The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 23, 1895, Image 4

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-to-measure, , .
pHEolllr way to Ota roan Is to first find
1 out Just What kind of a man you have to
fit-that"' Jit.. what we do take your
measure exact aiiB cut (ho suit for you and
It mimt At, or we'll keep 'em.
vvchas. Mcdonald,
v.,.., The Tailor.
". j.3 Commercial Street
Few flen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them the most en-
lovable In town. All the "good thlnga"
of the season-cooked by our excellent
cook-In the moat delicious style. Perfect
If vou Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar
ntee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
Sterling Silver !
Never has there been suoh a stock
of sterling silver Jewelry as that now
on display at our store. Half the town
does not realize the immensity of this
EXSTROjVt, the Jeweler.
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Mattresses, eto.
When the tide sets one way there Is
always a cause for It.
Women don't come here to buy roastt
teaks, and all other kinds of meat
Imply because it's Cbrlstensen ft Co.'s.
Of course there are a few, a very
few, who Vuy out of compliment, or
from Ignorance, bat the great mass of
housekeepers buy where they can get
the best and for that reason we supply
the majority of the families In Asto
ria for they know by experience that
we nave only the best.
Hundreds of business and professional
men are now coming to our place
.t .I,
Dally.., Why?. Because they, can at any
time, day or night, call for a sandwich
hers and get It.
We expected to be mobbed for these
andwaches and our fresh 6 cent beer
when the railroad comes.
Qiosbauer & Brach.
itm Iron
General flachlnlat and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work or any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lnfavette St., Astoila, Or.
A Poor Cigar
'W, F. SCIIIKBE never made.
Don't erpeot to make, either.
- But marks this s-a-t-l-s-f-a-c-
t-l-.-n of the 22-karet tort has
accompanied every purchase of
one of the cigars made by him
since he began business. We've
got the notion that a satisfied
- customer "cuts a big figure" In
building up a business. That's
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
r so well.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
IneTsas and Coffeei, Tab! Delicacies, Domestic
and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Hams, Bacon, ttc.
' Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Fid Slippers!
White Kid Oxfords!
, Wfyite Canvas Oxfords
In buying these goods from us
for graduation exerclaes one can
be suited here Just as well as
though they had sent to San
Francisco and bad the goods mads
for them.
- ' : '
The U. 5. Gov't Reports
thow Royal Raking Powder
superior to nil othenu
. ;.;:;-QUil SHOES ?
. AfAn'i tiiBv wnm nut around the Bole
om where? Don't they need a patch on
the slier - vy win mue iimra juwi
new. . . .! ifci iij
Kitty Corner From Fisher Eros. Store.
430 Commercial Street.
Fresh Candy Made Every Day.
Putter, Ego. Uiees ana H kinds of
Fruit Is Season.
Cigars, bacco and Groceries.
Wfyite Ghamoie
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Fresh strawberries at Smith's today,
i' . 1.1 -,
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents 'pint,
Don't use a plaster, but take Rogers'
money curs nor lame back. -
DON'T PASS iBY-But Step Into Jeff
and try one of those 25c meals. .
ness, No. 613 Commercial street.
A FEW LEFT-Of those 25c meals el
Joe Tarp's; try One; 120 ll'th street.
THE SPA Colman'e old Htand, la the
place for fresh candles) and Ice cream.
TUB SAME! PLACE -118 12th street Is
the place to buy tretfh fish every day.
GRAND OPBNING-Of all kinds of for
eign novelty goods, at 666 Commercial
T. E. Schultz. frescoe and scenic ar
tist, with B. P. Allen, 365 Commercial
WA NTETJ 'People to call at the Scow
Bay Wood Tard and learn the Dricee on
The Palace Barber Shop 1b now glv
Ing one of their two-bit. shaves for
16 cents.
Our milk Is jruanatiitesd srtrioflv nurs
ana fresh from the cow daily. Relth
ox wuson,
The Palace Bath House encourages
folks to bathe by. having everytJhlng
first class.
Tho vanilla and lemn exthacts put up
by the Rrintz-Craln Drug Co. are the
best made.
PAT LAWLBR & CO. Fine line of
canned) goods and fresh flan, 574 Com
merclal street.
YOUR TURN NEXT To get one of the
finest cigars for the least money. No,
459 12th street.
CaM ait the Prlntz-C'naln Drug Store and
get a sample of their Antlceptlc Tooth
Wash free of charge. - ! ' "i
GRABFE & HANKE-No. 628 Commer
cial wtreet, will repair youf clothes for
little money. Try them. .1
finest line of liquors and cigars in tha
city. Call and sample them. '
Dr. Howard, No. 598 Commercial Street
Removed from Astor House;1
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana'
nan Bro.' and have it repaired.
. DON'T FORGET That at'Nos. 214 and
216 Tenth street Is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's Ice cream. Is unequalled i Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private par-
I ...... nH 1 ,. ,1 u rnmmarnlal atrAT 1 .
DROP IN-Next door tc McLean's
Blacksmith Shop and get prloes on all
kinds of carpenter work. A. Paulsen.
WB HAVE IT The place to get
26-cent meal for 15 cents, only white
labor employed at 684 Commercial Btrdet,
WAH SINO & CO. Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com'
cannot suit you with cigars and tobac-
co on Commercial street, he can on 11th
A SURE THING That you can get
fruit and candy for less money than any.
where else at -M. Maulers, on Bond
street. "
STOP At the Horse Shoe Chop House
and try one of those 15 cent meals, same
as you pay 26 cens for elsewhere, 546
Commercial street.
Will spend the summer In Astoria, one
of Portland s most artistic dressmakers,
late from Chicago. Patronage solicited.
Look for card lattr.
JUST RECEIVED At 815 Commercial
street, line line of extension tables, cen
ter table, lounges, and kitchen treas
ures. J. G. Rosa, . proprietor,
L. I. JOHNSON Opposite Central Ho.
tel, will kindly thank the public for a
share of Its" trade. Fresh strawberries
by every morning's steamer. Prices to
suit. -
What cows received first premium at
the World's Fair for producing the
richest milk? Jersey cows, and those
are the only kind that J. A. Rowan
sella milk from.
No better milk was ever brought to
Astou-lia than 1s furnished for five cents
a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de
livered in a clean and tUftntly closed
glasa bottle at your door every morn
ing. .
ArrivedMrs. Zwemer, trance medium,
Can be consulted on all affairs of Ufa,
Call alt Mrs. M. A. Hull's residence, 861
Exchange street, old Rom resilience. Cir
cles every Tuesilay and Friday night at
I 0 ClOCk. ,!'. Pi,,r;
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere el Be? May
be It s one Chlng, and May be II I another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course th Astoria Wood Tard Is
proud of It.
Mothers raising their bahes on the
bottle will have tat, strong and heal
thy babies by using J. Rowan's Jer
sey milk, as he makes a specialty of
milk for b&biea and the stoic. Try hlin
and be happy.
Business men of Antorta visiting Port
land have for yettrs been acoustomfcd
to take thtdr mid-day lunoh U the
"Gem." The ' Gem" Is now looated at
73 Third street, next door to the Alns-
worbh Bank. Jos. ,E. Penny.
What la the use of having a "human
form divine" unless you care for It.
and drape it ami as tc
mako It a source of Joy to yourself and
a pride to your frieuuit Natura sup
plies the form. A. Lake, the tailor at
359 Commercial street will make the
raiment See him.
If you want a bicycle repaired or a
lock fixed,, or any other first-class
work done, call on C. H. Orkwltz, next
door to JUairtln Olsen's Auction House.
BYES Two hard-woklng servants
Tet quickest to rebel when over-work
ed. Glasses the right ones scientif
ically, delicately adjusted ones the
remedy. The ability thxt experience
and study gives can be had at J. H,
Seymour's. Charges only for glasses
are modest.
At your own price at Foard & Stoke
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau:
. Maximum temperature, 06 degrees.
'Minimum temperature, 55 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1891, to date, 73.77 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, 1894, to dtite, 5.56 Inches.
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon-
Beet Ice cream and tee cream soda. In
the city at the (BoniboniUere.
Look out for he High Sctfoool Football
Clifb excursion on the FourWh.
Mine. Wyvnam, an aged lady of the city,
It Is vndaratood yeeterdiay dumbed $200
for the railroad.
Ala tori a wM surely improve The TIghe
Hotel Unas a neiw Ibalustrade at Its Uth
street entrance.
Go to Fort Cairiby on the 4th wit the
High School FootbaU Club. Onfly 50 cents
for tihe round trip. '
Big celebruitlon at Fort Oanby on the
4th. The Dwacos and 'the High School
Club are to compete.
OonBteWe Fred Oberg has been appoint
ed by the police commissioners, special
officer for Salturduy nlgihte.
Quite a number of .businessmen remark
ed last evening that tine day was. the
busiest Saturday tfor many months past.
Look out for the K. P. basket picnic
at Seaside on the Fourth. Old-fashioned
sports are pnomlsed and a general good
MIrs Mary Foetrett, one of the teachers
of the Adlalr (school, toft FrkJay even
ing on a 'trip across tine continent to
her hwne In Maine.
Those having flowers to donate for the
KnlKtvts of Pythias reception Wednesday
evening will confer a great favor by no
tifying Mr. Herman Wise.
Mis Maudi Baylee, of Astoria, had the
honor of being vafleidlotorlan of the class
at (the class at ilhe Monmouth normal
school a credit to Astoria.
Don'IC mil'ss the greftut time at Fort Can
by on the 4th. Twmty-two events to
take .place. The steuimer Mayflower
leaves Hume's dock at 8 a, m.
Post Moster Workman Charles H.
Swkton was yesterday appointed grand
gutdle of the JurUsdlctlon of Oregon, A.
O. U. W. (Seaside Lodge cannot be sus-
Tickets will be sold for the steamer
Telephone end Bailey Gatzert July S and
good until bin, at one fare for the
round trip, to aW points between Astoria
and Portland.
The Cadles of the Library 'Association
have announced that, owing to the com.
ing Art Loam Exhibition, the raiding
room and circulating department will be
suspended until the close of that event,
Chlarles Classy and Charles Danby, two
men arrested several days ago on sus
picion of betng implicated In the recent
up-river robberies. Were discharged by
Justice Abercromble yesterday afternoon,
About 20 men who have been busy
grading a ldt In block 23, Shlvely's Asto
ria, for J. W. Welch, completed "their
work yewierdhy. This is one of ithe lata
facing on the new tetreet now being open,
Jack Carlson's good luck continues.
Lost so.tson he was high boat and thus
far this year Is a good distance In the
lead again, having up Ito date caught 14
tone of nsh, am extraordinarily large
Captain Parker, of the steamer Ilwaco,
oomplulns that the scows on Sand Is
land, recentlly ordered out of the channel
by Major Post ore still stationed in a p
sitlon so as to gneatlly interfere with the
coming and going of steamers.
Sheriff Hure returned from near
Brownsport yesterday attoernowi having
In charge a man named TheoJwe Kalln,
who is accused of net stealing. The men
when arrestied anlmWted to the sheriff
that he hud committed the theft.
It Is common talk that the bicycle which
Is to be given(?) as a premium In the
school Iteachera' editing contest, Has el-
ready been wranged for I Yo feasor Jack-
sun, of 'the Cedar street School. If the
rumor is correct, the work of the Judges
will be that much lessened.
The following were among the passen
gers tfor Portland on the Potter laet
evening: J. F. Hamilton, H. Vesper, W.
Jacobs, H. L. NeMleton, Miss Thover,
H. C. Thompson, L. Jesting, A. Lleweil
lng, Mrs. Harrison, S. P. Marsh and IS
Italian laborers.
First M. E. Church A very interesting
irvlce at 11 a. n. A young people's rally
at 7 p. m. At a p. m sermon by the pas
tor: subject, "Every Alan a Tower Build
er." The great tower In the plain of
Shlnor, Its remains and Its lessons. Ev
erybody cordially invited.
The Knirfvts of Pythias have Issued
their invitations to ail Knights to bring
their Wives, mothers, daughters and sis
ters (mothers-in-law barred) to the coffee
social to be held next Wednesday f vett
ing at Pythian Castle, when a lodge of
Pythian Rathbone Sisters win be Insti
tuted. The board of school directors met In the
office o School Clerk Ferguson yester
day morning. The object of the meeting
was the election of a director to All the
vacancy caused by tha death of Mr. J.
Dickinson. Owens; to the absence of
BenJ. Young, emus by sickness, an.
djournment was token imtH Tuesday
Work win be commenced tomorrow
morning on naUdng the necessary Im
provements towards turning the FMier
building 011 13th end Exchange streets.
Into at theatre house. Alterations have
ben made from the plans originally
drawn, and the Improvements ooafem
p'.ated will be on a much smaller stele.
The building wtB not b snlarged and
tfr only chanire that will be made Is
the raising of the basement floor. No
gallery twill be treated. nd Instead of
having a seat his; capacity of 1500 or more.
aa at first latcs-cix.d, tas new tnoatrs will
acoornmodate but 500. Th building will
have four entrances, and two stairways,
the main entrance being In the shape of
double doors t the southwest corner.
The stage wlH be 18x35 feet and the In
terior of the building will be fitted up in
a comfortable manner. The (halt upstairs
will mot be (changed, and will still be
used a a dancing room.
The frsco work In itihe store of Cbas.
Rogers Unas been completed by the artists,
Messrs. Allen and Bdhiitz. The celling
Is one of the handsomest on the coast,
and is done In -soft colors beautifully
blended, the design being original and
all of the work telng hand. work. The
borders on the walls above the shelving
are of a unique pattern end match the
other work. This enterprising firm are
most certainly making a reputation for
fine work, not only in the ctity, but
abroad, and have an enviable reputation
Agents wanted to sell the Morgan, ad
justable pattern; most wonderful inven
tion ever made. By its use any lady
can get the same results as by the tailor
system without the work, Ladles taught
how to At a perfect fitting drees, and
supplied with the system for only (5.
Call for one week on Mrs. J. W, Brown,
Hotel TIghe, from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
The church,' notice of the Methodist
Church was omitted from yesterday's is
sue because of the crowded condition of
the columns of the paper at the late
hour In which the notice was handed in
Friday. If ell such notices are handed
to the city editor by 2 o'clock Friday
afternoon, as is the rule, there will be
no difficulty In having them Inserted In
tlhe Saturday paper.
Int the warehouse of the Wies!t Coast
Cannery in Upper Astoria Is stored about
60 tons of S5mon bellies. They are pack
ed In uncovered tanks and barrels, and
are In a very toad condition. If in the
least disturbed a foul stench arises which
has caused much complaint from people
In the neighborhood, who say that if
they are not removed soon the propsr
autUiritles wtll be informed of the matter.
The old tfavortite steamer R. R. Thomp
son is ugaln on the Astoria-Portland
route, after having been thoroughly over
hauled, re-painted and re -flitted with new
and elegant furnishings, including oar
pets, mattresses, etc. Besides this there
has 'been placed on the Thompson a com
plete electric light plant. An of these
features combined make the Thompson
one of the most comfortable bouts on the
river to ride on.
Commissioner McGuire arrived In Aato--ria
on 'the Telephone yesterday afternoon.
The oommlasloner'e business In this city
Is in relation to matters regarding the
question of river Jurisdiction end the en
forcement of the law in reference to Sun
day Ashing. Preparations were mode Tor
a patrol of the river during the night,
but at a late .hour no start had been
made. Mr. McGuire places no confidence.
In the rumor .that the Pacific county
grand Jury has Indicted him and says
taSi kSf
Is In his opinion nothing but wild tain.
He will remain lit town several days.
Thanking the good people of Astoria end
surrounding country for their liberal pat
ronage during the thirty days I worked
ab reduced prices. I hope by professional
courtesy, honest and durable work, to
merit a continuance of the same.
! Surgeon Dentist.
Dental parlors, 598 Commercial street.
Arrangements About Completed
Splendid Entertainment.
for a
The several departments of thie loan ex
hibition arc gradually being brought to
a finish end twhen the doors are opened
Tuesday vtt Ithe exhibits will all be
In p'.ace. The task of arranging this ex
hibit In two days is a mammoth one,
and It will only be by prompt action that
it can be done. Persons loaning articles
will confer e flavor by either bringing
them Monday, or packing them early,
so as to cause no delay to the carriers.
It is said by those having seen exhibi
tions of this kind elsewhere, that the
exhilbtit for this occasion far surpasses
anything they have ever seen. Thous
ands of dollars worth of articles, beside
numerous heirlooms and curiosities that
no .money could buy will be exhibited,
In view Of this fact there has been de
tailed special police protection for the
entire exhibition. The association has
been to considerable trouble end expense
to provide catalogues, without which the
visitor would be unable to properly ap
preciate the exhibition. Previous to the
opening night these catalogues may be
found at city blooks'tores-HPrloe 10 cents,
The exhibition opens at 8 p. m. Tuesday,
the th, and closes Thursday at 10 p.
m., open afternoons between 2 and 5:30
and evenings tfrom 7 to 10 o'clock, and
will consist of articles of value loaned
for 'the occasion, with a competitive ex.
hiblt as tfoNows:
Premiums (list blue end 2nd red) will
be awarded for the best amateur work
In the following: Picture In oil, water
color, crayon, photography, 'three pieces
hand painted chunta, tissue paper articles,
single piece of embroidery, Meal honltan,
drawn work) knitting, crochet, display ot
roses, pansles, geraniums, ferns, colleo,
tton growing plants, cult flowers .Decision
by Judges. The best 'hat and bonnet
wlW be decided by popular vote the vote
announced each day. Judges wltl award
premiums on the flowers Wednesday
noon, and the other deparomerfts Thurs
day before 7 p. m. AH an attractive ad
junct -co the exhibition there will be the
dime museum see dodgers for particu
lars. Division of exhibits are: Art gal
lery, flower show and refreshments, next
door M. E. church; curio, china, embrold
try, etc., In the library room; the dime
museum n Mrs. Ross' millinery room
In the evenings only.
Season tickets, good' for five admissions,
J1.25 (transferable); single admission, 50
cents; children's season tickets, 75 cents.
single admissions, 26 cents; one ticket ad
mits to all but dime museum. See the
catalogues at the bookstores.
T O Connetl, Cathl S P Andrews,
Win H HIH, Sklpn OyskArvtlle
G O Chowder, Salmj Nancy J Andrews,
Gej Mclntlre, Ptlndl OystervHte.
Miss Ruth Suther- W E Weed Ft Stvne
land, rorbana. Howard Wilson,
H A Melkel, Jno Put Fort Stevens.
G L Wilson. Pt Stev
New York, June 2. Brattrtteet's to
morrow wlll say: - The feature- of the
business week is the customary check
to activity la trading In staple articles of
merchandise, due to the near approach
of mldsumaner. with the accompanying
stock taking in some lines; In addition
to this the only other matter of note
pointing to in Improvement Is the reac
tion of the price of cotton, coal, wheat,
flour, corn, oats, pork end lard from
the previous activity and higher levels.
Ia aunost 'all other directions the re
ports oa the business situation end out
look are exceptionally favorable. ' The
more active Pacific ctouat cities are-el-
most eloae In presenting distinct features
of trade each week. San .Fiunclsco re
ports that hot winds have effected the
California wheat crop, - which now will
not likely exceed 33.000.000 bushels.
Fall trade prospects at Portland, Ore.,
are bright.
Tscocns announces exports of flour, cot
ton and machinery to the Orient, and
lumber to South Africa, white Seattle
has sent largs amounts of silver money
to Mexican ports.
Few Sample Essays of the
Graduates Selected.
Much Thought and Careful Training
Shown Bright Ideas Expressed
by the Grammar Scholars.
(The three essays published below were
handed in by the teachers of the Court
and Cedar Street Schools, as selected
samples of the work of the graduating
ctiafis. The one by young Gray, on po-
littlcal parties, was prepared by himself
wtlthout assistance, after careful research
and study. Editor.)
FoU'tlcs is that branch of human duty
that has for Its object thto proper mode
of governing a state, so es to secure its
prosperity, pence, and ' safety, and to
attain as perfectly fcs possible the ends
of civil society. Among the subjects
which poM't-lcal science embraces are the
principles on which government Is
founded, the development and Increase
of resources of the e bates, the protection
of the rights and liberties of citizens, the
preservation of their tmonala, end the de
fense of the independence of the states
agiainst foreign control or conquest. The
enclent Greek writers treated politics
with reference to ein ideal state, which
each propounded according .to his own
speculative views, pointing out the varla.
tlon of every existing government from
his standard.
The politics of a country, in common
speech, implies the course of its govern
ment, niorfe especially in Its relation with
foreign powers.
French history .telle us thut, "The
states general, that is to stay, a convoca.
t-jon made up of deputies from all classes
In France, convened by royal order in
1789, opened its sessions May 5 In Paris.
It was called the constituent assembly,
but by its own act, June 17, 1789, named
Utself the national assemlMy. A universal
desire for the repealing of all feudal
privileges seized all classes, and even
those who were about to lose .them, re
solved to ofPir voluntarily as a sacrifice,
what they foresaw would soon . be de
manded. On motion of Marquis de No
allls. Aur. 4. 1789. all feudal privileges ex
cept royiallity were uibollshied, including
those of the religious order." This was
undoubtedly Ithe ftrst poUtlcat assembly
rm 'wrt rMir MMa. Pollt-
leal parties to.-long to a republican form
of eoverniment because .they ere more in.
dependent than any other fonm, and are
organized by people to announce their
views as to ithe proper .manner of con
ducting the government.
The development of political parties in
the United States first originated in 1796,
and primarily by reason of a desire of
the eympaahizers of France 4n, America
whom President Washington hod great
difficulty In restraining from enlisting the
Deoole Of the United States in foreign
war. Alexander Hamilton end John
Adams were leaders of ths Federalist par
ty, which supported the administration
of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and
Randolph became leaders of the repub
lican party which opposed the United
States banks, the English treaty, and
the assumlne of the state debts. Since
that ttlmie .political parties have domin
ated the policy of the president and con.
gress of the United States. The flret par-
-ties that appeared In the field with Issues
wiere the Federalldts and Republicans.
The Federulldts were in favor of inter
nal improvements, a protective tariff, and
a strong national government. Internal
lmprovidments consist of the Improvement
of rivers and harbors, the building of
drv docks for the repair of our navy and
merchant ahlps. the construction of cue-
torn houses, postotnees and other public
bulldlnfis. A protective tariff not only
provides revenue tor the expense of the
government to make internal improve
ments, but also discriminates Its duties,
so that tlhey are t'jvled principally upon
Imported aritjlclee thait come in direct
competition iwlth home Industries and so
adjust the rate (.that such compettag
foreign productions can net be placed
upon our markets alt rates less .than the
reasonable (home market price. A strong
national government was one In which
th'e president was given power by con
gress to protect the various Interests ot
the people by dlsarlrninaring agtalnst for
eigners that levy a prohibitive tariff upon
American products.
The Republicans fearing the doctrine
of the Federalists, lest the repubile should
become a monarchy aAd the president a
king, opposed their Ideas and advocated
Btates lights. The Republicans at this
time were accused by tlfelr opponents
of being friends of France, end the Fed
eralists were accused by those opposing
them Of being friends of Great Britain
and its aristocratic institutions.
The old Republican or anti-Federalist
party abandoned that namij end assumed
the name of the Democratic party in
1828, at which .time the present Demo
cratlc flirty was born. The Fed.rallst
party in 1835 was superceded by the Whig
party, who were in favor of a protective
tariff tamd internal improvements. The
Whigs and Democrats were the two prin
cipal political parties until 1856, when the
Whig party was succeeded by thu present
Republican party, The Republican party
was formed In 1851, principally by those
opposed to the further extension of slav:
ery in the United States, but dfd not pre
sent a candidate for the presidency un
til 1856. The several presidents were as
fallows: Washington, our first president,
was lelected by the people and had no
opponent, John Adams, e Federalist, was
the firsit president elected by that party In
1797. After Adams came Thomas Jeffer
son, a Republican, who was elected presi
dent for two terms tn 1801 and served
until 1809. j was succeeded by James
Midlson, a Republican also, who served
for two terms until 1817. He was suc
ceeded by James Monroe, a Republican
candidate, who served two terms until
1835. The next president, J. Q. Adams,
owing to four different candidates, none
of wham obtained x majority of th'e
electoral votes necessary, was elected by
the house of representatives and served
until 1829. He was succeeded by Andrew
Jackson, the first Democratic president,
who inuugiuratied the American policy in
politics, 'Uo -the victor belongs the spoils,"
or rotation In office. He served two terms
until 1837, and was succeeded by Martin
Vim (Buren, e!eo a Democrat. wno was
succeeded by WW lam Henry Harrison
in 1841, the first Whig candidate, who died
a month after his Inauguration, and was
succeeded by John Tyler, vice president
by his successive vetoes be caused great
anger amd excitement among the Whigs,
who had (elected him. Jlames K. Polk, a
Democrat was elect'; president in 1845,
and during bis term of office the war
with Mexico, which gitve us California,
Arizona end 'New Mexico, also the settle
ment of the Oregon boundary question,
which gave us the state of Washington,
end a part ot Idaho, were ctoneumated.
principality through Ithe statesmanship
of Dunlet v eoster, nis secretary w statu.
The Whig party was next victorious and
ia 1649 elected General Zacbary Taylor,
who died about one year after his In
auiruraUon. end was succeeded by Ma
lard FHhnore, vice-president, who was
succeeded by Franklin Pierce In 1853, tbs
Democratic nominee. During bis admin-
fetr.vtion the Whig party ceased to rx-
f when
Would Not
for an
1st, and wtas succeeded by the organiza
tion of the Republican party. And in
18.77 .Tumon Buchanan, a Democrat, was
elected nresldent. His principal oppon
ent was John C. Fremont, th'e Repub
lican nominee. In 1860 the Democratic
party divided and imUde two nominations
for president, Stephen A. Douglass, who
favored squatter sovereignty, and John
C. Breckenridge, who ctulmed that slav
ery could be carried Into amy territory.
The Republican party nominated Abra
ham Lincoln, who held that white slavery
must be protected where it was It ought
not to be carried Into a free territory.
Lincoln was elected and inaugurated
March 4. 18ta. In February, 1861, seven ot
the Southern States sac?ded from the
Union and formed a government called
the "Confederate States of America." In
April General Beauregard, who had com.
mand of the Confederate troops at Char
leston, South Carolina, demanded of
Major Anderson, the commander of the
United States troops occupying Fort
Sumter, to surrendsr, and upon his re.
fusal fired upon the fort. This was the
beginning of our great civil war which
lasted till the expiration of Lincoln's flret
term of office. Lincoln was again elected
in 1864, and was Inaugurated March 4,
1865. He was assassinated April 14, 1865.
when Andrew Johnson, vice president, be
came president until 1869. The Repub
licans again nominated and elected as
president for two terms Ulysses S. Grant.
Th' next president was a Republican,
Rutherford B. Hayes, who was inaugur
ated March 4, 1877, he served four years
and was succeeded by James A. Garfield,
a Repuallcun, n iski. resident uarnera
was assassinated July 2, and died Sep.
tember 19 of that year. Vice President
Chester A. Arthur then took tine oath
of office and assumed Ithe duties of presi
dent until 18S5, making tlwenty-four years
of Republican ad'mlnlstrtation. Then a
Democrat, Grovx Cleveland, was inaug
urated president Marcti 4, 1885. He wnas
succeeded In 1889 by Benjamin Harrison,
a RepuUiean, who held the office for on
t;-rm. Grover Cleveland was ugaln elected
and is the present Incumbent of that high
From the above we find .the number of
presidents and length of lime of each;
the Federalists cected' one president,
serving four y.ars ; ithe Democrat Repub
lica'.s elected two, serving sixteen years;
the Whigs three, serving twelve yLars;
the Democrats six, serving rtwen'ty-elKht
years and the pres.nt -Republicans five
presidents, serving twenty-eight years.
The principal polltlculi patties of today
are Republican, Democratic, Populist and
Th'i principal lssu'as of Uhe Republican
party are the protective tariff and the
Internal improvemeats and maintaining
our national credit. The principal issues
of the Democratic party are tariff foi-
revenue only, permitting the Importation
of raw material of all kinds into th
United States, and are divided as. to
what course to tak'e In malntaing our na
tional credit, aind 'the management of our
finances. The principles of th'i Populist
party are In favor of the government
ownership or control of railroads and
telegraph lines, the large Increase of
our currency and the free and unlimited
coinage of silver. The principals or ob
jects of the Prohibitionist party are to
enact laws to prohibit the use and safe
of Intoxlcatnlg liquors, and -Its foUowers,
coming from all Other parties, are dl
vlded upon other Issues.
It should be 'tin'? aim and desire of every
boy and girl as well as citizens, to work
for the upbuilding tof our country, to
study Its history and try to follow the
example and teachings of the great and
brave men who made our Constitution
and fought to sustain lis principles that
, th'e grandchildren, may enjoy the
blessings of living In the great repubile
and the proud honor of saying to ail
the -world, I am an American,
"Every day hath Its dawn,
Its soft and silent eve,
Its noontide hours of bliss or bale,
Why thouCd we grieve?"
And yet, h,aw few of us see the bright
ness or Joy m the day that Is here; how
smaiu a thing It seems; how we allow It
to go In anxious longing for the bright
tomorrow, in vul-n regrets for the happy
How many of us now, looking tack-
ward to some other day, will sigh, "Oh,
how happy I was then; surely the sun
was brighter, the flowers more fragrant,
and friendships warmer, and then the
consoling thought, the soothing balm
the bright and beautiful future; but the
living present, the day that is here, has
no Fascination lor us.
"We will not clasp it las It flies.
Nor kiss its Hps and brow,
We win not bathe our wearied souls.
In Its delicious Nuw."
Why do we not make the best of these
fleeting days, that perhaps in after years
we wouid give our Jives to recall? Why
do we, heedless, let them fly as careless
ly as winged butterflies, with never a
thought of
"How we heap huge mounds of years,
Before us and behind.
And scorn the, little days that pass,
Like angais on the wind"
How few ot us now are living this
beautiful June time with a full apprecia
tion of Its glory? Why must past Junes
seem eo much more radSartt and future
summers gCowirig with promise, while the
beauty end bloom "of the day that Is with
us Is clouded by strife and 111 will, dark
ened by the evil - deeds of those who
through petty leatousles, seek to Injure
us and marred by cur own wilful spirit
of revenge. Ah! CouCd we -but learn a
little lesson from those days that win
never return, could we but improve each i
shining hour with some good deed, strlv
lng rather to bring happiness to some
soneiy life, to warm some dreary heart
John did I Mary said
she would consider the
matter and admonished
him to be careful and
make a good impression
he presented him
self to Pa. John thought
the matter over and con
cluded to get one of our
Celebrated Worsted
Suits, which we offer
now at $16; we have
new Hats to match
these Stylish Suits.
Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Door " East of Xpress OJiice
with the gentle influence of love, than
to Injure another by word or deed, that
we may ourselves soar higher and tri
umph over those whose lives we have
Fellow classmates, let us today, as we
are about 'to enter upon a higher course
of education, resolve to dive the living
present for the good that we cam do, to
think of that eternal future and prepare
ourselves for it by deeds of tove and
kindness and to remember through the
coming year to
"Count that day tost
Whose low, descending sun,
Views not from from thy hand
Some worthy action done."
Heaven ifrOm all creatures hides the
book of fate.
FU'te is the friend of the good, -the
guide of the wise, the tyrant of the fool
ish and the enemy of the bad. It Is far
better we know not. But how different
our lives would be and how bright the
lives of others. If we only could look
forward and see which one of the two
roads -fa'te Is going to lead us Into. The
one road treading us into a peaceful,
sunny Cand, covered with a fertile
vesl and resounding with soft, sweet
songs; or Is our fa'te to be the fate of
many, conducted Into a deep, dark cave,
Whence there Is no issue, where poison
flows Instead of the 'beautiful cool, clear
water, and where serpen'as hiss and crawl.
Fate has led and will still lead many of
our friends and companions along the
dark dreary road. While others will
trod the pathB of virtue and Industry and
wlCl be honored and happy. Fate has
carried me. 'Mid the thick arrows, 1
will keep my stand. Not shrink and let
the fchafi; pass by my heart, to pierce an
other. Ye w-ho etltl linger on the threshold of
life, doubting which pathway you will
choose and wondering which pathway
fate will lead you. Struggle against fate
If it lead you Into the wrong read,
for remember when yeans have passed
and you,.- fet shall e.umbCe on the dark
mountains you will cry bitterly, but cry
In vain.
O, yo-J.h, return, cii, give me back my
'arly days. Chat I may struggle against
fate tend conquer.
The parents and friends of the Cedar
streelt school were much pCeased at the
impromptu graduating exercises held In
the girls' playroom yesterday mornlug.
The room wtals neattly decorated for th
occasion. At 10 o'clock Professor Jack
son began the exercises by culling upon
Miss Bessie "Subo for an addrers, which
was weil rendered. Then followed a solo
by Mr. Wll'iiUm Bekher, which received
hearty applause, A well iwiritten essay
by Hugh BowChy was then read, followed
by a eomg fnom Mrs. H. T. Crosby. Willie
Gray read an estuy on "Political par
ties," which would have 'been a treat for
o'.d campalginers to listen to. Amy
Lemon's etaae, on "Proper Indi
gencies," was well rec?lvjd. Miss Banth
and Miss Alice Gray sweetly Bang a
duet. Austin Osburn followed, delivering
In a creditable manner the valedictory.
Rev. Ltd&H delivered the udJress to the
graduating cCass, pointing' otit the great
good to foiCow the storing up of knowl
edge, etc. Mr. Thomas Dealy, Chairman
of the 'board of school directors, then pre
sented th'e dlpioma8, after which Profes
sor Jackson closed 'the exercises.
The exercises of the eighth grade pupils
of Astoria were held this evening In the
hall of M-oCHurels school.
The pupils bade farewell to the common
school and received certificates of -promotion
to the high sthool. The certifi
cates were presented by Mr! H. C.
Thompson; end the lexeroiees were very
Th valedictory was delivered by Miss
Bila Nelson of Alderbrook, who. It was
decided, had the highest standing, 98 per
cent. r
As they stood on Ithe eighth round of
the dadder flnithed the eighth year of
school there seemed to be a little note
of regret for lost opportunity, but a stilt
louder one of determination for the fu
ture. If younger pupils ere anticipating
this an-d in their future would bay wl:h a
little more care the foundation they ure
building, It would be well. .
Thursday offernoon the pupils of
Adair's school entertained parents and
friends with en interesting program of
recitation and song, sifter which the vis
iters went down stairs to see the 'exhi
bition of the. work of the pupils, some of
which was regular work of several
months ago.
The only railroad lighting its trains by
The only railroad using the celebrated
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The coaches now running on "The Mil
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On ail its through lines, the Chicago.
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moving wood or stone from any of my
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arrangements with James W, Welch.