The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 30, 1895, Image 1

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    Astoria public library association
.1 i
- .. . . . ... . . , .'. . . If I
J For Washington and Ore- :jf
5 son, fair weather. J,
Die ASTORIAN has lat
est LOCAL circulation, the
3 est utwtKAL circui.ifii'n . nna
largest TOTAL circulation of ail ;
papers published in Asfri,i.
VOL. XLIV, NO. 73.
I872 8g5
' Lubricating
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
IT. rdwaro,
lion & Si el,
Grocerie-" it Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
Jiggers Supplies,
Fail-bank's Scales,
Poors & Windows,
Agiiultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
Wall Paper !
Wall Paper !
Just received a largo invoice
)f wait nawr direct from
ft' F. ALLEN'S,
365 Commercial Street,
Snap A Kodak
Kt any. man coming our of
our mo e mid you'll net a
portrait of h inxii brimmluK
nter witn ple.isunt tlionnhts.
Hui b quality In tli liquors
wo have to offer lire enough lo
Corne and Try Them
Is there a. man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could And
In articles of FURNITURE of th
fight kind.
And we would suggest at this season.
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown in the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
CoiKimly St.. tool of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Mad to Order on
anon notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox..' Vice President
O. B. Prael Becretar
Epicures say the best
Pork Sausage combines
the flavor of of lean Diff
Hergen S.p,rk with the flaky fat
and the fines herbs.
We furnish the table with this kind of
wjsage that pleases the veriest epicure.
Portland Butchering Co'a Marke
Corner Second and Benton streets.
Corner Third and West Eighth street
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to th
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yeurself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall s will do "Just
as well." They won't. They cannot.
Lessons given y Mr. Emll Thlelhorn,
graduate of the Hamburg Conservatory,
Germany; also a member of the Chicago
Musical Society. Studio, corner of 12th
and Commercla streets, up stairs.
TVi Blacksmith whoso shop la oppos
lie Cuttings cannery, is now prepared
to do such odd Jobs as making new
cannery coolers, repairing old. ones,
making new nshln boat irons, and re
pairing old nnM, and all ether biack
smlthing that requires flrst-class work
manship. flayhap
Tour mind Is on repairing your house
this spring; possibly on building a new
one. If so, remember we are carpen
ters and builders with a shop full of
tools always willing to do such Jobs
and want your work.
Shop on Ilwaco Dock.
Studying flan
wwK" turn.
Men's and Boys' Clothing:, Furnishing Good3,
Hats.Caps, Boots. Shoes, Trunks, Valises' etc.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
nuturxl shade. Hair
Hwftlwf. fcdufe AN OLD WOMAN
I lidhi iTT.-uaa. t trace removed and
Skin Food and TlBsue Builder. Does not cover but heals and cure blemishes of the skin;
mokes the tissues tlrin and builds up the worn-out iiiuki'Io nhrea anil nut. en them plump
lowest In price and best In value: 71c Lnrite i'ot. A GIHL WITH HTKAUIHT HA I It
may keep ft Huffy with Kill,.. II ill ket)i ihi hair in Mi l In damn iir heal. Leaves no sticky
deposit, inn' es the hair glossy; euaranteed luirinless; Is a Ionic lor scalp; cleanses the Imir.
Apply KKIZZ, use eurllni! Iron not too hot or ro 1 the hair III papers until perfectly dry.
After using a lew times the most stubborn hair will keep In cm 1. Wrlee 50 cent.
Sold by Jleauty Doctor, KM.' deary ft , .Han Fninolwo.
Mrs. D. R. BLOUNT,
4i7 Dtiune St., Astoria, Oregon.
. I :
W. W.
26 & Rockwell St.
Chicago, III.
Pacific Coast Office and Warerooms,
335 Morrison, cor 7th St. Portland, Oregon.
L. V. MOORE, manager.
Entire Change of Program,
Monday Evening, March 25th.
Tbe greatest knock-abont Comedians on the coaft. Ih'rei t from Hie Orr),binm
Theatre San Francisco.
Edwin R. Lang, the great comedian direct from New York.
Miss Lydia Purdy, Astoria' favorite singer, will positively
appear in the latest Eastern and European sone.
Adm'ftsion 10
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorln.
Is the prime neccessity of
those wjio supply his needs in
the matter of clothing. In the
essentials of quality and style
I challenge comparison for my
J T 4...1.. 41. 4-
ftu,JUB a-ua 1 eiuny inu wants
of the public as to price, also
see my show windows and
come inside and price my new
lilies and be convinced that I
cannot be beat 011 the coast for
How many we see on our streets only remnants of beautiful
women, Bluidows of bygone days I It need not be bo while
thereexiets Am'Tica'sniilv iVxim Doctor. MI.'S N K'i Tl K
may have It changed in four days to its natural color ith
Only four to ten duys required to restore hair to natural
col.-r. Is not a dye or bleach. No sediment or sti. kincss.
Color is permanent when once your liuir is' restored to its
becomes glossy and elean. rice SI.
WITH WRINKLES may have every
the contour restored.
Wholesale Prices Quoted
.. To
Catalogues Mailed Free on Application.
Main Office and wareroomi,
343-253 Wabash Ave.,
Chicago, III.
".fucb a Nice Girl. Too."
nd 20 rents.
lias Declared an Armistice
with China,
The Action w as brought iYbout by
the Attempted Assassination
of Li Huuff Chanjr.
Associated Fress.
.Washington, March -29. The news
that an unconditional armistice had
teen declared by the Emperor of Jap.
an was confirmed at the Japanese le
gatlon, where it was stated that a ca.
blegram had been received from, the
home government. China made an
offer of armistice, and the peace pleni
potentiaries of Japan were empowered
by the emperor to accept It without
condition. This was done in view of
the attempted assassination of Li
Hunsr Chang. The armistice, Minister
Kurlno, of the Japanese legation said,
will be effective until peace negotia
tions are concluded. After the meet-
Ing of the peace ambassadors had been
decided on, China requested the decla
ration of an armistice, but Japan had,
Minister Kurino said, not been inclin
ed to Btop the warlike operations ex
cept on certain condidtolns. Theso
conditions ara not known, but it Is
suggested that the occupation of Ta
ku might b'S one, Japan wishing some,
thin? as a guarantee of the willingness
and earnestness of the Chinese for an
amicable settlement of the war. China
evidently could not arrive at a con
clusion to agree to the stipulations
demanded by Japan, but the attempt
on the life of the Chinese peace am
bassador solved the problem for the
th::e belnp, and hostilities will 'be sua.
pended. There will bo no Withdrawal
of Japanese troops from the territory,
The ipower of the Japanese goyern
meit to execute an armlRtlce will now
be put to a crucial tst.: The military
power of Japan aSmoBt' outstripped
the civil power during the war. This
caused iserlous concern, as it has been
feired that the military element, back
ed by the war spirit among the people
would not submit to an armistice, even
If the civil authorities ordered one.
To meet this emergency, a change 'ot
army commanders was recently made.
There have been three army corps
operating In different campaigns, and
each under one general of supreme
authority over his particular cam
paign. About three weeks aso, In an
ticipation of an armiHtlce, Prince Mo.
nutsu was created commander-in-chief
over all armies. The object of this
step was to concentrate the authority
In one man, In' close touch with the
imperial household, who could thus
execute an armistice by simultaneous
cessation of hostilities by the army.
It now remains to be seen whether
Prince Komatsu can execute the im.
pirtant .eommiPflion riven him. It
has been said that an armistice would
Ibe so unpopular among the people and
soldiery that ft would assure the po
litical retirement of two Japanese
statesmen -Count Ito and Mr. Matsu
who have served as pace envoys.
The full text of the' cable received
at the Japanese le?atlon tidiy reyard
Ins; the armistice Is as follows:
"On opening of negotiations the Chi.
nf.p plenipotentiary proposed an ar
mistice to which Japan was willing to
aept on certain conditions. While
this ne-rottatlnn was polnr on, an un.
toward event happened on the person
of the Chinese plenipotentiary. His
majesty, the emperor. In view of this
unhappy occurrence, commanded the
Japanese plenipotentiaries to consent
to a temporary armistice without con.
dltlons. This was communicated to
the Chinese rtenlpotentlary.
The Various State Commissioners Will
Not Be Removed.
. . '
Salem, March 29.-Attorney General!
Idl?mvn gave his opinion on the sta
tus of the different state commission
ers owing to the failure of the legis
lature to elect successors. He sus
tains the right of the officers to hold
over and quotes numerous authorities,
The governor and other state officers
conelilor the opinion conclusive and
will be guided thereby. The following
language of the opinion covers th
whole Idea:
"The language of the statute and
sections of the constitution In our state i
are similar, and in some Instances al i
most identical with those discussed ,
In tbe cases above cited, and In many
of the instances the court, have held
that the Incumbent is not only de i
facto, but de Jure officer, purely then '
there can be no vacancy, and if no
lacaney exists, tlwre no author-1
Ity to appoint. , I
Washington, March 29. Although It
is said at the White House that tin ', Hong Kong. Waroh 29.-Tbe Japan
telegram from Governor Morrill urg-1 ese are bombarcUrrg Tal Wan, the cap
ing the prfrtder to extend the pro- Ital of (Formosa.
tection of the United States to ex-
Consul Waller, a citizen of Kansas,
said to .be imprisoned In 'Madagascar
by orders of the French' court-martial
has not yet been received, the presl
dent, after consultation with his cab
inet, has decided to act in the matter
and call for a report. If .the facts are
as reported, it is expected our am
bassador to France, .Mr. Bustlce, will
be instructed to lay the matter before
the French foreign office and ask foi
an explanation of the course pursued
by the officials In Madagascar,
Minister Willis Expected to Return on
the Philadelphia.
Washington, March 29. There are
indications- that Mr. Willis, United
States minUter to Hawaii, Is prepar
ing to take a leave of absence from
his poet. One story is that he will
go to Japan for a. time, and anothet
is that he will return to the United
States. Tha state department officials
will not say anything about the matter
but content themselves with pointing
to the fact that the minister has been
at Ills post tor more than a year, and
according to the usual practice of the
department, is entitled to a leave ot
absence. It would not be surprising,
therefore, If -Minister Willis was to
be found a passenger on the United
States Bhlp Phlluidphla When she
returns to Mare Island, as she must
do shortly, to be cleaned and decked,
if, Indeed, he does not turn oip before
that time. The legation will be left
In charge of Mr. Pills Mills, secretary
of the legation, which will exactly cor
respond in offlctall status with the Ha
waiian legation at Washington.
The Forts of Penghul Island Taken
With Little ' Japanese Loss.
'London, March 29. Shanghai dis
patches to the Times say that nine
Japanese cruisers and two gun boats
bombarded the forts on Penghul Is
land March 23d. One thousand troops
were landed and an attack made on
the fort which dominated the others.
The Chinese evacuated the position
during the night, and the Japanese en
tered on March. 24th. The Japanese
then turned the guns on the other
forts, Which made no reply. Only 1,00'
prisoners were taken, the Other Chin
ese being allowed ta escape In junks
The Japanese loss was 1 killed and
27 Wounded. . The victors will) leavt
1,000 men to guard Penghul Island.
ine Japanese nave now secured a
southern basis or their operations,
and the fleet is about ito leave in view
of peace having been established on
the Island. ,
The British consul has advised that
all foreign women and children leavt
New York, March 29. There is saifl
to be a scheme afoot among New York
Central capitalists to purchase all th
water power on the Black River and
Dexter, including the mains in this
city, for the purpose of utilizing them
:ln the generation of electricity. Eleo.
trlcMy is to be used as motor powc
on the Vanderbllt railroads In New
York. Should the scheme go through
there will be one grand overhead trol
ley system consisting ot four wire
over each track. Cbnneatlu.: Is to be
made with Niagara Falls and the
power at Wadlngton on the St. Law
rence. If the scheme should becotnf
a reality, it will revolutionise the bur
iness Interests of Northern New York
San Francisco, March 29. Honor.
were easy In the sailors' strike today,
two vessels going to sea, one with a
t:nion crew, and the other with men
who accepted the wages paid by thr
association. The schooner Falcon met
the demand of the Union, and the bark
Oatherer wnt away with a crowc"
from the Sailors' Home. The schooner
Wobfoot, lying at Channel Street, Is f
sail tomorrow and the presence of th
police will probably be necessary as
the vessel is to take a non-union crew.
Both the association and the union
are settled In the 'conviction that th;y
will win the fight.
London, March 2. -In the house of
common James Hendy Dalzlei
advanced Hberal member, moved tht
adoption of the resolution to give home
rule to England, Ireland, Scotland and
wales. The resolution was adopted
by a majority of 24.
Cincinnati, March 29. The thermom.
eter reached 84 degrees at 3 o'clock.
Tonight It was 76 at o'clock. No
such weather has been previously ex
Prlenced liere In March since the gov-
Prr,ment weather bureau -was estab
v,lihei ,n l"70-
.. Z
Indianapolis, March 29 A hot wave
! struck this vicinity today. 'At 7 a
m. the thermometer marked 44 de
grees and at 2 p. m. It marked 2, a
rise of nearly 40 degrees n six hours
Bradstreet Says That Business
Continues to Improve.
Several of the Gang: are Arrested
at Sail Francisco Yesterday
Other Sews.
Associated Press.
New York, (March 29. Bradstreets
will say: "General trade for the third
week in succession continues to show
evidence of Improvement. In no other
direction is this so plainly indicated as
In the tendency of prices. A week ago
encouragement had been obtained from
the generally unexpected advance In
cotton and wheat. Following their
slight reaction, the week has witnessed
a firm cotton market, further Improve
ment in wheat, with sympathetic irt
fluence In corn and oats, and the effect
is greatly emphasized this week by
advances in quotations not only for
coke but for iron and for Bessemer
pig iron, for steel billets and actually
for manufactured iron at western mar
kets. Higher quotations for cut meat
is the outcome of restricted supplies
of cattlo. Better feeling in general
trade, circles Which characterised th
reports Jrom a uitmber of cities has
become more widespread and even
where not actual gain in movement of
staples Is reported, Increased confidence
in better demand is marked.
Charged With Issuing Fraudulent
. . , Chinese Certificates.
San Francisco, March. 29. After
many days the internal, revenue de
partment haB . finally ouoceeded In
landing one of the biggest gangs ot
counterfeiters that has operated In
California since the days ot the Boyd
Caprlco gang. The one Just landed,
like Its predecessors, also dealt, irl
fraudulent' Chinese certificates. The
names of the men arrested are H. L,
Foss, freight clerk on the Oceanic Com
pany's dockJas. H. Sullivan, formerly
deputy county clerk; Max. Katzaur, a
new arrival- from' Victoria, and said
to be a leading smuggler ot Puget
Sound; Fernando D. Caprlco, the man
who was tried and acquitted for com
plicity In the Boyd-Caprlco gang, and
M. Greenwood, a brother of Louis
Greenwood, a man now serving time
in San Qulntln for being mixed up in
the operations of the Emerald smug
gling ring. They are all charged with
consolr'acy In attempting to land Chin
ese In the United States by means of
forged certificates. The counterfeiters
were caught In a room down town,
which had been a rendezvous and in
many of their operations took place,
All the paraphernalia used in coun
terfeiting was captured. All the mem.
bers of the gang were landed In the
county Jail. The band 'had already
established agencies at Vancouver,
Boise City, Helena, Lincoln, Denver,
Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, and
San Francisco, March 29. Fernando
Caprlco, Harston L. Foss, D. J. Sulli
van (ex-deputy tax collector), Mat
Katzauer, and Mose Greervwald, wers
all arraigned before United State
Commissioner Heacock, charged with
forging and uttering certificate of resi
dence to Chinese contrary to the
amended law of November S, 1893, and
also wfth conspiracy. The penalty Is
a term of Imprisonment not to exceed
five years.
When the men appeared before tht
commissioner they had nothing to say
In their behalf. Commissioner Hea
cock set ball in the case of Foss, Ca
prlco and Katzauer at $10,000 each, and
that of Greenwald and Sullivan at
5,000. Among the men suspected, but
not arrested, are a brother-ln-lawr of
Caprlco and a couple of people now
In Oregon. A man named "Opium"
Brown is also said to have been Impll
catea nut the revenue officers have
not sufficient evidence against any of
them to warrant arrest.
From Information, that is leaking out
It appears that some of the men un
der arrest not only engaged In manu
facture s-nd the sale of forged certifi
cates, but also In the opium smug
gling businewi. The drug was brought
from Victoria and shipped to Honolu
lu, where two 5-tael cans are said to
be worth $G0.
Tacoma, March 29. S. G. G. Todd
who Is mentioned In the press dis
patches from San Francisco as beJng
connected with a gang -whose opera
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Arr n iff?? r"'t,rpr
tlons In bogus Chinese, ceriifleates has
Just been unearthed, la now a resident
of Tacoma. He denies emrntloally any
connexion or knowledge of the gang,
or Its work, and cays he Is ready tc
meet his accusers In court.
Raised One Dollar per Ton to San
Francisco Consumers.
San Francisco, March 20. Through
a combination of mine-owners and
dealers San Francisco consumers wir.
pay $1 per ton more for coal excepting
that from Coos Bay and Bcattle. The
uniform rate of $10.50 has been made
and all dealers have Joined In the new
schedule, which does away with rate
cutting. When the Wilson bill went
Into effect a reduction of 60 cents per
ton was made In the price of coal pet
ton. The present Increase is double
that of the former reduction.
New York, March 29. The failures
this week as treported by R. G. Dun
& Co., wre ,-JJ4 In the United States
against tJ last year, and 42 in Cana.
da agiCiji 30 last year. But the re-centrwfr-ase
indicates the past rath
er ruatj'recent condition of unsettled-ff-s.'
e- ' " .''.'- - . ' .
Ban Francisco, March. 3. Five fur-longs-iMlddleton,
1;05 1-8. . ' ,
Five furlongs, 2-yeartokls J.i, 1.05.
One mile Ingomar, 1:47 1-2..' ,
About six furlongs $t em us, 1:18 1-4.
Six furlongs, handicap Jack Riche
lieu, 1:17 8-4.
. About six furlongs Roadrunner, 1:16. .
San Francisco, March 29. Cleared-
State of California,, tor Astoria and
Departed Areata, for Coos Bay; Pe
ter Jebsen, for Nanalmo; schooner Fal
con, for New Westminster.
The Associated Press News Cocitala4
In the Afternoon Report.
Cleveland, March 29. The Jury was
unable to agree In the Elks caae. It la
understood that the point of difference
Is over the value of the parapherna
lia. It was appraised at 3U0. Sever
al Jurors it Is suld cannot agree on Its
sentimental value and special algnltW
cations to make It worth $2,000 which
Is necessary In ordor to keep the case
in court. Already . members of tha
rrand Wdire have agreed to a plan
Whereby both factions, aah tx uniteit
and harmony again prevail. This plan
includes the resignation ox both se-'s
of officers and the selection of others.
et. Paul. (March 29. A Joint resolu
tion was introduced in the senate by
Senator Spencer this mornlnf and
promptly passed under suspension of
the rules, looking to the annexation
of that part of Wisconsin in which the
city of Supiior Is located 'by Minnesota .
In order that tho cities of Dulut'h and
Superior may Ibe consolidated into a
large city.
San Francisco, 'March 29. (M. J. Hur
ley, convicted by the Jury of bribery,
was this morning, sentenced by Jude
Wallace to five years in the peniten
tiary. P. 'A. Buckley, convicted of fal
sifying election returns, In the Thir
teenth Assembly District, was also
sentenced to five year In the penltejt
tlary. London, (March 29. In spite of the
scratching of Cloister and the bad
weather, a great crowd assembled to
day at Atnlee to witness the grand
national steeplechase. John Wldger's
geildmg Wlldman first, F. B. Atchi
son's Cathal second, and Major A.
Crawley's Vanderberg third. Nineteen
horses ran.
' Omaha, March Cora Smith, for
merly of Des Moines, who has lived in
this city since last September, was ar
rested here and taken to Des Moines
this morning. She confessed to having
assisted in murdering her father, a
crime for wbleh iher mother, who Is
serving a life sentence, is Innocent.
New York, March 29. Mrs. William
Reeves and her young daughter wers
burned (to death at North Port, L. I.
today, in Mrs. Reeves' father's resi
dence, Israel Hlipbee, a wealthy far
mer. (Mrs. Reeves got her father and
mother out safely, and went back for
her daughter, but was too late.
London, March 29. It is officially
learned that whatever Canada may
desire In the decision of the Paris
Boring Sea arbitration will be strictly
adhered to during the ensuing sea
son and no side issue will be allowed
to affect that denlslon.
Now York, March 29. The advance
in silver in the open market today
has been followed iby a corresponding
rise In sliver bars here Which has led
to an Increased strength and activity.
Bar silver closed at 6 p. m. at 29 3-8
per ounce.
Portland, March 29. lArrangementa
have been completed for a steamship
line between this city and China and
Japan, premature announcement of
which was made some weeks ago. The
O. R. and N. Co have effected an agree
mart with Samuel & Co., of Yokohama,
for placing two steamers on. the route,
making monthly trips, tit flrwf
steamer leaving Hong Kong on May 1.
A single page in a single Issue of
the Century taken for advertising cost
f.90. In Harper's IliiO, other masaKlnes
J100 and $350, and a yearly advertise
ment of one column in the ChleaK-o
Tribune costing $08,550 for the lowest
aod $6.000 for the highest rate. That
these figures Will urohably astonlun
men who spend from $10 to $10 a year
with a paper for advertising space ard
seem to think they are liberal silver
Users is sure.
' r urn v- Im) k,