The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 02, 1895, Image 2

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Sent by mail, per year 7.00
Sent by wall, per month 60 cts
Serve! by carrier, per week.... 16 cts
Address all communication to The
Dally Astorlan.
Sent by mall, per year, $2.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newrper ..p"Jbll8hed on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be toad on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan,, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Handley ft Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Aatorian
can be bad every morning at their
stand on First street.
Telephone No. 66.
All communications) Intended for pub
lication should toe directed to the editor.
Business communications1 of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
Astorlan. -
The faot Is becoming clearer every day
that the Democratic light for free silver
Is really a fight against the administra
tion. There Is a feeling on the pUrt of
a large proportion of the Democrats that
Cleveland's general course has been con
trary to the principles and sentiments
uDon which he was elected. He has dis
appointed them in every respect. His
personal opinions and wishes have been
substituted for those of Si majority of
his party, and toe has not been at all
mealy-mouthed- In the expression of bis
supreme belief in himself. There has
never before been a president who seemed
to be so indifferent to the advice of party
leader and the views of the average
voter. He h&s not hesitated to repudiate
the Democratic platform and to adopt
the Republican doctrine with regard to
the currency and Other financial Inter
ests. When the representatives of his
party In congress passed a tariff bill he
denounced It as a. thing of "perfidy and
dishonor," and refused to sign, It. in
many other Instance he hue asserted his
Independence in such a way as to pro
voke serious criticism and to generate
strong and bitter antagonism. - His pro
nounced attitude in fUvor of sound money
Is only one of numerous things that make
him obnoxious to a formidable Demo
cratic element! and it 1 easy to see that
hostility to the administration is the true
basis If the free sliver crusade.
In the recent Illinois state convention,
the speeches most loudly cheered were
those which condemned Cleveland as a
bettUyer of his party and a tool of the
capitalists. It was the same in the late
convention at Memphis, where he was
stigmatised by a United Btates senator
as the Benedict Arnold of the situation.
In Kentucky, Blackburn is conducting his
campaign on direct anti-admlnlstra-tkm
line, and boldly proclaiming tbrt the
contest I on between the president and
the people. Bcratch a free llver man
anywhsr and you will find an enemy of
Cleveland. Even In state where the
money question cut no figure 1m cur
rent politics, the Democrats are divided
into administration and anti-administration
factions. The split would exist If
there had never been such a thing a
a sliver Issue. It represent conflict
ing force snd tendencies which are not
confined to this one matter, and which
can not be harmonised by any kind of
compromise with regard to the currency.
The anU-admlnlstratlon Democrats Ure
lighting to eliminate Clevelandlsm frwn
their party and to restore the sway of
the leaders who have been put aside by
the arrogance and Ingratitude of the man
whom they helped to make president.
There can be no amicable adjustment
of such ft controversy. It will hav to be
fought to a finish; and meanwhile the
Republican cause will gain Increased
strength, and the country will profit ac
cordingly. Minister Thompson, writing to the state
department, thus discusses affairs In Bro
sll: "With the exotptlon of spasmodic fight
ing in Rio Grande do 8ul and occasional
election disturbances in some other
states, notably I'ernambuco and Bahla,
tranquility prevails throughout Brasll,
and confidence in the governimnt seems
to grow stronger every day. Several im
pediments must be overcome before any
large increase In the consumption of the
products of the United Utales by this
country can be accomplished. The mer
cantile trade of South America, especial
ly on the Atlantic seaboard, has been
built up through English and other Euro
pean channels, and their methods of do
ing buelnss prevail at every point. The
English prevail In all port tralllo. They
know the market and cater to the de
mands of traders. The consumers of
liiiiill. 1. e., the masses of the people',
have the most friendly feeling for our
country, and would favor American pro
duet of all kinds at even prices with
competing goods, but the channels
through which they are to be obtained
are not established,"
Tli Seattle Poet-Jntelligsncer lay ed
itorially t commctvtlng on the Increasing
market for all kind of ftah on thl
coast: "While It was at on time gsn
eralty believed that salmon could be taken
from the Columbia river without restric
tion and for ull time to come, yet the
constant and ever-Increasing use of the
gilt net, the ;ine, the fish trap and the
wheel have brought the fishermen on that
river to a eitxr realiralion of the fact
that the supply of salmon Is not lr.
haustlh'.e, and that without proper regula
tions It is only a q'.ifstlon of time when
this trrrat and flourishing industry will
go into dfc'.lns because of recklessness
and abuse In the methods of conducting
It. One step In the r!;?ht direction was
thkon by the lust Upisluture, when It
j. .. .. 1 a. isW for the e.l!ilillliment of
f,,-'n hatcher!"? In Utilities the mor
Ux.v-n tint lmoo hV-'-.w.-.ys. This law.
setting to some extent the exterminating
effects of indiscriminate Ashing. It indi
cates moreover thtit the people appreciate
the Importance of the fishing industry,
and its needs of protection, and are awak
ening to the fact that the prospects and
promise for the future growth and devel
opment are such as call for their closest
attention, care and consideration." ' ,
And we note In the Salem Statesman
a timely comment on the same subject,
as follows: "If both Oregon and? Wash
ington had stringent laws to protect the
food fishes, and both had zealous officials
to look to their enforcement, It would
not be more than the future of this great
industry demands. We will warrant that
no Oregonlan will ever Interfere with any
Washington officer trying to enforce a
law of that state for the protection of
the fleh."
We hud) It from the highest Democratic
authority that the new tariff would stim
ulate the trade of this country abroad,
and yet the exports the first nine months
of its operation fell more than (66,000,000
below those of the corresponding months
last year under the McKInley law. But
this Is about ha near as Democracy comes
to meeting Us pledges.
According to the statistician of the
United States treasury, the population of
this country increases at the rate of about
a million and a half a year. On May 1
the estimate of our total population was
69,620,000. That will mean at least 75,000,000
by the federal census of 1900.
The volume of silver dollars In clrcu
latlon in the United B'tates increased
$3,000,000 from December to May. This
was due to the Increase of business and
the revival of Industry.
Philadelphia Times. (Dem.)
The free sliver craze has suffered a
serious set-back In the national conven
tion of the Republican league. The
measure of the defeat of the free silver
ltes can be appreciated only when it is re
membered tlhat large delegation from
the southern and western states wen
especially set up to attend this conven
tion, to storm it with a deliverance in
favor of the free and unlimited coinage
of silver on tho basis of 16 to 1.
It goes without saying that many of
these delegation were arranged for on
purely commercial principles, as have
been many delegation in the past from
the south to Republican national con
ventions. It is an open secret that the
free silver combination has an enormous
fund of money that is being expended
freely, not only for the circulation of free
silver literature, but for the organization
of a free silver element In every state of
the Union, and It was determined some
months ago that this national conven
tton of 'Republican clubs should be cap
tured by the free silver ltes, and thus ap
parently commit the great Republican
party to the theory of the unlimited free
coinage of sllvet.
Fortunately the movement of the free
sliver speculators was discovered in time
and the honest Republicans of the coun
try organized lagalnst it. It seemed like
a hopeless task when they began the
movement, but as in all such contests,
when the free silver craze comes face to
face with honest sentiment It perishes
like the mists of the morning. There was
a stubborn struggle In Cleveland, but the
free silver men were finally compelled to
assent to the policy of mUklng no deliver
ance on the question, which is an abso
lute defeat and a terrible set-back to the
free sliver speculators.
The fact that the Cleveland conven
tion of the .Republican league will not
make any dell verknee. at all on the silver
question is of little consequence. It is
not a representative body and has no
right to speak for the Republican party,
or to attempt to commit It In advance
on any Important public question. But the
facts that the free sliver leaders had ex
hausted their efforts and their means to
control the convention, and apparently
had the absolute control of it until within
a few weeks of Its meeting, and that they
were finally driven to a surrender of any
expression on the subject, furnish con
clusive evidence thlat the free silver erase
hi met with a fearful set-back ut Cleve
land, as it ha in every section of the
south and west during the last few
It is now reasonably safe to assume
that both the Republican und the Demo
cratic national conventions of next year
will declare for honest money, and If by
that time there shall be any considerable
number of free silver fanatics they must
flock by themselves.
A Vigorous Defense of the Principal of
the Cedar Street School.
(Out of the batch of correspondence re
ceived yesterday on the subject of the
present school controversy we publish the
following communication, for the reason
that Its whole tenor proves that the
writer Is probably In greater opposition
to our course than any of the others,
and because we hav all along striven
to give Mr. Jackson's side of the case
a fair and Impartial hearing. We have
thought up to thl time, remarkable a
It may seem to "Pro Bono Populo," that
a principal of an Important school, hav
ing under his charge not only a large
number of pupils, but several highly
educated and thoroughly capable ladles
acting as teachers, should certainly know
how to read and spell correctly. But,
a our correspondent says, we may not
have mingled with our harsh views
enough of the leaven of brotherly love
end charity, and our Ideas may be eli
wrong. The writer state very authori
tatively that they are, and while w are
sorry that Mr. Jackson' course finds
such staunch friend w cannot retrain
from being generoua enough to give the
fact publicity:)
Astoria, Ore., Jun 29, M.
Editor Astorlan:
Hlr; I am a fare minded man and I
hate to sea a man prosecuted a you
have taken the trouble to prosecute this
Jackson, which I do not know, but that
does not matter. It seems to me that
you have gone out of your way to spew
venom at thl man, and I do not believe
it is right. Should you do so, and think
the opposition way to which I do It Is
wrong for you to do any such thing, and
my sense of Justice la revolted at you.
The slur you try to cast against the
muni grammar Is unjust, and It seems
that the general public will appreciate
a much and fail to see anything wrong
ubout it. It is good enough for mi and
my kind which number a good people
as any the lAstorlam can flutter them
selves on. And moreover our children
and children children need a common
school education and no frills nor Is It
to be congured up that free schools oupht
to be expected to give any frills Ilk
Harvard or the Columbian or Yules stud
ies. The people do not want It and It
(his man Jackson can teach young Ideas
to shoot in the subject of reading and
writing with sense he is doing his duty
to the powers that be and the school
board, which Is composed of men who are
sensible enough to hav knowledge of
such tfing the case. Now Mr. Editor do
rr?-oc'.!T? ma JscKn, He is
doing the best according to his light and
no man can do more, which I hope all
men down here below do the same, or
they ought to in any case. If the man
is not up In brilliancy of spelling or
grimmar according to your high tone
light, It would be better to take him in
an alley in the highways and byways and
tell him that such is the facts in private
communion which is not in the spirit of
man to man, far from it. And now I
will close this document hoping to find
you as it leaves me at present, with no
animation to any mun more especial to
a man who cannot write down his de
fences good enough for your lights, but
which) in my Judgment and I have
travelled some is good enough for Astoria
people who Judge not that they may be
Juged, and now I take my leaf.
There were Idle thought dam in the
door, .
And warmed their little toes,
And did more mischief around the house
Than any one living knows.
They scratched the tables, and broke the
And soiled the floor and wall.
For a motto was written above the door,
"There's a welcome her for all.'V
When the master saw the mischief done,
He closed it with hope and fear.
And he wrote above, Instead: "Let none
Save good thoughts enter here." '
And the good little thoughts came troop
ing in ,
When he drove the others out, '
They cleaned the walls' and they swept
the floor
And sang as they moved about
And last of all an angel came,
With wings and a shining Dace,
And above the door he wrote, "Hera lor
Has found a dwelling place.
Katherlne Pyl.
What piteous contrasts do we see,
What subjects for regret,
'Twlxt what they say a man should be
And the husbUnds that they getl
Yet, never waste your sympathy .
On her, oh, friend of mine!
Each thinks that hers surpasses the
Original design.
Washington Star.
WANTED Girl to do house work. Call
at 843 Exchange street.1
WANTED A few more teams. Apply
Paclllc Paving Company.
WANTED Fifty men at the Jim to get
a 10 cent shave and a 16 cent hair cut.
S78 Astor street, next door west of the
Parker House.
WANTED Agenl to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. For further informa
tion, address Q. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some onlce work, and manage agents,
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louts, Mo.
$75,000 PER. WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry.
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc, same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
JAPANESE GOODS Just out-Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms In
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
owner coin have by calling- at this oflics
snd proving property.
TO RENT A furnished room. Enquire
at m Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars Inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST ThursUay night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
Are sometimes allowed by the authorities
to remain too long, but when that impor
tant outlet to the refuse and debris of
the system the bowels become obstruct
ed. Hosteller's Stomach Kilters promptly
"raises the blockade." This it does, too,
without creating any abdominal disturb
ance In the way of griping, an unpleas
antness always produced by a drastic
purgative. No permanent, decisive relief
from constipation can b obtained
through the agency of a violent cathartic.
Mandrake, blue pill, sails and senna and
calomel, while they evacuate the intes
tine, weaken and partly unfit It for fu
ture usefulness. Hostetter' Stomach
Bitter, on the contrUry, invigorate th
whole abdominal region, and promote a
regular secretion and flow of bile. Us-
this tim honored remedy also hi malaria,
dyspepsia, rheumatism, ' nervousness. In
cases of debility, and for kidney trouble.
It confer both appetite and sleep.
Recently knocked down a burglar and
held him until the arrival of assistance.
Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Discovery Is
a medicine that checks the frightful in
roads of Scrofula, and, if taken in time,
arrests the march of Pulmanory Con
sumption. It cures Indigestion and dys
pepsia, chronic diarrhoea and similar
complaints. The wonderful medicine ha
also gained great celebrity in curing
fever and ague, chill and fever, dumb
ague, and like disease.
Asthma cured by newly discovered
troatment. Address, for free pamphlet,
testimonials and reference, World' Dis
pensary IMedical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Captain Sweeney. TJ. 8, A- San Diego
Cal.. snys: "BhlloY Catarrh Remedy
Is th first medicine I hav ever found
that would An me any good. Price 60)
cts. Bold by J. W. Coun.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
HZzhest ct all ia karealos
Irt "jour family f
fio emitting ctuiti
mort dysptptt Hun
it 3 wAt, dean.,
Oiuf oThtr invHdt
CiXr &t food CooKid
vVitj (ojotctfe
Without unasant
fr A&cooktng purfotf9
if .fotlfcjfrWfigTfy
Mad only by
Tho N. K.'Falpfcartk Company,
ChUnge, Aw Vutk, Bostujs. . ;
Notice is hereby given that N. Clinton
& Sons, contractors for the improvement
of 42d street, in Adair s Astoria, under
the provisions of Ordinance No. 1940, on
the latin day of June, 1806, filed in the
office of the Auditor and Police Judge of
the City of Astoria, the certificate of the
City Surveyor, and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here'
Inafter specified, it no objection to the
acceptance of such work be filed and the
Common Council shall deem such im
provement properly completed, according
to the contract and plane and specifica
tions therefor, the same may be accepted.
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
filed in the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge on or before Wednesday,
June 19th, 18.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1896.
' If you want a piano or organ, buy a
reliable make from flrat hands at a
reasonable price. We are the only
manufacturers of pianos and organs
who have a branch house on the Paci
fic coast, and are certainly in a posi
tion to sell you a reliable instrument
for less than any retailer or agent.
A large shipment of Klmlballs will be
sold In your town direct from the
faotory in the near future. If you are
ready to 'buy before they arrive, write
us and we will send you catalogue and
Pacific Coast Branch, Portland, Or.
We recommend Do Witt's Colic and
unoiera cure because we believe ft is
a safe and r&14a.hdi rpmpilv tvm trnnA
effects are shown alt once in cases or
unoiera jnonwa ana similar complaints.
unaries itogera.
"Do unto others as you would have
omers ao unio you." is symDatnettcativ
shown in the following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympathy is born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Uenuemen: Please Bena Krause s
Headache Capsules as follows: two
boxes to Flora Sear. Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Hrookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tning that relieves
me." ; Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. 'rfoiters. Astoria.
Or, Sole Agent
There to great danger in neglecting
Colic, Cholera and similar complaints. An
absolutely prompt and safe cure Is found
In De Witt's- Oolio and Cholera Cure.
Charles Rogers.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., write.
that he had a severs kidney iroubl
for many years, with severe pains 1
his back, and also that his bladde
was affected. He tried many so-callet
Kidney cures, but without any goo
resuts. About a year ago he began us
of Electrto Bitters and found relief a
once.; . Electrlo Bitters is especlall
adapted to cure all kidney and live
troubles, and often gives almost in
stant relief. One trial will prove ou
statement. Price, only 60 cents fo
large bottle, at Chas. Rogers' dru
Notice is hereby given that I have
been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Mike Thompson, deceased, otl.
erwlse known by Ills old country name,
Michael Ontronoff, bom in JysKyjarwl
district in county of Karjala, Suite of
Arkankel, Russia, and who was drowned
on June 6th, IRK, while fishing at the
mouth of the Ooturobla river. Ail per
sons having claims against said estate
ar requested to present the same to me,
duly verified, within six months from the
due of this notice, and all persons in
debred to said estate are requested to pay
the amount of such indebtedness to me.
Dated, Astoria, Oregon, this SOth day of
Th only railroad Kghtlng Its trains by
The only railroad using th celebrated
electric berth reading kunp
Th coaches now running on "Th Mil
waukee" ar Palace on Wheel.
On all It through line, the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs th
most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing. Parlor, and Dining Cars and Coaches.
For lowest rates to any paint in the
United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket
agents, or address) C. J. EDDY.
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
la hereby given forbidding PscVwood or
any other person from cutting or re
moving wood or stop from any of my
land without first making saractoryi
errari!rw wits Jar?a Vf. Weica. 1
Notice is heresy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the firm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being .pay
able to Capt. Paul Schrader, and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 18. 1895. '
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know Its value, and those
who heve not have now the opportunity
to try it free. Call on the advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle free.
Send your name and address to H. E
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a
sample box of New Life Pills free, as
well as a copy of Guide to Health and
Household Instructor, free. All o
which is guaranteed to do you good
and cost you nothing. Unas. Rogers
druggist, Odd Fellows Building.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Eleotolo Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It efTeots a permanent cure,
and the moat draaded sick headaches
yield to its Influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bobtle and
give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
of haibtltuial oonaUpation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or- troubled
with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters la
the Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas.
Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build'
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
There is one medlctine that will cur
immediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic
and Cholera Cure for all summer com
plialnts. No delay, no disappointment, no
failure. Charles Rogers.
Mr. J. J. KelL Sharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir: -1 am glad to say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suffering for over three years
with acute neuralgia and its consequent
insomnia (which seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
me almost Instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Gratefully Yours,
Montroee, Pa.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brix
florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them.
All the paten: medicines advertised
m this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
.an be bought at tne iowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, A. loiia.
Having the needed merit to more
than make good all the advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, eaoh
bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the
great remedy for stomach, liver, and
kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, and Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are a perrect pill. All
these remedies are guaranteed to do
Just what is claimed for them, and the
dealer whose name is attached here
with, will be glad to tell you more
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
SHILOH'S CURB is sold on a gvar
ntee. It cures incipient consumption,
t is the best Cough Cure. Only one
ent a dose. 25 cents, SO cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Gentlemen: This is to certify that I
have used Krause's Headacna Capsules
with satisfactory results. I bought a
box which cost me -S3, and one capsvle
cured me of a dreadful sick h?ndache.
My wife and mvself nave both used
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Liobtr Mf's Co., and we re
commend them to the public as being
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas.
Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agents.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
derman, of Dlmondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending
Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re
sults were almost marvellous in the
case of my wife. While I was pastor
of the BaptiBt Church at itives junc
tion, she was 'brought down with
Pneumonia, succeeding La Grippe. Ter
rible paroxysms of coughing wculd last
hours with little interruption and it
seemed as If she could not survive
them. a friend recommended Dr.
King's New Discovery; it was quick in
Its work, and satisfactory In its re
sults." Trial bottles free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store. Regular size 60
Travelers find a safe companion In De
Wirt's OoMc and Cholera Oure. A change
la drinking water and in diet often
causes severe and dangerous complaints.
This medicine always cures them. Charles
When Liillo Ono
refuse to eat and begin to look
thin and pale, the wise mother
resorts at once to Scott's Emul
sion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypo
phosphites. She knows they
will take it willingly, for there
is no bad taste of the oil about
it, and it will not make them
sick. Soon their appearance
tells the cheering story of re
turning health. They grow
bright, active, plump and hun
gry; they eat anything now.
With babes in arms it is just
the same. Nourishment! That's
the secret of Scott's Emulsion.
Don't tn ftrraodti to tcttpt nbtiMtf
4 9"m, N. V. MIOrwmta, 50c mi II.
Notice Is hereby given that L .Leback,
Contractor for the improvement of Duan
street, to Adair's Astoria, under the pro
visions of Ordinance No. 1926, on the
12th day of June, 1886, filed in the office
of the Auditor and Polio Judge of th
Olty of Astoria, the certificate of the
Olty Surveyor . and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, if no objections to the
acceptance of such work be filed and th
Common Council shall deem such Im
provement properly completed, according
to "the contract and plana and specifica
tions therefor, the some may be accepted.
Objection to th acceptance of said
improvement or any pant thereof, may be
filed in the office of the Auditor and
Ponce Judge on or before Wednesday,
June 19th, 1896.
Auditor and Police Judge,
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895.
Special attenUon paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
Leaves Astoria lor Portland and way
landings at 7 p. m. daily, Sunday ex
cepted. Leaves Portland every day except Sun
day at 7 a.m. C.W.STONE,
Agent Astoria.
Telephone No. 1L
H. A. Se'v, Gen'l Agt., Portland.
U. B. f ct, President
The oasis of the
Colorado Desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorahle in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio
in the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Pacific Company,
takes pleasure in announcing that sev
eral Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tion, that will bevrented to applicants
at reasonable rates. They are fur
nit tied with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence in this de
lightful climate.
(From the San FranclBco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert oi
the Colorado which the Southern Pa
clflo road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, li
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lieve, from personal Investigation, that
for certain Invalids, thee is no spot or
this planet so favorable."
G. T. Stewart, M. IX, writes: "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished so
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health resort, here is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, denpa atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired T
It is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise lor rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy in recommending this
genial oasis aa the haven of the afflict
lis 612 miles from
a mJ 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles fj.ooi BONES.
.nJShi1 PVrniUil' We bn fertilizers and fertilizing ma
w addra Company terial of every description. Bones, boms,
E. P ROGERS e'0-' Pay h'sbest cash prices. Send
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co,j"B' trial shipment
J. R KIRKLAND, Western Bone-Meal Co.
Dist Pass. Agt 771 Mission Street.
Cor. First vid Alder Sta Portland. Or. San Fnaneisoo, OaL
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
ST. PAUlv,
This Is the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. AU classes of passengers carried
on the vestibuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
oer this famous line. All agents have
W.. H. MEAD, P. C. SAVaOB,
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt.
248 Washington st. Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mail you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
em, Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road in the world for all classes of
Astoria, Oregon.
Sliip Chandlery,
Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships.
Address, box 180, Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR
TTiT" TT rTAhl TT r ittItiIvt tiri4rr
IflcnOlVryln unit 1J1 Cnlr
Acts as trustee for corporations and
individuals. DepositB solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBT President
BENJ. YOUNQ Vice .President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Toung, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tlo, celling, and all kinds of finish;
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
Bt mill. H. 1" U LOGAN, Prop'r.
Seaside. Orpgron.
Gas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating;.' .
179 Twelfth street Astoria. Or.