THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1895. Tt:HMS OP SUBSCRIPTION DAILY. S.'nt by mall,' per year $7.00 Sent by mall, per month. 60 cts Served by carrier, per week;... 15 cU Address ell communications to The Dally Astorian. WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorian guarantees to Its sub scribers ithe largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Aatorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has next to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. T. Handley & Co., are our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorian can be had every morning at 'their stand on First street. Telephone -No. 66. REMOVE THE OBSTRUCTIONS. We understand from Fish Commission' er McGuire, who Is mow in (this city, Miat the hatchery on We Upper Clackamas River Is being pult Into condition as fast as possible and Phut during this meek the raeku wilt be pCJaced in- the stream. This should enable the eggs of the present gear's salmon to be hatched at the sta tion by the middle of next month, and It is n'ot too much iti a.y that ten millions oi young osn wan roe Bern on ineir wi to the sea this year. If matters are ar ranged o as to obtain a clear stream, wlflhout an obstruction of any character, from J to mouth to the $toce -where the hutdhery la situated. It is believed by ft targe number of cannerymem tOiab the even else and qual ity of the present year's run of Chinook filmon Is aititplibutalbl to tine hatching In 1301 of nearly six million eggs from the old Clackamas hatchery, omd thai their theory of the return, of fish four years after they are hatched, into tihCs river, is proven to be correct. It Is very proba ble indued that Uiey are right, and, it such Is tSie, case, what vast potslWlllUs are opened up for the future of the salm on industry of tihe Columlbla, It has been estimated that, last year, only a million and a half of Chinook eataion were caught. Take the Clackantas haitchery, witih its capacity Cor handling and turn ing out ten million Chinook per annum, year in and year out, and U seems to us as If every other phase of the bus In tag pales Into Insignificance beside pile Innovation.' which If properly and care fully handlevl, will yield a rich ami wel come harvest tor future generations, and provllds a perpetual source of revenue and fame for the whole state of Oregon. That one man, by the exercise of a little (nifluernce and wire pulling, thouM be abli to bartd In the road of such benefits, and to deliberately imperil the success of a project ao vast and so full of import ance to everybody, seems on the face of it to be iMoulouls. But It Is a fact, rev. erthedess. Mr, H. E, Cross, a member of past tesWatures, and a well-known cltl sen of thla Mate, la the individual we re. fer to, Aoroes the dackamaa river, on this vide of It, he had constructed and operated for some years a "dam." This contrivance . while namJntUly four feet high, la by reason of Its peculiar con struction, really, more of an impediment than many tlx feet darns, and contrary to the dtlaitu'tes of 'the state, In flat viola, tlon and defiance of all laws, it is un broken by any fishway. Not only that but the law provides that It to unlawful for fishermen to cart their nets within 600 feet below, or 200 feet above any fish way. The fact that the dam belonging to Mr. Orow Is free from anything of the kind, gives fishermen the opportunity ot mot only defeating Hlhe spirit of the law but of actually sMnging their nets across the top of the dam, which they do con. tlnually during the fishing season, Here :s an absolute blockade, to all intents and purposes a stone, wail, preventing the Journey lof the salmon up th Clackamas Illver, and endangering every prospect Mint the new hatchery holds forth. The few thousands of dollar subscribed by tihe dajinerymen of the Columbia foi the erection of this haiidhery Is a mere bagaitelfe compared with the benefits that will accrue in the next few years, and it is Worth while that, If needful, thousands more should be spent in order that their ultiimsuU object shall not be defeated. Mr. Cross by promise after promise has stance- off the Inevitable long enough, and it Is now time t'hatt he be compelled to make his word good or else that his tit Hi dim be entirety d'emolbhod without less of time. He has 'been treated alto gether too lenlenlCy in this matter by the authorities and we look to Fish Commls. flonvr McOutrey who from the flrai has been an ardent advocate of the new hutclrery, to compel him to build a Ash: way Immediately or else to do his duty and arrest him without giving him the opportunity. The imperilling of what imay prove to be Uhe future Ufa of the Columbia Rivet salmon lnduutry, by a man seemingly without sense or the ability to exercise ;t, cannot be allowed for a moment. Th&re are Jwltpe In Oregon fearless enough to interpret 'the law rrepectlv of whom it hurt, a nil to these Judgta the maater ought to be presented without de lay. Evon Clffle, after seventeen years Of jHPtr currency, iys a prominent writer on the money question, has rwurned to the goll utand'.ird. Russia, whlh has in lMina tMwr money for years,, is j,cl aring to put her monetary system on tt silvin-t basis. She has accumulated a gold st':k equivaEtrnlt to about fc0O.00O.O0O .1 ft view to resume epwla paymMits en i'ie gold bvifite T yeans ago sin i tier Tnt.-iw to the free evsiMW of f-vr. Aiipirla-Htirwary, wtliloh has been h iruCJ. is aim about i ) rpsimie fs;i?eie paymemls on ttie golrt V Ruumanl-a, Jmt er.tH-ring into the r ! of civilized end progressive na t'r - if '. '!.'! W b d Mnd.ird five ye irs ago. Every civilized government n ChristeMjom has adopted the gold s'.udard. Of th? South American repub lic, n. only Chile, but Bitazll, Uraguay Ven-ez-jela havte t.Ie gold BLandard. In all the either South American and Ocn American states oltiher til ver or depre ctosed paper currency is the money of the country. The free coinage of silver or thi unlimited use of illver l confined wl.iaiy .to somi-baitorous countries or to cjuntrlcs In a law staje of civilization. It is everywhere' lassjclated with populur; wlBh a very low degree of ln.luil.rial and comimondail development j wi.ii extreme poverty of ithe working cla ste, wbh a sJan&Ing of Hvlng and wa'AJ to low as to make Hf possible o:iy to eeml'ljartoairoua peoples. And whilo othtrr nations are getting r.d of this silver inculbuls as fast as they can, the people Of these United States, the rich er, ithe .most Intelligent, the mailt effl-oie-.'t In working energy of all the nations of the estr'th, are asked to turn their bick.f upon all Ithe progressive civilization of Kite world, anld lock hands with the deicl pattt Of the anltiqualted and decrepit Mongolian or Inido barbarism of Asia and the hiilf-Indlan races of Spanish Ameri ca Hn the adoption of the silver standard. And noMody has yet told us why this country should degrade Cfcself to their level; or what 1s to be gained by the tremendous sacrifices' which It would cost us. lit Is an easy matter to complain of the condition of the Streets and sidewalks of the city, but It wIM be no easy task for the city council to provide a remedy un der the present imlserable patchwork and ant quoted Jumble of inconsistencies call ed Ihie city chlarter. If the town should attain anyithtag like the growth antic! paited as a consequence of .the building of the Hammond railway, It will be found that a serious mistake was tmade in not tWoroughly revising' that Instrument dur. lng the lotft session of thie legislature. The AstorUn repeatedly warned the council as to tho Importune? of this mat ter, while there was aimple tlm to have It property attended to, but It eeemed Jm posslbi'8 to arouse the meirtbers of the courwil, or oi'tlzena generally, to the re quirements of the situation. Now it will be out of the question ito conduct any modern eyctleimi of public improve, merit's, or to even maintain the present and ciuzy and dilapidated apologies for such conveniences until another meeeting of the leglatabuTls. It Is entirely within tha bounds of reason to say the eplrlt of partlsanshljp and wilful negCect which frustrat;d the consideration of the sug gestions mtade tn this regard by he As torian, will deprive tho city of .the In vestment of thousands of doM'ars of out. side capital, and at the same time cost some of our leading property owners the advantageous eatea of much of their choicest business property. 1 EDITORIAL OPINIONS. There Ja a -fortune waiting for the bi Ight Tankee who Invents a bicycle lamp thalt will not go out as long aswthere Is any oil On It. New York Recorder. If you miss a frlenid for a day or two on the streets, likely as not you will And Ms name in the sailing list of some At lantic e'teiaimer. Europe ought to take her census Itlhls numimer all America's go. lng abroad. Chicago Times-Herald. The government rtf the United States Is the business of the people, and when we have plenty of poCltlcs we. know that the people are attenUiing to their busi ness. New York Journal. We have no news thvut David" B. Hill's attack on Uno'je John Sherman has pro duced any 1H effeots on the Ohio wa horse. And In these anxious moments no newa is good newB, New York Adver- Urer. . Ohio Is disposed to rub 'it in on Go. ernor MeKlwley. 0ut1ing his last attack of absence from the etwite tJhy lynched anutiher man out there. Washington Post. The Ohio republicans 'have nominated a candlduide and adopted a platform wnicn dimply guarantees that the old democracy Is slated for on of the largest and most comprehensive threshings it has ever received. Nw York Tr.buna. We way wot be lalble to miake art moral by act of legislature; but there is a wholesome public sentiment which, act ing through, the agencies of commercial pressure, can ido much, to keep ant re Bpeeitaibl.e. Chicago Post, The etury of the death of Ananias Is received wJth some skepticism by people who have, been reading recent Spanish dlsputchles. If liars were punished with death the whole Spanish, news bureau would be swept away. St. Louis Pott Dtspaboh. A DRY AFFAIR. No Wine Will Be Served at the Rfpub- lleaJi League Banquet. - The commlttiee having In charge the banquet that will be given ito the Nation al Republican' Leugue convention has de cided that it will be a "dry affair." That is, no wlrtj will be Served. It la not a question of xpehae, as the tocal agent ot a big eastern wine concern has offered to furnish all the wine meedetf to serve tho banquet free of cost. Neithtr Is tt a ques:ibn of moiMln, but simply one ot courtesy to tho speukera. About 99 out of every 100 delegates, who will attend the convention are coming for the sole purpose of having a good time. The com mittee fears that (the -desire for a good time will be so strong within some of the dtliogafcs itlmt it will overcome their discretion end interfere with the speech" making If wine la served. Covers for about 1,500 people will be laid at the ban qutlt , which to to be served on the Super lor ilre nrnd Euclid awenue levels of the A route. Owing to the grtat number of people to be fed. the banquet will be served cold, the menu consisting of sal ad, cjM meats and the like. JACK CADE'S PHILOSOPHY. A prominent professor in one cf the big universities of New England has wi It ten to the Boston chamber of commerce regarding the sMver question as follows: "The present free coinage craze is as old as the days of Jack Oade, when his followers hoped to bring on the millen nium by making the "pint measure hold two pin-is, and the two-penny loaf -sell for a penny.' It's descendant today want 60 cents' worth of silver to pass for a dtollar. The sophistry is aU the more apparent when tt is remembered that free silver does not mean an unlimited de mand for that metal, but only an un limited supply. "Mexico has free coinage of sliver. "Mexico is on a silver basis. "The wages In Mexico in mining and agriculture vary from 10 cents to SO cents a day in Mexican money, which Is from t to 15 cents in United States "Th avMtte for farm labor a day In Mexico is w cetMs in iiex can money, vr 10 cents In United States money. "If free silver can raise prices, why does H not raise the prices of wages in Mexico." . RUSSIA'S WATER TRAFFIC. The New York Railroad Oaete says: "Very full statistics of the movement of freight by waiter in Russia are colkcted and published by the government. The rlvere of Russia are Important, and canal connections are made which supplement them. The grain and flour movement by water has decreased rapidly, having been, in tone: 1S89 .... 2,725,200 1 191 2,194,200 1890 2,495,800 1 1893........ 1,658,800 In 1889 the quantity was equal to the weight of 90,000,000 bushels of wheat, and nearly five-eights of It was carried on the Vtolga, whuoh Is navigable for nearly 2,000 miles and has onwtrlbutary branch, the Kama, navigable for nearly 1,000 miles. It Is on this Stream where the chief falling off In the shipments have taken place, and it is said that the navi gation of the stream Is becoming more d.mcudt than formerly, but there Is a decrease on, nearly aU the streams. In 1892, of the total water shipments, ex clusive of wood and timber (which make up five-fights of the whole), more than one-third was petroleum and Its products, and very little more was grain and flour. Next comes salt, while of coal only 90,000 tons were carried by water." IT IS AN INJURY TO ALL. Thie Merohanlt'e Reiview of NeW York City eays In Its last lemie: "It is ot the utmost importance that the canners should give uhs mutter of honest label, lng their eany and conaraiut attention, for they all suffer a consumer Is swindled. If a customer in -a grocery store gei.s dwindled on coffee, tea, but ter or cheese, he doesn't stop the use of the article, but simply changes h.s grocer. If ho gets a bad can of vegetables or fruits, nine times out of ten he will throw tihe blame on the cannier and stop eating canned fooda of any kind. Hence, the e.'Jtlre industry suffers vicariously, whereas In tho ca3 of the staple grocer ies the retail distributor is made the vic tim." THE RETURN OF COMMON SENSE. Philadelphia Record. After having tried its luck with cheap money for seventeen years, the govern ment of Chill has abandoned the effort to further kl,ck against the pricks. It has resumed its pi ace among the solvent commercial nations by adopting the gold measure of value. ' NATURE'S PATRIOTISM. (Written for the StamdUrd Junior.) The birds beneath my window, Every sweet spring morn, Wake me with their carolling,. Just as early dawn. They give a (morning concert; Methinks I hear the tune, Which every boy and girl should sing - Morning, night amdl noon. ''My country, 'tis of thee," they sing; In fancy oft I hear That famous song about our flag The Yankee's heart holds dear. The little flowers lisp It, "Long may it wave," They mean, the star-spangled banner, On the echoolhouse over the way. And when they droop their heads at night, This is the flowers' prayer: "O Ood, please guard the dear old flag, On. the wee red school over there." We love our star-spangled banner, It keeps our hearts from sin, Long may It wave, o'er land and sea, As the flag of our countrymen. MiARION ISRAEL. A SOLDIER'S MEMORIAL. Here Is this ragged gothic mass, Upreared and fashioned from the native stone, The freeman's teart. Is fain to own His imlghty debt, which, still unpaid, must pass, While flows the Stream or grows the grass, To generations yet unborn, unknown. A cenotaph to those whose valor, shown On field and flood, on wilderness morass, Has caved the all he holds most dear; The fireside hearth, the calm repose Of liberty, that knows no fear Of tyrant's whine or master's blows, Thus would our hearts their names re vere, Their noble sacrifices discloss, F. H. M. Foxboro, Masa., May 30, 1893. Easily, Quickly, Peimanently Hestorel ifr.DknkL KnrvoiiHnflNSW JJflv MeMIHf and sll the train Vfcr.,4',of evils from oarly errors or a J later exeunses. mo rroun.u. overwork. itniA. wnrrv. an, a. mt . -- . i opnteiii-uuu itjiicsiiou w fc"lirBvery i unu and oorlion TVifHieU ly. Simple, nat- :( M " ' e, liniirtivement seen. ' 7. i- uAiUl - .i'.ii-aiii'AJI llfUlat. EaiEMEDlc:.L CO., Buffalo, N.Y. to suppose that an Imitation ofiera the customer any guarantee like the original does. Take Cottolent for example. Thk Fairbank Co. discovered it, perfected it, and cpent thousands in making its merits known. It is plainly to their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu lar shortening in the world. But when you come o accept atfi these guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at tho mercy of an imitator who deals on others' reputation and who profits only by others' loss. To ensure having good cook ing and healthful food stick riht to Cottolenb and let all imitations severely alone. BuM la t sr.! 9 pound pklla. Undo ouly by Tho N. K. Fairbank. Company, BT.LOVIS and lleajiy la tha leading tailor and pays tha hichaat aah price for far skins. vises f if CHIEF 09 POLICB BALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria to me directed, dated the 21th day of April, UK, and against George Hill, rVwvvmAnrilriir tth Ito lew UDOn lot NO. 1, Block No. 12, McClure's Astoria and col lect the assessment thereon, amounting to $33.65, for the construction of a sewer on 6th street. I have this day levied upon said de scribed property, and on the 22d day of June, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said' day, at the Court House door in the city of Astoria, Clatoop County, Oregon, will proceed to sell at public auction, said property to the highest bidder therefor to pay said assessment and coats and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for United States gadd and silver coin. Dated Astoria, Oregon, May 24th, 1895. C. W. LOUQHERY, Chief of Police for the City of Astoria. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria to me directed, da-ted the 24th day of April, 1895, and against G. Wing-ate, . Commanding me to levy upon lot No. 2, In Block No. 30, McClure's Astoria, and collect the assessment due thereon, amounting to $13.65, for the construction of a sewer on Gth street. I have this day levied upon said de scribed property, and on the 22d day of June, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day. at the Count House door in the city of Astoria, Olateop County, Oregon, Willi proceed to sell at public auction, said property to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment ana costs ana expenses of sale. Said sale to be for United States gald and silver coin. Dated Astoria, Oregon, May 24th, 1895. C. W. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police for the City of Astoria. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria to me directed, dated the 24th day of April, 1896, and against George Hill. CommlandJng me to levy upon lot 2, In block No. 12, McClure's Astoria and col lect the assessment due thereon, amount ing to $13.66, for the construction ot a sewer on 6th street. I have this day levied upon said de scribed property, and on the 22d day of June, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m of said day, at the Court House door in the city of Astoria. Clatsop County. Oregon, will proceed to sell at public auction, said property to the highest bidder therefor to pay sadd assessment and costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for United states gald and silver com. Dated Astoria, Oregon, May 24th, 1895. ' C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police, for the City of Astoria. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereDy given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the un dersigned, under tihe Arm name and style Oregon Transportation Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay able to Capt. Paul Sohrader, and -he as suming the payment of all debts due by said Arm. Astoria, Or., May 13, 1895. PETER H. CRIM, PAUL SCHRADER. NOTIOE OF COMPLETION AND AC CDPTtANCE OF 42ND STREET. Notice is hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the improvement of 42d street, in. Adair's Astoria, und.r the provisions of Ordinance No. 1940, on the 13th day of June, 1895, filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the cert.flcate of the City Surveyor, and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work be filed arnd the Common Council shall deem such im provement properly completed, according to the contract and plana and specifica tions therefor, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said Improvement or any part thereof, may be filed i the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1896. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895. KIMBALL PIANOS AND ORGANS. If you want a piano or organ, buy a reliable make from ftrat hands at a reasonable price. We are the only manufacturers of pianos and organs who have a foramJi ,house on the Paci fic coast, and are certainly in a posi tion to sell you a reliable Instrument for less than any retailer or agent. A large shipment of Kimiballs will be sold in your town direct from the factory in the near future. If you are ready to bay before they arrive, write us and we will sand you catalogue and prl-es. W. W. KIMBALL & CO., Manufacturers. Pacific Coast Branch, Portland, Or. EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," in sympathetically shown In the following Unee, the pre sumption being that sympa'.hy is b-jrn, or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Please send Krause'i Headache Capsules as follows: Twi boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak. Two boxes to Lillie Wilcox, Brookland, N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great sufferer from heartache and your Cap sules are the only tmng that relieves me." Yours very truly, FLORA SEAT, Havana, N. Dak. For sale by Chas. rtogers, Astoria Or, Sole Agent IT MAY DO AS MUCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred MlUer, of Irving, 111., write, that he had a severe kidney troubl for many years, with severe pains 1 his back, and also that his bladde was affected. He tried many so-callei Kidney cures, but without any goo re8uts. About a year ago he began us of Blectrio Bitters and found relief a once. (Electric Bitters Is especlall adapted to cure all kidney and live troubles, and often gives almost In stant relief. One trial will prove ou statement. Price, only 60 cents to large bottle, at Chas. Rogers' dru store. Motfiers have never found a preparation so well adapted to the needs of thin, delicate children, as Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphitea. Children almost universally like the taste of it, which niakes its administration easy, and it supplies their blood with the food properties that overcome wasting tendencies. Scott's Emulsion enriches the blood, promotes the making: of healthy flesh, and aids in a healthy formation of the bones. Don't befersuaJtd to acapt a substitute. . Sctt4BowM,N.Y. MDngtitt. SOcindSt NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF 1UANE STREET. Notice ia hereby given that L .Leback, Contractor for the improvement of Duane street, in Adailr'a Astoria, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 1&5, oil the 12th day of June, lu5, flied in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate of tfte City Surveyor and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After tine expiration of the time here inafter specified, X no objections to the acceptance of such work be hied and the Common Council snail de.'m such im provement properly completed, according to .tine contract and plans and fcpecmca tions uhereior, the same may be accepted. ODjeouons to the acceptance of bald improvement or any part luvereof, may be filed .a the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June lth, 1895. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1&95. KARL'S CbOVER BOOT will purify; your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and mane your head clear aa a bell, 2b cts., du cis., ana Jl.w, Bold by J. W. 'Conn. WHY do people complain of hard times, when any woman or man can make from $5 to $16 a day easily. All have heard of the wonderful success of the Climax Dish Washer; yet many. are apt to think they cant make money selling it; but anyone can make money because every family wants one. One agent has made $478.36 in the last three months, after paying all expenses and attending to regular Dustiness be sides. You don't have tc canvass; as scon as people know you have It for sale they send for a Dish Washer, Ad dress the Climax Mfg. Co., 45 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio, for particulars. CURB FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all kinds of headache Eleatiio Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effeots a permanent cure, and the most dreaded sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the Medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas. Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build ing. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. KeiU Sharpsburg, Pa, Dear Sir' I am glad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over three years with acute neuralgia and its consequent insomnia (which seemed tn baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almost instant relief. Words fail to express the praise I should like to bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules. Gratefully 'Sours, ' MRS. E. K. HOLMES, Montroee, Pa. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brix florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G. Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GREENLUND, ANTON BRIX. All the paten: medicines -id ver Used in this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., an be boufcht at tne lowest prices at J. W. Conn's dru"? store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. A. toria. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Con.s, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the great remedy for stomach, liver, and kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perrect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do Just what is claimed for them, and the dealer whose name is attached here with, will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug SHILOH'S CURE la sold on a gi'ar ntee. It cures Incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Cure. Only one ent a dose. 25 cents. 50 cts., and $1.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, Mo., a practicing phyalolan of many years' standing, writes: DeWitt's Wltoh Hazel Salve has no equal for Indolent sores, soalds and burns. It stops pain Instantly, heals a burn quickly, and leaves no scar. Chas. Rogers. INDORSED BY THE PRESS. Gentlemen: This is to certify that 1 have used Krause's Headacnq t'apsules with satisfactory results. I bought a box which cost ins -2. nnd one capsrie cured me of a dreadful sick headache. My wife and mvself nave both used the medicines manufactured by the Norman LIcbtr Mf's o., a:i3 we re commend them to the public as being JJust wluvt they are represented. Respectfully, W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette. Pleasant Hill. Mo. Twenty-five cents, for pale by Ctaa. Rogers. Astoria, Or.k sole agents. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun derman, of Dlmondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were almost marvellous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Juno tlon, she was brought down with Pneumonia, succeeding La Grippe. Ter rible paroxysms of coughing wculd last hours with little interruption and it seemed as If she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery: it was quick In Its work, and satisfactory In Its re sults." Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Regular size 60 PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen : I have always recom mended Krause's Headtu.-ne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly. J. K. WALTER. Leavenworth. Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attenUon paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CflHP (HOW fl SPECIALTY W Olney street, between Third and and Fourth Astnrla. Or. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried to do in selecting their liquors was to 'pick out what intelligent people would want if they Knew it as experienced people should know It. Make a note of this if you want pure liquors. George Bartley, Proprietor. STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. STEAJVIEH BRIIiEY GflTZEtyT. In place of Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria ior Portland and way landings at 7 p. m. daily, bunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland every day except Sun day at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE, Agent Astoria, Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POtfk'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty Indio THE OASIS OF THE COLORADO DESERT A Ji ew ealtb esort BELOW. THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers fioin . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Indlo In the past by the large numbers who otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage of Its beneficial climate, liar been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Pacific Company, takes pleasure in announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. They are fur nit hed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water,- and bo situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence in this de Ughtful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut) '.'In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado which the Southern Pa citio road traverses there is an oasis called Indlo, which, in our opinion, li the sanitarium Of the earth. We be lieve, from personal investigation, thai for certain invalids, the-e is no spot 01 this planet so favorable." G. T. Stewart, M. I-. writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished sc much that there remains but little for man to do. Aa to its possibilities a? a health resort, here is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, den?3 atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired T It is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO lis 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and. 130 miles from , LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles : f 3.0 For further Information inquire of any Southern Pacific Company agent, or address E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Tass, Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. taURKLAND, rlat Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder St, Portland, Or. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via HE NQhTH-ttESTIR line:. 1 b CHICAGO. ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between . DULUTH, ST. PAUL, , ' CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVaOB, Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt 248 Washington St. Portland, Or. Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington st, Portland. He will mail you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all classes f travel. J. B. WYATT, 1 Ajtorfa, Oregon. Hardware, Sliip Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Pld to Supplying Ships. J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DHIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND WHARP BUILDER Address, box 180. Postoflice. ASTORIA, OR THE ASTOip SAVINGS BilM Acts as trustee for corporations and ndlvlduals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits at the rate of 4 per cent Der annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBT Presidenl DaiMj. iuunu vice President FRANK PATTON Cashiel DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson W. E. Dement Gust Holmes. , SEASIDE SAWjVIILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand tn the vnnirh nr A raaooH 171nnnH . tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; -nouldinfirft And aMnfr1a .1m work done to order. Terms reasonable ana prices at Dedrock. All orders promptly tttended to. Office and yard at mill. H. L. LOGAN. Prrm'r Seaside. Oregon. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heatings 179 Twelfth street Astoria. Or. BONES. We buv fertilizrra anA tariiV,win ma terial of eveiy description. Bones, horns, etc, and pay highest cash prices. Send ns a trial shipment Western Bone-Meal Co. 771 Mission Street Ban Fnancisco, Cal,