The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1895, Image 3

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m iiiili iMottku A8;bali , .bdav -tifom makCU its. imL
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good efieet upon their children."
Dr. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real Interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves."
Dr. J. F. Kiucheloe,
Conway, Ark.
castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
H. A. Archer, M. D.,
hi 8a Oxford 6t., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart,
tnent have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital abd Dispensary,
Boston, Moss.
Allen C Smith, Pra.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Of approbation to the plnnicle of popu
larity, Hoptetter's Stoniaoh. Bitters
has acquired a commanding position,
which has occasionally made a bright
and shining mark for knaves, who Beek
to foist upon, the community spurious
compounds In the pulse akin to that of
the real article. These are mostly lo
cal bitters or tonics of great impurity,
and, of fourse, devoid of medicinal
elllcacy. Beware of them and get the
genuine Bitters, a real remedy for ma
laria, rheumatism, kidney trouble, dys
pepsia, nervousness, constipation and
biliousness. Physicians of eminence
everywhere commend the great lnvig
orant, for both Its remedial properties
and its purity. A wlneglassful thrice a
day will soon bring vigor and regular
ity to a disordered and enfeebled system.
"But evil Is wrough toy want of
Ah wie 11 as want of thought."
By want of thought mothers allow
daughters to become frail and puny.
Over-studv in girls induces uterine dis
orders and weaknesses, and Wights
their future happiness as wives and
mothers. Joined to proper hygienic
care, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is a priceless remedy In such ailments.
its value becoming even more apparent
everv vear. Using it. the wan, deDlll
tated school girl gains color, flesh and
Milrits. losing those deathly heada-hes
tormenting backaches. lannor, dejec
tion, and other symptoms of functional
irregularities find nervous debltltv. It
never harms the most delicate girl.
Itobertsdale, Huntlnedon Co., Pa.
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion: Gentlemen I cannot sufficiently ex
press to you my gratitude for the bene
fit your medicine has conferred upon
my daughter. Of late she has su'Tered
no pain whatever. It Is simply marvel
lous. You have Just reason to call It
your "Favorite Prescription," and to
stake your refutation as a physician on
it. A favorite prescription It is. Indeed,
to ynu and to thousands In th's 'and,
and I ibMleve it will be to thousands of
suffering wmen the world over.
Yours Oratefully,
Asthma cured bv nwly dls"overed
treatment. Pamphlet, ter.tinonlals and
references free. Address World's D's
rniry Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure,
and the most dreaded sick headache
yield to Its Influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle and
give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
of habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled
with VA.y Spells, Electric Bitters Is
!he Medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by Its use.
l.ivrje bottles enly one dollar, at Chas.
Iters' drug store, Odd Fellows' build
Editor Astiorian:
Your editorial In Wednesday's Issue
was a eenuine surprise. They say that
"surprise parties are not always wel
come," and this was one of the "un
welcome" ones. We lhad always sup
posed that the Astorlan favored the
maintenance of the library by the city.
since Ithe best interests for the morals
and education of Ithe public would
thereby be su'teerved. It has been con
ceded ever since itlhe library was open
ed, .that it is the only roon-seetarian
nubile influence for good that is in ex
istence in our city. Lodges and their li
braries are open only to members. The
public library welcomes all, and tney
are free to pass a quiet, orderly even,
ing or afternoon In a warm, well-llgb-ed
room, under elevaitlng Influences.
The amount ordered deducted eax
month from tbe past appropriation to
the fire department is more Man three
times wWalt the association as
ovji iv rmnrment to tbe evil in-
n,,., around our young men and
boys, the only respectable public place
of entertainment, for those who have
no Home or family, Ibe closed? Have
you eatimfliieu uc -men
and boys that foave been Influenc
ed for good by ithe open doors of the
library' Over rtine hunareu raw".,
some months; rarely ever under seven
hundred. Yet on the pitiful Pa of
e-onomy you would advise turning
ihe readers out to seekrthe well-UgJi
ed and .warmed dens of vice end sin.
Esther you lhave not properly consid
ered this matter or you have listened
to poor advisers. Who have warped
v,,r better judgment. The Astorlan
Juts always been considered the purest
aper in tne my
th fhfit (Interests of the city.
would dislike to see her step down from
tMs nosltlon. We are confident that
the taxpayers would be with us if the
matter was submitted to the public
vote. We ask you to look inio u
merits of both sides of this matter,
Interview those who have the best in
tercets of the city at heart; the largest
tax payers; those who do most and
talk least, not those who pay no taxes,
but harangue street corner crowds, ana
you -Wffll have good reasons to alter
your views expressed In the editorial
to which we have objected.
A friend of the library as one of the
influences for good in this city.
Will Be Presented With a Magnificent
Testimonial from the People of
the State.
Yesterday Judge Gray received a cir
cular from Governor Lord regarding
the proposed testimonial to toe pre
sented to ithe big battleship when she
arrives in Oregon waters. The circular
is as fuUNiws:
Plate of Oregon., Executive Dopart-
menlt Salem, 'March 2... ISSo.
To Mayois of Incorporated CUtits, Rep
resentatives of Commercial Bodies.
tnwl otliera whom lit imay concern.
A battleship of the first class, con
structed at San Francisco by the Unit
ed Staites government, having been
christened the "Oregon," the delegates
of numerous cities, chambers of com
merce and boards of trade met In Port
land tin December, 1895, and formed an
essoclatlon whose object should be the
preparation of a suitable testimonial by
our people in acknowledgement of this
recognition of our wtalte. At this meet
in. Hon. W. S. Mason was elected
chairman, and Hon. J. . D. Gray was
rhosen secretary. After favorable dis-
ruaslnn of a OTODOSlitlon to prepare a
memento In .the form of flags, silver
rervlce, or ship's bells, tt was thought
ht an the secretary notifies me, to
defer action until a short time before
h K.m-ivra! nf the "Oretfon" In our wa
ters. The ship Is now receiving her
armament and equipment, and It is be
lieved will be put In commission and
oft nreeon waters within six
months. Chairman Mason and Secre
tary Gray now request the Executive of
th state to name a . y
whn the association they represent
may meet and complete its work.
. n wMlh this request, be
lching we should foster and cuMvate
. n,iri of state pride, and ttvinklng
n ' .f on mnnortune time for ac
: ht u.k.. imritA mavora of incor.
iim trt rmeet in the State
Capitol the 22d day of April, 1895. at 2
o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of con
sidering and determirtlng the matter of
presenting to the commander of the
' .77'." fr-w n her arrival in
ftbHM "token of our
apprecbation or the high honor
b"towea upon rau "
- VI. T. LORD, Governor.
Attest H. R. KINOAID,
Attes.. n. . gecretary of state.
Replying to a question as to the
manner of procuring and presentation
of a itesltimoniall. Judge Gray saia yw
v,i ran see by the governor's cir
cular that a call has been made for a
wresentortlon from the various elite
vte to meet at the capftol and
dls"UFs the manner of procuring and
,, suitable testimonial to the
rihin Oregon, which is expected
to be comrletted and ready for servlct
within . few months. The wnoie mav
ter will probably be tborougWly discus
v.... a . ramet sweoper tha
, barks the furniture or brushes the 1 fe
out of the carpet, or kick- '
f othnrimr it. or lops Its handl
! oht fnr vnu to trip over. You may
..,. thoi- Hnrt under one name
: or another. Pass on, and remember
Blssell's Grand ttapias owecjr.
eomes as near to "broom work as a
machine can. No noise, no drag or.
tr. run it. almost sucks the dust
.. Htimna with a touch; the r.0n)ipii PnHnn. and Great North'
vinr.'a rv.nVF.R ROOT will purlff v' , 4 .vima or digs In as you press . ,. iiimi at the -ery lowest rates
n.m vu w . . r ui udii j . . , , i . . . . . . -
your blood, clear your complexion, icB , llffhUy or heavily on tne nantue.
You 11 say tt monoponie
virtues. And the price Is only J2.99.
v n,ihi to know this: DeWltt's
Witch Hazel SaWe will heal a burn and
stop the pain Instantly. It will cure
badly chapped hands, ugly wounds.
Bores and is a weu-Known ture
plh-s. Chas. Rogers.
ulate your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts.. 50 cts., and U.O0.
Sold by J. W. Conn.
You make no mistake when you take
DeWitt's Little Early Kisers ior -lousness.
dyspepsia, or headache, be
cause these little pills cure them. Chas
The K eade.
Commercial Street.
una mUW per uuu. tr
rr0 v A The Favorite tOOTB JfJWIts
1LO jU.UortbeToetUudlireatb,Mi
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Acts as trustee for corporations and
individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on saving
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent pe'
annum. . . .
J, Q. A. BOWLBY Fresioent
BKN.T. YOUNG Vl fwiwm
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson,
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
E. ricNEIL, Receiver.
Are You Going East?
ir so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the 'Burlington
RouU," 250 Washington st., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodation for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
in iMr.r the Northern, union, noun
North Pacific Brecuery
Bohemian l ager Beer
M nrjKrs promptly ittenied to
Japanese Bazaar
Don't buy any Spring goods until you
have looked our stock over. It will pay
you and as usual our prices are such as to
give us the bulk ot tne lames irauc m
417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's
Fruit Store.
The Burlington Koute is generally
nnrn4pd tn he the finest equipped rail-
mart In the world lor an ciasse v
travel. .
ed and committees appointed to carry
out the details neceefary to cohbu....
mate the objeots specified In the gov
...... uiaaa and the ideas oi
lviy uwii Tit..w,
others with whbm I have discuss.
fd the subject, will be first to decide
...w k'nd of testlmoniall snail
adopted, and the estimated cost of the
same. The plan, to procure a
service composed of a number of
pieces, one of which would be appor
tioned to each city In the state, I think
is a good one, and then each city could
decide how much money they wished to
expend in the matter of engraving, etc.
their particular donation. The Idea is
that each locality shall have some
scene, most appropriate to its neighbor
hood, engraved on the article or arti-
cles which they wisn to i h.v.u
In the testimonial. By so doing every
section of the state, after which the
munificent battleship was named, will
be represented, and can "be pointed to
with pride by the officers, no matter
In what clime they may be.
..w. ov inaulries from several
prominent Jewelers, wishing! to com
pete for (the work, and It will he well
for them to present their catalogues
and estimates to the meeting on April
22d, for prdbaWy shortly after the
meeting the purchase will be made."
It Is expected the battleship will visit
our waters as soon as completed, and
thpn he uresentaition will be made.
Of course Astoria is not going to be
behind wltflJ her testimonial.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Cholc Wine. Llquori and Clgai.
Only handed over the oar, The largest giaia
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette St.
A. V.
Groceries, Flour, l-eed,lProv.isions, Fruits,
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squcmoquc Streets. Astoria, Ore.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, flrst-clasa horseshoeing, etc
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria, Or.
Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant.
50a Bond Street.
The Celebrated Buttermilk Suop
This Kt'hVetcr Luip, wltli himnej
wick nud buiniT, 33c.
Lnrue Bottle Household Animounil3c
Wash Boards l7o. to 81I0.
Comforts 1.13,
Veiling per yurd 12o.
Lace from lo a jard to 14 c.
Overalls OOo.
Quilts l)8o,
Silk Garter Web per yard 10c
Breakfast Shawls iioc.
Bindlnus per roll !io.
Pearl Buttons from 7o lo 150 a dozen.
Smoked Pearl Buttons 5o to 8e 11 dozen
Towels 00.
Table Oil Cloth l!) and l!0o 11 yard.
Boys Pnnts l!c.
Ladies Underwenr all prices
Corset Waist lc. 1
Meu's Underwear all prioes.
DeLong's Hook and Eyes per card 12e.
Safety I'ins per dozen I!o.
2 Foot Rules 80.
Shoe Brushes lOo.
Nargini? Bottle 9c
VaHeline, large bottle Bo
BoyB Suspenders 10c.
Men's Suspenders all prices,
Umbrellns $1.22, $1-09. ,
Lsdies' Hose 9o.
Flavin Cards 8o, 10c,
Ladies' AproDs 24c, !47c, 34c.
Men's Hose 5c to 32c,
Itinnxr Hells 40. flc. 20c.
Coffee Mills that hold a pound, 57o.
Oval Top Looking Glnss, 25o.
Gives Clioie
Tmo Transeontmsnta
Specially Manufactured to aid those
afflicted with RHEUMATISM. It Rives
lone to the stomach and purines the blood
better than any other bitters known.
For sale bv all leadluir driiRglsti, or
Address "G. R." P.O. Box 66,.
Astoria, Or.
PETER BRACH, General Agent
im Commercial Street, Astoria, OreRon.
Telephout No. 14.
and .
St. Paul.
Pullman and Touri4 Sleeper
Pre Reollnlng Chair Cera,
These tiny Ccpsulea tiro superior
to- Bulaam 01 Lopaiua,
Cubcbs and Moctlons,
They euro In 48 hours the
saino diseases without anylncoa-l
The Oasis of the
Colorado Desert
A flew
BELOW the level
Dry and Pure Tropica
A, 180. Postoflice. ASTORIA, OR
The best salve In the world fot Cuts,
Itrulses. Sores. Lleer3, Salt rtheum,
fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Plies, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by
Clias. Kogers, Odd Fellows' building.
The World's Pzlr Tests
showed ao powder
so pur9 cr so great In Ieav
cnins power ss the Poyal.
Hut ride Inside the Electric Lighted
and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment
Car trains of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee
and St, Paul Railway, and you will b
as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as
In your own library or boudoir. To
travel between Chicago, St. Paul or
Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and
Omaha, In these luxuriously appointed
trains. Is a supreme satisfaction; and
th anmewhat ancient advertisement
for runner panicum
Busy people have no time, and sensi
ble people no Inclination to use a Blow
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts
promptly and gives permanent results.
Chas Rogers.
Pronounced by Physicians th
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from ...
Lung Diseases and
. Rheumatism
1 n 1 mov
Many Remarkable Cures
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or
St. Paul.
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia, Sunday, Marsh 10.
Queen, Friday, March 15.
ColumWa, Wednesday, March 20.
Queen, Monday, March 25.
Columbia, Saturday, March 30.
Astoria and PortlnrJ Steamers.
TTnrenftpr tha O. R. and N. Co.'s boat
will run as follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As
toria at 6:45 a. m. daily except Sunday,
and Portland dally ab 8 p. m. except
Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave
Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland
at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday.
For rate and general information call
on or address
C. r uvJiuiiJAUoii,
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. pas. Agx., f oruana, ur.
Are You Going East?
Be iur anfl see that your ticket
reads via
$$m Works,
Since the Washington legislature hat
abolished the Sunday close season sec
tion In the salmon protection law, and
the Oregon law remains as it was, ,tht
question lhas arisen as to whether the
oulte recent decision of Circuit Court
Jude McBride. of the third district
as to concurrent jurisdiction of Oregon
and Washington courts over the Col
umbia, river, will stand a practical test
lon as the law was the same or
bcth sides of the river, tt suited the In
terests of the fish commissioners oi
'both states to work in harmony tc
secure its enforcement, and thely each
Invaded the ofher's territory at will
The reu5t was a strict enforcement of
the Sunday close season law. But now
the conditions are different, end If the
Washington fish commissioner did not
reser.t the encrouchments of the Ore
gon official, the latter would be con
stantly in hot water with his own peo-
I pie. A prominent ana tnnuentiai van-
nerymar. from up the Columbia vert
1 lured the opinion last evening that
Judge McBrlde's decision would not
hold ivi-ater if put to a prartical test
Ho Bald that the Oregon nun prmciui
might ipertiaps be sustained on a decis
Ion In which floating gear, such a
nota .tv. were concerned, but,
-when it came to a question of station-,
ary gear, suci as trapa and wheels, ltj
is extremely doubtful -whether tne su
preme court would sustain the decis
ion. At any rate, packers on the Wan-
inggton side of tne rtver are vrevnns
Oencrol riachlnlst and Boiler Workj.tlK
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of anv Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavelte St., Astoria, Or.
ui. 1 to read.
see small bills." Small mils (ana large j t0 lake n4l geven days In the wee
during the open season, ana iney win
fight any effort on the part of the Ore-e-in
authorities to put e stop to It
ir ha tieen utnreteJ that ft friendly
suit be instituted tn the courts to test
the matter, and 1? tre supreme coun
irdflHii a rl!d J 11 ire McBride. lackers
Dr Price's Cream baking Powder j -reneraliy express a wli'msmess to abide
, --r-.-'-ft.'-'f.-r.tHrlo ny the old tew Oreg'Miian.
Mr. G. Caillouette, Dmggls'. Beavers
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the phy
sicians for miles around, but of no
avail, and was given up ana torn 1
could not live. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery In my store I sent for a bot
tle, and began to use it, and from tne
first dose began to get better, and after
using three bottles was up and about.
again. It is worth Its weight In goia.
We won't keep store or house without
It." Get a trial bottle free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build
Gentlemen:-I have always recom
mended Krauae' Headache Capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon in my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Youri truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent
SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough
r-rniin Cure, is tn great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five dosej
only 25 cents. Children love It Bold
by J. W. Conn.
in I. Van kiln buys. Kood dress opens
ail doors, you Bhuuld not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
.1, .in Couture. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
Glab Syrup l'itouer 21c.
Padlocks 7o, 12o, loo.
Choppinff Bowls 13c, 27o, 80c.
Clothes Pins 25 for 6c.
(Glass Tumblers 36c a set.
No. 'i Lamp unimneys uo.
No. S "Never Break" HkilleU Uo.
Tin Pot Covers 3c, 4c, 5c.
Cake Lifters 60.
Scalloped Shelf Paper 30 sheets 5c.
30 Feet of ClotlieB Line 4c.
Bottle of Sewing Machine Ull 40.
Nickel Alarm Clocks 91o.
Preserve Kettles 10c, 12c, 14o.
25o Novels 6c,
Decorated Chamber Pails 33o.
Reflector Lumps with burner and
chimney 33o.
Travelling Alcohol Lamps l5o.
Meat Saws 33o.
Coat Hooks 6 for 5c.
Fire Shovels 6c, Oo, 17o.
Tea Spoons per sbt 60.
Iron Bhelf Brackets per pair 4, 0, 22o,
Th nhlontlons urged again s t Indio
in tha Dast by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to take
advantage of its beneficial climate, has
i been a lack of suitable accominoaa-
tlon. The Southern Paclllo company,
takes pleasure In announcing that several
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hnuo timt een erected at Indio sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
I at reasonable rates. They are iur-
nUheit with modern conveniences, sup-
nii. with nura artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be Qertvea irom a more
or less protracted residence in mis ae
llghtful climate.
(From the Ban Francisco Argonaut.)
tha he&rt nf the great desert of
h rn.ra,n whlrti the Southern Pa
cific road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, u
the sanitarium or tne earin. we w
lieve, from personal investigation, that
-.,i..t. nf the Bauschule Holzminden,
Germany, and Massachussets Technology
Offic, Room v SherlocK Bug.. Konuna. ur,
Knives ami Fork, per set from 42c to1.06 for certain invalids, the-e is no spot 01
Meat Broilers 7o.
Dover EjrK Beaters 10c
Wire Huir Brashes 15c., 23o.
Armlets 6c.
Files, 12c.
Dog Chains 15c.
Hutt Hinges from 2c. to Ic.
Bread Boxes, 35c, B5c., 75c.
Corn Poppers, 7c, 140.
Strap Hinges, 8c., &c., ic, so,
Red Ink 4c., a bottle.
Who Is Williams?
Why Williams the
barber at am. Com
mercial street. Shaving 1 5ds; haircut
ting 25 cts; bath 25cts.
or., too) will be accepted for passage
and sleeping car ttoK-ts. ai coupon.
tt-kt asenfs on the coaxt sell tickets
vta the Chicago. Milwaukee and St.
Paul P.e.llwav. or address C. J. Eddy
Oneral Aer.t Portland, O"
G. T. Btewarc, M. v., wrii.
nlr. and the eternal sun
shine, (111 one with wonder and delight
Nature has accompiisneu
much that there remains but little for
man to do. A to Its possibilities as a
hojJth resort, here is tne mosi per.
feet sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain is an unKnown iaciur; pure
iiTtiren. dense atmospnere anu pure
wnicr. What more can oe uesireai
it in the nlace. above all otners, ror
limtr trnuliles. and a paradise for rheu
mtir Considering the numoer oi
uffprers who have been cured, i nave
nn healtancv in recommending tnis
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
d." '
Indianapolis Journal: Watts Did
you ver know of any one dying for
PotUOnce. I knew a fellow who
starved to death after foelng refused by
an heiress.
Easily, CuicV.y, Pa-aanciiily r.estorel
VatrTse, r!oDues
;r.?.- tirr.:'.Mt, m.-i ji: lie train
Vi 5 of -': a-r'y rrnn tit
J c,!:i ',"-!. tO
" 1 I ... ... :: .- 1 -,rtW'i
n -..r.f 1 r-t-n.
I,-.-., wm. h..k.
i" -..ilt.d) Ire.
I vx.iU-.Uc..: - '
Knife Baskets 43c.
3 12c.
. .. .. i30t
1 Onart Conuar Bottom ColTee Tot l!ie.
t n " " l!)c.
i . ' 21e.
Tea Trays 9c, llo. ISc.
14 Qnnrt Tin Pall lc.
Dish Pans 1 to.
Dnst Pans 8c.
Pint Cnps, 2 for 5c.
Largo Glass Pitchers l!Xr, 28c.
Lantern Globes 6c.
Lanterns 45c.
Viftnrfl 1 looks lc.
Window Shades with spring rollers 33c.
The "flKCADE"
Oommerolal Street
lis 612 miles from
imO 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
ir. f,.rther Information Inquire
any Southern Pacific Company agent
or address
Aunt. Cen. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Cfl
tist. Pass. Agt
rnr First and Alder St Portland. Or
This is the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves-
tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Cttr
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national i
tion. All claesea of Ji6enirrs r. ii- l
on the vestlbuled trains without cu -.
charge, fihip your freight ai.a t -. . i
over this famous line. All BK.-n'a hua
W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVa'; -
Oen. Agent Trav. F. ami p. a
tit Washington St., Portiumi, t,