IWi DAILY ABTOftlAN, ASTORIA BATPttDAY MOUNINQ AKIL 13. 1885 TiiRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. .Served by carrier, per weez.... 16cts Sont by mall, per month Wets Sent by mall, per year $7.00 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, $2.00 in advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub' scrlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap- plication to the business manager. J : The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly in the state of Oregon, lias, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state, Handley ft Haas are our Portland agents and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First st'et ' Every citizen of Astoria, however humble or poor, stands a show to re ceive some benefit from the railroad, and each should be willing to con tribute his mite to Insure its construe' tlon as early as possible. The whole question of When toe work shall com mence now hinges on the e-MMy of our people to furnish Mr. Hammond with the rijfht of way. He is under contract to begin work whenever the right of way is tendered, and to con tlnue at work without cessation until the road Is completed. It follows therefore, that tlw people are maetrra of the situation; they have control, and can determine Just when the ben oftts expected' from the road shall be obtained. In order to secure the right of way It Is necessary to raise a cer tain amount of , Mh money. This money must come from the people, aud all the people. Our so-called weal thy men and large property . owners cannot be relied on to iiut up this money, for the -vry good reason thai theyhajKtt't got It, and wlbh all their poverty they can't get It. Aside from the injustice of expecting a few to do everything, and waiving the fact that the land owners have already contributed liberally and even masal flcently to make up the suibsldy, whlon is the main inducement to Mr. Ham mond to build the road In times like the present, It is a fact, too patent and commonplace to be disputed, tihat there are fishermen and day laborers In As torla Who have more ready nioney than many of these land owner. Up In Seattle, where they are ( ttlng read, for the tug of war which they see coming with Astoria, the people have raised about 500,000, a large portion of whloh was contributed in sums or one dollar and up by the poorer cUs of olt liens. We must show the earn, spirit in Astoria, and one ot the wa. ; of doing It is by patronizing the en terbalnmanit to be given toy the Astoria Football Club, for the benefit of th right of way fund. The success of td.it entertainment will have muoh to d with stimulating our railroad commit tee to other and further efforts; ll failure will most certainly dampen an dlooourage their enerjries, and may if suit in a serious delay in carrying t: right of way project. Lot every c::; sen deny himself some luxury, if n r sa-y, and contribute the amount o ait least one ticket to this eavterta r. mervt. There Is no objection that we know gays Munat H<eai, to tihe "Increases' use of silver'' by any of the Euro.in, IfeaiMons hait may be so minded; bit we do not see our way clear to uu furoher use of It in this country. Tia laiteat treasury report shows that w.. tvave in the vaults ot the government five hundred and ton millions In silver. This I tAie white money motal In ad dition to that which the people art pleased to carry in tln4r pockets and betrtow on their personal hoards. We have, therefore, sixteen thousand tonj of sliver stored up hi aiMltkm to that wihhft to atlod for by the people in actual drculaitilon. Of course a vast amount of tlho torod liver Is out In reprueentaitlv form, for the American peoiflo do not Uke metal in tih4r hands, preferring. Invariably, to flngvr the larsly 'filmwy nd lnfeoted paper. They do .iot even have, like the French. Gormnna Bng-llsh, a fancy to clr euiate tsvid; and th.t 4s on of the r.. is)!i v J'.y the uSd sMrs away from lid rr '". T-: ts.-t of -the Skamokwa . -,- -., rii-n Mist, are brim-full of interesting facts coreoerrrlsgf the As-torfa-Oohle ralhvay projeot. One day fewt week Mr. Seelcy, of the Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Company, gave itho editors of thee papers a trip to Astoria on the steam er Dalley Glaitzort, the main purpose lwlng to allow thorn to see for them selves whmt was being done toward the railway project. From the ap pearance of their respective papers thtt week they took In the whole situation. Judging from the number of commen (l.ttory communications received during the past few days, it is evident the people of Clatsop county feel that In tihe Adtoxtan they Ibave a warm ally In their effojita to secure better roads. In this they are righlt, for the Asto rlan In it!he future as In the past will do tts utmost to advance Che theory that good, passable county roads are the -first steps to be taken towards settling and building up the country surrounding flhe county seat. The far mers of Clatsop county can count on the Adtorian on every proposition of that kind. It would do no harm If our Chamber of Commerce would open correspond ence with the Washington authorities about the Tillamook Rock calble. The muter lias had a long reat, and with Commander FaranhoK's Influence, who knows but that the cable mlglrt he laid and in operation before the Bum mor Is over. WHAT A WORD WILL DO. Byron reminds us that a word is enough to rouse mankind to mutual slaughter. Yes, there is power in a word Marathon, for Instance, Water loo, Gettysburg, Appomattox. Great battles, these, but what a great battle is going on In many a sick and suffer ing body. In yours, perhaps. Take courage. Oall to your aid Dr. Pierce' (Jolden Medical Discovery. It ao-u powerfully upon t)he liver, cleanses th system of ail blood taints, and impuri ties; cures all humors, fro.n a comuio Lilotuh or Eruption to the worst aero. ula, Salt-Rheum, "Fever Sores," Seal or Rough St.ln, In Bhort, all disease.- caused by bad blood. Great Bating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially potent in mrlii. Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Balls, Car Junclee, Sore Ryes, Scrofulous Sore. and Swellings, Hip-Joint Disease "White Swellings" and Enlarged Glands. ' Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanent!! constipation, biliousness, a!ck head ache, and Indigestion. FORTY-FIFTH STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Cum mum council ol uit cuy of ahiuiio, ..4e (leu. milieu diu .Mbcj.u to e?-k4U- uan Ule tj.tt.de of 4uiil BifaH in uiu pari oi me L4iy ia.U out auu rc-oiucu uy J dun Auuir, tu ute lu.iuftriiig u...n above cne base oi grades tor earn City us established Dj uiMinuuce No. 71, eniiltic-d "Orttlnune No. 71 to es tablish a base of grades (or the B.rttn of Astorlu," as fo.lawa. to-wL: At the Intersection with Asior street, 25 feet. At the Interseotlon with Bond street, 17 and 4-10 feet. The street to 'be of the heights men- tinned, throughout the wlJ;b thereof. and the slope thereof to be on a straight or even line between Bold points. At any time within ten days from he final publication of this rot're, o-wt: within ten days from the 19th day of April. 1835. remonstrance ran be made arei'.nst said proposed grade, xnd If within said time a writ. en re monstrance against the same si.all be aade and filed with the Auditor and .'ollce Judge, by the owners of three fourths of the property adja ent to .laid p-irt!on of Bald sireet, suoh pro posed grade shall not be made In any ivn t. Uy order of the Common Council. AU-iv; K. OSllCHN. Auditor and Police Judue. Astoria, Uio.i, Apc.i OIULOH'8 CUIUS 1b sold on a gtui iltee. 11 cures uuiiileiU cuiiriuiiptiui. i is the best 'Jough Cure. iii um etii a uue. io cem. i ;i.. 1-uo or .a.e uy J. W. Cunn. KHKK I'iLLS Senu your uddreBS t.i H. JE. Bueklt-n Co., Chicago, and get a free suniple I Dr. lilnir'a New Life ullls. A U'ial ..1,1 convince you ot their merlu. l'ha ,.li,s are eutty in aeilun and are iaiiUu urly eflectlve in the cure of tousapa .ion and sick headache. For mtiariu .ind liver troubles they have been prov jd Invaluable. They are guaranteed lo oe perfectly free from any deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. ihey do not weaken by their action out by giving tone to thb stomach and jowels greatly invigorate the system. Kegular size, 25 cents per box. Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist, Odd Fellows' ouiidlng. Mrs. T. B. .Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn says, "Shllor's Vltallier 'SAVPD MY LIFE,' I consider It the best rem edy for a debilitated sysUm I ever used." For Dyspeiwia, Liver or Kia ney trouble. It excells. Pilvs ?& cts. For Sale by J. W. Conn. CLAIRVOYANT. Maiam Nolson, reads head and also cards, and tells part, present and future. Consultation oil all affairs. Price, 60 cents and upwards. Recom mendations from several hundred per sons. Removed upstairs, 625 Commer cial at dm. GREATEST AND BEST. Four pounds of the heat washing powder on earth for S5 cents. Ask Ross Hlgglns ft Co. for SOA FOAM POW-! DER. ' Dr. Price's Cream tMKinjr Pow&r LOSS OF FLESH Is weakening. You cannot af. ford to fall below your healthy weight. If you will take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda -when your friends first tell you you are getting thin, you will quickly restore your healthy weight and may thereby prevent serious illness. PorsonS have been known to gain .' pound a day by taking an ounce a day of Scott's Emul sion. This seems extraordinary; but it is absolutely true. Don't be pcrtuaded to accept a tubitltuU! Scott & Bowne, N, Y. All Druggists. 50c and $1, HOriCE CF THE INTENTION OF COUNCIL TO RE-ESTABLISH GRIDE ON PART OF lBJ'H STREET. Notice Is heieby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, have determined aud intend to alter tne grade oC lith street in tne part of the city of Astoria laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlveley, from the south line of Grand Avenue to the south line of Irving Avenue, so that the grade of said portion of said street When re-established will be at heights aoove the base of grades for said clt as established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled "Ordinance No. 71, to establish a basa of grades for the streets of Astoria," to-wit: At the south line of Grand avenue, 119.6 feet. At the north line of Irving avenue, 1CT feet. At the south line of Irving avenue, 170 feet. The street to be of heights mentioned throughout the width thereof, at the respective points designated according to the proposed grade and the slope between designated points to ba straight or even. At any time within ten days frm the final publication of this nctlce, towlt: within ten days from the 19th day of April, 1895, remonstrance can be made against said proposed alteration of ?ride and If within said time a writ ten remonstrance against the Fame hall be made and filed with the Aud itor and Police Judgt. by the owners if throe-fourths of the property adja cent to said portion of said street, such proposed alteration of grade shall not ,-n ad 4 In any ?vent. By order of the Common council. Attest: K.. UaUultN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, ui.o-i. aiuJ tf.u. oju. NOTICE Oil- AD-UiN 1ST RATION. Notice Is nerebv given that the uu uei'Mfaiied i, us octn uvoiuteu ud.mil isirutrlx ot the estate oi Junus . .iieioun, dt-ce'UietU u'ld ad persona hav ing ciuiins u4.ai.iHt md cisait are hereby rcpulrud m Dn.-si.ni tne Bame, tii'utier.y vci WK-.t, to J. A. t.aKla, ni attorney, ut his ulllce In AHturla, Ure ,on, wituln ma inuiunj ii'jui tnia daln. .i.uicn i.it, lajj. t'.J.lNOR A1ELSON, AJmliilHiruu Ix ui i.i,t- tu.u.eot juiaes t . MeiSon, Ucct-ustd .iluBl pLHiiiiu (.am.ul (Liiui-ii lo expert- tin. lilt.) uuiii iiiiiui'diatu iciiei. . ,.u s vny l.iL) uu one .uiuu.e Couull ulti. ClIUH. liOKtlb. .O'Jlt OUT FOR COLD WEATHER i.t ride Inr.lda the Elec'.rlc LlghU-d d Sleu.n Heated Veatlbule Anui tinent ,u- trulno of the CIiIcuko, Milwaukee nd it. I'au! Hallway, and you will be ' warm, rnnitnrtable, and cheerful as , your -.'wn ll'jriiry or tmudnlr. To avel hi'twi-en Chleagn. S'. I'aul or InnenpnliH. or it.'iwern Chicago and i-nha. In thohe luxuriously appointed inns, la a siipi-fine -arisfit"tlon : nnil 'ho unmcwhnl ancient n.lvertlsement " I to reml. "for fii'-tlier nnrilcii ai- " Kinnll blll." Sm.'ll l'!!n (and lareel mo) will he n" cptod for pnt.snire d R'eef.lng rnr tlrltrts. AM coupon ' -lt n7cnt on (bp i-on-it soli trkits 'I th CH'-non, .'lllwankep nnii Kt '7"l Pllllivnv, or n'',ll'"-o C I 'dv ..ni-nl ont. Pnrtlnnn, '" rV-,h.in''a' Ptaml-""-'. n I'n-fnv1 im Wa anlvp in 'h w'r'il fiv r-.. 'Milaf. Qor' Tlf.n h'l" m 111,'nln ",.. ..nil "V" - ' inq rtnl nfwlll"nlv nrM P'loq nr :-'l .fiH.fi .lni r -nnnav r' fil'1 rt rfnty titr .-v Vtr nlp Let There Be Light on rack'"? house methods of lard rendering, and there will be less lard used. Many people realize that it is impossible now-a-days to procure o!d-fashionid leaf lard. They demand something better than the modem stock-yards product. COTTOJ.EWE C? The New VeeeUble Shortening fully supplies that demand. It is clean, delicate, healthful and eco nomicaL Ask your grocer for the genuine Cottolene. MAPI 0!t.T BT TUB N. K. FAIR8ANK COflPANY, ST. LOI IS ui ttlcnso, MwVatfc, UoatOJU THREE LOTS. In a desireable location, 2 blocks from High School. A BARGAIN. CHOICE LOTS IN HILLS FIRST ADDITION. On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home. A Block IN ALDERBROOK. STREET CAE LINE will be ei tended this summer to within 5 minutes walk of this property 'Will sell at decided bargain. ACER AGE. In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the city limits, also adjoining Flavel. GEORGE HILL-. 471 Bond St., Occident Block, HILL'S HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Children Cry for FISHERHEN! Gold Seal and Badger Oil Clothing. . Also see that the heela of your Bootaare stamped STOAT'S PATENT These are the only Genuine SNAG PROOF BOOTS. If you want the ordinary Duck Boots ask for WALES-GOOUYEAR'S For sale by all First-class Dealers. Manufactured only by the GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 73-75 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Children Cry for The Packers of Choice olu.mbia : River : Salmon Their Hranrlt and Locations. Num. OUATI'N H.ri.i Pk k 'o Asinri mil v PK'-" AHinrU in n I'kKi'n; i r ll Hllllxl -i . i. liKlr C j n eld ' rni n'h I b fc ('ii.-j '' PROVEN A BOON. . iemli'inen:-1 have always recom iendeJ kruiiw'8 Headuche Capsules . herevt-r 1 huve had a chance. They ,ive proven a erilable boon In my iiuly apnlnsl any anil all klndH of 'fliM'he Your truly, J. F. WAll'Elv Leavenworth, Kansas. i-hi Male tiy ("hna Rogers. Astori.. "villi. dIi nireni. INDOHSEP BY THF, PRESS. Gentlemen: This ts to certify thai 1 nave used Krause's Heada-he upsules with satisfactory results. I 'oufh' a box which cost me ..2. .inc one iupei'le cured me of a dreadful '.ck h'ai'.r.che My wife and mysi-lf nave lit! used the medicines manufactured by the Norman Mcht'. Mf'ff Co.. n:ij we rc- iiniinend their, to the puhlli- as belnv IJusI whai they ire represented Respectfully. VV. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Oa-eite. c;ea.mnt HI 1. Twenty-tlve cents f'.r sale by Cl.ar ngers. Astoria. Or., sole agents t cui es I'Uos, It cures oDstmate sores, .im.pii hand, wounds. It does this . Ickly is 'here any good reason why mi almiilii not use DeWltie Witch azel Salve? Chas. Hoeera. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New discovery know Its value, and those rt-ho ht.ve not rave now the opportunity to trv It free. Call on tne advertised .iiMimrldi ami e-et a trial bottle tree. end vour name and aaaresu iu n.. itii, .kipn A cn.. Chicaeo. and goi a sample box ot new uie x-u. n . - u-ll na n rnnv nf Oulde to Heaim anu irmisnhniH instru -tor. free. AH of which le euaranteed to do you gooa and cost vou nothing. Chas. Rogers druggist. Odd Fellows Building. The name One M.nute Cough Cure suggesfc a medicine that relieves ai once, and quickly cures. Its use proves It Chas. Kogers. You make n mistake when you take DeWltfs Little Early Risers for bil iousness, dyspepsia, or headaohe, be cause these'llttle pills cure them. Clias Rogers. The World's Fir Tests showed bo baking powder so pure or so great in ieav ealajt power as the RoyaL Tou ought to know this: DeWltfs Witch Haiel Salve wUl heal a bum and stop the palti Instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores and ts a well-known cure for piles. Chas. Rogers. The Palace Bath House encourages folks to bathe by having: everything first class. Pitcher's Castorla. Ask Your Dealer for SHAG PROGf. Pitcher's Castoria. f ArttOllft Pk'gCo. Kiniiey'i" (John A. Devlin.. I Blin k Diamond.. oval.. r.cliuil i Magnolia 1 W lie Mur lag i St. UiMirne... )FIhermei''..... Si ai (IniHvian FljihrinenV M J Kinney. Asloria.. A. BiH.tli &Sons riittiuR PiikCo.... an KrauclHU tMi.orla Khnor, San born! J.G. Mexier 'Uiookfleln Wi. Ushermen'a I'kK C AkIotIh., Hard Times Have Come Trying tj Make it Easy, We wish the public to understand that we sell exclusively nothing but J. H. CUTTER WHISKEY For 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's cele brated N. P. Beer at 5 cents a glass. The whisky is the same as we have been selling ever since we have Leer In business, and we are going to con linue the same as long as we can get square deal on b"th sides. WHITE HOUSE CORNER, Corner 9th and Bind. HARRIS & WRIGHT. E. A. ToPPINU. : Now and Second-H ind : - FURNITURE. Full I. he Cro:Ke y Tii.w re, Stove. Stove Hepais a Specialty. Highest c sh prices p.-iiJfur s"ii'nd-!iami guOJs of all kinds. 434 Bond Street. (Opposite Paiker & Hansen.) MUSIC HflliLi. KKAT NG & C. will open tlieir Music llrfl at 3-9 Astor i-trect, Saturday the icih. They will Att keep numberless goo I liquors and t-igitr besides haviiig good music all the time. BEER HALL. What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried to do in selecting their liquor was -to- pick out what intelligent people would WAjit If thev knew it as exnertonrori people should know it. Make a note ' rf this If vmi wa r mira IIhiiam naswtni i Bartley, Proprietor. They Lack Life. There are twines sold to flshermem on tne Columoia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yeur8Pif jnto the .belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just at well." They won't. They cannot We Ought to Know Something about pianos, for we have bought and sold them for a life time. The knowledge thus gained has proved to us that the Checkering, the Hard man and the Fischer are the best pi anos now before the public. They show perfection in every detail. WILEY B. ALibEfJ CO. HAVE YOU A WIFE? Have you any little ones? If so, buy a lot on the Seashore, and build them a summer home. Tber is no more beautiful place than Silver Point Cliffs. E. Z. Ferguson, agent. Astoria Ab stract Company. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplyin Ships. EVERY REQUISITE FOR first Class funerals : AT POflli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWINE It astonishes the old time mnlters to see how the fishermen have taken to Marshall's twine the last few years and they may. THE HIGH BOAT of Inst seasou over all the o'lier taints nn the rivei used MKSHALL'S TWINE. w.r? Bccntise i1 is the stronueM. Because it has not heeu weiikt-unl liy blenching. I'.. onut-e i. it. Hulil with h i.mi iuiIpp ihm f it doi-M nut pruvt Hiiti.-fartiiry it c-.n iitr I t buck lit the Hid nf llie Kt'.'.KiHi. SEASIDE SAWMILL. cmnpieit diuch ul luiimei ui. I1.11 , trie riuiKn or dressed Fl"'ni-t.-:c. ceiling and all kimln 'f " .-lUlriliiKP ind -hlnles il- " ..rli -1inf ii' '.ider Tei'i'i" fenf .' ml iri-M." 1! heili'i'i'li Ml i 'iiilitl' upnd'-'i " '"!". " -ii ' i.in. H ' ' niM - STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Round Nn' tgatlon Co. STEAMER BAILEY GATZLR I In place of Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria ior Portland and way landings at 7 p. m. laily, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland ev rv dav except S'Ti day at 7 a.m. C. W. STONE, Ai'fnt A;tor a. Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland. U. B. Scott, President. Between Astoria and Portland 3TBAMER SARAH DIXON, SPRING TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o"cloek, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at 7:30. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS & CO. GrOCCrS. I HTd Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fin Teas and Coffm, Table Delicacies. Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables. Sugar Cured Hans, Bacon. Etc. Choice Fresh - and Salt - Meats. S. H. W1LLETT, PLUMBING, das and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.-- 179 Twelfth street. Astoria. Or. Is the line to tke to nil pninta EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAB ROUTE It oBera the best service, com bluing SPEED and COMFORT It Is the populr route with tlio ftho whh to travel on the SAFEST! It Is therefore the route you should take. It runs throuwh vestibuiert trains every ilay in Hie year to St Paul and Chicago. No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Slcefrs. Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Uuly on" qtianc of cam PORTLAND to NEW YORK Through Tickets To Any Tart of tne civilized world. Passengers ticketed via all boats niniilc, betwceo Aktoria, Kaluma p.Ld I'or'laniJ. Pull iii(onniitln eonof-rnlne rules, time n tralno, routes ami other details ftirnlshed o tpoltnation to C. V. STONE, 'Vk'PlH Ahtnrla Ptean.cr 7eli-p)ione Dock. A. P CM'flTCN, A. G. P. A., N. P. R. R., 2,)5 Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Or. The Original & Genu:; IWOHCHlrtTRKSHIRK) SAUCE Imparta the most delicious taftc and zest to Hot A CoK! JlrHd GKAVIKS, ,CFjrj3TA7)ONS f I J lea & Perrins Take Kg;. siniatiiro on ovry bottlo o' JjIjii I' n-ii' So .rljiml & rennlna , Stiv Vol. Cauafliau Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans - Cont'nenta Railway System FROM OCEflU TO OCEAN Palase Dining Room and Sleeping Cars Lcwarioas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, alloming Unbroken Viems of the Wonderful Poantain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very flneft throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP UN To Thins lintn. Empress oi Japan. November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. For ticket rates and Information, call on or address. J A3. FIXLATSON, Art. , , , Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder. Traveling Pass Agt., Tdooma, Wash., Sea Ucl Brown, Dist. Pass. Act.. Vancouver. B. C, and .-m JWl.