The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1895, Image 2

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Sent by mall, per year 7.00
Sent by mall, per ironth 60 ot
Served by carrier, per week...., IS eta
Address all communication to The
Pally Astorlan.
Sent by mall, pea- year, 12.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
The Astorlan guarantees to Us sub
scribers the largest circulation ol any
newspaper published on the Columbia
river, v"
Advertising rates can be ihad on ap
plication- to the business manager.
Th Weekly Astorlan, the second old
eat weekly In the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonian, me
largest weekly circulation in tne siaie.
inn T. Handlty & Co., are our Port
land agents, and c.les of the Aatorlan
can be had every morning ax weir
stand on First street.
Telephone No. tt.
All communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
Business communication ot all kinds and
remittances Brunt be addressed to The
The caimerymen of the Columbia are
quick to forget They do not seem to
Imaglno that details of their business
methods are sufficiently known to outsid
ers to enable those outsiders- to speak
with any degree of certainty about mat
ters alfeotlng their Interests. And we are
sorry to say that In some Instances, even
when oaoners have been compelled to
acknowledge the excellence of suggestions
Wide, they have failed to act on them
simply because It might look like conced
ing too much, might compromise them as
It were to acknowledge that they did not
. know all about the lde before It ap
peared In print. This Is neither business
nor common sense.
The tag label proposition that we have
advocated more than once In these col
umns Is not a new thing nor do we clulm
any special merit ifor having brought It
forward, but the Astorlan desires to say
that the proposition, In tonnectlon with
the Columbia River salmon Industry, con
tains the germ of one of the finest strokes
of commercial- enterprise ever made by
any body of men on the continent. Since
the advocacy of this matter wUs started
by this paper, Printers' Ink, the most
expensive advertising medium in the
country, has seen lit to make mention- of
the Idea editorially and to advise Us adop
tion. The free advertisement thus given
the scheme could not have been obtained
for hundreds of dollars. As we have
before suited the adoption' of the combi
nation tag and the judicious and sys
tematic advertising of the trade mark
thus decided on in the leading family pa
pers of the country will not only educate
the consumer quicker than he can be
reached in any otiher wuy, but will make
Us Influence felt before next season's
Ashing begins. Throughout the winter
months this advertising should be con
tinually kept up, and the harvest will
be reaped la the spring. Mot as long,
mark you, as the farmer has to watt for
his crop by a good three months. And
yet the canners hesitate and, taking ref
uge In the fact that ttiey are at the pres
ent moment a little busy, try to bury the
Idea under a bushel of heaped up letters
and think no more of tt.
We hear a great deal In this part of
the country about the "dltete Eust," and
the smart, wideawake, soft-hatted busi
ness geniuses of the Wast, but it seems
as If the real conditions have been re
versed. Confident methods In commercial
life and that free habit of superiority
that a man unconsciously breathes in
from tihe Utr. when he comes to the west
era part of the continent, are all well
enough and no doubt go a, considerable
distance towards success. But they are
not everything. It takes deep thinking,
and lots of It nowadays, to keep one In
the front rank of the business world.
New Ideas and fresh original methods
must have full swing. The opera
tor In any line of work must be
bold, shrewd, and above ull able to
best his competitors by superior general
ship. And the Columbia River canner
has competitors who, up to the present
time at any rate, faave proved themselves
Just as capable and as bright us he has
been dull and slow-witted. The Ideas of
the humdrum vlliuge grocer with an es
tablished trade In candles and tobacco,
and. with an abiding faith In the efficacy
of his "standf to bring custom, are pre
cisely on the same plane as the business
notions of our local canners. One ciuss
has no more originality of method than
the other, and both alike are Imbued with
that spirit of calm confidence which
makes Its possessors blind to every chan
nel of progress and Improved methods.
From the humblest peanut vendor who
tries by a callnpe attachment to his stoam
cooker to attract purchasers, up to the
largest manufacturers In the world,
ranges this spirit of advancement In bus
iness methods. "Forward" Is the watch
word of commercial life, the very essence
of commercial existonce, und the men
who persistently refuse to wake up and
get out of the rut of old-fashioned ways
may as well shut up shop right away.
It will come to that before long, anyhow,
whether they do It now or not.
We know that the average man has
very well imbedded notions of his own
Importunes and that h la loth" to be told
anything that relUcts on bis extraordi
nary brilliancy, or his marvellous powers
of perception. But we cannot help think
lng that It tias got to the time when a
few stralst words to the cannerymen of
the Columbia Rtcr will not be out of
p'.nce. They have come to the meeting
of the roa'Sii. Ten yrtirs of stupidity
have landed many of them In rocky har
bors, and In a few mor seasons several
will be hunting In a palnul and anxious
manner f,ir a sift Jumping oil rlace,
w. .-..., .. I ...
. .v.t... u i.ih mi ... bti...,i
way they want to steer, and If they In
tend to allow their all-pervading knowl
edge to point out the road, they bad bet
ter quit business at once. If on the other
hand they can get together enough com
mon sense to read the signs to the com
merckU sky they will be enabled not
oniy tfsave their great industry for suc
ceeding generations to thrive on, but will
have the satisfaction of reaping the ben
efit of their change of heart before an
other year.
Jam a S. Stanton, a noted South Amer
ican -mining expert,' passed through Wash
Ington recently, and, discussing the free
el.ver craze which he found In bis trav
els through parts of the South and West,
expressed the opinion that it would be
well for the free coinage advocates to
Investigate the experience of countries
that have been on a silver basis for
"I have watched," said Mr. Stanton,
"with considerable interest the arguments
and prophesies of free silver advocates. I
have wondered why some of them don't
produce the evidence of some ona who has
been an actual resident of a free silver
country. Free silver countries are numer
ous to the south of us, and, surely, there
must be a number of good people close by
who have had more or less experience
as residents In those countries. They are
qualified to tell, not how It might, could,
would or should work, but exactly how
It does work, From long-continued dully
Intercourse with merchants, clerks, and
laborers, and people In all the vocations
of life In such countries, I know what
are the conditions of people in free-silver
Why elaborate on theories, when the
actual results and cold facts ore easily
accessible land almost stare us In the
face? In the free silver latitudes I have
been honored with the personal acquaint
ance of nice-looking dry goods clerks
who had reached the salary limit at $3
per week (in our money). Dignified, bare
footed policemen at $12 per month (our
money). 1 The merchant bias to depend on
cable quotations from foreign countries
to keep informed what his own native
money is worth. The large mercantile
bouse pays for regular cable advices so
many times a week. He never knows
when he closes at night what his money
will be worth next morning. I have seen
scores of pay rolls paid out in which all
section laborers (railroad) receive 60 cents
per day In silver. These countries had
magnificent cities before this government
was formed, and yet every nineteenth
century improvement has had to be pro
posed, carried there, introduced and op
erated by enterprising citizens from gold
countries. The free silver natives often
ask why their dollar is worth two-thirds
less thun ours."
The victory for the sound money men
on the platform deliverance in the Ken
tucky convention was complete und over
whelming. At every point the silverltes
were beaten. This is an Appomattox vic
tory for the honest dollar cause. Out
side of Colorado, Montana and Nevada,
the sliver monometallists are outnum
bered, outclassed and discredited.
The report that a British fleet la to be
massed on the coast of Nicaragua indi
cates two things: (1) That England pro
poses to dispute the control of the Nlcnr
ragua canal by tnls country alone; und
(2) that It regards the Cleveland adminis
tration as better to shovs around than the
next one will be.
What a Washington Correspondent 3ays
the subject. ,
Chicago Times-Herald.
nil... .FY. ru4.!m jtllwti. TT1 nVfttTlf 111 tiaS
AIINVt '"J '""'" - -
v .ri.inr fcv HihA mine owners Ox
itlh great stiver producing auultes no active
1 1 . i ..l....... iKAfA timiAitt ifrom ft he evi
dence eeia on every found. Thart any
corner on sliver nai Deen mienipitu
the prejwnlt time la doubted by the hard
money men wnemeeivon r w
im... - iruutri-nt Cleveland re-
u . ivt mv ,w.h . -
malms n power flrt coinage is an abso
lute Impossibility. On the contrary, olil-
olal injures show Ifflialt the output or sa
ver from tlhe western mines has lately
kn Mild MmniHrafld v reduced, and evt-
dierttiy under the con trot of a central
guiding ftKncy. 'Wie jnnuence nii uu
Marcus Daly ana mis mamonture khw -
ioclall imr been minnow n io tne scoie rra.ii nih nUver rliur ha
1UI ' W LI.U. . . .
. , , .,. t. AllrtMhf. and' ih Mm At H Wil V.
VIAJ MCVUI w a v. "
They control moult of the big mining
properties; ana u tnoy mwvw wi iw
I., mihtiA tmdtAj He in the bowels
of the earth, resHrlot production, and
spend mojiey uk waimr ii iuiouun
f.t hiha isuorar section of tfi coun
try tnto Ah belief "Uhait re silver
woiM toe panacea for M Hie financial
1 1 ma tvius w - r
anted by Marcus tXaly and his associates
lhaa betrn puutlng tip ft'he money for the
campaign In Democnaiua wie
mor. Seedy lobytots who have been out
of a Job for years have uiMenay Wos
smd out into gorgwua ratment, and
Uii i - wK Mwntr r aium for all
I'iM-Ttf IIW vkvik J
tlhe hantfers-on who trained wu tlhe
miners' comtjinaiion.
passed around and a desponte effort
was made to capture the convention cf
: Republican ieague clubs at Cleveland
last week. This organization st Us nieet
t lam vm r nronowVced in
favor of bolth obd and siWer to a rather
obscure way, but xpresiy sraam
lndowment of Whe rte coinage Is 1
lunacy. Tle mine owning crowd had
numerous henchmen at Cleveland und
men Wirs thor and delegates from south
ern eltatea wOvo have been famMlur fig
ures on the srteits of Washington for
years. The money tor this movement on
0v-nd. as well as for the propaganda
of this spring and summer came from
he mining kings. They are working tor
luM, Air Ithey tonow Uh'Ir eiMempt to cre
sute a flciUtloua value for their silver until
Vhat time Is blocked by lb hostile at
titude ot the administration.
"All this talk of Senator Cameron of
Ptnraylvanl puttljig up money for the
sdlverWea with the expectation of becom
ing their presidential standard bearer is
rubbltto. Nobody tavawa better than the
IVnnsylvni eenaltor that he could not
go to a comvendon supported by bis own
state on any such quetMion and he Is no
tihe ram to waste money ohentng a wlll-o'-tht--isp-
If there ts anything In the
ar.ver movement at all It is in tbe Inter
eit of Sr.tor TeJler for the presidency,
and the talk about Ion Cameroo s a side
Uwim. e.lver will be tih toplo most Als
ouMd In the next naitlonal campaign,
but it ts not likely that an eastera man
will be honored wtth the first place on
t0 presidential ticket."
Mint Director Preston has supplied the
figures showing the stake Daly and his
associates are playing for. They huve cut
4wn tlhe production normouBiy and de
voted the Dtoney saved In operating ex
penses to a fund wtoose sole purpose is
to hoodwink the po(. ty up venal
-....., i a : lltcr-ry tur
eau. The promotion of silver In the
United States in 1892 ran up to 63,600,000
ftne ounces. Last year, as shown by
Director Prestom's Satest estimates, which
will toe subject to tout slight revision, the
produo:Con of sliver in this country was
only 9,600,000 ounces, sv reduction of 14,
M.0OO on noes. To kihis extent the mining
eyrwlnoite ts running a corner, for M has
S opped mtning as far as possible, but It
tus not soCd Its mines, and experts say
tL-tere to more silver m sight in the west
than ever before. The product of 1802
could toe equaled In another year without
trouble and with but a small comparative
tncre-ise in operating expenses. The coin
age value of the silver output of 1892 In
this country, as ilmated by the dtrecto.'
of the mint, wias &Z.101.ai0, but the bullion
value at CU cents per ounce, the average
markvt price the lost year, was only
Ki9.ft7.SO0. Thus, on the basis of the 1892
output, the mine-owners would In one
year make over f 10.000,000 by free coinage
at tihe expense of fahe people of the coun
try. Owing to tihe low price of silver hun
dreds of rich mining properties in the
west have been abandoned .temporarily
end o.-.-'.y those have been worked which
have special transpontatiian facilities or
In which silver la not the only metal
mined at a. promt. Competent men say
the annual silver production of this coun
try -under a tree coinage stimulus could
be pressed to a hundred mlMlona of fine
ounces -wtlthout difficulty, while the rela
tive cedt of production would actually be
decreased. The center of the agitation
for eMver the lairt year was In the United
States senate. Ttie leaders of the move
ment iwere Teller and Wolcott of Color
ado, wihose ritaite in 1802 bad a record of
26,632,300 ftne ounces of wilver; Power of
Monltana, with 10,038,800 ounces back of
him; Dubois and tShupe of Idaho, who
talked for 8,461,200 ounces; Jones and
Stewart of NevaxJa, representing only 46,
701 people, 2,464,600 ounces of silver. These
four states of Colorado, (Montana, Idaho
and (Nevada contributed In 1892 to the
world's etock of silver 61,686,800 fine
ounces. When to this ts added the 8.490.
800 ounces of Utah the rtotal production of
the Ave states is swelled to 60,077,600
ounoos, or witfhln about 8,600,000 ounces of
Who Koto! production of tlhe country In
1892. Stewart -went to Memphis with Sib
ley and both he and Joms have cut
themselves off from the Republican party
on the silver question alone. Tom Power
of "Montiaiivi Is expected to manage the
forces of the silver men alt Cleveland.
Dubois of Idaho bos been In Wash
ington pouring out threats of rebellion,
but he wai turn up alt Cleveland. Teller
Is the real candidate of tlhe silver men
for tlhe presidency, for Don Cameron
cornea from a coal state and represents
no real silver sentiment, while Sibley Is
a good feCQofW who knows more about fine
horsea than mining and could not tell
a piece of peacock silver from a chunk
of 'iron pyrites.
Among other good stories the July
number of romance contains a thrilling
tale , by Conan Doyle, describing the at
tempt of a Corslcan brotherhood to as
sassinate Napoleon Bonaparte and tells
how the chiefs of the league were brought
to an untimely end. An amusing story
from the French of Paul Arena shows
how a cunning peasuiit sowed the wind
and reaped a rich harvest. In addition
to these are tales by Howard Fielding,
J. Cutliffe Hyne, 'Ludovle Halevy and
others. .
She had a lovely neck,
And everybody said
Who, Indeed, might doubt It?
That that's what turned her head.
Detroit Tribune,
WANTED Girl to do house work. Cull
at 843 Exchange street.
WANTED A few more teams. Apply
Poclilc Fuvl-ng Company.
WANTED Fifty men at the Jim to get
a 10 cent shave and a 16 cent hair cut.
878 Astor street, next door west of the
Parker House.
WANTED Agents to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vf. For further informa
tion, address G. M. Btolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. 'Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
875.000 PER WEEK using and Belling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goodB. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, ColumbuB, Ohio.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out Just re
ceived Just what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 648 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. , For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
owner can have by calling at this office
end proving property.
TO RENT A furnished room.
at 303 Fifteenth street.
" FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner ot 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. B, Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST-Tbureilay night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Pleasa return to Warren's sta
Recently knocked down a burglar and
held him until the arrival of assistance.
Dr. Pleroe'a Oolden Medloal Discovery Is
a medicine that checks the frightful in
roads ot Scrofula, and, If taken In time,
arrests the march of Pulmanory Con
sumption. It cures Indigestion and dys
pepsia, chronic diarrhoea and similar
complaints. The wonderful medicine has
lso gained great celebrity In curing
fever and ague, chills and fever, dumb
ague, and like diseases.
Asthma cured by newly discovered
treatment. Address, for free pamphlet,
tentlmonkiU and reference World's Dis
pensary (Medical 'Association, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Captain Bweeney. TJ. S. A San Diego
Cal.. says: "SMloYs Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine X havs ever found
that would do me any good. Price 60
cU. Ecu fcy J. V.'. Csua. :
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Notice is hereby given that N. Clinton
& Bona, contractors for the Improvement
of 42d street. In Adair's Astoria under
the provisions of Ordinance No. 1940, on
the 13th day of June, 1806, filed in the
office of the Auditor and Police Judge of
the City of Astoria, the certificate of the
City Surveyor, and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, if nonobjections to the
acceptance of such work be filed and the
Common Council shall deem such im
provement properly completed, according
to the contract and plans and specifica
tions therefor, the same may be accepted.
ObJeoUons to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
filed In the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge an or before Wednesday,
June Uth, 1886.
. . K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1806.
If you want a piano or organ, buy a
reliable make from first hands at a
reasonable price. We are tihe only
manufacturers of pianos end organs
who have a branch house on the Paci
flo cooat, and are certainly In a posi
tion to sell you a reliable instrument
for less than any retailer or agent.
A large Shipment of Klmballs will be
sold In your town direct from the
factory In the near future. If you ere
ready to buy before they arrive, wrtte
us and we will send you catalogue and
Pacific Coast Branch, Portland, Or.
We recommend De Witt's Colic an
Cholera Cure because we believe ft te
a safe and reliable remedy. It's good
effects are shown at once in cases of
Cholera Morbus and similar complaints.
Charles Rogers.
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," Im sympathetically
shown in the following lines, the pre
bumpUun being that sympathy 1b born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause'e
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tmng that relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or Sole Agent
There ie great damper ini neglecting
Ool.c, Cholera and similar complaints. An
absolutely prompt and safe cure Is found
in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure.
Charles Rogers.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111,, write,
that he had a severe kidney troubl
for many years, with severe pains I
hie) back, and also that his bladde
was affected. He tried many so-callei
Kidney cures, but without any goo
restrtB. About a year ago he began us
of Blectrlo Bitters and found relief a
once. Electrlo Bitters is especlall
adapted to cure all kidney and live
troubles, and often gives almost in
stant relief. One trial will prove ou
statement. Price, only B0 cents fo
large bottle, at Chas. Rogers' dru
Notice ts hereby given that I have
been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Mike Thompson, deceased, oth
erwise known by his old country name,
Michael Ontronoff, born, In Jyskyjarwl
district in county of Karjala, State of
Arkankel, Russia, and who was drownet
on June 66h, 16U6, while fishing at the
mouth of the Columbia river. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are requested to present the same to me,
duly verified, within six months from the
dite of this notice, and all persons In
debted to said estate are requested to pay
the amount of such Indebtedness to me.
Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this 30th day of
The only railroad lighting its trains by
The only railroad using the celebrated
electric berth reading temp.
The coaches now running on "The Mil
waukee" are Palaces on Wheels.
On all its through lines, the Chicago,
Mtlwaukes and St. Paul Railway runs the
most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing, Parlor, and Dining Cars and Coaches.
For lowest rates to any point in the
United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket
agents, or address C. J. EDDY,
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Is hereby given forbidding Packwood or
anv other persons from cutting or re
moving wood or stone from any of myj
Und without nrst making sattsractory
arrangements with James w, welcn.
: These tiny Capsules are superior
to Balsam of Copaiba,
Cubcbs nd Injections, (flfljy)
Thcr core in 48 honrs the J
m d'jerjes -without anylncco-l
renlcnco. COLO liY At. I Cr.iSST.TS1
ROYAL baking Powder.
Highest cf alt la leavening
Strength V. S. Oa,tr.t Report.
Notice Is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the firm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, Is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Paul Sohruder, and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13, 1895.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those
who not have now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle free.
Send your name and address to H.
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a
sample box of New Life Pills free, as
well as a copy of Guide to Health and
Household Instructor, free. All o
which la guaranteed to do you good
ana cost you nothing. - Chas. Rogers
druggist, Odd Fellows Building.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
EleuUlo Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure,
and the most draaded sick headaches
yield to Its Influence. We urge all who
are a filiated to procure a bottle and
give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
of habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled
with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is
the Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by its' use.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas.
Rogers' drug Btore, Odd FellowB' build
The best salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Coriis, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Plies, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
There is one medldine that will cure
Immediately. We refer to De Witt's Colie
and Cholera Cure for alt summer com
plaints. No delay, no disappointment, no
failure. Charles Rogers.
Mr. J. J. Kelt, Sharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suffering for over three years
with acute neuralgia and its consequent
Insomnia (which seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
me almost instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Gratefully Yours,
Montrose, Pa.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brix
florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them.
All the paten: medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
can be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. A. torla.
Having the needed merit to more
than make good all the advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, eaoh
bottle guaranteed Electrlo Bitters, the
great remedy for stomach, liver, and
kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best In the world, and Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are a perrect pill. All
these remedies are guaranteed to do
Just what Is claimed for them, and the
dealer whose nama Is attached here
with, will be glad to tell you more
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
SHILOH'S CURB Is sold on a guara
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t la the best Cough Cure. Only one
ent a dose. 25 cents, 60 cts., and il.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Gentlemen: This Is to certify that 1
have used Krause's Headacno Capsules
with satisfactory results. I bought a
box which cost tne Jo. and one capsvle
cured me of a dreadful sick h?adache.
My wife and mvself nave both used
the medicines manufactured by the
.Norman Licbty Mf'g 2o.. and we re
commend them to the public as being
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas.
Rogers, Astoria. Or., soie agents.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
derinan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending
Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re
sults were almoBt marvellous In the
case of my wife. . While I was pastor
of the Baptist Church at Rives Junc
tion, she was brought down with
Pneumonia, succeeding La Grippe. Ter
rible paroxysms of coughing wculd last
hours with little Interruption and it
seemed as if she could not survive
them. a friend recommended Dr.
King's New Discovery; It was quick In
its work, and satisfactory in its re
sults." Trial bottles free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store. Regular size 60
Travelers find a safe companion in De
Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. A change
In drinking water and in diet often
causes severe and dangerous complaints.
This medicine always cures thetn. Charles
la weakening. You cannot af
ford to fall below your healthy
weight If you will take Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda when your friends first
tell you you are getting thin,
you will quickly restore your
healthy weight and may thereby
prevent serious illness.
Persons have been known to
gain .- pound a day by taking
an ounce a day of Scott's Emul
sion. This seems extraordinary;
but it is absolutely true.
Mot fc prmad4 to tapt a mbttttvUf
SctiB.Tr,N.Y. A!!Drsti. J0t!!$!.
Notice is hereby given that L .Leback,
Contractor for the Improvement of Duane
street, in Adair's Astoria, under the pro
visions of Ordinance No. 1325, on the
12th day of June, 1896, filed in the office
of the Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Astoria, the certificate of the
City Surveyor and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, If no objections to the
acceptance of such work be filed and the
Common Council shall deem such im
provement properly completed, according
to the contract and plans and specifica
tions therefor, the same may be accepted.
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any pant thereof, may be
filed In the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge on or before Wednesday,
June 19th, 1896.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June Uth, 1896.
Special attenUon paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth. Astoria, Or.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
Leaves Astoria lor Portland and way
landings 7 P- m. daily, Sunday ex
cepted. Leaves Portland every day except Sun
day at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE,
Agent Astoria.
Telephone No. 11.
E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland.
U. B. Scott, President.
the oasis of the
Colorado Desert
R Hew
Absolutely .
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favoraltleia America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cuiss
The objections urged against Indio
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of its benellclal climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Pacific Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
eral Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur
nithed with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants alt the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de
lightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert ot
the Colorado whioh the Southern Pa
citio road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, It
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lieve, from personal investigation, thai
for certain invalids, the-e la no spot or
this planet so favorable."
Q. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight
Nature has- accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. Aa to its possibilities as a
health resort, 'here Is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired T
It Is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." INDIO.
lis 612 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles- - Jj.oo
For further Information Inquire of
any eoutnern racino Company agent.
or aauress
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co.
Dlst. Pass. Agt
cor. nm via Alder St. Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This ia the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining; and Sleeping Car '
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt
248 Washington St. Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington st, Portland..
He will mail you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you aa to the
through rates to any point reserve
sleeping car accommodations for yon,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road in the world for all- classes of
Astoria, Oregon.
Slu'p Chandlery,'
Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships.
Address, box 180, Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR
THE flSTOlp SflVljGS BflM
Acta as trustee for corporations and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBY President
BBNJ. TOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Toung, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement Gust Holmes.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. R L LOGAN, Prop'r.
Seaside. Oregon.
das and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.'
179 Twelfth street Astoria. Or
We buy fertilixers and fertilizing ma
terial of every description, Botie?, horns,
etc., and pay highest cash prices. Send
ns a trial shipment
Western Bone-Meal Co.
771 Mission Street
Sn Foancieeo, Ca