TfcRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Herved by carrier, per weex.... 16 cts Kent by mail, per month., Kent by mall, per year.... WEEKLY. 60 cU J7.0O Bent by mall per year, 2.M In advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantee to Us sub- Bcrlbem the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Alvertleln rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the. third old' est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Orogonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Handley It Haas are our Portland agents and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First st-eet William Wlnttom, who must be ad mitted to have been one of the great est Republican leaders the party ha ever had, In a speech delivered sit dinner given by the New York BoaK of Trade and Transportation, Januar 29, 1861, dwelt on the great elements of commerce, transportation and money The speech has been recalled by a prominent financial Journal, a fore shadowing of the present financial con ditions, and will repay a oareful read lng by everyone seeking light on th . money questions. Mr. Wlndom said li part: "I am an earnest bl-matatllst. but 1 Is my firm conviction that for thi country to enter upon that experlnwn. now, and under existing condition"! would be extremely disastrous, ant. that it would result, not In bimetal Hsm, . but In sliver monometallism Such an experiment would, In my JuJg ment, prove a greater dlsapyolntnien to Its advocates than to anyone elm Free and unlimited otfnugj, of sllv -by the United tSatea wtfitle the oth great nations pursue an opposl.e p I icy, would Invite the owners of all th metal throughout the world 10 t.s change their sliver oln for go d. N in ly all the nations of Europe ars an. lous to ohange their wiver for inl and they would at once accept f tempting an offer. Bank debitor trust companies, the holders of UnlU c States notes and gold would instantly lock up all the gold a command oivd then Join the p-uik' stricken procelon to the Treasury each and all anxious to be In time t grasp the golden prize before It wa too late. Probably before the swlftos ocean grcyhou.Kl could land Us sllvi cargo at New York, the last go.d dol lar within rea.h would ' be hidden away In private boxes, to be brougii out only by a high premium frr ex portatlon. This sudden retirement o jeoo.000,000 of gold, wltih the accon. panylng pauUc, would cause oontrac tlon and commercial disaster unparal loled In human experience, and ou country would at once step down to . silver basis, when there would no Ion er any Inducement for coinage on silver dollars would sink to their bu. lion value. When this cotvsumm.Uloi shall be reached, aa surely It will h If unlimited coinage be adopted unde existing conditions, the too ardent a lmpotuous lovers ot silver will sail) realise th truth uttered by Che wis. King of Israel, 'He that loveth sllve fclxall not be satisfied with silver.' " How great a difference K makei whether people are fearful or reawur- ed, says an exchange. Two months ago millions of eyes In the United States ware waitcJring the gold reserve In the treasury, Every day the dla- patches from Washington recorded the ch&ngus In It. Every day the pub' Ho was Informed how much gold had been enpaged for export, nd what draft were expected from the treasury for a week ahead. There ta no doubt that this increased notably the publlo uneasiness tuid alarm. And, as the panic grew, new millions of the yellow metal were drawn from the place where they were moat needed and con signed to th vaults where they were not needed t all. Cain sjiy one tell what tho treasury rraerve Is today 1 1 th re a remJor, outstae of the Imjik I'iir buf.lar, who has wtolM4 the r . - .(j of gold shlpmen'tji for the past a ? 's uk enlll on th wrong 44 ,.r ivvfety Hue. Thi-re has been no . .. ., .mMH'V. Tlie tree sliver . r."t bvn -wholly dlMlnwtwV MwSBBa The treasury la lit e.njtbihrf bu way circumstance. But, as soori as the last loan was placed, as aoon as It was known that gold would be forthcom ing, and at least half of t from abroad, the public nervousness abated. Men quit watching the reserve, and tht rate of foreign exchange, and the movement of gold, and went about their business without iwndc. And It It ito tHait, quite e much es the new loan, tho we owe he plaoldnesw ol thesu days and the sense of flnanclsJ safety. If the report that divisions and mis understandings lhave arisen among some of those Intrusted wltfh important duties In connection with the railroad work le true, tt ds disgrace to thost responsible for such a condition ol affairs, end should be stopped before irreparable Injury and delay results U our railroad prospects. The subsidy committee should act promptly In thi matter, -amid, if .necessary, make some immediate changes In one of the most Important sub-committees. TO THE SUBSIDY DONORS. They Are Requested to Aid the Com mittees in Preparing the Subsidy. To the Donors of the Subsidy, thi People of Astoria and Vicinity: Friday of last week Mr. A. B. Ham mend, of Montana, one of the gentle men with whom the committee of di rection entered Into a contract with or. Deoember i, 1894, for the building- o. the Astorla-Goble railroad, came be fore the committee and gave saUsfac lory evidence that he was prepared t. proceed to build the road, providin. gome modifications to the coiwrjei jould be arranged In the way of )v moving some of the restrlotlons ant xbq satisfying him that the titles to the subsidy lands were gooJ an jause the removal of whatever encum brances there mlgnit be found to exlw jn parcels of suJii landa. And furthermore, that Che owners (. property aiong the lino of the tml joth in the city and along the rlv.. up to Goble, should secure to hi.. Vree of cost, the right of way. ffr. this done, he will Immediately b gv the work of construction of the ra and prosecute the same con:lnuouo . o completion. Tne committee, being Batlsflsd thu At. Hammond Is prepared to cany ot. .tie part of the undertaking; and al. nat' he is anxious to begin wont u. I jib road at once, closed wkh hl.n ..lodliiuaillon of the contract in b-moc. a,iue wldn his desires. In co.npllance with the above it no the duty of the commUtee i .jqucst each of the of su ,.uy idntU to give a new Uted in co .ji-u.ity with tae deed prev.oui y i. aicd oy the grantor.. lAs is required so that a fo.m-ii .dot, which It Is iei.e.ea ma .x. ..i ilie iOi-mtr deeJs, shall be co re .uiJ iuuiw.'iicd to UiU ntW deed 'i 1 j x miter of escrow tj Uij ' n JdiUonal Instruotloiis rieril.i0' '. . toJy to the connraJt wkh M.-. lin .nond. Messrs. F. L. Parker, W. 13. Alai .id T. O. Iruillngcr, are at.e..d.i.g i m part of the maiuei', y..u .adataiio Clws work very tuiici l. jailing at the ofllce ot Itobb & Par i and Blgnlng the new deed. The deeds will be sent by today oail to those grantors drf.ui with the request thut tney execiu he same and mall them baok to i. :o.nmltte or to the As.oria Savn. Ja:ik without delay. 'iihose grantors to the sulsIJy, r. tMIn In the Immediate oou.nry ou Jlda of town, will please come In I own Immediately and execute th.s lew deeds. In regard to the right of way, t. ommHitee have requested Messrs. C ,V Inflate, Jas. W. WeUh and C. .hlvely to take hold of this mai'.tt Mil organlxe and arrange matter s -hail lit may be secured quickly. Th us preparing &U of We data for th part of the line that his been poel.tvi .y located, and are filling In the rUji. )f way deeds with the nuine of th jwners of property and necessary d, iriptlons aa fast as possible. We beg ot the people living sJo.- .he line of the proposed road, to tak nold of th'. nvutter and nelp lit to sue ess by forming committees In ever; community or neighborhood to awls In socui'lng the right of way. A committee, comp-sed of C. It Thomson, J. Q. A. Bowluy, and F. J. Taylor, have ohua-ie of the matter o. gabbling mortgage of 'tine subsidy landa to sign conditional egreemonte to release their mortgages, provided the raillroid Is built within the tlnv specified In the contract with Mr Hammond. These agreements Are be ing prepared by this committee and all persons holding mortgages on any o' thcae lands are requested to call a the office of any one of said committee m?n ami execute these ogreemen'ts and thus fivoJlitiite the work. B. VAN DUSEuV. Secretary. ALFRED KINNEY, Pres. CommWrtee of Directors. F. L. PARKER, Chn. Com. on DeeJs. Q. WINQATE, Chn. Com. Rlglut of Way. C. R. THOMSON, dm Com. on Role&se ot Mortgages. The World's Fair Tests showed ao baking powder so pan or so great la leav enlnz power a the Royal. 8IIIUH'S CURE, ths great Cougb and Ctoud Cur Is In great demand. Pocket sue contains twenty-five d" vonta. Cl.ilJren love It. toli Lllllllllll 1 by J. W. Conn. Tllifi-DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA SUNDAY MORNING APRIL t, 1 SOS Fame, When founded on merit, never ceases to grow, both in extent and in solidity. Allcock's Porous Plaster is more popular to-day than ever before, because it does what is claimed for it re lieves and cures pains in the side, chest or limbs, lame back, rheumatism, etc. Insist t'pon Having- the genuine All cock's. No other plaster is nearly so good. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief id curs for corns and buniunt. Rranr1rf h's Pillc- Ore or two at night, for a week or two, tone up tho system. .'fOriCB CF THE INTENTION OF COUNCIL. TO RE-ESTABLISH GRADE ON PART OF 16J'H STRKlilT. Notice la heieby given that the Com mon Council ot the City ot Astoria, nave ueiei'iulued &id imend to auer tue grade ot lum street in tne part of ifte city ot Astoria laid out and re corded by J. M. Bhiveley, from the souon line of Grand Avenue to the soutn line of Irving Avenue, so that tne grade of sold portion or said street ihen re-eatabllshed will be at heights ioove the bme oi' grades for saad ciij d.3 eetaoilaned by uraanance No. 71, entitled "Ordinance No. 71, to establish a basa of gradea for the streets of Astoria," to-wit: At the south line of Grand avenue, 119.5 feet. At the north line of Irving avenue, 107 feet. At the Bouth line of Irving avenue, 1 70 feet. The street to be of heights mentioned throughout the width thereof, at tho .ospeotlve points dealgrwuted ac?ord'.ng to the proposed grade and the slope oetween designated points to be ;ra4ffht or even. At any time wHhln ten days fr m the 1nal publication of this not'ee, towlt: vli'hln ten days from the 19th day of Vorll. 1895. remonstrance can be mode ig-alnst said propped alteration of pd? and if within Paid time a wrlt pn remonstrance a7alnt the same -hall be made and fl'ed wl';h the Aud itor and Police Judge, by the owners if three-fourths ofthe property adja cent to said portion of sold street, such proposed alteration of grade shall not i " ad" In any "vf-mt. By order of the Common council. Attest: rC. OSB.JKN, . Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oic-u-.i, Ap.-.i zi.ii, loio. KARL'S CLOVER BOUT will puilff our blood, clear your complexion, leg ululu your liuwtiH, una inane your neuu tear ua a Ueil. io ula., ou cts., aim i.uu. old by J. VV. Conn. notice ok administration. .utl.x- is iu-i-eby )ilin ih-l 'he ui-i.-.laii.d t.ud jj,ii aJii..e.i .u.. .i .td.I'lA ut m? aii; '."I s . - i.-m.i, d. uii- el, un.l al i-tisos huv ; ti.illiib .loatLiL .:U.U ubuc ale . -iuy it-, i-J pi-s n. tin- sa.i.e, ., ! . v. i in. a. I. J. A. i uiiii., in) liny, ,H li.s nlliii; 'ii Asinilu. I'n i, . i it.i . ia i.ioii.uM u .mi tiiU daii ari-ii 1st, I-:i.lNOR MKLSON, ilininlsiral rlx ul Uu ih.u.ooi Jar.iex Mulson. dei-eai.d .v household thkasuhe. D. F. FulltT, of Cam.ijlh-ai-le, N. Y., ays that he always keeps Dr. King's ew Discovery In the house and Ins tmlly has always toiind the very best .4ulls fullow I:h use. (J. A. D.vkaiiian, rugdt, Catsklll, N. Y., says that Dr. -Ing's New Discovery , Is undoubtedly le bout cough remedy; that he has ?d It in his family for p-Ight years, nd l his never failed to do all hat i claimed for It. Why not try a rern dy sc Iohb tried and tested. Trial bot es free, (hns,' Drug Store, Odd el lows' Building. Regular size DOc and 1.00. DID YOU EVER fry Eleetrlc Bl iters ns a remedy for our troubles? If not, get a bottle now nd eet relief. The medicine has been ound to be peeullarl) adapted to th' r? lef and cure of all Female Compl lints. -xertlnB a wonderful direct Inlluonce n fflvlng strentrth and tone to the or .ins. If you hnve Iosr of appetite, 'onstlpaitlon, Headache, Fainting IpellE, or are Nervous, Sleepless, I0x Itable, Melancholy, or troubled with llzzy Spells, Electric Bitters is th lediclne you ned. Health and atren-th re guaran'teed by Its use. Large hot les only 50 cents at Chaa. Rosers' Drug ltor Odd Fellows Building. JjK OUT Jf'OIl COUU WKATUiiK Jut ride Inside the Electric Llgineu aad Sleunl rlutiied VeSiiuUie Apui'linuul war iruins ul toe Ciilcugo, .ul.wuu and M. fau! Kauwuy, and you win be s warm, comtoiiauie, and cheerful as in vuur own library or bouuoir. lo navel between Chicago, Si. l-'aul or Minneapolis, or between Chicago and onvaha, In these luxuriously ai.polnied trams. Is a supreme satisfaction ; and n" he somewhat ancient advertisement iix.. I to read, "for further particulars see small bills." Small bills (and large ones, too) will be acn-pted for passage and sleeping car tickets. AH coupon ticket agents on the coant sen iickpis via the Chicago, Mil ana ft. Paul Railway, or aniiress j. Oi-neral Agent, fnrtlana. o- Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DEI; CREAfil H6 MOST PERFECT MADE. K pu Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fr ioro Ammonia, Alum or any otli sdultcrant 43 YuA.IS THE STAKDARDt Children Cry for1 The Packera of Choice Columbia -s River Salmon Their Brands KAMI. LOCATION. BBAND. AOBKTS. AT Astoria Pkg Co..., Astoria .... lKime?T.!! M, J. Kinney Astoria.......... (John A. Devlln- tfootn A.Fk'gCo Astoria Booth Son, . Chicago ColumblAElTerPkgCo Astoria CockUll...... Cutting PkgCo- gw KncUco Jlmore Samuel Astoria j Ml&rZZ E"& Co..! A,torU 1, 0 Megler & Co Brookfleld. tag, Bt. George... J. G. Megler. Biookfleld Wn ) Fishermen's...... vi.Vormen'e . . , Bcar.dlnaTlan Fl,PkTco-. A,,0rU Fishermen's Children Cry for FISHERflEN! Gold Seal and Badger Oil Clothing. . - Also oee that the heela of your Boots are stamped STOUT'S. PATENT These are the only Genuine SNAG PROOF BOOTS. If you want the ordinary Du k Boots ask for WALES-GOOD YEAR'S For sale by all First-class Dealers. Manufactured only by the GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 73-73 First Street, Portland, Oregon. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world foi Cuts, tlruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, l' ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively nures Piles, or no ay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refundod. I'rlee. 25 cents per box. For saie by has. Kogers, Odd FpIIows' building. Most people cam ot MlTon! to experi ment. They want Immediate relief. That's why they use One Mlnu'.e Cough 'me. Chns. Rogers. A TliniT HTPtll. PKRSO.S" -iiiiptiitk Ht Interesth by having hox of Krause's HeHdache Capsules hi hand: tnken as dlretied will prevent ir stop any kind of a heaJnche, no mutter whai the cause In faci If your skull were cracked would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, und by taking the cap sules at the apnroBcli uf a headoene, you will never have another. I'wenty nve centB per box. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria ii'KKon Sole Agent .i nn paten. iiieuui'ifK avrused ins, lugetnur with the ohoio perfumory, and toilet articles, etc.. m uiut;ni ul me lowest prices at a. Conn drui store, opposiu iii Hmei A. "iT'M V'ou ought to know this: DeWltts . Ucn uaei Salve will heal a burn and .op Ihe palp Instantly. It will cure adly chapped hands, ugly wounds, ores and Is a well-known cure for lies. Chas. Kogers. Vou make no mistake when you take leWltt's Little Early RUers for bll .uisnesa, dyspepsia, or headache, bu ause these little pills cure them. Clias .ogers. What Is the use of having a "humar irm divine" unless you care fr It nd drape It and rlothe It so ai t ake it a source of Joy to yourself and i pride to your friends? Nature sup ples the rorm. A. Lake, the taller at ,r9 Commercial street will makr tht tlment. See him. It cures piles. It cures obstinate sores, happed hand, wounds. It does this Uckly la there any good reason why ou should not use DeWltts Witch Ituel Salve" Chas. Rogers. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell. Shamsburg. Pa. Dear Sir- 1 am glad to say a good void for Krause's Headache Capsules. After surtering for over three years with acute neuralgia and its consequent .isoiivua I'vhleh seemed to baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) .ou suggested this remedy which gae me almost Instant relief. Words fall to express the praise 1 should like to hsIow on Krause's Headache Capsules. Gratefully Yours, MUS. E. R. HOLMES. Montrose, Pa. For sale by Chss. Roarers. Astoria, Oj., The name One Minute Cough Cure suggests a medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use proves It, Chas. Kogers. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal flaking Powder superior to all others. Take a dose of DeW ltt's Little Early Risen just tor the good they will do you. These li'tle pills are good tor ln degestlon. Good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipa tion. They are good. Chas. Rogers. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A.. San Diego Cal.. says: "ShiloVs Catarrh Remedy Is the first medlcne 1 have ever found that would no me any good. Price 60 its. Sold by 3. W. Coun. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people no Inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cum acts promptly and gives permanent results. Cha P.agers. Pitcher Castorla, and Locations, Pitcher's Castorla. SUM POT. For choice PELARGONIUMS, (Lany Washington) and PANSIES in bloom, Call atGrunlund & BHx. Cor. 8th and Exchange sts. WE WAMT you to make no al lowance. Our Gents' furn ihingsare as rooJ as we s i thry are. Do you think how r ire such agreement U? We run a clothing store for men with no Je 'd places in'itl You know how eas It is to heap up a lot of things that nobody wants and so make a show of plenty. But the pawed over stock ain't the one you care to pick at. here is'nt a trash eddy in all the tide of men's tilings rush ing throubh this store. PHIL. STOKES, The Clothier. Hard Times HaveCome Trying ta Make it Easy, We wish the pulbllc to understand that we sell exclusively nothing but J. H. ITER WHISKEY For 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's cele brated N. P. Beer at 5 cents a glass. The whisky Is the same as we have been selling ever since we have beer In business, and we are going to con tinue the same as long as we can get a square deal on both sides. WHITE HOUSE CORNER. Corner 9th and Bind. HARRIS & WRIGHT. E. A. TOPPING. : New and Second-Hand : FURNITURE. Full line Crockery Tinware, Stoves. Stove Repairs a Specialty. Highest osh prices paid for second-hand goods of all kinds. 434 Bond Street. (Opposite Patker & Hansen.) MUSIC Rsk. M-k-k KKAT-NG&fi. will open their Music Hal st 3.'9 Astor Mreel, jHfk Saturday the IStli. They will keep numberless gool Hiuors and clears besides having good music all the time. GOOD thlrcs need no slTertis Ini b"t ladies we Just want to Wll ou the extra tinlinary low pilot of millene'rr g 0 l a for spring and ummr wear. o come wnd see i.s be fore purrhasii'i. II SS fccCKEA. Cor. 10th andCoramerclal Sts. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried to do In selecting their liquors was to pick out what intelligent people would want If they knew It as experienced people should know It Make a note of this If you want pure liquors. George Hartley, Proprietor. Dr. Price's Cream Powder Aao.iaW Cold Modal M irfwtstsr Fa. aa- Franciae We Ought to Know Something about pianos, for we have bought and sold them for a life time. The knowledge thus gained has proved to us that the Chlckerlng, the Hard- man and the Fischer are the best pi anos now before the public. They how perfection in every detail. WILEY B. ALiliEiS CO. HAVE YOU A WIFE? Have you any little ones? If so, buy a lot on the Seashore, and build them a summer home. Ther Is no more beautiful place than Silver Point Cliffs. E. 'I. Ferguson, agent. Astoria Ab stract Company: J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Sliip Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplyln Ship. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POflb'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWINE 7 It astonishes the old time tankers to sen how the fishermen have tnken to Marshall's twine the last few years and they may. THE HIGH BOAT of last spbsou over nil the o'lier boats on the live, lined M ilSHALL TWINE. w r? RecHUHP r is the utronKcf t. IIithiisp it luih not been wenkHnei by blfiicliini:. HccniiHP ii is sulil with u mi mhiIhp ilml if it iIohk nut pruvf witii-fnrbirj it cmii In liiiinu'lit bm-k si the Hid uf t lie sensoii. SEASIDE ' SAWlflllili. v complete stock of iuitiDer un nan in the rough or dressed Flooring, ru. lie, celling, and all kinds of Hnlst. uuuldlnirs und shingles, also brack, work done to older. Terms reasonai.. nd prices at bedrock. All ord." iromptlv p.ttendMi to OHI-e tnd h i mill H I, ;.ulH.. ' irernr STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav lgatton Co. STEAMER BfllLEY GATZERT In place of Steamer TeVphone. Leaves Astoria for Portland and way landings at 7 p. m. tatly, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland ev rv day except Sun day at 7 a. m. C. VV. STONE, A""nt Astor a. Telephone No. 11 E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott. President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland am , BTBAMER SARAH DIXON, SPRING TIME TABLE. sinmar Snrnh Dlvnn lpavps Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o'clock, and Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock. 1 Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7 o'clock: Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at 7:30. Rnunri trln $.( Bin trie triD. 11 "S. Upper berths 50 cents; lower berths, 75 cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fins Ttas and Coffrrs, Table Dtllracirs. Domcstk and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hans. Bacon. Etc. Choice - Fresh nd Salt Meats. S. Ii. W1LLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and 5team Flttliij:, Hot Air, Steam and Water HeaUnj.-.-- 179 Twelfth street Astoria. Or. Is the line to take to nil points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the best service, com tuning SPEED and COMFORT It Is the populnr route with thos who Ub to travel on the SAFEST! It Is therefore the route jon should take. It runs throiwh vestibuied trains every day in the year to St No Change of Car, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tonrist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Only one euiuige of cars PORTLAND to NEW YORK. Through Tickets To Any Part of tne civilized world. Passengers tlrketcd vis all bot runnlni between Astoria, balania and FotHsnd, Full information conoimlnif rales, time o i.raliiH, routHs nd other details furnished or. tpnllrHllotl to C. W-STCKE, WHlt A Mori w Htf nmer telephone liook. A. D CK'ITON, A. Q. P. A., N. P. R. R., 235 Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Or. UrM Pacific RAILWAY. AMEHICA Greatest Trsns - Cont:nenta Null-wny System FS0M OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN Pilaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars liuxarious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroket Viems of the Wonderful Mountain Country. $5 00 aid $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. T mrlst car the best on wheels Enitpm.-nti nt ,tr very flnepi throughout. aLm CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL fV A 1 1 STi AWSHIP LIN fn Thins nH lanan. Empress o Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. For ticket rates and Information, call 11 or addreau. JAS FINLAYSON. Agt, Astoria, Or A B Oalder. Traveling Ps Agt, Tacoma, Wash., Qeo, HcL. Brown, Olst. Pass. Ayt., VMnonuver. H C. The Original & Genuine (WORCKSTJCRSHIRE) SAUCE Imparts the most delicious taste and test to Hot A Cold Meats GRAVIES, SALADS, SOCPS, BEWARE OF I1VHTATIONS. Take Hone but Lea & Perms. Sigxiatora on every bottle of original gesrais Joksi DapBa Bona, Row York ail ani Clap A ' I- r I : 1