ASTORIA PUBLIC LiEKAM A&OCiMia ' , . , : . . - , r. 'vt&a&&&4USuSw .. .. TODAY'S WEATHER.' : (J 'S, TAbrU (IAIN II. n til!' 1 .11 ei, AL circti a i , th I irg esV VERAL circul.itioii ;mJ Far Washington, fair h weather In northern . par-l! Uona; Bhowers..iIn.. southern 1 OTAL circulation of portions; cooler ;rr Oregon papeK JislieJ In Aslori.i. n showers, cooler. 'i.VIWiiva.'iwijp);iWMa TELEGRAPHIC , PRESS REPORT. ASTORIA. OREGON, T1WSIAY MOKNINtt. APKlL 30, 1895. PKICE. FIVE CKNTS. VOL XLIV. no. yo. lis i k i i . i mm lki in i ,s 1 i ii i t'm in irj tm ti'-m m - ri va.' r i u c . . i , j.- ... t-i . -r " . u l- . . , - m 1 1 1 . t i i f i a inn in iKi in ' ill n i w i v fill An III r ' 11 r 1 12rrC": I 1. ili KL 1 11. a 1 lar ft II - - . 1872 . 1895 Lubricating T" f : . Plsl?er a Specialty. Brothers, I Sell Astoria, 1 Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal. Groceries ,cfe Provisions, Flour & Mill F&kI, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. V NEW GOODS B. F. ALLEN, . . 365 Commercial Street. New lines for 1895. Japanese Rugs and Matting Bamboo Furniture, etc. (Direct from Japans.) House Lining, Building Paper and Glass. Wall Paper of 1895 now in with a stock Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago from 9 to ?i8 per roll of 12 yards. 13 F. ALLEN S, m 365 Commercial Street. Snap R Kodak ut any until coming out of 9 our bio e and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming iner tvltn pleasant thoughts. 0 Such quality in tit-- liquors we have to oiler are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Corrje and Try Them. HUOHE9.& CO. IS THERE ? Is there a man with heart bo cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could And In articles of FURNITURE of th rig-ht kind. AAd We would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining- Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on snort nonce. John Fox. President and Superintended A. I Fox..v Vice President O. B. Prael Secretar They Lack Life. There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand la the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don t fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "just be well." They won't. They cannot. For Flowers and Floral Decora tions Call at Grunlund & Brix. Cor. 8th and Exchange sts. Palms and Decorative Plants For Rent. "The Astoria Loan Office." Money to Loan on W' TCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Guns, Pistols, Cbthing and all Articles of Value. 56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond. THOMAS MOKKO. T'i- Blacksmith nhoso shop Is oppos ite Cutting's cannery. Is now prepared to do such odd Jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old ones, making new fishin boat irons, and re. pair-In oi l ones, and all ether biack smJthing that requires first -class work manship. Carpenter Shop. Your mind is on repairing jour hduse this spring; possibly on building a new one. If so. remember we are carpen ters and builders with a shop full of tools always willing to do such Jobs nd want your work. MILLER. & G03NEY. ; Shop OB Dwaeo Dock. That there is no otht-r stock in the city so larg as ours in 1 he way of Fishing Tackle, 'r qunt Se's Lawn Tennis Sets, Bird Cngea, Feather Dusters and all other Spring Goods. YOU FIND GRI FFIN SEE foflAI U1E AHE OFfErjlflG. Fine figured silks 50cts a yard. Dress goods frorr 15c to 75c Large and select stock to choose from. Fannels, Velvets and plushes, very low prices. Fringes and dress trimmings An rtidleBS varietv. Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons from To, to 25c a yd. Belding . Bros. Embroidery silks, floss and rope silk 5c skeins for 25c per doz. -Aresene and Chinelle for 10c Fine line Ladies Kid Gloves 75c and $'1.00 a pair. Zephyrs 15c a package. Ladies hose supporters 10 and 15c a pair. Misees " " 8j: a pair Towels 5c each. t . Heavy silk cord 5c a yard. Spool silk 100 yds best quality 5c a spool Pins 2c a paper. Thimbles lc each. Ladies and Misses gloves 15c a pair. Scrim 5c a yard Ladies white skirts 25c each G'-od hankerchiefs "ach. Corset covers 1 to 25c each Chemise 25 to 50c each. "" 200 yd spool linen th rend 5c variety of good to numerous to mention. Do not 1 II A. 11 a .1 -W j II I . I. ian 10 can at me new Lr Oregon Th e CASINO. 7th & BOND STREETS. Entire Change of Program, Monday EngagnKnt Jin RYAN. Champion middleweight of Australia who will appear niithtly with JIMMY RYAN of Astoria in bis specialty "Fnn in the Gymnasiam" BflrBR & HOWARD, Tbe,wo PeformaDre opening with the drama New York by Gas Light Middle Act Barnuma Baby Elephant. LYDIA PURDY, f CAD WILSON. LUl U ORO. 1 CHAS. ORO. Admission 10 Children Cry for Our line or fishing rod'1 - start in with the common -bamboo poles for a few cents ; and run up - into the $. $. lor those that are lots better. So you see we can suit every body. & REED. a sn'jol, and an endless Lioons. deDa'tment ot tne 1 Trading Co. 600 Commercial Street, Evening, April 29th. Ef (dhury ot Uerie!! ,Adfrtf.,ee,:brd Aetei BELLE BROWN, I MABLE LIVINGSTONE, and 20 cents. Pitcher's Castorla. WANT TOr'COMPROMlSE Nicaragua will Make England an Offer of Settlement AN ARBITRATION .COMMITTEE. Which Includes Representatives From the United States to Settle Excess Demands of England. 1 Assoc' Ated Press. . . . ' '. . .' Managua, Nicaragua, Ajrll 29. A proposition of compromise and imme diate evacuation of Cor!n'.o by th) Brit lah,' Is now under consideration be tween Washington, London and the authorities here.' -The proposition em braces as the esaentlal points: 1 Nicaragua IB to pay 177,600 at Lon don within two weeks. ' 2 The British forces are to Immedi ately withdraw from Corlnto without waiting for the two weeks to elapse. S A mixed commission of arbitra tion is to pass on the 'demands of Great Britain's excess of the' $77,600 claim, such commission to be consti tuted in a manner satisfactory to the United States and . Nicaragua. The foregoing terms, It U believed, will b-acceptet) by President Zelaya and trta cabinet.! Ita understood the suggestion for settlement came from the Nicaraguan representative at Wash lngton, and it is believed such adjust ment would be airreeable to the 'Unit ed States authorities. If the Nlcara guan acceptance la given the proposi tion will be urged -on the London for er?n office and it Is believed they will be accepted, Nicaraguans here count on the act ive sympathy and substantial support of other Central ' American republics in the event of actual host'.lltles. They do not express belief that their sister republics will take part as such, but feel confident ,that Individual volun teers will come to Nicaragua's aid in sufficient numbers to give them an effeotlve armjrof at ieast 60,000 men. YXm..4l1, -4-, ' --l : h tm.M vn . Z Z . 7 .v T i : . , to make It very uncomfortable for them. The coast towns which are small and unimportant save as ports of entry for goods, would be abandon ed and the army would make Its cam paign In the tropical fastnesses of the Interior, which are well ni?h Inaccessi ble to European troops. War conduct ed under oudh conditions would be ex pensive to Great Britain. UNEXPECTED ORDERS. Naval Vessels Hurriedly Ordered Central American Ports. t0 Washington, April 29. Some sudden and unexpected orders were Issued to the United States naval vessels lata this afternoon and caused a sensation fcr a time until the purpose of the or der was explained. The Alert, which has been for four months or more at Panama, watohlng the progress of the revolutionary movement In Colombia, was ordered to proceed at once to San Juan del Sur, the nearest cable port to Corlnto, Nicaragua. The Raleigh, now on her way from KlncBton, Ja maica, to Key West, and expe-ted to arrive at the latter place at any mo ment, will And awaiting her orders to sail at once to Greytown, the eastern terminus of the proposed Nicaragua jan-al. The Montgomery, now at Mo bile, will follow the Raleigh on May 7th, with the Nlcaraguan canal com mission aboard. The Monterey having sailed yesterday from Acapulco direct for Panama, is not expected to touch at Corlnto, and as she Is now beyond reach of orders bj wire, she will prob ably be allowed to relieve the Alert on guard at Panama, whence she can be ordered back to Nicaragua If trou. ble arises In the future. Secretary Herbert said the real purpose of the orders was to guard American Intorpsts in Nicaragua against possible revolu tion Ex-Senator Warner Mdller, of the Nicaragua Canal Company, said the company wanted protection of Its in terests, If not from the Nlcaraguan government, then from the outside. The concessions of the company were safe, but the line of the canal was not. He also said the concession entitled ths entire line of the canal to protection, but an uncontrollable movement may result in . the destruction of nronoriv by Irrwtponsfble persons. Miller said ance to amlne 1"' We na1rj of the he would call the attention of the state j Eflultabl Mutual Insurance Corpora department to the necessity of protec- tlon' '"J""1" their report today. The Hon to the commission. i eiamln- 'naud and misman- The commission is soon to leave for ttPmen ,r latter' operations. At Nicaragua to examine the rouUf for the torner "1 w'" Probably arply for carta!. He says It will be very dan- I a -e:lver for the corporation, gerous In ease of revolutionary dls-I turbances for an unprotected party to I JURY BRIBER FOUND GUILTY. make a trip over the line of the canal.- A POLICY OF ISOLATION. , Washington, April, 29. The attltudt ! of the United States In the Eastern war trouble has been clear to the various powers Interested. In brief ft is that rhe unvarying policy of this country Is not to form alliances which may In volve It In complications with the countries of EXirope and Asia. It Is a reassertion' ot the policy of Isolation, except In so far as the United States may be able to exercise kindly ad visory Influence toward the adjustment of trouble involving Eastern nations. The -foregoing Is now accepted by dip lomats here as the policy which will guide the United States In the pending European complications over the Japan-China settlement. THEY DO ANP DON'T. England Would Like to Play Horsa With the United States and then - She Wouldn't. s .. . , London, April 23. Commenting upon the talk- of a general alliance between Great Britain and the United States, the 6t. Jamea Gazette says: We would rather hava an alliance with the Unit ed States than any other people, but the standing offensive and defensits agreement Is a compromising . thing. Bath aides of the agreement would act together In a defined region for ft limited number of objects. Another matter is that the Interests of Great Britain and the United States in Cen tral America, and parts ot South Amer ica are Identical. We do not intend to make conquests anywhere In America, and therefore the United States hu no grounds for Jealousy. Both nations desire to trade In peace and are mo lested by Spanish-American anarchy. NEWS FORM THE ORIENT. London, April 29.-The Times will publtoh a dispatch from Kobe, saying the Russian and German ministers left Toklo for Kobe yesterday. It Is sup posed they Intend to seek an interview with Count Ito, president of the Jar on ese council of ministers, and with Vis count Maitsu Japanese minister ot foreign affairs. The French mlnlste Is also reported here ait ithe same limb. The Mikado has arrived at Yokohama from Hiroshima. The Times' correspondent in conclu. sion Bays: "I learn officially that Tues day's grand celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of th Yokoto has been postponedroatenslbly on aocount of the Illness .f the Mika do. Evidently the flltuatlon Is grave." SYNDICATE WHEAT. Two Hundred Thousand Tons Have Been Placed on the Market. Bin Francisco, April 20. The Even ing Bulletin says that 20J.0J0 tons of "syniaicate" wheat which has been stored for two years in the warehouse ,, ul xiic icuvrj ukxa, vii a, tin tvi i vi i vuoiai has been placed on the market. The wheat is estimated to be worth $1,800, 000, and to ship all the wheat to Liver pool would take 75 vessels. SHIPPING NEWS. San Francisco, April 29 Arrived Ship Guardian, from Everett; bark Palmyra, from Port Gamble;'schooner Lily, from Umpqua; Areata, from Coos Bay; schooner Del Norte, rrojn co- quille river. Departed Citato of California, for Astoria and Portland; schooner Orien tal, for Gray's Harbor. Freights and charters American ship Elwell, lumber from Puget Sound to Port Plrle; American schooner King Cyrus, lumber from Tacoma to Port Plrle; American bark Oregon lumber from Puget Sound to Sydney. AS VIEIWED FROM WASHINGTON. W&flhlngton, April 29. The Impres sion here is that the situation at Co rlnto Is likely to remain unchanged for a few days at least. The British forces occupying the town are not likely to-be attacked unless they endeavor to force their way inland, and so far as now known, there is no present nacesH.y for buoIi a movement. The state department officials are still convinced that the Nlcaraguan government will tpay the indemnity, and believes the delay grows entirely out of the condition of political expe diency. THE BIXTil NEGRO LYNCHED. Louisville, April 29. A special to the Courier-Journal from Greenville, Ala., says: The sixth negro was lynched in Butlr county yesterday for the murder of Watts Murphy. His body was found hanging to a tree In the neighborhood where the other five men ' yfre l.vnohed last Sunday. The last victim W- believed to nave struck the blow that killed MurphyA THE REPORT SUBMITTED. New York, 29. Thomas Mc Cabe and Daniel F. Goodwin, eppolnt- ed b the 8tftt uperintendent of insur- Portland, Or., Aprtl 29 The Jury In I the tate circuit court this afternoon returnel a verdict of guilty In the guilty In the case of 'John A. Carr, the well known capitalist, charged whh attempting to bribe Juror Thomas Huntington, who was Bitting on the Jury that tried "Bunko" Kelly for Ms life last De cember. The jury wa out only ten minute, " A Freight Train Wrecked on the Oregon Central and Eastern. BRAKEMAN WILCOX KILLED. Fourteen Freight Cars Go Through ' a Bridge and are Smashed . to Kindling:. . Associated Press. iAJbany' Or., April 29. The Herald's BpeciaJ from Corvalils says: It Is re. ported this evening , that the Oregon Central and Eastern "westbound freight train crashed through a bridge just werst of tunnel No. '3, iwhlcta Is about a imMe west . of Chitiwood. '. It is re ported that fourteen freight oars went down,' the engine and tender remaining on -the west ; approach, 'while the ca boose remained on the east side badly smashed. Conductor John Campbell was very'eertously Injured and, Brake man Grant Wilcox Is missing, supposed to be under the -wreck dead. A relief train left at 7 o'clock for the scene of the wreck with surgeons and relatives of the Injured. The parents of Wilcox reside In Philomath, and thoBe of Campbell In Corvallls. WHO WROTE "TRILBL7" Denver, Col., April 29.-ld DeMau- rier write "Trilby?" This sensational question was today propounded In the United States count in. good faith when the suit of Harper Bros, and A. M. Palmer for an Injunction against the Lyceum .Stock Company to . restrain them from producing "Trilby" was called. The defendants allege that the bOoA entitled "Trilby" -was not orig inated, Invented, or written by Du Miaurier. They assert that the origin al book of "Trilby" wtae first published In Fmnoe In 1820, and afterwards translated and published In English in 1847, and .that the title and book have been common- property for 75 years. ' The court .postponed hearing until Wednesday morning. WILL CHANGE) COMMISSIONERS. New York, April 29. Rumor is re vived that Col. Fred Grant would be aptpolnted police commissioner. It la said that on May 10th the mayor will remove Commissioners Martin, Murrey ,flnd Krw1n, appointing In their places Andrew Parker, Democrat, and Theo dore RooseveWi and Fred Grant, Re publicans. RAlCING IN CALIFORNIA. ' San Francisco, April 29. Six fur longs Inkerman, 1:19 1-4. Five furlongs Raphael, 1:07. One mile 'Midas; 1:46. t Short six furlongs Duchess of Mil pitas, 1:17 1-4. Mile and five furlongis Kathleen, 1:10 14. . One Mile, Blizzard, 1:47. STATU OF MONROE. Washington, Aipflll 29. Advices re ceived at the Venezuelan legation, state that a (popular subscription had been opened at Caracas for a statue of President Monroe, whlh Is to com memorate the Monroe doctrine. MORE LAND FOR SETTLEMENT. Washington, Aprtl 29. The Interior department ds taking steps to have a number of abandoned military sta tions scattered over the country open ed for settlement. Among these reser vations Is Fort "McDermott, Oregon. COLORADO MIDLAND RECEIVER. Denver, Aprtl 29. Geo.' W. Rlstlne Is appointed receiver of the Colorado Mid land vice MoOook, Wlker and Wilson, resigned. The Midland was part of the Atchison system. WILL ANSWER 800!f. London, April 29. The Associated Press learns on good authority that Japan will reply to the Russian, Ger man and French proteete within a few days. TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS. Claitsop School, Apr. 21. 1893. Editor AwUnian: Will you kindly grant me a little space In your paper to present a sub ject that will be of Interest to a Urge number of your readers, especially to those directly concerned in the man agement of . our pWbHc whools. I think no one will question the opin- k ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ion lihlut itlie greatest defect In our un graded school system Is the utter ab sence of any records -which will be of use to the school at the btgtnn!ns of a new school year. Itl gr,"id?l sohodla this difficulty Is not encounter ed, fcr pupils are passed from gndc to by iprOmotilon, when the allotU'cl work Was been performed, and oach xUchieir Buivcrojj exiaV.:!y wMrt. w rk each pupil hlas dbm?; but In the coirntry schools, which are ndt graded, not should be, the imcentaTinty as to the attainments of pupils la a cause of great confusion and loss of time. Every teacher, upon taking charge of a new school, 'la confronted by an almost Insurmountable difficulty, that of having a room full ot pupils of all ages, to clasalfy and direct, without having a single record of past work to refer to tn order to make a correct claaslflcla'lfon, . . ' t Most teachers, too, find It netess-ai-y to commence their work In a new sdhooJ TviJWittut even a copy of the kist year's progmm to help them in dls. covering whU!t o)i3aes there are In he school. As a iresuU of this there Is a necS ary 1om of eeveml days' time In or ganising the school anew, and every dhocfl board reates that the pupils lose fumy a month's work In becoming aocuritomdd o tine mew organization whllch the teacher ts compelled to In. stttute. And elnce a majority bf the un?rad ed sdhoota employ a rww teacher for each succeeding year, the loss to the sohotfs of the entire county is con sldeflalbOe and ithe more to he regretted because Ut Is to a mtusure unneoesrary. All tlhe confusion and Joes of time oooaaioned by a change of teachers oourd .he prevented if each teacher, Upon leaving a school, would prepare a complete "Yoar Book," for the benefit if his suocesBor. Any teacher having a professional spirit, and fee&rng an Interest in the advancement of our public schools, would lelave a su!laible record. of that kind wMhoult beinj requeued to do so, but under present conrtlf.ons ii is not, amd will not be done unless re quired by the cMreWW s. "'Tfle teachers' contract sihouM provide that the last month's Miliary must not be paid until a complete report of the school had been filed -with the clerk of the board. The, stattati'ce .renal red bv Iw aj-e of no practical use to a new teacher. The report, ,to be of use, , WtouId names ot au , yuipus in each clatts, and the leseonj aKslirned for the new year. It should contain a statement of the work already done by dh pu pil and reconvmen da lions as to the need's of each pupil during the follow ing year. There should be given a summary ut the fill? and customs of the sohool, as well as a general out line ot tfhe methods pursued by the teacher making the report. That much should be required by the sohool board, and with Jhat by way .of Introduction, a tea her of or dinary ability should be able to make a success of any school. But I can see how a "Year Book," might be of use and interest In other ways. It could be made record book of tocaA events, could contain a speci men of the original work of each pu pil, and could 'be a re ord of the progress of tlhe sclhiool and commu nity. It a "Yeair Book" were prepared and carefully filed each year, aiter the lapse of a quarter of a century the oolleotiton of "Year Books" Would be tlhe most highly prized property of the diwtnlct. 'Man could tlhen look back over their lives amd read a writ ten raeord of Hhalr progress. The next generation would receive" an in calculable Inspiration by reading such books and carefully observing how otJhers had gone out from Clatsop county schools to lives of usefulness and honor. i . This tetter use for the "Year Books" has been suggested to me by the read ing of Borne old collections Of school work left In the district by a former teacher, now our county superintend ent. Although this collection Is but seven years aid, our school clerk guards it as carefully as he would tlhe lust will and testament of a rich retatton. But let us ait luatit proviMe for suc.-t a report ot the end of each school yeati as will Insure the least possible diffi culty Iri opening the schiol at the be ginning of a new year. A. W. PRESCOTT, Clatsop, Oregon. FOR SOHOOL CHILDREN. The managers of the KlnetlFcope, by request, will place Illin's latest In vention on exhibition Tuesday and Wednesday to those attending school at the reduoed rate of two scenes for t cents. Mrs. Hilly Parrlsh Hinges is an Ore in girl, ami flntahf 1 her education Cn Europe. She ts said to 'b3 the hinh fl npprano in the world. At I-Hsher's aiaiB tonli'hlt.