A- . M 3 4 TODAY'S WEAT: ? For Waahlng'ton and U J gon, fair weather; cooler. Jhe ASTORIAN has tin est LOCAL circulation, the larg ?? est 'V iERAL circulation and largest TOTAL circulation of all 4 papers published in Astoria. TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XUV. NO. 78. ASTORIA. OKKGOX, FRIDAY MOkNING. APKlL 5, 1895. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ' U 1 J" 1 -X. - A AJ A w VV .A. Jl "I I872 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty, I Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Grocerie & Provisions, Flour & Mill Fend, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Faiibank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. NEW GOODS B. F. ALLEN, 365 Commercial Street. New lines for 1895. Japanese Rugs and Matting (Direct from Japans.) House Lining, Building Paper and Glass. Wall Baper of 1895 now in with a stock Japanese Leathers, Wholesale in Chicago from f9 to Ji8 per roll of 12 yards. B F. ALLEN'S, 365 Commercial Street. Snap R Kodak ut any mail coming out ot our bio a mid you'll get a portrait uf h man brimming over wltn pleitsaut thoughts, 8'nli quality in the liquors , we have to oUt-ntfe enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Corne and Try Them HUOHIJS fit CO. IS THERE? Ia there a Vnan with heart so cold, That frm his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE or tn right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS CoiKomly St, foot of Jackson, Astorls. General Machinists and Boiler Maker Und and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order ot Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superlntenden A. I Fox Vice Presldeh O. B. Prael Secretar Hunter Epicures say the bey "u" Pork Sausage combine- the flavor of of lean pi flergen S.pork with the flaky fa: and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind 01 sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co's Msrkt Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth street They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yeurseli into me Deuer. inai oiuer twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't. They cannot. "The Astoria Loan Office." Money to Loan on WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Guns, Pistols, Cljthlng , and all Articles of Value. 56 9th Street, Between Astor and Bond. THOMAS MOKKO, TV! Blacksmith whose shop ia oppos ite Cutting's cannery, ia now pretared to do such odd Jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old ones, making new fishin boat irons, and re pairing old ones, and all ether black smithing that requires first-class work manship. flayhap Tour mind is on repairing your doom this spring; possibly on building a new one. If so, remember we are carpen ters and builders with a shop full of tools always willing to do such jobs and want your work. MILLER VOBXET. Worth Looking; Into A child buys as bu er. I. L. OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 and 608 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. "L Baby REMNANTS How many we see Wwuf WKINKLES may have every "VtoKjauv I trace renioved and the contour restored. LOLA MONTEZ CREME, Skin Food and Tissue Builder. Does not cover but heals and cures blemishes of the skin; makes the tissues Arm ami builds up the worn-out muscle rthreB and ma es them plump. I .owes t in price and best In value; 75c Larue Pot. A GIUL WITH STRAIGHT HAIR may keep ft fluffy with FRIZZ. II III krr n lu hmr in curUn d.imn liial . Leaves no sticky leposii. ma es me nair glossy; BuwniiutHi iiui - kpply Liter 1 PP'y r txljj. UHO curuilK irun nut ih IlUt UI using a lew limes uie lUUSL stuuuuru null rvir. r i- 1 1 in. nAititiswn, Sold by Beauty Doctor, 4(MJ Geary tit , Uau Fruuclsco. Mrs. D. K. BLOUNT, 457 Duane dt., Astoria, Oregon. " Kin BALL" PIANOS a ORGANS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Correspondence ALLOTTED. -: W. W. Factory 16 & Rockwell St. Chicago, III. Pacific Coast Office 335 Morrison, cor 7th St. L. Th e CASINO. 7th & Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, April ist. Engagement extraordinary Th great, the only OUFTY GOOFTY The wonder of the nineteenth century. Tne comedy fkit A NIGHT OF TERROR. W.th full cast of characters. ORO &CI JFFORD EDWIN R. LANG. Lydia Purdy. BELLE BROWN. Admission 10 Children Cry for Is my stock of Mens' and Boys' Clothing, Furn ishing Goods, Hats, Capss, Boots. Shoes, etc., style, tit and quality are all combined with the lowest posible prices. BoyV suits for 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and upwards. Men's wool suits $5.00, $7.50, $10, and upwards. Men's shoes $1.50, $2 $2.50 and upwards. cheap as the most experienced A FULL, LINE of Garages at GRIFFIN & REED'S REMNANTS I I REMNANTS I I 1 on our streets onlv nrnnantsof beati'iful women, shadows of bygoi.e day ! It need not be so while thereexistsArri'ilta'-onlvB' nt Doctor. MKS CITIK MAKKIS'i . AN OLD WOMAN WITH GRAY HAIR may have it changed in. four days to its natural color with MRS. HARRISON S HAIR RESTORER. Ouly four to ten days required to rcstor hair to natural coLt. Is not a dye or bleach. N sediment or Bti- kiness. Color is permanent when once your hair ia restored to its natiirnl shade. Hair Wconies itlot-sy und cleon. rice $1. uiivsh; mn unuu iur niTuipi uiwmibc. 1.110 un. IU 1 IIIW IIHir 111 M-lo Ul.nl ,vin.l,lj Mlj. win 111 cm 1. l-rico 50 ton lh, Wholesale Prices Quoted -To-responsible DEALERS AND flERCHANTd Solicited -: Catalogues Mailed Free on Application. KIMBALL CO. Manufacturers. Main Office and ware rooms, 243-353 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. and Warerooms, Portland, Oregon. V. MOORE, manager. BOND STREETS. CAD WILSON Of T T V O ATM AN and 20 cents PItchcr'a Csstsrb. The Republicans Will Certain ly Re-oranize It. A BITTE.R FIGHT EXPECTED Over Chairman ot the Finance Com mittee Sileer Men Will En tloavor to Dictate. . i 1 Associated Press. Washlng'ton, April 4. A report has been circulated from Washington to the effect iitaA whan the reorganization of the senate shall be made, as lit Is ger.eraUy considered that it will be by the Republicans ait the next ses sion. Senator Morrill, Who stands ait the head of the Republican member ship of tho finance, committee, will re tire in order to allow Senator Sherman to be made chairman. Mr. Morrill's clreest frleiwls say that he will ex pact to foe restored to ithe position of chairman, wMdh he held previous to the reorganization of Vhe committee by the Democrats alt the beglnmAng of this congreeB. Senator Morrill's frleftds scout the Idea tlvait his age is nuch as to call for his. retirement from the head of thds committee. White the pirftfeiWIillities are very great 'thalt the RepubHoans will ihiave no Mlttle dlffl cuity in cthooalng a successor on the finance committee to Senator McPher- son. Democrat, the filling of Uhls plact will In all probaibaBty be he first con' teat which will occur In the next con greas between the sliver and antl-stlver men. Sliver men now have a majority of one of the comml'titee, five of the six conatituitilng this being Democrats. The sliver men are also a majority In the senate, but a minority In the Re publican causus. ' 1 The silver Republicans have, howev er,, already given, r citiice tlhait the place must be filled with a rh'an from among their ran'Ve, and say that In case of failure to make 'this concession, they will demand recognition and leafve the matter with the Democrats, who wou'd probably fill the vacancy with a free silver man. The names of those most promUnewtly heard In connection with the vacancy are those of Senator Cameron, of Pennsylvania; Senator Wolcatt, of Col orado, and Senator Pfatt, of Connec. tlcuit, the first two toeing favorable to silver, and the last opposed to Ut. THE WOQD HEIRS SETTLE. The Famous Emma Silver Mine Caae Settled. Denver, Aiprll 4. The famous Wood heirs litigation has been settled and the plalnftlffs have come Inito posses sion of mining property In Apen val ued at $W,000,000. It was claimed that W. J. Wood, a poor Canadian who lo cated the Emma mine, was defrauded of his Interests in thalt property. At the time of Us doaith he did not know hew valuable H was, and his heirs elgned away their claims to lit for al most notihlng. When they discovered what they had done they consulted attorneys and a suit wta begun In the Undted States court. They ob tained a dgiement for one-third inter est in the Emma mine, and for $539,000 In oarth. The defentTanM finally agreed to settle the matter without funnher lltifii'aitlon and all the heirs will be enriched. When Aspen was In her halcyon days before the depression of silver, mining property invoflved in this litigation was en 1 1 mated to be worth from $10,000,000 to $17,000,000. It :s now said to he worth atowt $10, 000,000. WILL HUNT INSURGENTS. Troops Being Mobilized le Cuba. at Santiago Havana, April 4. Special corres pondence Associated Press.) At day light this morning a battalion of Span ish troops marched out from the for tress of Cabana. When the baiMalion en route today have reached Santiago de Cuba, all the troops newly arrived from Spain will have been mob:i:::ed at that point and then a hunt for the insurgents will begin. The forces will number something over 4,000. At the palace of the governor general the As sociated Press correspondent wteis to- J day informed that when aH the troops that are now expected from ftpaln shall have arrived, there will be avail eble against the rebel Hon about 32,000 i men. A PLUCKT NATION. vzu - April 14. It is stated ly I persons m a pomaon to speak wltn I authority, that as soon as Venezuela is convinced that Great Britain has finally decided, not to arbitrate or set tle the boundary dispute as suggested by the Tnttsd States through Amba- sailor Bayard, the southern republic will regretfully but resolutely resort to what she regards as her only course a resort to force. It Is declared that her citizens are ready to see their homes and their cities desolated and laid in ashes rather than to submit to what they regurd as national dis honor. It is said that the contention with Great Britain is not so much one of territory as of sentiment. So flrr. ly impressed have ithe people become with this opinion, It is expressed that they would rather see the country go out of existence than to pass Into the practical! control of foreign hsmds. A strong feeling exists in the Venezuelan government 'that the United States wont stand Idly by if the resort to force is made. SAN FRANCISCO RACES. Several Horses Feill, and Clancy, a Jockey, Was Injured. San Francisco, April 4. This was n day of accidents at the races. The biggest fluke of all was Marietta's win ait 100 to 1. In the first race Fleet wood ran away, and Soon Enough, who finished second, was disqualified for fouling. 'Eight horses dtarted in the steeplechase, and only three fin ished. Malcom, Steadfast, King Sam, aired Wtoklow fell. Ctancey. who rode King Sam, was 'badly hurt. Six furlongs Ponden R., 1:16. Five and one-half furlongs Sea Spray, 1:09 1-4. One mile 'Marietta, 1:43. ', Five and one-hiallf furlongs Bernar do, 1:08 1-4. Mile and one-quarter, fteepleahase Gold Dust, 3:20. Fllve furlongs 'Seraphim, 1:02 1-4. AMERICAN CATTXJS IN CANADA. Washington, April 4. Officials of the bureau of animal industry do not re gard the action of the Canadian gov ernment In directing the qturaattne office to be particularly s'trict in their Inspection of cattle from the south western states as toeing (particularly important. Practically no American cattle are sent into Canada because the restrictions already enforced are virtually prohibitive. Nevertheleas, frequent reports of the character od this one upon which the Canadian gov ernment bases Its action is annoying to the department because they are unjust to the cattle interests of the country, and tend to the Injury of business with other countries. Tho officers of the bureau have been called upon frequently of late to reiterate the assertiion that there has been no proof of the existence of a case ot pleuro-pneumonHa in- this country for more than two years. A VALUABLE PRESENT. San Jose, Cal April 4. The direct ors of the Lick Observatory today re ceived a . telegram which announces that Hon. Edward Crossley, lately member of parliament for Halifax, England, proposes ito present to the Lick Observatory his great three-foot reflecting telescope with Ma dome and all Its apparatus complete. 'Experience in Astronomy has shown Mr, Cross ley that the climate of England is not good enough to do Justice to this great telescope, and he therefore de termined to present tt to the observa tory which was favoratoly situated, and where It could he used to the fullest advantage. OFFICIALS REMOVED. Olympla, Wn., April 4. Governor Mc Glraw today filed with the secretary ot state notice of the removal of Chas. Uhlman and John Huntington, tide and shore land appraisers, of Plerot county. Misconduct Is the brief and speedfio Charge against them. It U said that Olty Attorney Wlckeraham, of Tacoma, has affidavits to show that Uhlman and Hunltlngton had demand ed and received per centages on the salaries of contain employes under their Jurisdiction. RHODE ISLAND ELECTION. Providence, R. I., April 4.-The fol lowing are the official returns of th state election for governor: Llppett, Republican, 25,092; Littlefleld, Demo crat, 14,191; Lippet't plurality, 10,901. Other Republican candidates bad about the same majority. Tne Republicans elected 34 members of the senate, and the Democrats three. In the house the republicans have 67 tnem1ers, and the Democrats flvs. JUl the towns voting; on the license question voted "yes." OEN. KELLY AT WORK. San. Francisco, April 4. "General' Kelly, who lead the "On to Washing ton" movement from California last yea.r, ts no longer an Industrial. He has gone .to work at bis trade, that of a printer. Kelly is said to be an artist In his line, and can always And work. PRICES OF MEAT ADVANCE. Kansas CSty, Afprl! 4. During the last 4x week the pries of beef in this city has increased 30 to 36 per cent. Butcher say the whole dtmcvlty Is due to the increase In the price of live catUe. HE WIS TIRED OF UTlls Frank R. Dow of Spokane Sui cided Yesterday. CARRFULLY PLANNED AFFAIR Blood and Brains Were Scattered All Over the Room-No Eea- son Glvm. Associated Fress. Spokane, April 4. 'Frank R. ' Dow committed sulolde 'this morning by blowing his brains out with a Martin rifle. He came to Spokane from New Hampshire three years ago (to work in the Bank ot Spokane Fails, then being operated by A. M. Cannon. He was a nephew of the late Mrs. Can non. Of laite he had nominally been engaged as a band broker, butt hit1. support had been toy money received from the east. The sulolde was care 'ally planned. Dow had removed the counterpane, spread it on the floor and iaild down on il, placed the muzzle of the rifle between hils teeth and null ed the trigger. Blood and brains were scattered over everything and death must have 'been instantaneous. Exam ination of his rooms revealed the pres ence of dozens of empty morphine bot tles, and several vtala which had con tained laudanum and other drugs. A careful search failed to reveal any papers or letters giving a reason for the rasih apt. R. K. Dow,- father of the deceased, Uvea at Claremont, New Hampshire, WAS TO BE A SMUGGLER. The Monltserrat Had Fallen Into Bad Hands. San Francasoo, April 4. The Bulletin prints a story tonight in which It is Si!leye1 that tho odlltor Mtooitssrrat, which was' Inst Iri a recent storm off Cape . Flattery, had fallen, dnlto the hands of the gang of men Just arrested here In connection with Chinese regis tration certificate frauds. The Mont serroit, it Is elated, was to run between Portland, Oregon, and Honolulu and China. She was to he under com mand of Oajtalm Rlas, vtfho had com mand of the steamer Haytlan Republic when that vessel was seized for smug gling In the North. NOT UP TO THE STANDARD. San Francisco, April 4. Investigation of the mint alt Carson CWy is progress ing rajpldly and the Indications are that a number of Important arrests will be made in a ehort time. Secret Service Agent Harris is in possession of evidence that gold coins coined at the Carson mint during ithe past eight or ten years contain too much aflloy, and do not come up to the government test. It is stated that Several banks here has commenced sorting out the Carson coins, and will demand their redepnvtdon by the treasury. STRIKE AT OLYMFTA. Olympla, April 4. A general strike of common laborers on the capital foundation work occurred today. The men had been working on a basis of 11.60 for nine hours, but never worked more than eight hours, receiving there. for $1.10. They demand $1.60, and the stone cutters and brick-layers were ne cessarily compelled to go out also The laborers have organled commit teed to meet ail trains and boats from outside points and dissuade fa-borers from working. MARINE HAPPENINGS. Stui . Prandsoo, April 4. Arrived Bark Boa Kins, from Nonalmo; bar kenitlne Eureka, from Tacoma; schoon er Excelsior, from Port Blakelcy schooner Gardiner City, from Gray's Hurhor; ship C. F. Sargent, from Se attlo. Daparted-JUirtlted States ship Olym pla, cruise; Columbia, for Astoria and Portland; ship Oriental, for Nanalmo schooner Glendale. fur Wlllapa Har bor; schooner Ida Srthnauerk, for Sand Point; Belglo, for Hong Kong and Yokohama; Scotia, for Yaqulna bay. Frelftfi'ts and charters American ship Jabez Howes, coal from Nanalmo to Ban Francisco. REQUIRES THE OFFICIAL COUNT. Milwaukee, Wis., April 4. The pres ent Indications are tbalt it win require Highest of all ia Leavening Power. rv r the omota.1 Oount to determine whether Judg Wlnslow or Judge Clemenson elected Jusrtice of the supreme court. AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. The Associated Press News Contained in the Afternoon Report. Chicago, April 4. At the headquar ters of the Rock Island road it Is said that last night near Dover, Train No. 1 was held up by Ave mounted men, who ordered the baggageman to open the door of the bagg'age car. He re fused, and the men fired twelve shots through 'the door, wounding; the bag gageman in the wrUft The robbers then broke down the door with a sledge but did not get any plunder from the baggage car. They hurriedly proceed ed through 'the smoker and one of the day coaches, securing about $300 from the passengers, six revolvers, and a number of waltches and rings. The passengers in the sleepers were not disturbed. The robbers when last seen from the train were going weet from Dover, all mo united, the leader being upon a mettlesome gray horse. A posse (has started from KlngHsher, the next station, in pursuit of the ban dits. London, April 4. There Is notable Interest today tn the Oscar WHlde libel suit. Further question njpon the part of 'Mr. Carson, counsel for the Mar quis of Queensibury, brought the ad mission that & man named Taylor introduced to Wilde five you'tihs, whom Wilde gave money and took to a res taurant. Wilde tn bis answers to ques tions, exMUted confusion and contra dicted himself frequently. He altto lost his temper. Carson's questions were in 'the main pitiless and unprintable. The cross examination of the plaintiff was concluded at noon after having lasted over six hours. Sir Edward Clarke, leading counsel for WHde, then began an examination of his client by putting in certain letters from the Mar quis of Queensbury in whldh he called upon his son, Lord Alfred Douglass, to "cease the Infamous intimacy" with the plaintiff, saying "hls blood turned cold at the eight of the infamous faces." The letter was headied, "I hear Wilde's wife vr petition for a divorce on the grounds of unnatural crimes." "If you do not cease to let"1 hint dis grace us I shall feel Justified in shoot-1 lng nilm on sight." To this letter Lord Alfred replied "What a funny little chap you are." Most of the newspa pers are prlmtlnig the testimony im the suit almost verbatim, but the charac ter of the testimony Is such today thalt the St. James Gazette says: "We can not repeat It." San Francisco, April 4. The row in the Spreckles family has reached a somewhat sensational stage. Young Gus. Spreckles filed a complaint In the superior court this morning charging his farther, Claus Spreckola, with slan der. Clous Spreokels.ln a newspaper interview, said some very rough, things about 'his younger sons. He practical ly charged Gua with embezzlement and blackmail. Young fipreckels sues tor but $300 damages, es his desire is simply to clear himself of ithe charges which hits father pufbllcly made against Mm New York, April 4. That the Ameri can Sugar Refining company will en gage In distilling spirits is made cer tain (by the fact that a distiller's li cense has been taken out by that com pany. The understanding Is that one ' of the old refineries in Brooklyn will be converted Into a distillery with a capacity of '60,000 gallons Of spirits per day. . j Portland, April 4. A rate war is impending on the lower Columbia river. The O. R. and N. Co. will tomorrow announce a reduction In pauuent-sr rates to Astoria from $1.60 to $1.25; round trip from $2.60 to $2.00, i Botflln, April 4. Tho committee on the trado congress whldh assembled to day will demand the adoption of the following; resolution: "Commercial and industrial circles must regard every weakening of the well-ordered gold stlandard In G (mm any as a funda mental injury to German economic life. Chicago, April 4. General J. 8. Clark mm abated positively today that ex Preskioilt Harrison was a oamllJate for the presidency. "General Harri son," swld he, "Is not an active candi date, perhaps, but he certainly is a receptive candidate." St. Louis, April 4. A upecral to tha Post-Dlspatdh from TJarrolltown, Mo., says that Kite Taylor Jury 'Is stilt oirt without Immediate 'prospect of rwiehiiig an agreement. The Jury stands seven for conviction and five against. San Francisco. April 4. C. P. Hunt ingdon was today re-elected presidpnt of the Southern Paclllc. Latest U.S. Gov't Report iYVfMl 11 in