The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 1

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? -
Tor Washington and Ore
gon, fair weather, slightly
est LOCAL circ-il.iHo';, the l.irg
1. 1 GENERAL circulation and
largest TOTAL circulation of nil
'J papers published in'Astori.i.
'stiti tl I ?fl B.J if Y,m .
II r. "-v .far l'.vtv,.-- , -" ".-fti .
' ' S ' " " " "" " 1 "' i.i. -r . .
' 777T. ,r..T trz iqtiipia (TtPiux TfUTumiAV ihok1. MAY 2. 1895. . . ' ' PRICE, FIVE CENTS.
- .
i 1872 1895
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Grocerie & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles. -
365 Commercial Street.
New lines for 1895. -
Japanese Rugs and Matting
Bamboo Furniture, etc.
(Direct from Japans.)
House Lining, Building Paper
and Glass.
Wall Paper of 1895 now in with a stock
Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago
from t9 to $18 per roll of 12 yards.
li F. ALLEN'S,
365 Commercial Street.
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming out ot
our store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
9 Such quality In the liquors
wa have to offer are enoasb to
Corrje and Try Them.
Is there a man with heart so 1 cold.
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In artidler'Of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown in the city
and at prices that cannot fail to pleas
the closest buyers.
Conromly St., foot of Jackson. Astorta-
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Und and Marine Engines. Boiler work. Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
Short Notice.
John Fox.PresIdent and Superintendent
X. l. Fox Vice President
O. a Prael Secretary
They Lack Life
There are' twines sold to fishermea
on the Columbia river that stana,m
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to the
human belng-they lack strength-life
-evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
as well." They won't. They cannot.
Flowers and Floral Decora-
. tlons
Call at Grunlund & Brix.
Cor. 8th and Exchange sts.
Palms and Decorative Plants For Rent
"The Astoria Itoan Office."
Money to Loan on
Guns, Pistols, Clothing
and all Ai tides of Value.
56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond.
T,. -rKnan nhnD k OOtOS'
Mi's"-' - - .
lte Cutting's cannery. U now
io do sucli odd jobs as making new
cannery coo", repairing old one
mln7w fishln boa Irori and r
P'rtn old ones, and aU other black
smithing vrw
man ship. - -
CarpenteV Shop.
- Tour mind Is on repairing your how
this waring; possibly on building a new
one. U remember we are carpen
ters and builders with a shop ful of
tool, always wUllng to do woch Jobs
and want your worn.
' - ' w
That there is
no other stock
in the city so
large as ours
in the way
Fishjng Tackle,
Croquet Sets
Lawn Tennis Sets,
Bird Cages,
Feather Dusters
all other
Spring Goods
We Have
The latest styles in dress
goods, prices the lowest.
We make a specialty of
see our stock. Fine selection
splendid assortment of other
Linen bureau scarfs.splashers
rope silk, stilo floss, aresene and chinelle. A full assortment
and at New York prices. Fans, shawls, fringes, ribbons and
laces in abundance. Do not forget the new. dry goods de
partment of the
Oregon Trading Co.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home.
STREET CAE LINE will beeitended this summer to within 5 minute
walk of this property Will tell at decided
In 5 or 10 acre tracts inside the city limit), also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HILX 471 BondSt, Occident Block,
Entire Change of Program,
Champion middleweight of Australia who
of Aitona, in bis specialty ''run in
The two
Performance opening with the drama
New York by Gas Light
Middle Act
Barnums Baby Elepnant.
Admission 10
Children Cry for
Our line 01
fishing rods
start in with
the common
bamboo poles
for a
few cents
and run up
into the $. $.
ior those that
are lots better.
So you see we
4V..,.,r.can suit every
goods and silks. Nice new
corsets and gloves. Call and
of ben4ft4Hr.iaiflg3 and a
dress trimmings to select from
and tidies, embroidery si ks,
. 600 Commercial Street,
Evening, April at h.
Eib-dltury of
will appear nightly with JIMMY BYAN
tbe Uymnanum
American Swede's, In their celebrated sketch
"g Kemm Arr wag."
and 20 cents.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Nicaragua's Offer for1 Immedi
ate Payment' of $77,000.
British Engineers Landed at San
Joan del Sar Yesterday-Taking
Measurements and Sketckes.
Associated Press.
Washington. May 1. From the Brit
ish atinidpolrrt, the acceptance of' the
compromise and immediate evaouatiun
of Corlrrto. establishes the good faith
of Great Britain In her dedairatlon tliat
there was no purpose of occupying
the territory. From the flnrt the Brit
ish authorities have assured Ambassa
dor Bayard, and the latter lias so ad
viised Secretory Gresham, that there
was no Tjunxwe of aflrgressCon. or of
seourlnsr a foothold Hn Nicaragua, The
only punpose, the Earl of Klmberly
has said, was to collect iroe aeoi Dy
such force as Was necessary and then
depart Nloanagua, nocwirhsbanding
these asaurt&ncee, has maintained that
Hhe collection of the mid J 7.5W was
merely a covert means of occupying
her territory. This view has prev 1 e t
very widely tiere, even in some official'
quarters, although the pollv ot Mj
government has been to accept In good
faith, Great Britain's representations.
Washington. May 1. Officials express
fear tihat there may be a hitch in the
Nioaraguan eertClemenrL It Is eald the
possibility of an entire failure of the
agreement foaa not been passed. This
view, based upon the' slrn1flcart fact
that no confirmation of Great Britain's
acceptance of the terms has been re.
celved at the the stole department, the
Britten embassy, or ttie Nioaraguan
British Officers Investigating-The
Present Trouble to Get Control. .
Managua, Nicaragua, May 1. Offi
cers belonging to 'the Bri'tteh fleet
were ashore yesterday at San Juan
del Sur, a small port near which the
Pacific entrance to the Nicaragua can
naris to be built. It was noticed they
were maktntr measurements and topo
graphlo skuMhea of land and they
were apparently makJng o reservations
along the route to be followed by the
canal from the Pacific to L.aKe Nica
ragua. The officers also made sketches
and took notes about Brito, and al-
frhouRih ordered to desist by the Nioa
raguan governor there, they continued
their work and refused ito return on
board the ships. .
Seven People Killed and Many In
Wichita. Ktoun.. May 1. 'A special to
the Kagle says a fatal cyclone passed
near Halstead, thirty miles north of
here, at 5 o clock this evening, and
several were killed.
The cyclone devastated a rtrlp of
country several hundred yards wide
and at least 16 miles in length, killing
seven persons outright and seriously
Injuring several others, while many
have receivd aldgiht Injuries. It first
struok the house of Mrs. Fry, a widow
who lives nine miles south of Halsted,
completely destroying tt, but wiry
sllgihcly Injuring Mrs. Frv. . It next
ploked up the house of John Shultz
ana scattereo: it m every direction.
The fine two-tory house of Joseph
Wler was entirely nwnpt away, kl'llng
Mrs. Wler, Grace Weir, aged 11. Her
man Weir, aged 6, and the five-weeks-old
baby. Mr. Weir left Uie- house,
and when the cyclone struck was about
60 yards away and olung to a tree. He
received Injuries which may prove fa
tal. .Joseph Weir, Jr., and slater,
Maud, were the only ones in the fam
ily who took to the cellar, escaping
wiun bickiii uruiwH. i ne nexr nouse in
the paltih of the storm was that of
James Armstrong, which was com.
pletely wiped from the earth, and Mr.
Armstrong was killed. Mrs. Armstrong
was probably fatally Injured, and
Grandma Chaping, who was there sick
In tied, was killed.
About 100 yards from this house, a
large two-story residence of B. B. Friz
zel was picked up, as was also the
large two-story house of J. R. Frizzel
across 'the road, and botfh, together
with aiH outjbudkilnsB, were completely
swept away. Tihe families of both
Frlzzels escaped Injury.
Dead horses, cattle and hogs and
chickens are scattered all over the
wheat fleWs. The loss will probably
fall not less than (200,000, besides sev
en deaths and the Injured, two or three
of whom will protolLfly die.
It Will Have to Be Settled by Secre
tary Herbert.
Washington ,May 1. For the flrst
time In ftts history, the board of naval
bureau chiefs have come to actual
disagreement and so reported to Sec
retary Herbert, leaving him to deter
mine which side Is right. The dis
agreement grows out of the construc
tion of six new gunboats for which
plans were prepared. There are two
reports on the subjej, one signed by
four of tihe board, totally disapproving
of the plans, and one signed by two
membirs, vigorously upholding the
plans. The majority hold that the fit
ting of vessels with complete sail pow
er Is a mistake, as the experience of
the department with such vessels as
the Adams, shows that no steamer
fitted with sails can beat against ths
wind, and therefore sails would be al
most useless on the average condition.
The supporters of the plans say that
the vessels would be efficient, and
murih mors economical than boats
without sails.
Washlmrton, May 1. Senator Jones,
of Arkansas, one of the tnembers of
the United States delegation! to the
prusraed International monKary con
ference .has returned to Washington.
He say toe knows of no progress tow-
ard hoJddng such a confereiice, and In
an Interview expresru "r-"""
that the nex,t Democratic naUona plat
form would declare unequivocally for ;
SeTsnver, independent of the action
of other nations, and that e Repub
llcan platform would declare In favor
of bl-metalllsm . and international
agreement. .
Would-Be Train Bobbers Attempt to
Kill an muM-nuun.
a, jarih' ,Mo.. Mav 1. Two men
totally shot and another severely ln-4,.-i
ia ko result of a frustrated at
tempt to rob a Burlington train m-.
lng into tints caiy. ""-
" m i auAM "Virfi vn nOtf 11
past a gang oi toubu rcii to
rnnr st. George, a suburb
of this city, and last night rnformiaUon
was brounght to wie jraruugcvu
dais that the OmaJha express was to
be held up. " William Haag, the .hotel
innijkai the information, and
the offlcors sent guards wiho fnistrated
the design. Uaite mis evenws T"""
Hiohard Bau, an employe of Haag,
was s!ttng in the bar room of Hiaag s
place, Thomas Parrell, one of the gang,
stepped Inside the door, while his part
ner, wiho gjlves tihe name of Dan How
ard, watmhed outside. FUirnll stepped
up to Riau, and without a word shot
him through the stomach, lnllictlng
a fatta wound. As FatTell stepped
out of the door he oall'&d to his part
ner, "I have tthot the wrong man,
realizing tWait ihe hald failed to get
Hlaag, who had given the Information.
Several citizens started hi pursuit of
the two 'men uid aifter a short chase
Sheriff Carson covered Howard with
a revolver and iforced Ihlm to surren
der. Policeman Barry aifltemptei to
capture FlarreH, who whltuped but ,two
revolvers and bciran firing, shooting
the officer t'hrougiti the arm. . Then Far
rell dashed Into the woods, followed by
Barry and two other policemen, and
a battle ensued, during whloh over 40
shots were fired. Fanrel .was fcjally
shot fflirous'h the loft breast, and he is
In a dying condition. -
Albany, N. Y., May 1. The bill for
bidding the appearance of women up
on the stage unless attired In skirts,
failed to pass the assembly today. The
vote was 65 ayes and 21' nayes, not a
constitutional majority.
A series of resolutions Introduces In
the legislature todiy closed .as fol
lows: "Resolved, That we regard as a be
trayal of the fundamental American
prlnoiphes the omission and megleot on
the part of the chief executive and
the head of the department of state,
to Interpose resolutely and effeetively
against sudh forcible invasion of a sis
ter republic and against such Infrac
tion of the principle and precept of
the Monroe doctrine."
ChicaKO, ' May 1. July wheat Went
over tha. ground between 94 and 6fl 1-4
cents twice before 12 o'clock today,
and on the second ""occasion of Irs ad
vancing it sold at 64 1-8, May bringing
63 3-8 cents at the same time. May
advanced to and closed at 64 cents,
and July closed ait 64 7-8. ' The closing
cajoles reported recovery abroad from
yesterday's break. Paris, Berlin and
Liverpool all came higher.
Liverpool, May 1. Wheat Spot,
firm; demand, moderate; No. 2 red win
ter, 6s 2d; 'No. 2 red spring, 6s 6d; No.
1 hard Manitoba, 6s 6 1-2 J; No. 1 Cal
ifornia, 6s 2d."
Hops at London Pacific Coast, 2 6s.
Portland, May 1. Wheat Valley.
604t51; Walla Walla, 4950 cents per
San 'Francisco, May 1. Arrived
Umatilla, from Fort Townsend; Ban
dorllle, from Coqutlle river; Arago,
from Coo9 Bay; Jennie, from Comox. ,
Departed Costa Rica, for Nanalmo;
Excelsior, for Coos Bay; Areata, for
Coos Bay: ship Columbia, forattle:
schooner Bobuk, for Petro-Paulovskl;
schooner Spokane, for Port Gamble;
schooner S, Danlelson, for Coqutlle
River: schooner Ivy, for Wlllapa Bay.
Freights anil charters American
bark Oregon, lumber from Port Blake
ley to Iqulqul; American ship Two
Brothers, coal trom Departure Bay to
San Francisco.
Salt Lake, May 1. In the constitu
tional convention today the article on
schedule and future amendments came
up and Varlon offered the following
amendment as an addition to Section
2: "The act of the governor and legis
lative assembly of the territory of
Utah, entitled 'An Act to Punlh Pol
' ygamv 'and Other. Kircdivd Offenses.'
approved February, 1892, In so far 'as
It defines and Imposes penalties for
polygamy, is ihereby decmred to be In
force In the state of Utah." After a
long discussion the amendment was
carried !by a vote of 72 to 16. ,
San Francisco, May 1. -Despite re
ports to the contrary, passenger, rates
on (he old line of Sou mi steamers have
not been advanced to the old rates,
and the agents of the Pacific .'Coast
Steamship Company claim that they
will no be in the future. Excursion
rales between here and Alaska have
also been reduced. The. Queen, will
make ths flrst xcurslon this year, leav
ing In June. From Boj Francisco to
Alaskan ports the fare will be $104 as
agalnht $130 formerly, and from
Sound ports to Alaska the fare has
been cut from $100 to $80.
San Frattcdsco, May 1. This was the
158th day of the meeting, and still ths
Interest In tfhe sport is not 'on the
Five furtongs 'Mantel, 1:03 -Six
furMngs Fortuna. 1:17 1-i
Five and one-half furloniM Sir Wal.
ter. 1:12 J -4.
-Mite and one-elxteeirth Lovedal,
1:51 -4.
Five and one-half furlongs Banjo,
1:11. '
Mx furlongs Howard, 1:16 3-4.
Neiw York, May. 1. In the United
States circuit court trwTay Justice Wal
lace granted an order directing; the
sale of the property of the tifW York
and New England Railway Co., on a
foreclosure of a mortgage of $5,000,000.
Lorsdrm, May 1. Six hundred coal
miners went on a strike this morning
and win probejMy remain out alt sum
mer. They strike for the fay of laat
Royally Entertained in Astria
Trip to Seaside.
But Will Not Commence Until the
Right-of-wjiy Is.Furnlshed
Complete.'" .
Dr. Alfred Kinney, the tnergetlo and
pushing chairman of the subsidy com
mittee, ' -Captain Ji. B. Parker, and
Banker D." K. -Warren yesterday very
handsomely entertained Messrs. A. B.
Hammond and M. J. Connell, the Mon
tana capitalists, and Messrs. L. B.
3eeley, J. M. Tunney, W. A. Tompkins,
B. fieeley, and a 'representative ot the
Aatorlan. At 8:30 the gentlemen con'
ducted their guests to the steamer
Queen, and the entire party were given
a sail down the bay to itihe pier ot the
South Coast road, where the train
was taken for Seaside, which was
reaahed about 10:30. The threatening
olouds had cleared away '.n the mean
time and the strangers were given a'
glimpse the Pacdflo. Every one was
delighted with the early spring dress
of the woods, and aU took a walk on
the beach to 'the HoUaday estate and
back to fieasldie, where the train was
again boarded and tihe return trip
commenced. At Gearhart Park the
party walked through the heavy tim
ber to the ihoteland. after Dr. Kinney
passed his "gate" and struck the rapid
"gait" 'of the party, 'Veals" of Jokes
were bandied 'back and forth. The
beautiful surroundings of Gearhart
were fully appreciated, and the trip
About 1 o'clock a, stop was made at
Warranton, where the tired excur
sionists were royally entertained at
Banker Warren's beautiful home. , Mrs.
Warren and her charming daughter
presided over a dedicate luncheon moat
daintily served to tin-fhungry men,
and the refreshed, -sightseers'" again
booirdsd their steamer and proceeded to
S. Elmore's moled cannery, where all
the new methods in salmon packing
were eioptained to the visitors. - Tne
QueJii -then proceeded to : the Jetty
and her party of excursionists were
received by Engineer Hegardt, who,
wM hst'Usuat courtesy, explained the
great work and took the entire party
to the end of- the Jetty a trip on a
railroad train on the ocean, on cars
provided with life preservers a novel
method of travel to the strangers.
Leaving the Jetty the party steamed
up to J. O. Hanithorn's cannery, where
that' gentleman showed them through
Ms complete plant. Returning to the
o'ty, a climb was made to the band
stand on the hill at tihe head of 11th
street, where many of the leadLng citi
zens pointed out the points ot interest
In and around Astoria.
A dinner at the Occident closed the
most enjoyable day.
The object of the trip was to show
to the strangers in the party the sit
uation of 'Astoria, Its surroundings,
and future possibilities. They went
away fully satisfied that If the rail
road is built It will pay to invest large
sums of money here in all kinds Of
The committee of twenty-one seem
to be working In entire harmony, under
the leadership, of Chairman Kinney.
Tuesday evening the strangers were
entertained at the Irving Club, where
Banker Gordon and Mr. Trulllnger
had a long tailk wltlh Mir. Connell, In
regard to Astoria's finances. Many
oannery'men and other business men
were present, and others would have
been there had not this, visit been un
expected. Montana men come and go
quickly, tut they take dn the situation.
Among the cither millionaires wno
are likely to become Interested In
Astoria's business enterprises, Is Mr.
W. A. Clark, of Butte, Mont., another
friend of Meters. 'Hammond and Con
nell, the purchaser of the Ansonla,
Conn., Brass Works, for -vhtch he pafd
$1,000,000. These figures may look large
to us, but these are strong men of af
fairs, and Mr; Clark alone, who also
owns rich mines In Montana, is said
to .have an Income of $500,000 net per
Before leaving for Portland, Mr.
Hammond atatek) that he was some
what disappointed tWat the right of
way deeds were coming dn so slowly,
and that he would not commence op
erations of building the road until
the right of iway was fully furnished,
lie wants to (build the road as soon as
possible, but says that there is no use
In piling up expenses, putting In piling
to leave it rot and then sitting down
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
. I V
to wait two or three yeas for Astoria
to complete her contract.
Mr. Hammond is a man of foulness,
handling large affairs, to wnom this
road Is comparatively a email matter,
for whioh he cannot neglect his other
business. He will carry out his part
of the contract the moment Astoria
does its (part Those who think that
the enltlro matter Is a bluff end only
a ruse on Hhe part of sharpers to sell
Astoria 'property are groaitly mistaken
and are only retarding their own pros
perity. One htas only to examine Brad
street or Dun, or consult any of the
leading banks in the West or in New
York to learn Mr. Hammond's stand
ing and tbalt it would toe the height of
folly for Mm to lend his name to any
such scheme. He ia ithe personification
of 'business Integrity, and Is possessed
of ample means to carry out any pro-,
Ject tie undertakes,
Messrs. Hammond and Conned go
to Montana Thursday and from there
to New York, and Mr. Hammond will
then go to San Francisco, returning
here In about three weeks. It ia to be
hoped that by that time all diffi
culties will have been overcome on the
part of ithe ipeople on the Columbia so
that construction can commence at
once. .
A Large Batch of Mlncelteneous Busi
ness Transacted at Last Night's
. Meeting.
At the regular meeting of the city
oounoll last night, the mayor and full
oounclj were present.
The minutes of last meeting read and
Fred Grimm was given a liquor li
cense. The "petition of D. K. Warren and
A. C. Fisher to extend the wharf in
MeClure'a Astoria was referred to the
committee on wharves and water "
The petition of property owners on
Dunne street between 8Tth and 3Rth
streets to remove the bulkhead of dirt,
made by the Improvements on 27th
street," was referred to the committee
on streets and public ways.
, The mayor's veto to an ordinance on
nuisances, on the ground thrat ordi
nance No. 1009 covered the ground, was
An Invitation was read from the O.
R. and N. Company for the council and
their friends to Join an excursion to bp
given by thuit company . today at
1:30 on the new T. J. Potter, to Flavel
and Fort Stevens, was accepted.
The committee on fire and water
aked more time to look Into the petl-
r.on .or ine wesx ewmre rau:s i;o.
The same comrnlttee reported recom
mending an allowance of $100 to the
Hook and -Ladder Cnrwptiny. and En- -nine
Companies 1 and S each $'200; En-
sine Company No. 2H90 per month, vr
The report was adopted.
The motion to adopt the recommen
dation of the committee on streets and
publlo ways to Improve 15th street by
an extension to the water front, was
carried, after cons(dera'ie argument
The ipayroll for the different depart
ments for the month of April were ap
proved. ' '
The rules were suspended and the
ordinance to Improve 42d street 1n
Adair's Astoria was passed tp . ths
third reading and adopted.
Ordinances for the Improvement of
lfith street In Shiveley's Astoria and
4Sth street In Adair's Astoria, were
read first and second times.
The ordinance extending time for Im
provement of parts of Duane, 37th a7
3rith streets, in Adair's Astoria, passed
third reading.
Ordinances fixing the monthly allow
ances of Are companies. In aooordancs
with committee's report, passed third
reading under suspension of the rules.
Ordinance authorizing auditor and
police Judge to Issue warrants for col
lection of certain taxes of 1893, referred
to, committee on ways and means,
"Ordinances allowing Aberdeen Pack
ing Company to drive piles In front of
blocks 147 and 148 referred to commit
tee on waterfront and the city attor
ney. The claim of F. J. Taylor for attor
ney's fee of $100 In case of llinman,
was referred to the dty attorney.
A resolution was passed to advertise
for bids for remodelling the city hall.
A resolution was passed to give no
tice of construction of newer on 14th
Hired in oinveiy vwiuifli.
Resolutions were adopted that the
committee on ways and means be au
thorized to expend $100 In repairing
the bulkhead at the 15th street ceme
tery, and to declare the Intention to
Improve Irving avenue between 14th
and 15th streets, Shlvely's Astortj.
After much dlscnsxton the question
of the sale of $40,000 city bonds to
Hayes & Sons, Cleveland, Ohio, was
referred to the finance committee.
Messrs. Welch and fclhlvely were
granted leave of absence from the
next meeting of the council,, and the
adjournment Was had.
a mo a ttvo orjvr
Havana, My 1. Lieut. Oalllego, who
surrendered 60 Spanish srtlillers to the
nebols and who was afterwards ar
rested and turned over to the military
authorities here, was after trial by
oourt-mlartlal sentenced to be shot.
This sentence was carried out today.-
Marshal DeOampos ihas issued a
proclamation in Which he says it Is
the first time tn the history of his
military life that he has known a
Spanish officer to be executed a a
Washington, May 1. Librarian flpof
ford said toilay that the old "Trilby"
brought forward in the Denver in
fringement suit, was unlike DuMau
rler's work In aU save the nime. The
old book has been on sale here for
some time. . .
Cleveland, May 1. The moulders em
ployed In eight different foundries went
on strike 'today for increase in wages.
1 msUtua
Shop oa Ilw&oo Dock.