The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 05, 1895, Image 4

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    ' ink daily isTOHiAif : astoju ;SSsiri(im JUHR 5. itftS
HE only way to fits roan li to flrat And
out Jim what kind of man you havoto
At-that's ut what wo do take jour
m -mure o: aot-siid cut ibo ault f'-r ynu-and
it u uit fit. or we'll keep 'em.
- tailoring
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
j2j Commercial Street.
Few fieri Would Ask
For a Finer Dinner
than those m serve. We're trying In
very way Ho mako them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good thlnga"
of the eeaantvr-cooked by our excellent
cook-In the most delicious tyle. Perfect
If you Invite friend to the Falac
Restaurant Una plac Is a sufficient guar
antee that h will rtoelve a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
That House You
Intend to Build
Can be built just to suit your pocket
book by
and you will find him at his shop at 473
Fourth' Street
Sterling Silver I
Never has there been suoh a stock
of sterling silver jeweiry as mai u
on display at our store. Half the town
does not realize the Immensity of this
EXSTROM, the Jeweler.
178. Commercial Street
Manufacturers of every d-wcrlptlon of
Loungva, Matt.-esses, etc.
When, the tide sets one way there Is
always a cause for it.
Women don't come here to buy roastt
teaks, and all other kinds of moat
Imply because It's Chtistensen & Co.'s.
Of course there are a few, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
from Ignorance, bat the great mass of
housekeepers buy where they can get
the best and for that reason we supply
the majority of the families In Asto
ria for they know by experience that
we have only the best.
CHKI5TBN5EN CO., Prup'rs,
Hundreds of business and professional
men are now coming to our place
Dally, . Why? Because they can at any
time, day or night, call for a sandwich
here and gat it.
We expected to be mobbed for these
sandwaches and our frcah 6 cent beer
when the railroad comas.
, Qiosbauer & Brach.
deneral Machinist and Boiler Worka.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship. Steamboat
and Engine Work of nnv Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoila, Or.
A Poor Cigar
W. P. SCIIIEBE never made.
Don't expect to make, either.
But Diarke this a-a-t-l-s-f-a-c-
t-l-.-rt of the 22-karet sort has
- accompanied every purchase of
' " one of the cigars made by htm
- , since he began business. We've
' got the notion, that a satlalled
- customer "cuts a big figure" In
i ' i building up a business. That's
" the reason La Belle Astoria takes
so well.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria sad Upper Astoria.
Flua Taaa and Coflf a, Table Delicacies, Domtitlt
and Tropical Frulta, virttMi. Sugar
Cured Haaa, Batua, Etc,
Choke Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Kid Slippers!
White Kid Oxfords!
Wf?ite Canvas Oxfords!
In buying these goods from us
for graduation exerclaea one ran
be suited here Just as well as
though they iiad sent to San
Francisco and had tha goods nude
for them.
The U. 5. Gov't Reports
ffrow Royal liaktag Powder
superior to mil ciherx.
Aren't they worn out around the sole
mwhere? Don't they need a patch oa
ju. b J- ' w nml1 them good as
Kiiiyivmef from FWhar Bra. Stora.
Twenty "five
cents per
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Fn sn strawberries at Smith's today.
tjui'i't cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
, .
The l'alace Barber Shop Is ijow giv
ing uiiu of their two-bit shaves for
ID cents.
Our milk Is guaranteed strictly purs
and fresh from the cow dally, Itetth
& Wilson.
The Palace Bath House encourages
folks to bathe by having everything
first clans.
Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled .
creum soda a specialty, i-nvate
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
if you want a bicycle repaired or
lock fixed, or any other flrst-clasi"
work done, call on C. H. Orkwttz, next
door to Martin Olaen's Auction House,
What cows received first premium at
the World's Fair for producing the
rlchcBt milk? Jereey cows, ana those
are the only kind that J. : A. Rowan
sells milk from.
The greatest accessory to good,. looks,
Is a smooth, soft skin. To obtain that,
you should use nothing but Craln'a Tot
let Cream. Sample bottles free at the
Prlntz-Craln Drug Store.
No batter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than Is furnished for five cents
a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de
livered In ft clean and tightly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
Arrived Mrs. Zwemer, trance medium,
Can be consulted on all affairs of life.
Call alt Mrs. M. A. Hull's residence, 351
Exchange street, old Ross residence. Cir
cles tvery Tuesday and Frldiy night at
8 o'clock.
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere elae? May
ba It's one thing, and May be It's anothar.
But the fact remains back -they come,
And of course 'the Astoria Wood Yard is
proud of it.
Mothers raining their babea on . the
bottle will have fat. strong and heal
thy Ixihles by using J. A. Rowan's Jer
sey milk, as he makes a rpeclalty of
milk for babies and the sick. Try hlin
and be happy.
Notice Is hereby (riven to all' parties
holding Oloitaop county warnnts Indorsed
prior to April 13th, 12, to present the
same to the County Treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease theraqn after
this lite.
Dated this 1st day of June, A. D., 18KB.
Triasurer of Clatsop Co., Or.
Is hereby given forbidding Packwood or
any oilier persons from "cutting or re
moving wood or stone from any of my
Ian J without tlrat making satisfactory
arrangements with James W, Welch.
At your own price at Foard & Stoke
Business nun of Astoria visiting Fort
land lutve for yours been accustomed
to take their mid-day lunch at the
"Gem." The 'Gem" Is now looated at
73 Third str next door to t1e Alns
worth Bank. Jos. E. Penny, .
HYOtTwo hard-woklng servants
Yet quickest to rebel when over-worked,
trusses the right once scientif
ically, delicately adjusted ones the
re-nwdy. The ability that experience
ftik study gives can be had at J. M.
Seymour's. Charges only for glasses
are modest.
What Is the use of having a "human
form divine" unless you care for It
and drape It and clothe It so as tc
make It a source of Joy to yourself and
a pride to your friends? Nature sup
plies the rorm. A. Lake, the tailor at
359 Commercial street will make th
ralmpnt. See him.
Crockery, Glass and Plated! Ware,
White Sewing Machhwv
Boat and Fishermen's Supplies,,
Paints and OH
Ship Chandlery,
Teas, Coffees and Gt ererles,.
California Wines,. "
Medically Pure Liquors,.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated.
Almigfytg Dollar Cigar,
4-o Commercial Htree r.
Fresh Candy Made Everv Day.
Buttar. Esja. Uwcaa a4 all ktaia it'". J
FruH k Stojoa.
Cigar, bacco and Groceries.
Local weather for the twsney-four hours
endive; at S p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau:
Maximum temperature, 62 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 52 degrees.
Precipitation, none. '
Total precipitation from September 1st,
18M, to date, 72.70 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, 1891, to date, 6.00 Inches.
Contractor Parelll Is making
headway on the pipe line.
One day of sunshine, or rather a half
day, seems to be the limit.
T. E. Schultz, frescoe and scenic ar
tist, with B. F. Allen, 3U6 Commercial
The Y.'s will please remember the meet
ing this afternoon at 4 o'clock at No.
233 Sixth street.
Mr. Roes, of Ross, Higglns & Co., was
up to his eyes in work yesterday, but
was long on "shorts."
Forty fathoms of net was found at El
more's cannery last night, the corks
being marked "A. C."
Yesterday in thef police court the ball of
Joe Brlggs, amounting to $8.00 was de
clared forfeited by Judge Osburn.
George Bartley is prepared for any
number of visitors at his new lodging
house, and, is waiting for the railroad.
License to wed was yesterday Issued by
Clerk Dunbar to Asel Hilmer Anderson
and Mary Josephine Lahti, both of this
Merchant Hawes says he was not kept
very busy in his line, but when the rail
road comes he expects to do a rushing
In Uniontotwn Monday, Josephine, the
wife of Chas. Anderson, gave birth to
a bouncing boy baby. Charles Is two feet
Horace; Thing says business Is a little
quiet, but that the Irving whist team is
prepared to meet the A. F. C.'s in a tour,
Owing to the crowded condition of the
pape.- yesterday the report of the church
services on Sunday was left over until
today's issue.
Large and well furnished rooms to let
at George Bartley's, corner 12th and
Commercial streets. Central location,
Prices reasonable.
Will spend the summer In Astoria, one
of Portland's most artistic dressmakers,
late from Chicago. Patronage solicited.
Look for cird lattr.
A construction contract was entered
into with, Engineers Adams and Gannell.
Other routine business was disposed of,
when adjournment was had.
This is the season when an occasional
firecracker exploding starts the great
American eagle Into taking- a blrdsey
view of the coming Fourth of July.
Our tooth wash cleanses and preserves
the teeth and gums, imparts a refreshing
feeling to the mouth and perfumes the
breath. Call for a free sample. Chas.
Mr. S. Danzlger reports general busi
ness as improving with the fine weather.
v ork on the water works Is progressing
so smoothly that Chief Byram says he
cannot scare up an item.
The Ladles' Guild of Grace Church will
give an aftenoon tea at the residence ot
Mrs. B. VanUusen on Franklin avenui
Thursday afternoon, June 6th, from 2 to
p. m. Some good music may be ex
The Dt-Force oil factory is erecting four
tanks for the storage of oil, each with a
capacity of 6.000 gallons. The lumber
for the construction of the tanks was
shipped from the West Shore Mills yes
It Is rumored that the city surveyors
are not well pleased with their new
quarters provided in the city hall, and
do not Intend to occupy them, preferlng
to remain where they are, at their own
Yesterday almost the entire t-inie of
the county court was t iken up in au
diting bills. Various tax and ' county
bridge matters were considered and dis
posed of and several communications
laid over for future consideration. .
In accordance with the Instructions of
the city council, suits were yesterday
commenced in the circuit court agalnsc
A. Peterson and J. Nelll for condemna
tion to the city's use the water of Bear
Creek which runs across the lands of the
Harry Hamblet was yesterday the re
cipient of a magnificent floral design
composed of roses, pansles and pinks,
arranged In a most harmonious blending
of rich colors. Thirty-five different va
rieties of pansles were counted in the
beautiful collection.
The ladles' "Every Morning Club" of
the Presbyterian church will give a sale
of fancy articles and linen, and a festi
val in the basement of the Presbyterian
hurch, next Friday evening, June 7th.
Do not fall to attend, as an enJoyabU
evening Is anticipated.
Today and tomorrow the Rev. J. A.
Edlund iwlll hold services at Fort Ste
vens at 8 o'clock p. m. Tonight the ser-
Ices will be in Swedish ami tomorrow
night In English. The congregation are
xpected to bring Swedish hymn books
for the Swedish service.
Mr. T. C. Shulti, fresco and scenic
nrtlst, wishes to announce that he will
give lessons In drawing, perspective and
painting In oil or water colors, f he can
secure a clnra large enough to make
it an objeot. For further particulars, call
at B. F. Aflen's, 8C6 Commercial street.
Down In Indiana a man has invented
rteiun whistle which can be heard
eleven miles.- We respectfully suggested
to the city council that an ordinance
requiring Astoria bicycle riders to at-
ach such whistles to - their - machines
would be right In the line of progress.
The following were passengers for Tort-
land lait evening on the steamer Bailey
Gatxert: Mrs. D. & Swain, Geo. Alles.
R. R. Wilson. Mr. Searles. O. Victor.
J. Taylor' and wife. J. O'Nell. S.
Holmes. C. H. Bacon. H. -Patterson, 8.
H. Gruber, E. A. Seeley, Mrs. T. 8.
Apropos of the rumor recently publish
ed that a subscription was being raised
In Portland to a fund which had already
reached the sum of (ISO.oua with which to
buy oft Hammond and stop tha railroad.
prominent Portland business man sends
the following: "Dont think there Is
such a subscription it Is not 1 reasona
ble Portland wants the roftd $300,000
would not buy Hammond.
At I o'clock yesterday wa held the
funeral 'of the late Jacob Relfel. The
services In Odd Fellows' Hall wre eon-rtr-.,i
y the Rev. Mr. Short, of Grace
church, -ording to the boauUru! 'Xtr '-i
ot the Episcopal church. After the service-
Beaver LodA L; 0. ; V.tok
charge of the funeral. -Assisted by Teu-
ton la Lodge, Boris of Hermann, of both
which lodges Mr. Relfel was a member,
A large number of friends and citizens
followed the remains to their last resting
place In Greenwood Cemetery, to which
spot the Mayflower and a barge conveyed
the cortege. The pall bearers were C. F.
Gramma, C. C. Utzinger, August Hllde
brand, Herman Bchoene, Thos. Baker,
Fred Olsen, Martin Foard and G. O,
The ladies of the library association
are seeking the names of persons who
have articles of Interest which they are
willing to allow displayed at the com
ing art loan exhibition In aid of the
library. Any one having rare articles
either on account of age or oddltiy
suitable for the exhibition will confer
a favor on the library association by
leaving their names with any member
of the association, or with the librarian
at the library rooms.
The Astorlan was yesterday in receipt
or that very handsome publication, "Val
ley, Plain and Peak," descriptive of the
beautiful scenery on the line of the
Great Northern railway, with the com
pliments of General Aent Harder, of
Portland. The book is a masterpiece ot
the printer's art, and contains much val
uable and Interesting reading matter. 1 he
June edition of the "Monthly Bulletin,"
issued by the same company, devoted to
the Interests of the West, was also re
ceived. Sheriff Hare tells a thrilling story of
his experience, with a number of other
gentlemen, on a trip to Clatsop yester
day. Mr. Hare was called upon to make
sale of the machinery and plant of Wade
Hampton Smith's brick yard, under fore
closure ot mortgage held by about a
dozen of Astoria's prominent business
men. The party arrived on the ground
safely, after passage on a launch, and
the' sale was made, the property and
plant being struck off to the Astoria gen
tlemen for 1200.00. After the conclusion
of the business the party embarked for
their return trip. When about half way
back the machinery of the "vaseline"
launch gave out and the passengers and
crew were left in mid-ocean (slough)
without means of locomatlon. The com
bined efforts of the party managed to
get the boat to a mud bank. It was then
decided to draw lots to see who should
make a pilgrimage for help. The choice
fell on J. N. Laws, who rolled up his
pants and filed across the tide lands in
search of a stray steamer. He finally
found a small steamer on which he re
turned, after an absence of three hours,
for his shipwrecked companions, consid
erably the worse for his encounter with
the mud and long grass of the flats.
Charlie Wright remarked that It was
equal to a sure-enough shipwreck.
A prominent traveler when asked what
in his opinion made the Bailey Gatzert
such a popular palace of river transpor
tation, replied that he thought more
than anything, the affable manner and
never-falling courtesy of its officials,
from General Manager Seeley down to
the deck hands, was what caught the
people. Captain Crang Is never too rush
ed to make a landing at some way sta
tion to pick up a passenger, take on a
salmon or to put ashore the woman- with
the baby. Pilot Lsrklns Is always ready
to help out at a game of whist, or If on
duty, to explain navigation in the pilot
house. Purser Donahoe and his assist
ants never leave a package behind or
neglect to attend to an errand in the
city for down river patrons. Chief Evans
delights in showing the women and chil
dren the workings of his monster en
gines and beautiful electric dynamo;
Vhlle Al. McGlllIs, the minister to inter
nal wants, likes to be waked up at mid
night to supply some night owl with a
smoke or something better. In othtr
words, the gentleman explained, people
are much the same the world ovtr
among all nations kindness and common
courtesy meetiull appreciation, and the
travelling mJ(, naturally seeks that
route of travel by rail or steamer where
he Is sure to meet with such treatment.
R. B. Wilson, the railraod man of
Portland, who brought his friend W. H.
Searles, of Minneapolis, agent of the
"Soo" Line, to see the sights of the
Columbia, tells a good story of their ex
perience on a visit to Ilwaco and North
Beach yesterday. After taking in Il
waco, and having gone to the end of the
railroad and enjoyed the scenes on the
beach, they assayed to return to the
city. The Journey by rail was com.
menced, and Mr. Wilson, absorbed In a
paper (the Astorlan) was oblivious to all
about him. He was startled from his
preoccupation by a feminine scream, and
as scenes of hold-ups and burglaries
flashed through his mind he hastened to
the rescue of the fair damsels. He soon
learned that the ladles had been fright
ened by loud and unearthly noises In
their vicinity which to their minds fore
boded evil.- Bob soon discovered his
friend Searles asleep, curled up In a
seat, snoring like a locomotive puffs up
hill. He gravely called to the ladles to
quiet their fears, saying, "he Is my
friend, and that is the way he sleeps."
The A. F. C. at their meeting last
night elected eighteen new members and
also commenced practice among them
selves in whist In order to be prepared
to meet the whist team of the Irving
Club on the 2ith in a whist contest. A
lively game is expected.
Some Kickers Still Trying to Block the
Yesterday Dr. Kinney, chairman of the
subsidy committee, received a telegram
from Mr. Hammond dated in- New York,
in whirh that gentelman stated that he
would leave New York Thursday, (to
n orrow) and would arrive in Astoria
about the 11th. He further stated that
he expected ail matters to be fixed up
before his arrival so that he could go
ahead with the work without further de
lay. From the tenor of the telegram it
woul seem that Mr. Hammond does not
want to be further troubled In the mat
ter. It behooves all parties Interested
therefore to lose no time In getting all
things In ship shape. There are still a
number of outside right ot way deeds
lacking, besides the very few in the
city that have been refused. Among the
former Is the deed that should be given
by the Shavers for a strip of land across
few acrea of tide land which is not
worth $100, according to reliable repoits,
yet these people are running a steamer
between Portland and Astoria and ask
ing for the patronage of Astoria mer
chants and the traveling public. The
people should at once refuse to ship
their freight by such a line, or travel
on Its boat, the Sarah Dixon, until the
owners do what Is right in the right of
way matter, which will surely benefit
them as much as anyone, as a railroad
would so enhance their lands that they
could find a market for their now unprof
itable property. From the remarks of
several merchants yesterday such a
course will be pursued. There are boats
on the river, operated by people who are
heart and soul In sympathy with the
railroad and who have spent thousands
of dollars in Ita interest.
Astoria has no room, said a prominent
merchant yesterday, for such miserably
narrow-minded dogs-ln-the-manger. and
will take steps to get rldt of them.
At a meeting- of the water commission
last night the following local disburse- closet la not time wastea. "Take time to
ments were made: Sundry bills In the . be holy." And what you do. do deliber
elty. $7.: pay rolls. $m00; engineer. I ately. Consider how reasonable It Is that
t570.TO : 6, Normile. $1,828.35: Pacific Pav- It should don cheerfully, "not by
lng Co.. $.: total. In addi- I constraint, but willingly." for In this
tion the Interest due July 1, amoontinf i
to $8,761, was ordered paid.
r XV, Prix's Cream BaklOg. "Oirdaf
World' Fair IUxbast AwaiS.
Mr. H. TtM of Cannon Beach Is at
the Occident. ' V
Mr. J. C. Adams of CJatsop !s staying
at tho Parker house.
Contractor Behm went to Portland on
a short business trip,
Mr. A. P. Butler, theatrical manager,
Is at the Parker houae. , ,,:
Mr. J. M. Rogers, of Portland,' Is stop
ping at the Astor House. '- '
Mr. J. R. Nichols,., of, SkJpano'n, Is a
guest at the Astor House. ..... ..,,-
Messrs. H. C. Rlnehart 'and Tim Cor
coran, of Mist, are at the" Astor House.
Mr. B. A. Seaborg of Ilwaco was In the
city yesterday and stopped at the -Parker
Capt. H. B. Parker is prepared to see
the railroad come and thinks he will not
have long to wait. , . , 7
Mr. S. Schmidt, the fish packer of Port
land, was in the city yesterday and
stopped at the Occident.
Mr. Joseph Crawford of Vancouver,
Wash., fish commissioner, was a guest
of the Occident yesterday.
Mr. Relfel, of Vanvouver, B. C, broth
er of Jacob Relfel, deceased, was in the
city yesterday to attend the funeral cere
mony. Mrs. Sampson of Portland stopped at
the Parker house yesterday on her way
to Seaside to put her cottage In order
for the season.
Duncan Taylor, the popular purser of
the Lurllne, continues to add to his
record as a protector of ladles and chil
dren who may have to travel alone, al
though what he knows about the care
of babies Is from hearsay.
Mr. A. G. Barker, the wide-awake gen
eral agent of the Chicago and North
western Railroad, wis In the city yes
terday, looking up business for his line.
Mr. Barker Is a rustler and always has
a good story for the boys who look for
ward to his visits.
The redoubtable Captain Ed Hallock
returned yesterday from Portland, hav
ing in custody Jas. Enger, alias Johnson,
one of the men who recently robbed El
more, Sanborn & Co's warehouse of a lot
of net twine, and made his escape by
Jumping Into the water. Captain Hallock
took no chances of another escape over
board, bdt kept his man handcuffed all
the way down on the Gatzert. The Port
land Telegram of Monday gives Detectiva
Day of Portland great credit for the
clever capture of the man. It develops,
however, that the capture is due en
tirely to the accurate description
the man telegraphed by Chief Loughery
to Chief Minto of Portland and the
chance remark of a man on the street
corner. It is stated that Detective Day
was standing on a street corner in Port
land talking to a Seattle man when
Johnson came walking by. Day did not
recognize his man, even from the descrip
i tlon in his pocket, but his companion re-
marked, "there goes a man I had a fight
with once in Joe Turk's sailor boarding
house In Seattle." Now It happehed that
Chief Loughery Incidentally mentioned'
In his description of the party that he
had been In the employ of Joe Turk. Day
put on steam, took his man in and tele
graphed Chief Loughery about fifteen
minutes before the boat left Astoria
Monday evening. Captain Hallock
caught the boat, however, and now has
the man In safe quarters. It Is believed
by the authorities that this capture will
break up a dangerous gang and great
credit Is due to the officials for their
prompt action, which prevented the man's
escape to distant parts.
In beneflclencles to mankind, has given
birth to one which, developed by art,
has been prodigal in health yielding ben
efits to the race. No voyager, sea cap
tain, commercial traveler, or tourist
seeking pleasure and health, should fall
to be self-provided with this grand botan
ic restorative and preventive, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, which counteracts the
effects of malarious air and brackish
water, unwholesome or unwonted diet,
exposure, the futigus pf travel, and the
disturbance of the (tomach caused by
rough weather at sea, and someilmes by
railway traveling over a rough road bed.
Mariners, miners, and westsrn pioneers
bear concurrent evidence to Its defen
sive and reparative Influence. Chills and
fever, rheumatism, Inaotlvity of the kid
neys, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervous
ness, are all relieved by this incompara
bly fine alterative, correotlve and invlg
orant, which physicians highly recom
Orders will receive prompt attention,
work neatly and accurately executed and
satisfaction guaranteed. Instructions
given in stenography and penmanship.
Calling cards written.
The Astoria Abstract, Title, and Trust
Practical Sermons From Astoria Minis
Consecration was the theme at tihe Con
gregational church Sabbath morning. The
following Is a synopsis of the sermon:
Consecration is an Old Testament word,
but the Idea which the word expresses is
in every book In the Bible. It Is tha
recognition of God's ownership and con
sists in withdrawal from the world and
presentation to God. With this mean,
lng In mind note its important features.
(1.) Consecration to be real must be
complete. There is no mere border land
to the Christian's country. You must be
one thing or the other.- Says Christ:
"He that is not with me is against me."
And Paul says: "What fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness?
Wherefore come ye out from among them
and be ye separate." Religion and the
church suffer tenfold more from tha
lukewarmnese and half-heartedness ot
their professed friends than from all the
sssaults of open enemies. All the out
lay ot brains and money which the ene.
mles of Christianity make would avail
little against its progress if all Its pro
fessed friends were consistent and de
voted. (2.) Again, consecration 10 b real
must find expression. It waa a favorite
maxim of Christ that, "To him that hath
rhall be given, and from him that hath
not shall be taken away, even that
which he hath." The meaning is that
neglected or abused talents will be short
ened more and more and at last will be
taken away.
(3.) Consecration when real s a power.
It puts the human souL in touch with
God and the human is then endowed with
something of the majesty 4nd power of
the divine. Here were given lllustra.
tlona of successful soul-winning.
(1.) Consecration: How: obtained T Too
read nowhere In Scripture that consecra
tion is a gift. Other graces, -as faith.
Justification and regeneration are gifts;
but consecration Is not a gift. This
leaves open the opportunity for indlvid
uU effort. And it la well to make the
act a definite one In our spiritual his-
tory. Remember nat time spent in the
sense, ana in every oiner. tjot iovxn a
cheerful slver." And the surrender
rhouH be s entire s tt 1s Immediate.
AH thae tw are antt ait that yoa have
xaoi all that you can do, your time, your
possessions, your Influence, should be de
voted to God. that they may be employed
for his glory.
"Who is willing to oonsecrate his ser
vice this day unto the Lord?"
From the text "If we be beside our
selves It is for God," the pastor, the Rev.
Mr. Bushong, preached a forcible ser
mon, In which It was- shown that the
disciples and Christians through all ages
have been called, "crazy," fanatics,' etc.,
because of then- earnestness and en
thusiasm. Were the apostles to come, to
Astoria today and say and do the things
which they did when on earth , they
would be counted as crazy. All the great
events of the world were accomplished
under intense excitement by men who
were In earnest It takes that kind of a
man to move the wond. Paul in at
tempting to arouse and encourage others
to a Christian! life was criticized as a
man beside himself. Moody And Sankey,
Sam Jones and other modern evangelists
have been likewise criticized, but when
we see the awful danger of the human
souls about us we must needs be in
earnest and use extraordinary means
in times of revivals to draw men from
sin. Where are the boys tonight? Not
in the churches not in the homes, if
the apostle were here he would be moved
to intense excitement to save (them.
It is not manly to stand oil and find
fault with the way other people do things
until you can do better yourself. I would
rather make one hundred mistakes In try
ing to help others than to be so scrupu
lously correct and do nothing. You can
talk about your quiet revivals, but all
of the real progress has been made on
tne basis of Pentecost. Let him criticize
God's plan who dares. History shows
that all of the great movements in the
church -were accomplished by wild ex
citement. The dark ages of the" world were those
in which there were no religious revivals
and the world went backwards, but
Luther and Wesley turned the world over
amid scenes of trial and excitement and
each stage of progress since has been
marked by Just such scenes.
An attentive congregation followed the
speaker with interest throughout the dis
Sunday was Whit-Sunday and Grace
church was beautifully decorated with
choice flowers, In keeping with the day
and occasion. The choir rendered in an
exceptionally fine manner the ever grand
Te Deum and the large congregation paid
strict attention to the rector's discourse
partly historical In commemoration ot
the ninth anniversary of the consecration
of the present church edlilce.
The discourse was on the passage, "To
what purpose is this waste'" from
Matthew 26-8. How many are ready to
advise, criticize and find fault, how few
to do. A beautiful lesson was drawn
from the touching scene at the supper,
where Martha served and where in th
excess of Joy of worship for the dlvina
friend who hod done so much for that
family the beloved brother raised from
the dead the sister poured out the box
of costly ointment over the head of the
Master so that the whole place was
filled with the odor. The traitor disciple
asks "why this waste," why was it not
sold and the proceeds given to the
poor? Not so the Master who accepted
the gift In the- spirit in -which it was
given. As all our best gifts are from
Him It is meet and right that our offer
lngs to Him and his church should b
the best we have. In all cases where
God does teach man how to worship Him
He teaches him to use the costliest and
richest gifts.
Why make our places of worEtilp in
ferior to our own abodes? The surround
ings of the worshipper are the expres
sions of the regard In which man holds
Him whom he worships, and all that is
beautiful, all that has worth and value
is not too good for the dwelling of the
Most High.
The sermon contained many interest
ing historic facts and at the close of the
service a collection' was taken to apply
on the church debt.
This being Whltsun week there will be
services during the week, Wednesdiy,
Friday and Saturday being ember days,
and next Sunday Trinity Sunday.
Baker City Democrat.
Cranes are so numerous In Union
county that there are not enough men,
women and children to keep them oft
the grain fields and gardens. la mans
places they have destroyed larse or
chards and groves, eating dlt the leaves
and limbs, leaving only the trunks ot
the trees standing. Part of the da
these birds swarm to the stTeams lilt
countless herds of cattle and eo great U
their number that they often drink tht
streams entirely dry, thus threitenlnp
the country with iu general drouth.
What seems the strangest part of the
matter is that the skins of the cranes are
so tough that they cannot be penetrated
by a ball from a 44-calibre rifle. The
cranes have practically taken the coun
try and the people are now neelng lor
their lives. And geographers hove al
ready changed the name from Union to
Crane county.
Valley Transcript.
Our Louisville correspondent hits the
nail squarely on the head when he says.
"If we would protect our manufacturers,
make our goods here at home Instead ot
Old England, then we would have peo
ple to eat up our butter and ct;gs." That's
the idea exactly, and the sooner our peo
ple grasp the meaning of these words, In
their broadest sense, the better it will
be for the country.
$10,000 TO LOAN!
On Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Trunks,
Valises, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instru
ments, Clothing and all articles of value.
We conduct a Regular Pawn Broker's
establishment; we buy and sell every
thing found in a first-class house. We
sell on the installment plan requiring a
cash deposit of five per cent only, and
guarantee all our goods.
Call around and Investigate our method
of doing business. " No trouble to show
85.000 worth of Seeonl-Hnnd ClolLing
59 Ninth Street.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
ii Vn LSiLi
Most Perfect Made.
40 Year the Standard.
"Do unto other aa you would have
others do unto you." Is sympathetically
shown In the following line, the pr
umptlon being that sympathy Is "farn.
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause's,
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, K. Dak.
Two boxes to Lillle Wilcox. Brookland,
N, Dak. I nave alwayi been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tmng that relieve
me." Your very truly,
Havana, Ni Dak.
For sale by Cbas. tlogers, Astoria.
Or., Sole Agent
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Elecrtrio Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effeots a permanent cure,
and the most drsaded sick headache
yield to its Influence. We urge all who
ire afflicted to procure a bottle and
give the Bitter a fair trial. In case
of habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled
rith Dizzy Spells, Electric Rttters 1
:he Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by Its ue.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Cha.
Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' bulld
Those who have used Dr. King' New
Discovery know Its value, and those
who htive not have now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle free.
Send your name and address to H. E
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a
sample box of New Life Pill free, as
well as a copy of Guide to Health and
Household Instructor, free. All o
which is guaranteed to do you good
and cost you nothing. Chas. Roger
druggist. Odd Fellow Building.
Lost, two nets, as follows: On April
27, down below, 200 fathoms of net 100
lathoms last year's web, large mesh,
and 100 fathoms new small mesh net.
Some corks branded S. P. Co.. And Fri
day forenoon, May 10, on Peacock Spit,
about 100 fathoms all new net, 48 meshea
deep. Barbour's 40-12 and 60-15 twin.
I will pay one hundred dollars reward
for the arrest and conviction of the man
who cut either of the above nets. Finder
or party claiming the reward please re
port at Scandinavian cannery.
WANTED Girl for general housewdrk.
Apply to Crow's Photograph Gallery.
WANTED Fifty men at the Jim to get
a 10 cent shave and a IS cent hair cut.
173 Astor street, next door weat of tha
barker House. "
WANTED Agenln to represent the
Id National Life Insurance Co., of
tfontpeller, Vt. For further Informa
lon, address G. M. Etolp,' General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building. San
'runcisco. Col.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
'ynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
nd table ware. Plates gold, silver,
Ickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif-i-rent
sizes for agents, fumllies and
hops. Easy operated; no- experience;
Is profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
lerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
JAPANESE! GOODS-Just out Just re
ceived Just what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 513 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
TO RENT A furnished room. Enquire
at 362 Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished front
ro'om with board.' Suatable for man and
wife' or two gentlemen, yo. 865 Duane
FOR .RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particular Inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST A pair of spectacles In case, be
tween Court street school and residence
of S. Elmore. Finder will please return
Immediately to Astorlan office and re
ceive reward.
LOST About 3 o'clock on Saturday
morning, June 1st, near "Peacock 'Spit,"
one 2b0-fathom gill net, eighty fathom
new and all new lines and corks. Corks
marked with A-P. Finder will be suit
ably rewarded on leaving same at Col.
umbia Cannery. August Puomila.
LOST On the evening of the 22d Inst.,
between Greenwood Cemetery and Asto
ria, a large, red Morocco pocket book,
containing a number of papers of value
only to the owner. Finder will pleaae
return to J. H. Imhoff, Astoria.
NET LOST-Abot 2 o'clock a. m.. May
31st, between the lower HghHs and tha
Great RenubMp. niwit: 75 or 100 falhomB
J 9-lnch mesh new web. Corks branded A.
C. Reasonable reward will b pnld for
return of Che same to Astoria Packing
florth Paeifie Bf emery
Bohemian Lager Beer
- V .'. And XX rOPTT?.. .
Allordan raai(r!y atlra6(4 la