The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 07, 1895, Image 3

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9 IV'
"Can you gel It under?"
joNBuuiy," ianwered tine cap-baln,
ratner cuntly. He was curt even to his
Interlocutor- privileged person on
- ....
la" trail man. with hair
that was almost colonlees, and man'
ners subtly suggestive of velvet or
They both stepped Iback' a MtMe from
the forward hatoh. The decks were
setting a little too hot, despite the
water tlhat ran toward the seuoDers.
It was very unfortunate that the Ma-
hanadoy's cargo should have ignited
on this particular voyage when the
Persian mission was on board, and the
-whkjle precs agog for their arrival at
Plymouth. The captain was mentally
vowing that it he had any influence
.. ,Uj i . , .
wiMiever wui the directors, and If
the good old ship pulled through this,
the MJahanaddy slhouild never carry
'that cursed Egyptian cotton again,
In the meantime thty were pounding
tnt-ough the Bay of Biscay In a gTay,
warm gale of wind, such as dries the
skin and sets uhe nerves to tingle.
They were heading straight for Ushawt
they were racing with the lire that
burnt inside the good ship like some
fell disease. And, she, as If she had
sense and knew her danger, lifted her
greet black prow to the horizon, and
strained forward through the hissing
sea. The spray thrown up by the cut
water dried immediately on her hot
sides, leaving the brine on the Hark
pimt. Between the planks the pitch
exuded, bllack and glistening like Jet.
It stuck to the boots of the men and
officers, who worked souls possess
ed tired, worn and darty.
"And if you don't get It under?'
said the fair man. softly. He spoke
as If tJhe listener was in pain needing
gentle treatment.
The captain glare. cd over the rail to
the wild sea, which seemed to gloat
over their trouble, and elinigged his
Shoulders significantly.
"It is awkward," admitted the other
and he smiled softly.
As has been previously mentioned,
he was a privileged person. He was
the second in command of the Per
sian mission, and It was whispered in
certain oircles that he was second to
none in that particular form of dip
lomacy whldh was hls-namely, th
management of Oriental potentates.
His chief was below, m his stateroom,
penning one of those perfectly worded
literary dispatches for which he was
flamed. Tt seemed likely tthat this par
ticular production was destined to be
picked up in a bottle by a sardine fish
er of the Morblhan the work of a
vanished toand but that in the estima
tion of the writer was no reason why
it should not be worthy of his reputa
tion. So he sat In the cabin of what
seemed to be a doomed ship, and ad
dressed his rounded periods to Her
Majesty's secretary of foreign a flairs.
"How are they getting on aft?' sold
the captain, suddenly.
"Pretty well. The ladies have found
It all out, though. They see through
our blandislhments. Iihey know It Is
touch and go."
The captain tu:-ned aside to give an
order to one of the quartermasters
and when that was executed, there
was more to be done. All that hu
man brain could devise, human hands
had executed. The hatches were bat
tened and covered deep with soaked
canvas. The hulklhaads were screwed
close the decks were kept constantly
under water. The question now was
wihether the fire could be smothered
or not, and the answer was with Pate
"I wish," said the captain, "that you
would go aft and Jeep up their hearts.'
The fair man laughed.
"How-" he said. "Give them a
meal? Can't give them any more meals
they have Just tod lunch."
"Well," said the diplomat, "I .will
order tea. It Is a good thing to die
"No spin 'them a yarn of something.
Distract their .attention. It will be set
tied jne way or anotmer in half a.)
"All right," turning on his heel. "I'l
tell them a little story." He lounged
aft to 'Where the ladles there wer
only five of them sat in a group, and
drew forward a chair end seated him
self, crossing one leg over the other
and drawing up refleatlvely a crease
less black sock. He made no pretens
at concealment out of reaped to the
ladles, seeming to take tt for granted
that they all (Including three young
girls) must know thiait somewhere the
sock ends and the leg begins.
"I have," he said "been telling th"
captain a little story an improving
tale with no mora1. They lead a slow
arid monotonous life, Uhese mariners
and I do my best to relieve the dreari
ness of tt,"
"Tell us the story," eaid the Great
Iiady. She guessed that no questions
were to foe asked.
"It is," he explained, "a. horrible tale!
A blood-curdling little narrative which
will sound nasty in the daylight."
The sort of tale," continued the nar
rator, "to haunt you. It haunts me
not the whole of me only that hand.'
He raised in the air 'his right arm,
and contemPr-ated, reflectively, a frail
brown-fingered hand.
'That hand," he added, with a
vague emile, "is haunted. It has a
special ghost of its own. I sometime
wake up in the night and the ghost
is there."
They," and he slowly curved his
fingers, "have hold of IV
After a little pause the baunted
hand returned to the black sock.
"It was years ago," he began, "when
I" (with an Imperceptible glance tow
ard the Great laxly) "wts at the bot
torn of the tree. I was atltadhe in a
great city. The peace of Europe was
hanging by a thread not only in the
nerwspajpers. A secret treaty was in
course of completion between England
and another power, A draft of tha
treaty was sent to my chief. We had It
ait the embassy and It was rather a
white elephant to us, because we suS'
peCted that iits presence In the house
was known to" the government of the
country to which we were accredited.
While it was in the house the chief
asked us all to remain ait home in the
evening, for we aW lived under one
We dined with ihlm every might. He
was a bachelor a dried up tittle man
wish a mind like a magnet. He was
tlhe very calmest little man I ever
dealt with, Just ithe main for the place.
For there was no very stable govern
ment In 'the country at that time, and
he had to keep four or five parties
in a good humor.
'Aflter a long dinner on the thilrd
evening we played pool, and went on
playing very late, long after the ser
vaults had gone to bed.
"It was the chief Who heard the
sound of stealthy keys being thrust
into the lock of tlhe front, which was
immediately below his dressing room,
whither he had gone to get change for
a five for a large coin.
"He came back to the billiard room
looking a little calmer tthan usual.
'You chaps,' tie said, putting on his
(wait, 'there is someone trying to forct
the front door. There is a light in
the hall. Shall we go down and watch
the operations?'
'We, knowing ihlm too well to itake
this as a Joke, laid aside our cues, fol
lowed him without waiting to put on
our coats.
"We all crept down stairs and stood
on the mat in the dim light of the low
ered gaa. Five of us, listening to the
operations of the skilled workman on
the other side of the door.
"This, after the manner of the doors
of that country, had no bolts, bui
only a large lock and dhaln In om
piece with a handle.
"After trying several! keys, the idea
of opening the door by unlocking lit waf
apparently abandoned. Presently th
evil-looking point of a center biit emerg
ed from Uhe wood-work of the masslv
panel, with a sound like a dog eating
biscuits. The chief motioned us tc
stand aside, for It was only nialiurai:
to suppose that an eye would be ap
plied to the ihole when completed. Ow
ing to 'the thickness of the woodwork,
the limit of vision could only be small,
and by croudhlnig down we easily made
ourselves invisible.
"In a marvellously short space of
time there was 'a hole as Oarge as thai:
saucer in the door.
"We five crouched around lit, watch
ing It like terriers alt a rat hole.
"Then an Idea strufc me a rare oc
currenceand 1 crept hack to Ithe hat
stand, where a ileaither dog leash hun?
boside the chief's top hat.
"He gave a little nod as I drew th'
thong toward me; for he read thoughtf
as other men read print.
"I passed the noose end through tS(
steel swivel, and cralltng on my kneet
to the door, held the loop thus mad
around the hole. , I was Just In time
The man outside had apparently bee:
delayed In order to turn up his sleeve
He was in no hurry; and we wonderec
afterward what had become of the po
lice guard specially told oft to watc!
the British eirtbassy.
"A dirty hand essentially the han
nf toil came through, Inside my si!;
knot. This was followed by a bar
White arm. I felt inclined to laugh
ind my two hands, outstretched t
hold the dog lash in place, shook vie
"The elbow came through and cur
ed, while the dirty fingers crept ove
the medhantom .of 'the lock and ohal
with 'the totelllgence of perfect knowl
"A little further until ithe muscles r
the upper arm were Visible ilnen .
drew the noose tight, cutting deep in'l
the sinews. Dike oats, four pairs r
hands pounced upon the (hand and arr
holding It against the woodwork, whll
the gray fingers worded convulsiveli
We drew ithe arm through, ri?ht u
to the Shoulder; and tihey held it 1
place while I made fast the stout do,
lash to the two bolts of the outei
knocker, which Jutted out at the to;
of Who door.
" 'A neat Job,' said the chief, as w
contemplated the twitoWing White arm
'A very neat Job. There is no hurry '
he added, 'beginning leisurely to un
chain 'the door.
"It .happened that I was of en taith
letic turn of mind In those days, and
when I proposed opening the door, mj
colleagues stepped back and ceded to
me the place of honor.
"I opened it with a Jerk, and thrust
my hand that handto where I knew
his throat must be.
"My fingers seemed to go vlgir
through it. I grasped something thai
felt Uge a dhaln in a tangle of warm
wet setweed. I had clutched his spine!
"His companions Wad for their own
protection cut the throat of this poor,
hired expert. They had done it so
effectively that the ihead was only re
tained by the vertebral column. In
his agony he had grasped the bell
with his right hand, and his rigid fin
gers Still held to the handle. He war
crucified face foremost against the
There was a pause, and the grave
man looked around with ihis grave
smile, which was, curious enough, no
longer meaning less and plactd, but
very. wlse witH the Wiado.m, of i-tfej,
and not of Book.
"And so," he said, "my hand, is
haunted. It sometimes wakes up In
the nlg'ht grasping' a chain in a tangle
of warm and dripping seaweed! "
"Ladles," said the captain, "after so
exalting a story It may scarcely inter
est you to know It, but the fire has
been got under." Toronto Advocate.
Is soon carried by the assaults of
maUrla, but If Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters Is employed as a bulwark
against the disease, absolute safety is
attained. The most virulent tonus of
disease bred by nuatnia, tainted air
and water, soon yield to the creative
and combative influence of this effi
cient safeguard, wnlch foritties the
system as no other medicine up to
date has ever done. It counterasts
a tendency to rheumatism, iieuralgia,
and kidney complaints, overcomes in
digestion, nervousness, constipation,
and liver troubles, improves the appe
tite, and promotes digestion. Taking
all 111 all, it is probaoiy the most use
ful family remedy in existence, and
is popular as well as effective. Use it
systematically, not at irregular inter
fcuGS bVA ONE.
"God gave us meat, but the devil
sent us cooks," is a trice saying. From
bad cooking, fast eatlrg, and over
eating, conies a Whole train of diseases
indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness,
catarrh of the stomach, headache, diz
ziness, and the like. God also gave
us a brainy man, who compounded the
"Golden Medical Discovery," a correct
ive of all ills resulting from overeating
and bad blood. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo,
has furnished us the "Discovery," a
great desideratum In America, where
everybody is In such a hurry to make
money. They have no time to eat, and
scarcely any time to live. It invigor
ates the liver, cleanses the blood, and
tones up the system.
Delicate diseases of either sex, how
ever induced, speedily and permanntly
curd. Book of particulars ten rents
in stamps, mailed In pla'n, sealed en
velope. Address, World's Dispensary
Medical Association. 663 Main street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
Oregon, have determined to improve
' una of
42d street to the west line of 45th street
All in the city of Astoria as laid out
and recorded by John Adair, by grad
lnglng to the full wldilih of said street
so much of said poiulon thereof, as is
of greater hefelut or elevation than the
establianed grade and by pUnking
such part of said street that is to be
so graded with new sound fir plank
3 inches in thl kness to the width
of 20 feet through the center of Bald
street and by laying sidewalk 10 feet in
width on the norm side thereof, and
oy piling, capping and p,an.vlng tne
no run ha.f of so much of said part of
said street as is tide land or of a
nelght or elevation less or lower than
tne established grade thereof, and by
laying sidewalk 10 feet wide on the
north side, railings where necessary,
all to be done in accordance with jdans
and specifications and ordinances in
relation thereto.
Tne lanua and premises upon which
the special assessment shall be levied
to defray the cost and expense of such
improvements and the district embrac
ing said lands and premises, be and the
same are designated as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the southwest corner
of Block 6, in the part of said city
laid out and recorded by John Adair,
and running - thence east on the
south line of said block to the
sou'lbiwest corner of Block 7;
thence south on the west line of said
Block 7 and the west line of Block 8,
to the southwest corner of said block 8,
-xnd thence easterly to the south line
of Blocks 8 and 98, to the southeast
corner of Block 98, and thence ninth
?rly on the easit line of Blocks 98, 99,
104, 106 and 110, to the northeast cor
ner of said Block 110, and thence west
erly on a straight line from the north
vast corner of Block 110, to the north
west comer of Block 116, and thence
southerly on the west line of Blocks
116, 114, 112, and 6, to the place of be
rlnntng, and all lots and Blocks and
ther property contained wlohiln sold
llstrlot and not Included In streets
ir alleys are determined to be spe
lally benefitted by such improvement
Mti lit Me to suoh assessment.
.Lstiniatfcs of the expense of such
mprovements and plans and diagrams
f such work or improvement and of
he locality to be improved, have been
'eposited by thj City Surveyor with
he Auditor and Police Jud?e for pub
'c examination, and may be inspected
t the office of such officer.
At th nxt regular mee'l-v of th"
"""nn Co"n"ll frv'lnrwlne fne fnnl
"lViiinjut.jnn of tM nofi're, wbleh met
'i? will be held on Wearvsdnv, April
he 17th, 1S95. at th hour of 7:30 p.
i., at the City Hall, any oVtln
''at may be to sinh p-ooopnd
'-"prwement will be cona'de-ed hy the
'ounMl, and if by the time of said
eetlng a remonstrance against su-h
'mprovememt signed hv resld-nts of
he city owning more thin one-half of
he property in said district phall be
led with the Auditor and Police Jvdge
'uoh Improvement shall not be or
lered, if at all, except by a vote of
wo-tih'.rds of all members of the
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Asloria, Oregon, April 8th, 181)5.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
non Council of the City of Astoria,
.iave dotennined and Intend to eiab
Jsh the grade of 45th street in the part
of the city laid out and recorded by
John Adair, at the fo.lowing heights
above the base pf grades for said
City as established by Ordinance No.
71, entitled "Ordinance No. 71 to es
tablish a base of grades for the streets
of Astoria," as follows, to-wit:
At the intereere.Von with As tor street.
23 feet.
At the intersection with Bond Street,
. wiu i-iu leet.
The street to be of the hrttrM mn
tloned, throughout the width thereof, I
and the slope thereof to be on a
straight or even line between said
points. '
At any time within ten days from
the final puMir-ai'lwi of this notice,
to-wit: within ten days from the 19th
day of April, 1895. remonstrance can
be made aea'.nst said proposed grade,
and If within said time a written re
monstrance against the same shall be
made and filed with the Auditor and
Police Judge, by the owners of three
fourths of the property adjacent to
Mid portion of said sireet, such pro
posed grade shall not be made In any
By order of the Common Council.
Atta: K. OSBURN",
Auditor and Police Judffe.
Astoria, Oregon, April Bth, 1835.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
Oregon, have determined to improve
Fifteenth street in Shlvely's Astoria,
from the north line of Commercial
street northerly a distance of 14U teet,
by putting in new posts, plies, and
stringers, and planking to the lull
width and established grade.
bald Improvements to be made strict
ly in accordance with plans and speci
fications and ordinances in relation
The lands and premises upon which
the special assessment shall be levied
to duiray the cost and expense of such
improvement and tne district embrac
ing said lauds and premises, be and tne
same ore Uesiguuted as follows, to-wit
Conimencuig at a point wueie tne
west line ot lxi 3 in BiocK M, in ins
town (now city) of Astoria in Clatsop
County, Oregon, as laid out ana re-
coraed by J. M. fcinively, extenuea
nortaerly would Intersect the north line
of Commercial street, and runulng
tnence uoitnerly in tne direction ot
said line extenued nortneny a distance
of lot teet norm of tne north line of
coiuuiei'uitu bueet auu Incline weaker
iy una paiaiiei to tne norm lino ot
Coiuiueruitti street to a point where me
wt-ot line ot Lot i In JttiocK loo, It ex
tenued nortneny wouiu intersect said
line . extenued or run westerly, uud
tnence soutnerly on a straignt line to
a point wnere the west line of said
Lot i, in block lJo, ll extenued norm
eny, wuuia intersect tne nuiin line of
Commercial street, ana tnence easterly
on tne north line of commercial street
to tne piace oi Deginiuntf.
All land, real estate and premises
wiuiin tuid uescriued limits of said
district and not included in any street,
are to be suoject to such assessment
as benefitted by such improvement.
Estimates of the expense of such
improvements and plans and diagrams
of such work or Improvement and of
the locality to be improved have been
deposited by the City surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge lor pud-
lie examination, and may be inspected
at the office of such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the
Common Council following the final
publication of this notice, whloh meet
ing will be held on Wednesday, April
the 17th, 1S95, at the hour of 7:30 p.
m., at the City Hall, any objections
that may be made to such proposed
improvement will be considered by the
council, and if by the time of said
meeting a rsmonstranoe against such
improvement signed by residents of
the city owning more than one-half of
the property in said district shall be
filed with the Auditor and Police Judge
such Improvement shall not be or
dered, if at all, except by a vote of
two-thirds of all members of the
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria
have determined and intend to alter
tne giude ot lain street in the part
of tiie oity laid out and recorded by
J. M. fcihlvely, from the south line
of Kxjhange street to the noruh line
of i ranKlln avenue so that the grade
of said portion of said street when
re-established will be at helgihts above
the base of grades for said city as
established by Ordinance No. 71, en
titled "Ordinance No. 71, to establish
a base of grades for the streets of As
toria," as follows, to-wit:
At the south line of Exchange Btreet
19 feet.
At the norilh line of Franklin avenue,
30 feet.
At the south line of Franklin ave
nue, 30 feet.
At the north line of Grand avenue,
45 feet.
At the south line of Grand avenue,
45 feet.
The street to be of the heights men
tioned throughout the width thereof
at the respective points above desig
nated, and the slope of the street be
tween sudh designated points to be
straight or even.
At any time wltfhln ten days from
the flmal publication of this notice, to
wlt: within ten days from the lth day
of April, 1895, remonstrance can be
made asialnst snid proposed alteration
(made and if within said time a
written remonstrance asalnat the same
ihaill be trade and filed with the Aud
itor and Police Judee by the owners
of three-fourths of the property adja
pn t to said portion of said street, such
alteration of grade shall not be made
In any event.
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest.) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
April 5th, lSJb.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mull council ot tne L,tyot Astoria, Or
egon, liae determined to improve Forty-second
street in tne part of u.u
city ia.ia out and recorded by jo.,n
Adair from the south line of Uie al,ty
.,ay running tnruugn Biocks 6, and 6,
to the center line of Bond street to i.
a Id in of tnlrty teet alung and aaju
.eat to tne west line of said street by
driving piles and planking said street
to such width on said side thereof (af
ter placing caps and stringers; and
placing substantial railings on the
Fides of the Improvement. That the
district of lands and premises upon
wnLh a special assessment Is to be
levied to defray the costs and expenses
of said improvement is as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner
of Lot 3, In Block 5, of said part ot said
city, and running thence in a straight
line to the Northwest corner of said
lot and thence east on a straight line
to the northeast corner of Lot 2, In
Block 6, and thence south on a straight
line to the southeast corner of said Lot
2, and thence west on a straight line
t" the place of beginning and con
tains as puhject to fMih assessment,
Lots 3 and 4, In eald Block 6, and Lots
1 and 2 In said Block 6.
That estimates of the expense of
said proposed Improvement and speci
fications for the proposed work have
been deposited by the City Surveyor
with the Auditor and Police Judge for
public examination and may be in
spected at the office of said officer.
At the next regular meeting of th
Common Council following the final
publication of this notice, which meet
in? will be held on Wednesday, April
the 17th, 1S95, at the hour of 7:30 p.
m.. at the City Hall, any objections
that may be made to sunn proposed
improvement will be considered by the
coun-il, and if by the time of said
mpetlnsr a remonstrance aeilnst such
improvement, signed by resldnts of
the cltv ownlne more than half of the
property In said" district shall be filed
with the Auditor ard Police Judge,
such Improvement shall not be or
dered. If at a, except ny a vote of
two-thirds of ftll members of the coun
cil. By order of the Common Council.
Attest: 1Z. O.'BbRN',
Audl'or ana rorrc? yudi?e,
Cl y of Astoria.
Dr. Price1 Cream 6a King Powder
WacU'lFaJr Hlcbut Medal aad U&mt.
W W -JT MP m
Anairrceable Laxntlve and NERVE TON Id,
Bold hy I.MiKgtstsor sent by mall
na i.uu per ptuwufe. campius irea.
tTf fjf The Favorite tOOTH POTS!
ii.U 1 1 UfortheTeethandnjeata.8jQ.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Lessons given by Mr. Emll Thielhorn,
graduate of the Hamburg Conservatory,
r. . v th ,
7 .;T. rr .
JuuHicai Ducieiy, otuuiu, vurucr ul iiiu
and Commercla streets, up stairs.
brewing Go's
Cold Storage
is dow ready to deliver this celebrated
brew either by tbe keg or bottle. Drop
a postal to box 800 or telephone No. fiO,
and your orders will be promptly deliver
ed. Office, Commercial and 12th Streets.
S. B. UTZINGER, Agnnt.
(forth Paeifie Bremery
Bohemian lager Beer
41 orders promptly attended to
Japanese Bazaar
Don't buy any Spring goods until you
have looked our stcck over. It will pay
you and as usual our prices are such as to
give us the bulk of the ladies trade In
417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's
Fruit Store.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors md Cigars.
Only handed over the bar. The largest Riass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc.
Free Lunch.
Cbas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sta.
Groceries, Flour, Feed.lProvIsions, Fruits,
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
X97 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth. Astoria, Or.
Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant.
503 Bond Street.
ddress, box 180, Postoflice.
11k 1
General HachlnUt and Boiler Worka.TL
All kinds of Cannery, Ship. Steamboat
md Enfclne Work of anv Description.
Hastings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoiia, Or.
As I''ranklln says, good dress opens
all doors, yuu snuuid nut lose slgnt ot
Uie tact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. VYanamaKer &
Urown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep'
resentallve visits Astoria every three
months. Oftice 64 Dekum Uullulng,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
Who Is Williams?
Why Williams the
barber at 474 Com
mercial street. Shaving 1 sets; haircut
ting 25 cts; bath 25cts.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, pterronenea.
frSrC. Debility, sod H
p.T of vu from early
'i Uttrr en!, tbe
th tram
errors or
Lnt-r exixamft, tbe result ot
overworn, eli knew, worry.
etfl. '"I MrenglD, aevei-
opmeDl una umt (fivnii u
T$M,,lM!.l A nral method. Imme.ll.
Acta as trustee for corporations and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A BOWLBT .....President
BENJ. YOUNG... Vice President
T rt A 1).,v,.ll, n T7 Tnwa Van A
v. B.
YoutlB. s- ReeA- D- p- Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington Bt. Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, -and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
Bleenlne car accommodations for vou.
1 and furnish you with (hrough tickets
vl either the Northern, Union, South,
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North-
ern the very lowest rates
The Burllncton Route is s-ener&llv
conceded o be the finest equipped rail
road in the world for all classes of
St. George's Jheamatie
Specially Manufactured to aid those
afflicted with KHKUMATISM. It gives
rune id tne siomacn ana purines tne blood
better than any othrr bitters known.
For sale by all leadlug druggists, or
Address "G. R." P.O. Box 66),
Astoria, Or.
PETER BRACH, General Agent
a; Commerclnl Street, Astoria, Oregon.
Telephoue No. 94,
These tiny Capsules ore superior
to Uulsam of Copaiba,
Cubcbs and Injections, (jrilDTf
They cure in 43 hours the V
same diseases without any incon
The Oasis of the
Colorado Desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of Its benenelul climate, has
been a lack of suitable accominoda
Hon. The Southern Pacific Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
er Al
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
lion, that will be rented to applicant!
at reasonable rates. Tr.ey are fur
nlthed with modfrn conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all th
advantages to be derived from a more
or leos protracted residence In this de
llghtful climate.
(i'rom the San Francisco Argonaut)
"In tne heart of tne ureal Uusert oi
the Colorado wnlch tne tioutnern Pa
cino road traverses there is un oasis
called indio, widen, in our opinion, li
me sumturlum of the earth. We be
leve, from personal investigation, thai
or certain invalids, tne-e is no spot 01
tills planet so favorable."
U. T. Stewart, M. u., writes: "Th
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, 1111 one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to its possibilities as a
health resort, here is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired?
It Is the place, above all others, for
iung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
mat li s. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I havi
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
lis 612 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Pacific Company agent,
or address
Asst Gen. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Co.
Dlst Past Art.
Cor. First and Alder Sta.. Portland. Or
A Jew
E. ncNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jmo Transcontinental
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or
St. Paul.
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tour 14 Sleeir
Pre Reollnlng Chair Cars,
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columfbla, Sunday, Marcto 10.
Queen, Friday, March 15.
Columbia, Wednesday, March
Queen, Monday, March 25.
Columbia, Saturday, March 30.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
Hereafter the O. TL and N. r.n.'m hn&t
will run as follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As.
toria at 6:45 a m. datlv nnmt nAa
and Portland daily at 8 p. m. except
"""""J' -me i. J. rotter will leave
Astoria at 7 D. m. dallv. inl Pn.n..a
at I a, m. dally except Sunday.
For rate and general information mil
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
den. Pas. Agt. Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This Is the
all Points East
South. -
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vrs
tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national rsputa.
tlon. All classes of passenRors carried
on th vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over thlij famous line. All agi,ts hv
V7. H. MEAD. F. C. SAV. ;
Gn. Agent Trav. F. end p.
Hi Washington t, Pnrtte I. -.