. - . , , Him DAILY AMmKH A8MMIA. tfOIlMKO. AftilL 0, im ,-- . ; vi ..-.'........ .' ' ' ! W f ,,m ,w, 1 nii.miH lJ slunUM lllWI111' YJ3S, i hero is a ciiierenoa beftweon our suns and other that we know of. One tufterenoe la the shaping', another ie the workmanship, and another is In the enylo of goods. Nearly all of our. 11 of oure fyi It taket are tmpotttLd clothe: you oan that why every third man alon "treat 'hasn't a suit like we and why ours look different. m re than wood and Iron to make th (inference between a ferry -boat and a .i-clay ocean steamer. , chas. Mcdonald, The Tailor. 523 Commercial Street GOOD WHISKY. That is the test of a saloon's etock. Competition for long time ran to big mirrors. Folly! If that were all, the saloon buslnes: might quickly capitulate to the sens or sight, and not to taste. Our move The Office move, has been toward qual ity. That is the reason we Obtained tlu agency for HOPE WHISKY, and the more cultivated and critical your taste is the better chance our whisky 'Will nave. The OFFICE. Your Mouths, OUR STEAKS One great basis principle of the Pal' ara RrfvttifmrATit ! fniitiim.1 rlpTmrutanru To thrive and grow, each dish must be better than any one else's. Our aim u to reach the only roomy trade place, tne top. No lower Idea can be per mitted. And When the top, our top, lc reached by any other restaurant, we will lift the top. ' .The Palace ftestawant knowledge is Power And power Is salvation. To do a thin right en must know bow to do It. This Is as true of carpenter work a. anything else. - C. G. PALMBBRG, Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will build you anything from a wood box to a $50,000 building and do it well. What About Your Shoes?- Aren't they worn out around the Sole somewhere? Don't they need a patch Dn the side t We will make them good as new. ;'s. r. GiMF?e. Kitty Cornerfrom Fisher Bros, store. A Poor Cigar. - W, F. BCHIEBE never made. Don't expect to make, either. -... . . But marke this s-a-t-i-s-f-a-c t-l---n of the 22-karet tort has ' accompanied every purchase of . ., j e h,m cm. u, iuo ...u. since ne Degan ousiuess. vvueTwiNE manufactured In IRELAND a-nt thn notion that a satisfied customer "cuts a olg figure" In Duilding up a Dusiness. me reanon l cpi.o iu.. , . so welt Little Giant. Hm in if half the mothers In As toria have bought a pair 'or two of those LITTLE GIANT school shoes for their children. The other half will as mnn as thnv hear of the wearing qual ities of those that are being worn about the city. You can have your cnoice cf leather, kid, grain or calf. JOHN HAtlN & CO. Sterling Silver I Naver has there been such a stock of sterllna- silver Jewelry as that now on dlsrlay at our store. Half the town does not realize the Immensity of this assortment. EXSTROM, the Jeweler. 13 ONES. We buv fertilizers and fertilizing no tarial of every adscript iou, Hone, home, eto., riiiI pay hwurBt cuou prices. eem us trim BinpmonL . Western llotie-Meal Co. . 771 MisNuiu titreel, '' ' " ' ' Hull Fiuicicii-i'o, (Jul. ASTORIA - , MATTRESS - FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street Manufacturers of every dwcrtptlon of Lounge, Mattreesee, eto. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES When the tide seta one way there Is llw&vi a cause for It. Worn-en don't come here to buy roasti steaks, and all other kinds of meat simply because It's unnstensen & to. s. I OI oounw wiurw m avw, m raw. who buy out or compliment, or from lKnorance, D.11 me great mans oil nouseKepcrs ouy wnero mey can tn tne oast ana tor mai raw wo supim? the majority or tne famines in Asto ria for they know by experience that have only the best. WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET, CHKI5TEN5EN CO., Prop'rs, We'll Warrant that the most com fortable appetite In the city - may be spoiled by drinking poor whisky. We've studied and studied all the whisky fads and Idea and we have learned that "CUTTER'S Whiskey." Is the best made. But you must be sure you get Cutter . Some people I advertise It but don't keep It; we do. CR05BAUER BRACM'5 "RESORT." "yiTERDAY'S WHATHKR. Local weather for twenty-four hours ending- at 0 p. m. yesterday, furntohed by the United Ftatee department of KfrtcniUure weather bureau. Maximum, twnjx-rature, &2 degrees. Minimum temperature, H degrees. Preciirinttloii, !.( Indie. Total pr&mpUatk'n from September 14, to dat, fca.19 inches. f JEW TODAY. . s Ladies Gapes and 1 ' 1 ' Children's ; Jaekets Albert Dunbar. Sole Agent for the P. N. Corset. Equepoise Waists, Maggloni Kid Gloves. "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant 8e Swope. 6p Swope about decorating. See Swope about decorating and sign work Meany is the leading tailor and pays the blghst tash price for fur skins. Something now In the line of Sachet Powders Just received at the Prlntz- Craln Drug Store. Why do you suffer with that cold when E. O. Cough syrup will cure it; for Bale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store. For the latest Idteslgrvs In ehlrt- waists and perfect-fitting house wrap. I Pers- cal1 at the Prlce blore- Beaver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no Soot. For sale, at Flnlayson's shipping and commission agency, 9tn street wharves, at J5.60 per ton. B. E. Utzlngor is the agent In Astoria for the celebrated Uumurlnus ott'e liner, of Portland. Ur p mm a postal curd and he will call for your omer. THREE-MINUTE DINNERS fit fji kings, oan he fixed up with a shafln3 diRh. It is the most inexpensive lux ury extant. Every family should have one and especially the bcsj.ielor living In rooms at a hotel or boarding house They are to be had all kinds and sU.e at Foard & Stokes.' For years the ABtnrla Wood Yard has glvon our citizens only the very best of wood and coal. They are sin doing it. In fact, thny are taking tht lead. Why? Because they know whai the public wants, and the public know them. Foard & Stoke Co. have secured th agency of the fumous btkwakt p TWTMES. the onlv GENUINE FLAX Their new Btock goods are mucn eu t0 any other kind. whM1 . buv. . lottery tlckel d draw nolMnK nut h3 breath b feem sold. Wnen he buys his wood ano coal of the 8cow Bay Wood T aid whose office 1b opposite Fisher Bros.' h Is pleased, as they sell only the best. Mr. HumDhrev has some choice Chi' nook sulmon at his market near Res cue Hall. He also has oysters that sei at a less orl.e than at any other mar ket In the city. He carries clams and othi.-r shell fish, and as a Bide Issue. has a stock of Marshall s famous knit ting twine. It may be that you are dissatisfied with your grocer. If so, why not glvi Foard & Stokes a trial? They saitsfj others, and feel pretty sure that the) will suit you. Many a dollar Is Ut- erally thrown away by those who buj groierlcs of an Inferior quality. It'i imnny wise and pound foollBh to glv good money for goods that are almost worthless. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest ot ell In leavening Strength. U.S. Government Report. Wanted The present address of Ma) von fchvunklnzel. late of the Austrian srmy, who left Vienna on the mtn 01 January last, en route for Astoria t puivhiLHe a pair of uoodmanDs $1 shoes P. E. Ward, who runs a barber shop at 219 Astor street has placed In con ne.-tlon with his place two Russian baths for the accommodation of the public. Ho guarantees them as first- clr.ps in every particular. Indies' and gentlemen's department separate. The Finnish Brotherhood will meet at Pythian Hall Tuesday, April 2J, at 1 p. m. A full attendance Is desired. ALEX IIOLMAN, Financial Secretary, Still they come. New goods ejrlving daily. Lots of clothing, shoes, ana hats: lowest Prices. Oreiton Trading Co., 6(H) Commercial street va wrmiiA ini-ni.ui t...,, nr nix,,! 7 moms, in cl.wimMB Mimtlnn. to occupy on May 1st. Address G, As- torlan office. EYES Two hard-iwoklnir servants- Yet qulokest to robo-1 when over-work ed. Glasses the rlirht ones scientif ically, delicately adjusted ones the remedy. The ability that experience and study gives can be had at J. H Sfymour s. Churges only for glasses i-e modest. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DEI; MOST PERFECT MADE A rwe Grjr Crrsm of Tjitir Powder. Free Ammmiia A!umoranvotliertduUtanL 43 YEARS TI8 STANDARD, mm AROUND TOWN, , Walt paper trimmed without cost at p. P. Allen's, Rogora' Chocolate Worm Tablets de stroy all kinds, of worms. Read B. F. Allen's new advertise ment this morning on the first page. Mr. Frank Surprenant Is confined to his room with an attack of la grippe, Mr. W, F. McGregor was a passenger from San Francisco yesterday on the State of California. Earneot Edln, the "hugger," was fin ed $50 yesterday by Judge Ostnirn for being affectionate on Saturday night. The "Every Monday Club" of the Presbyterian Church will give a sale of linen and fancy articles, April 23d. Mrs. Fred. Olacn, of Olney, and Mrs. Chris. Olsen, of this city, were taken to the hospital yesterday for treat ment. Miss Francis Holden Is teaching the Unlontown primary school for a few days during the absence of the regu lar teadher. The newly elected officers of the A. F. C. will be Installed tonight at 'a smoke social. Only the members will be present. On account of the severe sickness of Father Dlelman, there were no ser vices In the Catholic church In this city on Sunday last. The launch "Comet" had her trial trip Sunday and developed a speed that was satisfactory to tooth her builder and her owners. Mrs. J. T. Ross entertained a number of her friends last night at her home, with a idellghtful musical. Mr. Frank Parker has been selected by the subsidy committee to look after the renewing of the sutusldy deeds. He will enter upon his duties at once. On account of the lade of time and space, a brief synopsis of Dr. Bu shong's sermon Sunday evening la left out. It will appear, however, In to morrow's Issue. Mr. T. J. Murphy, a young gentle man prominently connected with the Y. M. I., in Portland, was In Astoria m Sunday looking after the interests f the order In this city. Porf. Frank Miller Is ballooning In hc vicinity of Oregon City. Sunday vs made a parachute Jump and landed :n the middle of the river above the falls. Ho was picked up by a boat and aken safely ashore. The Y. P. S. C. B. of the Congress ional church will give another of their delightful fcoclals on Friday evening at 'he residence of Mrs. Stevens, 363 Tranklln avenue. A cordial Invitation '1 extended to all to attend. Mr. H. Be!i has bonded the hote' property of C. A. McGuIre at Seaside. The property In question Is one of fh prettiest places at that popular resort -d will with the completion of th-3 -ailroad, be very valuable. Pilot Fer hen, whose Charter was . trended last fall at a meeting of th pilot commissioners, has been relnstat 1. This will not only be a surprise, "nit good news to his miny friends In storla and along the river. A school tnchT l wantd af w-r--enton. Miss Campbell, whose term JM lit expire until the 10th of April, h is "iddenly quit the Job, and now the di ectors are In a dilemma as to what o do to keep the school open. As announced In Sunday's Astorlan hat they would, the members of th ou'bsldy committee at tholr meeting -ester-day morning s!,rn"'d the contract -Ith Mr. Hammond, thus leaving that witleman free to go ahead with his Miins for consitmcitlon. On the Bailey Gatzert last nlortvt vore the following pnssenirers for Port and: A. B. Hammond, J. C. Stanton, L. B. Seeley, G. H. Georgo and wife. Wnmer, J. A. Devlin, Miss Grounds, -1vn. Fvercnn, Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. M. T. Kinney, Mrs. J. Babler, J. T. Mer "'1. F. It. Strong and wife, and R. L leffrey. Yesterday the steamship State of Cal ifornia arrived In from San Francisco. 'rhcre iwetv several caJbln pnssensors for Aaterla and a score or more of teeraire pAssenKVrs. The bitter did not have the.appenrance of being re turning flshcrinen, but rather laboring "oople attrted here iby stcrles of railroad building. Dr. Klnn-y says that it Is the Inten tlon of Mr.- Hammond to extend the Seashore read to the mouth of the No halem. This will be done Just so soon as the Astorla-Ooble road is finished. The survey, however, will be made this summer, and everything such as right of way, maps, etc., got ready for an early beginning. Messrs. O. Wingate, Charles Shlvely, and J. W. Welch have been appointed by the eubsldy committee to look after procuring the right of way from Ato rU to GiAile. They will probably select men as they think most suitable to do thn work, and start them out at once. An effort will be made to close up the right of way deal y the first of May. Mr. Hammond says that Peavey Brothers, the St. Paul elevator firm. wh own all the principal elevators on the coast, will not rebuild the eleva tor .that turned In Portland last spring tuitv will erect one here Instead. This will be done in time to handle next year's CSS) grain crop. The significance of this move will t fully realised when one stops to think that tho bulk of the canro carrkt away ty foreign pany. This season's pain cro? will be handled through the temporary sheds now in use at Portland, There Is some talk of the A. F. C giving an entertainment for the benefit of the right of way committee. The idea is to give a good program to be participated In by all the athletes In the club after which the floor will be cleared for idancing. Tickets at $2.50 each, would guarantee a neat sum towards meeting the 'expenses of the right of way committee. Mr. W.. A. -Sherman returned on the State from Ban Francisco, yesterday, where be -has been attending his sister Nellie, who Is in the 'hospital receiving surgical treatment. Miss Sherman's many friends will be pleased to learn that she Is progressing very nicely under the care of the experienced phy sicians and hopes to 'be able to return home in the course of a few weeks. Mr. A. B. Hammond and Mr. J. C. Stanton left for Portland last night on the Bailey Gatzert. They expect to return to Astoria within a week's time. While away Mr. Hammond will visit Corvallls and other points on the Ore gon Pacific. He expects to have three corps of engineers In the field within the next ten days, surveying the line from this city to Gdble. After making a trip to San Francisco, which he will do when leaving here next week, Mr. Hammond expects to return to Asto ria and remain for a month or so until building operations get under full way. Sheriff Hiare and his deputies yes terday had somewhat of a 'breathing spell. The tax roll for 1894 was closed on Saturday night, and all day Sun day they (were 'busy winding up the tremendous pile of work that flooded them on the laist day. Following 1s tlhe total amount collected, J72.484, divided as follows: Poll tax, $1,056; city of Astoria, $13,221.99; ' town of Clatsop, $53.08; school district No. 1, $7139.73 No. 2, $3,048; No. 6, $168.91; No. 7, $146.46 No. 8, $30.84; No. 13, $47.39; No. 14, $34.73 No. 16, $62.44; No. JO, $83.31; No. 21 $30.93; No. 24, $73.07; No. 2, $40.41; No 30, $350.25; No. 31, $48.23; No. 32, $22 No. 34, $35.71; county road, $4,744.82 county -school, $11,851.85; total county, $26,086.37; state. $7,123.92. Of these amounts $13,246.87 was paid In county warrants and the balance In cash. An Item that seems to have slipped the newspaper representative so far, comes from Knappton and occurred nearly a week ago. Contractor Hous ton Is building a wharf at Knappton and he has several carpenters In his employ. They sleep on an old scow which is moored at a convenient place near where the work Is going on. On the night referred to, one of the men was awakened by water, that sloshed around and over him, not unlike 1 would had he been lying in a shallow place along the beach. Whether h- awoke with the thought that he wa? out In the turbulent waters of the rlv er Is not mentioned, hut It Is s fa1 that he Jumped up suddenly and awak ened his companions, and tog;h-r they deserted the craft with all haste. They were none too soon, for the old prow had sprung a dangerous lpak during the night, and filled so rap'd'y that she went down a moment after they got ashore. The scow was after wards beached and repaired. COUNTY COURT. Yesterday tho county court was I session with a full attendance. The following business was transacted: Bids w?re received as follows for th the construction of a brldsre acriss Loulslgnant Creek; Chae. Oschencer, t48; W. H. Miller. $45; F. Louslgmnt, $39. The supervisor wes Instructed t make a contract with the last named bidder. The clerk was instructed to remit the 30 per cent redemption of tax sale on the south half of the southeast quarter of section 21, township 6 nortli range 6 west, for the years 1811 and 18!2 on 'the payment of taxes and cots. Ordered that the west half of th town of Falrflekl ibe vacated and set aside. 1 -Report of the viewers and surveyors "n esta'bllKhtnjr a county road from StavboH Landing to connect wtth th" road to Clatsop, read and laid ove umtll tomorrow. Three jblds were reoelved for repair ing the 'Big Creek ibrldge, ordered that lhe iblds ibe rejectred and the matter be referred to Commissioners Wooden and Peterson to examine and mako the necessary contracts to repair the bricltre and remove drift. CLATSOP CITY NOTES Mr. C. W. Carnahan spent last week In Astoria, Miss Maud West Is In Astoria attend ing her 'brother, Lloyd, who we are sorry to ; learn, is sick with typhoid fever. Master Jamie Taytor. of Astoria, was visWng friends on the Plains Satur day. Mr. J. C. Adams was the lucky finder of the diamond recently advertised as lost In Astoria. It was twenty-five j dollars' worth of luck to him. Mr. Josiah West returned Saturday from Columbia county, where he was called toy the death of his brother. Wil liam. Mr. -sale Houghton surprised all his friends on the plains by -bringing wtoh him on his return from Hayes, Wn., a newly made bride. Words can not express our good wishes for their future. Programs are out announcing a sum mer school for teachers at Oearhart Park. The school will be In session from July 17 to August 21, and Judging by the able corps of instructors secured It will be the best summer school ever held in this stage. 'lp ihe'iif t are eight co!!cR presidents, as' .:!" as many Our esteemed, county mjperimenoent, Mr. H. 8. Lyman Is the f rime mover In the or.janjfatloft of the school and to his untiring efforts Its success thus far is due. FRED ROOD'S SAD FATE. He Is Found Dead in a Stream Back of Cathramet. Word was brought to the city yes terday from Cathlamet 'that the body of a man, supposed to be that of Fred Rood, had been found in Beaver Creek, about S miles back of that place. It will be remembered that Rood left here some time In- November last, short in his accounts wlMi the Arm for whom he' was working, Elmore, Sanborn & Co. An effort was made to find him at that time, but was after ward dropped. It was known In time that he had gone to a ranch above Cathlamet, and was living with the owners, but no attempt was made to bring him out. In the early part of December It seems he came to Cath lamet, and being told that officers were on his trail, started for Water- ford, telling an acquaintance that he was going to see Howard Winters, and endeavor to straighten up matters with his former employes. Fearing arrest he started for Waterford by going through the woods, which are a per fect Jungle In the place where the body was found. After leaving Caithlamet, all trace of Rood disappeared until Sunday morning, when Charles Thom as and Oharles Hannlgan, while wad ing up Beaver Creek, In one of the wildest regions through which It runs, came across the body, standing erect on one side of tve stream, and supported in that position by the thick underbrush on the bank. Near by was the man's underclothes, hanging on the limbs of small trees as If plac ed there to dry. The body was dressed In trousers, and a long dark mackin tosh. The supposition is that Rood pushed his way up stream until chill ed and exhausted, he had climbed out onto the hank and removed his under clothing for the purpose of drying It. Tn the meantime, while walking about In order to keep warm, he fell Into the stream, which was Ice cold, and being too exhausted to climb the steep bank, had Stood In the water and froz en to death. Since then over three months had elapsed, yet tfhe body was not badly decomposed when discover ed. As soon as the young -men had made a hasty examination of the ghastly find, they hastened to Cathlamet and notified the oornner, who went to th scene yesterday. Up to the time th Gatzort passed that place the 'coroner had not returned. - miring Rood's short stay In Astoria lie made many friends, 'thousrh but fw of thoni were blind to his love ttr drink and pambllng, which has with out doubt been the cause of this sad "ndlng of what otherwise mUht hive been a brleht and suecesslful career rnr ne was naturally smirt, an x- "el'ent penman, ex-pert accountant, anc" stenographer. He came to the coat ibout two years airo from Omiha rvhere he held a responsible position -vlth the Armour-Cudahy Packing rVimpany. He worked for Hapgood at Waterford before coming to this c'ty. Tn Omalha he leavei a wife and rh'ld if whom he was evidently vpry fond, for he kept constantly with him f'olr photograph, which ho frequently show ed to Jiis friends and alwavs referred to with great pride and dtsp'ay of nffpotlon. He also has other relations thrre Who are wealthy and p-crnlne"! reople. It Is said thct a brothpr of he deceased is tn business at Hood River. The schooner S. Danlelson, It will be -prrftmberpd. near'y h1ng wre-ckpd on the Siuslaw, 'the Bret accounts of which were published at the Astorian at the time, the news reaching this place through Captain Wynant of the steamer Bandorflle. She succeeded In getting clear at the time, though con siderably damaged. According to a San Francisco dispatch of Friday she has Jest had another narrow escape, one sailor being lost. The dispatch is as follows: The schooner S. Danlelson arrived this morning from Russian landing. Captain Gruggel Bays that his vesset came near being wrecked on the 26th, while lying at her moorings. A heavy southeast gale sprang up and blew with such violence that the ves sel's anchor commenced to drag.. The hook was hauled up and the schooner stood out to sea for 24 hours. Several hours -later, .the gale moderated and the Danlelson came close enough to her old moorings to lower a boat with two sailors tn ft. The men were to carry a line ashore. Ous Bueh and Henry Isen were In the 'boat. They tried to pull through the surf to th land, but the boat upset, throwing Bueh and his shipmate Into the break ers. Isen swum ashore, but Bueh went down. His body drifted ashore and was picked up by some fishermen. The deceased was 40 years old. Tide Table for April, 1895 UinR WATER. LOW WATS. DATE. A. M. I P. H. j A. U. r. M. ' h.m I ft J h.m I ft h 111 ! ft .i h m 1 n MomlAy. ... i4i".;8 I ii 0.16 71 11 0 ii Tiiwxiay . . ft SO 7 JO .".. 12 4 ilil .1 wHlunlay 3 6. rn H:w. :' nl.' .tl ! ii il.is Tlmniday.. 4 7S6T; e.tniii! 1 .v 41. .iiiki.t Friday ft -.'7 10S7,2! til -f.; 4l"iti 8atun!r...10ai4l it t 7 Ml 4 .'- j:,i 4.M12 SUNDAY.. 7 11 USS3 tl ,W is4 bil ll fit: I.) J MrtodaT.... t . . . . KIWI M 01 Ot'iJ f.2i It TiHfKlar . . . 02rS7 I it ! if Hi.' 0 1 "iii9 Wuhi'sd'y 111 lO'.iMl I 4 so! 1 -- 7tU ThurwUy.il 14292 :i77i hSi-ik! s2ij Friday.... 12 221 S1 Sii70( '.ll -i;- s.'.s. Saturday, .l l 4 .1 W1I1 .: . i Sl'NPAY. It .'! 2 20m I i.v. u. M!i t Monday ...1 . Hi; I 6 o ti U V- 0 7 ii -I i I TnwlT . .In .t; r 1 J SI ii I 1 iv. V I liiry lr ink (00 5H l 4-.i vniti ' Thursday.. IK T ."m1. 4' 4.1- o l! J 4 ' $ui I ) ' FtUt ...1 0iti I H l'.ltf 7 47 :4.l HM.4 . MlinUr..i 10 no's A I0.VI r I 4il 21-1 41. Ii si'NOAV. .at io,Vrl 11 17 ; ii 21 ...-. i Monrta.2.' II i 7 1 II 7 p! ft II 1 I' .. Hi j TWiay ..21 12 I 7 j I2t ii ' 1 7 i 7 , Wln ml'y 2 1 0 1 1 2r 12 6. ; u H OM I 2 I Thursday... 0 m sj m: r t In 2 7 : : j i : Friday ... 2 1 f. .:? u 7 ''t-'i'l ' 1 : i Saturday. .27 t i: j i,:: . -. ; . L. : I .v J BL'SUaY. tlWSJ.- -'. i4- i!LiHi . !l I ltjn.U,T....2'' I Si wl i 4' .. 1 :. 4 Ta.-UT...STnrT4 ir-;:ir :i r? cdr.e'n ! -r-7 : . . I I ARE THE 5 EST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY r-HRE C. R. F. P. UNION NOTICE. Retrular monthly meeting of the Col umbia Rdver Fishermen's Protective Union will be -held at Fisher's Hall, Tuesday, April 2d, 1895, at 7:30 p. m, sharp. The price of salmon for he year 1895 will be set. A patrolman and light keeper for Sand Island to be elected and other business of Importance to be transact ed. Members in good standing are re. quested to be present and have their book or receipt along. SOFUS JENSEN, Sec. CLAIRVOYANT. Madam Nelson, reads head and palm, also cards, and tells past, present and future. Consultation on all affairs. Price, 50 cents and upwards. Recom mendations from several hundred per sons. 455 Exchange street, corner of 10th street. WE WANT you to make no al lowance. Our Gents' furn ishings jte as good as we say they are. Do you think how rare such agreement is? We run a clothing store for men with no dead places in it! You know how easy it is to heap up a lot of thines that nobody wants and so make a show of plenty. But the pawed over stock ain't the one vou care to pick at. There is'nt a trash- eddy in all the tide of men's tilings rush ing through this store. PHIL. STOKES, The Clothier. Hard Times HaveCome Trying to Make it Easy. We wish the pulbllc to understand that we sell exclusively nothing but J. H. CUITKR WHISKEY For 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's celc brated N. P. Beer at 5 cents a glass. The whisky Is the same as we have been selling ever since we have beer In business, and we are going to con tlnue the same as long as we can get a square deal on bnth sides. WHITE HOUSE CORNER, Corner 9th and Bond HARRIS & WRIGHT. Gambrinus Brewing Go's Cold Storage is now ready to deliver 'his relel rated brew either by the keg or bottle. Dp p a postal to hox 800 or telephone No. 60, sad your orders will be promptly deliver ed. Office, Commercial and 12th Streets 8. K. UT2INGER, Agnnt. E. A. TOPPING. : New and Second-Hand : FURNITURE. Full line Crockery Tinware, Stoves. Stove Hepairs a Specialty. Highest cash prices paid for second-hand goods of ail kinds. 434 Bond Street. (Opposite Parker & Hansen.) JvlUSlC RUh. -k KEATING & Cu will open their it -kit Music Hall at 3o9 Attar street, Saturday the 10th. They will keep numberless gaol liquors and cigars besides having good music all.the time. Coming Saturday, March 16, At 566 Commercial Sireet, ROBINSON & HEIKES' flaseam & Optical Illusion Exhibition. Nine beautiful and mystifying Illusions rieasing stage performance. An enter tainment expressly forjjadies and child ren. Will be open daily from 1 to 10 p. m. Exhibitions every 30 minutes. Admission 10c, Keserved cbairs 5c extra. ilGOODi thirds need do a1vertia- ng but I ml if wa Juil t aut to tell ou the extra irdmarv low prlca ot nilh-iifry roods for imns and summer wear. eomeand sea na be fore purrhaslnc. MISS Uc-CKEA. 1 Tor. 10th andCommrrctal ats. BEER HALL, What the Gambrinus Beer Hall tried to do in selecting their liquors was to pick out what lntelllgvnt people would want If they knew k aa expenencea ; people should know It. Make a note of this If you want pure liquors. George BArtiey. Proprietor. . .'. PItOFSMIClKAX) CARDS. EL A. SMITH '. DENTIST. Rooms") and t Pythian Building, over C. H Cooper's store. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store; Hours, 10 to 12 a m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. days, 10 to 11. Sun- J. S. BISHOP, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. Office and rooms In Kinney Block. Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30. Surgery and DlseaBe of Women a Spe cialty. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6S414 Third st, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTE8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases "f wom en and surgerv. Office over Danzlger's store. Astoria. Telephone Mo. 51 JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. BURGEON, AND XXOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to S. Residence, 639, Cedar street. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8.. DENTAL PARLORS. Man Bell Block, 673 Third street. W. M. LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, and 7, Flavels Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Flavel's bile building. FRANK J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria Oregon. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his office until U o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSfoMtR AT LAV Office on Second 8ts-?et. Astr" t German Physician. Eclectic. JR. J. EMIN BARTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otike west of Ross, Hlg?lns & Co.'s Jtore, 518 Bond street. Prices, calls, A; confinements, $10.00. Operations at mice free. Medicines furrilsned. JAMES W. WELCH, iNduRANUE AND REAL ESTATE AUENI'. Houses to rent. A.i kinds of prop ei'iy tor s.e. conta,joiJ;uoe and jujAiiesa souiciied. u.uce veiU) liiucn, J. N. Dolph. Chester V. Richard Nixon. Do.pu. xJULPH, NIXON & DOLPH, ATTOiiNKYS AT LAW. 4'orlland, uregon, 24, 25, J6, and 27, -i.ttinlii.Oii isuiiauib'. au lug.ii and col-ictu-jii uudineoa pinip..y attended 10. laiii.s agautai nic ginei'n.i.eiit a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGD NO. A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. G. HOWELL, W, M. E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary. FOR HALp; JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out-Just received Just what you want, at Wing l.ee's, 629 Third street. WANTED WANTED To rent, or will buy at a fair price, a second hand type-writer. Smith machine preferred. Inquire at this office. WANTED A grirl to do general housewosk. Apply to E. Gust in, 525 Commercial street, Uppertown. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED Situation to do general housework hy an experienced person. Inquire 351 Ehrh'teenth street, near Scow Bay Foundry. $75.00 A WEEK paid to ladies and gents to sell the rapid dish washer. Washes and dries them In two min utes without wetting the hands. No experience necessary: sells at sight; permanent position; Address W P. Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN IN PORTIJLND-Call on Handley A Haas. 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BEVERAGES. INES AND BRANDIES. Use zin fsndel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apicct brandy. Also French Cognao and wine at Ale Gilbert- ON7.T THB PtP-F..T flnw and liquors are sold at Ales imphr-ll'i r- - . - - Dr. Price s Cream Making- Powder " ii4 w-m VvWm v-. -1 ... , ,