The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1895, Image 4

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S3 ..... .;
SHE onlj- way to (It a nao I to flnt And
out Just what kind of a man you have to
flt-that't Juat what we do take your
siaaaure exact and cut the lult for you and
It must fit, or we'll keep 'em.
. chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
2j Commercial Street
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those w serve. We're trying In
very way to make them the most en
joyable In town. , All the "good things"
ef the season cooked fey our excellent
took In the most dellcloue style. Perfect
If you Invite friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place te a sufficient guar
tntee that be will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
Sterling- Silver !
Never ha there been euob stock
ef sterling silver jewelry as xnai now
.... 4iinlad of mil atnrA Wftlf thfl tnwn
does not realize the immensity of this
.' I.,. EXSTROM, the Jeweler.
178 Commercial Street.
Manufacturer of every description of
toungos, Miabtresses, etc
When the tide sets one way there Is
always a cause for It
Women don't come here to buy roast
steaks, and all other kinds of meat
limply because it's Chriatensen & Co.'s.
Of course there are a few, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
from ignorance, bat the great mass of
housekeepers buy where they can get
the best and for that reason we supply
the majority of the families in Asto
ria for they know by experience, that
wt have only the best
CHRI3TBN3EN CO., Prop'rs,
Honored of business and professional
aea are now coming to our place
Dally. Why? Because they, can at any
time, day or night, call for a sandwich
ere and get It.
We expected (o be mobbed for these
sandwaches and our fresh t cent beer
when the railroad comes.
Qtosbauer & Brach.
... . ; JB Works,
, General riachlnlat sod Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work- of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St., Astoria, Or.
A Poor Cigar
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
11 Don't expect to make, ' either.
. But marke this -a-t-l-s-f-a-c-
t-l-.-n of the 22-karet ort has
" accompanied every purchase of
' ' one of the cigars made by him
' since he began business. We've
- got the notion that a satisfied'
customer "cuts a big figure" in
building up a business. That's
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
to well.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
' . ' Xatorl and Upper Astoria.
hwTaaaandCoffwi, Table Dellcadei. Dorotstlc
and Tropical Prults, VtReublei, Sugar
. ,, ,Curd Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Choice.. Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Kid Slippers!
. White Kid Oxfords!
Wfyite Canvas Oxfords!
In buying these' goods from us
for graduation exercises one can
be suited here just as well as
though they had sent to Ban
Francisco and had the goods made
lor tbero.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Show Royal Baking Powder
superior to ull of hern.
Aren't nT worn out wound the sola
somewhere? Don't they need a patch en
th eldT W will make them good at
Kitty Corner From Planar Broa. Btor
Japanese Bazaar
' ' BIND LUNO. Prop.'
' ' 'A now supply of- Fire
"Works iust received. The
finest ever brought to Astoria.
ii ivnd bireet, next floor to Mouier't
Wfpite . C ,
Jast th8, Thing fotf Warm njeathei? 1
Try Smith's ice cream.
Fresh strawberries at Smith's today.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Don't use a plaster, but take Rogers'
KldntT Cure tor Dame back.
" DON'T PASS BY But step into Jeffs
and try one of those 26c meals.
neas, No. 613 Commercial street.
A FEW LEFT Of those 2Cc meals at
Joe Terp's; try one; 120 llth street.
THE SPA-Colman's old stand. Is the
place for fresh candles and ice cream.
THE BAMS FLAOE-118 12 Uh Street Is
the place to buy fresh fish every day.
GRAND OPiSNINQ-Of all kinds of for
eign novelty goods, at 6G6 Commercial
T. E. Schults, frescos atvd scenic er
tlst, with B. F. Allen, 866 Commercial
WA NTHD Peop 1 e to call Bit the Scow
Bay Wood Tard and lea re the prices on
The Palace Barber 6 hoy Is now giv
ing one of their two-Mi shaves for
16 cents.
Our milk 4s sruaraniteed strictly pure
and fresh from the cow daily. RettU
& Wilson. f
The Palace Bath House encourages
folks to bathe by having everyBUng
first olass.
The vanilla and" lemon extracts put up
by the Frlnts-Oraln Drug Co. are the
beet made.
PAT LAW1BR ft CO. Fine line of
canned goods and fresh flan, 671 Com
mercial street.
YOUB. TURN NEXT To get one of the
finest cigars for the least money. No.
459 13th street.
Call at the Prlmts-Cnaln Drug Store and
get a sample of their Antlceptlo loom
Wash free of charge.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 628 Commer
cial street, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them.
finest line of liquors and cigars In the
city. Call and sample them.
Dr. Howard, No. 698 Commercial Street.
Removed from Astor House, ...
, If your watch don't run, call at 6T1
PnmmArclal street, across from Bhan Sy
rian Bro.' and have it repaired.
Co.1l and sea for yourself for we can
Bive vou a 'bargain In candles at L. I.
Johnson's opposite Central Hotel.
DON'T FORGET That at Nos. a and
116 Tenth street is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's ice cream Is unequalled . las
cream soda a specialty. Private par
lors for ladles. Commercial street. '
DROP IN Next door to McLean's
Blacksmith Shop and get prices on all
kinds of carpenter work. A. Paulsen.
WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. . New stocK com
plete. ; . ,
RAILROAD SURE If W. T. Beveridge
cannot suit vou with cigars and tobac
co on Commercial street, he can on 11th
street. , m,. ...
A SURE THING That you can get
fruit and candy for less money than any
where s e at M. iHoular's, on Bond
DTVlll A lh TJnrfl flhAA ChOD llOUSt
and try one of those 16 cent meals, same
as you pay 25 cens for elsewhere, 646
Commercial street.
Will Bnmxt th summer In Astoria. One
of Portland's most artistic dressmakers,
lute from Chicago. Patronage solicited.
Look for od lattr.
JUST RECEIVED At 616 Commercial
street, fine line of extension tables, cen
ter tables, lounges, and kitchen treas
ure. J. G. Robs, proprietor.
What cows received first premium at
the World's Fair for producing the
richest mtlkT Jersey cows, and those
are the only kind thait J. A. Rowan
sells milk from.
No babter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than is f umldhed for five cents
nimnt hv Rerth A Wilson, ana de
livered in a oko-n and tUfWrly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
ing. .
Arrived Mrs. Zwemer, trance medium.
ran i.a inoiiUMl mi all affairs of lift.
Call alt Mrs. M. A. Hall's residence. 861
Exchange street, okl kwsb residence, cir
cles every Tueavtoy ni Friday night at
8 o'clock.
u-, v.t., r. nannia ti&nlr tr aha Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
. . . 1 V. I H r u ,vrvwhMN lflT MltV
be it's one thing, and May be it's another.
Hut the ract remains wc h n.
And of course the -Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of it.
Mothers raising their babes on the
bottle will haw fat, strong and heal
thy babies by using J. K. Rowan's Jer
sey milk, as he makes a specialty of
milk for babies and the sic. Try him
and be happy.
Business men of Astoria visiting Port
land have for years been acoustomfcd
to take their mid-day lundi at the
"Gem.". The "Gem" la now located at
73 Third street, next d; to the Alns
worth Bank. Jos. E. Penny.
WH HAVE IT The plac to get a
accent tneal for 15 omUb, oily white
labor employed (.t 6S Commercial street.
BYEiS-Two hard-woVlni? servants
Yet qilokest to rebel when over-work,
ed. Ul8Jse--the riirht ones-sclentlf-Icallv.
delicately adjusted ones the
remedy. The ability thit experlenf
j-. i..i a J. ii.
Seymour's. Charges only for glasses
At your own price at Foard & Stoke
Local weather for the tweney-f our hours
endlig at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau:
Maximum temperature, 64 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 46 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from Beptember 1st,
1894. to date, 73.78 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, 1894, to date, 4.94 inches.
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
bonnlere. '
The Astoria Public Library will be open
as usual today.
Astoria's common council meets in regu
lar session tonight.
Don't use a piaster, but take Rogers'
Kidney cure for lame back.
Besb ice cream and tee cream soda la
the city at the Bonbonnlere.
Look out for the High Scfaool Football
Club excursion on the Fourth.
The new roud between Elk Creek and
Seaside lias been completed.
The Gearhart Park hotel was formally
opened to the public yesterday. Companies No. 1, 2 andi S held
short business meeting Monday evening.
The Outing Club intend giving one of
their pleasant excursions on the Fourth
of July.
Grading on Bond street will be finished
by Contractor 'Normlle at the end of the
coming week.
The Houseman cottage at the seaside
has been rented for the season by Will
iam Patterson.
A marriage license was yesterday Issued
by the county clerk to Viktor Koskl and
Annie Rlngvllle.
. Go to Fort Camby on the eth wlbh the
High School Football Club. Only 60 cents
for the roundi trip.
The tennis club are taking advantage of
the good weathee-iy eugUglng in practice
work every evening.
The raffle lor the gold watch will take
place at the White House Corner at t
O'clock this evening.
Big celebration at Fort Oanby on the
4th. The Iliwacos and the High School
Club are to compete.
Alfred Tee and friends will occupy
the Walsh cottage at Cannon Beach dur
ing the summer months.
. Phil Connant is now the Seaside and
Cainon Beach mall carrier, Mr. Ander
son, the old carrier, having resigned.
The board of school directors met last
evening anl no quorum being present, ad
journed till the next regulur meeting.
The Logan house at Seaside and Elk
Creek will be In charge this season of
that well known hotel man, Joseph
The new rifle morture lately received
at Fort Canby were tested yesterday. The
result was very satisfactory to the army
The Astoria fire department election will
take place on the 14th of July. A chief,
first and second assistant nfflneers will
be elected.
Hereafter the O. R. and N. steamers
will make regular Sunday trips, the
same as other days, between. Portland
and Astoria.
Yesterday's Portland boats brought a
large number of Seaside tourists who In
tend spending the summer months at that
favorite resort.
Quite a large number of people arrived
on the Telephone yesterday afternoon and
at 4:30 o'clock, left for a few days' visit
to the seashore.
Air. John McCue Is having his Irving
avenue lot graded and will In a short
time commence the construction of a
dwelling thereon.
It Is expected that this seiison will see
more resorts and places of recreation at
Seaside than have ever been known be
fore In its history.
WllllUm Sanford was taken to the hos
pital yesterday suffering from the effects
of a broken, leg. Dr. O. B. Eates was
summoned to attend.
Don't miss the great time ait Fort Can
by on the 4th. Twanty-two events to
take place. The steamer Mayflower
leaves Hume's dock at 8 am.
The painting by R. P. Habersham,
which was so much admired at the Art
Loan Exhibition, has been put up for
rattle at the store of Grlttin & Reed.
It Is reported that Mrs. H. T. Crosby
will give a concert at Gearhart Park this
summer. Should the rumor be correct
the tady will no doubt meet with great
Tickets will be sold for the steamer
Telephone and Bailey Gatsert July I an
4, good until 6th, at one fare for the
round trip, to all points between Astoria
and Portland.
The High School eleven have been prac
ticing faithfully for their match game
with the Ilwaco's on the 4th. and their
friends expect them to be rewarded by
bringing home the medals.
MR. A. G. Spexarth, the gun store man,
of this city, has generously given a fine
22-callbre rifle and a bamboo Ashing rod
as prises In the Fourth of July athletic
competition tit Fort Oanby.
A grand ball will be given at Suoml
hall In Unlontown July 4th. The Kalewa
band will furnish the music and a grand
time is expected. Everybody Invited. Ad
mission 60 cents, ladles free.
The commttttee on streets and public
ways met In the city hall yesterday
morning. Reports to be presented to the
council at its meeting tonight were looKea
over, after which the meeting adjourued.
The O. R. and N. Co.. will soli Fourth of
July tickets at one fare for the round
trip to all points on the river between
Astoria and Portland. Tickets on sale
July Sd and 4th, good for return to tht
6th inclusive.
On and after July X the Seashore Road
Co. will run two dally trains each way.
until further notice, leaving Seaside at
7:90 a. m. and I p. m., and Young's Bay at
a. ro. and 4:30 p. m. Take steamer
Dwyer, leaving Flawl's dock at 8: a
m. and 4 p. in. . .
-v. ,..
The Gearhart Park Hotel will be open
ed for the Inception f guests on July
. k wm.. II i.,rm,Ara f.irrrwr mftnarer
of the Hotel " Portland." WHt teadwettJ
hotel. Astorlana are cordially invjtea to
give the hotel- the same support thay have
done heretofore.
Last wek the Iwim uf Euuuul Nan
nalaua of &tlmon Creek, was destroyed
byjflr. Nothing was. eaveA. from the
flames and the loss Is about 2,00O, .with
no insurance. .The origin of the. Jlrp ft
i. pwvi
The case of the state of Oregon vs. C.
H. Brown, charged with assault, was on
trial before Judge Abercromble and a
jury, yesterday. After a short delibera
tion the Jury returned a verdict of not
The celebration on the Lewis and Clarke
tomorrow will attract a large crowd.
Many interesting features are programed,
among them a match game of baseball
between the Lewis and Clarke nine and a
team from this city.
Died Tuesday, July 2d, at 4 a. m., John
Egbert, son of John W. and Olava Welch,
aged four and one-half months. Funeral
will hake place from the family residence,
corner of Grand avenue and 16th street
today at Z p. m. Interment at Hillside
Henry Plz, a Blind Slough salmon
catcher, was in Astoria yesterday. Mr.
Piz is an old time nshermun and reports
that ihe has met with the poorest kind of
luck thus far this season. He made a
drift of fourteen1 miles last Monday night
and did not catch a flsh.
The steamer Bailey Gatzert will leave
Portland on the night of July 4th at 11
o'clock, foot of Alder street. This will
give Astorlans a chance to see the even
ing parade, fire works, etc. Round trip
tickets good on Bailey Gatzert or Tele
phone, only $1.60, July 3d and 4th. Good
returning July 6th.
Owing to the many different entertain
ments to be given on the Fourth in the
neighboring towns and the Inability of a
sufficient number to agree upon, the same
place for spending the day, the Knights
of Pythias have decided not to give their
excursion on the Fourth, but to postpone
it to some future date.
The following were among the passen
gers for Portland on the Potter last
evening: C. D. Smith, L. H. Cowing,
A. H. Morgan, D. Lepper, C. Maxwell,
N. Delia, Capt. Morrlaey, W. G. Martin,
Mr. Truesdale, Bishop Morris, I. Abra
hams, Mrs. A. L. Maxwell, Mrs. Delia,
Jack Reedt R. iMcIntosh, Mrs. Truesdale.
The steamer North Pacific will hereaf
ter ply between Astoria and Ilwiaco, mak
ing two round trips dally, leaving on
arrival of R. R. Thompson and T. J.
Potter from Portland. Landings will be
made at Young's Bay for Clatsop Beach
passengers. For tickets and detailed In
formation, call at ticket office under Occi
dent hotel,
. In order to accommodate all those who
wish to wltntess the football and other
amusements at Fort Canby on the Fourth
of July, the O. R. land N. Co. will moke a
reduced rate of 60 cents for the round
trip to Ilwaco on that date via the eteam
fr North Pacific, which will leave the
O. R. and N. dock at 8 o'clock a. m.
Returning will leave Ilwaco at 6 p. m.
On Monday, July 8th, Miss Woolfolk
will open a summer school of art at the
corner of 10th and Duane streets. In
structions in drawing and painting in oil,
pastel and water colors from the model,
still life and landscapes. Studio open
every morning. Lessons given on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
Terms, 810 a month. Single lessons, $1.00.
There will be no meeting of the W. C.
T. U. tomorrow. The ladles invite all
friends to join them in a basket picnic
near the new water works. There will be
a meeting of tjhe clans at 11 o'clock In Mr.
Gerdlng's orchard. W. C. T. U. "Water
Commission" Temperance Union, true to
their principles are naturally interested
in the water supply for the coming As
toria. Commencing Sunday, June 80, and dur
ing the seaside season, the O. R. and N.
Co. will make a 50 cent round trip rate
between Astoria and Ilwaco good on Sun
days only. Steamer North Pacific leaves
O. R. and N. wharf at 8 o'clock a m.
Time of departure returning will be gov
erned by tides permitting connection to
be made with Potter for Portland in
the evening.
The old flavorlite steamer R. R. Thomp
son Is iBgain. on the Astoria-Portland
route, after havlmg been thoroughly over
hauled, re-pal rrted and re -flitted with new
and elegant furnishings, Including oar
pets, matotresees, etc. Besides this there
has been placed on the Thompnon a com
plete electric light plant. All of these
features corrtbhied make the Thompson
one of the most comfortable boats on the
river to ride on.
The Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland,
Or., the largest and oldest music house
In the Paclflo Northwest, wive now on
exhibition in the Welch Block, pianos,
organs, violins, guitars, banjos, mando
lins, accordions, and autoharps. Anyone
needing a piano should call and get prices
on their new and second hand pianos.
Those desiring a Chlckerlng or Hardman
piano should notify the office so that
the Instruments can be ordered from Port
land on trial.
The -firemen's election which Is to take
place this month Is beginning to create
considerable Interest. All the companies
held meetings yesterday evening and the
merits of the different favorites for the
positions were discussed. A chief en
glneer, first assistant, and second assist
ant engineer will be elected. Those most
prominently spoken of as possible can
didates are th present encumbent, Ed
ward Foster, and ex-Chief Charles H
Stockton, and Frank Gree.i, foreman of
Alert Hook and Ladder Company. For
nrst assistant tne names or w. u. me
Croskey, Gens Hansen and R. M. Stuart
are mentioned.
The following were among the passen
gers for Portland last evening on the
steamer Telephone: A. Anderson, F. M.
WUrivrK Jr., Geo. Warren, Gus Snyder,
Mrs. E. L. Sherman and daughter, Ira
Goo de no ugh, Mrs. Edwards, C. W.
Knowles and wife, C. Jordan. Miss 7.
Graham, O. M. Thumler, Mrs. M. F. Hall,
Mra Kalln, R, M. London and wife, M.
Johnson, J. H. Porter, C. F. Lester, Miss
Masters, H. Mansell, Mrs. E. L. Beck,
H. Chapln and wife, F. M. Warren, D.
K. WUrrenv R. B. Wilson, C. B. Trescott,
E. A. Seeley, E. P. Wilson and wife,
Mrs. J. V. Smith. Miss Coolldge. S. B.
Smith, W. McCroskey, Mrs. Sanders, H
W. Smith, F. H. Cook, L. Harrlmaa,
Frank Linden,
An interesting meeting of the Red Men
was held st their hall Monday evening.
Several mi members were admitted af
ter which the officers elected at 'he last
meeting were installed. Past Sachem
Edward Hallock was presented with a
costly gold ring. Mr. Hallock has been
the presiding officer of the order for some
trme and the present, which is handsome
ly ensraved with the emblems of the
order, was given him by brother Red
Men for duty faithfully performed. Del
era tea to repreaent the lodge at the grand
council of the state, which meets in As
toria, on the SSd of July were chosen
after which refreshments were served and
a royal jolly time had. It Is expected
that between J00 and 0 members of the
order will be in attendance at the grand
council. , ' -
Ttiantdnar the good people of Astoria and
surrounding country for their I'.beral .pat
ronage during the thirty days I worked
at reduced, price I nope, by professional
courtesy, honest and durable, work, to
merit a continuance of the same.
Surgon DentiiA.
Dental parlors, 598 Commercial street.
Cr. Price1 Crssa hiHag Fu wf
WarU'a Fair lughast Medal as DUesss.
ttemarkable Record of Tax Collec
' " " tlons.''' ' '
J' Sheriff" Hare, yesterday made his offi
cial, report to the County Court of the
collection of taxes for the year 1894. The
report was made on a single sheet of le
gal cap paper and is unprecedented in
point of brevity and comprehensiveness.
The total amount of the tax rolls charg
ed for colk-cdon was 8112,394.46. The to
tal collections were fl03,W7.i. The amount
of errors and double assessments was
81,653.68; property sold1 to the county
judge, 86,617.03; amount of taKes still de
linquent, 81607.71; collected and turned In
over and above the amount- of taxes
charged to the sheriff, 8117.30; amount
of costs collected in addition to taxes,
81628.69; amount of costs returned from
school districts of Astoria, for fees in
collecting their taxes, and turned in to
treasurer, 1295.21; grand total collected,
The total amount of county taxes col
lected was 137.4ti2.96, of which only 813,233.97
was In county warrants.
The report Is certainly a remarkable
one and probably unequalled in any coun
ty of the state. Shintr Hare and the1
county court deserve great credit for the
remarkable record madj.
A large amount of business was yes
terday transacted la the' county court.
Several thousand dollars of bills were
paid and numerous matters disposed of.
The returns made to the county court
by the sheriff show that the costs el
advertising and collecting taxes by the
sheriff last year amounted to about 85,000
as (against 816,000 last year.
A full report of the session of court will
be published later.
The bankrupt shoe store, corner of
Ninth and Commercial streets, opened
last Tuesday morning, and ever since
the opening the store has been crowded
with people most of the time, and, judg
ing from the armsful of shoes carried
away, they must be reasonable in price
and good in quality. If you are In need
of footwear it will pay you to take a
look at this stock.
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Colum
bia River FlBhermen's Protective Union
will be held at their reading room, Sat
urday, July 6, 1895, at 7:30 p. m. sharp.
Nomination of officers for the ensuing
'Members In good standing are request
ed to be present and have their book
or receipt along.
M. Mithlsen, Gray's River.
G. Mason, Chadwell.
Mrs. Schultz, city.
T. Corcoran, Mlshawaka.
R. R. Cole, Lewis and Clarke.
Wm. Larson, Lewis and Clarke.
Henry Peterson city.
J. C. Marshall, city, i
R. M. Wooden, Jewell.
Ole Peterson, Ilwaco.
R. A. Abbott, Clatsop.
F. P. Milferty, Ctetsop.
J. H. Palm, Grays River.
SR. Luddlngton, Brookfleld.
L. M. Service, Skamokawa.
P. Stemenka, Skamokawa.
P. G. Polly, Skamokawa.
A. G. Simmons, City.
C. E. Mitchell, Lafayette.
T. H. Homer, Lebanon.
W. J. Homer, Lebanon.
Jlas. Hlslop land wife, Portland.
W. H. Johnson, Portland.
J. B. Johnson,' Neholem.
Hyman Johnes and wife, Chinook.
Henry Ford, Mlshawaka.
J. Durrand, (Marshfleld.
C. W. Stoner, South Dakota.
W. E. Hayden, Ft. Stephens.
F. M. Newbold, South Bend, Wash.
Bishop Morris returned to Portland on
the Potter last evening.
Sheriff Hogan. of Wahkiakum county,
vas in the cry yesterday.
Miss Kate Grant, the school teacher,
Is in Seattle visiting friends.
C. A. McGulre, smiling and jolly as
ever, was In town yesterday.
C. W. Knowles and wife returned to
their Portland home yesterday.
Mrs. A. A. Cleveland arrived from
Portland yesterday aftiernoonk
Dr. Brooks, the Fort Canby post sur
geon, was In Astoria yesterday.
Mr. William Wheeling, of Portland, Is
In the city on a short business trip.
C. F. Lester, of Warrenton, was a pas.
sengcr on the Telephone for Portland
last evening.
D. K. Warren. E. A. Seelay, and H. W,
Smith, were among the Portland passen
gers last night.
Mra E. T. Brown, wife of Lieut
Brown of Fort Canby, was visiting in As
toria yesterday.
Miss Bessie and Daisy Hill left for
Knappa yesterday ore the Mller for a
week's visit with friends.
Thomas Lewi st on and family, of Port
land, arrived' hi Astoria yesterday, and
left this morning for Clatsop oeacn.
Hugh Wagner, the Jeweler, remarkable
for his quiet nature, in giving inrorma
tlon, returned yesterday from Cannon
Mrs. Moore, wife of Daniel Moore, the
county clerk of 'Multnomah county, pass
ed through Astoria en route to the se.
shore yesterday.
Mrs. Alfred (Riffle, wife of Engineer
Riffle, of the new water wtorks system,
has arrived from Portland and will In
future reside in. Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow arrived on the
Telephone yesterday for Seaside. Mrs.
Harlow Is a sister of Benjamin Worsley,
of this city, and will spend a few weeks'
vacation at the popular seashore resort.
Gen. Schofleld says the United States
has been on the verge of war twice
within six years und was wholly unpre
Dared. .
Silas 6. Putnam, who has Just died in
Boston, was a direct descendant of Israel
Putnam. He was an inventor of con
siderable note.
Ibsen was seen recently at a court ball
in Norway, and his small tlguro fairly
biased with stars, crosses, collars, -pendants
and other decorations of all kinds
from all sources.
Miss Carrie Llebig, who has just been
appointed a division surgeon of the
Northern Paclflo railroad at Hope, Iduho,
is the first woman physician to be ap-
Dolrrted Jn the railway service.
Mra Cleveland's great fondness for
flowers eis well known and she has an
especial fancy for ' growing flowering
plants, but is enthusiastic over all flow
era from the most modest wild flower
to the conservatory-bred rose and orchid.
Gen. W. H. Jackson of Nashville la
the owner of the letter in which. Aug.
15, 178S, Andrew Jackson challenged CoL
Walgttlll Avery to fight a -duel, which
was prevented through tire offices or com
mon friend The two men had quarreled
over a lawsuit la wlch they had been
engagtd as counsel on opposite sides.
-v. THIS. .. . . . , . ..
New Giri-aiamma, I wish you could
?w Wornsn Why s my child.
New Girl Because I've torn my bloom
era and papt's busy ironing. ,
NONE of these feel more elated than we do over
Of our NEW line of SUITS for Men and Boys.
OUR SUITS are so beautifully made I
OUR SJTITS fit so elegantly ! I
OUR SUITS are so reasonable 111
That we feel as though we had a right to feel proud
and ask you to pay us
Look at our durable $10 Cheviot Suits. Take a
peep at our handsome $12.50 worsted suits. TRY
on either of those or our still finer $15 and $17.50
suits and we believe that you, too, will feel elated
over the
Of our clothing. . We but ask an inspection. The
rest we leave to your judgment.
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Joint Celtbrntion by the Kninhta of Pythitis ami People of
Astoria, and llie People of Seaside. ..
Master of ceremonies Mr. E. M. Grimes
Marshal of the doy Mr. P. 8. Philbriok
Chaplain Rev. HendersoD
Heading Declaration of Independence .Miss Dickie Byrd
Orator Hon. G. 0. Fulton
Music Utzioger's Band
Remarks.. By Visiting Knights
Sonus, recitations, etc . By People of Seaside
In the Grove. Sport on the Beach.
1 Sack Race 8 Boat race
2 Potato race 9 Greased pig race
8 Tbree-legssd race 10 Barrel ridiog in tbe surf
4 Boy's toot raoe 11 King race
5 Girls' foot race 12 Men's foot raoe, 100 yards
6 Stuffed club contest 13 Horse race, 300 yards and repeat
7 Tag-of-war 14 Handicap bicyole race
Prizes will be awarded A jolly good time for everybody guaranteed.
SEASIDE COMMITTEE Alex Beaver, P. S. Philbriok, J. P. Ebermau'
C. A. McGuire, S. Case, R. L. Ebermau.
SUB-COMMITTEE Dr. J. Tuttle, E. O. Huehes.I. Bergman, C.H. Cooper,
J. W. Hare, V. L. Robb. Di. O. B. Eates.
ASTOR LODGE. K. of P.-AttRuat Daoiehon, D. R. Blo'.int. L. Anderson.
PACIFIC LODGE, K. of P. A. A. GievolanJ, Wm. MoCrosky, J. Hanson.
Da Wltt'B Colic and Cholera Cure never
disappoints, never flails to give immediate
relief. It cures Just as sure as you take
it Charles Rogers.
SHILOH'S CURB, the great Cough
and Croup .Cure, is In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only IS cents. Children love It Sold
by J. W. Conn.
Highest Honors-World's Fair,
Ooli Medal, Midwinter Fair. .
Most Perfect iladc.
40 Yean the Standard.
'0 f,f.''(I'."-i
' v i - I
Fourth of July
omee.teyoMVm.nihe AREIVAL
wof0hSf'flbr8?tb6o'rntl1, ARRIVAL
at Seaside !
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the Auditor and Police Judge
of the city of Astoria Saturday, July 8th,
1893, at 2 o'clock of said day, for corduroy
ing a portion of Young's Bay county road.
Corduroy to be placed at points desig
nated by stakes to be set by the City'
Materials shall consist of new sound fir,
or hemlock, poles, puncheons, or split
Roadway must be leveled up transverse
ly, stringers placed lengthwise, 8 feet
apart, firmly bedded.
Covering (except on curves) shall be 10
feet, of regular lengths and laid to a
line. Shall not be less than 4 Inches In
thickness if split timber, nor less than
6 inches in diameter if poles, and if in
different tSiicknesses must be laid by
notching over stringers and by udxlng
down, so as to present a comparatively
smooth surface on top. '
- The material used and work done shall
ii subject to the approval of the street
department; all work must be done In a
good and workmanlike tr inner amd com
pleted to the satisfaction of the street
All material and work must bldone
strictly Id accordance with specifications
on file In the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
h-reby reserved. By order of-the com
mittee on streets and public wave.
Attest: - K. OSBLTOf. and P'tire Jo-.".
Astoria, Oregon, July 1st, IS.
Vim fciore.