Sriiis mily AsxbiuAi, Asfe)itk .irfet?itai)Ai iibkWM mmch as, tin r,f .v,V TliRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. ;t;rved by carrier, per weex.... 15cU rient by mall, per month.. COcts .Sunt by mail, per year J7.00 WEEKLY. .Sent by mall per year, J2.00 in advance, Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to its sub' tfcrlbera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia liver. Alvertlslng rates can be had on ap' plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly In the state of Oregon, lias, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state, Handley St Haas are our Portland agents and copies of the Astorlan can be bad every morning at their stand on First street The Alliance, affair, while important and lrrttaiUng, is now a secondary mat ter compared wfth the Nicaragua lnct dent. avs a Washington letter. The browbeating1 course of England toward that little country and Its determina tion ito secure $76,000 damages for an alleged insult, Is regarded as of ex ceeding seriousness. Nicaragua is com idered In many ways under the pro tection of the Unletd States, and the domilmeering policy of England creates anxiety nd irritation as well. It is felt that In this matter vigorous action Is demanded, and the attitude of the present administration Is watched with Interest. There 4 a curiosity to know whether that Americanism which cropped out In the Alllanca affair is but a temporary thing, or whether the , administration has taken a new breath and proposes to astonish the United fitaites by an aggressive American pol icy. It to remembered that lit Is Eng- alnd with Whom lit is dealing now anu that the tendency has been to bow the knee to that country. There is much secrecy In regard to tlhls matter, and equally great pretense as to intentions. What is being done It is Impossible to team accurately. The Venezuela boun dary question is also watched with in terest. In 'this case, also, England Is the aggressor, endeavoring, in accord ance wfth its. ttme-Jionored policy, to eteail or secure by seemingly legal means, all! the territory possible. Mr, Cleveland toas his nan da full, and It remains to b seen" how much force he will Show. Xt baa been an open secret in Wash uigton that tha resentment of the friends of Ue ex-queen of the Hawaiian Islands against Minister Thurston has been a smouldering fire since that gen tleman ventured upon exposing the ab surdities of "Paramount" Blount's re port. That it did not break out in lurid flames ton before this la probably due to the fact that congress, while in ses sion, stood ready to turn upon it a cold and disappointing stream of com mon sense. As when "my policy" was finally determined on, and Wiat other absurd champion of royalty, Minister Willis, was sent on his chlvalrlc errand of succoring 1m silhouette monarch) of th Pacific Ocean just at a time when congress could not possibly Inter vene, so Secretary Qretftvam choose now a convenient' moment when no Impertinent congress can rap the con secrated knuckles or exercise Its pre rogatives In a question which the own er of those same knuckles solemnly relegated to the "wider discretion" of the legislative branch of the govern ment. The insincerity of that step if mw clearly demonstrated, since the letter instructing 'Minister WBHs to de- mand Minister Thurston's recall was 8 nt nearly two weeks before congress adjourned, and yet knowledge of that .fact was withheld from both senate and house. Advance figures obtained from the bulletin of the 8tnJtlitielan of the agrl i'uMural dnrtment for Matvh seem to Ir. lif ale that tho argument frequent ly mails hat Hb vrlce of what Is con- Ni.,::y falling n the face of the fact Vi a there has been no increase In the aniutint vt wheat rataed Is erroneous Th-e figure, wblth have been ob tained from the most trustworthy .ur, iIkiv a Hteady lncrwte In the wh.-Ht ?!i'ly of the world during th l.u-at four vir. Th annual yield has , f ,!. : isfl. S.3T0.OOO.00 bush ,.;; iv,c, 8.M,on0,0C0; 1SSJ. 2.427.000.000; i..4. l.S.auO.O'.'O buul. Notwithstand ing th irucrpase iiHwen la iukI IS3 -. iv.u-J tftte finds itself with fhorier uppdy on hand March 1, 1895; tlian "ever before. This is explained as bdng due ito the fact that wheat has entered so Hargdly Into Hhe food exp ply of animate, owlro? to the shortage i r olher crape. By virtue of folia con i n:iiHtKm of wheiilt, hitherto unknown lii Siils country to, any ailredable ex- ii ifi. there te a smaller surplus to carry t-vvr t'hftii ever tefore. It will take J3W,flOO,000 and poi-lia-ps na,'o to meet China's war indemnity, oiiii representatives of all the Euro yctn banking houses are mow winging tiu-ir way thither to have a finger In that spacious financial pie. Whether It be paid In gold or silver its influence wi;i be felt in the business and finan cial concerns of 'the Western nations, but not necessarily to their injury, Wich the advent of peace there is a proFiwat of a revival of Eastern trade on a scale hitherto unknown, and the beginning of a period of development In China as active and progressive as that which has taken place in Japan, producing In that country a "political, Industrial and social revolution, react lng Wholesomely upon the activity of the world at large. A Berlin correspondent telegraphs a Londim paper under date of March 20 final during the state council's discus sion of .bimetallism Count Mirbach's proposals for an initial understanding with France and the United States were not supported. The opinion pre- vailed that England would not move and ichalt International bimetallism would be Impossible .wlbhout her. The concensus of opinion was tihat if the conference should be held the only practical subject of Inquiry would be, How Is it possible ito raise the price of silver without prejudice to tbe exist ing system? FROM SKIPANON. Editor Astorlan: The Sklpanon Literary and Debating Society gives an entertainment on Frl day evening, March 29, and will ren Cer a fine program. The society lua Just received a new Invoice of book) for their library. Mrs. O. B. "Wirt, th librarian, reports the books a fine col lestlon. The- library and Boclety are credit to Clatsop county and newcom ers will find the society a place to be entertained and educated. Mr. H. C. Harrison, of War ronton has 'been laid up for a few duys by sickness, but Is getting better. Mr. Lloyd Lootnls, of Sklpanon, hat been sick and confined to his room b) tonallltis. Dr. Walker, of Astoria, hai had him in hand. It is hoped he will socn be around. The Campbell Brathera' delivery team took a run on the 23d. While out de. Hverlng goods they Jumped a sand bank six or eight feet high, unloaded the wagon box and cover, and then started for Sklpanon. When the reach broke the hind wheels were dropped, and a little further on, they left the front wheels. No very serious duimage was done. The horses were caught at Sklpamm. Mr. Lorenzo, of Warrenton, Is put' tint? an addition to his house. Mr. Leonard Franklin, who had his hand cut a short time ago, Is doing well and is able to do some work with it. BLUEJAY. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength U. S. Government Keport. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use everal boxes of Krause'a Heariacht Japsules while traveling to Chicago tu atend the National Democratic Con- entlon. They acted ilka a charm in j eventing headaches and dizziness .lavs had very little headache sine ny return, which is remarkable. Yours, respoctfully, JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Reuovo (Pa.) Record. For sals by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, r., sole agent What is the use of having a "humai .orm divine" unless you care for it iiid drape it and clothe it so as t .nako It a Bource of Joy to yourself anc x pride to your friends? Nature sup plies the rorrn. A. Lake, the tailor al j Commercial street will make tht almout. ties hlra. Most people cani.ot afford to expert rent. They want immediate relief. hat's why they use One Minute Cough .'ure. Chas. Rogers. Take a dose of DeWItt's Little Early .ilsei'd Just fur the good they will do ou. These little pills are good for In tegestlon. Good for headache, good or liver complaint, good for constipa Ion. They are good. Chas. Rogers. Cantata hwfpnflv. U. 8. A- San Diego Cal.. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine 1 havs ever found that would -n m any good. Pries 60 us. Sold by J. W. Coun. It cures piles. It cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, wounds. It does this It Ickly. Is there any good reason why vou should not use DeWitts Witch Hanoi Salve T Chas. Rogers. Galveston Nws: If consrress and the Ugllature have left the cltlxen wtlh anything the Master ' bonnet wll' gt It. All the paten: medicines advertised In this paper, together with th choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., ran be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, A.torta, The name One Minute Couch Cure suggest a medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use proves It. Chas. Rogers. Mr. Prke'a Cf.-n EjJs Powdf World's Fair Highest Award. Physician 0 pfesoribe Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophos phites because they find their patients can tolerate it for a long time, as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott's Emulsion is as much easier to digest than the plain oil as milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the fish fat taste is taken out of the oil, and it is almost palatable. The way sickly children, emaciated, anasmic and consumptive adults, gain flesh on Scott's Emulsion is very remarkable. Don't be ptrtuadtd to accept a rubitlluli! Scott i Bowno, N, Y. All Druggist. 50c and $1. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby given that the un derelgned has been aonolnted admin. lstratrlx of the estate of James W, Melson, deceased, and all oersons hav- ing claims against said etsate are nereby repulred to present the same, properly verified, to J. A. Eakln, my attorney, at ma oince in Astoria, Ore gon, within six months from this date, March 1st, 189-;. ELINOR MEMOS. Administratrix of the estate of James w. Melson, deceased ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hearing of objections if any there be, to the final account of the admin istrator in the estate of O. K. Grimes ana Son, is set for eleven o'clock fore' noon of March 30th, 1895, by order of me Jutig-e of the County Court of Clat sop County, Oregon, February 2Gth, l9l. E. M. GRIMES, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hearing of objections, if any there be, to the final account of the admlnls trator of the estate of G. K. Grimes Is set for eleven o'clock forenoon of March 30, 1895, by order of the Judge of the County Court of Clatsop county, uregon, February 26, 1895. E. M. GRIMES, Administrator EXECUTOR'S NOTIC1S. Notice is hereDy given that I have uccti uppointea executor of the last will and testament of I. w. c-ooo ceased, and all persons having claims tteumm uaia eBtate are requested tc present them duly verified, within six months from this date, at Astoria Na- u'wiui uunK. o. STUART, Exejutor. Astoria, February 1C, 1893. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nosice is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the istate of John O. Hendrickson, de eased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them properly verified, with vouohers, at the office of John H. and A. M. Smith,, Astoria Oregon. JOHN W. IIOLMSTROM. Administrator. A THOUGHTFUL PERSON. Consults his best interests by having a box of Krause'a Headache Capsules at hand: taken as directed will prevent r stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the cause In fact if your kull were cracked I would prevent ,jaln. The frequency of the attacks .vlll diminish, and by taking the cap jules at the approach of a headache, you will never have another. Twenty ,lve cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria )regon. Sole Agent A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Keil. Sharpsburg, Pa. Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good word for Krause s Heaaacne capsules After suffering for over thrse yean with acute neuralgia and Its consequent lmomnla '(which seemed to htiffle tht efforts of some of our best physicians) .ou suKcested this remedy whlcn gave me a most instant relief, words ian to express the praise I should like t oi. stow on Krause neaaacr.e capsules. Gratefully Yours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES. Montrose, Pa. For sale by Chns. Rogers, Astoria, Or. This is it This is the nevr shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. It is an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re fined beef suet. You can see that ifefene 13 dean, delicate, wholesome, r.mti7inir. andeconomical-asfat superior to lard as the electric li ght is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial will convince you of its value. n mM and tl the genuine. Kild In tlirm ndttve pound pout by all grocers, ItaUeb THE N. K. FA1R3ANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and The Packers of Choice Columbia : River Salmon Their Brands and Locations. HMK.'V MJCATION. Astoria Pk Co ' Aitoila i i I I Hontll A I't gCo Astorln CulnmbisKlverfkicCo AJlorla j Elmore Samuel Antorls. r, 0 Muffler ft Co BrokOeld 'lhrr.oi'n'i Pig Co.. Atorl . ) Oval 'Cocktail.. tag, Children Cry for FOR TILiLiAmOOK;, NEHALEM OTHEH STEAMERS ?. P. ElifflORE, W. H- HARRISON, AUGUSTA. Sailing dates to and from .Tillamonk and Nelialem depend on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELHORE, SANBORN ct CO, - Astoria, Oregon. O. R. & N. CO., Children Cry for for fflslicrincM On a dark, etormy night, the tide is ebbing fust and the hardy fisherman finds it almost impossible to handle his net, hus hot vu- r topped to think, should it become caught on a snag, what brand of twine would stand the p can si strain? Did he ever ask his brother fishermen what sort or twine thev used? If so in nine eases ut often, if they be successful fisliennm, tile 1 nswer has been "MARSHALL'S TWINE." I1! OIIIHHIWIiaai It si the ONLY Brand of Twine to use. Children Cryfor Antorls, Pk'g Co.! Klnnvy'i I M. J. Kinney AMnria.. John A. I'rYlIu- I ; A. B.Mth Ai Suin ... Chlt-Mfo J Cutting I'kg Co...Sb11 kkucIuco Elmore, Sanborn ABinri. &Co - amri- . J. O. Megler Ji)iookfield Wn St. George... I Klshermen'i...... W Scandinavian 1 1 Klberuieu I Fluhermen't FkgCo.. Antoria Pitcher's Castorla. COAST. POINTS fllili Open por Special Charter. Agent, Portland. Pitcher's Castoria. Pitcher's Castorla. We Ought to Know Something about pianos, for we have boupht and sold them for a life time. The knowledge thus gained has proved to us that the Chlckerlng, the Hard man and the Fischer are the best pl anus now before (he public. They shi.v perfection in every detail. WlbEY B. ALbEfl CO. HAVE YOU A WIFE? Have you any little ones? If so, buy a lot on the Seashore, and build them a summer home. Ther Is no more beautiful place than Silver Point Cliffs. E. Z. Ferguson, agent. Astoria Ab stract Company. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplyln Ships. EVERY REQUISITE TOR : First Class Funerals : -AT- POJlli'S Undertaking Parlors, , THIRD STREET. Ratet Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWINE It astonishes the old time makers to see how the fishermen have taken to Marshall's tivine the Iiwt few Yours nud they inny. THE HIGH BOAT of Inst ijehsou over nil the other boats on the rivci used MARSHALL'S TWINE. WHY? Becnuse it is the Mroni.'eM. Iipi-nnso ' :l i . t 1. I I... 1. 1.. . t I ii hues nut uttii wuiiJvruru uy uifai iijii. Because it is sold with a frnnrimtce t Lint ! if it does not prove satisfactory it chu Le ; brought back at the end of tba season. SEASIDE SAWPih. A complete stock of lumber on band In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of tinlsh Tiouldinpa and Bhingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms rcasonaDK- ind prices at bedrock. All ordei'i I iromptly attended to. OtHee and yurr1 I t mill. H. L. LOP.AN. Prop1' STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav lgation Co. STEALER BillltEY GATZERr. In place of Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Tor Portland and way anuings at 7 p. m. laily, bunday ex :epted. Leaves Portland evf rv day except Sun lay at 7 a.m. C. VV. STONE, Agent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'I Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland HTEAMKR SARAH DIXON, SPRING TIME TABLE, Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday mora lng for Portland at 6 o'clock, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at 7:30. Round trip $2.00; single trip. $1.25. Upper berths 50 cents; lower berths, 75 cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Aatorla. Fine Teas anj CoSen. Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits. Vegetables. Sugar Cured Hams, Bacoo. Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt - Meats. S. H. W1LLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.--"' ITS Twelfth street. Astoria. Or. ll the H- le 1,'liK I', .ill EASTand SOUTH It is the DMMS CAP. RUUTu If ''tTer th liHst shiv nni billow SPEED ami COMFORT H N I he popiil- r rmite lth tlum wlir u! li hi tl :i V-1 mi the SAFEST! It Is tliB'fforr the ri.ule yoo liu (1 take. It runs thrmiKh vetiUiie.i trains eveiy Uhy lu Hie year Id St 0. Mo Changs of Car, Elegant Pullman Slrqicrs, Snperior Tourist Slwpers, Splendid Fret Situiiit-rlass Zum, Only mi rhantfe ot carN PORTLAND io NEW YORK Through Tickets To Any Tart of tut flvillzed world. Passriipi ri. tlrkt'trd via all bontM ruiuuiu bolneen Atturin, halatim ai.d ForMni.ri. Kill) mroniiiiiliiii conetrtiiw ritM. tUr u,i trail's, mutt? hii1 ntlsei drtnlia '' n'-l'i"! fi HpolliiHd n ttt C. VW. H E. A. D. CtaALTrr . A. G. P. A., N. P. IX. B.. 2jj Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, (r. r iiiMisi! mm RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans - Ccnt'nenta Hallway Wyrttenv FROM CCEAJJ TO 0CEWJ -IN- p.-ikee Dining Room and Sleep!.;- Cun LaxarioQS Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allomng leluiketi Viems of the Wouta-tol tfountairj Country. $5.00 and $10.C0 Saw! i;n ull ticket!) ensi.. TmrfrT.vmi lie har on wheels Ro,uijiii-nti or Ihr. very finest throughout. A I.StV- CANADIAN PACIFIC RCYAl KAft STEAHf Hlf UH To China and lanan. Empress of Japan. November 12th. Empress of China. December 10th. For ticket rates and Informal ion. i:ul on or address. JAS. FINLATSON, AKt. Astoria. Or A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass Aet.. Tacoma, WaRh.. Qeo. McL. Brown. Dlst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver. H. c- The Original & Genubo fWOKCK8TKB3HIRE) SAUCE Imparts tha most delicious taste and 1 Hot 4 Cold .Ileal GHAV1KS, SALADS, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take None but Lea A Per rim Blgnatore oa erery boUle of orifnwl Mha) Jvka !- aena. New Vork Pan M Cflica nt to tZa I Jr an r m n rut FISH,