ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ' ; ' ' . - TORIANhas the laig- s Circulation, the larg ft est GE-.i-,,. j circulation and largest TOTAL circulation of all fs papers published In Astoria. TELEGRAPHIC- PRESS REPORT. e V0Ii' X'iIV' m 8L , ASTORIA. OREGON, TUESDAY MOKXIXG. APKlL 0, 1895. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. I872 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Brothers, J Sell ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. NEW GOODS B. F. ALLEN, 365 Commercial Street. New lines for 1895. Japanese Rugs and Matting (Direct from Japans.) House Lining, Building Paper and Glass. Wall Paper of 1895 now in with a stock Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago from $0. to $18 per roll of 12 yards. B F. ALLEN'S, 365 Commercial Street Snap A Kodak at any man coming out ot our mo e ami you'll get a portrait ut a man brimming, oter with pleasant thoughts. Such quality In tlx- liquors we have to offer are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Corne and Try Them. hughes & CO. IS THERE? Is there a man with heart so cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Corn-only St., toot ot Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings ot All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintended A. L. Fox Vice President 0. B. Prael Secretar Hunter & Epicures say the best Pork Sausage combines th flnvnr nf nf lean nitr Hergen's.pork with the flaky fat and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind of sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering- Co's M ark Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth street They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand la the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden image does to tbs human being they lack strength Ufs evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just az weJ. xney won i. iney cannot, "The Astoria Loan Office." Money to Loan on W TCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Guns, Pistols, Cbthing and all Articles of Value. 56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond. THOMAS MOKKO, T!i- Blacksmith whoso shop la oppos ite Cutting's cannery. Is now prepared to do such odd jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old ones, making new fishin boat irons, and re nalrlng old ohm, and all ether black smithing that requires first-class workmanship. nayhap Tour mind Is on repairing your notus this sprtae: pow'Wy on buildln a new one If so. remember we are carpen ters and builders with a shop full of toolg always willing to do such Jobs and want your work. ana wi j MILLER A VOSXET. 271;? tin riwaeo 9tk.' Phew! losses, and no presents or chromos in my business, every person treated alike. I. L. OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 and 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. w HO SAID that only in name. Every inch of ed with Easter Cards is a protest against any such belief; So are the throngs of interested buyers inside, so are the cards themselves, more and prettier this year tnan ever. The choosings have been domestic cards and baskets in REMNANTS I REMNANTS II. REMNANTS I I I r LOLA MONTEZ CREME, Nkln Food and TIhsub Diitldcr. Does not cover makes the tissues firm and builds up the worn-out muscle fibres and min es them plump Lowest In price and best In value' 750 Larue Pot. A GIKL WITH HTKAIGHT HAIIt may keep it fluffy with FRIZZ. Will keep ilu, hair in eurl In dump or heat. Leaves no sticky deposit, ma es the hair glossy; guaranteed harmless; Is a tonic for scalp; cleanses the lialr. InnlH L'UI7V l I n I . t . K - ..... K 1.. ....... . .. . . After using a few times the most stubborn hair Mr. NETTIE HAKKISON, Sold by Deauty Doctor, Oeary Ht , San Francisco. Mrs. D. R. BLOUNT, 457 Duane dt., Astoria, Oregon. " KIN BALL" PIANOS SB ORGANS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Correspondence ALLOTTED. : W. W. Factory 16 & Rockwell St. Chicago, III. Pacific Coast Office and Wareroom, 335 Morrison, cor 7th St. Portland, Oregon. L. V. MOORE, manager. The CASINO. 7th & BOND STREETS. Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, April 8th. Opening act by ClSf ord & 6ro,7ntitieT" "CASEY THE FIDDLER." With fuil cast MACK and WADE Tba Versatile Sketoe Team ia Their Latest Production "LOVE IS IB ELAND." MISS LULU ORO. Positively tba Greatest Chinese Imper sonator. Attention if called to her bods. being song correctly in Chinese. MISS BESSIE LeMAR. Kong and Dtnce Artist. Admission 10 Children Cry for It's Hot. Gum Boots and Oil Clothing less than Factory Wholesale prices. Boots and Shoes at Factory whole sale prices. It will be a cold day when I get left. See that you don t get left when you want any Mens' or.Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, Trunks, Valise3, Blankets, Quilt etc. but call on me and save 1 from 16-f to 33 per cent. CPNo runners, no drum mers, no book-keepers, no Easter day was now a day one of our long counters load from the finest imported and the market. GRIFFIN & REED. How many We see on our streets only remnants of beautiful women, shadows of bygone days I It need not be bo while there exists Am flea's imlv Bcmif v Doctor. M KS N H'l TI R HAKRISO . AN OLD WOMAN WITH GRAY HAIR may have it changed in four days to its natural color with MRS. HARRISON S HAIR RESTORER. Only four to ten days required to restore bair to natural colr. Is not a dye or bleach. No sediment or sti' kiness. Color is permanent when once your hair is restored to its natural shade. Hair becomes glossy and clean. lice SI. AN OLD WOMAN WITH WRINKLES may have every trace removed and the contour restored. but heals and cures blemishes of the skin: will keep In cm I. I 'rice o cents. Wholesale Prices Quoted To RESPONSIBLE DEALERS AND riERCHANTS Solicited : Catalogue Mailed Free on Application. KIMBALL CO. Manufacturers. Main Office and warerooms, 243-253 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. of characters. CLIFFORD Si ORO Iu their Nonsensical Effusion "All Broke Up." OOFTY GOOF I Y, The 19th Century Wonder, LYDIA PURDY, Astoria's Favorite. MAY LOVELAND, In Choice Selections. and 20 cents. Pitcher's Cactcrln. i - 1 1 1 n . AWFUL MINE ACCIDENT Twenty-two Men Loose Their Lives as Eesnlt. CAUSED BY FIRE. DAMP, Accident Occurred in the Blue Can yon Coal Min on Lakp AVliat com, Washington. Associated Press. Seattle, Wn., ApnH 8.A New What com spoclaJ to ithe Poet-Inltellijrencer Bays: Nowa h&a Justt been received ot a ter rlble explosion dn Blue Caaiyon Cole mine on Lake WTiattoom, seven miles from 'this city. Ten dead IxxMes have been taken out, an-1 tihliiteen men are ptlll In the mine. Every possible effort Is being made to' rescue tlhem. A steamer has gone out from ithls Ay with Superintendent Donovian, three physilclans and ten miners. The mine was Inspected three weeks ago and pronounced saife. ; ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Tacomia,: April 8.A Ledger special from New Whl'toom. gilves 'these de tails of tlhe coal mine explosion there: The explosion from fire damp Ha the Blue Canyon coail mine on Lake Wihait oom at 2:45 this alltennoon killed 21 man. V. A. Tel fared came from the mine tonight. Ho was ait the bunkers when 'the exploslJn occurred. He went down .the JnioMno and found JanieB Reams lt the mouith of the shaft near ly dead with exlhuudtion. Kearnee said all in the mine were dead. He had carried Ben Morgan as f ar oa Hie was able and then drotvped him. Morgtui, he Whouglht, was d'eiad. Kcar-ns and Gelliim were the only ones who es oaped out of 24, Who were at work. Tom-VaileriKjie 1tjd J. O. Anderson were tacllne men uid they escaped. At i oiltdh of the gangway 600 feet frum the mouth of theitunnel, Eeklmul and Telfered found the tody of Geo. Rberts, and beyond wee three Joaded care which htud been blown off the truck. They next found the 'body of Ben Morgan, where he Waa dropped by Kearns, Bcklund and others. They were tinlajble to go beyond room 21, 000 feet from the angle of the tunnel and gangway. Their safety Jamps went out and the gas drove the explorers back. In room 21 ithey found 'the bodies ot Thomas Oomtln and James K1rty. It Is supposed thlait In addition to , the four found, fWalt sevwrtteen perished. The gias Was so thJck that 'the rescuing party Waa uniaible to stay Ibut a few minute. The missing men wMih Families are D. Y. Jones, superintendent; James Kir by, Andrew Anderson, James McAn drew, Charles SHvorson, Mike Zeillskl, The slngile men are: Lucas Latka, E. P. Chase, Thomas Oon&i, George Roberts, Ben Morgan, John Williams, Williiam Emns, . Isaac Johnson, Wil liam Lyster, Charlies Ramlberg, Sam Olsen, J. A. MorgUn, and MarlUn Blum. Eiiglneer J. J. Donovan says he does not understand how the explosion oc curred as saifaty lamps were used everywhere out In the gangway. The tunnel is 800 feet long. PEOPLE WHO OWiN FARMS. Washington, April 8. A'compllatlon of farms, homes and mortgagers sta tistics made by the last census, Is In teresting In view of the decision of the supreme court. The stalllfUlca do not, however, give details concerning the rents paM. The summary of the sta tics shows there are 12,690,197 families In the Urdteil States, and of these fam ilies 52 per cent Wre tholr farms or homes and 48 iper cent own tihem, while 28 per cent of the owning famines own subject to lncumibrance and 72 Ter cent own free of Incumbrance. Among 100 families, on an average, 62 ihlre Uielr farms or homes, 13 per cent own wUTi incumbrance, and 35 WliUhouit incum brance. On owned farms tliere are Hens amounting to I2,132,949,DC3. ADMIRAL M HADE'S SQUADRON. Waelhinton, April 8. Admiral Meade's squadron sailed from Kings ton, Jamaica, for Port Au Prince, Hay tL All the vessels of the squadron ac- i eompirtled the flag ship except the Cin cinnati, which went to Port Antonio. The movement is a radical departure from the Itinerary issued the squadron, but K is said at the department that no significance attaches to the change. A CYCLIST BOUNCED. San Francisco. Aprtl 8 Oscar Osen one of the torn, ilcycle riders in Cali fornia, has been suspended by Chair man Welch, local redrew nlUutlve of the national a-ng board, Lu A. W., and given 30 days to reply- Osen is accused of selling Ms prizes, which wr hawing 4os in Pvxrtf, r. The racing rule which Oaen Is charg ed with violating reads: "A cyclist ceases to be an amateur hy sailing or pawning or oUhemvise iturndng Into cash or Jn any manner realizing cajh upon any prize won by him, except that the prize may he exchanged or "bartered, providing there Is In no oase a bonus received. SUPREME COURT DISSENTED. The Inoomo Tax Law Is ReaMy Un coneibituUomlal. WaaWngiton, April 8. Clhilef Justice Fuller handed down iflhe decision in the Income tax case today. It finds it'hlalt tthe tax on remits or landed In vestment Is ddreot toJoaJUon, and un constitutional The court next decided 'the tax unconstitutional so far as it related to Incomes from atalte, county or mujtleipal bonds. It next ruled tha faot the law, (pronounced unconstitu tlonail In tlhose two particulars, did not InvBiliilaite the law as a whole. It is announced thiait in Hhis latter con clusion tlhe court was equally divided and therefore rendered no opinion, a lower count ihavlng ruled in favor of the law by a dUvided count, the law would stand except as to remits, and state, county, and municipal bonis, and on tlhese two points It was directed that -the Judgment -be now reversed. Justice Filed road foils dissenting opinion. He eald: "I am of tlhe opin ion that the Whole law of 1894 is null and void." He was followed by Justice White In a second dissenting opinion. Justice Held laid great stress upon the foot 'that Ithe tow does not exempt Judges of tlhe UnJtJd States counts from payment of tax." Justice White's dis sent was largely extemtporameous and very Jong. Apparently lie favored up holding tlhe whole law. Justice Har lan followed Justice White In a dis senting opinion, and the cose closed. Notihin-g was cold as to now any of the Judges stood save Ithe three Who read dlssein'ts. Justice Field, the oldest member of the court. In 'his dUssewtlng opinion, said: The income itax law under consider ation Is marked toy discriminating fea tures which will affect the whole law It discriminates between tho&e who reoelre an income of $4,000 and those Who do mot. It thus vitiates, lri my Judgment, by this arbitrary dlsttilmlna tlon, the whole legtlstaitian. Whenever distinction is made in the -burdens a law imposes or the 'benefits It confers on any citizen by any reason of their birth, wealth, or .religion, It - is class legislation and leads Inevita'bly to op pression and albuse and to general un rest and disturbance in society. It Is Sloped and ibelieved that the great amendment (to the constitution which followed the late civil war had ren dered such legislation Impossible for all future time. Out the objectionable legislMUOn reaippears In the aot Under cansidenaltion. It is the same in essen. tlal character as the English statute of 1081 which taxed the Protestants at a certain rate, Catholics as a doss at double the rate of Protestants, and Jews alt another and separate rate. Justice Fidld concludes: "If -the pro. visions of the constitution can be set aside by an act of oongress, where is the course of usurpation to end? The present assault upon capital Is but the beginning. It will be the steppitngsjtone to others larger and more sweeping, until our poHtioaJl contests will become a war of the 'poor apainst the rich, a war constantly growing in Intensity and biittornees. TREASURY OFFk-iALS BLUE. They Calculate that Half the Income Tax Revenue Is Gone. Washington, April 8. The treasury ofilolalB are greatly dispirited over the supreme court's decision on the Income tax case, and while admitting thidit they Wave no rellaMe data upon which to farm an accurate estimate, they ex press the belief that the net result of the dedi&on will be a loss of at loiurt 50 per cent of the receipt from the In comes. In mwrt cities the loss 111 be far greater than this, noitaMy the city of Washlnjston, where the toes Is ex pected to reach 75 per cent. Wash ington, however, is exceptionally a renting city. The prmpostion of the rented houses In other cities of the country Is also very large. In 1890 the rented houses in New York City were nearly 94 per cent of the whole. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. San Francisco, April 8. Arrived Peru, from Hong Konk and Yokola ma: City of Everett, fir Comox. ' Cleared Otate of Ce,liforn(a, for As toria and Portland. TREASURY STATEMENT. Washington, ArH 8. Today's state ment of the treasury shows the avail able cash balance to 'be $iS6,0(9,910; g-jld reserve, $30,409,577. GRIFFIN KNOCKED OUT. Mmltmal, April 8. Jn the Grim n-Cos-tcllo fight Griffin was knocked out In the third round. Mr. Prtcs'f Cream Biking Powder P. Mr. Hammond Talks jYrecly of His Intentions. , EXTfcNTIONS CONTEMPLATED Everything: Depends However on the Decision of the Supreme Court-Other News. Associated Press. Albany, Or., April 8. A. B. Ham mond, one of the ipurclmsera of the Orogon Pacific Railroad, arrived In tlhe city today, and will make a tour of ln joeotlon of the entire road. He sold Mr. Bonner had withdrawn from the Astoria enterprise, but is etUl equally lateredted with him In ithe Oregon Pa cific. The company will be reorgan ized as soon, he said, as Ithe papers for the Incorporation of the new com pany, now being prepared, are ready. It will be known as the Oregon Central and Eastern Railway. Mr. Hammond Is naturally pleased thloit the new sur vey has been ordered at Yaquilnia, and oonfldence that tlhls harbor will receive a Just reooginiition and appre ciation for furtiher improvement. As 'to the new company's plans, Mr. Hammond said: "Our actions are han dicapped by the mjipeol pending In the supreme court, but If that is decided saUsfaatorlly, we will flrs-t put the road In flrat class condition, then will come the question of extemUone. If we find tlhe business will Justify we will build brantftics to both Eugene and Sa lem. As to the easiturn extension, we will build thiait also as fast as business will Justify and exipeat eventually to connect with one of the through east ern lines. I was told In Portland that the eastern end of the road did not amount to much, Wit instead of this being the case, I -oam .truthfully say that no railroad of the same, length In the United States or elsewhere offers so much tonmagie in sight as does that part of the Oregon Pacific 'between Al bony and Its present terminus. . There Is In the tinVber radium up the Samtiam nine or tor. billion ferit of timber. There Is a great -lumlber industry to be de veloped there, and ft is a part 0f 0ur plan to undertake 'this, which will re quire better iwharflaige in San Francis co and the ohiairterlng of a line of steam schooners from Yaquilrta. We have abundant capital to carry but our plans, but cannot go on wi'tli them except In a limited way until the ap peal case Is sat-Uloil. We expect' to build some each year until we finally carry out our plan for eastern connec tion. I 'have had reports from East ern Oregon, and realize that great traf fic across the moun'talns awaHts the ad vent of the railroad." 1I'1LA WARE'S GOVERNOR DEAD. Dover, Del., April 8. Governor Mar vin died at 8:15. tAN FRANCiSCO RACES, San Francisco, April 8. Ohemuck, 20 to 1, Ml in the second race, and Jooi.oey Reeves' 'log, arm and collar bune were broken. In the fourth race Arctic, ridden by Follx Carr, did cir cus tricks all over the track for half hour, and then won by an eye lash from Sweet Alice. Half mile, maiden 2-year-olds Did die C 0:49 1-4. Five and one4ialf furlongs C. M. C, 1:08. One mile McUgMt, 1:41 3-4. AbouJt six furlongs Arctic, 1:13 1-4, Six furlongs Captain Coster, 1:15. Half mile, maidens Don Cam, 8:49 1-4. TO 'BE WITHDRAWN. Washington, April 8. rt Is stated on rfjod auttlhority ithat the managemmt of the N-onihern Pacific Railroad Com pany has decided to withdraw from sale oil lands) along tlhe entire line until they are cflosalfled and patented aocorlng to the terms of the recent acts of congress. The effect of this policy will be to put am end to he set'tlemorvt of the railroad's lands In Western states for the present. A. P. A. IN HUM FEATHER. BUtte, Mont., April 8. Wm. Thomp son, the A. P. A. candidate fo mayor. Is olerttod by nearly 1,000 majority, boat Ing E. B. Howell, Demoonaitis and Pop ulist candidate, and J. II. Montt'lth, the RjuWlrin Oaiuridiute. The A. P. Highest of all in Leavening Power. rw ei r j m -a u A. 's allso cleat the remalndt-r of the city ticket w3th ithe exception of one alderman. . AFTERNOON DISPATCHES, The Associated Press News Contained In the Afternoon Report. Denver, April 8. -Belated; travellers from the East report the storm throug Kansas the worst ever known In itih-att sect-Don. (Many passenger trairas are now more than forty-eight hours late, and are etlll battling with snow and sand on the prairie. Super lnitendlenlt Bogtard, of the Union Paci fic, with headquarters at Cheyenne, has a large force of men cleaning 'tnaoka In places -wWhin 60 or 70 miles of Denver, the Know is found in cuts from 30 to 40 feat deep, (being over the top of the telegraph poles. Trains are getting tlhirou-gli on all the roads today. The loss ot range stock In some ipontilons of Easltarn Colorado, it la said, wtll amount to 20 per cent of the oalteie. (Many cattle drifted into Hugo, Col., and perished, which, had been droven before ithe iwlnd from the norits over 100 -miles. San Francisco, April 8. Advices from Honolulu doited Marah. 30th, per steam er Peru, contain nothing Btartllrae. A recent meeting of the annexation ists, under the auspices of it'he Amer ican League, C. B. Wilson, the ex queen's agent, and C. L. Hopktna, urged Ithe natives to flavor annexation as the only remaiming weapon to over throw tlhe present govern me rrt. aiirlstlan'lla, April 8. Estimates to be submitted to the sttorthing toave been published and cause much comment. They give a fraflt Impetus to the wild rumors of an Impending war Ibatweert Norway and Swede a ' The eatimatea far exceed any fjrevlioua sums "required. The sum of $4,000,000 Is to toe devoted to the conwtruwi'iwri iixt-clads and In ad!ditlion'i;'rr.iii4L will- 'be aked for tlhe tpurchttse of inunilltiona of war and for the compleitdion of the forts of Fonsburg hiar-hor. ' WasiiillnBlton, Apm 8. The proefdont on 'bolng asked this afteawon whether In view of the supreme court doclBlort on ithe income tax law an extra session of congress would be dalled, said neith er he nor the secretary of tlhe treasury saw any .necessity for uoh' action, and unfleisB fnore waa eom unexsjeated dhange In tthe caadnaons tie had no Idea congress would mneett aguilm before the time appointed for ihe reguter ses sion. London, April 8.-JThere Is not 'the slightest ground for the report- Uhat Oscar Wilde attempted to commits suicide. Furuhw sitartllng revelations In oorajoction with the WHde case are hinted at. fit is sal il Alfred TayOor Is determined to duag down with (htm all he can If he is prosecuted, and this will tovolvo one of the most prominent men In England, whloee mame ireis been freely iwhlspered aJbouit in connection With Ithls scandal. 4 Guthrie, O. T., Aprtl 8. In Pawnee ' orunty an unknown man on horseback set fire to the dry prairie grass during the hlgih wind and the county was de. vastated for -many mlieB. Seventeen families lost everything ithey possessed, having hard work to save the Jives of their families. The village of Chico was almost enltiirely destroyed. Washington, Aprtl 8. The president today appointed Frank W. Joplln, post maater at 'Hllaaibeithitown, Ky., vice Emily T. Holm. Mrs. Helm is a sister-in-law of the lalte Presldemt Uncoln, and has held to the office for years. Gilbert S. Emeer was ainpointed post master at Soattle, Wash. Honk Kong, April 8. 'Forty Japanese transports are anoliored off Pescadore Islands. It la rumored than an attack on Canton (s contemplated. Torpedoes have been placed in tlhe river for the defense of the city. Denver, April 8. iPnililip E. Gaffon, a watdhmaker, was fatally shot by burglars this momingi In his own house in Highlands. On ithe tlh iay of last February the delinquent tax rolls of 1833 and 1S93 were placed in my haflds for collection. At that time (there was a prospect of , the legislature passing a law dispens ing With ths aotuol levy. I refrained from forcing matters, waiting for the blil to pass so as mot to put too heavy penalty on the delinquents. The bill falling to become a law, I returned the rolls unflajtlsMed. They were again placed in my hands today, and I wtll proceed at once to collect on these rolls aocordlng to tow. All persons knowing (thWt they are delinquent In the aforesaid years will please call at my office and settle at once. JAMES W. HARE. Sheriff. Read B. F. Allen's nw advertise ment this morning on the first page. - Latest U. S. Cov't Report TO