Ttttt DAILY ASTU4UAJN, ASTOitlA, .jPftlPAV MOKNL'. MAltCIl Tido Table for March, 189&, j man vitbb I uw watkk I)ATK. . i. . r. a. a. m. ji r.a. li.m I ft li.m fi'!i.m I fll 'i Fri'lay . ...i 8tuiJiiy..,i! .1 W 3 T 4 II M 71 4 m 'J 111 l i ii I0AI 1 b IK) l I'l Oil 5 0 iii ,i: 'Ii;..! I III SUNDAY.. 3 4 0-111 64 US 6 ill 8 S 8 OS It ti 9 HO K 4i IIMOSj Monday.. .4 7 US (I ;i TumkIuv.... ft, Wednesday 9 (l(lH4 6 0 HI S 'Ji 1 -14 4 J 8 28 4 0 10 18 6 I Tiiuimluy.. V Friilay SUNDAY. Id! Moiuluy. ...Hi Tllirl.'lV, ..I'." Wrtlu'n.l'y l:. Thursday. 1 1' Kridity ... I ' Saturtlny. ill. PCNiMi-..i: Mi.v.rl !. 'i'Uwbt.y . ..J WmIh'wI'v VIP Tli!ir(l,',v..,.'l Pri'luy.. .'U Kutimlny. '1', HUMMY. U MuoMity ,. ?; Tiuwilny . 'l Wptin'tid'y 1" Tliulnv...W Friday. ill Buliirilav.-W BUXUAV..S1; II Mil si II W.7C III If) 8 7j tl 21110. 0 ) K I 4 40!l I 6 :m 2 b 2i l : 7 ii : 1. 1 i'-ll 12 ?1 9 0 ltt. 8 7i I i V 'I -'ill 9 1 - ! 9 1 4 :.i (1 1 12 8 !' 2 01) 8 i; 2488 I -. II K 11) .VI mini. 7 ) 0 -I, 8 4.1 0 1 .9 SI 1)1 4 S2 II .11 1(1 2J 0 .'; 6 BUS 9: 1 1 2d Of) 7 0118 1287.081 II .'ii 115 5 :li 1"j 2 0 8f. ; i i t j, 817 ti (I T.! 7 2 id 7 ;i i 7 u I-' r fi l'3 7 138 ID Slid s, ii iyo ti ill 4 1; IV 4 III II 6017 it 6 4512 1) 0 111 2 3 HfSOll T 7 rdi B.V U Mi 6 12 81,7 22 4, 714 i 4: 1 '(I 1 1 .,;' I.' i s ?i 2 ii 8 el a t r til 1 or ;e 1 4ii ; ti 2 2.1 7 2: C42!IK f ii;iJ4 ii uii'i; ii a (: i)! 4 02!" 1 K M 2. hi Ml Oil, J 11 lii'Miil! ;: SWEPT BY A CYCLONE Of approbation to the plnniole of popu larity, Hoptotter's Storriaoh Bitters has acquired a commanding position, which has occasionally made a bright and shining1 mark for knaves, who seek to foist upon the community spurious compounds In the guise akin to that of the real article. These are mostly lo cal bitters or tonics of great Impurity, and, of course, devoid of medicinal eflicacy. Beware of them and get the genuine Bitters, a real remedy for ma laria, rheumatism, kidney trouble, dys pepsia, nervousness, constipation and biliousness. Physicians of eminence everywhere commend the great lnvlg orant, for both Its remedial .properties and its purity. A wineglassful thrice a day will (won bring vigor and regular ity to a disordered and enfeebled sys tem. Boston Transcript: It is the young woman with the new suit who first dis covers that we are 'having an early f.pring. "But evil is wrough Jby want of thought, As well as want of thought." By want of .thought mothers allow daughters to become frail and puny. Over-study 1n girls induces uterine dis orders and weaknesses, and blights their future happiness as wives and mothers. Joined to proper hygienic care, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a priceless remedy In such ailments, Its value becoming even more apparent every year. Using it, the wan, debili tated school girl gains color, flesh and pplrits, losing those deathly headaches tormenting backaches, laniruor, dejec tion, and other symptoms of functional irregularities and nervous debility. It mver harms the most delicate girl. Rmbertsdale, Huntingdon Co., Pa. World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion: Gentlemen I cannot sufficiently ex press to you my gratitude for the bene fit your medicine has conferred upon my daughter. Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It Is simply marvel lous. You have Just reason to call it your "Favorite Prescription," and to stake your reputation as a physician on h. a ravorwe prescription it is, indeed to you anil to thousands In this land and I believe it will be to thousands of sunering women the world over. Yours Gratefully, THOMAS THIRWEEL. AsthT.a cured bv newly discovered treatment. PamphVt, testimonials and references free. Addrers World's D's ,ppniry Medi?al Association, Buffaio N. Y. Good News: Linie Bov Papa, what la an Inventor? Papa He Is a man who Invents something that every body e!.e manufactures, and then spends all of his money trying to stop them. CURE FOK HEADACHE. As a remedy for all kinds of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent c-nre. and the most dr.aded sick head.iches yield to Its Influence. We urge all who are afflfcted to procure a bottle and give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled with Dlszy Spells, Electrls Rltters Is the Medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas. Risers' drug store. Odd Fellows' build ing. Chicago Recorder: Hlnks I took my girl to the opera last night. Blinks (sympathetically) Well, nev. cr mind that 55 you owe me, old fel low. Let it run a month of so. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world foi Cuts, ll 'uises. Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, l Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, C'!iilLlair.3, Corns, and All Skin Drup an 1 positively cures Piles, or no iy reir.m'l. It Is guaranteed to give , feel .Miisfv.'tlon, or money refunded. I'l-Ie, 2"i ifcius per box. Por sale by i' ks. Ungcr?. Odd Ffl'ows' building. Indianapolis Sentinel Mrs. Watts So It was In the Chicago whsat market that you lost your all? Everet Wrest Yes, mum, all save me honor and an elegant thirst. The World's, fair Tests showsd no baking powder. bo pure or so great ia leav ening power as the Royal. Was-hlngton Star: "What that tragedy needs." Bald one critic, "la more realism." "Yes," replied the other, 'Hhey ought to kill the actors, Bure enough." LOOK OUT FOR COLD WEATHER Bui ride Inside the Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment Car trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway, and you will b as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, 8t. Paul or Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and Omaha, In these luxuriously appointed trains. Is a supreme satisfaction; and the somewhat ancient advertisement u! to read, "for further particulars see small bills." Small mils (and large onestoo) will be accepted for passage ana sleeping car iktki. aii coupon ticket azents on th coast sell ticket via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, or ai1r8 C. J. Eddy General Arent. Portland, f Dr. Price's Cream boxing Powder rv,-ir. rcir Hifhut Medal siul Mol4av THE ATHLETIC CLUB. An Institution That Is In Every Way Worthy of Support. Resultant Benefits of Its Maintenance to the Rising Generation Improve the Moral and Physical Qualftlec. Although the Athkstic Club has been in existence for over twelve months, and contributed at Intervals to the amusement of the friends of member and to the support In a slight degree of some of the most worthy local Insti tutions, Its benefits are not very thor oughly understood. Most peopCe look upon an athletlo club solely as a place of recreation lor the young and occay slonally for those of more mature age, forgetful of the fact that Its health giving Influences, both, moral and phy sical, are perhaps greater than those of tiny Institution devoted wholly or In part to purposes of recreation. It Is natural for the young to seek excite ment, which, when found, often as. sumes a pernicious form and a char acter highly prejudicial to both moral and physical health; but It is an axiom, atlc truth that when enthusiasm In the almost ever-present desire to at tain excellence manifests Itself In the minds of the boys, the danger of temp, tatlon ie comparatively sllg'ht. The feeling' of exhilaration consequent upon Che aittalnmertt of perfect physical con dition Is the (best protection against the seductive Influences of bad com pany, and most easily and readily en ables the average youth to pronounce an emphatic "No" when assailed by temptation In any form. On the assumption that this prop osition has been esteibllshed, the ques tion naturally arises, "Why Is the membership of the clubl not much larger ifhan Is the case?" (And the Inev itable conclusion is reached that the public at large are either indifferent to the moral health of our boys, or have not given the matter uiy constd. eratlon whatever. Whlcii conclusion is correct the reader can determine for himself. And yet the permanence of the club is not dependent upon the young as much as upon those who, by reason of greater and 'wider experience can by example and precept, lead their youthful brethren Into paths that tend to health and conduce to a 'bedter mor al tone. Many of the most prominent business men, whose interests are like ly to be identified -with the city for the tenure of their lives, are not mem bers, and yet they could best afford the ex'pendlture of the small amount charged for dues. "What good would It do me to belong?" a business man may ask, but he will scarcely have the hardihood to deny the argument given above. "But from a business standpoint what can I gain, for it Is from that basis that you must argue In order to convince me?" he may Insist. To this it may be replied that the wants of an institution having a membership of even 100 are many. For Instance, a year ago Jerseys, com monly known as "sweaters," were not to be found In our stores. Now the find a ready sale, as do gymnasium thoes and suits and many other things that are indlspenslble. Fuel, light, and other coinni) li'lju, Including lain, have cost the club during the last twelve months over J2.000, every dollat of which has leturned Into the chan nels of local trade. These expenses would of necMfity have Ewatnped th club Ions since md made Its malnte anace an impossShlltty but for tin generosity ol Mr. George C. Flavel, who provides the gymnasium gratuit ously. Some wMl not 'belong to the club because they do not care to ex ercise. To those It may be eald that ui specitators they can, almost at cny time, see a creditable exhibitiot. of gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, oi other sports. The club, too, has the proud honor of having among its members the chain plon middle and long distance runner of the Pacific 'Northwest, In the per son of Mr. W. E. Taillant, whose per formances during the past year have been the means of bringing the city into much prominence as the residence of the future distance champion of America. Prominent among the club's gymnasts Is Ed. Hansen, whose horizontal bar performances are ex ceedingly graceful and who Is fullj eo.ual In proficiency to any other coast amateur. Among the wrestlers D. Mc Lean and C. Hellborn are rapidly be coming proficient, while on the olnder path R. E. Carruthers, at the shorter distances divides the honors with W S. Tallant. In Prof. Wright, the club has one tf the best high Jumpers to be found, while In other branches of ath letic sport there are others of much promise. ' With such a showing It is not too much, therefore, to ask the business men to assist the institution to th extent of one dollar monthly. AH can well afford It, and In after years when the Influences of the dub become more apparent, the expenditure would be looked 'back upon with a great degree of satisfaction, and enable the con tributor to say heartily "That dollar a month to the Athletic Club was money well spent." KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purifier, gives freshneis and clearness to the wmpwsion and suc Constipation. ?5 cts.. 50 cts , $1.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Henry M. Stanley ran for parliament and. was Ixidly beaten. Ditto William Morris, the poet. Now Rider Hag gard is about to tempt fate. Say, maw," said a precocious Asto-i rla vounirster the other day, wno nalnt the -.lens of the times' the mln- ister was talking about when be called this afternoon does SwopeT" "No. my child; they are not painted." "Well, who paints the town red Swoper I don't know, Willis; ask papa. "Well, he must paint something, for It always says something about him painting in the paper.." EASTER OBSERVANCES. The Right Reverend Bishop Henry C. Potter, of the DJocese of New York. The observance of Easter in the Episcopalian church, after the manner of all ceremonies In our church. Is marked by solmen and Impressive ser vices. 'It is different from' the forms and observance among other denomi nations, in -that there U more form and ceremony Than among the Meth odMts, the PxetJbiyterians, uho Con grogatlonallsLs, and the others. These forms are more or less elaborate, ac cording to the degree in which the church is high or low. Of course on Easter Sunday all the churctt dignitaries assemble to do honor personally by observance of the day with special music and appropri ate sermons, services for the chiUren, floral decorations, etc. The day Is thus fittingly remem'Jered as a day of holy thought and promise, while an element of real gladness pervades this oelebratlon of the glorious resurrec tion of our Savior. The day is one of sweet communion among all things that live. Nature springs Into new life, and human souls into new being. Tha churches are crowded more than on any 6unday during the year, and Judging from the spectacle presented at the various churches of all creeds throughout this land, who can doubt that a general understanding and reverence for East er Day pervades all Christendom?- From "How (Different Denominations Observe Caster," In Demorest's Mag azine for April. THS DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Calllouette, Druggist, Beavers vine, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles around, but of no avail, and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery In my store I sent for a bot tie, and began to use it, and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three Dottles was up and about, igaln. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without It." Get a trial bottle free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build ing. New York Weekly: Mrs. De Styles I wonder what is the best way of ar ranging theatre parties and the sup. per f r them. Philosopher Serve the supper in the box during the perform', ance-j. While their mouths are full they can't talk. . PROVEN A BOON, Gentlemen: I have always recom nended Krause's Headache Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They ittve proven a veritable boon In m .umlly against any and all kinds oi eadache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria 4t iregon, sole agent Carroll D. Wright says: "Hunger hat caused more men to commit pettj crimes- than anything else." Of 6,95i homicides in 1890, 6,000 had no trades. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, fenn says, "Shilor's Vltallzer 'SAVi'L jiIY LIKE.' I consider it the beBt rem dy for a debilitated system J cvei ised." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kiu iiey trouble, it excells. Piive 7u cis. For Sale by J. W. Conn. The fact that fourteen horses for -Jrs. W. K. Vadertoiit 'have anivea at Newport Is taken as an Indication oat she Is going to live in her marbit ,alace there. It is said that -M. Faure owes hii tart in political life to the eider Co uelln, who introduced him to Gani yetta one night at the theatre. Garni, -t-tta became Interested in his new j-cuualntanee and helped him to attain ais first official position. Busy people have no time, and sensi le people no inclination to ubo a slow emedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts .jromptly and gives permanent results, -has Rogers. It Is not generally known that Col onel William R. iMorrlson, of Illinois, was a California '49-er. In a letter to a friend at El Paso, Texas. Mr. Morri son says he was one of a party which left Independence, Mo., In 1819- on a wagon Journey to the Pacific coast. Most people canuot afford to experi ment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough 2ure. Chas. Rogers. In a handsomely decorated carriage drawn by four fine horses Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weckerle, of Elizabeth port, N. J., went to church In state on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, partook of the sacrament, ana received from the pastor the tlal blessing that was bestowed them In 1845. Take a dose of DeWitt's Little Karly 1 Risers Just for the good they will do you. These little pills are good for in degestlon. Good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipa. tlon. They are good. Chas. Rogers. It cures piles, it cures obstinate sores, j chapped hands, wounds. It does this ; qi ickly. Is there any good reason why j you should not use DeWltt s Witch Hazel Salve? Chas. Rogers. J. H Allen, chairman of the ma- ohlrrery committee of the Atlanta ex - posltion, has sugestled that Thursday,! October 17, 4e set ajuart . as "Grady ; Day," This is th V.nlvensary of the October day when Grady introduce ed President Cleveland to more than ' 50,000 people at the first Piedmont x-! position. ' October 17. he set a7art as "Grady The name One Minute Couph Cure suggers a mnilclne that relieves at once, and quickly oures. Its use sroves Jit Chas. Roger.. " -tKB K BEST .':7;,r; mmm mm 25cts., JSOot $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dc It is sold on ft ffuternntea h-w all riniv. trista. It cures Incipient Consumption and if-the best Cough ard Croup Cui. t For Sale by J. W. Conn. You ought to know this: DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain Instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores and ia a well-known cure for piles. Chas. Rogers. SHILOH'S CURE Is sold on a grar- ntee. It cures Incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Cure. Only one ent a dose. 25 cents, SO eta., and $1.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. You make no mistake when you take DeWitt's Little Early Risers for bil iousness, dyspepsia, or headache, be cause these little pills cure them. Chas Rogers. llorth Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP.Prop Bohemian lager Beer And XX PORTER. K orilert promptly attended to Japanese Bazaar .SING LUNG. Prop, s Don't buy any Spring goods until you have looked ourstock over. It , will pay you and as usual our prices are such as to ive us the bulk of the ladies trade in 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'a Fruit Store. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clga'i. KENTUCKY WHI8KBY Only handed' over the Par, The largest glass of N. P. Brer. Half-and-half, ic. Fiee lunch. Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Si A. V. AL,L,BN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed,Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. FREEMAN k HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to gteainlxmt re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. tOGGlNG Cfljtl? iaOi$ A SPECIALTY i.97 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth Astoria. Or. C.J. TRENCH ARD, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. and Pacific Express Co. iOIWE and PHOEfllX INSURANCE CO'S. Custom House Broker and Commission Merchant. 502 Dond Street. f. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE flU) WHARF BUILDER, Address, box 180. Postoflice. ASTORIA. OR Iron Works, Ginernl Hachlniat and Boiler Worki.'Sii All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat md Engine Work of anv Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavttte St., Astoila, Or. As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not lose slgnt of the tact that a perfect lilting suit is the main feature. Wananiaker & brown are noted for fit, workmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Office 61 Dekum Building, Portland, Or Reserve orders till you have seen the sprlns line of samples. H. C. D1TTRICH, flrndimte of the Bauschule Holzminden. Germany, and Massachussets Technology Office, Room n Sherlock Bide-, Portland. Or. Who is Williams? Why Williams the barber at 474 Corn- 1 mercial street. Shaving i sets; hair cut ting 25 cts; bath 25cts, V : r,s:i rj. v; . : 'el . t- l'!Wl . . - nr ... .-..vot ' :r. ; to .. ,ir;ni M" ; 'vr . it- F-i; . ,. i f-a. I -. (..., j , j'.-l UOB. I ;.!a,H.Y, I - . L.. .... - I-' The teade. Commercial Street. WE KEEPNOBOOIvS. NO BAD DEBTS STRICTLY CASK. You don't want a carpet sweeper tha barks the furniture or brushes the life out of the carpet, or kicks up dust in stead of gathering it, or lops its handl about for you to trip over. You may come across that sort under one name or another. Pass on, and remember Blssell's Grand Rapids Sweeper. It comes as near to "broom work" as a machine can. No noise, no drag on you to run It, almost sucks the oust up. and dumps with a touch; the brush Just skims, or digs In as you press lightly or heavily on the handle. You'll say It monopolize, the Sweeper virtues. And the price la osLy 12.39. The Celebrated Buttermilk Koop 0c a cake. This fleflector Lntnp, with bimney wick Bnd burner, !J3c. v Lnrue Boltle Household Arhmoiiial3o. Wash Boards 17o. to !l(lo. Comforts 1.13. Veilintf per yard 12t Laeo from lc n yard to Mo. Ovenills 5Uo. Qui Its l)8o, Silk Gnrte r Web per yard 10c. Breakfast Shawls 2Tx;. Iiiudlnirs per roll 2o. Pearl Buttons from 7o to 15o dozen. Smoked Pearl Bnltous Go to Sc n dozen. Towels 5o. Table Oil Cloth 1!) and l!0o a yard. Boys Pants l'Jc. Ladies Underwear nil prices Corset Waist 19c. Men's Underwear all prices. DeLong'a Hook and Kyes l-er card 12o. Safety Pins per dozen lie. '2 Foot Utiles 8o. Shoe Brushes lUo. Nursing Bottles Do Vaseline, lare bottle 5o Boys' Suspenders 10c. Men's Suspenders all prices. Umbrellas $1.22, fl.69. Ladies' Hose Oo. Plnvinu Cards 8o, 10c, Ladies' Aprons 24u, 27c, 34c, Men's Hose 6c to 32c. Dinner BpIIs 4o, !)c, 20c. CofTee Mills that bold n pound, 57o. Oval Top Looking Glues, 25c. Glabs Syrup PiiChurs 21o. Padlocks 7o, 12o, c. Chopping Bowls ISu, 27o, 30c. Clothes Pins 25 for 6c. Glass Tumblers 30c a sot. No. 2 Lamp Chimneys (Jo. No. 8 "Never Break" Skillets 34c. Tin Pot Cdvers 3c, 4c, 6c. Cake Lifters 5o. Scalloped Shelf Paper 30 sheets 5c. 30 Feet of Clothes Line 4c. Bottle of Hewing Machine Oil 4c. Nickel Alarm Clocks 91o. Preserve Kettles 10c, 12c, 14c. 25o Novels 6c. Decorated Chamber Pails 33o. Reflector Lamps with burner and ohiiriney 3Ho. Travelling Alcohol Lamps l5o. Meat haws 33o. Coat Hooks 6 for 6o. Fire Shovels 5c, 9o, 17c. Tea Spoons per set 5c. Iron Mie.ll itraokets per pair 4, 9, TJX. K uives ami Forks per set from 42c to 81.06 Meat Broilats 7c. Dover Ji'M Beaters 10c Wire Hair Brushes 15c, 23c. Armlets 6c. Files, 12c. Dog Chains 15c. 1 Butt Hinges from 2c. to )c. Bread Boxes, 35c, 65c., 75c. Corn Poppers, 7c, Me. Strap Hinges, 3c, 5c, 7c, 9c. Red Ink 4c, a bottle. Knife Baskels 4l!c. 2QnartCireePotlilc. 8 " " " 1 2c. 4 " " " life. 2 Quart Copper Bottom CofTee Tot loo. 3 " " " 19c. 4 " " " " ' 21c. Tea Trays 0c, 11c. lSc. 14 Quart Tin Pail l!lc. Dish Pant 18c. DiiHt Pans 8c. Pint Cnps, 1 for 5c. Lartra Glass Pitchers 10c. Lantern Globes (lc. Lanterns 45a. Picture Hooks lc. Window Shade, with spring roller. 83c. The "flipDE" Commercial Street W Spz III rm- re THEflST05lflSflVlSGSBflW Acta as trustee for corporation and Individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed nn suvlngK deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBY President BBNJ. YOUNG Vteo President FRANK PATTON Cnshler DIRKCTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, . H. Tage, BenJ Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson, W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes. Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington St., Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South. -ni, Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern rallrnnds at the very loweBt rates obtainable. The Burlington Route 1. generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road la the world for all classes c travel. St. George's 'Rheumatic Bitters- Specially Manufactured to aid thota afflicted with RHEUMATISM. It iflvea tone to the stomach and purities the blood better than any other bitters known. For sale bv all leading druggists, or Address "G.'R." P.O. Box 66), Astoria, Or. OR PETER BRACH, General Agent 43 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. Telcphoue Nn. u. mmnmm These tiny Ccpaulcs tiro superior! Ito Balsam of Copaiba, .""" Cubcus and Inioctions, f HTjY I Thoy euro In 4S hours tho V I same diseases without nnylncoa- iTOnlcnco. SOLD BY ALL DilUf.filSTS Indio The Oasis of the Colorado desert A Hew health esort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Intllo In the past by the large numbers who otherwise would have been glad to take advantage of Its beneficial climate, has been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Paclflo Company, takes pleasure In announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. Tbey are fur- nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence In this de llgtitful climate. , (From the Ban Francisco Argonaut,) "In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado which the Southern Fa- cllio road traverses there Is an oasis called Indlo, which, In our opinion, It the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal investigation, that for certain Invalids, the-e Is no spot 01 this planet so favorable." O. T. Stewart, M. D., write: "The purity of tho air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight Nature has accomplished sc much that there remains but little for man to do. As to Its possibilities as health resort, here is the most per feet sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu mat Irs. Considering the number of surrcrers who have toeen cured, I havt no hesitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO, Hh 6l2 miles from SAN FRANCISCO nvA 130 .miles from W3 ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information Inquire of any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or address B. P. ROGERS, An st. Oen. Pass. Agt. 8. 'P. Co. J. B. Kl UK LAND, Dtst. Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder Sti Portland, Or E. ricNEIL, Receiver. nl I ).f of T wo Transcontinental Route a, Via Spokane and St. Paul. Via Ogden , Denver and Omaha or St. Paul, Pullman and TouriHt Bloopers Fre Reollnlng Chair Cert, Astoria to San Francisco. OOEAN 8TEAMEKS Columbia, Sunday, March 10. Queen, Friday, March 15. Columbia, Wednesday, March iO, Queen, Monday, March 26. Columbia, Baturday, March 30. . Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. Hereafter the O. It. and N. Co.'s boat will run as follows, between Astoria and Portland. The Thompson will leave As toria at 6:45 a. m. dally except Sunday, and Portland daily ati 8 p. m. except Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland it T t. m. dally exoept Sunday. For rates and general Information call on or address C. F. OVBRBAUGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBTJRT, Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN I LINE. -tha CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA RAILWAYS. This Is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Tbelr Magnificent Track, Peerless s Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME ' Have given this road a national rpuU tlon. All classes of nHUAn, . .. .. 1 on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Hhln vrmi fpauh ., . over this famous line. Ail agents W. H. MEAD. F. C. PAV.r.r oen. Agent Tray. F. and p k'- f awmi'i iimr'iiniTrnnTTTTT Gives Clioioc 1