The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 2

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f . ., ft .. 11 . . . . f AA
-rin man, jt ymr.iMi.Mfw
Mfrot byimittll, per month.. 60 ot
.Served by carrier, per week.. .. 15 eta
Address nil communications to The
Dally Aatorian.
Sent by mail, par year, $2.00 In advance
Postage free to eubacrtberi.
The A Dorian cuaratyteea to Its sub
cribers ithe largest circulation of any
newspaper pulbllghed on the Columbia
river.' .
Advertising raites can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The .Weekly Aatorlan, Vhe second old
et weekly In the state of Oregon, has
net to the . Portland Oregonlan, the
targest Weekly circulation In 'the state.
Jno. T. HandSey & Co., are our Port'
land agenta, and copies of the Astorlan
an be fraid eviery morning at their
stand on First street.
Telephone No. 66.
lit the present aspect of the case It
Is difficult to see how the state de
partmeHt at Washington can avoid In'
terfenlng In fhe iNloaragtia matter if
the BrfMsh do not promptly retire
from Corln'to. The understanding with
this country la aaid to be that England
does not desire to acquire any Nlca
raguan territory, but only to collect
the amount of her claimed Indemnity.
There are those, however, who be
lieve territory Is exactly iwlhat he Brit
ish are after, and thiat the real ani
mus of her onalauglvt Is not to be found
In rhe BluefleWs episode; Which Is only
an excuse for an afltempt to gain some
sort of Interest over the Nicaragua
canal. Senator Mottgan and many oth
ers believe that the BluefleMs matter
would never have been (heard of again
had not the last congress committed
the Untied States 'to the construction
of the canal. Hence there Is reason
why the people of this country should
be deeply Interested in the action of
Great Britain. She may .be seeking to
pave the 'Way, dn case of h comple
tion of the carnal, to obtain control
over that .waterway to repeat, In ef
fect, the Jart she played In the Sues
canal. . If this carnal Is built and It
will toe-4t mnust be under exclusively
American control, evn if it takes war
to compel Engftarvd to keep her hands
Referring to the general Improve
ment In trade and the easier condition
of the money market, the last number
of the, American Grocer says: The in
dications are that the tide has turned
and thalt we Ihave paeaod the lowest
. point of depression. The rise in lead
ing; commodities continues. The ad
vance thus far has been marked In
ller, -Wheat, meat, cotton, petroleum,
leather, titocka atd Worfcfa. It Is idle
to say that all theae articles have
simultaneously advanced as the result
of speculation. There are great un
darlylng icauses at work which are
making themselves manlfast, The ces
sation of ithe 'War between Japan and
China tends to advance the price of
cotton, as (both Jaipan and China are
rapidly pushing the development of
oat ton mills, and have created great
disquietude in 'Manchester, England,
owing to the Inroads already made on
the ootlton goods Itrade ot England. A
few years since, as we were enjoying
a ride around and about the magnifi
cent homes In ithe suburbs ot Boston,
and oommertblng upon the imany evi
dence! of projerity, a leading manu
facturer remarked: "This Is what a
protective policy has done for this
country; "but God Ihelp (the real of the
world when China commences to man
ufacture!" The war Jum closed is big
with portent for the future. It un
doubtedly means greater commercial
advantages for all notions; In fact,
Che Japanese government is reported
by cable as having (Mated that much,
In order to quiet the feeling of unrest
In continental Europe over the treaty
of peace. The raising- of wages ly
the cdtton mills of New England, the
rise In Iron, higher prices tot bouts
and shoes, the improvement In railway
arnlngs, ibank extfhangies nearly ten
per cent alhead of Khe same "time last
year all point to general improve
ment In trade and commerce. The rise
In the pries of exportable products is
the groaitesrt "possible check upon an
outflow of gold, and It is also a factor
In stimulating Europe to repurchase
American securities iwMch ithey havo
been dumping on this market ever since
the liarlngs failure In 1890. The old
aiUge. "It' tonr lne that has no
turn," is to ba again verified, we be
Ueve, in fhe (history of the next few
yearn. Price all along iths line have
lien unduly and unwarrantably de-,..-(?
i-ij, nlmply fir want of confidence
..ii the part of every class and condl
'ili pre-wnt advance does
r. ihun n otoD the contlu-
. . ... ..... times and economy
v ; : 'i a dtal for the
' Urtder the Democratic tariff the lm
partitions of wool increased 400 per
cv.!., praotHcaHy coming in free, of
duty and doprivlng our farmers of a
home martet for 'their product, while
toe same law makes (these, farmers
pay a duty on'sufrar, an artlole they
mtint all 'buy.
An athletic caper of this sort would
scarcely toe considered Indecorous in
one, evim of mature age and sedate
lhab'.ts, Impelled thereto by excess of
Joy - on recovering ils indigestion
through the intrumentallty of Howtet
ter's EUoroaoh Bitters, foremost among
ro.r.aiios for dyspepsia, biliousness and
oo.ii vitiation, a trio of evilausually
found In conjunction wltlh each other.
As Uia stomach recovers its tone, and
the gastric Juices are secreted in
ha:t.hful plenitude through the agency
of tills superb restorative, nerve tran
qullHy, appetite ami sleep return, the
body fe'alns In auMtiance and the mus
cles In vigor. For the prevention and
cire of maHarlous, rheumatic and kid
ney tivmlble, the Hitters Is a most di
rect and thorouBhgoling medicinal
agent. Its effecit are speedily felt and
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn,, says, "Shlior's Vltallzer 'SAVI'D
MY LIFE." I consider it the best rem
edy for a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
ney trouble, It excells. Pilve ?5 cts.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Jfenara. Hunter & Wergens, butchers,
having decided to retire from business
In this olty, have placed their affairs
In the hands of a trustee. All debts
due to the firm will be collected by
Framk Sirttle, attorney ait law, Asto
ria,' Or., and all persons having bills
a seal nst them are requested to present
the same duly verified, to said Frank
Spittle, for adjustment.
"DO itntn Othra na vOll wnuM hflVA
nthnrn dn unto vnii " is sympathetically
shown In the following lines, the pre
emption being that sympathy is born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause's
IJn.ln.,lia ranfMtlaa n fnltnwfl! TWO
Doxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak.
TWO DoxeS to Millie WIIM, oruviuiiuu,
kt rinir T hnvii oIdtavi hppn ft irrea-t
attffnra from hflfLflfLnhP Olid TOUr CaD-
sules are the only tning that relieves
me." Yours very truiy,
Havana, N. Dak.
Vnr sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or., Sole Agent
SHILOH'S CURE la sold on a guar
ntee. It cures incipient consumption.
i in the best Couarh Cure. Only one
ent a dose. 25 cents, 60 cts., and $1.00.
For Bale by J. W. conn.
Commenolmg Saturday evening, April
2?th; Single trip, $1.00; round trip, $1.60.
Upper berths, 25 cents; lower berths,
SO cents.
C. R. F. P. V. NOTICE.
Regular monthly meeting of the Col
umbia River Fishermen's Protective
Union will be held at their reading
room Saturday, May 4, 1895, at 7:30 p.
m.' sharp. Members In good standing
are Tequertted to be present and have
their book or receipt along. "
Tho annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Astoria Iron Works will be
hold at their office on Wednesday, May
1, 1805, at 7 p. m for the purpose of
.electing directors for the eiwulng year
and the transaction of such business
as may properly come before the meet
ing. Uy order of the noaa"d of Directors.
JOHN FOX, President.
Attest: O. B. PRABLi, Sec.
Astoria, Or., Arll 20, 1895.
The best salvo In the world foi Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Coii.s. and All Skin Erup-
tlons, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfdet satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cento per tox. For sale by
Clins. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
J. A. RlohanuHMi, of Jcftoraon City,
Mo., ohlcf enrolling force 38th general
asstwubly of Missouri, writes: I wish
to testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough Cure. When other so-called
cures foiled, I obtained almost Instant
relief and a ivedy cure by tho use
of One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog
Mr. O. Calllouette, Druggts'., Reavera
vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was token
with La Grippe and tried all the phy
slolans for miles around, but of. no
avail, and was given up and told I
could not live. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery In my stare I sent for a bot
tle, and began to urn it, and from the
first dose began to get better, and after
using three bottles was up and about,
again. It Is worth Its weight In gold.
We won't keep store or house without
It." Uet a trial bottle free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build
ing. Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravots Mills,
Mo., a practicing physician of many
years' bonding, write: DsWiU's Wltoh
Hazel Salve has no equal for Indolent
sorea, scalds and bums. It stops pain
limtantly, heals a bum quickly, and
leaves no soar. Chas. Rogers.
Sick Headache, constlpuiUon, and In
digestion are quickly cured by DeWltt's
Little Early Ittors, the famous little
pills. Chas. Roger.
Meany W the leaning tailor and pays
the hlgbt ash price for tur skin.
Ur. trice diiia Viiazz Fwi!f
Worl J' Fair Hlihwt Awartf.
Children Shrink
from taking medicine. They
don't like its taste. But they are
eager to take what they like
Scott's Emulsion, for instance.
Children almost always like
.Scott's Emulsion.
And it docs them good.
Scott's Emulsion is the easiest,
most palatable form of Cod-liver
Oil, with the Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda added to nourish
the bones and tone tip the ner
vous system. The way child
ren gain flesh and strength on
Scott's Emulsion is surprising
even to physicians.
All delicate children need it.
Don't bi ptnuadei to accept a tubttUuUt
Scott i Bownc, N, Y, All Druggist). 50c and $1.
-Ui, ..fla Indla tliA TCIpntHrt T.lehted
and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment
car trains or me umcago, iuwu
and St, Paul Railway, and you will be
as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as
In your own library or boudoir. To
travel between Chicago, St. Paul or
Ulnnaannll, AW RotWOatl f!hlC&flTO Olid
All 11111.. IfcW.lH, V . ' w-
Omaha, in these luxuriously appointed
trains, is a supreme satisfaction; and
vio anmoirhat atiMpnt advertisement
use! to read, "for further particulars
see small bins." uman !: uu
ones, too) will be accepted for passaga
.ianln ,i, tlnkata. All COUDOQ
nilU DlCWI'i . . - -r
ticket agents on the coaBt sell tickets
via the Chicago, MllwauKee ana m.
Paul Railway, or address C. J. Eddy
General Agent. Portland, Or.
This Is to certify that I have used
Krause's Headache Capsules periodi
cally for over a year, and have very
much pleasure lr stating that they
r.ave always pruveu verj
have relieved me in from ten to fifteen
minutes. I have been a sufferer from
headache for many years, and have
never fourd anything to do me as
much good as Krause's Headache Cap
sules Yours Truly,
231 Poplar St., Wichita, Kan.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
a. a remedy for all kinds of headache
Eleatrio Bitters has proved to be the
very beat. It effeots a permanent cure,
n,i the most dreaded sick headaohes
yield to its influence. We urge all who
B,r afllloted to procure a bottle ana
give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
of habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Bleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled
with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters Is
the Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas.
Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build
The annual meeting of the Astoria
Building and Loan Association will b
held at tholr office on May 7Uh, 1895.
The election of directors will be by
ballot and will be held from 2 p. m. un
til 8 p. m. W. L. ROBB,
Blood purifier, given treshnes and
clearness to the compulsion and cuie
Constipation. ?5 cts.. fU cts , $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
B. H. Bowman, PU'o. Enquirer, of
Bromon, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baby, the oWy one we have,
was taken sick wl'Uh croup. After two
doctors fulled to give relief and life
was hanging by a thread, we tried One
Minute Oouh Cure and Its life was
saved. Olios. Rogers.
ROYAL baking Powder.
Highest cf all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Ooveniment Keport.
All the paten: medicines adxertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc..
can be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn'i drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, A. tori a.
The U.S. Qov't Reports
Show Royal flaking Powder
superior to all others.
Ask the men who are making Im
itations of C0TT0LENB, the new
vegetable shortening, why they
rive tip lard and try to trade oa
the merits of C0TT0LENB ? Per
haps yoo can guess why.
Ask the grocer who attempts sub
stitution, why he tries to 6ell an
Imitation when people call for
that pure, palatable and popular
vegetable shortening, C0TT0
LENB? rerhapa you can guess.
Whv should not YOU use C0T
T0LENE, instead of lard or any
pther compound, for all cooking
purposes? It has the highest
possible endorsement : from Phy
sicians os to healriifulness 1 from,
CookingExperts as togupetiorityj
from housekeepers as to economy.
Vse COTTOLEtf E and stick to it.
old In I and t pound pall
Vadt only by
iRviNa AVENtre improvement
NOTICE. ;: , i.. ;- . ,
Notloe Is hereby, given that th Com
mon Council of the City of AatorlaJ
Oregton. have determined to improve
Irving Avenue from the East line of
15"jh street to the west line of 18th
street, all ka' the city of Astoria as
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shive
ly, by grading to its fuU width and es
tablished grade, and by planking with
new ana aouna nr pianx twenty leet
fhrougth the center, and by building
sidewalks and gutters on both aides
thereof. ,
All the improvements to be made In
accordance wl'tJh the plans and specifi
cations and ordinances in relation
thereto. ...
The land, lots, and premises upon
Which the special assessment shall be
levied to defray the coeta and expenses
of such Improvement and the district
embracing said lands, lots and prem
ises, be and the same are deslgwaibed
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the Southwest cor
ner of Lot 6, in Block 64, and running
thence Hae on the South line of Lots
6, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1, of each of Blocks 64,
53 and 62, to the Southeast corner of
Lot 1 fcn Block 62. Thence North on
the East line of said Lot 1, and the
Bast line of Lot 1 in Block 23. to the
Northwest corner of said lot, thence
west on the north line of Lots 12, 11. 10.
9, 8, and 7, In each of Blocks 23, 22, anfl
Zl, to the Northwest corner of Lot t.
In Block 21. Thence South on the
West Bme of said lot and the West line
ot Liot 6 in Block 64, to place of be
ginning. Containing all of Lots 1, 2. 3.
4, 6 and 6 in Block 62, Lots 1, 2, 3, 1,
5, 6, in Block 63, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6
in Block 64, and all of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10.
11 and 12, in Block 21, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12 in Block 22. and Lots 7. 8. 9.
10, 11 and 12, in Block 23, and alU of
said lainds, lots and premises wlrthln
said designated Umlit of said district
are to be subjected to such assessment
as benefitted by such improvement.
Estimates of the expense of such lm-
provments and plains and diagrams of
such work or improvements, and of
the locality to be improved have been
deposited by the City Surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge for pub.
Ho examination and may be inspected
at tlhe office of such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the'
Common- Council following the final
publtcaitilon of this notice, wfhich meet
ing will be held on Wednesday, May
ISth,' 1895, at the hour of 7:30 p. m..
ait the City Hiaiil, any objections that
may be made to such proposed im
provement will be considered by the
council, and If by the time of said
meeting a remonstrance against such
improvement signed by residents of
the cfty owning more than one-half of
the property In said district shall be
filed wHth' the Auditor and Police Judge
such Improvement Shall not be ordered,
If at all, except by a vote of two-thirds
of all members of the council.
By order of tlhe Common Council. .
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge,
CUty of Astoria.
Astoria. Oregon, April 26, 1896.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Counoll of the City of Astoria
have determined to Improve Jerome
Avenue from the East line of 14th
street to the west line of 15th street,
aU in the City of Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by J. M. Shlvely, by grad
ing to Its full width and established
grade, and by planking with new and
sound fir plank throughout the center
and by building sidewalkB and gutters
on both sides thereof.
All the Improvements to be made in
accordance with the plans and specifi
oaitlons and ordinances in relation,
thereto. " s
Cominenicing ait the Northeast corner
of Lot 12, In Biock 65, and running
thence South on a straight line to the
the Soutihrwest corner of Lot 6, Block 68,
und thence North on a straight line
to the Northwest corner of Lot 7, in
Block 65, and thence East on a straight
line to the place of beginning; and all
lands and premises within said dis
trict and not within any street or al
ley are subject to such assessment.
Estimates of the expense of such
Improvements and plans and diagrams
of such work or improvement and of
the locality to be Improved have been
deposited by the City Surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge for pub
lic examination, and may be inspected
at the office ofsuch officer.
At the next regular meeting of the
Common Council following the final
publication of this notice, which meet
ing will be held on Wednesday, May
the 15th, at the hour of 7:30 p.
m., at the City Hall, any objections
that may be made to such proposed
Improvement will be considered by ttu
council, and if by the time of said
meeting a remonstrance against such
Improvement signed by residents of
the city owning more than one-half of
the property in said district shall be
filed with the Auditor and Police Judge
such Improvement shall not ' be or
dered, if at all, except by a vote of
two-thirds of all members of the
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge
Astoria, Oregon, April 23d, 1895.
Notice Is hereby given ithait iiie Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
Oregon, 'have determined to improve
Fourteenth street flrom Una North side
of Grand Avenue to the SouKh side of
Jerome Avenue, all In the City of As
toria, as laid out and recorded by J.
M. Shlvvly, by grading to Ms full width
and established gnule, and by planking
willh new and sound fir plank -throughout
ithe wWch Itherewf, between gutters
and toy building sidewalks and gutters
on both sides thereof.
All of the Improvements to be made,
In accordance with tlhe plans and spe
cifloaltions and ordinances in relation
Commencing at the Northeast cor
ner of Lot Four In Block 20, in said
par of eald ctty and running thence
South on tral4ht line to the South
east corner of Lut 9, In Biock 55, and
thence Went on a tmi(t Hn to the
Southwest corner of Ijot T, hi Block
M, and thence North on tlhe West lines
of Dlooks W and It. to the North-west
corner of said Block 19,-" and thence
Bant on a straigtot line to the place of
banning; and all lands and premises
wldhin said district and not within any
Btrwt or alley are surbdeot to such aa
SftAmryentt. That eattmaitea of the expense of
c4 said proposed Improvements and
specifications for the proposed work
have been depmtted wy the Ctty Sur
veyor wtth the Auditor and Police
Jucfcr for puMio sxamipaitlon and may
be Inspected at the office of eald officer.
At the next regular meeting of the '
Common Council following the final
puUllcaMon ot this notice, which meet
in will be heCd on Wednesday, May I
l.rit)h. 1895. a h hour of 7:30 p. m at
the City Hail, any objections that may
be made to suoh proposed improve,
menfc wtll be considered by the Coun
cil, and if by the time of said meeting
a rwmonstrance against suoh Improve
ment, signed W nxMeMrs of the otty
owning more than half of tM property
in said district shall be ftted with the
Audttor and Polio Judga. suoh Im
provement shall not ba ordered, if at
all, exoent by a vote of two-thirvte of
8 members of ve notinotl.
By order ot the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judge,
City of Astoria,
Astoria, Oreson, April 23d,
MAKE Attractive. 8tart by being the
HnME? "J08' beautltul creature in it.
nUJ 111 If you hav beauty preserve
it. tf not, you can improve your looks
immensely. Where there's a aill there's
s way. A good way is theuse of my
articles, especially , ' . ;'
f Lolai; IHofttezi Crane.;
Brings beauty to
the face by feed
ing through the
skin pores, gives
life to faded faces.
Sold by Mrs D.
457 Dnane St. As
toria. Oregon.
Mrs Nettie Har
rison, Amerioa's
r- . n w "
beauty doctor,
40 and 42 Geary St., San Franoiaco, Cal,
KEATING & CO will open their
www Music Bill at 3-09 Ator itreet,
S w w Saturday the loth. They will
keen numbcrlinl KOot liquors
and cigars besides having good music all the
: New and Second-Hand :
Full line Crockery
Tinware, Stoves.
Stove Repairs a Specialty.
Highest cash prices
paid for second-hand
goods of all kinds.
434 Bond Street.
(Opposite Parker & Hansen.;
to Know
Something about pianos, for we have
bought and sold them for a life time.
The knowledge thus gained has proved
to us that the Chlckerlng, the Hard
man and the Fischer are the best pi
anos now before the public. They
show perfection in every detail.
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Special Attention Pld to Supptyln Shlpa.
: First Class Funerals :
POflLt'S Undertaking Parlors,
Rttei Reasonable. EmbtltalnK Specialty
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
1S7 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria, Or.
Hard Times HaveCome
Trying to Make it Easy,
We wish the public to understand
that we sell exclusively nothing
For 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's cele
brated N. P. Beer at 6 cents a glass.
The whisky Is the same as we have
been selling ever since we have beer
In business, and we are going to con
tlnue the same as long as we can get a
square deal on both sides,
Corner 9th and Bond.
There is no gainsaying that fact
Look the ctty over Scour all cen-
ters It makes no difference where
, and you are sura to oonfess that
our stock of clothing is far better
In assortment and quality than any
Where else. If we are not right,
come and tell us.
The Clothier
A complete stock of lumber on band
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic celling, and all kinds ot finish;
moulding and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. U LOG AN. PropT.
Oa and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-
17 Twelfth slrt. AJtorU. Or.
v w l
n i m a lit
What the Oambrlnus Beer Hall tried
to do in selecting their liquors was to
. ... -.. . u in,almint rtonnle would
PICK uufc ffum niiti'-nv..- .
want if they knew It as experienced
people should know It. Make a note
of this if you want pure liquors. George
Bartley, Proprietor.
W ItU IS "iiai'u
Why Williams th
homer nT 471 i.on
merdal street. Shaving I5cts; hair cut
ting 25 cts; bath 25cts.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
In place of Steamer Telfpnone.
Leaves Astoria lor Portland and way
landings at 7 P- "i. dauy, sunaay excepted.'-
Leaves Portland every day except Sun
day at 7 a.m. C.W.STONE,
Atrent Astor a,
Telephone No. 11.
VS. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland.
U. B. Scott, President.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C Sheldon,
nii acnt nf the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington st Portland.
He will mail you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and aavtse you u 10 mo
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through .tickets
via either the Northern. Union. South-
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Grent North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
obtainable. '
The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road In the world for all classes ot
Colorado Desert
A Hew
below the level
of the sea
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
forSuflerers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Pacific Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
eral .
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. ' Tfcey are fur
nlthed with modern conveniences, sup.
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de
lightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut)
"In the heart of the great desert of
the Colorado which the Southern Fa-
citio road traversesthere is an oasis
called Indio, which, in our opinion, ii
tne sanitarium 01 tne eartn. we re
lieve, from personal investigation, that
for certain Invalids, the-e is no spot ot
this planet so favorable."
G. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to its possibilities as a
h&olth resort, here is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired ?
It is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy in recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." INDIO,
lis 6ia"miles from .
and 130 iniles from
,tl ,
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire ot
any Southern Pacific Company a font.
or address
AuL Gen. Pass. At. S. P. Co.
Dlst Pass. Agt
Cor. First and Alder Bts., Portland. Or.
Well4, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
' Custom House Broker
' and Commission Merchant.
503 Bond Street.
Kopp'a Beer Hall.
Choice Wlnet, Liquors and Clga'i.
Only handed over tht Dar, Th largeit giais
of N. P. Brer. Half-and-half, 5c.
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette S.
Lessons given by Mr. Emil Thlelhorn,
graduate of the Hamburg Conservatory,
Germany; also a member of the Chicago
Musical Society. Studio, corner of 12th
and Commercla streets, up stairs.
Address, box 180. Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR
AAA rrr c-
General flachlnlst and Boiler Works. 12
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work or any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St., Astoria, Or.
As Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Ofilce 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
oth and Bond S treats.
Clears, tJco and
Slat'onery. Cupenhaaen
and Macobov Snuff.
Cutlery, Marine Glasses
Pipes, Playing Ca ds,
Wholesale and Retail.
Gciiu.'np SweedUh Razors onl
P-ickci Knlvef, Guaranteed as
oth and Bond Sis. Astoria, Or.
Is (be Hue f take to all
It f.ffeM the hot seivlce, com
It Is the popular route with those to
ili to travel on
It i tlierrforr the Mire (u lioirri
take. It runs thioiiih' vi-stihiiii',1
trait' every ilay iu Hie year to
St. Paul ill Clicago.
No Change of Cars,
Elegant Pullman Sleeps,
Superior Tourist Sleepers,
Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers,
Only ou ohnnge of earn
Through Tickets
To Any Part of tne civilized world.
Pusengen tlrkete i vi. all bouts runulnt
betwen Aatoria, aud Portand.
Full information eonnii!i rates, time oi
inlV "N "tber tfnttUts furnished oa
Agent aiiorla
Steamer Telephone Dock.
A. O. P. A, N. P. R. R.,
2i5 Morrison St. Cor. M, Portland, Or.