The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 02, 1895, Image 2

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Served by carrier, per wee.... 15 eta
Sent by mall, per month.,.'..... 60cU
.Sent by mull, per year, $7.00
dent by mail per yeai, $2.00 In advance
rootage free to subscribers.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub'
scrlbers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the third old
est weekly in the state of Oregon, Las,
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Handley ti Haas are our Portland
agents and copies of the Astorlan can
be had every, morning at their stand
on First street
There aire Indications ol an improved
feeling- In Europe toward American se-
. curltles. The Omaha Bee says not
only has there been a great falling' oft"
In the amount of our securities re
turned since the negotiation of the las
loan by the government, but there
lias taken place something of a revival
of foreign buying in the New York
market An Important influence In
promoting this change Is the fact that
European financial circles have ceased
to be troubled by the fear of a Bilvci
Ibasls In the United States, or at any
rate realize that such a possibility is
very remote. No man who has given
careful and intelligent attention to the
financial currents of the past two years
will question that the agitation for fre
sliver In this country has had a very
great deal to do with the discrediting
of American securities by European
capitalists. We would not underesti
mate the effects of the bad and dls
honest management of corporations in
producing distrust, but even if ther
be conceded to these the greatest share
in destroying confidence In our secur
ities, there is no reason to doubt that
the fear inspired by the agitation for
. the free coinage of silver played no In
significant part In cutting off demand
for American securities and causing
their return. That agitation still con
tinues, but the voters of tlhe country
overwhelmingly decided last November
against those who are responsible for
it, so that its power for serious mis
chief was taken away for at least thre
years, while there are most excellent
reasons for believing that when th.'
people again speak through Uis bal
lot box they will give a permanent
quietus to the demand that the United
States shall adopt the policy of th
free and unlimited coinage of silver. I
Is expected that foreign buyers o
American securities will continue to b
very cautious and conservative, bo
cause distrust of the corporations stll
exists, and this Is the most dllllcul
thing to overcome, but the small im
provemtnt noted is a good sign. Ther
, Is a great amount of Idle European,
capital, tho Investment of which -li
the United States would maUrlallj
help the revival of prosperity.
The Washington correspondent of th
Times-Herald, Chicago's leading Dem
ocrats dally, says the South is in u
state of political unrest. The develop
ment of mining and of Iron and cot
ton manufacturing has been going o
at a tremendous rate during the past
five yean. Although the tariff ques
tion 1 pretty well side-tracked for a
time at least, the men who control
capital in the South show a tendency
toward tho Republican position ion
this question. Another very Important
factor making itself felt in that rojrton
In the financial Issue. It is a great
mistake to suppose that the South is
unanimously in favor if free silver.
In the cities and towns a great ma
Jorlty of the merchants and profession
al men are In favor of gold. The old
Whigs who became Democrats during
the war are now threatening to go back
to the Republican party if Democracy
di-ciarvs for silver at 16 to 1. An In
stance of this is found In the case of
General William It BogK". North
Carolina. He comes of an old Whig
family, and was a graduate irom West
Point In the same class with General
Sehofield. He has been a Democrat
er since Sumter -was AreJ upon, but!
says he has rmaJned in the Imo-
icccsr.t cf th? triff
nuiitlon, and must leave It nd go to
tlie Republicans If the Democrats de
clare for free silver. Men who are fa.
miliar with tha situation in the 8outh
ny that tho morchanlts and cotton
fa tors, a;t least elxty per cent of whom
are Hbrew3, exert a very strong Intiu.
dice In favor of the yellow metal.
'Disjy form the creditor class, but at
!.:-. game time are In position to serve
aa leaders hd moulders of pUMlc
i:,! ..inn TlenuMlcan politicians in
Washington IHIcve Uhto nro state In
the South wtilc'i. may be won away
from the Democratic column In cas
l T-mTflcy gixya for free sllvpr.
What a pity that "comp;tent" en
glncer In Poralnd did not point out the
difficulty with Astoria's water works a
little earlier. Now after our commls.
plun has gone to the trouble and ex-
penoe of having plans prepared, selling
two hundred thousand dollars of bonds
and letting the contract for the con
structlon of an entire new service, it
Is too bad to learn that the old works
might have ibeen made to answer every
purpose for years to come by put
tlnir In two air valves. According to
Engineer Adams the main trouble with
ths nresent works Is .that they are
worn out, and this view, If we remem
ber right, was concurred In foy Engin
eer Schuyler, who superintended the
construction of the -Bull Run works,
to which the aforesaid "competent"
engineer refers in proof of tils asser
tion as to the necessity for air valves.
It -was the ibroken down and leaky con
dition of the old service, rafther than
and Inadequacy in ' the size of the
plles, that led to Hhe determination
to build new works. We rather think
the new works will go on, along with
the railroad, in spite of the "compe.
tent" engineer and Astoria s other
critics in Portland.
One of Uie most cheering signs of
the times Is the growth of protection
sentiment In the South. It foreshad
ows the early and absolute disappear
ance of the tariff agitation, with al.
lis harrasslng effects upon the coun
try's 'business. For nearly thirty years
after the foundation of our govern
ment the tariff was not a pariy ques
tion. It did not become a sect. on a-;
question until slavery forced It to be
.oiuo one, and now that slavery ha,
vanished there is no reason why the
ioollsh and ruinous "tarilf retorm '
agitation, which it first gave rise to,
should not bear it company Into tlu
.iii.uo ol unbound poiuiudl economic
iungland Is buying a good deal ui
American ooiton lately, and in tiue
wouiae ox' eveniH it wlli come bacn iu
i torm of iiituiui Jijtured goods U wkn hoiiv prouuoui and lea
ecu tne employment ol nome jdiuut-,
uiiucr line Uu.nocidilc tai'lic iav.
r'oiti v-aiuOcNi sa-ivwisr iwyuovii
Xsouce Is hereby given tnai L'ae eon.-
uioll COUucll l'l tllti CyitjrUi AaiUl'ld, Cl'-i-guii,
nave ueieniiliieu u Impiovo tul'-ly-oeconu
sueet la tne part of feuu
uay laid out and recorueU b, jumi
Adair from tne south line of tne ality
way running tnrougn blocus i, and (J,
to the center line of Bond Btreet 10 t
width of thirty feet along and adja
cent to the west line of said street by
driving piles and planking said street
to such width on said side thereof (af
ter placing caps and strlnigws) and
placing substantial ralllns on the
sides of the Improvement. That the
district of lands and premises upon
whl-h a special assessment Is to be
levied to defrny the costs and exwnses
if mid Improvement Is as follows:
rVvTnmpnHn at the Southwest rorner
f Lot 3, In Block 6, of said pnrt of sild
Mtv, and ninnln" thence In a ntnUit
"ni to Northwewt corner of ild
lot ni'd Mienre rust on a straight I'w
o th" miM'PSst rorn'T of Lot 2 1r
"Wl? (t, nnd th-Mva unitth "n ft stf-tlTM
Mno to the nwtipat comer cf .M T
3, and then"e west on a straight l!n
In the place of beginning and con
tains as subject to mi h nsse'sment,
T.nts S and 4, In snld Blo'k 5, and Lotp
1 and 2 In said Block 6.
That estimates of the exiv-nse o'
alil pwpoml Improvement and speci
fications for the proposed work hnvr
been deposited by Dhe City Surveyor
with tho Auditor and Police Judge for
public examination and may be In
spneted at the olllce of said oflloer.
At the nxt regular meeting of thi
Common Council following the final
publication of this notice, which meet
ing will ibe held on Wednesday, April
the 17th. 1S95, at th hour of 7:30 p.
m., at the City Hall, any objections
that may be made to sueih proposed
improvement will be considered by the
council, and If by the time or sata
nvftlmr a remonstrance awxlnst such
Improvement, signed Hy residents of
tin cltv ownlnw more thnn Hair or me
r-roocrtv In said district shMI be tlW
with the Auditor ard Police Jndire.
nh Imrvrovfiment shtu not be c-
rtered. If at til. exoeot by a vnt o
!rd of all merr-bom of the cnun-
p- order of the Comron rvinl
Auditor and Police Jude,
City of Astoria
Take a dose of DeWHt's Little Eariv
Risers Just for the good they will do
you. These lirtle pills ire good for in
degestlon. Good for headache, good
for liver complaint, good for constipa
tion. They are good. Chaa. Rogers.
It cures piles, it cure obstinate sores,
chapped hand, wounds. It doe this
qi ickly. I there any good reason why
you should not use DeWItt a Witch
Uf. Crcsa Cikiss Powtfr
World' F!r Hig:it Award.
Why Not
make the baby fat? For the
thin baby is delicate, and is not
h'alf so cunning.
Give the thin baby Scott's
Emuision of Cod-liver Oil with
Scott's Emulsion is as easy a
food as milk. It is much more
effective in making; thin babies
fat, and they like it.
If all the babies that have
been made fat and chubby and
well by Scott's Emulsion could
only tell their story to the
mothers of other sickly babies!
There wouldn't be enough to
go round.
Don'l be pertuaded to accept a niUtUutel
Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50c and $1.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Eleatrlo Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure,
and the most dreaded sick headaches
yield to Its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle and
give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
of habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Exoltiable, Melancholy, or troubled
with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is
the Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas.
Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build
ing. The World's Pnir Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great la leav
enlng power es the P&yal.
Boston Transcript: A lady friend
Insists that the women's big hats are
not half so ridiculous as the trig head
that some of the men carry around
with them.
Mr. O. Calllouette, Druggls., Beavere
vllle, HI., says: "To Dr. King's New
DlBcovery 1 owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the phy
sicians for miles around, but of no
avail, and was given up and told I
could not live. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery In my store 1 sent for a bot
tle, and began to use It, and from the
drat dose began to get better, and after
using three bottles was up and about.
again. It Is worth its weight in gold.
We won't keep store or house without
It." Get a trial bottle free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build
One of the most complete and alu
able colleotlon of hymnbooka In exlst-
istence Is said to bo that which Mr.
Gladstone has accumulated at Hawar-1
den. I
Busy people have no time, and sensi
ble people no inclination to use a slow
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts
promptly and gives permanent results.
has Rogers.
Charles D. Woleott, of the United
States geological survey, has had con
ferred upon ililm the Ulffby medal of
the Royal Geological Society of Eng
Most people cani.ot nflorcl to experi
ment. They want Immediate relief.
t'liat'a why they use One Minute Cough
?ure. Chns. Ropers.
Rev. James A. McKay, of Platte,
Missouri, circuit, is one of the preach
ers who still rldi3 his circuit. Durtntr
the last six months he has ridden 1.500
The name One Minute On ugh Cure
uggesX) a medicine that rellevea at
nee, and quickly cures. Its use proves
t. Chas. Rogers.
Employed at the Monroe House,
Jefferson City, Mo., Is a tiell liny, a
negro, a student at Lincoln Institute,
lie Is accomplished In the Greek, Latin
lorinan, and English languages.
Cottolene the new shortening the
only pure and healthful and perfectly
digestible frying and shortening mate,
rid in the market it now to be had at
til first-tlast grocert throughout the
Utitcd SMtci and Canada,
In wslng Cottolene for shortening,
It is of the greatest importance to use
only tbtut one-half or two-thirds as
much ft would be used of lard. Thit
it essential to success In the cooking,
as well as tn important feature for
one's pocket book.
Cottolene, like all other good things,
has found teveral imitators, all of very
inferior quality, and sure to cause dis
satisfaction. To be sure of getting the
genuine Cottolene, the best way to
buy it to in the tin pails beating the
name and Trade-Mark.
Mad only by
Calcar, 5aw Yark, Btaiva,
Lite it
The Packers of Choice
olumbia River -i" Salmon
Their Eranda and Locations.
Astoria Fk (Co...
I Oval
Hootn A. Pk'gCo Anlorln..
'.ImnreHafnuol.. I Astoria...
f, 0 Mgler ft Co j Drookfleld
'Ubrnii'n'i Fks. Co... I Astoria
Children Cry for
TTidDiglate a
On a dark, stormy night, when tho tide is
ebbing st and the hardy fisherman finda it almost
impossible to handle his net, has he ever (-topped
to think, should it become caught on a snag, what
brand of twine would stand the greatest btrain?
Did he ever ask his brother fishermen what sort or
twine thi-y used? If .so in nine cases Mit often,
if they be successful fishermen, the answfr has
It si the ONLY Brand
of Twine to use.
Children Cry for
Sailing dates to and from Tillamook aid Nehalun dopotul I
on the weather. For freight r-nd passenger
rates apply to !
IELT10RE, SANBORN & CO, - Astoria, Oregon.
i 0. R. N. CO., Attntj, Portland.
(AntorU Fk'gCo.
M.J. Kinney AntnrU..
A. DevlluJ
B1"nlond"1 A. Bouth &Son . 'cMrur..
;CorktRtl .Cutting PkgCrt....,,,, i,vnrtrt
I Magnolia Klmore, Sanborn: A,lor
IWIilteKtar j &Co I
tag.Kt. George... J.O. Mcgler iBiookfleld Wn
I Klfhermen'i...
'' Pliherraen'i
Pitcher's Castoria.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Open por
Special Charter.
to Know
Something about pianos, for we have
bought and sold them for a life time.
The knowledge thus gained has proved
to us that the Chickering, the Hard
man and the Fischer are the best pi
anos now before the public. They
show perfection in every detail.
Have you any little ones? If
so, buy a lot on the Seashore, and
build them a summer home.
Ther is no more beautiful place
than Silver Point Cliffs. E. Z.
Ferguson, agent. Astoria Ab
stract Company.
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Special Attention Paid to Supplyln Ships.
: first Class Funerals :
POHli'S Undertaking Parlors,
Ratea Rawnable. Embalming a Specialty
It ustonishes the old time makers to
see how the fishermen have tiifcen to
Marshal's twine fhe Inst .few years and
they inny.
of Inst ht-asim ovtr nil ibe other
bouts on the rivei used M A Kh HALL'S
Because it is the atrouui-ct. Because
iv has not been weakened by blenching.
Kccnuse il is sold with h RtiM'intre tbnt
if it dons not prove Bntiefactory it chii be
liHiught buck nt the end of the season.
A. complete siock of lumber on humi
in the rouirh or dressed. Flooring, rut.
tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish
mouldings and Hbinpites; nlso bracket
work done to otder. Terms reasonatil,
J.nd prices at bedrock. All orders
nrnmptly rttendd to Office and ysr''
it mill. H v I. InOAN Pron'r
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igatlon Co.
In place of Steamer Telephone.
Leaves Astoria Tor Portland and way
landings at 7 p. m. 1aily, Sunday ex
cepted. Leaves Portland evrv dav except Sun
day at 7 a.m. C. VV. STONE,
Agent Astoria.
Telephone No. 11.
E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland.
U. B. Scott, President.
Between Astoria and Portland
Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria
Monday morning for Portland at 6
o'clock, and Tuesday, Thursday, and
Sa-turday evenings at 6 o'clock.
Returning leaves Portland Sunday 1
morning at 7 o'clock: Monday, Wednes- j
day and Friday evenings at 7:30. I
Hound trip $2.00; single trip, J1.25.
I'pper berths 60 cents; lower berths,
75 cents; meals, 25 cents.
; Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and L'rper Aatoria.
I Fina Teas an4 Coffes. TM DHccIm. Doaintlc
and Tropical Fruits, VnjftaHes. Suear
I Curtd Burnt, Bacon. Etc.
Choice - Fresh - and S;ilt Meats,
Gas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Meatinjv
1 Twelfth atrMt. Astoria. Or.
- 'V-.-1 v ;tT-t
' ' .... .....,yrii-w.j,.T,-.-.
h lh-line to lake to nil
I mil th
It is the DiMKC CAi RSUTc
it offers tii hM aeiTltn, eoin
hiDii u
It. Is the popular ri'iile it b tl Kim
m-Ii to travel on
ft l tlierefore the mule jcu idiitufd
take. It, rui'" thmutli ' testilmieii
trains every iluy iu l!ie year to
St. Paul id ChiGaio.
Elegant Pullman lerprrs,
Superior Tourist Sloepern,
Silendid Freo Srcnm'-f las S.'ffpr,
Only one o'mnse of cars
Through Tickets
To Any Parr of tne civilized anriil.
Pajsengerii ticketed via nil lf.t riiiium
hetwuen AktoiiH, li alama and PnrrUiul,
Full lii'ortiiittU'ii .'iit'CerniiiK ro flm r,
lnilt-1, rent", mill itni iln;:V o-rr-liM ni
ipnlieaMmi to
C. VW. ( r ,
-.1-1 .Orla
Meuiner 'U i'iu ei.e l'ek.
A. G. P. A., N. P. It. Jl.,
2K Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, fir.
Canadian Pacifi
Greatest Trans - Cont?Renfa
P ,'.. -. C.:,i:! air !lrt'i.ti.i: Cftr-v
baxdfioa Dir.iK, Cs--;-.
Elegant Day Cor.uhn
Observation Gars, allcxing Ur.brokeb
VIckjs nf the V.'ondctt!;! contain
$5 CO and $10.0Q
Saviul on nil ttckelH eHsi, T iui-lst ci.rx
the brut on wheels. Eiulnm.-ni nf tti.
very finest throughout.
to Chlon and lann.
Empress ol Japan, November 12th.
Empress of China, December lOtt,
For ticket rates and lnfn-iv,Tlun. mli
n or Hildreaa,
Antorta, Or
A. B. Calder, Travellnjt Psea Airt.
TaYima,, Wnsh..
5e. Met, Hwwn. Dlst. Pupa. Act..
Vnnr-oni'ftr. n r
The Original & Genuine
Imparts the most deliciom tasto and avac to
Hot ii Cold Jlnti
Take A1 'one but Lsa & Perms
Slfnatnrt on erwjbottla of original k PMla
Jobs CaB'asl Soros, Unr orXt
r m n i or
Rarebit. fJS