The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 02, 1895, Image 3

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Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting1 Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething: troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil
aren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. c. Osgood,
, Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves."
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
W. S. Golbert, the librettist, has
been touring around the West Indian
Islands, waitching- the man-eaters at
Port Royal, eating alligator pears at
Jamaica, and tasting Santa Cruz rum
In the land of Ms birth.
Is soon carried by the assaults of
malaria, Unit If Hosteitter's Stomach
Hitters Is employed as a bulwark
against the disease, absolute safety is
attained. The most virulent forms of
disease oral (by, tainted air
and water, soon yield to the creative
and combative Influence of this effi
cient safeguard, which forttfles the
system as no other medicine up to
date has ever done. It counterasts
a tendency to rheumatism, neuralgia,
and kidney complaimts, overcomes In
digestion, nervousness, constipation,
and liver troubles, Improves the appe
tite, and promotes digestion. Taking
all in all, It Is probably the most use
ful family remedy In existence, and
Is popular ns woll as effective. Fse it
pv"nrtiatlcally, not at irregular inter
vals. Pexiotto, the artist, of Boston, has
just finished a fine portrait of Lady
Henry Somerset. Mr. Pexiotto pro
nounced Pe-shot-a Is now known
among his brother artists as the mnn
who likes "Little Blllee."
"God gave us meat, but the dvll
sent us cooks," is a trite saying. From
bad cooking, fast eating, and over
eating, comes a wlhole train of diseases
Indigestion, dyspepsia, 'biliousness,
catarrh of the stomach, headache, diz
ziness, and the like. God also gave
us ainraln.v man, who compounded the
"Golden Medical Discovery," a correct
ive of all Ills resulting from overeating
and hnd Wnnd. Dr. Pierre, of Buffalo,
has furnished us the "Diwovery." a
great desldnritnm In America, where
everylbod" Is In wh a hurry to make
monev. They have m time to eat, and
scarcely snv time tn llv. Tt ln"imr
ates the liver, cleanses the Wood, and
tones up the system.
Dellcaite diseases of either rex, how
ever Induced, speedily and permanntly
curd. Book of particulars ten cents
In stamps, mailed In plain, sealed en
velope. Address, World's Dispensary
Medical Association. 663 Main street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Professor Ernirt Curtius, the famous
Greek scholar and Ion? considered th
most eloquent speaker connected with
the University of Berlln.waii recentl
run over 'by a horse and sleigh In Ber
lin and badly hurt. He is almost SO
years old.
"But evil Is wrough 1y want of
As well as want of thought."
By want of thought mothers allow
daughters to- become frail and puny.
Over-study in girls Induces uterine dis
orders and weaknesses, and blights
their future happiness as wives end
mothers. Joined to proper hygienic
care. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is a priceless remedy in such ailments,
its value becoming even more apparent
every year. Using it, the wan, debili
tated school girl gains color, flesh and
spirits, losing those deathly headaches
tormenting backaches, languor, dejec
tion, and other symptoms of functional
Irregularities and nervous debility. It
never harms the most delicate girl.
Ro1ertsdale, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion: Gentlemen I cannot sufficiently ex
press to you my gratitude for the bene
fit your medicine has conferred upon
my daughter. Of late she has suffered
no pain whatever. It Is simply marvel
lous. You have Just reason to call it
your "Favorite Prescription," and to
stake your reputation as a physician on
It. A favorite prescription It la, indeed,
to you and to thousands In this land,
and I believe it will be tn thousands of
suffering women the world over.
Yours Gratefully,
Asthma cured by newly discovered
treatment. Pamphlet, testimonials and
references free. Address World's Dis
pensary Medical Association. Buffalo,
X. Y.
St. Louis Republic: Bell Was
George very much downcast after he
rp"ke to yur father?
Nell Yes; three flights of stairs.
Life: "You were embarrassed when
you proposed to me, Georre, were you
not" "Yes. I owed over 120.00 J." ,
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
H. A Abcrbs, M. D.,
HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Disfehsaby,
Boston, Mass.
ALLBif C Smith, Pru.
Of approbation to the pinnicle of popu
larity, Hontetter's Btorrtaoh Bitters
has acquired a commanding position,
which has occasionally made a bright
and shining mark for knaves, who seek
to foist upon the community spurious
compounds in the guise akin to that of
the real article. These are mostly lo
cal bitters or tonics of great Impurity,
and, of course, devoid of medicinal
efficacy. Beware of them and get the
genuine Bitters, a real remedy for ma
laria, rheumatism, kidney trouble, dys
pepsia, nervousness, constipation and
biliousness. Physicians of eminence
everywhere commend the great Invlg
orant, for both Its remedial properties
and its purity. A wlneglassful thrice a
day will soon bring vigor and regular
ity to a disordered and enfeebled sys
tem. Congressman Thomas B. Reed is said
to favor the removal of the ohalrs
from the house of representatives and
the substitution of benches, such as
are used in the British parliament.
He thinks this would facilitate the
transaction of business.
The best salve In-the world foi Cuts,
Itruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guuranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 oents per box. For sale b
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Hzkltis Powdc
superior to vi! ethers.
Michael Davitt the other day des
scribed penal servitude In an English
prison as the "most rigorous, most
heartless, and most seientlfleally re
fined system of punishment that th
,vlt of man could devise." Mr. Dav'.ti
ppeaks from painful experience, having
undergone four different terms of im
prisonment. "A TALENTED EDITOR."
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
everal boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsufes while traveling to Chicago to
ittend the National Democratic Con
tention. They acted like a charm in
preventing heaaaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
ny return, which is remarkable.
Yours, respectfully.
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., sole agent
Professor Joseph Le Conte, the cele
brated scientist of the University of
lfornla, was given a warm reception
the other day on the occasion of his
72d birthday. The students decorated
his lecture room and presented him
with a 'life-size etching of Agassiz. He
is the only professor at Berkeley who
ever calls the roll, and whose lectures
are never cut.
What is the use of having a "human
form divine" unless you care for it
and drape it and clothe it so as tc
make it a source of joy to yourself and
a pride to your friends? Nature sup
plies the rorm. A. Lake, the tailor at
359 Commercial street will make the
raiment. See him.
All the paten: medicines advertised
n this paper, together with the chole
st perfumery, and toilet articles, etc..
an be bought at the lowest prices at
f. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel A-toria.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, the cried for Castoria.
When she became Kiss, she clang to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
SHTLOH'S CURE Is sold on is gvar
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t is the best Cough Cure. Oniy one
em a, dose. 25 cents. 50 cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Dr. 'Price's Cream tvjkfnj Powder
Wwtd'a Fair ttlsbtat and rto'-am
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of James W.
Melson, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against said etsate are
hereby repulred to present the same,
properly verified, to J. A. Eakln, my
attorney, at his ofllce In Astoria, Ore
gon, within six months from this date.
March 1st, 1S95.
Administratrix of the estate of James
W. Melson, deceased
When Frederick Douglass ivas living
at Rochester and when his children
j were yuung, they were not ullnwcd to
attend the public schools, nor could
white teachers be employed to teach
them at home. Mr. Douglass was
obliged to send to England to procure
a governess for tola children. That
was Rochester then. On the day of
Frederlch Dougliss' burial m Roches
ter he Jay In state In the city hall,
crowds of citizens came to look upon
his face, and business In th; city was
But ride Inside the Electric Lighted
and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment
Car trains of tne Chicago, Milwaukee
and St, Paul Railway, and you will be
as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as
In your own library or boudoir. To
travel between Chicago, St. Paul or
Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and
Omaha, in these luxuriously appointed
trains, is a supreme satisfaction; and
n the somewhat ancient advertisement
unci to read, "for further particulars
see small bills." Small bills (and large
ones, too) will be accepted for passage
and sleeping car tickets. All coupon
ticket agents on the coast sell tickets
via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway, or address C. J., Eddy
General Agent, Portland, 0
New York Herald: 'Poor Turks; he
was found this morning dangling from
the limb of a tree In Central Park."
"He fhi.7wed his good breeding, even
In the manner of his death, b
houghing himself, as It were, out of
the world."
Boston Globe: Mrs. Murphy Yes,
sonny, I've had a fruit stand In this
block for thirty years.
Tim Ryan If you'd have advertised
you might 'have, owned the block by
this time.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headache Capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon in my
family agulnst any and all kinds ol
headache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For Bale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
Detroit Free Press: Banker Well,
our cashier hai skipped.
Mrs. B. What, that modest, Unas
suinlng gentleman? Why, I though,
he was positively shy.
Banker He is shy $50,000 shy.
Mrs. T. e. .iiawkinn, oiullajioubu,
i'euu,, says, "Bmior 3 viuuuer davm
dil Xii.' 1 tA;ioiuei' lb Ultf UCBL 1UJ-
ueeU." i'ui uj spv j14, A.ivir or niu
ucy U'uuuie, 11 cA.ce.ia. iiive iu (.to.
ui' Oiuo uy J. W. Colin.
u'lb liUrjj.'H'l ti ol'tUu&H IMi'llOVi.-
Police m iiereuy given thai tiie Luin
...u.i Lvumil ol lliy yjL .i&iuitu,
wli0uu, licfcte UCLU1...1..CU LU ImkfilMi. feLicci iu oi.ivc.ys iiaiutiu,
l.Vlll LLC UlU Lll 1L..C OL ' tvUiliUiCl Lil.,
jiicci iiui'iMciiy a uioLuiicu ui j.u luvi,
pULLlUg' ill 11CW LIUOLd, jjiiea, U11U
..LiitifeCifi, and planning tu uic iiu
. luwi tuiU CBiuoiitsiieU gi'&ue.
bo.iu illicit! vejiieuLS lo liiude strict
ly 111 Ubcoi uuiim wiiii p.aus una spun
.iitLLiOiis una oi'Uiiiuiiccs in reluiloi.
mere to.
xi.e mnds and premises upon wuici.
.ue gixiai usbessuirnl Hiiau oe levi'-'u
in Uen-ay tne cum and expense of sucn
improvement and tne district embrac
ing said taiiUs and premises, oe and tut
aunie aie uesiesnutcd as follows, to-wli:
oiiunencing at a point Wneie Hit
west line ot Lot 2 in Block In nit
town (.now city) of Astoria In Clatsop
bounty, Oregon, as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Snively, extenueu
northerly would intersect the north line
ot Commercial street, and running
tnence noitnerly in the direction oi
bald line extended northerly & distance
of 1M feet north of the north line ot
Commercial street and thence wester
ly and parallel to the north line ot
Commercial Btreet to a point where the
west line of Lot 3 in Block 135, If ex
tended northerly would intersect said
line extended or run westerly, and
thence southerly on a straight line to
a point where the west line of said
Lot 3, in Block 135, if extended north
erly, would Intersect the north line of
Commercial street, and thence easterly
on the north line of Commercial, street
to the place of beginning.
All land, real estate and premises
within said described limits of said
district and not Included In any street,
are to be subject to such assessment
as benefitted by such improvement.
Estimates of the expense of such
improvements and plans and diagrams
of such work or improvement and ot
the locality to be Improved have been
deposited .by the City Surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge for pub
lic examination, and may be inspected
at the office of such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the
Common Council following the final
publication of this notice, whioh meet
ing will be held on Wednesday, April
the 17th. 1S95. at th hour of 7:3V p.
m.. at the City Hall, any objections
that may be made to such proposed
Improvement will be considered by th'
couiwll, and K by the time of said
meeting a remonstrance against such
Improvement signed by residents of
the city owning more than one-half of
the prnwrty In said district shnH be
filed with the Auditor and Police Judgs
'ich improvement shall not be or
dered, if at all, except by a vnt of
twn-tMrds of all men-ber of the
Bv order of the Common Cnnri
(Atteftl V. AmTTV
Artr.rH. Orf-nn. Jannnrv 22. ISP.".
Harper's Bazaar: "My dear," sa!4
Mr. Darley to his wife, "we shall have
to economize."
"Very will, love," rTlIed Mrs. Dar
ley, cheerfully. "Suppot-e you resign
from your club, jrive up smoklnjr and
shave yourself."
"That's a pretty good program, 1
must say. And what will you do as
your share of our economy?"
"I will cut your hair."
i s '';.-S-Viti--?
2SdtSaf C. ; ' . 1, amSU-
Mots. andjYr W 1 4 TI wr'
$1.001tottl!O1 K1 U H Tfl i
Onecent a doso. Jv' 'w' fJlTt,1
.... -jinMi mis
It Is sold on inihTOnteo by all dmr-
irlsts. It cures Incipient Consumption
sod if-the bust Cough ar d Croup Cue, i
Kor Sale by J. XV. Conn.
You ought to know this: De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain Instantly. It will cure
badly chapped hands, ugly wounds,
sores and is a well-known cure for
(.lies. Chas. Rogers.
Blood purifier, given freshness and
clearness to the comiie::io'i and s;uc
Constipation. ?5 cts.. SO cW . $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
You make no mistake when you take
DeWltt's Little Early Risers for bil
iousness, dyspepsia, or headache, bo
cause, those little pills cure them. Clias
Rogers. .
florth Paeifie Breuiery
Bohemian lager Beer
41 orders promptly attended to
Japanese Bazaar
Don't buy any Spring goods until you
have looked our stcck over. It will pay
you and as usual our prices are such as to
give us the bulk of the ladies trade in
417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'i
Fruit Stcre.
Kopp'a Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Clgi'S.
Only handed over the tar, The largest giass
of N. P. Deer. Half-and-half. ;i.
Fiee Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Si".
Groceries, Flour, Feed.Provisions, Fruits,
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Zor. Cass aud'Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
Hiring, first-class horseahoelnK. etc.
'97 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria. Or.
Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacilic Express Co.
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant.
503 Bond Street.
Address, box 180. Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR
&m4m Iron
km Works,
General riochlnlst and Boiler Worlcs."
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
ind Engine Work of anv Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St.. Astoiia, Or.
As Franklin says, ,'ood dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the tact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the muln feature. Wananiuker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Ofllce 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
Graduate of the Bauschule Holzminden,
Germany, and Massachussets Technology
Office, Room j Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Or.
Who is Williams?
Why Williams the
barber at 474 Com
mercial street. Shaving iscts; hair cut
ting 25 cts; bath 25cts.
Easily, Quickly, FK-c:aBCr:'!y restored.
Vealcne, KrrvonsEesw,
(' i'-"'-"T 'l tho trull,
V 0" 0' li'- 'nv.'t u.rJy errors or
.V s. jiit': r et .v. ' .- r"i!tsof
fl" 'icAt r '''" - '", firrr,
': Tf i : "''t'. ''!
tf , I oiim' '. iii'ietilr-nlo
C' . -'-'7 v.. ;. .-.-): 1 ui p.-.rilou
.I rmf.
'. nel.t (w9,
k- hjis,
i iK .uvtli (reo.
Failure l r
axpiaaatii'xt 1
The imit
Commercial Street.
You don't want a carpet sweeper tha
barks the furniture or brushes the life
out of the carpet, or kicks up dust In
stead of (fathering It, or lops Its handl
about for you to trip over. You may
come across that sort under one name
or aaiother. Pass on, and remember
Blssell's Grand Rapids Sweeper. It
comes as near to "broom work" as a
machine can. No noise, no drag on
you to run It, almost sucks the dust
up, and dumps with a touch; the
brush just sklrns, or digs In as you press
lightly or heavily on the handle.
You'll say It monopolizes the Sweeper
virtues. And the price iu mly J2.a.
The Celebrated Butiermilk Soap
Oe a cake.
This Kefleotor Lump, with himney
wick nnd burner, Scic.
Large Bottle Household AmmouiHlSo.
Wash Boards 7o. to 800.
Comforts 1.13.
Veiling per yard 12o.
Lace from lo a yard to 14c.
Overalls 50o.
Quilts l)8o,
tsilk Garter Web per yanl lfle.
Breakfast Shawls 2T)0.
Bindings per roll 2o.
1'carl Buttons from 7o to 15o h dozen.
Smoked Penrl Buttons 5c to 80 a dozen.
Towels 60.
Table Oil Cloth It) and L'Oo a yard.
Boys I'ants 19c.
Ladies Underwear all prices
Corset Waist 19c.
Men's Underwear all prioes.
DeLong's Hook and V yes per card 12c.
Snfety l'ins per dozen 2o.
2 Foot Kules 80.
Shoe Brushes lUo.
Nursing Bottles 9c
Vaseline, large bottle 5o
Boys' Huspenders 10c.
Men's Suspenders all prioes.
Umbrellas $1.22, $1.00.
Ladies' Hobh 9o.
flavin Cards 80, lOo,
l.mlieB' Aprons 24u, 27c, 34c.
.Men's Hose 6c to 32c,
Dinner Bells 4o. 0c, 2()c.
Cufl'ee Mills Hint hold a pound, 57o.
Oval Top Looking Ciluss, Zjo.
Glnbt dyrup l'itclieri. 21c.
Padlocks 70, 12o, 150.
Choppiu" Bowls 13u, 27c, 80c.
Clothes Pins 25 for 5c.
Glass Tumblers 30c a set.
No. 2 Lamp Chimneys f!o.
No. 8 "Never Break" Skillets 84o.
Tin Pot Covers 3c. 4c. 6c.
Cake Lifters 5o.
.Scalloped Shelf Paper 30 sheets 6c.
3D Feet of Clothes Line 4c.
Bottle of Hewing Machine Oil 4o.
Nickel Alarm Clocks Olo.
Preserve Kettles 10c. 12c. 14c Novels 6c.
Decorated Chamber Pails 33o.
Reflector Lamps with burner and
chimney 33o.
Travelling Alcohol Lamps l5o.
eat Saws 33c.
Coat .Hooks 0 for 60.
Dire Htioveis 5c, vo, 17c.
Tea 8 poo us per set 60.
Iron bhulf Brackets per pair 4, 0, 22c.
Knives and Forks per set from 42c to $1.0,
Aleat J-troilei c. ,
Dover linn Beaters 10c
Wire Hair Brushes 15c., 23c.
Armlets Sc.
Hies, 12c.
Dog Chains lac.
Butt Hinges from 2c. to tc.
Bread Boxes, 35c, 65c, 75c.
Corn Poppers, 7c, Ite,
Strap Hinges, 3c, Sc., 7c, tc.
Red Ink 4c, a bottie.
Knife Baskets 43c.
3 " " J2o.
4 " " " 13c.
2 Quart Copjier ISottom Coffee Pot 15o.
,1 " ' " . " 19c.
1 21c
Tea Trays 9c, lie. ISc.
14 Quart Tin fail lc.
Iisb Pans lrtc.
Dust Pans 8c.
I'int Cnps, 2 for 5c.
Larjre Glass PiUhers KX;, 28c.
Lantern Globe fic.
Lanterns 4"c.
l'ii ture Hooks lc.
Window Hbade with spring roller 83c.
CommercU Elrtet
Acts as trustee for corporation and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBY President
BEN J. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson,
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
areneral agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington st Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with throueh tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the nnest equipped rail'
road In the world for all classes of
St. George's Rheumatic
Specially Mamif.icturfd lo sld those
afflicted with RHEUMATISM. It (rives
tone to the stomach and purifies the blood
better than any other bitters known. ,
For sale bv all Icadluft druggists, or
Address "G.'R." P.O. Bx 66),
Astoria, Or.
PETER BRACH, General Agent
4)7 Commercial Street. Astoria, Oregon.
Tclephoue No. 14.
These liny Ccpsules aro superior
to Balsam of Copaiba,
Cubcbs and Injections,
They cure In 43 hours the
some (Useases without anyincoo
the Oasis of the
Colorado desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronouiicetl by I'hysicians the
most Favorable in, America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to take
advantage of Its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tlon. The Southern Paclflo Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
er! Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tlon, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. Trey are fur with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de
Hgntful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert ot
the Colorado which the tiouthern Pa
cl10 road traverses there Is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, li
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lieve, from personal Investigation, that
for certain Invalids, the-e la no spot 01
this planet so favorable."
U. T. Stewart, M. D., write: "The
purity of tho air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Us possibilities as a
hGalth resort, -here Is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soli
for rain Is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water, what more can be desired T
It is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy in recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." INDIO,
lis 6l2 miles from
and 130 niles from
Fare from Los Angeles 5
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Pacific Company agent,
or address
Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co.
J. B. K I ft K LAND.
DHL Pass. Art
Cor, Flnt anil Alder Sts, Portland. Or-
E. ncNElL. Receiver.
LLJoii lio VilViO
Gives Choioe
Jmo Transcontinental
St. Paul.
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman and TourlH 8leeiera
fret) Reollning Chair Curt.
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia, Sunday, March 10.
Queen, Friday, March 15.
Columbia, Wednesday, March 20.
Queen, Monday, March 26.
Columbia, Saturday, March 80.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'i boats
will run as follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As
torla at 6:45 a. m. dally except Sunday.
and Portland dally at 8 p. m. except
Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave
Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland
at t a. m. dally except Sunday.
For rates and general Information call
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Uen. pas. Act., Portland, Or.
Are You Coins: East?
Be sura and see that your ticket
reads via
This is tha
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains nd Motto:
Hava given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of pasaenK-Mrs carried
on tha veattbuled trains without extra
charge. Bhlp your freight and travel
tlT Us! Um0UB "" amenta b,va
Oen. Afnt. Tray. F. and p. Xli.
4 Wsiiilrteion it, I'ertls.r.3, cT,