ASTORIA PDBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. if The ASTORIAN has the ! : TniuvaWKiTHHi E est LOCAL drcuhtio", the I 11; V est GENERAL circulation and p For Oregon, light showers in western portion; fair largest TOTAL circulation of a!l papers published in Astoria. n h I . .-JEW JWf IH'I WWI, I TBLEGRAP IC PRESS REPORT. - - - - - r- vo, XIV yQ 1()0 ASTUR1A. OREGON, WEDNESDAY MOKKIXO, 3IAY t, 1895. PK1CE, FIVE CENTS. i18?2 i895i ' IS Lubncating j UsUer OILS ( A Specialty. Brothers, J Sell . ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron. & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, , Loggers Supplies, Fairbank s bcales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. NEW GOODS B. F. ALLEN, 365 Commercial Street. New lines for 1895. Japanese Rugs and Matting Bamboo Furniture, etc. (Direct from Japans.) House Lining, Building Paper and Glass. Wall Paper of 1895 now In with a stock Japanese Leathers, Wholesale In Chicago from I9 to i8 per roll of 12 yards. B F. ALLEN'S, 365 Commercial Street. Snap R Kodak at any man coming out of our store and you'll get a portrait of a mn brimming over wltn pleasant thoughts. Such quality In the liquors we have to oiler are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Corrje and Try Them, HUGHES & CO. IS THERE? Ib there a man with heart so cold. That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could And In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St, foot of J-ckjon, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Und and Marine Engines. Bofler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on anon nouw. John Fox.Presldent and Superintended A. Ii. Fox -. Vice President O. B. Prael Secretar They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermea on the Columbia river that stand la the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength. nie evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do jusi ac well." They won t, Tney cauuuu For Flowers and Floral Decora' tions ri at r:rnninnH Ri Brix. Cor. 8th and Exchange sts. Palms and Decorative Plants For Rent "The Astoria Loan Office." Mnneu tn l oan on W TCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Guns, Pistols, Cbthing and all Articles of Value. 56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond THOMAS MOKKO, 1-1... ri..t.Mth Viasi ahnfl tuft oOOOS s-)...:. ja A.nnaw la nn nreuerea to do such odd Jobs as making new 1 . --- - aM AnPi. cannery cooiem, rry--.- v. - making rxw fishin boat irons, and re pairing oM ones, and all ether black- smitninff inax requires nH-v manship. ' Carpenter Shop. ' Tour mind Is on repairing your house this spring; possibly on building a new one. If so, remember we are carpen ters and builders with a shop full of tools always willing to do such jobs and want your work- MILLER ft G03NET. . . Shop on Ilwaoo Dock. . . . . I - i i That there is YOU Wlltk no other stock in the city so large as ours in the way . of - Fishing Tackle, Croquet Sels Lawn lenms bets, Bird Cflgea, Feather Dusters and all other Surinsr Goods. We Have The latest styles in dress goods, prices the lowest. - We make a specialty of see our stock. Fine selection splendid assortment of other Linen bureau scarfs splashers ope silk, etilo floss, aresene and and at New York prices. Fans, shawls, fringes, ribbons and lace in abundance. Do not partment of the Oregon THREE LOTS. In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School. A BARGAIN. CHOICE LOTS IN HILLS FIRST ADDITION. On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home. A Block IN ALDERBROOK. STREET CAR LINE will be eitended thia summer to. within 5 minute alk of tbia property Will sell at decided bargain. CREAGE. . In 5 or 10 aore traots inside the city limit-, also adjoining Flavel. GEORGE HILU 471 BondSt., Occident Block, HILL'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Th e CASINO. 7th & Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, April 39th. EnfrigNunt E-tridlnary of Jin RYAN. Champion middleweight of Australia who will appear alghtljf with JIMMY BYAN of Astoria in his specialty "Fun in the Gymnasium" BAKER & HOWARD, Thi,w Performance opening with the drama New York by Gas Light Middle Act Barnuma Baby Elepnant. LYDIA PURDY, I CAD WILSON. LULU ORO. I CHAS.ORO. Admission 10 Children Cry for Our line 01 fishing rods start in with the common bamboo poles for a few cents and run u into the $ lor those that are lots better. So you see we can suit every jut- body goods and silks Nice new corsets and gloves. Call and of beaded, tnrrnrngs and a dress trimjrnjfigi ,to .pelect from and tidies, embroidery si ks, chinelle. A full assortment forget the new dry goods de Trading Co. 600 Commercial Street, BOND STREETS. "Stfy ,k"eb I BELLE BROWN, and 20 cents. Pitcher's Castcrla. A Occupation of Port ofCorinto by Great Britain. ANOTHER BRITI8H TRICK. Englands Attitude Toward Nicara gua's Proposal of Settlement Will Determine Her Stneerety, ' Associated Press. Washington, April 30. Senator Mor gan, of Alabama, In an Interview on the Nlcaraguan situation today, char acterized the Insult to Consular Agent Hatch "the flimsiest kind of a pre text," on the part of Great Britain and said It a private Individual would suffer damages on such a case, he would foe laughed out of court. He bad no criticism to pass on the admin istration, because, he said, he pre sumed the administration had taken proper steps to prevent Great Britain from obtaining a foothold on Nlcara guan territory. "But if It has not," he added, "the next congress will, even If Great Britain must be driven oft the continent at the potart of the bayonet." He added he did not. think the canal project would be endangered by the present complications. f He said: "This case has gone far beyond the Monroe doctrine; this la distinctly Us own, and that rests upon higher grounds than any doctrine or any treaty ever made or enunciated. The United States and the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica have entered Inito a solemn compact with each other looking to the construction of this great mari time highway; a company, composed mostly of citizens of the United States, has organized and started Its work. "Now comes Great Britain with the domineering spirit of aggression that has marked her course throughout the history of modern times, and upon the sllmeet of pretexts and most absurd of excuse,, makes a demand upon the goveromenft of Nicaragua that Bhe does not expect to he complied with and all In the hope that through the default of the weaker government she will be enabled to establish a sover eignty over the territory and thus control the future development of the oanal and of the traffic that must pass through It. Somebody must step In and be disagreeable, and this seems to be a very good opportunity for the United -Sates to assume that role." FOR REVENUE ONLY. The Chinese Smuggling Organization at Boise City. Washington, April SO.-Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle received from Special Agents Johnston and Beane at Boise City, Idaho, a report of the re sults of their Investigation In alleged frauds In connection with the entry of Chinese Into this country. The re port states the . Investigation shows conclusively there had been for sev eral years past an organized money making conspiracy with a view of manufacturing certificates upon which Chinese laborers may be enabled to visit China and return to the United States as bona fide merchants. In a majority of the. cases so -called mer chants were found to be cooks, and gardeners employed In or near Boise City. Nevertheless a large number of prominent citizens vouched for the Chinese as merchants. The special agervts are convinced that the business has been carried on as a money-making scheme. THH COMPROMISE) ACCEPTED. The Government of Nicaragua Willing Co Pay to England 15,000. Managua, Nicaragua, April 80. The Nloaraguan governmenrt has formally decided to accede to the compromise pro position for a settlement pending the trouble. This decision has been communicated to the governments at Washington and London. Nicaragua agrees to pay 15,000 In London fifteen dam from the time the British ships leave the harbor of Corlnto. It now remains for Great Britain to agree to this condition. Nicaragua's course la regarded as shifting on Great Brit ain further responsibility for trouble. The most positive assurances for the payment of the money have been given. Washington, April 80. The Managua dispatch stating that Nicaragua has agreed to a compromise by which she will pay 15.000 on condition that Co rlnto be evacuated and that the Brit ish fleet be withdrawn, Is ac-epted by officials here as the summing up of the latest statu- of the aubject, and attention la now directed to London to see wherther the condition of Immediate evacuation will be granted. If H Is, the trouble to praotloaHy at an end: If It Is not, it to believed In diplomatic circle that H will cause a renewal of the report that Great Britain is Bot so anxious to settle as to continue the active occupation of Corlnto. , TRDASfWY RUCEIPT8. Washington, April 80. The treasury recelDta duiirur the month nded today. have not met the expectations of th officials, and the Indication are mat the deficit at the end of the fiaoal year wlU be little, if my, lee than 846,000.- 000. Receipts for the month f April .mniint - tn 97 rm and ifahe exoendl tures to $32,952,680, leaving a deficit of $8,704,854 for the month, and for the fiscal year to date, 45,47,ow. GOLD FOR AMERICA. t... Vn..u ir.rii an Th TSvenlnir Post s London cablegram says: Amer ican Inquiry for gold continues. About 200,000 were shipped by the syndicate last Saturday and half a million is probably going this week, making 3, 000,000 in all since the loan was Issued. SENSATIONAL STATEMENT. That he Northern Paotflo Receivers Have (Been Diverting D'unas. flt. Paul. AOrll 30. The Pinoeer Press will say: A- gentleman whose close connection with the Northern -Pacific affairs at present and In the vast makes his opinion very vaiuume, makes a statement that the second mortgage bondholders of 'the Northern Paclilo wfll soon apply for an order of the court at Milwaukee directing the receivers to pay Interest on the second mortmure bonds. Their- petition will state that the road has earned not only Interest on the firsts tut also on the seconds, and while Interest on the firsts has been paid, the money which should have been used to pay Interest on the seconds has been used in the payment of Interest on some of the old 'bonds of branch roads, notably the Duluith and, Manitoba ami tne Spo kane branches, which have not only failed to earn their Interest, but have not earned operating expenses. They claim that the receivers have not only distorted money earned by the road belonging to them, but have placed other security ahead of theirs (the re ceivers' certificates) and using their interest money to .pay Interest on the certificates. They will a 8k to be re lieved from contributing to the pay ment of any part of the receivers' cer tificates, claiming they should be paid by assessment on the Junior securities. 1. e., the third mortgage, 'consol fives and the preferred stock. A SERIOUS CRISIS. Russia and Japan Are Not on-JTrlend- ly Terms. to London, April 30. The Times tomor row will puMlsh a dispatch from Kobe savin? there !s no mistaking the fart that there W evidence of a serious cri sis in Japan and Russia, but the Jap anese press has been forbidden to re fer to It and the newspapers t Tokto. Including the semi-ofllclil "Nlchl Niohl," have been suspended for re porting the fact that a secret council of ministers was held. Continuing, the correspondent says: "Information reaches me from relia ble sources at Hiroshima that the min lstry has adopted a resoluite attitude avainst Russian dictation. They deny Russia's riffht to interfere, and even contemplate 'defiance of Ruse'a, believ ing the Russian military forces In the East are not powerful enough to en force her demands. Foreign warships are assembling at the ports of Japan, and the French vessels have been or dered to prepare for emergencies." THREE NEW VESSELS. The Tacoma-Orlemtal Line is Growing Very Fast. Tacoma, April 30. Three now steel steamships have been secured by the Northern Pacific Steamship Company to run on the Ta"oma, Yokohama and Hong Kong route. So fast has th trade been eTowing that the placing of these vessels on the line has been ren dered necessary. The steamship Sikh now running, Is to be taken off, leav ing the IVotorla and Tacoma still on. These with the new vessels, the Evan dale, the Strathnevls and Hankow, make a fleet of five. The new vessels have a carrying capacity of 5500 tons each. AN ATTORNEY'S LUCK. He Comes In for Fmir Millions from Ansel White. Olympla. Wn.. April 30. Pre-"ton M. Trov, a yourog attorney of th's city, today received news that he wis heir to a New York estate amounting to H4.000.000. by the will of Ansol White, for whom a search has been In prog ress for many years. For many years Ansel White resided alone on a ranch adjoining Rmlth Troy, father of P. M. Troy, in Clallama county. White was a bachelor and lived in a log cab'n on a ranch for 20 years. May 18, 188S he dlpd at the age of 76, and was buried In the land on which he had lived so long. White took a fancy to young Troy and mode a wlU making him sole heir and legatee. It Is said he nade several other will. SHIPPING NEWS. San 'Francisco, April 30. Arrived San Benito, from Tacoma. Departed Walla Walla, for Victoria and Port Tow-nsend; bark Oermanla, for Seattle; bark Ancturus, fpr Bun ard's inlet; schooner Gen. Bunnlng, for Seattle. Freights and charters British bark SoutheHk, at Portland, wheat thence to United Kingdom, Havre, Antwerp or Dunkirk. EVIDENCE ALL IN. San Franclfteo. April 30. The evi dence In the preliminary examination of Theodore Dun-ant for the murder of Minnie Williams Is all In, and Police Judge Conlan will deliver his opinion next Thursday morning. He denied for the time 'being the motion of the defendant's counsel to dlmls the case, and also refused to admit Durrant to ball. RACING IN CALIFORNIA. San FranclBco, April JO.-JIalf mile, maiden 2-yeir-oHt Tlnv, 0:51 1-4. Six furlotwrs -Del Norte, lil7. Short six furlongs Hllver, 1:16 1-4. Six furlongs Joe Cotton, 1:20 8-4. One ml!e--Royal Flunh, 1:45. Half mile, maiden 2-year-old Mon itor, 0:50 1-4. TIMES-HERALD STOCK. Chicago April 80. H. - H. Krfhlnaat today purchased the 8255,000 of Times Herald suook rimmed try W. H. Hawley, as manatrlng editor of the paper during Mr. Boon's management He now own 8M5.00O of the 81,000.000 stock, the remainder being heM by Mr. Boott. MARKET REPORT. Liverpool. April SO. Wheat Spot, firm; demand, moderate; No. I red win ter, 5s 2d; No. t red spring. M 6d; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s 6 l-2d; No. 1 Cal, ifornla, 5s 2d. Hop at London PaH fie Crrent, f$ THE FUTURE ASTORIA A Birds Eye View From Cox comb Hill. TYPICAL SPRING .. DAY. Presents a Picture of Today nnd a Glimpse down tlie Coni lnff Years. Sunday was one of the ideal spring days warm, bright sunshine awaken Ing new animal and vegetable life on all sides.. The loud notes Of Innumera ble birds denoted their glad return to old haunts, whilst Ithey flitted to and fro amongst the blossoming trees and flowers. AH seemed In harmony with smiling nature. Careworn people for got tihelr trials for the time being and enjoyed to the full the glorious day and, like the Irishman, seemed .thank ful above all things that good weather had been gdven. From the top of Coxcomb Hill , the afternoon dreamer had a magnificent view. In the 'blue fcaae of distance, to the north across the smooth waters of the bay, dotted with innumerable white sails, glistening In the sunshine, is the little lumbering town of Knappton, from which could be seen the light, curling smoke from the firesides of the hard working mill men and fishers. A lltltle further to the left the bald heights of Scarborough Hill stand like a sentinel over Baker's Bay, while to the extreme west, Cape Hancock guards the entrance to the great Col umbla river, and, beyond, the restless waves of th.;pMUc glimmer in the far distance. Glancing- along the BoulBhern shore the observer notices the government Jetty's long line extending out Into the Ocean, a protecting arm to Insure the safety of the great vessels of commence, and nearer stlU old Fort Stevens can be seen, long since aban doned, now tlhe government contract- ors' Jheadquarters. Nearlng- Young's Bay,ithe settlements of Warrenton and Sklpanon are plainly visible, while up the bay toward the south is seen the Lewis and Clarke river. To the rear and south Young's river valley with Its green fields and farm houses makes a pleasing change In the picture. Away to the southeast the peak of Saddle mountain completes the setting of a naawr'be-forg-often painting of na ture, in all the lights and shade of a spring day's coloring. Immediately at the observer' feet Is the thriving city,, (te long line of dock and wharves, extending rom Tongue point around to Young's Bay, like a frame to a picture, forming the outer enclosure of the city, within which the substantial business blocks, warehouses and beautiful home at test the solidity and enterprise of As toria. In Imagination can be teen the great ship and steamer from all parts of the world anchored In the magnificent harbor, or alongside the docks, dis charging and receiving cargo; the wheat of the Willamette Valley; the timber, lumber and shingles from the great Nehalem Valley timber preserves and flour for the Orient are being load ed Into the waiting vessels, while the alike, teas and spices of the Oriental joulltriea, and merchandise from Eu rope and our own Atlantic seaboard are received tor distribution through che ideal port of the Columbia. On the land, the transcontinental train arrive and depart over the new rail road, bringing the lower Columbia riv er and the Nehalem Valley Into direct communication with the rest of the state a well as the other Pacific Coast and the Eastern states. Along the waterfront huge elevators, flour mills, aw mills, and factories add their busy hum to the general pros perity, while dower down, the new dry doak offers the beet facilities for buikling and repairing the largest ships In the world. In the city Itself new buslnens blocks, hotels, stores and residences provide ample means for the rabidly increasing population and busi ness. This is the picture of the future As toria and her progressive and enter, prising people are not going to lose the only buslnesllke proposition ever pre sented to Insure Its realization. The opportunity is here and the same in domitable will and push that has so far actuated her citizen will insure speedy success. Dally the deeds to the subsidy and the rtirht of way are coming into the hands of the com mittee. The beavtmrt part of the work has been done and If those who are hesitating will only glance at the sit uation they will hctHtate no longer. Here to Mr. A. B. Hammond, on one ide, ready at ny moment the title to the subsidy are perfected, and the right of way furnished, to commence consitructlon of th road to Uoble, Highest of all in Leavening Power- Latest U.S. Gov't Report 1MM having the aneans and ability to finish the work rapidly. His record find rep utation are too welf known all over the United States to need comment. On the other hand, are the citizens of Astoria and residents along the river, only required to make good their own proposition and contract, to secure the permanent prestige of the port of the Columbia over all others on the north west coast; the control of the com-' merce of the nortihwat and the rapid development of the wonderful resources of the state of O -son; a market for all Its produces; ait influx of people and capital that will place its now hidden wealth In the commerce of the world. A prominent merchant, who is a large contributor, states that it is pre sumptuous, not to say riuiculous, to Imagine that the people will take any chances of losing all these advantages now within their grasp, even though times are hard. The accomplishment of the building of the railroad Is what will speedily restore good times to this section of the country, at least. The Aetoria-Goble railroad is the key that will open the door of prosperity. not only for Astoria and the Columbia river valfley, but (Portland and its bus iness houses, and the state at large, will attain the one means that will place them in an unassailable position In the world's commerce, FOUR SCHOONERS BAR BOUND. San Francisco, April 30. Four schooners, the Conflenza, Lizzie Prlen, Mayflower, and Joseph and Henry, are bar 'bound In Sluslaw harbor, with no prospects of gettln? out. The schooners were loading lumber at Slu siaw and while they were In the har bor, a storm rolled up a sand bar in front of the harbor, completely cut ting off all Chances of getting out. The bar is above water at low tide, and the schooners will have to remain where they are until ithe spring freshet cuts It away. THE CONTEST IN TENNESSEE. Nashville, Tenn., April 30. The two houses of the state legislature met In Joint convention 'today to consider the contest for governorship between Peter Turney, Democrat, the present Incumbent, and Henry Clay Evans, Republican. The report of the Inves tigating committee, which favor the seating of Turney, was read. The re port is signed by liharfeven Democratic members. The nwnor.ty report la signed by the five Republican mem bers. ,. FOUR MEN lUAHOiu" Newborns, Tenn., There was a gener al shooting affray between the Ful giams and Townsend at this place to day. The row Marled over an old feud. About 5 o'clock the parties got togetner, woras passed, pistols were drawn and firing began, In the almost Instant killing of R. W. iwimeiu area n;u son ueauregara, ana Abb and John Fulgam. , rPTTTjV TSTTrCTtna lf. At)nnr.t . - London, April 30. The" ; widowed Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Mrs. Louis Hammersley, of New York, was married today to Lord Wil liam Beresford. AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. - The Associated Free Mew Contained "in the Afterew-Dispatches. Kansas City, Mo., April 30. At the November elections tn Kansas City gross frauds are said to have been committed. The matter was brought before the Jury, which called on the recorder of votes to produce the ballot . boxes for their lnsieotlon. The re corder demurred and Che case was Anally taken to the supreme court for adjudication. The court today denied the rlgihit of the criminal court to con pel the recorder to produo the ballot boxes. Giving the grand Jury the right to Inspect the ballot noxes, the court holds, would violate tee secrecy of the ballot as well as be an Infringe ment of the constitution. Port Townsend, April SO. The reve nue cutter Corwln, which arrived from Alaska this morning. reports the' drowning of Gustof Wilson, a seaman. Captain Munger and party, who were In the same boat when It capsized In a squall, had a narrow escape. The Corwln brought down 200 gallons of seized liquor. London, April 80. In the Wilde trial today Wilde himself took the stand and absolutely denied that there was a word of truth In the charge of Inde. Newmarket, England, April 30. Michael F. Dwyer' bay gelding Ban. quel won 2000 guineas today. Louisville, April 30. Futton Gordon today shot and killed his wife end Arch DIokson Brown, whom he found !n a compromislitn' posFtlon. All par ties are promlnemt socially. Brown I a son of Governor Brown, of Kentucky. Jefferson City, Mo April 30.-fhlrty-flve of he fifty-eight Democratic mem ber of the state house of representa tive met in caucus lat last night and adopted a resolution favoring the frea coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. The vote stood ayes 22, nayea 8; not voting, 4. BAILEY GATZBRT ENTERTAINS With their usual alertness to Ithe op. pontunllrtes of the hour, the Bailey Gatzert people yesrtenlay brought down another party of ' capitalists, among them being Mr. MJ. Connell, partner of A. B. Hammond. Monta na, and toduy. the party will be Joined by Mr. Hammond, when all will , be entertained by the Gatzert people on a trip to Seaside and the Jetity. The Gatzert owners are determined to do their share toward putiting the ad vantage of Antoorla before capitalist seeking Invoftmertt and seem to be wrapped up In the welfare and enter prise of the city of destiny, and with a few more such hard workers success win surely crown the efforts of As Ct rl an s. rm n H I Wl II fit t i Li. J J