The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1895, Image 1

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"-I U1 i u;;i;j $. r r
The ASTORIAN ha tie larirest LOCAL
cliculatlonl the largest ChNLRAL circula
tion, and the largest TOTAL circulation of
all papen pjblisfiod In Astoria.
For Wafihlnvfnn anl At-apAn, Cknu.
0'v" " VSfiV", WW"
VOL. XLIV, NO. 154.
. -'ttV ...... J
1872 1895
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
365 Commercial Street.
New lines for 1895.
' Japanese Rugs and Matting
Bamboo Furniture, etc,
(Direct from Japan.)
House Lining, Building Paper
and Glass.
Wall Paper of 1805 now in with a stock
Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago
from P) to $18 per roll of 12 yards.
365 Commercial Street
Snap R Kodak
at any man coming out ot
our More and you'll get a
portrait ot a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Bucb quality In the liquors
we have to offer are enough to
Corns and Try Them,
Is there a man with heart bo cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, extension Table, or se
of Dining1 Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown in the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
tho closest buyers.
Conronly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work. Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
Short Notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. I Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
They Lack Life.
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the .Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
as well." They won't. They cannot
- Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant
50a Bond Street.
Kooo'a Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Only banded over th. bar, The largest glass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, jt.
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cnr. Conromly and Lafayette Sts.
Th Blacksmith whose shot) la oppos
lte Cutting's cannery. Is now prepared
to do such odd Jobs as making; new
cannery coolers, repairing old ones.
making new flshin boat Irons, ana re
pairing old ones, and all other black
smithing that requires first-class work--snenebip.
Carpenter Shop.
Tour mind Is on repairing your nous
this sprint; possibly" on building a new
one. If so, remember wa are carpen
ters and builders with a shop full -of
tools always willing to do atuch jobs
and want yonr work.
e - - "
Si8 a Eirac B.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
And everything required
side of the city are invited to
Our Sping Stock Has Arrived. They Are Wonders For The Money.
Look Through Our Stock.
Men.s Suits Worth 1 10.00 for
" "
" " - -
Worth nearly double the
Men's Pants $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,
Big lines of Underwear, Hats, Shoes.
Oil Clothing. Also full stock of Dry Goods. '
In a desirable location,
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the plaoe for a cheap home.
STREET CAB LINE will be extended this summer to within 5 minutes
walk of this property Will cell at decided bargain.
In 5 or 10 acre tracts inside the city limits, also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HILL,. 471 Bond St., Occident Block,'
Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
White Sewing Machines,
Boat and Fishermen's Supplies,
Paints and Oils,
Ship Chandlery,
Teas, Coffees and Groceries,
California Wines,
Medically Pure Liquors,
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
fllmigfytg Dollar Cigar.
KEATING CO will open their
www Music Ball at ft Aator street,
Saturday the 16th. They will
www keep nnmberleas foot liquors
and cigars besides having good musie all the
All the manipulators
slaughter, cut price, discount
bankrupt and other sort of sales
to produce cheaper than our
new lines direct from the manu
facturer in Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots
Shoes, Trunks, Valises
J5"A child buys as cheap
as the most experienced buyer,
Festoon Paper
for the Fourth Parties out
call and get our prices.
& Reed.
Men's Suits at $ 8.00
" " " 10.00
" " 12.00
money. Come and see us.
$3.00 and $3.50. Large lines to select from.
Suspenders, Socks.-Rubber Boots and
The Cheapest House'In The State.
Oregon Trading Co.
600 Commercial Street,
2 blocks from High School.
florth Paeifie Bremefy
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave orders with J. L. Carlson at the
Surmyside Saloon or Louis Boentge at
the Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will
be promptly, attended to.
: First Class funerals :
' -AT- '
POHli'S Undertaking parlors,
Rates ReasoaaM. EshatsssssBsaraam
What the Gambrlnua Beer Kan tried
to do In selecting their liquors was to
pick out what intelligent people would
want If they knew It as experienced
people should know it. Make a note
of this If you want purs liquors. George
Hartley, Troprlttor.
Southern Pacific Held
Grants Pass.
Up at
Disagrees With Prof. Harrington
Spokane Sensation Develops
New Phase.
Special to the Astorlan.
Grant's Pass, Or., July 2. The Southren
Pacific overland, northbound, was stopped
tonight at 10:15 p. m., by three highway
men, neur Riddles, about 30 miles south
or Roseburg, and thoroughly robbed.
Sticks of dynamite were placed on the
lall, which disabled the engine by blow
ing the flanges off the pony trucks, and
brought the train to a stop. Taking the
fireman, two of the highwaymen, proceed
ed to go through (he train, and every
car, from the express car to the rear
Pullman, was searched. Nothing was
obtained from the express car, for there
was no treasure on board.
In tho mall car better success was met
with, and the Fortland-Tacoma-Seottle
and Victoria B. C. registered sacks were
rifled. The passengers were also search
ed pretty thoroughly, but just what suc
cess was met, is not known. One high
wayman took a hasty shot at Conductor
Kearney, who was to cnarge or the train,
but no damage was done. A description
of the men, or rather one of them In par
ticular, is given as ihelght, S feet 11 Inches,
light complexion light mustache, project
ing upper law, very heavy pointed chin,
two upper front teeth projecting, and
high cheek bones. He wore about a No.
8 shoe, with tacks In the bottoms. Had
on a pair of blue overalls. The descrip
tion of the other one Is that of a man
about 6 feet 6 Inches in height, but as he
kept irt the background, la. definite de
scription could not be bad.
. Superintendent Fields, of the Southern
Pacific, lost no time, and in an hour af
ter learning of the hold-up, had two par
ties on the way to the scene of the rob
bery. A posse of officers was hastily
made up at Roseborg, and started at
once, land another pf rough and ready
mountaineers startled from here. Both
will reach the Bcene by daylight. Every
effort will be made to capture the rob
bers. The men of the party starting from
here are thoroughly familiar with every
foot of the ground In the neighborhood
of the robbery and pretty good hopes
are entertained of capturing them.
The train was delayed several hours.
having been compelled to turn the en
gine around and go Into roseburg back
The robbers obtained $020 from the pas
sengers and about JIM from the register
ed mail. One of the robbers went through
the entire train while the other two stood
guard and flred cartridges to terrify the
passengers ana train men. The Southern
Pacific has offered a reward of $2,000 for
the arrest and conviction of each robber.
There is also a standing reward by Wells,
Fargo tk vo ana the government. Sev
eral posses are irt the Held after the rob
Denver, July 2.-The Democratic state
convention met today to consider the
financial question. Chairman Arbuckles'
laddresa was as follows:
"Democrats of Colorado, by direction of
largo majority or your state central
committee you have been called together
in mass convention for the purpose of
considering financial questions. When
the agitation favoring a state convention
Was raised, I, as state chairman, wrote
leiter to each member of the state
committee strongly advising against a
convention being Held at this time for
reasons therein stated. Rut belmr a thor.
ough believer in party discipline, and the
majority rule, your wishes have been
complied with. I stand upon the broad
proposition thUt any and all relief which
may come, to 'Colorado as well as rJie
united states must of necessitv hs
tnrougn jjemocratlc doctrine and admin
istration, and that it Is the auDrema dnfv
of the Colorado Democracy at this lime
10 noia rast tne respect and confidence of
the natlonial Democracy bv nrooiaJminir
allegiance and devotion to Its principles
of "bimetallism," "a tariff for revenue
only," "rights of states." etc.
"In 1892 resolutions of censure and con
demnation were adopted by our state nnii.
ventlon. Party demoralization resulted.
rv'8 cannoi retain Warty disc nllne itnrt
respect of national Democracy by such
In my opinion the action of the Illinois
Democracy in passing a resolution of
condemnation was impolitic and dis-
SpxVkavne, July 2. Further sensational
developments m tho bogus Chinese regis
tration certificate conspiracy that were
expected today have not come to a head,
owing to United States District Attorney
Brinker not arriving this morning as
expected. He will arrive tomorrow, when
It la said, additional warrants will be
sworn out for other members of the con
spiracy. W. Floyd Pollard, who Is charg
ed with assisting in making the bogus
sal used upon tho bogus certificates, was
arrested today. Deputy United States
Marshal Thompson left for Kendrick to
arrest Henry ToJton, another one of the
parties implicated.
Seattle, July 2. The first Information
wnicn Jed to the arrest of James Graham,
of Idaho, for forging Chinese certificates,
came to J. P. Gleason. den-itv collector
or internal revenue in this city, fast May.
One at Graham's accomplices confessed.
and from him and another man affidavits
were, obtained that Graham furnlsh-ed
money for them to do the work and he
received t bogus certificates from them.
Gleason reported to Wtashimrton citv
snd special Agent Yarbjrougb Was sent
for. Yartmrough went to Coeur d'Alene
and obtained cotrflrmatory evidence, and
men conrronoea uraham with it. Graham
vainly tried to explain. Special jtxni
Schuyler wua then put fb work collect
ing -evidence: with Instructions that In
case anyone tried to leave the conn try
ne sncuia .cause tne arrest of all sus
pects. A few days ago he received in
formation which caused him to have
Graham, Rick, Tolton, and Pollard ar
rested. About 20 persons hro supposca
to have leen in the gaig, the principals
belnff Graham, and an ex-Chlnose In
specter, while the others were merely
employed to copy slgaatures and do the
other work. It Is believed that another
gang Is working la Southern Oregon and
Northern Calrornla.
Arrive In &m Francisco and are to In
vestlgate Cholera.
San Francisco, July 2.-Among the ar
rivals here today were- Dr. T. Somlsnoff
and Dr. N. Satrowlck, of St. Petersburg,
physicians ot the Russian Czar, who are
bound for Vladivostock.
They say that for some time past the
Russian government has been receiving
telegrams that there was cholera, or at
laant Infl Ipo tlrtna st If t Njafl-Anlcl. Yolrrw
hama, and other points close to tho Rus
sian possessions. These two nave been
sent to Vladivostock to make a study of
the condition. , l il.u-willl
Dr. Somlsnoff was asked as to the re
port received from . Tacoma, that 80,000
Russian soldiers were massed at Vladi
vostock, and that the harbor was set
with torpedoes, with other indications
of trouble between Ruselu. and Japan,
"There Is no such number as 80,000
there, he said. "That dispatch is ex
aggerated. There are about 60,000 troops
there, but the government has had most
of them there for some time. Thy have
been gathering from all over Siberia and
the country towards St. Petersburg.
"It Is true that there are many war
ships there, too, and it Is true there
are torpedoes in the harbor at Vladivo
stock. What they are there for you will
have to ask the Czar."
Wushlngton, July 2. Prof. Mark W.
Harrington, chief of the weather bureau,
has been relieved from duty owing to t
disagreement with Secretary ot Agrlcul
tune Morton.
A call was made June 19th for Professor
Harrington's resignation.' lie declined to
resign, and subsxiuently was removed
by the president to take effect July 1st.
James F. Cook, chief clerk of the weather
bureau, Is aotlng as head of the bureau
until a successor is appointed. The re
lations between Secretary Morton and
Harrington have been strained for many
-months and the correspondence between
them Mas been carried on, in the most
formal language. Professor Harrington
himself said today:
"On the lBth of June the president ask
ed for my resignation because of public
interests. I declined to give it on the
score of personal Interests, and my re
moval, which followed, was to take ef
fect July 1st. Tho personal interests
Involved were discussed by me In a let
ter to the president and I feel that .
have not received fair treatment.
"Among the public interests which
have steadily in view were the preserva
tion of a scientific corps and the protec
tion-of that bureau from spoilsmen."
Portland, July 2. The 2:40 pace unfinish
ed from yesterday, was won by Path-
mont; Glen Arthur second, Carrie S.
third; best time, 2:10 1-2. .
2:26 pace Geo. Ayres won; Duvls Boy,
second; Encounter third; best time, 2:194.
Running, three-eighths mile, selling
Vallldore won; Dr. Morris second; Black
Prince third; time, :35 3-4.
Five-eighths mile, selling Carrie Crook
won; Tammany second; Verdle Paul third
time, l:0Q 8-4.
Owlnar to a mistake on the oart of the
flagman, who was In front of the starter,
all the horses, with the exception of
Oarrle Crooks were compelled to run
over the course twice.
The flagman, thinking that the starter
had given the word, dropped his flag and
all the horses got away except Carrie
Crooks, whose rider waited for the start
er to give the word. Tammany pissed
the wire first, but when the starter In
formed the Judges that he next not started
the horses, there was loud complaint
from the holders of Tammany tickets.
The horses were returned to the five-
eighths post to run over again and the
fresh Carrie Crooks took the race.
Jefferson, Mo., July 2. Judge Sherwood
filed an opinion In the supreme court to
day in the disbarment proceedings insti
tuted by Attorney GenrUl Walker against
Col. E. M. Harbor and A G. Knight, of
Trenton, two of the best-known lawyers
In the state, in which both are perma
nently disbarred from practicing before
the supremo court.
The action was based on a murder trial
pending as a review by the the supreme
court. When the case was oilled for ar
gument the attorney general discovered!
that a transcript of the testimony had
been mutilated so as to destroy all Iden
tity of the murdered persm. In brief,
the record had been so doctored as to
leave the state without a case.
Washington, July 2. Commander Brad
ford and Lieut. MUligan are preparing
for a. trial ot the steamer St. Louis; to
see if she will come within the terms of
the subsidy act. She will bo given much
the same trial as Is given the warships,
She has already made tho required speed,
but not with officers on board to report
It to the navy department. The regula
tions of the department require the ship
to make 20 knots per hour for four con
secutive hours.
Atlanta, Ga., July 2. The Cordell Bound
Money League has received from Secre
tary Hoke Smith his acceptance of an
invitation extended to him to deliver an
address there on the currency question,
The League promises the secretary a big
crowa ana an enthusiastic reception and
announces that th sound money senti
ment is mpldly growing In this state.
Spokane, July 2. Cool weather and light
showers are general in this section. The
change from hot days and dry northern
winds, Is . great relief to the farmers.
Spring wheat which was sufBertng from
the beat, is reviving. It Is now believed
that the crop will be quite up to the
average all through the Palouse and Pot-
latch countries.
Toledo, Ohio, July 2. At noon todav
the Toledo and Ann IParbor and North
Michigan, road was sold at auction under
a decree, of the federal court. It was
purcbased for I2,C27.00 by R. C. Martin.
representing the bondholders. The com
pany wmi at one be reorganized.
Sedslla, Mo., July 2,-Sonator O. Vest.
Mt tonight for Cblrsbid, Germany, for
the benefit of his health. He has ben
ailing for two years.
Seaside Railroad Complication May
Detain Him Longer D. K. War
ren Gods to Portland.
The time Is approaching when construc
tion upon the railroad will commence.
The latest advices Indicate that Mr. Ham
mond will arrive today. His attorney,
Mr. Fred Strong, of Portland, was la
the city yesterday and it Is understood
that he thoroughly examined the guaranty
bond on the right of way and other legal
documents connected! with the enterprise
and that ha advised his chief by wire
that all the papers were In proper shape
and that everything was retady for his
acceptance. It Is also stated by those
In position to know that Mr. Strong ad
vised Mr. Hammond to come to Astoria
at vnce..
Late arrivals from Portland sUate that
the Flavel Land Company subsidy mat
ter, concerning which exclusive Informa
tion was given in Sunday's Astorlan,
has been arranged to the entire satlsfuc-
tlon of Mr. Hammond, and) that the cor
rected papers are now on the way from
There Is one matter, however, which
may interfere with Mr. Hammond's arriv
al today. Mr. D. K. Wurren, who while
In Portland last week, made a proposi
tion to the O. R. and N. Co. to lease and
operate the Seaside railroad for the sea
son ot 1696, according to previous agree
ment, left last night for Portland to con
fer with that company in regard to clos
ing the deal, Mr. Hammond will have
to formally accept the Seaside road to
day and deposit the money in- tho Asto-
ria-hank or lose th use of the road
this season. As he bias been advised of
Mr, Warren's trip to Portland ho may
possibly think It best to remain with
Mr. Warren, should he desire to prevent
the O, R. and N. Co. from acquiring the
lease of this property.
In any event active operations are near
aV hund and as Mr. Hammond stated In
his- telegram Sunday, when ho does ar
rive In Astoria he will not keep the peo
ple waiting.
The water commission held a regular
meeting ,'ast evening all members being
present except 6. Elmore.
The clerk s report showing water rates
for month of June, amounting to 21,477,
was read and ordered flled.
The superintendent's report was read
and ordered filed.
The treasurer's report, showing cash on
hand ox $146,374.38, was referred to Messrs,
Fisher and Elmore.
.Proposition from Astoria Transfer Co,
to furnish engineers with horse and cart
was accepted.
Proposition from James Alexander for
removal of earth in old reservoir lots was
Communication from Wolf Zwicker,
of Portland, relative to hydrants was
rend and ordered filed without action.
The monthly estimate of the Pacific
Paving Company, for June, amounting to
16,198, was read and ordered that $0078,
be paid.
Money due Simon Normll for street
clearing In city limits amounting to
$1831.18 was read and order made that
$1530.58 be paid.
The engineers pay roll amounting to
$W2.!I0 vas ordered paid.
The pay roll of the city water works
for the month of June, amounting to
$248, was ordered paid.
The following bills were ordered paid.
after which the commission adjourned:
C. S. Gunderson, $9.70; D. W. Burnside,
vs; Willamette Tent and Awning Com
pany, $16.50; Lars Bergevlk, $9.26; A. L.
Adams, $3.10; Charles Schlossen, $3.50;
uas Liignt company, 11.96; K. R. Hawes,
$1.42; West Shore Mills, $2.26; Astoria
Transfer Company, - $14.26; R. Strauss,
$6.40; Grlffln & Reed, $21.65; J. S. Dellln
ger, $4; B. F. Allen, $2.50; Budget Pub
lishing Company, $2; W. T. T. Co., $3.25;
C. J. Palmberg, $4; O, R. and N. Co., 50
cents; Fisher Bros., 46 cents; Astoria
Railway Company, $176; Astoria Iron
Works, $79.65; Flnlayson Shipping Com
pany, $5.50.
Yesterday In the Circuit Court In the
suit of F. A. Powell vs. the Astoria and
Portland Railroad, Judgment was ren
dered for the plaintiff and ten days given
for motion for new trial.
In the matter of tho application of F.
Feakes for habeas corpus, after argu
ment the case was taken under advise
ment by the court. In this connection it
may be said that Mrs. Feakes Sunday
returned from Ban Francisco. She stated
that she had made ai satisfactory settle
ment with the street car company of
San Francisco for the death of her little
girl. She said she. was willing to pay the
amount of the debt for which her hus
band was arrested.
"It is a great, wrong for any one to say
that we Intended to leave the state, and
that my husband desired to shirk his
debts. All my property Interests are
Highest of all ia Leavening Power.
Mr. Hammond Expected
Arrive Today.
U y -X X" Va-4 f " "IT"-'
here and It would be ridiculous to go
away and leave It. I havo paid the last
installments to the building association,
and I own the store where my husband
carried on business tha business is niino
and not his Great damage has been
dona me by the constable closing my.
place. Goods have spoiled and new
goods on the dock are. rotting for want
of la store in which to dispose of them.
X think it will bo my turn now to get
some damages for tho injury Imposed
upon us." i
In tho case of C. M. Cutblrth vs. C.
P. Graham Judgment was aken by da
fault. In tho suit of L. Lebeclc vs. Charlotte
Fosberg the demurrer was overruled and
until Monday given In which to file an
answer. t
Chas. Lucas, contractor, of Portland,
was yesterday awarded tho contract for
the stono work on the water gate, power
house and tha lining of the tunnel. Mr,
Lucas returned to Portland lost night
and will arrange his forces and plans
for tho work. Some twenty men will bo
engaged in this part of tho work, which
will commence about the middle of the
month. Three barge loads of rock, sand
and gravel will be sent down from Port
land in a few days, for this part of the
work. Mr. Behm is still In Portland but
will return before long to Astoria.
Mr. Purelll, the contractor on the head
works, has gone to IPortland on business
and will return with fifty more men
who will go into the new camp at the
12-mIlo post.
Tho reservoir excavation Is now within
three fet of the bottom, and all of the
dirt will be out of the largo basin by the
Wth Inst.
Last evening at the residence of Mr.
C. E. Bayles, a pleasant reception was
given by the teachers of the Court street
school, with tho assistance of the neigh
bors, to Miss Maud Bayles, recently re
turned from school at Monmouth, wher
she carried off tho honors in a class of
ftfty-iflve. The event was a complete
surprise t Miss Bayles, and a delightful
evening was spent in music and reel tac
tions. Tha Misses Trumbull, McCue, Ross and
Busey, and Mr. John McCue assisted in
the entertainment.
During the serving of tho refreshments
numerous toasts were responded to by
Prof. Wright, Miss Bayles. Mies Trum
bull and Mrs. Gearhart.
The night editor was also most ajrree-
Ubly surprised at midnight by receiving
a generous dish of Ice cream and a baa
ket of cake. Such surprise parties do
not como amiss. '
Mr. A. J. Johnson, tho well known bot
anist,, will leave Astoria, the evening of
the 6th for his trip to Mt. Adams. , At
Portland he wlll joln tho party of Ma
samaa and all will proceed to Mt. Ad
ams. After making the ascent of this
peak, they will go to Hood river, where
they will be Joined on tho 12th by those
who were unable to make the entire trip,
and go to the summit of Mt. Hood. The
trip to the snow line of Hood will be
made, by special stage by moonlight Und
the ascent commenced next morning. Two
day wlU ho spent on tho mountain. Mr.
Johnson Is particularly anxious that as
many Astorians as possible will go with
him, or meet him at Hood river. Mt.
Hood is the prid rt Oregon, and the trip
will be a grand one.
"And now will somebody In the audi,
tnce accommodate me with the loan of a
cavalry sword, asked tho professor of
trjaglc, stepping to the front of the
stage and rubbing his hands in pleasant
There was no response.
The professor, repeated his request.
Same result. ,
."I am sorry," he said at last, after
wlaitlngi several minutes, "that I shall be
unable to perform my advertised feat of
swallowing a sword, but you will see,
ladles and gentlemen, that tt Is not my
fault. I will now proceed with the won
derful performance of the magic egg'
bog," etc.
Breathless Messonger-JRuKirles. I have,
been looking for you everywhere! Your
house Is on Are.
Rugglea (Intently watching something
across the street) I'll bo along in a min--ute.
I want to see how they're sroin
to get tihat safe into that fourteenth story
Guthrie, O. T., July 2.-At Pine Hollow
on the line of the Creek reservation, two
uimnown men were round hanirinir to. a
tree. Pinned across their breasts was a
placard reading: "So perish all horse
thieves." Scores of horses have been
stolen In that neighborhood amd It is im
posed the farmers cawrht the men. iM
lynched them bs a warning to others.
New York. Julv Rn.-i.nlnW siffiMi
keep a close watch of all steamers ar
riving at Cuban oorts from tha Hnlro.l
States. The Norwegian fruit stexmer
Kongfwod, which arrived toduy, reports
that while- at the port of Banes, she was
boarded by Spanish soldiers who fcpnt
a vigilant guUrd over her until she sailed
ror tms port.
New York, July 2. Renewed efforts
were made today to depress values on the
stock exchange by circulating rumors of
prospective gold shipments. It is true
that a banking house which does busi
ness with Cub expects to send gold
to Paris, which has been twcelvofl i
in transit from Havana.
New York, July 2.-A letter from Pre.
dent Cleveland will be read with hA
Tammany Society's Fourth of July cele
bration. It Is said thiat In this letter the
president touches upon the financial and
political condition or the country.
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