Ur-J beauty doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St., Ban Francisco, Cal. E. HcNEIU, Receiver. Gives Choice of Jmo Tf anseontinental .Koutes, Via Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Spokane and St. Paul. Pullman and , Tourist Sleep Free Reclining Chair Cars, Astoria to San Francisco. State, Wednesday, July 3. Oregon, ' Monday, July 3. State, Saturday, July 13. Oregon, Thursday, July 18. State, Tuesday, July 23. Oregon, Sunday, July 28. State, Friday, August 2. Astoria and Portlod Steamers. The R. R. Thompson leaves Astoria at 6:45 a. m. dally; leaves Portland at 8 p. m, dally. I The T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 p. m. daily; leaves Portland at 7 a. m. dully. On Saturday nights the Thompson will leave Portland at 10 o'clock. For rates and general Information cal) on or address C. F. OVERBAUGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agrt, Portland, Or. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT. th great Blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cuie Constipation, 75 eta.. 5V cts , 11.00. For Sale by J. W. Coon. When occasion demands its use, try Da Witt's Witch Haiel Salve'. It is cool ing to burns, stops pain Instantly, cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or skiin eruptions. Always cures piles. Charles Bcgers. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, ia In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It Sold by J. W. Conn. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest ot all la leavening Strength. V. S. OovsnuiMat Report EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," is sympathetically shown In the following lines, the pre lumption being that sympathy Is born, or akin to pain or sorrow; "Gentlemen: Please send Krause's Headache Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak, Two boxes to Lillle Wilcox, Brookland, N. Dak. I have always been a great .. . (V vnm hanrianhA RTlri Vfllir 1 'tt f- sules are the only tning that relieves me." yours very xruiy, FLORA SEAY, ' Havana, N. Dak. For sale by Chas. Hogers, Astoria. Or., Sole Agent There is great danger in neglecting Colic, Cholera and similar complaints. An absolutely prompt and safe cure is found In De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Charles Rogers. . Superfluous Hair! Removed, Eye brows a robed by the electric needle. Cure guaranteed. Consultation free. The NEW YORK AND PORTLAND ELECTR0LY8IS COMPANY will open parlors at Astoria in a few ilnys. KARL'S CbOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts., 60 cts., and $1.00. Sold by J. W. Conn. Msanv is ths Imtnns; fsitnr "I ysjt the iUtf'uMit &sD vncs for for akin. I 'J V :i f PROFE33IONAIj CAFO)3. 4 .; H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms I and 2, IytbUffl iiuili.irn;. over C H. Cooper's store. German Physician. Eclctlc. rR. BAHTKL, PHYSICIAN ANT) BUEUi.U. Office over Albert Dunbur's store, cor. 9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls, i; confinements, 310.00. Operations at oinoe free; medicines furnished. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. a. DENTAL PARLORS. ManseU Block. 573 Third street DR. EILIV JANSON. PHY3ICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: i to 6 and 1 to 8 p. m, Sun days, 10 to U. J. S. BISHOP, M. D., " HOMEOPATHIST. Office and rooms in Kinney Block, Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to :30 Surgery and DlBeaseti of Women a Spe cialty. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Third si., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronl diseases. DR. O. B. ESTK3, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlgefs store, Astoria. Telephone No. 62, JAY TUTTLE. M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 1 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE- AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in hla office until It o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I p. m., and fro S until 7:S0 evenings. German Physician. Eclectic DR. BARiTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Albert Dunbar's store oor. 9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls 31; confinements, 310.00. Operations at office free. Medicines furnished. MRS. DR. OWENS ADAIR, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of 'women and children. Also to eye and ear. Office at Mrs. Ruckor's on Tuesdays and Saturdays from (:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith. LaFORCB & SMITH, ATTORNEYS-AT-YAW, 386 Commercial street. , FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Street Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxos. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON & DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 7, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Clalma against the government a ape cialty. JAMES W. WELCH, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Houses to rent. All kinds of prop erty for sale. Correspondence and business solicited. Office Welch Block, 654 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. MASSAGE N. Meleen, sclentlflo mas sage, 686 Commercial street, upstairs over Goodman's store. Office hours from 10 to 12 and 3 to 6. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TE1MPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. G. HOWELL, W, M. E. C. HOLDEN, Somtary. MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handler ft Haas. 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BEVERAGES. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. AIbo French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Stop that Goiigli! It may lead to serious conse quences. Cough remedies will not do it, because it means more than a simple cold. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Ilypophosphites will do it, and at tho same time will build up and fortify the system against further attacks. We are putting up a 50-ccnt size for just these local dirS-" culties. For ordinary Coughs and Colds that quantity will doubtless cure. I it is deep' seated it may require more. Scott 4 Bowm, N. Y. All Drwgg'ilj. Cc and !