The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 10, 1895, Image 3

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Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
" ' Dr. O. C Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
"Castorla is the best remedy for children of
Which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
ending them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kjnchblob,
Conway, Ark.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
H. A. Aacmta, M. D
III So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, N. V.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it"
Boston, Mass.
The) Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Now York City.
f?. P. EIHVOf?E;
Open For
Special Charter.
Sailing dates tojand from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
on the weather. For freight and passenger,
rates apply to
O. k & N. CO., Azcats, Portland.
If you want a piano or ortran, buy a
reliable make from first hands at a
reasonable price. We are the only
manufacturers of pianos and organs
who have a branch house on the Paci
fic coast, and are certainly in a posi
tion to sell you a reliable Instrument
for less than any retailer or agent.
A large shipment of KimJballs will be
sold In your town direct from the
factory Iff-the near future. If you are
ready to buy before they arrive, write
us and we will send you catalogue and
Pacific Coast Branch, Portland, Or.
KARL'S ChOVER ROOT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
nlate your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts., 50 cts., ana
Bold by J. W. Conn.
The World's' Fair Tests
showed no Lsk.'nj powder
so pars or so great la leav
ealag power as tha Royal.
Blood purifier, give tresnnew and
clearness to the complexion and cute
Constipation. 75 cU SO cts . 1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn-
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Suitor's Yitallzer -8AVKD
MY LIFE.' I consider It tne best rem
edy for a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
ney trouble. It excells. Pi ive T cts.
For Sale by J. W. Co tin.
Lessons Riven bv Mr. Emil Thlelhorn.
graduate of the Hamburg; Conservatory,
Germany; also a member of the Chicago
aiuBicai society, studio, corner of 02th
and Commercia streets, up stairs.
Persons who are subject to diarrhoea
wan una a speedy cure in De Wttt's Cote
and Cholera. Cure. Use no other. It
Is the best that can be made or that
money can procure. It leaves the system
in natural condition after Its use. Wa
sell It. Charles Rogers.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Kra'ise's Headacne Capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly.
Leavenworth. Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent
When occasion demands Its use, try
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is cool
ing to bums, stops pain instantly,
cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or
skin eruptions. Always cures pules,
Charles Rogers.
Meany Is the leading tailor and pays
the highest ash price for fur skins.
We recommend De Witt's Colic and
Cholera Cure because we believe ft M
a safe and reliable remedy. It's good
effects are shown at once In cases or
Cholera Morbus and similar complaints,
Charles Rogers.
Tide Table for July, 1895.
DATE. a. h. I P.s. it. j r. u.
h.mj ft. Ih.m ft h.m ft. h.m I ft
Hoo'lay ....i l6.57 815,(10 8410 6 2wn
Tuesday... it 9.V.ii.r7 9 09 8 1 8 40 0 0 3 l-' .S 2
Wedns'dy. II 11 lolfiM 10(UH8 4I-07i 41.V8S
Thursday., i 12 0!.)9; lO.WM 620-12 6 1113 7
-Friday 6 1266163; 11 4 6 111 -1 6i 0 08j8 5
Saturday.. .0 ..... . 187:6ft 66H-16i 6M.13
SUNDAY.. 7 0 26 8 8 lu!e 7 8H -1 61 73s:il
Monday.... 8 1118 81 2 45 71 8 11 -12 8;31
Tueodiiy.... S 14S 7 8 a 1.117 2 8 41-0 7 0Oi2 0
We'ntwday 10 21W 78 84217 4 0 08 -0 3 0 4i2 7
Thursday. 11 8 0116 9 4 11 7 5 9 31-01 1018 2 6
Friday.,.. 12 8 4li8 3 4 447 6 10 02 0 6 11 00j2 8
Saturday.. 13 4 3560 18i78 10 SI 18 1162,21
SUNDAY.. 14 631 55 66 76 11 11 1 8
Monday . ..15 6 3H51 6 411 7 7 0 53 1 7 11 53:2 3
Tuesday.. .16 7 66 4 8 7 3Ji7 8 2 00 12 12 412 9
Wedn'sd'y.17 9 21 4 9; 8 31 8 0 8 08 0 7 201135
Tliureday..lH 10 40l6 2 : 0 82:8 2 4 08 -0 1 8 2539
Friday .... 10 11 41 5 7 10 28 8 4 6 03 -0 9 4 37 8 8
Saturday.. 20 12 30 6 2 1121 87 662 1 5 53934
SUNDAY. . 21 ..... . U2 6 7 6 36-1 9 6 82 31
Monday. ...22 0 17 8 9: 1 52 7 8 7 21 -2 0 7 23 2 6
Tuesday. ..23 10t89; 23078 801 -18 81222
Wedn'sd'y24 16xi8 5 8 ON 8 0 8 42 -1 4 9 0317
Thursday .25 8 50 8 1 8 45 8 2 0 22 -0 7 0 5l!l8
Friday....) 8 42 7 5 4 21 82 1001 -01 1046J11
Saturday .27 4 896 9 5 0181 10 43 1 0 1149 0 9
8UNDAY..2K 5 42 6 1 6 5418 1 1182 ll.. .. . .1
Monday ...29 6 6X 551 6 4580lOO 07 122227
luesday...80 8 30 51 74079 214 0 S I 1 28 3 4
Wedn'sd'y 81 10 07 511 8 11 7 81 8 80 0112 5039
The Dwyer went down Ito Skipanon yesterday.
The Queen went up the river yesterday
wi,th a large scow in tow.
The Manzanlta ds expected back from
her Puget Sound trip early next week.
The Lincoln was surveying between
Tongue Point and No. 1 beacon all day
Several of the railroad men went on a
business trip to Flavel yesterday !n
Lowe's steam launch..
II. M. Leathers Is hard at work on a
copper fastened surf boat for the Man
zanlta. It will be completed in ten days.
The Electrtc went down to Portland
yesterday for two scows, which she Is to
take up to Portland for a load of lumber.
A British ship of 2747 tons has been
chartered to arrive In this river to load
wheat for Europe in the autumn at 36s.
This is probably the Mowhan, now load
ing at Liverpool. ,
steamers that leave here for the Orient.
carry not alone our flour, beans, canned
goods, leather, etc., to China and Japan,
but on almost every steamer are ehlp
meMs of canned goods destined direct
for Vladivostock, Singapore and Penang
ami other places Ini the Straits settle
ments; (Manila, Bandakan, in British
'Yjorith Borneo, Padang in Sumatra, Bang
kok in 61am. and Bombay and Calcutta
in, Jndla. These latter shipments, how
ever, are not very extensive, but there la
rid. doubt that if proper measures were
taken, the trade would be greatly In
creased. It is i well known fact that
large Quantities of California products
are shipped from other parts of the world
to the places mentioned, the middleman
who builds up the trade reaping a good
percentage of the profits. There is no
' reason why the Pacific coast merchants
by Judicious advertising and other means
should not build up a larger trade than
they have hitherto done, in our various
products, with places In the far east.
If they wish to extend trade they must
not sit supinely and wait for It to come,
to them. The UnJted States consul at
Bangkok, Slam, in, a recent report to
the department of state hits the nail on
the head when he says: "One thing
shoud be remembered by our (American)
merchants. They are not the only per
sons who have products to sell. If they
ever do business her? ithey will have to
push it. Buyers here will not run after
In. In this domain he Intends to encour
age the development of all kinds of game
Indigenous to 'that region winged, finned
or four footed. Sle has one patch of
twelve acres sown wholly to buckwheat,
which will not be cut, but left for the
"Bub Whites." These birds parish. In
great numbers In hard winters, as well
as ruffled grouse, and plenty of brush will
be left on the reservation for their pro
tect: ion and shelter.
It Is Poor 'Economy to Us? Irtferlor Stuffs
and Silks.
The British ship Bawnmore Is back
in San Francisco again from Peru with
2,730 tons crude petroleum for the gas
companies. Several cargoes of this char
acter have come to hand in the last
twelve months, and others ars expected
In 'the near future.
The wealther report received at this
office yesterday says: Showers occurred
on the 3d, 4th and 6th of July, being
heaviest on the 4th; the total rainfall was
from 0.10 'to 0.25 of an Inch. The tem
perature was much cooler than the pre
ceding week; the maximum ranged from
62 to 80 degTees. the minimum from 42
to 62 degrees. The weather was cloudy
to partly cloudy and cool up to bunaay;
Sunday and Monday iwere clear anil
As showing the growth of 'Alaska, says
the Coast Mall, the coming trip of Capt.
Bryant, Inspector of hulls, and C.
Cherry, Inspector of boilers, is pertinent.
In prl"r years there has beSn no occasion
for the inspectors to visit the Aelutlan
peninsula. Stem craft of no description
being owned in that region. Now it is
different, and eighteen vessels, some of
which have never been inspected, are
in those distant waters and have to be
looked after. The trip will occupy about
two months, and will cover more than
2,000 miles of water Journey.
Deputy Fish Commissioner Houchen In
forms us, says the South Bend Journal,
that matters have so far progressed! on
the Chinook, that this week the trans
portation of 600 large salmon will be
commenced. Putting In the fish Just at
present 1b, however, entirely against the
judgment of Mr. Houchen and also of
Superintendent Hubbard, considering it
at least a month too early, but it is at
the orders of Fish Commissioner Craw
ford and it will be done. A month later
would be plenty early, and Just as large
salmon and as many of thm could be
obtained then as now, and there is really
nothing to be gained by putting them in
Governor 'MeGraw, replyln to a ques
t'lon by a Post-Intelligencer reporter,
Bald: "I have requested Assistant At
torney General Height to watch the pro
ceedlngs taken against the Washington
fishermen charged with violation of the
Oregon Sunday law by llshing In the
Columbia river on that day . He will rep-
resent the state of Washington in the
proceedings in the federal court. I have
no', closely examined the entire law on
tin subject, but my conviction, based
on the law defining the boundaries of the
state. Is that the claim of Oregon is not
well founded. There may, however, be
other governing statutes. I will not fau
to do all that Is lawful to uphold the
rights of our citizens."
The Sportsman Says the Exercise Is for
the Sake of Science.
France has at last contributed a sport
to the list of summer outdoor pastimes
in which womankind 'love to Indulge; and,
naturally, what a dafinty Parisienne
adopts In the way of a country house
exercise Is not expected to be in the least
like the hardy English, and Scotch girl's
golif, cricket, bicycle, or polo. No indeed;
the French woman pretends to no sport in
which dainty dressing1 Is not the leading
features and graco In movement not one
the essentials for proficiency. Because
she can .wear the most delicate of frocks
and in moving show herself to the beat
advantage, the fair visUors at the var
ious chateaux have Inaugurated the Wat-teau-Uke
amusement of trapping butter
Now we are doing the same thing on
this side of the water; only we think we
have improved Immensely on the French
way of managing It. A sunshiny day
and a flower garden are really the llrst
prima requisites for (butterfly hunting,
and at the shops they sell pretty out
lits for the pretty business.
There are nets made of colored silk and
hung alt the ends of delicate lacquered
sticks, light as riding switches; and a
tLn-lined box, in which is a pasteboard
square whereon the Insect is impaled
talker having a few drops of chloroform
poured from a tiny bottle on Its head.
By a ribbon th'.s box is slung, like a
fisherman's creel, over .one's shoulder. In
a wide hat, a muslin gown, and light
morning shoes, the fair (butterfly catcher,
when tho daw has dried, makes' her
rounds of the lawn and gardens in search
of torighft hued prey. Dashing hither and
Wither after an artiful golden winged
flutterer, sho makes a pretty picture as
she waves her net and follows the vic
tim. Primarily exercise seems to be the ex-
cuse for tracking the poor l'.ttle Insect
to his end, though these flower garden
Dianas insist it is all for tha sake of more
sciemiflc knowledge of Insect life, for the
pleasure of making collections; and there
does seem to be a fair show of truth In
all this. The butterfly fiends all carry
little books In which are prlnlted in colors
the pictures and names of all the pretty
pUpillons in the United States. When one
Is caught lit is compared with those in the
book, identified, and registered, and no
duplicate ia pursued; for the sports
woman follows no chase for the mere Joy
of capture. Demorest Magazine. '
Captain Starr, mate of the Ilwaco, had
very narrow escape from drowning
yesterday afternoon when the steamer
was on her way across to 'this city. He
was talking to the captain and leaning
against the gate of the top deck railing
Just as the steamer was passing Sand Is
land near Republic spit. The gate gave
way with a sudden lurch of the boat,
throwing Starr violer.'.ly Into the river.
The Ilwaco was imrnc-ii -tely stopped and
put about. Two witnessed the
accident and ran their boat up to the
spot as quickly as possible. Starr was In
the water fully ten minutes, struggling
hard against the current, which in that
locality is very treacherous. He iwas fast
becoming very weak when the flshbeat
reached him and he was hauled aboard.
Jacob Kamm does not take kindly to
the action of his fellow directors of the
R. and N. Co., in leart.i ill. steamer
Ocean Wave to the Columbia River &
Puget Sound Transportation company,
and as a consequence has placed' a libel
on the steamer In the sum of $17,3.4 fur
services rendered by the Vancouver
Transportation company. This will most
likely result In the Ocean wave toeing
tied up to the dock during the entire sum
mer unless some amlcabl solution of the
spilt tn the board of directors can be
found. Mr. Kamm has always taken great
pride In the Ocean Wave and the steamer
has really become a favorite witti the
women and children going to the coast
during the summer, and that any other
company than his own should have the
handling of the boat is a proposition
Jacob Kamm cannot tolerate. Should by
any possibility the Ocean Wave be re
leased from the libel, then, It is stated,
Mr. Kamm will place the steamers Un
dine and Lurlln on the run in opposi
tion to the day and night boats of both
the O. R. & N. Co. and the C. K. &
P. 8. N. C. Should this result, the heart
of the public will be made glad, for with
the T. J. Potter, R. R. Thompson ana
North Pacific of the O. R. & N. Co., the
Telephone, Ocean Wave and Bailey Gat-
sert of Che C. R. & P. S. N. Co.; the
Undine and Lurline of Jacob Kamm, in
dividually; and George W. Shaver and
Sarah E. Dixon of the Shavers, a war of
rates will be brought about, that will
pos&bly not stop until, like in the old
days of the Sacramento river steamboat
lng, passengers are carried for nothing
nd provided with meals and a her;n.
Where the Princess of Wales and Her
' Daughters Make Butter.
Probably the most Ideal dairy In ex
istence is that of the Princess of Wales
in which not only she, but her various
daughters, Wave learned (to make the
most perfect of butter. The walls are
covered with tiles presented to the Prince
of Wales, who plaoed them here as a sur
pit'se to the royal dairymaids. They were
maae in Bombay and are of a deep pea
cock (blue, the rose, shamrock, and thistle
being intertwined, with the motto, "Ich
A white marble counter running around
tHe room holds silver pans of milk from
the Alderneys grazing without. Above
this on broad brocket shelves of marble
Is a collection In every imaginable ma
terial, of cows, bullocks, and calves; Ital
t'an and Parian marble, alabaster, porce
lain, terria, cotta, and silver all gifts.
A long milk can, painlted by the Princess to maltoh the Indian tiling, Btands
in one corner, and opposite is the head
of the princess pet Alderney, with a sli
ver plate recording her virtues. Here the
princess sometimes churns tn a silver
churn, and In the next room the butter
for the family is made and sent up fresh
every morning when they lore in London.
The day's supply is made up into little
palts and scrolls all ready for the table,
and the prtnee requires a special order of
pats. Not a grain of salt is allowed in
them, and they are made the size of a I
nan uouar ana tne inicKness of three,
with either the crown, the coat of arms,
or (the three feathers stamped on each.
The first rule to be observed in the
election of materials for embroidery is
they be suited to the particular purpose
for which they are destined; then, also
It Is imperative thalt they be of good
quality. It is the worst kind of economy
that grudges the necessary outlay for
a good foundation, while to work with In
ferlor silks means failure, with loss of
time and temper. The: most suitable
foundation Is a fine round thread linen
of sufficient weight to He smoothly In
place. If sheer linen Is preferred the
use of it is quite permissible. The effect
will be found a little more dressy for
special occasions, but It is desirable to
affix t, when finished, to an underlying
mat of colored silk or satin harmoniz
ing with the tones of the design.
It may here be noted that tt la never
well to fold linen centerpieces for the
creases will invariably show and prevent
the perfect flatness when laid out which
is essential to show off lh beauty of
the needlework. Filo-selle la the best
kind of silk for this class of work. It
Is composed) of six strands; these should
be separated, and for the fine work under
consideration only one strand should be
vsed for working the flowers, wh.le for
the stems and soma of the larger leaves
of tha foliage two strands may be token.
All the work Is to be executed In the
Simple Kensington stitch popularly known
cs tha long and short stitch, says the
Ladles' Home Journal. The great art
In working ia to make the direction of the
stitches imperceptibly follow the form
that '.s being nliedi in. Where the curves
are somewhat sudden very, short st'.tches
must be tlaken. Sometimes it Is even well
to split a single strand) of silk in doing
mis to avoid even a suggestion of clum-elness.
k lilt
k,' W. '
SOots. and
SL00 Bottle.
One cent a
Stock farming la developing greatly all
over the southwest,
Tha attention of fruit growers Is called
to the Rutledge apple.
The yield of bdth long and short staple
cotton depends upon the quality of the
The Florida farmer says that cassava
as a stock feed Is superior to potatoes
in every respect.
American Agrfculturlslt reports more
than 70 per cent of our annual ex
ports are made up of agricultural prod
ucts. .
Tha market gardeners In the vicinity
of Charleston are rapidly increasing the-
acreage or late seed potatoes for north
ern planting.
The number of paimdtta trees that are
being planted shows them to be growing
in popularity. As an ornamental tree
they stand second to none,
A Louisiana correspondent reports that
common sweet oranges were badly cut
down by the freeze, but the satsuma
or oonshlu oranges came through almost
It is reported that stock raising In
South Carolina, especially in the Pied
mont or tha northwestern section is
profitable, owing to the luxurlent growth
of clover and many grasses common to
much colder climates.
Among fruits catalogued by southern
nurserymen Is the Lexington pear, which
"Inclines to hear at two to four years
of age; fruit the same size, shape and
color or the Bartlett, but earlier by two
weens ana stm oner quality,"
If the seeds offered on the market are
mot free from trash and weed seeds, the
sener is not hvlng up to his opportunities,
Neither is the seed sower It he does not
refuse to buy them. It is a losing bust'
ness to cuy ana saw weed seeds.
The Mexican cotton boll weevil has
crossed tha Rio Grande, Invaded Texas
ana la now pushing Its way eastward.
According to the Texas Farm and Ranch
It threatens ta surpass the army worm
ana tne Doll worm tn destructiveness.
Says the Texas Farm and Ranch: "The
farmers of the south have the price of
cotton in their own hand. A big crop
'trf-s year win bring the price to J or
possiibly 2& cents. A 4,000,000 bale crop
will bring the price to 1 or 8 cents, and
a 2,600,000 bale crop will put the price
to 10 cents.
It Is sold on a guarantee by ail artia
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption,
ad, if. the best Cough sr-d Croup Cuxs
For Sale by S. TV. Conn.
E. flcNEIL, Receiver.
m Jo)
wJoU uo -JiMo
Gives Choice
Tmo Transcontinental
St. Paul.
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourist Sl68era
Pre Reclining Chair Cars,
Astoria to San Francisco.
State, Wednesday, July. 3.
Oregon, Monday, July 8.
State, Saturday, July 13.
Oregon, Thursday, July 18.
State, Tuesday, July 23.
Oregon, Sunday. July 28.
State, Friday, August 2.
The will of Mrs. Mary Jane Bradford, a
South Boston lady, provides a $4,000 trust
for the care and maintenance of a par
rota bird she had owned for twenty
Every steamer that leaves this port for
the tAntlpodea, says the Comire.rcial
New, carries large consignments of Cali
fornia, TrrwltK-ts, svh as canned and dried
frj.ts, nuts, canned salmon, etc., and the
There are thousands of worn out tld
fields of the south on which sweet pota
toes con Ibe grown for either early or
winter market at a good profit, writes a
North Carolinian to Country Gentleman.
He says: The broom sedge stubble puts
the land in excellent condition as to
lightness. The ground once well broken,
but l'.ttle cultivtatlng is needed. There
being little grass to keep down and 600
pounds of kalnlt to the acre, costing
hardly $5, the crop can be grown with
a very small outlay. It will doubtless
pay to mix 200 pounds dissolved bone
r"r acre with 'the kainit and on very
P-jf land 200 pounds cottonseed meal.
'Professor Massey of the North Carolina
stal.len, a man possessing both scientific
and pract'.cal knowledge in such matters,
recommends 400 pounds of sulphate of
potash In place of kalnlt.
Can you locate It? You ought to be
able to beoausa you live in It. This world
is the biggest curiosity shop that we have
known anything about up to date. Jupiter
or Bat urn may be able to discount it.
Perhaps, and perhaps not. It Is pretty
iuu or people who are continually tinker
ing with themselves patching themselves
up so to speak, in a medicinal way,
If they are constipated, bilious or dys
peptic they rush to the nearest drugulst
for & violent purgative. If they are ma
larious they fly for relief to that ancient
but ineffectual reliance tha sulphate of
quinine. This is what they shouldn't do
What they should do is to begin and pursue
a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
the prlm.'St of alteratives and anti-malar
ial specifics, particularly valuable also for
rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness and
debility, and a promoter of sleep and
appetite beneficial to all chronic Invalids.
May not retain her dimples and rosy
cheeks "blooming with health," uatll she
nnds a good husband. A little neglect
or accident may bring about some one of
the many "female" diseases and "weak
nesses," to which the sex is subject, and
health may be forever Impaired, and
hopes and happiness at an end. Thanks
to Dr. Pierce, his Favorite Prescription,
prepared by him for women cures the
worst case of uterine diseases, nervous
ness, neuralgia, irregularities and "weak
nesses." It is a great invigorating tonic
and nervine and rapidly builds up the
health and strength.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets for constipation,
sick headache, biliousness. Indigestion.
Once taken always In favor.
A now us has been found for aban
doned farms. It is well known that In
Scotland many of the largest landed pro
prietors depend largely upon the rental
of their deer forests in the annual re
turns from their estates, and in England
there are Innumerable stretches of land
which, at present agricultural prxes, pay
better to rent for shoot' ng than for farm
irg. It is sugges;ed that many abandoned
farms in this country can, at compara
tively slight expense, be made to yield
a fair return by being turned into gams
preserves. Gunners have every year to
go further and furth.r from iif'ne in1
search of game and the time muilt camel
when the English pl.m Of "preserving
game birds will have t be adopied, .f
there is to be any sport I. ft in the coun-
try. Gooa, well stocked ghooang lands;
will their fetch high prices, and tomej
wide-awake business men prepese to be
early In the Held. The movement hasj
been hitherto mainly confined to shooting:
and country clubs, which having acquired1 j, oereby given forbidding Packwood or
runs of property, have prohibited the any other persons from cutting or re
Indlsciiminate killfng of game on their moving wood or stone from any of my
lands or of flch in the rivers by the public, land without first making sallsfactory
bu'. 'X Is probable that such acquisition' arrangements with James W, Welch.
and preservation will soon form a dls- ' "
tlnct branch of private enterprise. To
show Ks possibilities a Connecticut far
mer has bought up a lot of abandoned
farms an.1 numi) and wood 1-ind, assre
gitlng about ,(M acres and1 fenced It
j These tlnj Capsules arosuperlor
rJto Balsam of Copaiba, f
1 MCuMs an,l Iiih-ctioni ISKW
Tjipv cure InifJ hours ILa
wNjsamo tl'ieares will ct anvln...)i
Ttnlenoe. SOLO U!f Ait OXiCKCiS
ROYAL VakingPowder.
Wzhezi cf e!l la hsveslss
Ltrenzttl-V. B. OtntrmtKot Report.
Astoria and Poftlnd Steamers.
Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'s boats
will run as follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As
toria at 6:46 a. m. dally except Sunday,
and Portland dally at 8 p. in. except
Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave
Astoria at 7 p. m. 6V". and Portland
at 7 a. m. dally except 'Sunday.
For rates and general Information call
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. Pas. Act, Portland. Or.
Rooms 1 and 2, PythUn nullilln.
over C. II. Cooper's store.
German Physician. EcKctlc.
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls, $1;
confinements, $10.1)0. Operations at oilius
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN. D. D.XS..
Hansel! Block, 67J Third street.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m .; i to t and 7 to 8 p. m. Bun
days, 10 to U.
J. S. BISHOP, M. D.,
Office and rooms In 'Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:20 and 4 to 6:30
Surgery and Diseases of: Women a Specialty.
Office, ES4H Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chront
DR. O. B. ESTE3,
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger store, Aitorla,
, Telephone No. 62.
Office, Rooms I and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 13 and t to
S. Residence, 639, Cedar street.
May be found In his office until It
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I
p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings.
Cerman Physician. Eclectic.
Office over Albert Duiubar's store
cor, 9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls
11; confinements, $10.00. Operation at
office free. Mexllalnes furnished. '
Special attention given to diseases
ot women and children Also to eye
and ear. Office at Mrs. Rucker's on
Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8:30 a,
m. to 3:30 p. m.
W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith,
385 Commercial street.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squemoqus Streets. Astoria, On
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
(Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. y
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Captain Sweeney, U, S. A. San Dlearo
Col., says: "Hhiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would no me any good. Price 60
cts. Sold by J. W. Coun.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving. 111., write.
tnat he had a severe kidney troubl
for many years, with severe pains 1
his back, and also that his bladde
was affected. He tried many so-callet
Kidney cures, but without any goo
resuts. About a year ago he began us
of Electric Bitters and found relief a
once. ISlectrio Bitters Is especlall
adapted to cure all kidney and live
troubles, and often gives almost In
st ant relief. One trial will prove ou
statement. Price, only 60 cents fo
large bottle, at Chas. Rogers' dru
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which la remarkable.
Yours, respectful!
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., sole agent
There is great danger in neglecting
Colic, Cholera and eimdlar complaints. An
absolutely prompt and safe cure Is found
In De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure.
Charles Rogers.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla,
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," Is sympathetically
bown In the following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympathy Is born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please sena K reuses
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, Brookland,
Dak. I have always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only thing that relieves
me." Yours very truly.
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. irlogers, Astoria.
Or. Sole Agent
SHTLOH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
only cents. Children love tt Sold
by 1. w. conn.
Astoria, Oregon.
Office on Second Street. Astoria, Or.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxo
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland. Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton-Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attemded to.
Claims against the government a spe
Houses to rent. All kinds of prop
erty for sale. Correspondence and
business solicited. 'Office Welch Block,
654 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon.
MASSAGE N. Meleen, scientific mas
sage, &S8 Commercial street, upstairs over
Goodman's store. Office hours from 10
to 12 and J to 6.
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Saaratary.
Handler & Haas, 160 First street, and
get the Pally Astortan, Visitors need
not mlsa their morning paper while
fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and apricot brandy. Also French
"Via-nao and wine at Ale Gilbert's.
Seals Steel Dies, Wood & f4etal.
Society Calling Cards and An
nouncements Engraved and
205 MorrltoD SU Portland, Or.
Notice is hereby given to the legal vot
ers of School District No. 1, Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, that a special
election will be held In said; district on
Monday, the 8th day of July, A. D. 18U5.
Polls to be opened at t p. m., and eon
tlnued open until 6 p. m. of said day.
Polling places:
No. 1, school room, Unlontown.
No. 2, engine house, Rercue Ensile
Co. No. JL
No. I, old school building In Adair's
Port of Upper Astoria, ,
This election Is hold for the purpose sf
electing one director to serve until liareh
1W7, to AH the vacancy caused by fka
death of Mr. J. P. Dickinson.
By order of board of directors.
THOS. DEALY, Chairman.
Attest: H. B. Ferxuson, Clerk.
Dated, Astoria, Orison, Juno 16, 1S5.
j Pitcher's Ccctcrbr