The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 30, 1895, Image 4

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vrf eolne to be. H lot-of wefll-dresaed
men In 'the. city this spning-of coum
uo taven't made ail their clothes butj
we think if you ask every third man
you meet where tie his suit end of i
course 'he will say (thuit 1b, If It's tallorj
maJe) McDonald'. He may not te.l'j
y.ju how mudh ihe eavetl, out you can
Junt lot ft down that it -was worth
.ivlnjr 'by the way he may have on
' one of our $35 suits and you'll think
It codt $50 trot of course you're Judg
Ins by what you usually pay others.
- ; . chas. Mcdonald,
: .. The Tailor.
523 Commercial Street
.. itttm fatrh nennlp without anv rub'
-berg or umbrellas. Then a cold is sure
. - to follow that is, if you don't take
-something to prevent it. Whiskey is a
sure "cold preventer." The Ottice's
HOPE; try It.
Your Mouths,
. .One (rreat basis Principle of the Pal'
ace Restaurant Is mutual dependence,
To thrive and grow, each dish must be
better than any one else's. Our aim u
to reach the only roomy trade place,
the ' top. No lower Idea can be per
mitted. And When the top, our top, ii
reached by any other restaurant, we
wu lift tne top.
' The Palace Restaurant
That House Vou
Intend to Build
. Can be built just to suit your pocket
book by
"' C. G. PflLBEfO,
and you will find him at his shop at 473
. Fourth Street .
Sterling Silver ! ,
Never has there been suoh a, stock
of sterling silver Jewelry as that now
,on display at our store. Half the town
does not realize the Immensity of this
EXSTROM, the Jeweler.
We buy fertilizers and fertilizing ma
terial of every description, Bones, horns,
to., and pay highest cash prices. Send
til a trial shipment
Western Bone-Meal Co.
771 Mission Street,
San Fnancisco, Cat'
RSTOtyfl -
878 Commercial Street
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Mattresses, etc.
When the tide sets one way there Is
always a cause lor it.
Wnnun rtan't nnma hara In tt.v Maal.
teaks, and all other kinds of meat
simply because it's Christensen & Co.'s.
Of course there are a few, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
irum isuomnce, dji me great masa of
housekeepers buy where they can get
the best and for that reason we supply
the majority of the families In Aslo
rl for they know by experience that
m uave oniy ine nest.
The Schoolmaster Says
to the deserving pupil "Go up bead.'
The Fublio has snid to Grasbimer &
Uracil's "Resort," "Go up heed, You
are the only place in the city wbero one
oan go and get a glass ot Gambrinua
Beer for 5c, and order a freih aandwioh
too at the game time. Business men's
uoch every morning.
What About
Your Shoes? -
Aren't they worn out around the
sols somewhere T Don't they need a
patch on the alder We will make them
rood aa new.
;', ; ' S.-A. G1MRE.
' .v Kitty Corner from Fisher Bros, store.
A.Poor Cigar.
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
Don't expect to make, elthor.
But marks this s-a-t-l-s-f-a-o-
t-l-.-n ot the 22-karet sort Has
accompanied every purchase ol
one of the clgara made by him
since he began business. We've
got the notion that ft satisfied
-.vr- customer "cuts a big figure" in
building up a business, -i nai a
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
' so well.
Little Giant.
. m . 1 it,. Mnlhar In Al.
torla have bought a pair or two of
,iliM1l ...hnll hAP for
tnose Lii iLiu - - -
their children. The other half will as
on hey hear of the wearing qua.
T . m . - . BM h..lnv wnrn a I) oil
lues ut im un - -
the city. You can have your choice
. . 1 a - - I f
CI learner, niu. sru v v.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at S p. m. yesterday, furnlshee
by the United States department ot
agriculture weather bureau. ,
Maximum totrtperaUire, 5 degree.
- Minimum temperature, 44 degrees.
Frwfpitatlnn, none.
Total pmolpitaitlon from 6i4em-ber
1st, 1894, to date, Inchee.
Km ot jpreul.Utlon from Eeptem
l,rr 1st. 3 o Oate, 8.10 tm-hee.
$2.80 will, do
the most good
( To your It If you Invcmt It bere
-- - In omo ol tin se new aiirl ttvllsh
droMgnnAa. For only 82 SO ire Bi'l
N.-II you n 'U mild drezi in one of
the Inteet ivtavri. Kcmpmlcr tlit
-wh show y u o-'ly Ihe n w style
ol dren t;nods tlo old flocks In
Albert Dunbar.
Ask for the Maggioni Glove.
Money to loan. Inquire of Astoria
Abrt.Maot, Title and Trust Co.
Five cents a quart Is What Keith &
Wilson will deliver, you fresh milk
for. Glass bottles furnished when de
Go to J. H. Irrihofr, 120 Twelfth street,
for the late Improved Singer sewlns;
For all cleansing purposes, domett
tlo or mechanical, removing scale from
steam boilers, making soap, or de
odorizing the kitchen sink, use Red
Seal Lye.
Mr. Humphrey has some choice Chi
nook salmon at his market near Kes.
cue Hall. He also has oysters tnat sell
at a less price than at any other mar
ket in the city. He carries clams and
other shell fish, and as a side issue,
has a stock of Marshall's famous knit
ting twine.
f -
EYES Two hard-woklng servants
Yet quickest to rebel whon over-work
ed. Glasses the right ones scientif
ically, delicately adjusted ones the
remedy. The ability that experience
and study gives can be had at J. H.
Seymour's. Charges only for glasses
are modest.
For flahermon'e sore and cracked
hands there is nothing boflter 'than
Pltoh Salve. Sold at Olsen's Drug
Store. Try It.
The Palace Bath House encourages
folk to bathe by having everything
first class.
A iblg reduction tn wraps and Jacket
at the Low Price Store.
Keith artd Wilson have 25 good milch
cows. Is it any w nder their milk is
first -class f
Why do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure ltt
for sale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store.
When a man buys a lottery ticket
and draws nothing but his breath he
feels sold. Wnen ne buys his wood and
coal or tne Scow Bay Wood lard,
whose office la opposite Fisher Bros.' he
la pleased, as they sell only the best.
For dteiairtbttait vworlc "of any de
scription patronize tne steamer Occi
dent, A. E. Beard, Captain.
If you want skin like velvet, use
Columbia Cream, from Olsen's Drug
Store. '
C. B. Smtth,' the confectioner, has
fresh strawberries every morning; also
sweet oreamory cream every day, only
20 cents per pint. Ice cream manufac
tured dally. Give him a call.
Mothers raising their babes on the
bottile will have fait, strong and heal
thy babies by using .T. A. Rowan's Jer
sey milk, aa he makes a speolulty of
milk for babies and the slok. Try him
and be happy.
What cows received first premium at
the "World's Fair for producing the
richest milk? Jersey cows, and those
are the only kind thait J. A. Rowan
sells milk from. '
The Paluae Barber Shop is now giv
ing one of their, two-bit shaves for
15 cents.
HtiHlas3 nien ot Astoria visiting Port
land have for years been accustomed
to take t.holr mld-duy lunch at the
"Gem." The ' Gem" Is now located at
T;l Third street, next door to the Alns
worLh Bank. J-. E. Penny.
Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
White SewiiiR Machines,
Boat and Fishermen's Supplies,
Paints anJ Oils,
Ship ChanJIery,
Teas, Coffess and Groceries,
California .Wines,
Medically Pure Ljuuors,
Sole Asents for the Celebrated
Almighty Dollar Cigar.
- .
Mr. Cohen, of the Low Price Store, is go
ing into a deft'erent line of business
and offers his entire stock of
Dry Goods at Cost.
He has only first quality gooJs to offer;
no shoddy materials to get rid of. You
cari buy with your eyes siiut and you can't
10, wrong. .
Miss Lily Mastic of Alamedafl Cal.,
Is in the city visiting Mrs. Judge Tay
lor. Died Yesterday morning, April 29,
Che Infant on of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sakrison, Unlontown
Araessor CMMnons leaves hls mornina;
for Seaside and the Lerwls and Clarke
country to make 1896 assessnven'ta.
-Opera, comedy, eloouitlon, dancing,
and flrrft-oltas muMo at Fisher's Hall
tonight. Tlckeits, 50 and 75 centa.
Speciiall sale of millinery goods,
Wednesday, and Thursday, ait Mrs. L.
Grillln's, corner 10th and Duane sts.
C. J. Curtis and B. S. Woreley went
up on tiie Gatzent last evenHmg to Join
the rlgihit of way worker's at Mayger's.
The ocean rate, ibeitiween Uhla city
and San Francisco has gone back to
within fifty cerate of tohe former rate.
Mr. Huglhes, of the firm of H. Hughes
& Co., of San Francisco, Importers of
tin 'plaite and exporters of salmon, Is in
the city.
The O. R; and N. Company has re
duced the eteamer Tajte between this
city and Portland to il aingle trip and
$1.50 round trip.
The 'Amateur Brass Band, -weather
permiHttlng, will 'bold an open air con
cert tonlghit at 'Chelr ihand stand on
the 11th street hill.
Mr. J. Ralls, of the Goodrich Com
pany, -will remain over In the city to
day, and tonight will be initiated In
QuinUn Lodge, B. P. O. E.
Tomorrow four census takers will
stlart out itlaldng the census of the
city. lit is expected Whey iwlli com
plete their work iwUUhln a week's time.
T. W. Brooks, kialamlne representa
tive ton ithe Pacific coast, Was in As
toria over Sunday, and Heft on the
steamer Oregon yesterday morning for
San Fraincteco.
Mr. R. L. Boyle, the real estate bro
ker, will Wave a piece ot diked land
on Rhe jvwst side of Younx's bay
plaUted Into five acre tracts and called
"Astoria Gardens." . .
Yesterday besides eight Bteenage pas
sengers, the Oregon Ihad the following
from 'thUi port: Miss Worth, C. B.
Housman, A. Lw Adlame, T. F. Brooks,
A. Edlund, and Mrs. Tyreri.
The tug ReMef apoke the sealing
schooner Kane and Ann albouit twelve
miles oft the (heads yesterday. She
had 358 skins on 'board and exredted to
make Whls iport shortly after the 1st.
The Edison Klneitl scope, located at
470 Oommerclal street, will reproduce
today the "Barber Shop" and "Serpen-
'filne Slatrt Dancer." Don t fall to see
these wontlierful life-like productions.
An alarm of fire yesterday Just after
noon called the chemical engine to the
vicinity of Richard Marlon's house on
upper Bond street. No fire was seen
In the neighborhood, so they returned
without uncoupling the 'hose.
The deserter irom Fort Canfoy, ar
rested 'last week by Officer Seafeldt,
was taken 'to Vancouver Barracks
last night on the Gatzert in charge
of a military guard. They came
over from Ilwaco on the afternoon
Henry Jones, who has been clerking
at Foard & Stokea' for the 'past two
years, leaves nexlt Thursday for Eng
land, his former home. He will Join
his wife, who has beem there several
months. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will
make England Itholr future htome.
' -I .' - .
NVer before have we offered such bargains ns we do in our Banner sale. "When we started in business we undersold our competitors by a small
margin, now Ave undersell them by a large margin. We are the largest buyers of Dry Goods in Astoria and can save our customers from 25 to 33 per
cent on their entire purchases. We are a thorn in the side of every house in Astoria. We sell for cash other houses sell on time, and if you buy
rom us you eave the 25 per cent extra which other liouse3 lose annually-
55 inch blk broad cloth 75 & .85 siilo price "!)
58 in blk broad cloth $1.25 & 81.00 eulo price .75
28 in blk Tricot 50 & .GO sale price .37
40 in blk Catiieh hair 1.00 k 1.25 sulo price .78"
40 in Sortie. 1.00 k 1. 25 s.ilo price .83
40 in floured suiting 1.00 k 1.25 sulo price .87
30 in Henrietta 30 & .35 sale price .21
40 in Henriotte 1.25 & 1.60 sale price 100
64 in broadcloth 1.50 k 1.40 sale prire .90
303 yds fancy suiting I . .20 & .25 sale price .13
COO yds fancy suiting 85 & .40 sulo price .20
Shot silk 40 & .39 sulo price .33
Japanese silk 40 k .39 sale prii e .33
Fancy check & flguie silk . . .05 A .75 sulo price .41
Crepe Silk , 1.25 k 1.50 sale price .78
Apron Gingham .7 and 8c sale prico 4c
Host Calico 7 and 8o sale price 5c
Seotoh Gingham 12'i and 15c salo price .11
Outing flannel. . 7 and 8c sale price 5c
Outing flannel 12,' and 15c salo prico Sc
White goods 10 and 12,'i sale price 7c
White goods 14. and 15c sale price 8c
Llama cloth 12 and 15c sale prico lOo
Men's vests and pants 75 and 1.00 salo price X6
Mens' vests and pants.... 1.25 and 1.10 sale price .93
Mens' vests and pants. . .2.50 and 2.25 sale price 1.45
Heavy Scotch wool suit. .2.00 and 2.50 sale price 1.50
lriwcrt all wool 1.25 and 1.00 sale price .50
Wool shirts 60 aud .75 sale price .45
a p
575 Commercial Street.
Married Saturday evening, April 23,
1895, at the home of Andrew Birch, at
8 o'clock, John V, Peterson and Annft
Mary Sutherland, both of Astoria,
Rev. J. J. Hoikka oinclatlng.
Sunday at' Oak Point a launch con
taining five men capslzed, two of the
occupants 'being drowned. Tne names
of the men losing their Dyes were Wm.
Dorley and Bamey Dolan, both single.
The launch belonged to Young Bros.,
of Oak Point.
Joaaph Mueller, who will appear in
Fisher's Hall tonflgiht, in "An Evening
In Vienna," was engaged by Marcus
Daly, tiha well-known Montana, mil
lionaire, to give a series of high-class
concerts during the celnated Ana-oondtt-iHelensi
capltajl flgilit.
At Chinook yesterday afternoon,
whdle tarring nets in the yards of
Graham and OHe, fire started in the
Inflammable material in use, and eoon
Ignited the nets, eight of them being
destroyed before the Are was extin
guished. The loss Is about (3,000.
D. H. TVeldh handedNn his second
right of way deed yesterday. The rea
son this deed did not accompany the
first, handed In several days ego, wja
on aocount of the line heretofore being
undecided at the particular place
where it wenb through Mr. Welch's
Mr. J. T. Whalley' yesterday handed
in his deed to the right of way com
mlttee. Just one-half of the deeds to
the right of way within the city limits
are now in, and the members of the
committee are fondly hoping that they
will be able to secure the other half
by the end of this week.
Last night the following passengers
were on (he steamer Harvest Queen:
J. Phalr, J. M. Artlhur, Mrs. Cearns,
W. Dribble. G. C. Fulton, T. Zulricts,
Mrs. E. J. Pinck, Mrs. Gilbert, D. Mor
gan, Mrs. Pears, Dr. Lane and child,
H. Ohblly, J. N. Panttaja, F. Johnson,
Mr. Peters, Mrs. Williams.
On the Bailey Gatzent llant night were
the following pawenffers: J. Grant,
Mrs. Bmera.m, H. W. Cla-k, H. Il-urhes,
Mrs. A. Lund, C. Tooklas, Geo. iBven
son, Miss Warner, Henry Harrell, E.
Soabold, Rev. Kokola, Rsv. Morris, H.
Wetherbee, C. J. Curtis, B. S. Wors
ley, A. J. Johnson, G. 9ainders.
Work is iprogresslni? rapidly on the
nnw oil and fertilizing works at the
West Shore Mills wharf. Messrs. Gor
man Bros, hope to have the mill up
and in operation not later than the
20th of May. The family of Mr. T. J.
Gorman Is expected to arrive from
Evanston, Wyo., today, and in the fu
ture will reside in this city.
Joseph Mueller will toe 'assisted this
evening at Fisher's Hall, by Mrs. Hal
ly PcrrMh Hinges, Portland's greatest
soprano; Mlsa Dlsa Howaid, of San
Francisco; Miss Marie Howe, the emi
nent Boston elorutiiomlst ; Mr. Heroert
iBrown, the California humorist, and
an exegllerct orchestra. By sp?clal ie-ques-t,
a ignaind bail alter the perform
ance. Yesterday afternoon there was a live
ly time about Harry Hamblet's. wheTe
a bicycle raffle was taking place. Thos.
Bryce was tihe lucky man, and secured
a beautiful new Victor for J1.22.
Shortly after this event took place
Michael Bevertdge took (lie crowd
over to his pla"e, and raffled oft a $100
ladles' Rambler, which was won by
Hben (Rogers for $1.03.
The people of lAstorla have not In
several years had ithe opportunity of
witnessing o tiallanted a company of
actors and miusBelams as will appear
tonight at Fisher's Hall In "An liven
In? in Vienna." Mr. Josef Mueller. as
Stated by several talented people, will
surely give the audience a rare treat
19 T T n'.
In the productions of opera, comedy,
elocution, dancing and first -class music.
A meeting of the Cricket Olub will
be held Wednesday night at 7 o'clock
at the Occident. Challenges have been
senit'to the Multnomah and Portland
Athltrtlc Clubs, and matoh games will
probably be ajrnged to be played In
the near future. ' It was learned from
PorMsnd lhat a firm f that city
would offer a handsome pennant for
the championship' of 1895.
i r
Mr. M. P.- KJeillender, who has been
ill for several weeks as a re3ult of a
paralytic stroke, came over from
Knappton yesterday on tfhe Wenona,
and (iipapit the afternoon in the city.
He was jwanfUy greeted by his many
friends hern, who were pleased to see
him out 'again.
' -7. :
There was a meeting last night of
the A. F.'C. to discuss the matter ot
holding a Fiesta here during the re
gatta. Nothing further was done than
to arrange to bring the matter before
the citizens, and It the necessary
funds can be raised the promoters will
be Inclined to bring their show here.
The Forum for May will contain a
noteworthy study ot the career and
character of Prince Bismarck, by Col.
Theodore A. Dodge, the well-known
military writer. CM. Dodge has re
cently returned from a long sojourn
in Europe, and he has prepared this
paper after fresh study of the histor
ical evemte covered by Bismarck's re
markable career.
Mr. Johnson, the Smith's Point flor
ist, yeslterday shipped co Portland a
number of splendid specimens of Aus
tralian palms, the lot being consigned
to a florist in that city. A consign
ment of choice trees were also shipped
to the Southern Pacific railway at
Ashland, where they will be placed In
the park recently laid out by Mr. John
son for that company. He left up the
river with the goods last evening on
the steamer Bailey Gatzert.
Col. E. C. HuRhes and D. McTavish
went down to Seaside Saturday night
and Sunday morning they secured a
couple of pack horses and started up
the Necannicutn fishing. They fished
up-tll far Into the afternoon, and man
aged to land about four dozen beauties,
but It has not been made public which
one of the anglers made the greatest
haul. Col. Hughes tells a good story
of how McTavish fished for an hour
and thrashed -the waiter with a line,
that had lost its hook on a snag.
The right of way committee expects
every one to have his deed to the
subsidy in by the end of this week.
The time -Is growing short for arrang
ing matters in order that Mr. Ham
mond may (be allowed to start at work,
and the nconer the deeds are In the
sooner will work on the construction
begin. If anyone owns property
through whtclt the railroad will run,
and has not yet given in his deed
to the riifht of way, he will Show
their good will toward the firture of
the city by stepping up at once and
placing his deed In the hands of the
committee. , 1 ; ,
Engineer A. L. 'Adams, of the city
water works, left yesterday morning oil
the Oregon for San Francisco. From
that city he will go to Eureka and
make a report On the new water works
sjst3m to be constructed at that place.
The Eureka system will cost about !
$250,000, and When finished is expected
to be one of the finest water plants '
on the coast. Mr, Adams is one of the
rhost convpatemt hydraulic engineers in 1
the Western States, as his work on the
Astoria system of water works will
show. Matters have been so arranged '
that 'the contractors oan ro to work on I
the new system here, during the ab-
sence of Mr. Adams, which will prob''
ably be several weeks
Saturday evening Deputy City Attor
ney Tone Smith was arrested by Officer
White shirts, each . . . : 60 and .75 sale price .49
Mens' heavy cottou socks. ... .8 and 10c sale price 4c
Mens' heavy black socks 20 and 25c sale price 8c
Mens overalls 75 c sale price 45c
Mens' overshirts 50 and OOo sale price 35c
' Mens' suspenders 20 and 25c sale price 10c
Mens' collars 25 and 20c sale price 8c
Mens' cull's 20 and 25c sale price 15c
Children's hose 10 and 15o sale price 6c
Towels 20 and 15c sale price 10c
Towels 15 and 12c sale price 5c
Lndics vest 20 and 25c sale price 15c
Ladies vest 20 and 15c sale price 8c
Corsets 75c and 1.00 sale price 25c
Childroni vests 25 and 35c sale price 15c
Ladies para5ols 2.00 and 2.60 sale price 1.25
Crepe all colors 15 and 12"ic sale price 10c
Duck 15 and 18c sale price 12'sc
Cotton Tongee 25 and 20c sale price 12l
TaMo linen 25 and 35c sale price 20c
Table linen 1.00 and 1.25 sale price 7ric
.Table linen 40 and 50c sale price 35c
Shaker flannel 12' and 15c salo price 7c
Ysrd wide muslin 8 aud 7c sale price 5c
Wide Sheeting . . .' ...20 and 22o sale price 17'c
Colored Sateen 25 and 20c sale price 19c
Coloml Sateen 15 and 18c sale price 11c
Black sateen 15 and 18c sale price 11c
Curtnin screens 13 and 14c sale price 10c
Li R
Hallock on a charge of violating the
ordinance relating to auctioneers. Mr,
Bmltfti is receiver for the firm of Bry.
ant ft Matthews, and concluded Sat
urday night to auction off 0. lot of the
goods. It wae while In the act of dis
posing of the stiock 1n this manner
that Officer Hallock made the arrest.
Receiver Smith claimed thit the or
der of the court permitted him selling
by auction, but the city au.honktlei
thought differently. Upon Mr. Smith
agreeing to discontinue the auction of
goods the complaint against him was
withdrawn and the case dismissed.
Yesterday at 9 o'clock the water com
mission held a special meeting and
authorized the clerk and president to
Issue and deliver 75 of the one thous
and dollar water bonds which arrived
on Saturday. The treasurer's bond
was raised from 130,000 to J1OO.0C9, and
he was instructed to ship the bonds
by express to Klaybolt & Co., Cincin
nati, and to draw on that firm for
both principal and accrued interest.
The treasurer has sold the exchange
on New York at par, which will give
the commission the money free in
Astoria. An adjourned meeting of the
commission will be held at 1 o'clock
today for the purpose ot taking up
unfinished business.
Jtohan Rauma, plaintiff, and Lydla
Rauma, defendant, is the title of a di
vorce, suit filed yesterday In the cir
cuit court. In the complaint It Is
stated that Johan and Lydla were
made one on the nth day of November,
1890, and nine months thereafter, with
out cause or provocation, Lydla de
serted her husband, and has continued
ever since to remain a deserter. Tnat
is not 'halt as bad, alleges Johan, as
her subsequent conduct, having started
I out at once to lead an immoral life, and
Is now leading a life of Shame In Fin
j land. Thus Johan wants the tie that
: binds Dhem severed now and forever,
and sudh other relief as the court
wishes to grant him.
Yesterday at the office of Architect
Ferguson the bids for Fisher Bros.'
new theatre were opened, and the re
sult was as follows: Julius Jacobs,
$1349; C. E. Bayles, $1795; F. Fastabend,
$1825; Frye & Meyer, $1635; Joseph An
drews, $1475; C. J. Palmberg, $1460;
I. H. Palmer, $1465; Louis Hartwig,
$1532; William Miller, $1424. It will be
several days before Mr. Fisher de
cldea on the bids. They were for car
penters and Joiners' labor oniy, no
bids being asked for material. Plumb
ing and painting bids will be called for
later. The new theatre will be put up
at once, as there Is a constant de
mand for a suitable place in which to
hold entertainments, and at present
no suitable accommodations.
The Casino Theatre was crowded last
evening to witness the new program
for the week. The performance open
ed with a comedy . farce entitled
"Have a Card," which caused lots of
fun and applause. The singing of
Lydia Purdy, Belle Brown, Lulu Oro,
and Ollie-Oatman, was up to the high
est standard aa usual. Charles and
Lulu Oro In their specialty "We Are
Not Asleep," brought down the house,
but one of the beat specialties ever
produced In Astoria was by Bert Ba
ker and Nellie Howard, entitled
"Grandmotlher's Birthday," wherein
they introduced their wonderful paper
tearing, was a pretty piece of work and
elicited great applause, after which a
scene from the great play of "New
Yffrk by Gaslight whs put on to good
advantage. The railroad scene was
quite realistic. "Fun tn a Gymnasium
was the next feature, during which
Jim Ryan, champion middle weight of
Australia, and Jlmmie Ryan, of this
city, pajTOd throe of the vrct-Uc-Gt
rounds ever seen in Astoria. The fame
performance tonight and the balance
of the week.
Red Calico. 7 and 8c sale price 5c
Ladies' hose 25 and 20c sale price 19c
Ladies' hose 25 and 35c cale price 20c
Ladies's hose 20 and 15c sale price 10c
Children's hose 10 and locsale price 10c
Children's hose 20 and 23c sale price 12'a
Towling 7 and 8c sale price 5c
30 in wide lawn 10 and 8c sale price 5c
Ladies parasols 1.00 and 75c sale price 25c
Ladies waists 40 and 35c sale price 25c
Ladies waists 85c and 1.00 sale price C5c
Ladies wrappers 95c and 1.00 pale price 75c
Ladies wrappers 1.25 and 1.50 salo price 1 00
Children col. dresses 25 and 35e sale price lc
Children col. dresses 50 and 75c sale price 35c
Children col. dresses 85 and 90c sale price 50c
Lamp chimneys... , 10 and 8c sale price 5c
Scrubbing brushes 15 and 20c sale price 10c
Cloths liues 20 and 25c sale price 10c
Hall racks 20 end 25o sale price 10c
Machine oil 10 and 15c sole price 5c
Soap 10 and 12c sale price 5c
Cloths pins 5 and 8c sale price llac doz
Pins 5ami 6c sale price l'c each
Ladies night gowns 75 and 65o sale price 50c
Ladies chemise 35 and 40c sale price 25c
Ladies chemise 75 and 80c sale price 49c
Lace cm tains 1.50 and 1.7. sale pri.e 125 pair
Lace curtains 2.50 and 3.50fale pri. e 1.75 pair
Poles and fixtures free with lace curtains.
Great Sale Commenced
Astoria, Oregon.
The famouj Vienna comedian at
Fisher's Hall Tonight lln the following
spUn3id program:
1. VIemia Dudl J. F. Wagner
2. Tom's Little Star, Miss Mar Howe
3. Comic Selections
; Mr. Herbert Brown
4. The Bowery Girt.. Miss Lisa Howard
5. The Vlnenna Coachman
.-.Josef Mueller
6. Love's Sorrow Shelly
Mrs. Hally Parrlah Hinges.
PART 2..
7. Astoria Railroad Waltz
Composed by Josef Mueller
8. My Little Sweetheart May
-....Miss Lisa Howard
I 9. I Was Talking in My Sleep
Josef Mueller
10. "Silence," a Domestic S-ene,..
...... ..Mies Howe and Mr. Brown
11. Rose and Robin Chas. E. Bray
. Mrs. Holly Parish Hinges.
12. Vienna Waltz Orchestra
Saturday evening at 9 o'clock Miss
Orlou Ballard and Mr. E. M. Helfner
were Joined In the holy bonds of mat
rimony at the home of the bride's
brotther-tn-law, Prof. R. N. Wright.
Mr. Heifner is a lawyer and most re
spected citizen of Seattle, Washington.
The bride, who for the last three
years has spent most of her time with
her sister, Mrs. Wright, is well known
and beloved by her many friends, who
will miss her sweet disposition and
kind wayc.
The happy couirte left for Seattle,
their future home, by the Luriine Sun
day evening. Kind wishes for a happy
future follow them.
Yeterdiay a big, burly s.nllor named
George Redman, loaded up with 40
rod ainid started out to take In the
town. He meandered around to the
Pace back of Whinple's restaurant,
where Mr. John Hob'on was superin
tending tihe construction of a new
i warehouse on his property there. He
j commenced annoying the men, and
when told to clear out, hauled off
and landed a fearful blow on one of
! Mr. Hohson's eyea, blacking It fear
fully. He was shortly afterwards ar
rested by Officer Hallock and taken to
the city Jail. He wa3 Just itching for
another tra-p, and lookl'n? around
spied Hoodlum Harry In th fame
cell and made for him 'Wi'hout even
the formality of an Introduction. He
was tmir.edc'a'tely transferred to one
of the tanks and at 3 o'cli."k went be
fore Judea Oab'urn where he was as
sessed $20. He will p-obately board
It out. Raima n Is a hard character.
He caime out aiyout four months ago
on an American vessel, and 1n Port
land "rave the sailor 'hoarding houses
no end of trouble.
Commencing April 30th and until fur
ther notice the rates between Astoria
and Portland via the O. R. and N.
I Co., wl'.l be $1.00 one wav. and $1.50
mum! trlrv C. V OVRRTtAITflH
Commercial Agent.
Sick Headache, constipation, and In
digestion are quickly cured by DeWltt's
Llttl? Early Risers, the famous little
pills. Chas. Rogers.
Dr. Pricels Cream oaking Powder
Worur, pnr Highest Aledalani1 l-Ivlnmi-
1QQ .E,