tHE DAILY ASTOEIAW. ASTORIA, "SDN DAY ' MORNIM, JUJSE 1. l8flS. juits -to-measure, 1 ;-.HE only way to fit a man Is to flrrt find out Jujt what kind of a man you have to nt-lhat's Juat what we do takeyonr measure exact and cut the ault for you and It Blunt fit, or we'll keep 'em. tailoring exclusively. chas. Mcdonald, the Tailor. 523 Commercial Street Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those w serve. We're trying In every way to make them the moat en tr,M in timn All he "(rood things' of the season-cooked by our excellent ondrln 1hm mnWt dellclOUS Style. Perfect service. tf vm jniti a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place ia a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a gooa mem The Palace Restaurant Sterlirie Silver I Nr hu there been such a stock or sterling silver Jewelry as that now on display at our store. Half the town uoes not realize the Immensity of this assortment., A EXSTROM, the Jeweler ASTORIA - MATTRESS ; - FACTOR V, 378 Commercial Street. Manufacturers of every description of Lounges, Mattresses, etc. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES When the tide sets one way there Is alwava a cauae for it. Women don't come here to buy roast! teaks, and all other kinds of meat imply because It't ennstensen a 00. s. Of course there are a few, a very few, who tuy out of compliment, or from lgnoranoe, bat the great mass or housekeepers buy where they can get the best and for that reason we supply the majority of the families In Asto ria for they know by experience that we have only the best. WASHINGTON MEAT flARKET, CHRI5TEN3EN A CO., Prup'ra, Hundreds of business and professional men are now coming to our place ' " "THE RESORT" Dally.' WhyT Because they can at any time, day or night, call for a sandwich here and get it. We expected to bt mobbed for these ' sandwaches and our fresh B cent beer when the railroad comes. '' Qtoabauer & Brach. Dalgitg Iron t,feJMli Works, densrsl rUchlnlat and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Shljv Steam boat ana engine Work of any Description, Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St, Astoila, Or. A Poor Cigar. W. F. SOHIEBE never made. Don't expect to make, cither. But marke thls--a-t-l-s-f-a-c- t-i-.-n of the 22-karet trt has ' accompanied every purchase of ' one of the cigars made by him ' since he began business. We've ' got the notion that a satisfied 'customer "cuts a big figure" In -building up a business. That's 1 the reason La Belle Astoria takes so well. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers 1 Astoria and Upper Astoria. Flna Taas and Coffees, Tabl Dellcaclei, Domeitlc ant tropical rrults, VegaiaMei, sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc. ' Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. White fy'd Slippers! White Oxfords! Wfyite Canvas Oxfords! In buying these goods from us for graduation exercises one can ' be suited here just as well as ' though they had sent to San Francisco and had the goods made for them. - JOHN HAHN & CO. The U. S. Gov't Reports Show Royal Baking Powder superior to nil others. Wff AT ABOUT .; OUR SHOES ? ' ; Aren't they workauround the sole Somewhere T Don't toeyieed a patch on the side?.. We will make them good as new. . i,, . ' : i ' I ; B'.'A. Gl LIBRE, . Kitty Corner From Flaher Bros. Store- F. ICROSEL. 4o Commercial Street. Fresh Candy MaJeEverv Day. K-.-'VCTS FOvOHT AHO SOID. Butter, Cse. Chars and all kinds of 1 Fruit la Stuosi Cigars, bacco and Groceries. Special Prices . ON- ; - ! Children's Straw Hats $1.00, 85c, 76c. Re duced to 50c ALBERT DUNBAR. BUSINESS LOCALS. Try Smith's Ice cream. Fresh strawberries at Smith's today. Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint, Don't use a plaster, but take Rogers' Kidney Cure for lume back. THE SPA For fresh candles and lc cream, Colmaran's old stand; . POSTAGE STAMP DEPOT-H. Jeld- ness, No. S13 Commercial street. , . JUST DROP IN And try one of those 26-cent meals that Jeff puts up.. WE HAVE IT-The place to get fresh fish every day. No. 118, 12Ui street.. GRAND OPENING-Of all kinds of for elgn novelty goods, at 566 Commercial street. T. E. Schultz, frescos and scenic ar tint, with B. F. Allen, 366 Commercial Street. If you want a bottle of Joy's Sarsapa- rllla, go to the (Prlnitz-Crain Drug Store for It. The Palace Barber Shop is now Hiv ing one of their two-bit shaves for 16 centb. Our milk; Is gua.tatitced strictly pure ana rresn. from tne cow dally. ' Relth & Wilson. :',,- , The Palace Bath House encourages folks to bathe by having . everything first class. ' .! PAT DAWLER ft CO. Fine line of canned gaods and fresh fish, 574 Com merclal street. YOUR TURN NEXT To get one of the finest cigars for the least money. No, 459 13th street. FOUND On llifh street, the finest meal In the city; and lit only costs 25 cents, Number 120, Joe Terp's. . ORAEFE & HANKE-2s Commercial street. Is the place to have your clothes repaired and made new. , s WORLD'S FAIR SALOON-Keeps the finest lino of liquors and cigars In, tha city. Call and sample them. IF YOUR TEETH NEED FIXING- Just drop Into the Astor House and nee Dr. Howard. Office up stairs. If your watch don't run, coll (it 674 Commercial street, across from Bhana. han Bro. and have It repaired. . . DON'T FORGET That at No 214 and 216 Tenth street Is the place to hlave your horse shod and repair work done. Smith's loo- cream Is unequalled . Ice cream soda "a specialty. Private par lors for ladles. Commercial street. WAH SING & CO.-Merchant tailors, 620 Commercial street, cheaper than you can buy ready made. New stock com plete. RAILROAD SURE If W. T. Beverldge cannot suit you with cigars and tobac co on Commercial street, he can on 11th street. A SURE THING That you can get fruit and candy for less money than any. where else ait M. Mauler's, on Bond street. , STOP At the Horse Shoe Chop House and try one of those 15 cent meals, same as you p'jy X cens for elsewhere, 510 Commercial street. Will spend the summer In Astoria, one of Portland's most artistic dressmakers, late from Chicago. Patronage solicited. Look for ord later. JUST RECEIVED-At 815 Commercial street, fine line of extension tables, cen ter tulbtes, lounges, and kitchen treas ures. J, G. Rose, proprietor. If you want a 'bicycle repaired or a lock fixed, or any other ' first-class work done, call on C. H. Orkwiti, next door to Miairtin Olson's' Auction House, L. I. JOHNSON Opposite Central Ho. tel, will kindly thank the public for a share of Its trade. Fresh strawberries by every morning's steamer. Prices to suit. What cows received first premium at the World's Fair for producing the richest milk? Jersey oows, ans those are the only kind that J. A. Rowan sella milk from. No ibettter milk was ever brought to Astoria, than is furnished for five cents a quart by Keith &v Wilson, and de livered tn v clean and twrvcly closed glass bottle at your door every morn Ing. Arrived Mrs. Zwemer. trance medium. Can be consulted cm ell affairs of llr. Call at Kirs. M. A. Hall's residence, 801 Exchange street, old Ross residence. Cir cles every Tuesday and Friday night at 0'CIOCK. What brlnira oeonle back to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have sounded the possibilities everywhere else? May be It's one ching, and May be It's another. But the fact remains bock they come. And of course the Astoria; Wood Yard Is proud of It. . Mothers raising their babes, on the bottle will have fat, strong and heal thy babies by using ,T. A. Rowan's Jer sey milk, as lie makes a specialty of milk for babies and the sirik. Try hi in and be happy. . . Business men of Astoria visiting Fort land haVo for years been acoustomed to take their mid-day lunch at the "Gem," TheGem' Is now located at 78 Third street', nextj door to the Alna worth Bank. Jos. E. Permy. : What Is the use of having a "human form divine" unless you .cars for It, and drape It and clothe It so as tc make It a source of Joy to yoursejr ami a pride -to your friendsT Nature sup plies the term. A. Lake, the tailor at 339 Commercial street will make the raiment. See him. . . M ' - DROP IN-Next door to McLean's kinds of carpenter work. Af Paulsen. . EYES Two hard-woklnar servants Tet quickest to rebel when over-work 'ed. Qlasses-the right ones scientif ically, delicately adjusted ones the remedy. The ability that experience and Htudy gives can be had at J. H. Seymour's. Charges only for glasses are modest. CHAMBER SETS At your own price at Foard & Stoke Co.'s. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twoney-four hours ending at 5 p. . m. yesterday, furnished by the United States department of agri culture weather bureau: MaxlmunTtemperoitntre, G8 degrees. : Minimum temperature, 46.5 degrees. Precipitation, .072 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st, 1S94, to date, 73.73 Inches. Excess of precipitation from September lHt, im, to date, 6.26 Inches. AROUND TOWN. A full line of mns underwear, "at low eat prices. P. A. Stokes. Duck suits, J196 at Shanalhan Bros. The milk Inspector from Portland yes terday made things lively for Che local milk men. ShannlHan Brow undersell everyone. ' Sheriff Hare's young daudhttr Is very sick, threatened wltfh. typhoid fever, but It Is hoped that the danger may be arerN ed. Ladies' ve'sts, 6c, at Shianaihan Bros. . Teoterday a scow load of Wade Hamp ton Smith's olay was towed up the river for ilhti Oregion Petitory Company, at Portland. Paper paltterna 10c each. Bitos. Ohanahan the Tlgh'e Hotel, in Astoria during "' ""T . ,;Z1' uu .'. Portland, guarantees stylish, perfect fit' ting gowns. Men's Bal'brifcgan shirts, 20c. Bros. Shanahan The Ploneetna iwill meet Monday even, ing at Judge Gray's office to further con sider the Fourth-of-July celebration ar rangements. Pure white LisCie vests, 20c. Bros. Shanahan The box of fine tobacco, presented to Pete Brach by one of his sea captain friends, has beeen passed around quite STt'.l 5i 9nl'Tan ?d e "umber Men's Bros. overalls, 40c pair. Shanahan For the oarwenlence of the customers of the N. P. Brewery, , John Kopp has erectled a cold storage tor his celebrated beer at the Sunny Side saloon. Mr. J. L. Carlson will eucit as agent for John Kopp and will be much pleased to serve the customors of the North Pacific Brewery. Men's fine sateen shirts C0C. Shanahan Bros. The Kwht keeper at Smith's Point was In trouble nd In about a ten minutes' conversation with Captain Gregory, of the j stand that ha had dropped his lantern overboard in a swell. The captain re assured the man with the promise of a new lantern. Magnificent han Bros. assortment laces. Shana. Cirahlng Post, No. 14. elected Messrs. LnL?A ,J?"LJr:i the G. A. R. encampment to be held at Oregon. City the 17th and 18th, Oregon City the l?th and 18th. The dele gates will leave Astoria tonight. Children's yachltlng caps 25c, at Shan ahan Bros.' The following were among the passen gera for Portland on the 'Potter last evening: E. B. Condon, Mrs. Clarno, W, O. Allen, A. Tucker, Cheap Chart; y, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hackney, Capt. Geo. Pope and wife, T. W. London, J. F. Bchm, L. V. Moore, O. Gould, P. W. Weeks, Mrs. Young. Boys' wool suits, two pieces, J2.W suit. Shanahan Bros. Mrs. A. E. Raleigh, representing H. B. Lilt's, tlhe leading suit and cloak house of Portland, has decided to remain In Astoria only during tomorrow. All who desire too Inspect the ltvteet styles In la- dies garments will do well to call on Mrs. Raleigh, at Mrs. McKenxle's, in the Masonic building, before she leaves the city, as this will positively be her last visit here this season. Fine assortment of ladles' waists to select from. Shanahan Bros. The toutvty officials are chasing after several suspects who are supposed to be some of tlhe men recently engaged in tha robberies along the river near Knappa. A number of men have been under sur veillance for a few days past and It Is expected that some of them will Irs landed. The matter Is having close at tention and every effort Willi be made to apprehend the guilty rjartieai Electric (Paste is sure dt&'th to cock roaches. Sold by Chus. Rogers. The following were among the passen gers for Portland on the steamer Bailey Gatsert lost evening: R. Andrews, Mrs. Maxwell Young, Mrs. N. Clinton, R. B. May and wife, Mrs. Kurts, J. T. Merrill Miss ChrdWell, S. Keckner, G. Murray, James Mayer, A. O. Robbins, A. Boenxk, Miss Wed ford, A. J. Robinson, A. J, Wetherbe, W. M. Kelly, Mrs. Lyde, Ben Net son and wife, Wm. Dent, H. Jones, W. Young, Miss Rudcer. Why play more elsewhere when you can buy the same at Shanahan Bros.' cheaper Brother Blount, of the K. P.'e, told a good story on himself yesterday. It seems that he had wrltiten an Important busi ness letter several weeks ago to in the Bast, and not receiving a reply within two weeks, wrote a second letter for an explanation. Mr. Blount discov ered the first letter, sealed and stumped, lying on his desk, having never been mail ed. Explanations will now be In order from Mr. Blount. American Lady Comet Bock. Sold $1.00. everywhere for $1.36; our price Shanahan Bros. A large number of fishermen were; In town last night and an unusual stir was noticed among them. It was learned up on Inquiry that Sheriff Hare and Fialt CommlsKlooer had notified the Fisher Men's Union that the river would be patroled between the tvours of ( p. m. Saturday and 1 p. m. Sunday, and that ths laws In regard to Sunday Ash ing wDuld x enforced. The sheriff has a number of launches engaged and will be out on -the river with his dep. utlea during the hours specified., . Thres fishermen yesterday afternoon started on a run from Ross, Hlgirins ft Co.'s corner, Jumped Into a boot at the dock blow, and commencpd rowing and sc:tlr.2 SAlH f 'r rtr Hf. -A eiww mt ti ered In a moment, and the cries uf "mat drowned." "boat upeet," ana ' otker alarms-- tlUed the .air. Just Jthen the launch FoHChon pushed out into the Stream, the "three men in a boat" tossed hn a llnA nrut VAM towed ACmtift the for Imagining romance when theirs was none. , Measns. F. Flynon & Co. have. -their new brick yard at Alderbrook in running order now, and U the weaober, Is ' fine, expect to have their first kiln of brick up in six weeks' time. The yard is lo cated at the corner of 9th and ' Elm Streets, end contains all modern improve me its. These gentlemen are all Astoria people and deserve much credit for their enterprise. Five men are already at work and the force will be increased as needed. It is expected to make as good a brick aa there is in the market, as this clay bank is one of the very best. They declare that their prices will be so reasonable that there will be no ne cessity for importing brick here. The notice for children's Day exercises In the M. E. Church in yesterday's paper was a mistake. The principle parts In the program were to have been taken by young misses who are members of the High School. The Baccalaureate sermon must necessarily be this evening, and, the exercises of commencement being so near, their time is fully occup.ed. There will be only some responsive readings, a ten minute talk by Dr. Buehong, appropriate to the day, and some music by tne church choir. There has been no Instrumental music provided for the day. This was also a mistake. ' MRS. SAM'L ELMORE, Supt. of Sunday School. MORE ATTRACTIONS. The A. F. C..Determlned to Miake Their Entertainment a Success. ' As the time approaches for the musical and literary entertainment to be given under the auspices of the Football Club on Wednesday evening next, Interest In the affair increases and many .questions are daily asked members of the board of directors as to the numbers on the pro gram. A reporter called on a member of V. , 1 1 , 1 . Inl.m,,4 ho4 ., i, v,h i sented to. assist, as had also Miss Edith Conn as accompanist : Mrs. J. T. Rose with a vocal solo; a vocal trio consist ing of Messrs. Belcher, Bennett and Gar. nar; Mr. H. O. Smith and Mr. W. T. Churtter. The board expect also to be able to Induce others of Astoria's best Singers to lend their aid to making' the entertain ment a grand success from both an artis tic and financial standpoint, bojh of which .desirable reeuBts may even now be co red as absolutely certain. Mr. Herbert L. Brown, writes from Portland that he has succeeded in Inducing Miss L. Beaupre, the charming exponent of the Terpeiichoreian art who drilled the members of the Hutoomoh and Seattle Amateur Athletic Clubs for several of their public performances before the foot, lights, for the occasion, and that she will give an exhibition of grace In dancing, that has never been excelled. Her skirt, dance, which is done in long skirts, with stereoptlcon lights In varied colors, Is en tirely lucking in anything that would offend the most fastidious. It is the poetry of motion and certain to create a furore. The fact that Miss Beaupre will perform under tine auspices of the club is, however, sufficient recommendation for her and guarantee of the character of the performance. Of Alias Beaupre the Se. aittle Post-Intellncer recently had the following complimentary notice: "Tha fancy dancing of Miss Lorene Beaupre ay? securing for a7ndrt " and from an audience compbeed of the best people in this city. Reserved scat tickets for the ,ntertaln memit w.U be, on sale at Griffin & Reed's tomorrow aflternoon, and all who desire a favorable seat should apply at once, xf r f f r t.-ti mi t i t.att' . u x. Orders Glvri by the Fire Department for Repairs to Be Made. . Orders ware Issued yesterday by the fire and water committee for the re pairs to Enguie'No. 3, which Wire found to be necessary from the test given Fri day afternoon. This Is quick action and in the right direction. The energy of Acting Chief. Stuart is highly commended and much credit is due for the manner In which he went about the matter. First making a practical test of the engine In the presence of members of the fire com mittee and ascertaining Just where the trouble in the machine was, and then striking while the iron was hot and pro. curing the necessary orders from 'the board for tha repairs. This is a business like method of handling city affairs which leaves no room for criticism. Let the good work go on. Engine No. 2 should also be put in proper shape for duty . at once, to be used as a reserva force and Mr. Stuart Intends to take the mattoer in hand at onc. should his term of oitlce extend further, as the approach ing dry season calls for prompt action. SEARCHING FOR THIEVES. Sheriff Hare Spends the Day on the River. Sheriff Hare yesterday was towed up the river in a row boat by a launch and visited the various sloughs, Islands, fish ermen's cabins and ranches along the rivor near Knappa, where recent thiev ing has been going on. A thorough search was had but no discovery of the thieves was made nor tha hiding place of their plunder found. As far as known none of the stolen arti cles have been offered for sale. It la an easy matter for .thieves of this class to operate at night and conceal all traces of their work. Sheriff Hare states that he has In the past had deputies on the river who were unknown to others, and that there were parts of his business that It was unneces sary to adverttee. To thoroughly pa. trol the lower part of the Columbia river would require a very large force of men but of course It could be done tf the necessary'funds were provided. FROM SBABIDE. Seaside win celebrate the coming 4th of July with, a good, old-fashioned pic nic, oration, songs, games, foot races, house races, etc. We expect a number of people from Astoria and elsewhere. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Lalghton has recovered from her attack of erysipelas In the face. The aw mill 1s running with both a day and night crew. People are getting ready for the sum. mer travel. BIDS OPENED. The following bids for the improvement of Fourteenth street and the building of a sewer for the same were opened In the office of the auditor yesterday afternoon: Fourteenth street Ross ft Wirt, $2933.14; 3. A. Fastaband, $2&U,06; Clinton ft Sons, $2099.56; L. Lebeck, $2076.14. Fourteenth street sewer W. H. Smith, $589.00; J. A. Fast abend, $u64.68; Worsley j & cfernrtfr.TS, ra.&; a. n. em. 10, s.w. ATTENTION MEMBERS OF FRANK, LIN COUNCIL, NO 11. J. O. V. A. M. Nou ore treretoy notified to assemble at the foal at 1:30 p. m. today to attend the funeral of our late jbrotbec, John P. Dickinson. By order of the president. . A. R.CVRW, R.'S. NOTICE la hereby given forbidding Tackwood or any other persona from cutting or re moving wood or stone from any of my land without first making satisfactory arrangements with Jsms W Wk-h. Dr. PrW Cream Baking Powder Warts' Fair Highest Msdaf sad IMoSssm. CLOSE OF A PURE LIFE J P. Dickinson Has Gone to His Long1 Rest. HOSTS OF FRIENDS TO MOURN A Consistent Christian During: Long: Life Death Found Him Ready for the Call. Death ended a long and useful life yes ttrday morning at 4 o'clock. J. P. Dick inson, well beloved by all who knew him, has passed Into that long sleep which Is the common lot of man. In but a few hours, stricken down by apparently triv ial causes, It Is difficult to realize that one so recently seen in the midst of his fellows Is no more. His end was a quiet passing away, unconscious from first to last he knew no pain. The family and physicians were with him to . the last, and all that science knew was used in an effort to prolong life, but to no avail. Mr. Dickinson was well known and re spected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and his life record re mains a clean and unspotted history. Always kind-hearted and charitable, never ostentatious, the good he d-d on all sides during a busy iife will never be known. For Fifty years a member of the Chrictlan church, he carried his re ligion with him to hiB office or field of labor and its principles dominated his dally life. His word once given It was scrupulously kept and no amount of out. side Influence could make him deviate from a course he believed to be right All have lost a good neighbor and many have lost a kind friend and benefactor. The citizens of Astoria generally Join their own sorrow with the bereaved family in heartfelt mourning for the de parted friend and brother. . John Pendleton Dickinson was a native of Virginia and born in Caroline county of that State May 2d, 1819, and hence at the time of his death was 76 years of age. His parents, SamtKl C. and Eve lina. (Pendleton) Dickinson, were also na tives of the same state, his father being a physician, and passed his life in Caro line county, where he engaged In his pro fessional and agricultural pursuits. Mr. D.ckinson secured his academic educa tion in Caroline county, continuing the scientific and legal studies In the WJliam and Mary college, from which he was subsequently graduated, shortly after, ward locating In Bowling Green and commencing the practice of law. In 1848 he removed to King William Courthouse, Va., and continued in the practice of law until 1850, when Secretary Stewart appointed him clerk in the pension office at Washington, D. C. Removing to that city he performed thfe duties of that of flee for four years, afterward being en gaged in prosecuting ciaims before the several departments. In 18tl he returned to Virginia, and locating In Goochland county, followed agricultural pursuits, giving his services during the war to the Southern Confederacy. In 1871 he came to Oregon, remaining in Portland in the insurance business until 1880, when he came to Astoria where, he has since res.ded, being occupied at first as chief bookkeeper for M. J. Kin ney, and from 1836 until 1804 as County Clerk Trenchard's chief deputy. HT'has occupied many positions of In. fluence and trust as. a. citizen while hero, and at the time of his death was a school director for the dlsitrict. In 1816 he was marr.ed to Sally T. Woolfofik, who was his- life's companion, and who died In this city six years agv. . Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson both became members of the ChrlsUan Church before their marriage and lived consistently in the faith to the Qa&t, a period of about 60 years. Of his brothers and slaters there are still living, Charles W. and Samuel C. Dickinson, living In Washington, D. C; W. F. Dickinson, living In Alabama; Mrs. Elizabeth Row, Kvlng In Georgetown, Texas, and Mrs Belie G. Hart, living in Marshall, Texas. He leaves three chil dren, all residents of this city; Mies Helen W., who Is a teacher In the Shively school; Louisa P., wife of Dr. Alfred Kinney, now mayor of Astoria, and Fan nie L., wife of B. VanDusen. The funeral services will be held at the residence this afternoon between the hours of 1:30 and 2:30, at which time the casket will be opened that all friends may have an opportunity of taking a lost look at the face of the departed. The Rev. Garner and Rev. Short will officiate The remains wH'1 be buried in Clatsop cemetery, 'where the services will be pri vate. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTOR HOUSE. A. Blair, city Alice Clelland, Albany, Or. NeKle Coburn, Alb.iny, Or. Mrs. Wm. Dickson I Cathlamet, Wash j Mrs. Mclntire, I Cathlamet, Wash. I Miss Susie Mclntire Cathliaimet, Wash. Geo. Reischman, Chinook, Wn. Adam Re-schman, Chinook, Wn. P. Casper, Chinook G. L. Hill, Ft Stvns Jno Murray Pllr Rk Jno Cole, S. F. Lewis Ol sen, Oneida Jos Anderson, S. F. and child. Golden dale, Wn. C. W. White, War renton. Or. A. B. Bronnon, Long Beach, Wn. K. Chrisholm, John Day, Or. W. P. Mclntire, - j A FIFTY-CENT DOLLAR. Omaha Bee. Silver is the poor man's money, re peats Senator Teller. So It is, but when poor man toUs for one silver dollar he demands and has a right to receive, a dollar that w(U buy as many things he eats and wears as any other dollar. The moment a free silver colnnage act shall become effective every silver dol lar will lose half Its purchasing power and the poor man who now receives $12 a week for his labor will under such a law receive but $6 worth of groceries, clothing, etc. Meantime the silver mine owners of Colorado will gather In enor mous profits by reason of an advanced price of silver bullion which a free coin age low would bring to them. PRICE OF FOOD IN OLD TIMES. Amid the 'never ending comments on the price of provisions, it ia difficult for us to realise the fact that a time 'existed when wheat, Wi England, as food suffi cient for one hundred persons was worth only one shilling, and the average price of sheep only four pence. In the reign of Henry I, the price of wine was raised from three to sixpence quart for red and erght pence for white. In order that the selers might be enabled to live by It, when wheat was at six shillings a quarter (eight bushels) the farrhng loaf was to be equal in weight to twenty-four ounces, if made of the whole grain, and to sixteen ounces If consisting solely of white. When wheat was only one shll Bng and six pence per quarter, as It sometimes was, the farthing white loec was to contain sixty-four ounces, and tfeoes made of the whole grain ninety-six. Think of purchasing six-pound loaf o good whesten bread for a farthirw! Tn ths nineteenth year of the reign of Ed ward I., tha price of provisions Irv Lon don was fixed by the common council at a tariff by which two pullets were soM at three half-pence, a partridge or two woodcock, for the same, while a fat lamb BRICK BLOCKS! I To be built soon after the beginning of the Railroad construction would not please you anv more than the fctyle of our numerous New Lines of Iflen's and Boy's Suits, Your trade will be appreciated at the store of , HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. was .to be six-pence from Christmas to Snrovetlde, and tne rest of tne year tour pence. In the fourteenth century parlia ment fixed the price of a fat ox at 48 snul.ngs, and a enorn sheep at nve Shil lings; two dozen eggs at threepence, and tne best wtne at .twenty shillings the tun. An act of parliament paseea in lb&i set tled 'tne va.ue 01 tne beef and pork at a halfpenny per pound, and veal at three farmings. There was at that time, it : pernaps necessary to add, no boards of trade, cold storage houses, or refriger aitor cars. No bucket eivups, bulls, b.ars or any of these luxuries of mouern times. PERSONAL MENTION. W. G. Howell has returned from Port land. ' Sheriff Hare returned yesterday from Portland. Geo. Bartley yesterday returned from Portland. T. DeMartinl, of St. Paul, Is at the Occident. S. K. Stanley, of Seaside', 1s at the Par ker House. Ohas. R. Keeier, of Asftor, Is at the Parker House. W. O. AUeni of Portland, Is at the Parker House. Dick Springer, of Chicago, Is a guest at the Occident. James Maher, of Elk Creek, spent yes terday in the dty. Mr. A. O. Robbins. of Ogden, Utah, is at the Occident. W. H.' Bunner, of Seattle, is stopping at the Parker House. ' State Fish and Game Projector Mc- Gulre arrived yesterday. Capt. Geo. W. Pope, Lloyd's surveyor, was in the city yesterday. T. W. B. LOndonv of Portland, relumed home on the evening boat. Miss Johnson, Of San Francteco, regis tered at the Occident yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Aug. Kinney returned from Portland oro he Gatzert yesterday. Judge T. A. McBride and Dls.rlct At torney Barrett will probably arrive to day. F. E. Leonard and H. M. Leonard, ot Winnamucca, are guests at the Parker House. E. B. McFartand and wife, of Port land, were guests of the Occident yes terday. L. Gertinger, of Vancouver, Wash., was in the city yesterday, stopping at the Occident. Cheap Charley went to Portland last night to meet hiB family who are en route fnom the Sound. Robert .Mcintosh, the ship carpenter, of Portland, arrived in the city yesterday and Is stopping at the occ:aenit. Deputy Marshal Stuart will go on the excursion tomorrow to witness the burn ing of the Reed, and will see that order is preserved. Shipping Comrnlssionetr: Weeks was down from Portland yesterday investi gating the case of the deserting sailors from the barkniune at imappton. " On Monday night, at the Casino thea. tne, Jim Ryan, of Australia, and Billy Armstrong, of San Francisco, the latter now engaged at the above mentioned piaoe. Will give a six round glove con test. Both men are considered very eraod and of equal cleverness. Mr. Arm strong, though but a young man, has quite a favorable record behind him, from a pugilistic point of view, having come out victorious In many battles fought in California and elsewhere, de feating some of the best men on th coast. The contest at the Casino Mon. day night promises to be very Inter esting. North Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. Leave orders with J. L. Carlson at the Surmyslde .Saloon or Louis Boentge at the Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will be promptly, attended to. LOOK OUT FOR COLD WEATHER But ride Inside the Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment Car trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway, and you will be as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as In your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St, Paul or Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and Omaha, In these luxuriously appointed trains, s a supreme satisfaction: and the somewhat ancient advertisement sael to-read, "for further particulars see small bills." Smr-11 Mils (and Urge ones, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeping car tickets. All coupon ticket asTts on th coast sell tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, or address C. J. Eddy General Agent. Portland, Or. Hats and furnishing Goodsl ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who not have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All o which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers druggist, Odd Fellows Building. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Lost, two nets, as follows: On April 27, down below, 2uu fathoms of net 100 miliums last year s weo, large mean, and iuu tatnoms new small mesh net. oume corks branded a. P. Co.. And Fri day lorenoon, -uay lu, on Peacock Spit, aoout IUU tatnoms all new net, 4g mesnss aeep. .baruour's tu-12 and 60-ib twine. I will pay one hundred dollars reward ior tne arrest and conviction of the man ivno cut elmer of the aoove nets. Finder ji' pajiy tiumiiutf uie i award pieaee re port at Scandinavian cannery. AMUtian VVBVANG. WANTED. WANTED Girl to do house work. Cull at 843 Exchange street. WANTED Fifty men at the Jim to get c av uciu onuve auu a 10 ccin nair cut. iii Astor street, next door west of the rar&er House. WANTED A rel.atte girl for general hauaewor. Must be a gjod cook, and umie'.faYiwid J-jngiisn. Uw-.uty oonars a momn to a conipeteiJ: person. Soa urand avenue. WANTED Agents to represent the uld Auuunal laiie insurance Co., of jvluntpeiier, Vl. For xuruier imunnu. liun, uddrtiss U. M. otulp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Bunding, ban rruucisco, Col. WANTED Man "or lady to collect, do some oitlce work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer cnanis. tiouietnlng new and very popu lar. We pay an expenses. Position per manent. Send four references and ten cents for fuh particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo. J75.O00 PER WEEK using and selling Dynamos lor plaluitf wtuolies, Jeweiry, and table' ware. Plates gold, sliver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sines tor agents, families and stiops. Easy operated; no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. FOR HALE. JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re ceivedJust what . you want, at Wing Lee's, 643 Commercial street. A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room house. Furnished complete for summer, travel. For description and terms In quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident Building. FOUND. FOUND On the street yesterday, a la dy's pocket'book, containing a small sum of money and some visiting cards. , Owner can have same by calling ait this office, paying chargts and proving property. FOR RENT. TO RENT A furnished room.- Enquire at 362 Fifteenth street. FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room with board. Suatable for man and wife or two gentlemen. No. 355 Duane street. FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod ern house. For particulars Inquire of Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial street LOST. LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock 129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M. Warren. Please return to Warren's sta tion. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DEI' CREAM A Host Perfect Hade. 40 Yean the Standard. mm m