The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1895, Image 4

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    : .
: ', ;.'im'iv,
r-r r-V inwap ju. UWW M-i iff"
'I'iiCTc la a aifforence batwaen our
f una .nd others that we know of. On
''in iviiee is the shaping, another ie
the workmanship, and another Is In
t.h style o (roods. Nearly all of oure
"re Impound cloths; you can aee In
that why every third man along the
nir.Mt ihmm't a Bult like we B'-ld you,
mi'l why ours look different. It taK
iii re than wood and Iron to make the
lillTerenoe- between a ferry-boat and i
:i-ttny ocean Bteamer.
The Tailor.
. 523 Commercial Street.
GOOD WHISKY. That In the test
nf a loon's tiwk. Comrjetltlon for
long time ran to big mirrors. Folly!
If that were all. the aaloon buslnesi
might quickly capitulate to the senst
of siirht. and not to taste, our
q-h rxiiflA move, has been toward qual-
iiv. ThsA is the reason we obtained th
atecnev for HOPE WHISKY, and the
more cultivated and critical your taste
Is the better chance our whisky win
Will buy you
an ll wool
diorf', in ltltick
ore ilored.
Albert Dunbar.
Sole Agent for the P. N. Corset.
For the latest and beat odors In Per
fumery go to Bog-era.
11 The steamship Queen arrived In Sap
Francisco yesterday.
Ben Sabine, mayor of Hug Point,
Cannon Beach, la In the city.
A largo quantity of tile pine arrived
on the Gatzert for the Twelfth atreet
Mr. S. Danzlger returned yesterday
from a three-weeks' stay In San Francisco.
of toa tfcureh. w!U U foUowtd br ft
fraahmeno. and tamai. The ywng U
dies of the Sunday schooj. who toave tt
in charge, assure ua Chat all who at
tend will not only be entertained and
amused, .but well fed. A charge of llf- owner
teen cerrta will be made, the proceeds to
go to the Sunday achool.
TKt Ca-tLO'! STltlXt.
Japan Will ri-oVl'IV Imported
for t iwnviro 1 wir,
Your Mouths,
One great basis principle of the Pal
ace Restaurant Is mutual dependence.
To thrive and grow, each dish must be
better than any one elsc'a. Our aim It
to reaoh the only roomy trade place,
the top. No lower Idea can be per
mitted. And When the top, our top, ii
reached by any other restaurant, we
will lift the top.
'The Palace Ijestawant
rnouledge is Power
And power la aalvation. To do a thin
The tax roll for 18H is now In my
hands for collection. Taxee will be
come delinquent on March 30, 18'j5.
February 19, 1893.
Sheriff of Clatsop County.
The Only Restaurant.
See Swope,
See Swope about decorating.
See Swope about decorating and sign I
Meany M tha leaning tailor and pays
right one must know how to do It. the hlghoat cash price for fur aklna.
Thia la as true of carpenter work aa
anything elee. ;
Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth atreet, will
build you anything from a wood bo
to a $50,000 building and do It well.
Sninetihlna- new in the line of Sachet
Powders Just received at me i-riniz-
Crain Drug Store.
Whv do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure It; I
for sale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store.
What About
Your Shoes? -
Beaver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no
Soot. For sale at Flnlayson'a snipping
and commission agency, 9th Btreet
wharves, at $5.50 per ton.
. Aren't they worn out around the
r.1. somewhere? Don't they need a
S. E. Utzlnger Is in agent in Astoria
for the celebrated 'Jumurlnus owe,
patch on the aide? We will make them ijeer. of Portland. Dr p lum a postal
card and he will call for your oider.
Kitty Corner from Fisher Bros, store.
A Poor Cigar,
Watch yout watch When It runs a
tittle too slow or a little too last, bring
it to J. H. SEYMOUR. He will at
tend to It. He knows how. He learn
ed hla trade In a watch factoiy.
Vnr vears the Astoria Wood Yard
nas. given our citizens only the very bapk
best of wood ana coai. iiwi
.i..i if in fact, thev are taking tht
4 1 j m v h 99-boi-ot i.i.rt haul ..,i whv? Kecause they know wnai
v- " - : !t 'z.. a .t.. n,.hiin knows
aecomDanied every purchase 01 tne puuiio wi, f -
mnlo hv him
one 01 um
Don't expect to
But marke thia
never mads.
make, either.
The steamer Pilgrim came down yes
terday with a barge load of brush fot
the Jetty.
Mr. Dean tBlanchard, the pioneer
sawmill man of Ranter, was In the city
It la remarkable how sore a contem
porary win got over a genuine, legiti
mate scoop.
Up to the hour of closing the books
last night' $42,489.30 had been collected
on '94 taxes.
Joseph iLois, who ttias been In Call
torn la the "past four monVhs, returned
on flhe Columbia today.
It Is exipeoted the city will henceforth
be flooded with strangers, attracted
here the railroad operations.
Captain James Tattorv returned home.
yesterday on the steamship Columbia
from a visit at San Francisco.
Wllfh ithelr newly arranged office,
Messrs. Thomson and Noland are quite
prepared for the coming boom.
There Is a good demand for clear
spruce lumber In tfhe Interior, and the
tower river mills are handling the bulk
of the trade.
The Harvest Queen came down yes
terday on the Potter's run and will
nnnflnun until thie 8lde-Wheler Is
thoroughly repaired.
Louis Martin Will launch the big scow
he Is building today at high tide. He
anticipates no trouMe In finishing It In
the contract time of ten days.
There will be no blare of trumpets
or loud shouting of voices Saturday
when work on the railroad starts, only
t'he musloal sound of pick and shovel
The Alice Blan'Chard oame down from
Portland yesterday and took on consld
eralble freight at the Ninth Btreet
wharf. She will probably igo out today,
The steamship Columbia arrived In
yesterday with considerable freight for
this port. She had 150 tons of mlBcel
laneouH freight and 000 sacks of tan
Remember the evening of sung and
nJtertalnment tonight at the Methodist
church, given by Prof. W'rlght'a class
of young ladles hi the Sunday a:hool.
A fine program of solos, qpuart?ta tin J
choruses has been arranged an) re
freshments afterwards. Admission, 15
cents. Entertainment begins at S p. m.
alnce he began business. We ve
got the notion that a satisfied
customer "cuts a olg figure" in
hMiMinir un a business, mats
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
ao well
Little Giant.
c.. . atnkea On. have secured th(
r im. u .. omnir a nT'K
wrenev of tne iamuun di
tufim? a,iiifuefnreii In IHliLANU
l.Ti.-... - .
Their new stock gooaa aro iu-"
ierlor to any otner ainu.
wh. mn.n buys a lottery ticnei
,inJ A in oral nrtt hlnu hut his breath hi
UI1U " , , 1 A
teem sold. Wnen he Duya n tou
ooal of the scow uay wuuu
...iT'.. m 1. onnoHlte Fisher Bros.' he
Wliunc " r i -
There la considerable talk at Bea&lda
and the surrounding country, particu
larly to the South, of. asking the coun
ty court to take the toll road running
from a ipolnt on the county road near I
the Necannloum, thence to Elk Creek,
and Improve Ft by planking, under tha I
Cross law. It Is thought the stock
holders In the toll road will be willing
to turn, the road over to the county
providing they make the needed lm
Mr. Frank Partton said yesterday
that there Is just a possdbUHy that the
Nehalem Mill will be rebuilt, though
1t all dependa on what the people of
that locality are willing to do towards
helping the matter out. If timbers ran
be got out In time and, the settler
of the lower Nehalem will get In and
assist In cleaning up he place the mill
might be rebuilt. Some of the machin
ery may be saved by cleaning It up and
maklnlg a few repairs. . "
The Asiorlan preaems its readers
with a forlef Jntervled thia morning
with Mr. A. 1i. Hammond, as wired
by a special correspondent at Fort-
land, Immediately upon the arrival of
that gentleman from the East. Like
the Associated Press dispatch received
by the Astorlan yesterday morning
giving an Interview with Mr. Stanton,
(whlch,. by the way, that gentleman
says was correct) this morning's Inter
view with Mr. Hammond Is a decided
scoop on Its contemporaries. But then
that is nothing unusual.
S Fkiik'Iav, iMaroh ST.-Tlw Ship-
AnatvUtlon W"1""" lu
Utiut a new nlnmiU or gwiurusnw
lino rhe All.r' rl'. Th Iwardlng
lurt nthiul vXiha list
ed tholr iii'ly ' non-union men. They
aw nkiitr nrrit,"'"'(- lt ' "tt,J' t0
ntort apvrrnl humlrtHl JaiMinese from
the North to tnko tt.o piiu-f "'"
aatlora in th conl1e traue. in
J.Mam' lrt'nliy i onimi
a month, while union men are de
manding $:. The 1miHirttlon of any
coilderalle number of Jupaiwwe would
undoulitcxlly stir up the luwiesa eie-
ment on the water front.
i nn. Riwk iMiuvh 27. The train on
the Iron Mountain was now up y
roblu re torJirtit. 18 milea north ot x op
lar UHiff. Mo., by two men. The rob
H.,r rn off thf mull, express ana o'
gas cars, and ran them about-half a
mile ami then rolvber the express car.
Tt ts not known what booty they got.
The conductor lost his watch and
rminev and it is supposed the passen
gers were also roooea, 'out Mie umuiw
haw not been, received at a laie nuur.
ninnoii Muvh 27. The Commer
cial Bank today notified the clearing
house that n couia mn jinj "j
clearlnjrs. The Commercial Is one of
the oldwt banks m tne city, imikt i"
bank assigned to W. H. Campbell, who
was Its cashier. Cashier Campbell
stated that the bank had but tempo
rarily suspended and w um r on rism
In . few days.
birth a rM'ilt of Csritln IoSmm,
war arretted today charfad Wlttt mn
Baltimore, March W.-At S ft. m.,
Maroh 19, SnanWh sentries nvurdoroualy
fhot an J killed a aeaman of the Brit
ish HtoamBlhlp IjaurestilihO, and badly
wounded a Cuban negro at St. Jugo,
Cuba. The JlpktlMh goverrment ,1s In-
vestlgaUng, and comiinlloaltillons between
England and Spain may result. The
Laurestlna arrived here hlB afternoon.
She reports that Ithe revolution Is pro
gressing quietly.
Oregon, 111., March 27. The business
portion of thlj place burned last night.
Losb, $50,000. .
New York, March 27. An application
for the appointment of a receiver for
the National Cordage Syndicate was
made today.
monithlv meeting of the Col
umbia River Fishermen's Protective
Union will be held at Fls.ner s wan,
Tuesday, April 2d, 1895, at 7:30 p. m.
aha rrv
The price of ealmon for the year 1895
will he Rrtt.
A patrolman and light keeper for
Sand Island to be elected and other
business of importamice to Ibe transact
Afwrrfbers In food standing are re
quested to be present and have their
hook or recelnt along.
Booms I and 3, Pythian
over C. Ii Cooper's atore.
W. C. LOGAN. D. D. H.,
Mansell Block. 673 Third Btreet
Room 5, 9 and T, Flavel Brick
Office in Flavel's biluk building
Astoria, Oregon.
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Have Given Up
All Hope of Seeing Her Again.
. . . . - . , v , In An.
a", 'bought1.' pr or"twof ra"pVas7i; a. they sell only the best
those LITTLE OIANT acnooi snoea iur
thefr children. The other half will as
h. hur nf the wearing qual-
Ulea of those that are being worn about
the city, you can navo juu
cf leather, kid, grain or cair.
choice Chl-
mr. iiuiiij""- nam I
nook salmon at nis raurnti
oue Hall. He also has oysters that Bell
i, than nt anv other mar-
ai a iKiw p'1" ....... - - , .
ket In the city, lie carriuo cwun "
,.tiw.i. .hoi fish, and 8S a Blue ibduc,
has a stock of Marshall a mmouo
ling twine.
n. .....nrinoA n sen what a little money
will boy In tha way of Jewelry and
cn.,.. Win at Ekitrom's Jewelry
Store. You'll also be surprised to see
what fine work the engraver can ou.
W Viiiv ferlillzers ami fertiliing ma
terial of every ascription, Buiie-, lioruH.
ota, and pay lnyliesi ohhu prices. d:ii..
aa a trim ainpuieni.
Western Botie-Meni Co,
771 MIshkiu Street,
' Ban Fnunoiaco, Cul.
It may be that you are dissatisfied
with your grocer, if bo, wny uoi a"
En,ijis. stokes a. trial? They BailBfj
others, and feel pretty Bure that the
Alll suit you. Many a uuimi u
orally thrown away by those who buj
groceries of an Inferior quality. It 1
,,,. mlaa and lu-IUIld foOllBh tO giVI
good money for goods that are almost
ASTORIA -v - !
878 Commerelal Street
klanufaeturero of every d.ucrlptlon of
Lounges, Mtti-eeecs, eio.
The U. S. Gov't Report
Show Royal Baking Powde
superior to all others.
Wanted The present address of Ma
von Swunklnzel, late of the Austrian
army, who left Vienna on t'he 10th ol
January last, en route for Astoria u
purchase ft pair of GoodmanSs 34 shoes
C. E. Ward, who runs a barber shot
it 219 Astor street haa placed In con
nection with his place two Russian
jaths for the accommodation of tht
public. He guarantees them as nrst-
Lasa In every particular. Ladles' and
entlcmen'a department separate.
The Finnish Brotherhood will meet at
Pythian Hall Tuesday, April 2J, at 1 Cn6 funerai .party to Greenwood, where
p. m. A run attendance is uesirva
When the tide acta one way there 1
always a cause for it.
w,.mn don't come here to buy roasti
Steaks, and all other kinds of meat
almply because It's Chrlstonsen & Co. a.
nf course there are a fuw, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
from Ignorance, but the great mass of
housekeepers buy where they can get
w mnA f thnl r(ASim we SUDDly
lh. maloratv of the families In Aslo- Madam Nelson, reads head and palm,
rla for they Know oy eniwwnw niui iis0 caras, anu teiia pasi, jiresem ana 1
Judge A. A. Cleveland, deputy gran
exalted ruler of Oregon, B. P. O. E,
will go to Portland this morning to
Install the newly elected officers of
Portland Lodge, No. 142.
Contractor Normlle was down town
yesterday with a weather eye on th
railroad situation. He Intends maKing
a bid on the construction, or at least
.1 good-sized slice of It.
YestWday the British bark Chelms-
.'ord cleared for Queenstown. She car
les a ?argo of 62,483 socks of wheat,
3,637 of which were loaded here, the
otal value of which Is $72,060.
Yesterday the pilot schooner San Jose
tarted for sea, but on reaching Fort
Uevens caught sight of a rough see
letween the heads and dropped anchor
;he will await calmer weather befor
q;olng out.
Ycsetrday was a quiet day In dhlp-
nlng clrcies, only one Bteamer In, and
none out. The Manzanltia did not go
'o the lightship as Intended With sup
ples, on account of the rough weather,
iut instead, spent the day at the buoy
Judge Otfburn yesterday fined John
'CoHkl and Manuel Bell 320 each for de
itroyiln? window sliutters In the burnt
district. They didn't Beem uau oui
of fellows, so the Judge promised t
remit their fine If they would pay roi
he damage they had caused.
The Pacific Can Factory now have
.heir full complement of machinery
unnlng or. cons, and are turning out
in an average 120,000 dally. Next year
hey expect to use nothing but Amer-
... r, T.- .... 1
1 an tin plate, as tne dh r"'""
"actonr will add a 'tin plate dipping
h-partmeiU to their business,
Yesterday afternoon at the Episcopal
ihur.h, funeral services were held over
h remains of Mrs. Mai-garet J. rer
in son. tne Bieamer
Another day hmi passed and the Brit-
ihs bark Cuiplca has not put In an ap
pearance off the mouth of the Colum
bia. She has now been out 189 days,
and each day the feeling Is growing
stronger that when she was spoken Jut
sou'Uh of the equator on the Atlantic
side, the last was seen of t'he old bark
that ! well known at this port, and
over which there Is just now a great
deal of uneasiness. Mr. T. W. London,
connected with the firm of Balfour,
GUthrle & Co., at Portland, was In the
city yesterday and In conversation with
on Astorlan reporter said:
"As far as we are concerned the Cu
pica Is considered lost, and If she final
ly comes Into port It will be a genuine
surprise. It ds true that vessels nave
been out over 190 days from Liverpool
to this port, but they were not such
vessels as the Cuploa. The bark Cu-
pica is a dirty vessel when she gets
Into bad weather, and wtch her cargo,
which Is dead welg'ht, the chances for
safety are all against her. A cargo of
tin Is not like one of wheat. The latter
has a spring to tt and rests easy In the
vessel during rough weather, but with
the former It ts different, there b;lng
no vtbratton at all. That the Cuplea
has had severe weather Is reasonably
ertaln, as evidence?! by the Kalian
Ship Muedlarmld, which arrived alt San
Francisco (March lUDh, having been dis
mantled during a terrific storm nea:
apo Horn. She left Liverpool a few
days after the Cuplea. The tin ship
may yet arrive, but It Is very doufot-
t'ul. The canncrymen of the uiver
river have given tiie Cuplea up as lost
and are preparing to conduct ithelr
business without the tin which she
was bringing out for them."
Bnn Franc SCO. Marcn z(. c-ix
longs, maidens .Myron, 1:18 1-2-
Five furlongs sir Ketnnni'i. -
One mlle-The Lark, 1:45 i-i-
Four and one half furlongs Lrsula
0:58. . .
Mile and 70 yaras nanaictuy Mile
stone, 1:49
Pan Francisco, March 27. Arrlved-
Queen. from Astoria ana i-i,ruu.u,
Austraina, from nonoauiu; oa Dmu,
from Tacoma,
Cleared Ship Llewellyn, ror iwnu,
Freights and charters American bar-
VenMne Quickstep, now ait uiaiteiey,
lumber thence to Sh'anghal.
San Jose, March 27,-Oharley Hager-
ilon, a 12-year-dld boy, was arrsteu
today on a charge of murder. While
In 'the company of several hoys who
were annoying a Chinaman, he struck
a Chinaman's horse with a stone. The
horse ran away ami the CMn-iman was
thrown out of his wagon and killed.
.HOFUS jtt.NSi!., oec.
fur- Steffi. il
May be found In his office until II
'o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until i
p. in., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
AT LA'".
Office on Second SMet, Astoria, or.
The Assooiated Press News Conteiasd
In the Afternoon neporc.
Madrid, Mardh 27. Furthc-r resisna-
11 ,.r Mii..f itnr .la s r me nuie su-
"rnment. Induding that of the presU
Sen,t of the Cu"ia tariff committee, are
announced. The 10111 lncre&Kins
irmv eiiatinc'enlts, raiseu xno v"--e --l-
'eutive force fr;m .1.000 to xa.uuu
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
J. S. BISHOP. M. D.,
Office and rooms in Kinney Block.
I Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30.
Surgery and Diseases 01 women a specialty.
w ho care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Office, 584V4 Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronlo
DR. O. B. ESTEfl.
Special atlfciirinn to dleaneR of wom
en and surgery.
Offlci over Danzlger'ii afore. Atorla.
Telephone No. 52.
E WANT you to make no al
lowance. Our Gents' furn
ishings are as good as we
say they are. Do you think
how rare such agreement is?
We run a clothing store for men with
no dead places in it! You know how easy
it is to heap up a lot of things that nobody
TTle wants and so make a sliowvof plenty.
ovprnment will immediately send ad- . , Ktr,. ; -liir the one
... . . ... - 131 I LUC UUWtU VVi-l .v,v.. -
r una. reinrorcemerJis 01 u.uuu m
Financial Secretary.
. 1 1 In II, d lltlftt 1V-lt.
the body was.iauu
lug place. The rail bearers were: n
r. SmlBh. F. I. Dunibar, F. J. Taylor,
B. VanDusen, Joseih fiurprenant and
C. J. Trenohard.
we have only the beet.
CrlKlSTENSEN CO.. Prop'rs.
.'uture. Consultation on all analra.
Price, 50 centa and upwards. Recom
mendations from aeverol hundred per-
4ona. 45S Exchange Btreet, oorner Of
10th street.
Warrant that the most com
fortable nipetlte In the city
may be spoiled by drinking
poor whisky. We've studied
and atudled all the whisky
fada and Ideas and we naval
learned that
. tnr'r-?ro -lift. !-
lLl0 YT IllSIWjr.
1. iv,- ,t mule. But you must be I
.,, vou get Cutter'a. Some people I
advertise tt but don't keep It; we do.
Local waather for tha tw.nty-four
. . T m. , K d. m. yaaUrdaor. fur-
T Vha United State. Depart-
.'.r Arrlcultuie. weathr bureau.
''u-. vi mil m leiiiwrature, 1 dkrea.
!.,. miiin 1i-mirMiir. tieareea.
YT. HiUaiion. men,
Mljhest Honors World' Fair.
Ts"- 'J-r-iitlia,tin from Septembaa I pure Crape Cresm of Tartar Powder. Free
....-.-n. H?5 i.--. , Jo4aAT.msris.A!'Jnoinyotliafadultrint
ym or tciii" i'-- --
The British bark Glencalrn arrived
down yesterday In tow of two steam
era. As they were crosalivg the bay
the two steamers could be plainly seen
but their smoke hid the tall masts
from view, bua the lmPreslon
monv oeonle along the docks that
,h Onoen and Gatiert were haWng a
bruBh. A look through the glass though
ahwed nJalnly their mistake.
Ohlof iEhk"Iner AVlams haa received a
- - ir..j..i v.nnnt sieves to ue
...4 ftr testing the fineness of grind
Ing of Ithe samidee of different brands
of cement submitted In competition for
use on the proposed water wonts, -me
wire cloth of one of the sieves Is so fine
Hh,t Uwr are thirty-two thousand
openings to the square Inch, and yet
SO per cent of the cement iu a parrei
to be used must pass through these
amall openings or be rejected.
The literary arl musical entertain
mnt, Allowed with refreshmerKa and
a,.-la.ble, to be given at the Methodist
church this, Thursday evening, prom
tne to t a. moat enJoyaMe fiff air. The
musical program, con stating of vocal
ami Inwtnunental aolos, choruses, and
n-eraJ selections by tha nwle qimrte
They Are Due and Delinquent Aocord-
lnt to Sheriff Hare's Warrant.
Ycfcterday was about the most quiet
day at the sheriff's office that has beer,
experienced eUnce the tax books havt
been thrown open. The previous daj
was the heaviest, and the bojs wen
kept busy far Into the night balancing
hf.p hooks. There seems to 'be an
Impression abroad that Sheriff Hart
has full authority to extend the timt
for collection of taxes. Tills is not only
a wrong Impression, but It will per
haps be a surprise -to the tax-paylog
public to know that '84 taxes are now
delinquent, and the sheriff has the
authority to go ahead and collect the
taxes of any Individual by attaching
and selling whatever personal property
he can get hold of. The warrant is
sued by the county court to the sher
iff Is mandatory, and he cannot go be
yond Its Instructions. It Is as follows:
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, as
To the Sheriff of Olatsop County, greet
Chattanooga, Te.m., 'March 27. At
'unni'l No. ii. near Somerset, shout
vsn o'clock fhis morning, five robbers
boarded an express car on the Cincln-
H Southern ran. A nn.i enneu
iftween them and the trainmen. Two
f ith! robbers were killed and one
intiired. and tha Cher two escaped
-1 the woods. No trainmen were hurt.
St. Inils, March 27 A fp3! to the
-Miit.rvippaMh rays the Fiai' bank of
iKnm Til., was entered last nignt
by unknown men, who h'nv op"n the
nurt and extracted vuvu in rurrem,
Miniot, N. D.. March 27 The rel--iT-e
of Phoenix Obr'stlnnson, a car-
nriter .burned lat ni"Wt; five chlld'-en
n,lnw fi-o.m 3 to 15 yea "a. perinoa.
Wn.sMnwt'nin. Marrh 27. Postmaster
-enei-al BlBRell wi'l retire AnHs 4, and
"llson will formally take charge.
London. Mar lh 27. A dlit-h from
hana-hal says 39 cases of cholera In
ne day ar? rejionted nmon? the
troops at Port Arthur.
Foderalsburg, M l.. 'March 27. Marrle
lean, dausiliter of Jacob Dean, living
it Harmony, Caroline cnum-y. failed
i return from school last n'gi'it. A
-ar-chlmr party found her body with
r 'thrnat cut from ear to ear and
herwise maltreaited. Lj-nchers are
Tking for the murderer. Fnanclwo, March 27. The ptean.
'h'.p Australia arrived this forenoon
Honolulu. The latest Hawillan
'.dvlees contain no reference to the de-
and n-'a.le 'by Secretary GreFham for
Vie recall of Minister Thurston, and It
's evident that no knowledge of this
i.ft-''' diJpJ.-Hiiaitic inrtJent had ra hed
'he Hawaiian people. Whe her the Ha-
'iHan governnvenlt has any knowledge
of -the sHate of affairs at Wahlnpifon
1 simply a matter of conjeciture. Mar
tial law was declared off on March 18.
he larger part of the 190 prisoners
re working out 'their sentences In the
quarries or on the roads. AKprne
Jenenl Smith, on being asked what
imposition was 'to be made of the
x-nueen, replied. "She is already dis
posed of. No advances have been made
0 t'he government 0.1 her part. She will
V kept where she Is."
Millwaukee, March 27. Following are
he estimates of the losses by last
night s lire: Plankington estate, on
luildlngs, $235,000: Lands ur & Co.,
vh.ilesale dry goods, $400,000; Bene-
I you care to pick at. f here is'nt a trash-
eddy in all the tide of mens tilings rusn
ing throuji this store-.
The Clothier.
HordTimes Have Corns ,
Trying to Make it Easy,
Wre wish the public to understand
that we Bell exclusively nouung
i-"or 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's cele
brated N. P. Beer at 5 cents a glass.
The whisky is the same as we havi
been selling ever since we have Lcei
in business, and we are g-olns to con
Unue the same as long as we can get a
square deal on both sides.
Corner 9th and Bind
Office, Rooms S and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te.
6. Residence, 639, Cedar street
German Physician.- Eclectic.
Office west of Ross, Biggins & Co.'s
store, 51S Bond street. Prices, calls,
il; confinements, $10.00. Operations at
office free. Medicines furnished.
Houses to rent. A.l kinds of prop
erty tor sake. Corresyoada'iite and
ousiness sj.icited. omce Wei'h jilock,
uo-i coiiuueiviau Street, AoWiid, ui-con.
J. N. Doipii.
Richard Nixou.
: New and Second-Hand :
Full line Crockery
Tinware, Stoves.
S'cove Repairs a Specialty.
Highest c ish prices
paid for second-hand
goods of all kinds.
434 Bond Street.
(Opposite Patker & Hansen.)
Chester V. Do,pn.
Portland, Oregon, 21, 25, id. and 2T.
.itaniiuou Bundiiig. All legi and 1.0I
..wn ijuo.ueio puo.i.p..y a.Undcd 10..
.ii...3 aimJL cue gtiein..,e.u a spe-.,u.lty.
TEMPLE LOOGli NO. T, A. F. mit
a. M. -Regular cuiiiiiiuiiicallons heliJ
in Hie la-st and third Tuesday everjig
of each month.
W. Ci. HOWELL, W, M.
E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary.
received Just what you want, at Wing.'s, 529 Third street.
WANTED To rent, or will buy at
fair price, a second hand type-writer.
Smith machine preferred. Inquire at
this office.
KKAT'N" & C-u will oi.eii their
Music ll,il t S',1) Aslor Hreel,
SutunUy the H.lh. Tl-ey will
keep g"o 1 linnorp
WANTED A girl to do general
housework. Apply to E. Gustin, 525
Commercial streat, Uppertown.
1 WANTED Agents to represent tha
I old National Life Insurance Co.. of
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, S2-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
In he name of the State of Oregon gregate 80 per cent of the loss.
you are hereby commanded to collect Butte. Mont., Maroh 27. The great
Ohe taxes changed in the within list Davis will contest has been setitled.
or assessment roH, and to make tnei The disputed will was probated today
525.000: Roebal & Reinhart, art store, lime.
'20,000; F. Hopkinson Smith, paintings.
fla.OOO; 'Mardhe, $10,000; Colum
bia Clothing Co., $5,000; Tanner & Co.,
furniture, $100,000; Barling & Warn-
bold Co., building. SS0.000; Sohllt2
Brewing Cq., building, $8,000; William
Hallman. buildings. $9,000; Ma' hew?
Urea.. $5,000; James Morgan & Co., dry
goods, $2,000; other losses about $5,000;
total, $930,000. The Insurance wtll as
sume ibv the sale of the goods and chat
tels of the respective persons named In
said list. If neveswry. u1 ltnat you
pay over all motiiea collected by you,
bv virtue of this warrant, to tine coun
ty treasurer of said county, and return
this warrant, together with the list
aforesaid, and entries Uhereon. of all
by the consent of all parties to the
suit, and the fmllowlng decree of dis
tribution was entered: The Sheffield
heirs, of the chlhlem of Asa Davis, ore
given one Kwenly-tlfth of the estate.
and three-quarters elevenths, and the
Saturday, March 16,
At 566 Commercial Sireet,
IHaseam & Optical Illasion Exhibition.
$75.00 A WEEK paid to ladies and:
gents to sell the rapid dish washer..
j Washes and dries them In two min
J utes without wetting the hands. N01
I experience" necessary; sells at sight;
i permanent position; Address W P. Har
irison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus,
oavTneiWs to vou to the county court contestants, who receive six and one-
of the said county of Clatsop, rtate of quarter elevenths. Andrew J. Davis
Oregon, on or before the first Monday retains the First National Dank stcck.
Nine beautiful and mystifying Illusions j Money to loan on firgt-ciass approved
riensiiu tnQ performance. An enter- j security. Frank Spittle, attorney at
taiument expressly for Ladies and child- iaw.
ren. Will be open daily from 1 to 10 p. j . .
The remainder is divided between the! ru. F.xli'l jtions every .0 minutes. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on'
heirs, J110. A. Davis, who receives four Admission Ilk). Reserved chairB 5e extra, j Hand ley & Hans. 150 First street nrt
, the Dally Astorlan. Visitors need
, I not miss their morning paper rhut
of Anril. A. D.. 1S95.
in witness whereof. I have hereunto
et my hand and affixed the seal of
saM coumv, hls 19th day of February,
A. D. 1S95.
County Clerk.
There are a good many heavy tax
payers who have not been around to
receive Ihelr receipt as yet, and if they
are waiting until the last day in whtch
to present thenue4vea, some of them
are going to get left as there Is suit
to be a big rush. But three days remain
In which to pay taxes, and those who
really want to pay UP had better get
In early and avoid the ru.h.
All parliea to the suit are satisfied
and the celebrated case will probably
be heard of no more. The estate is
valued at several millions, .
kn. Colombia. March 27. A great
battle weu fought at Ensiso March 15,
between the government forces under
General Reyes and the rebels. The lat
ter were defeated after a struirgle last
ing ten hours. Although. L600 of the
government troops died while on the
march, the rebels, who tmmoered 2.30.
were routed and the town captured.
The povernment f urors lost. Ti-O. a-nif
the retbels l.i'W. Two thousand rebels
Lon Anirees, March 27. Dr. Richard
Cook, a Ohristkui Science healer, and
Jttt S'amls, re wife rt-Vl In chlld-
thlne need "o i1vertf-
111K but In.licd we Jmt J r
want ti, tell ou ihe extra 1
ordinary low rlc of
millenerv gooilt for
-iwintr nd iiimmer wer.
ho come nd us be
fore pun-hainir.
Cor. 3h aiidConimerelal St.
fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and ap-lcot brandy. Also French
Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's.
rf sold . ,.ii hlP,
. t , 1J..,. II j 11 -rial
nat me umwi - , nnllnr.
to do in selecting- their liquors was Jil
pick cut what intelligent people wouia,
want If thev knew It as experienced
people should know it. Make a note - - "
of this if you want pure liquors. George Dr. Price s Cream tuiKing Powder
Rut ley. Proprietor. ' Oar nU CoU lfjlwi-utr Fi:- Sr- Fm-f ,
,.r, to lt, l.s inrnva.