1ST0RIA PHBUC LIBftARY ASSOCiATiOH. el 5 SL.j TORI AN has the laig- V circulation, the larg -RAL circulation and i" JM.:H C est i For Washing-ton and Ore- . $;.i est t 6 Son, fair weather, warmer. largest TOTAL circulation of all fi papers published In Astoria. V I. 4 TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIV. NO. 80. ASTORIA. 0KK.GON, SUNDAY MOkNIKH. AfKlL 7, 1895. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. l-.:r - J- i y jh i Ik j a H U i i i I872 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. piser Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Fefd, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & . Vehicles. NEW GOODS B. F. ALLEN, 365 Commercial Street. New lines for 1895. Japanese Rugs and Matting (Direct from Japans.) House Lining, Building Paper and Glass. Wall Paper of 1895 now in with a stock Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago from $9 to $18 per roll of 12 yards. B F. ALLEN S, 365 Commercial Street, Snap fl Podak at any man coming out of our sio e and you'll Ret a portrait of a man brimming mer wltn pleasant thoughts. Such qublity in th llqunrs we liuve to offer are enoiigu to PLEASE ANY MAN. Con?e and Try Them. HUGHES & CO IS THERE? ts there a man with heart so cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fail to pleas the closest buyers. HE1LBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS- CotKomly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Maker Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam Mat and Cannery Work e Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order 01 Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintended A. L. Fox Vice PreBlden O. B. Prael...'- Secretar Hunter & Epicures iay the bes' Pork Sausage combine the flnvrtr nf of lean nil' Hergeil's.pork Wjth the flaky fa: and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind 01 sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co's Mark. Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth street They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall s will do "just at well." They won t. They cannot. "The Astoria Itoan Office." Money to Loan on WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Guns, Pistols, Clothing and all Articles of Value. 56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond. THOMAS MOKKO, TV Blacksmith whoso shop la oppos lte Cuttings cannery, is now prepared to do such odd jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old ones, making new flshin boat Irons, and re pairing old ones, and all ether blaek smrthln that requires first-class workmanship. Tlayhap Tour mind Is on repairing your nous this spring; possibly on building a new one If so, remember we are carpen ters and builders with a shop full of tools always willing to do such jobs and want your work. MILLER It VOSNET. Shes ea Ilwaeo Back. Worth Looking Into A child buys as bu er. I. L. OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 606 and 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. W1 HO SAID that Easter day was now a day only in name. Every inch of ed with Easter Cards is a protect against any such belief: So are the throngs of interested buyers outride, so are the cards themselves, more and prettier this year tnan ever. The chooings have been domestic cards and baskets in REMNANTS I REMNANTS I I REMNANTS I I I lufel K)Mwv I ce removuu ancl LOLA MONTEZ CREME, Hkin Food and Tissue Builder. Does not cover makes the tissues firm and bullas up the worn-out muscle fibres unit mn es them plump. Lowest In price and best In value: 750 Larue Fot. A GIRL WITH HTKAIUHT HAIR may Mcp lttiutfy with FRIZZ. II fli tor p It- ha r in mil in domo m (no. Leaven no sticky tepostt. ma es tne nair glossy; guaranieea Harmless; is a ionic lor senip; eieanses tnc nair. Apply FRIZZ, use curllnv Iron not too hot or ro 1 the hair In papers until perfectly dry. After using a lew limes tno mosi siuuoorn nair Sold by Mr a. D. K. BLOUNT, 457 Duane St., Astoria, " KIHBALL" PIANOS Sfi ORGANS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Correspondence ALLOTTED. :- W. W. Factory 16 & Rockwell St Chicago, III. Pacific Coast Office and Warerootns, 335 Morrison, cor 7th SL Portland, Oregon. L. V. MOORE, manager. The CASINO. 7th & BOND STREETS. Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, April 1st. Engagement extraordinary Th great, the only OUFTY GOOFTY The wonder of the nineteenth century. Tne comedy skit A NIGHT OF TERROR. W th full cast of ch iraeters. ORO &CIJFFORD EDWIN R.LNG. Lydia Pardy. BELLE BROWN. Admission 10 Children Cry for Is my stock of Mens' and Boys' Clothing, Furn ishing Goods, Hats, Capss, Boots. Shoes, etc., style, fit and quality are all combined with the lowest posible prices. Boys' suits for 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and upwards. Men's wool suits $5.00, $7.50, $10, and upwards. Men's shoes $1.50, $2 $2.50 and upwards. cheap as the most experienced one of our long counters load from the finest imported and the market. GRIFFIN & REED. How many we see on our streets only remnants of beautiful women, shadows of bygoi e days I It need not be so while there exists AnilicR'milv - uM Horror. JIKS N H "t T I R HAKRISM . AN OLD WOMAN WITH GRAY HAIR may have it changed in four days to its natural color with MRS. HARRISON S HAIR RESTORER. Only four to ten days required to restore hair to natural colr. Is not a dve or bleach. No sediment or sti- kiness. Color is permanent when once your hair is restored to its natural shade. Hair becomes (tIopsv and clean. l ife SI. AN OLD WOMAN WITH WKINKLES may have every tlie contour restored. but heals and cures blemishes of the skin; win Keen in cm 1. iJrice 50 cents. Mrs. NfiTTIK HAHHISdN. Beauty Uoetor, 40-1.' Ueary lit , SSun Francisco. Oregon Wholesale Prices Quoted To RESPONSIBLE DEALERS AND flERCHANTS Solicited , : Catalogues Mailed Free on Application. KIMBALL CO. Manufacturers. Main Office and warerooms, 243-353 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. CAD WILSON OLLI BOATMAN and 20 rents. Pitcher Castoria. WILL CUT A SIMII San Francisco Chinamen Wil Organize a Political Club. LOCAL WHITE POLITICIANS Are Sow Figuring: to Purchase the Whole Gang and Vote Them Straight-Other News. Associated Press. San Francisco, April 6. A political dub- Is being formed dn this city by several Chinese who have a rlgihit to vote, and the bosses behind tt expect to make it several hundred strong by next election. No Gun and Leong Chong, two na.tlve born Chinese, have ftaWlslied 'heedquarttere on Clay St., where they liave Installed the political club under the guiise of the "Native Son's Parlor." On the door ts a sign wading; Chinese Native Sons' Assocla' elation. Confucius Parlor." This club at present numbers abotut 50 membars, and there are said to be 2,000 American horn Chinese here that are entitled to vote and will jodn the club. About 60 Chinese voted at the tost election. Practical politicians are scheming as to the posslbHilty of buying Chinese votes in blocks of 2,001, and utlllzon.? them in a manner fihait will overthrow any mtupcrlty t'hat White American Sons may give oandlditee. BISMARCK'S FRIENDS. They Send Consnitulaitiows by Hun- dreds of Thousands. Berlin, April 6. It is 7aamned that Prince Bismarck received on Monday laat, his tuintlh-dlay, 9350 telegrams, with a total of 277,651 -words. In 'addition he received 50,000 lectors and about 115,000 postal cards. In spite of the xclt'e- nwit on Monday and Tuesdlay, the ex- ohancellor got over 'his exenttons very well and remained In fair health. Henry VHla5,'" who 4s now residing In Vienna, fias been in Berlin this week and Bimuttaneoualy comes the an nouncement from the Deu'tsph toa-nk that the Nonahern Pacific seconds, whldh were left unpaid In October, 1892, will be purchased under certain restrictions. The Deuitsch bank was Villard's maim ally during Ihis Noiithern Pacific career. BURIED IN SNOW. Denver, April 6. Owtos 'to a terrific snow storm prevailing today, dn ths iflciinity of Cheyenne, Wyo., tn Eaeten Colorado and Kansas and Nebraska, tralno were stalled on all the railroad lines east of Denver and 'hundreds of men and several snow plows are en gaged In clearing the tracks of drifting f-r.ow cun sand. In some localities the telegraph wires are down. Incoming train on the Kansas Pacific Is Med up at Cheyenne Wells, and a smow plow' has been Beirut out ahead to clear the track. The Juleslburg trailn Is reportel Indefinitely delayed alo. The west bound Rock Island is stalled at Oyod land, Kansas. Both Bdrtlntrton tralnr arrliied late'. Trains are slowly drag ging over the South Park, but a se vere storm prevails, accompanied by a gale. At Cheyenne the storm Is most severe, and traffic Is shut down on th NorBhern. The storm Is working south HOMING PIGEON RACE. Sain Francisco, April 6. Pigeons be longing to II. Mills and F. Hoffman, of Portland, Oregon, which are to par tlclpate in the 700-mile race for $500 a side oil the lOIIh of June, leTt (Ms city on their second tnailning trip this evening at 7 o'clock. There are four teen of (.he Wrd3. Two of fvsm left on their first trial trip March 11 th Strauss received a letter from Port land FriUlay saying one of the pigeons had arrived maWng the trip In nine hours, while 'the ottier pigeon arrived three hours dater. The distance If supposed ito be about 700 miles cn ah air line. CATTLE ARE SCARCE. Reno, Nev., April 6. Not for ten years ha3 this state been so free of beef cattle as at the present time. There Is hardly a beef steer for Kale In Nevada, Grant County, Oregon, or that part of California lying east of the Sierras. Last year ait this time there were fully 23,000 head seeking market. Eastern buyers have cleaned up all the beef cattle In this section. Cattle 'have gone up about $2 per head. There is a better feeling TO-evaillnir j among beef people than for ten years past. DRIVEN FROM WORK. Wallace, Idaho, April t.J. J, Mills, a miner employed m the Gem mine on ranyon Creek was driven from lui work by six masked men armed wttli revolvers. They took him down the canyon a Twlf mile bHow th rm, where they left Wm, telling him never to return. Mills "has a family and has lived in Wallace eight years. No cause is assigned for the outrage except that he is not a union man. The men are supposed to belong to the gang that murdered John Kneebone at the Com mine last July. The sheriff was promptly notified but no arrests have been made, es Identification ds difficult. RESENTED IN NEW YORK. New York, April 6. 'Manager Danlal Frdhman, of the Lyceum Theatre, an nounces that In consequence of the London, scainkM, after this week lie will wlithdraw Oscar Wilde's play "An Ideal Husband." now running ait his house. AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. The Associated Press News Contained In the Afternoon Report. Topiekia, Kan., Aipnll 6. fTthe cele brated Sumner covnty hypnotic mur der case was decided by the supreme court today ond Anderson Gray wai oonviated of murder. On May S Thorn' as Patiton was shot and killed neav his home din Sumner county by Thomal McDonald. On the Itrtal it was shown that the murder iwaa planned by Aiv dersan Gray, who,- by 'Che Influence he possesses over McDonald, persuaded him to kill Faitton. Washington, April 6. The atltentlonl of some of 'the members of the oaiblnei was called today to the dispatch from Chicago, regarding the Tribune publi. oataon of tfhe supreme court decision on the Income tax, but they declined tc express an opinion thereon. From ar, entirely authentic source it is learnec thalt whatever the decision of the court may be, the president will not cal' an extra session of congress. All ef forts to secure from nwmlbers of the supreme court either authoritative con flrmatton or denial of Che Chicago Trib une's publication prove unavailing. Colurohus, Ind., April C The Amer ican Starch Works with buildings cov ering ten acres, burned today. The loss Is $200,000. Seventy-five thousand bush els of corn were destuyed. One waitch man Is missing, and is supposed to be burned. Nljnl, Novgrood, April 6. A 'hotel In course of construction, collapsed here today burying 30 workmen. Several bodies have been recovered. The ar chitect of trtie hate! suicided after-the disaster. ' ! Seattle, April 6. Frederick Scholpf today commenced action in the super ior court to enjoin the Latfe Washing ton Land and Warterway Company from filling in the Seattle tide flats If Uhe plaintiff wins, the suit will have the 'effect of temporarily Mocking th'j digging of the oanail from Lake Wash ington to Puget Sound, on which soye.t million dollais are 'to toe ;t?na?4 The citizens of Seattle have ,so Ml ulsed a subsidy of $265,000 for the work. San Frairri9co, April 6. The Jury ill) the United States district court, wher the strikers, Mayne and Cie?acl&y. have been on trial, came Into court, this morning and reported that they had no hope of agreenlg on a verdlctl They stood ten to one In favor of con viction. The Jury was discharged after being out 93 hours. Hennessey, O. T., April 6. The rob bers,, who were surrounded by a posoi yesterday, escaped laat night an! going to a preacher's house, robbed Mm of his valuables and two horses. Th pruatiher pursued them and later wat found on the prairie riddled wilLh bul lets. Winnipeg, Man., April 6. A GleVxh en dlsjiatch says: The Indian murder er of Govermmenlt Officer Ekyner, of the Dlackfoot rececvalilon, was finally cap-tm-ed and shot dead by a tnounlted poise of police laat ntghlt. The mut--d3rer made la determined flghit to the last. London, April 8. Oscar Wilde wa arraigned today In the police court on a series of Charges of Inciting boys tt terrible crimes and actually commit ting acts of gross indecency. Chariot Parker tedtlfled in minute de-taill of hi". Intimacy wish Wilde. Madrid, April 6. The news received here that bands of Insurgents hive ap peared In the center of Cuba, is dis quieting as tt was thought that the rebellion was confined to he eastern coast. OMcago, Aiprtl 6. A special to th. Tribune from WaehUng'ton, aiys the United 8tatea supreme court In the In come tax case, reversed the decision of the tower court but the Income tax law as a whltrie, was upheld by a di vlded court. Under the decision, It Is said, all Incomes derived from rents, are exempted from taxation by th federal government, and all Incomes derived from Htate and municipal bonds are similarly exempted. In other respects he Income tax law tamls as tt was latft Augudt, (but the result of the consul totion tn the su preme court shows very conclusively that the Jaw can easily be picked to pieces provided suits are brought to corotewt each particular point as it ; come up. The court was evenly di vided. Justice Jackson was too (11 tc take part. Chief Justice Fuller, and Justice Field, Gray and Brewer were opposed to the law. Justice Harlan. Brown, Spiers and WMte vuted to sus tain the taw. 'CI He is the Most Disgraced Man Jn London. . HIS PLAYS ARE TABOOED they Will be Excluded From th First-class Theatres and Hi : Kama Dropprd. Associated Fress. London, April 6. (Special cable Lon don letter copyright 1895 by Associated Press) Naturally the Wlld'e dlsclos ures continue to be the absorbing topic of conversation at the clubs, etc. Ihe stand taken by the St. James Gazette In refusing to print the details of the case is attracting much attention, und the paper has been deluged with let ters of appproval. The action of the St, James uazeJbte is likely to prove a good Btroke of business for the. pro prietors of that publication. On Thursday last, the second day of the trial, In place of the usual num bers of placards which all the news hoys display, the placard of the St James Gazette was, "The only paper in London with no details of ths Wilds case. Edward M. Carson, Q. C, M. P., who so ably and relentlessly conduct ed the case for the Marquis of Queens bury, was a classmate of Oscar Wilde at Trinity College, Dublin. Presiding Judge, Justice Collins, is an Irishman. Wilde has been making Immense sums of money lately out of his plays and books.' Ills plays are now running ait two London theultros, and many com panies are iplaylng thorn in the pro vinces. Of course In the future no one will accept hds plays. George Alexander, proprietor and manager of the St. James theatre, stated laat night that If it were mt for the fact that stopping Wllda's pluy would throw 120 people out of employ ment, he would at once stop tt. There fore,' unless ifle theatre-going1 puhlio manifests Its dllapleasure of the author ty refusing to witness his works, the play at the St. James will be continued as usual. Anobher1 of Wilde's plays, now running at the Haymarket thea tre, will after this week be transferred to the Criterion. The author's name In bash oases wll be omitted from thi bills a"nd advertisements In the future. . MARINE INTELLIGENCE. San Francisco, April 6. Arrived Ol'ty of Puebla, from Victoria and For; Townsond; State of California, from Portland and Astoria, Cleared, Bark Nlcho-las Thayer, for Bristol Day; ship John Chatter, for Pyramid Harbor; schooner Queen foi Hedftoh Bay. Departed Bertha, for Kodtak; Ka hulul, for ICiaihUlul; bark Canada, for Tiooma; ehip Rlverwdale, for Portland, ship Occidental, for CMginlk Bay; schooner Challenger, for Seattle; schooner Ralsy Rowe, for Coos Bay; Arawa, for Honolulu arid Sydney. Fiwlghlts and charter Schooner Zampa, now at Tccoma, lumber thenc to Guaymas. SPOKANE BANKER DEAD. New York, April 6. Anl ihony M. Can non, CO years old, the well known hank er of Stwteame, Waahilnibon, was foun dead to his roim at Stuyvesamt today The coroner found lie died from natu: a causes. Ho was president of he Spo kane Falls National Bank. PROMINENT PASTOR DEAD. Rev. William McEwan Pasiea Away at , Portland on Friday Evening. Died At Portland, April 8th, 1835, of mumps, Rev. William McHwan. The Reverend Wflilam L. MoBwan rector of St. Mark's Church, Portland died Friday evening after a brief 11! liens. Ills many friends here were unaware of his Illness until 'the news came of his death. He was a eon of Mr. Robert S. Mc Ewan, a former resident of Clatsop, an a pioneer of this state, and in fact, of Che Coast. The Rev. Mr. MoUwan wa born In California but came 'to Orwrun In hit ohlldhood, receiving his early training In this city. After graduating at the Berkeley DUlnSty Sdhool at Middle town, Conn.," he was ordained deacon by Bishop Williams, and after he was ordained prieHt spent all of his minis- Highest of all in Leavening Powers try In Oregon and Waahitaigiton. He has had charge of the parishes alt Wal la, Walla, Pendleton, The Dalles, and for the past Ave years has been rector of St. Mark's, Porblaind, and ohia.pl.aln f o Bishop Scott Academy. He (has acted as eecretary of the Diocesan convention of the Episcopal church Jn Oregon, and tiaa held many other positions of responsibility in prominent commltit-x, many of which he occupied ait the 6!me of his death, and all of which hie served effectively and fM'tlhfully. His genial, whtoJc-eouled affability and warm-hearted sincerity won him a host of friends everywhere he went. He was a faditJhful and devoted pastor and a. friend worth having, and many In every walk of life will mourn a, per sonal friend. His place will he diffi cult to fill. A wife and three ohMdrea survive him. His desire was rather to wear out than 'to rustt out, and hds longing Is satisfied for he did literally die (n the hiairne89, "flglhtlng manfully." THE SCHUiBERT CLUB. The Schubert Club were very charm ingly entertained ait the house of (Mrs. Carrie Kroger laat evening, and the foHowlmlg program rendered r Fart I. Piano S0J0, "Amaryllis,".... Mlsa Laura Fox. Soprainlo Soto, "I Love Thee," Hope Temple Mias Kate Grant. Violin Duet e Berlot Meears. Laws and Fredriokson. Male Quajitet, "Oift in the Stilly Night," Messrs. Belcher, Bennett, Jackson and Elmore.- Oomltralto Solo, "Cradle Song," Volks'lled Mrs. H. T. Crosby"., Tenor Solo, Evening'," ; . . . AW Mr. J. R. A. Beninieitlt. Part 2. ; Cello Solo, "La Bomianeoca," ..iServals Mr. Th. Fredertdkaon. . Sapnano Solo, "Zanlba,".. .. ..H. Trotere MlsB Gusade Gray. Malle Quartet, "The Laat Rose of Summer," Messrs. Belcher, Bennett, Jackson and (Elmore. Tenor Solo, "The Wainid'arer,"..'..Fesca Mr. J. W. Belcher. ' Quartat, "Spring Sorng," Pliuiutl Miss Woe, Mr. H. T, Crosby, Messrs, Betaher and Elmore AN EXPLANATION. " . Seaside, ApnU 6, 1895. Editor Astoriam: Allow me to say a few words In an swer to an Item puibUlafheid in your pa per of April 4,regiardl,ng the cost bill In ttfhe case of flhe etaite vs. Chaa. Wll llard, as being, one of ithe many un necessary cases forced upon the coun ty yearly, as the whole affair proved to be a ipotty quarrett. In the first place the oomiplalnit was sent in by me, and not by E. M. Grimes, as stated. I never had a petty quarrel .nor any kind of a quarrel with WI'Mard, neith er do I Intend to have. I do not think I should 'be made to suffer or bear 'hds abuses for any trouble he and Grimes may have had In years pant. Must we sit still and say noth ing while our lives are being threaten ed, abusive language hurled ait us, and rifles flourished while attending to our own affairs. Thds case was first re noyance of having him steal from us eon'tinually? This case was flrt re ferred to the district attorney, and then left wMh the Juetllce of the peace, and told if there was not enough to have him bound over not to do any in lus about It, as Grimes Is a tax payer and Wllllard Is not, and did not wish to put the county to any ex pense. Your paper also stated that the case should have been settled here, 1 am aware of that now, as It would be better for all iparties concerned. The counlty will always have such case as long as they are dismissed from the court S3 this one was. I . wonder if Constable Oberg (Whose fees I see amounted to $12.60) charged the county for hi extra expense of having to stay here over nlghlt and hiring a team to take his prisoner to Skipation Sunday morning all an account of set ting hds prisoner alt liberty after ar resting him Saturday morning, and he could not be found when Kite train left. ANNIE M. GRIMES. REDUCED RATES UP THE RIVER. Commencing today, April 5th, tlie O. R. and N. Co. will reduce the pansengw rates between Astoria and Portland to $1.25 one way, and $2.00 round trip. C. F. OVETtBACGH, Commercial Agent. Something new In the line of Sachet Powders Just received at the Printz- Craln Drug Store. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Li KzJ V w