The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 23, 1895, Image 1

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The ABtorlan has the hu-:y'st .
LOCAL circulation; thfl- largest
For Oregon and Washington,
fair weather except light show
ers In NortbwesV:rn Washing
ton. 4 GENERAL circulation, and tte r
largest TOTAL circulation of M
all papers published In Arttor'a. h
VOL. XLIV, NO. 146.
t M
lu . rar i ill;
.-sea i
I872 i895
- Lubricating
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
365 Commercial Street.
New lines for 1895.
Japanese Rugs and Matting
Bamboo Furniture, etc.
(Direct from Japan.)
House Lining, Building Paper
and Glass.
vVall Paper of 1895 now in with a stock
Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago
from $9 to $18 per roll of 12 yards.
365 Commercial Street
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming out ot
our store and you'll get a
portrait ut a man brimming
oer with pleasant thoughts.
Such quality In the liquor-
we have to offer are enough to
Conge and Try Them.
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would Buggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Unl and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
Short Notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
at well." They won't. They cannot
- Parties desiring
Floral Designs and Choice
Cut Roses and Carnations
For Decoration Day, should
Call at Grunlund &
Cor. 8th and Exchange sts.
Kopp'a Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Only handed over the Bar, The largest glass
ofN. P. Beer. Half-and-half. jt.
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Car. Conromty and Lafayette Sts.
Th BlackBmith whoso shop la oppos
ite Cutting's cannery, Is now prepared
to do such odd Jobs as making new
cannery coolers, repairing old ones,
making new fishln boat irons, and re
pairing old ones, and all other black
smithing that requires first-claw worlc
msmstolp. - '
Carpenter SIiop.
Tour mind Is oh repairing your houas
this spring; possibly on building a new
one. If so, remember we are carpen
ters and builders with a shop full of
tools always willing to do such Jobs
and want your work. .
j Shop oa nwaco Dock.
Remember This !
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
That there is
no other stock
in the city so
large as ours
in the way
Fishing Tackle,
Croquet Sets
Lawn lennis bets,
Bird Cages,
leather Dusters
all other
Swing Goods.
Our Sping Stock Has Arrived. They Are Wonders For The Money.
Look Through Our Stock.
Men.s Suits Worth 1 10.00 for
" " -
" " -
Worth nearly double the
Men's Pants li.oo, $1.50, 2.oo, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Large lines to select from.
Bie lines of Underwear, Hats, Shoes.
Oil Clothing. Also full stock of Dry Goods.
The Cheapest House
In a desirable location,
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home.
STREET CAR LINE will be ei tended this summer to within 5 minutes
walk of this property 'Will sell at decided bargain.
In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the oity limits, also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HILL. 471 Bond St., Occident Block,
Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
White Sewing Machines,
Boat and Fishermen's Supplies,
Paints and Oils,
Ship Chandlery,
Teas, Coffees and Groceries,
California Wines,
Medically Pure Liquors,
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
v. i .
. fllmigf?tcj Dollar Cigar.
KEATING ft CO will open tbeir
".WWW Music Hall at (ft A "tor street,
Saturday the 16th. " They will
www, - keep numberless fool liquors
ad cigars besides harlDf good mnsXe all the
When you need Boy's Cloth
ing, buy that which is double
seated, double-knees, double-
seamed and warranted not to
rip. I have iust received a
new invoice of these goods in
black, brown and blue chev
lots and clay worsteds at
astonishing low prices; also
new lines of Men's Cloth
ing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats. Caps, .boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Etc , and direct irom the
Our line of
fishing rods
start in with
the common
bamboo poles
for a
few cents
and run up
into the
lor those that
are lots better.
So you see we
can suit every
& KlialJ
Men's Suits at t 8.00
money. Come and see us.
Suspenders, Socks, Rubber Boots and
In The State.
Trading Co.
600 Commercial Street,
2 blocks from High School.
Between Astoria and Portland
Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria
Monday morning; for Portland at
o'clock, and Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock.
Returnta? leaves Portland Sunday
morning at 7 o'clock; Monday, Wednes
day and Friday evening: at M.
Groceries, Flour, feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud SqtMBtoqu Strwis. Astoria, Ore.
urm i . ii i rim n - r " "
The Anna M. Pence Destroyed
and One Life Lost.
Will Mako Tour of the Country-
Incest and Murder-Spanish
Claims Commission.
Seattle. June 22,-OttiB cyteamer Anna M,
Pence miaa entirely destroyed toy fire this
roornintr, near Point Lowell, Ohortly at
ter 1 o'clock, and the. life of Thomui
Sullivan, ithe cook, was loBt.- He prot
aMy Jumped Inlto tflue waiter. 'Ilhe fire was
discovered! by the weutchimn, who rushed
to the pilot house and guve the alarm to
Caooaln Joshua Greco, &h owner, who
was alt the 'wheel. By tfhta time the Are
hud spread over t'he wOiole steamer and
her cargo of hay, but the watchman
knocked elt fine doom of each of the aleep'
Ing crew, who came out In their night
clothes and saved themoelvea. He Chinks
Sullivan came out also but went back
for a valise and toeeorotatr confused;
Jumped Into the water. The crew all
climbed aboard a scow wthich was in to"
nd cut loose from tihe burning boat.
They drillted tor about en hour, when
thy were pecked up by tlie. steamer vVm,
F. Monroe and Ibrmugiht to this city.
The steamer was valued at 13,500 and
the amounlt of Insurance was Jl.iXK), with
no insurance on the cargo, which was
worth $250.
Washlngmon, June 22. George Hazard,
secretary of the Democratic Society of
Washington etaite, has been In Wtashlns-
ton two or tlhree weeko miking final
arnangwments for a tour by Democratic
stump waltons through the Northwestern
states this autumn. The party will con
sist of 12 or 14 persoiu! and be under the
Individual direction of Lawrence Gardner,
secretary of tlhe Democratic congression
al committee, who will Wave Washington
the 28th of July and tna.vere the entire
route In advance of tihe party, arranging
for their reception and entertainment.
It is arranged thWt the party leave Wash
ington about 'August h, reaching Buffa
lo on tihe ZTltih, then through the Great
Lakes to Duluth, where tihe Initial merit
ing will ba held, and ' from here the
party will proceed westward through
North end South Dakota, then on to
Montana, holding the first meeting in
that sbilte at Butte; vhen south Into
Yellowstone, returning from wlhllclh place
they will spend a week in Montana, and
from there go through Idalho to Washing
ton, where speeches will be made at the
annual meeitlnsr of the Democratic So
ciety of WuEihllnglton. The party will
then proceed' south through Oregon; then
on through to Salt Lake City; then
wesit to San Francisco, and from this
point their homeward Journey will begin,
passing tlhnxiglh New Mexico, Nevadu,
Colorado, Utah, 'Nbibraska, and then to
St. Louis and home. It is expected the
trCp will consume about six weeks. -
Mr. Huaard has been over the ground
and made all preliminary arrungerrcnts
and he represents that the party will re
ceive a more hearty reception than the
pt rty whVdh went out In 1891. In a num
ber of states tlhe party will divide, so
'IWat several meetings cum be held fllie
saime evening at different pctnlts. It is
estlmateid thut there will be atoou-t 150
meetings held during tlhe Journey.
When asked how it wlas possible for
Eastern orators to make a tour through
the Northwest at the present t'lme with
the silver excitement running so high, JIT.
Hazard answered: "Thl9 Is & party go
ing out to preach Democracy pure and
simple and tihe unification of opposition to
the Republican party.
London, June 22. The true story of the
determination of the Duke of Cambridge
to resign hts place us commander in
chief of the army, announced yesterday
by Itfhe eeorettairy of state for war, Mr.
CampteU-Barenerman, as exclusively ca
bled to the Associated Press yesterday,
throws new light upon the subject. There
has long been a skrong agitation against
the duke, and the government, It appears,
acting on the principle of expediency,
caused It to be known that It would ma.
teirlally assist the government if Ithe duke
would offer to resign. Consequently the
Duke, not suspecting that his offer would
be accepted, sent in his paper's to tfhie
Queen, and the latter handed them to
the government under the Impression
that they would be returned. The gov
ernment, however, accepted tihe papers
as a definite resignation and Mr. Camp
bell -Banner man made tihe announcement
to the house wfhlch wta the lost thing
expected or desired e-lther by the Queeu
or toy the Duke of Caintoridge.
Berlin, June 22. During the fetes a
corps of picked detective officials sur
rounded the emperor day and night.
These precautions were taken because
of the fact that threatening leuters from
anonymous anarifhWt and others reach
ed his Tnajeety during the previous fort
right. Some of these letters came from
France and the letters threatened the
emperor with dealth. ' A score or more of
suspicious looking persons were arrested
by the detectives. ,
The naval correspondents of the Ger
man and Austrian newspapers have high
ly commended the appearance of the
Untied States war veasel and crews.
They praised the case of motion and ex
actness of their maneuvers, according
them first place In this respect. They
style the New York the finest vessel of
her kind at Kiel. The American war
ships aroused more curiosity than all th
others and were visited by thousands of
Eugene, Or., June 22. H. P. Hayis, of
the Fall Creek precinct.' this county,
was arrested at the residence of his
sister, Mrs. Buttricks, two moes from
Junction City, today, and now tangulshea
in the county Jail here, wtfeh a Charge of
incest against Mm. He may also be
coital noon to answer the charge ot
murder before She case is setatled. Hayes
is a schooljteacher, and he has a niece,
Miss Susan Walkwr, who Is also a school
teadher. Miss Walker laat night gnre
tCrfb to ft child, and charges Hayes with
blng her betrayer. She went to bsr
mother two weeks ago and made a con'
feselon' as to her condition. About the
first of May, the father of Miss Walker
had an tnrtimattlon. of the condition of
his daughter, and one day told Hay-:'
that If his suspicions materialized he
would Wll the guilty iman. On the lata
of May, Walker was taken suddenly and
violently ill, and was taken to his house,
where he soon died in great agony, hav
ing spasms end violent convulsions. Foh
some reason the case was not reported to
the coroner, and Walker's remains were
1 nit erred without any Inquest or posit mor
tem examination. This morning, when
Coroner Harris heard of the facta, h
went to tflie lace (or the purpose of
having the body exhumed, and an analy
sis of the contents of the stomach made.
People Mving in the neighborhood are
very much wrought up over the affair,
and Hayes is being held here and will not
be taken before Justice CulUson for ex
amination until the excitement subsides.
Hayes seems to realize bis precarious
condition and expressed a wish' to put
himself out ot existence.
Dtmvar, June 22. The atfhCltlc contest
today, between the team from the Uni
versity, and the tevun comprising tho
flower of the Colorado athletes, resulted
as follows:
100-yard dash, iwon by J. W. Scogglns,
California; time, 10 1-6 seconds.
PultltAng Impound shot, won by F. W.
Koch, California, 87 feet 1 Inch.
120-yard hurdle, wlon by E. I. Dyer,
California; time, 16 3-5.
High Jump, won by M. W. Dozler, Cal
ifornia; S feet 8 IncheB.
220-yard datih, won by J. W. Scogtfns,
California: time, 23 1-6 stc.
Broad Jump, won by H. C. Wooisey,
Ca'Mrbmla; 21 feet 2ft Inches.
Half-mile run, won by F. W. Kock, C&l
lfornla; time, 2.09.
Two mile bicycle race, won by F. C.
Lawson, RampO'er; Tyler Smith, D. A. C,
second; time, 5:21.
Throwing 16-pound hammer, won by
R. W. BJgren, California, 126 feet, and
breaking his own record. Edgiren threw a
follow 127 feet, 10 Inches, breaking the
worlds record.
Quarter mile run, won by Torrey, Cal
lfornla; time, 0:56.1-6.
OCympta, Jure 22. Mrs. Bessie I. Sav
age, one of the most prominent woman
eufCrageCists '.n Washington, has demand
ed that the city cCerk issue her certificate
of registration as a qualified voter. Th
clerk refused and soon after was served
with a writ of mandamus to appear in
the superior count to show cause why
he should not register her. Mrs. Savage
holds that she was a legal voter at the
rime of the adoption of the state consti
tution and that, Iby the terms of that
document, she became a full fledged vot
er end entitled to toe registered and ac
corded Hhe same, privileges of suffrage
as any male citizen.
Pendleton, Or., June 22. The board of
adjusters on the Cunningham ranch fire
filed a formal notice on Cunningham
that the companies will refuse to pay on
tlhe insurance policies, excepting a few
trifling Items. The policies affected
amount Wo 136,000 dbllars with loss claim'
er at nearly $50,000. The reasons for the
denial of liability, as named in the no
tice, are mUrepreseiiltatlon, over valua
tion, taking out additional . insurance
without notifying the companies and
placing mortgages on the property with
out consent of tlhe companies. The case
was given into the hands of attorneys
by Cunningham to fight In the courts.
Portland, June 23. The results at Ir
vington Hark today were as follows!
Pacing, 3-year-olds, purse $100 Harry
Mac won; SophH R. second; Hal Corbett
tUlrd; beet time, 2:19.
Dldttrkit trotting, 30 class, puree S400
Antitam won; Wallula second: Demon
strator third; beat time, 2:31.
Pacing, 2:20 class, purse 1500 Chehalle
won; Delphi second; Davis Boy third;
best time, 2:18 3-4. -
One and one-eighth mile hurdle, nurse
$300 Dottle Reed won; Fleetwood second;
Lonnle B. third; time, 2:06,
Sail Francisco, June 22. About 10 to-
nUghlt burgCara were discovered In the
large retail dry goods) establishment of
Newman & Levlneon, on Kearney stredt.
They had bound and gagged the watch
man and commenced to loot the p!ac,
A policeman discovered the robbers in
the store and opened fire. The burgl'irs
returned the tfhote, none of which took
effect, and tfhen .escaped. Newman &
Levlnaon's store is on the busiest part ot
Kearney 0treet and thousands w-ire at
tracted by the fight wttlh the burglars.
Washington, June 22. The understand
ing that Spain would reward with favor
an International commission to adjust the
pending claims brings out the fact that
on February lh, 1894, Secretary Gresham
submitted to Spain a draft of a treaty
providing for such a commission, but
tne orrer of the treaty was never with
drawn and It Is now before the Spanish
authorities, so hat if Itlhey regard the
plan with favor there appears Do be noth
ing in the way of. an agreement.
NorliJh Yakima, June 22. In the case of
the state vs. J. K. Bilmlsrton, thle banker
Who was charged with having received
money after the knowledge of the in
solvency and falling cbndltlotv of the
Walla Walla Savings Bank, a motion
for a new trial was denied and the de
fendant waa sentenced to two years im.
prisonmeut. A motion for appeal to the
supreme court was entertained and bonds
named In 'the the sum of $2,000.
St. Louis, June 32. Alt Webster Grove,
suhurtt of thrm rit,v imh4
Dr. Frank flattc alit nwl indt,n,f t, m '
ed Mrs. Jane Piterson, his sister-in-law.
Mrs. Peterson's sister, Mrs. Horlsh, at
tempted to stay has murderous aim and
SeiUe fired at her. She- tM with a bullet
in her breaW. Bwitle then sent a ball
Into his own brain. He dropped dead.
They had ouarreied aver th Mvlnn c
a small property.
Cbeur Id'Alene. Iriatuv Jim r t,i
Albert Hagen, on of the best known men
in Idaho, died today, after an illness of
two months ftnm mvm rt mdm
As a mining lawyer Kg ctood in th rmnt
rank. At the time of his death he was
attorney for Dh Northern Pacific.
State Superintendent Irwin's
Remarks Friday Night.
His Ideas on Evolution and Gradual
Growth of Lower Organisms
. . of Nature.
The. following is tne speech ot State
Superintendent Irwin, delivered at the
high school commencement exercises on
Friday night, and which wis "rowded
cut of yesterday's Issue.
Mr. Irwin, who was introduced very
guaceifully by Professor: Wright, was
greeted with loud applause as he stepped
on tine piaitrorm. He said:
"Ladles and Gentlemen': There Is a
document dear to the heart of the aver
age American, which says, among other
things, "All men ure created equal and
are endowed wttfh certain . inalienable
rights, among whldh ere life, liberty, and
tne pursuit ot happiness. It seems . to
me that In 'that bill of rights there is
a remarkable recognition of the ability
or mankind. And l turn to another docu
meat, as d'.ur and as hlghfty prized, and
read, "God said let us make man in our
own Image and let him have dominion
When I bring those two things together,
tjje one from our Declaration of Independ
ence, the other from the Bible, It seems
to me that I am able to find out some
thing of what life is, und wlhut man is,
too. He lis itfhe Image of God, friends,
and th's dominant power In this world,
We cannot fathom the doptths of life and
character, lor in .their grand expansion
tiney are beyond human tindorstandnia,
The dominion of man is not found in
his physical ulbllity. The horse you drive
Is stronger than you are. But the
dominion exists and exerts its power in
niis maid. We are told somewhere that
kmowledge la power," but I do not be
lleve that that is so. Thought Is power,
and knowledge may exist tin the mind
In a dormant condition, with no power
behflpdt It. Go out Into the world and
you And tverywere the dominance . of
tftvought. Enter a tniochlne shop and
watch ( the com nation of mechanical
fcrcds, Ithe (belting, the great wheels, tha
engines, all combining in one grand hum
of industry, and ycu will reach the con
elusion that somewhere In somebody's
Drai'n t'thoee wheels aud belting were
running and buzzing before they took
onj'lhBlr jnaterial form or power. W read
In history of great generals winning bat.
ties ' when they (themselves nver-drew
a tiibxe. . But tho brain was there direct
ing,, nvirshalllng, ordering aud combat
ting' everything. Nupoleont tihe world's
great military genius, utways fought hlj
batllea in his head, before he give fight
on lio open pColn. Knowing something
ot tlhe field on wh1cfa the carnage wus to
rage, he would sJt at night In his tent
with a map before him and while all
around him eJtpt, there, with red pins
bo represent the British, blue pins t
represent the Prussians, and white pins
his own soldiers, he would fight the en
counter alone, moving baJBeol lions, mar
shalling columns, throwing one body ot
men on another and with eager mind
planning surprises and traps for tha
nv.rrow. Go and read the history of ere.
at Ion, I don't care whether you take
the divine or scientific side of it, for they
both march through the same highway.
You find that the great Creator brooded
over chaos, he gave it thought, and after
the five periods or days had elapsed,
when the birds were In the air, the moun
tains towering Do tho sky, the trees wav
ing In the wind, He made man, and gave
him dominion over uB the earth. That
dominion has come to iman by the same
process us gave God dominion over chaos.
He brooded over chaos and brought out
order, man broods over that order and is
every day bringing fortlh new results. I
don't brieve in evolution. I believe In
growth, I believe tlhla't by t'he power ot
something higher than tlhe undeveloped
material tihiut material is shaped and
fashioned und raised to higher life. God
put man on tlhls eantlh to develop It, while
He hlmsvlf develops all things. These
miaiinlftcerJt flowers in front of me had
Hhelr origin In some tJhapelaas ml stormed
vetttaalon growing rank and wild ages
ugo over .the hIKs and valleys of the
earth. Mi in Hook Wold of them, gave them
Ms thought and care until today we have
the syntmetrloail thing of beauty that 1
see h:rs in such profusion tonight. Re
move your agencies from titiem, lot them
blow In your gardens unheeded, and they
will begin to go back stelodlly and surely
to iDhalr primitive sltate. Oregon is a land
of iblg red apples. We (boast of them to
our eastern friends. Ws exhibit them
at expositions and they win us fame and
aubstantlial rewards besides. They have
been developed by centuries of cultiva
tion and thljught. Turn them loose, and
Miey win tuist recede to their worthless
vtate that the thought of man has
brought Ohem out of. The world has
moved onward' and Improved Just us fast
as man has got hold of ft and lifted it
. "In the vast storehouse of the world
everything on which no thought has been
expended Is raw material). Once on a time
the lightning flashed over the heuvens,
terrorizing everybody, breeding supersti
tion, awe and fear. But Franklin thought,
and he brought the dread element down
through a kvte from the clouds and Im
prlnorrfd'ft In a glass battle. Morse
thought About It, he got hold ot it, he
svarted it spinning round tlhe earth, then
more thought encompassed it and today
that dreaded and powerful element has
been trained to light our houses, cook our
dinners, drive our cars and do our balk
ing. Conditions about us are1 only pow
erful by virtue of tihouglht. Th'e only true
wealth In the world Is ithe wealth of
thought. Here at rmy Wind Is this 'beau
tiful piano. Whers did it name from?
The tree howled and blew in the wind
and the Iron ore was hidden 1n. the fast
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
nesses of the (hills. Thought, felled the
tree and cut Itih'e plankis and fitshloned
the KUmfoera and polished Dhem; thought
took the ore and melted it and rolled it
and shaped U; and Ithaugtit, the thought
of a genius, comhinitd the two results to
produce this ihlarmonlous whole. So It 'is
that tlhls piano, like everyuliing we see
around us is only valuable by rouson of
the weaQtJh of tlhtought itlhiait has be.jn
expended on SCs production. Jiwtt so far
as you can develop itfhougblt that for oun
you make the wtorld wealthier. God gave
us the materials, end we are taking them,
turning simples into compounds, harness
ing one to the other, and with our bat
talions ot science are storming the great
citadel of nature and winning, new tr
umphs every day we live. And now the
thought of man is branching away from
earth. It is looking for new worlds to
conquer; it lis reaching initio eternity. The
astronomer Is invading) the realm
of tflvat tMn pale Milky Way.- -He Is di
viding It into stuns and planers and con
stellations, he Is discovering wonderful
heavenly systems, he Is unfolding the
magic work of God. He penetrates the
hidden systems of world after world, he
brings down rays of hghlt from the sun
and throwing itthemi onto his prison sis
covens seven beautiful minor . threads.
He unravels tlhe iskjeln tfhat has been
twisted by the Aiimlgihty Inlto one band of
white. He goes further, and turning to
you Delta you the composition of tihe
body whence Ithait band ot light cume. He
analyzes .the great spheres above us and
astonishes) our wondering eyes with the
results of his discoveries. It is thought,
all thought, 110 ting our natures up Co
higher and better things. -
"Then another phase. We are living to
day In a republic, a government by th
reople. There have been republics In
Ohe past, but they have crumbled to duet,
and why? They were founded on the
Band, founded on a basis of society or
caste, wthlle the body of the people were
slaves. I Armly believe that the exist
ence of our republic today hus been
brought about through tlhe providence ot
God. Did you ever stop to think why,
tor 6,000 yeans or more, this continent
was undisturbed and uninhabited? Ha
was keeping It .waiting, waiting, wait
ing for the f ul'lmess of time when a govern
ment like our own, founded on the rocks
of morality, educultlon and equality could
exist upon It. And when those pilgrims
of the Mlayflaiwer dedicated themselves fi
the cause of civil and religious liberty, oa
that (bare lonely rock the work was be.
gun. That work will only end with the
ending of the wtaCd. There is on the
cnntlnonlt ' rvt RiiTYln a llt'Ue ftvnubHR.
hemmed in by great mountains. It txn
stood the conflict of centuries, and though
its enemies have 'been us the elands of tha
sea slhore in mulitiit'udie they huve not pre
vailed against it. ' It is in Switzerland I
mean, wtluh sdhoolhousies and churches
dotting Its valleys, and Ithe belief In God
and humanity firmly imbed Jed in th
hearts of its people. Look at France, a-
great and mighty empire, but not yet a
republic in the true sense of the word.
For education ss still an unknown word
to many millions of its people, and In
fidelity still lives and tfhrives on the
vitality of the nation.
"The light of our country Is the com
mon school and Tlit-n'huiJri." Ws hti-rw a
panacea for everything in these days ot
Invention, but tlhe only leaving powers
wihere a nation's life Is concerned are
the tjdlnool and the church. Strike down
these outposts of the world's civilization,
curtaill their influences, and the black,
est nlghlt thiol ever came down on the '
earth .would ensue. But we are not go
ing to let Jt; we ure going to Mve free,
intellectually and morally free, and we
are marching on grandly and proudly, We
people of Gods own country, to the
stirring war cry of liberty, equality and
li.uicii liny,
.Then 'turning to the graduating class,
Mr, Irwin said: "Young ladles and gen
tlemen, I want to speak a word to you
this evening and l .want you to take it
to heart. We don't generally like two
faced people, but you are at liberty to be
tiwo raced tonight. You are standing at
this moment tat-a period of your career
where I think you may wiltlh wisdom
look two ways. You may gaze back on
the days yu have spent in pouring over
your books, on your trials, your cares.
and your victories, for it Is a victory for
you to be here tonight. You may, too,
look forward and peering Into the fu.
ture you have no doubt already seen,
many strange things, dreaimt . many
strange dreams. I do not know what
lies before you. I doubt not that your
Imagination has already plumed Its pln
Ions, and rested on flights of fancy made
beautiful iby itlhougWs of d.-llalit and
happy projects. Has It conjured up the
storms and ball'tlea to come? Has it
shown you how much of an active glow
ing enthusiasm you need, in addition to
those intellectual attainments) you have
acquired, t carry you along before you
can reaein mnose picatunt Harbors of com
fort and content? Dont forget tihut, in
the middle of the conflict, wthen the waves
of prdtta'ble adversity are buffeting about
you, that a clean heart, a mire con
science undl a determination .to go througul
one storm wmi be both, your salvation
and your guide. Your attainments are
the dormant machinery; your push, and
energy are the powers that must be used
to 'bring tinait machinery into play and
take you through the world's arena. Take
the tide Bit Its flood, grasp it with a Me-ht
grip of your hands and your hearts. Life
wiu te a success If you do. Remember
that your caceers are what you choose to
make tlhem. CVm't believe in the old
Mldaiwlber ideu, sfl iwutttng for something
to turn up. Life U a time when battles
are to be fought and achievements are
to be SJCcomplWIv d. I dont think much
of applauding ho'lki, soldiers. I bellev
In cheering -.?' iman who has gens
through tihe to Je, suorred and worn by
the istrtfe. I '.rust that you may live
to De nooie t,ien and woman, full of in
tellectual activity and a Strict moral pur
pose, so that oft .the lend, w(hen the silver
ocrd Is severed. One wihoae knowledge
ctmpasses all tflvtng WIU say to you,
'Well done, thou good and Dailtihful ser.
The conclusion of Mr. Irwin's remarks
ws greeted wl'th a tom of ttieenng.
Hts stirring address was listened to
throughout wldh the closewt aifteatlonv
Ban Francisco. June 22. The w'.ll At
Joseph McDoraough bias been filed for
probate. He lent at estate valued at
12.000,000 In triwt during the life of his
two grand oniiurcn, the proceeds to Be
equally dlvldi?d among the three c!,ll,ii- n
of Uie deceased.
tMl. S W-WMtii, ?
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