ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. p Hie ASTOf &5 has the I.i'jj est LOCAL cl f:ion, the Lug est GENERA dilation ai.J largest TOT A :ulation of n!i TODAY'S WEATHER. . 3 For Washington ana Ore. eon, rain: cooler: southwest erly (rales nn the coast. L J. ' papers publis n Astoria. rJU TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIV, NO. 7). ASTORIA. OREGON, THURSDAY JIOKNING, MARCH 28 1895. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. I872 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. pisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, f I nr. w.i re, roii & Steel, Coal. Groceries & Provisions, Flourcfc Mill Feed, Painty OiU. Varnislves, Loggers Supplies, Fairlunk's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! Just received a large invoice if Will' pnper direct from Chicago. Ji. F. ALLEN'S, 365 Commercial Street. Snap R Kodak ut any, limn cumlni; out ' mir Bio e Mini you'll ut u ' portrait of it mm britiunlnif nt i-r vttii pleasant thoughts. qiihllry In tin liquor w IwvetooHeriireeiioiiKlilo PLEASE ANY MAN. Corpe and Try Them. HUGHES & CO. IS THERE? f there a man with heart so cold. That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE or m right kind. And we would suggest at this season,. nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Cnn'iinly St.. foot of Jackson, Astorl. General Machinists and Boiler Maker Land Mid Marine Enflnej. Boiler work,' Steam boat and Cannery Wo'rk a Specialty. Castings ot All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretar Hunter Epicures iay the best hum i. pork Sausage COmbinw the flavor of of lean pig rlergen's.pork with the flaky fat and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind of saasage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co' Marke Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth street They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall' Twine as a wooden image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't. They cannot. Violin Lessons given by Mr. Emll Thlelhorn, graduate of the Hamburg Conservatory, Germany; also a member of the Chicago Musical Society. Studio, corner of 12th and Commercla streets, up stairs. THOMAS MOKKO, '"! Blacksmith whoso shop is oppos ite Cutting's cannery', is now prepared to do such odd jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old ones, making rlew fishin boat irons, and re. pairing old ones, and all ether black smithing that requires first-class work manship. riayhap ' Your mind is on repairing your house this spring; possibly on building a new one. If so, remember we are carpen ters and builders with shop full of tools always willing to do such jobs and want your work. MILLER lc VOSNEY. - Shop on Ilwaco Dock. Studying flan Mm Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hat3,Caps, Boots. Shoes, I. U OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 anil SO!) COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. REMNANTS I I lUiUIUmivv r LOLA MONTEZ CREME, Skin Food and Tissue Builder. Docs not cover but heals and cures blemishes of the skin mukes the tlssuea linn and builds up the worn-out muscle mires hikI nm i-h them plump. Lowest In price iinil best In viilue: 750 Larue Hot. A CUUL WITH HTKAIUHT HAlH may keep it tiull'y with FKIZZ. II 'ill f;i ! hair (t rml in damn 111 hral. Loaves no mleky deposit. niB es the linlr glossy; Btmranteeil harmless; Is a tonic for seulp; cleanses the lmlr. Apply r Kl., Use rurnni; noil inn uio iiul ur ru 1 uiu nun 111 Hjiera uiilii pci ic-uny wiy. After using a few times the most stubborn hair will kecplneuil. Hrloe 50 cents. Mr.MiTTIBHAHRISllN, Sold by Beauty Doctor, 40-4ilieury St , Buu Frauclsco. Mrs. D. K. BLOUNT, ' 137 Duane -St., Astoria, Oregon. " KIHBALL" PIANOS 25 ORGANS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Correspondence ALLOTTED. : W. W. Factory 26 & Rockwell St. Chicago, III. Chicago, III. Pacific Coast Oflcc ant) Warerooms, 335 Morrison, cor 7th St. Portland, Oregon. L. V. MOORE, manager. e CASINO. 7th & BOND STREETS. Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, March 25th. ORO & CLIFFORD, Tbe greatest kDOCk-shont Comedians on the coast Direct from the Orrphemn Theatre San Francisco. Edwin R Ling, the great c median direct from New York. Miss Lydia Punly, Astoria's favorite singer, willjiowitively appear in 1 he latest Eastern and European 6ongp. MAY DI VILLON. EARL EALAND BELLE HROWX; OLLIE OA'IMAN. Admission 10 Is the prime neccessity of those who supply his needs in the matter of clothing. In the essentials of quality and style I challenge comparison for my of the lmVdic, as to price, also t r see my show' windows and come inside and price my new lines and be convinced that Ij cannot be beat on the coast for Trunks, Valises4 etc. A FULL. LINE of Garages at GRIFFIN&REED'S REMNANTS I I REMNANTS I I I Hw many we see on our streets only remnants of beautiful women, sliadows of bygone (lavs I It need not be so while thereexists Am- rk'a'nlv jV tiM Doctor. M KS N HV Tl R JUKRISn .., AN OLD WOMAN WITH GRAY HAIR may have it changed in four days to its natural color 1th MRS, HARRISON S MIR "RESTORER. Only four to ten days required to restore hair to nntur:il col- r. Is not a dye or bleach. No sediment or str kiness. Color is permanent when once your hair is restored to its iinturnl shade. Hair becomes glowyr and clean. l ice SI. AX OLD WOMAN WITH WRINKLES may have every trace removed and tbo contour restored. Wholesale Prices Quoted To RESPONSIBLE DEALERS AND 1ERCHANT5. Solicited. : Catalogue Mailed Free on Application. KIMBALL CO. Manufacturers. Main Office and warerooms, 343-353 Wabash Ave., CAD WILSON ucb a Nice Girl. Too." : 1 . . DULY ADAMS.' JOSEPH GRIBBLER. nd 20 cents. ANDILEOD They Arrive in Portland Last Night WHAT MR. HAMMOND SAYS Could Not Borrow Money in New York but Will Furnish it Hiin self-Mr. Stariton Here. Portland, Blarch 27. (SpecdaJ to the Astortain) A. B. HiaimmonU and C. H, McLeod, his partner, arrived tonight, also B. A. Stone, manager ot the Ore. gon 'Pacific. 'Mr. iHammonkl says the option as given toy the Astoria people to Bonner and Hammond, Stanton and aaaocialtes, was in such condition that the acheme couM not be financed In the E5adt In fact no bonds on any new ral'lroaid entenprtse could :be floated owing to the financial market in. 'New York; consequently, all parties connect ed wttih the option have withdrawn ex cept Mr. Hammmond, who is fully pre pared to build ths road provided the Astoria people pdt She proposl'tlon- In such ehaipe that it can 'be handled, which? he has no 3outt will be done when 'tee ees them. , He and his new assoctateai will then put in their lndi' vidual money and faulild the road, as no bonds can be eoild on any new rail road project now. Mr, Hammond and party go to Aatorla Thursday night. As to Oregon Pacific matters, tht surveys will be made for the extension of the line as soon as the legal. Btatue of affairs are determined in the su preme court. If favorable, something will t done with the line at once. Effective April lOPh, the O. R. and N. road will put In new freight rates from Portland to Spokane and Interior points- on a toosls of one-ihialf of the rates from ttie Missouri river to Spo kane. This will let PorDland merchants into territory they have long been shut out of a splendid thing for the coast. ANOTHER INTEIRVIEW. Mr. Haimmond Talks Freely of the A-toria-Gohle Road. Associated Press. Portland, March 27. A. B. Ham- I-. mond, the (Montana capitalist interest ed In the Astoria-Coble railroad, ar. rived in this city tonight.' Mr. Ham mond will leave for Astoria tomorrow night to meet the railroad committee of twenty-one of that city, and, wfth J. C. Stanton, he .will confer with Its members regarding the construction of the Astorta-Gtyble road. When seen by an Oregonian represen tative, Mr. Hammond, outlined the pur pose of his visit, and also said that he expected to tjecome a citizen of Oregon, an'd would bring 'his family ihere to re side. As to the 'building of the pro posed Aatoria-Goble road, he said: "The option "given to Mr. Bonner and myself, in which Mr. Stanton and I, W. Kimball, of Atlanta, Qa., were also associated, could not 'be financed. This was partly due to restrictions contain ed in the agreement, tut more partic. ularly on account of the present con. d.lon of Che money market, and the 'Impossibility of now placing any kind of new securities. In consequence of this, parties who were associated with me In the enterprise iave withdrawn, I have great faith in the project of building the road,' and am prepared to carry out the work myself, provid ing the Astoria people will make some concessions that are now imperative. "The proposed road will be 66 miles In length, and will require the expendi ture of about $2,000,000 to construct It. It will have to be toullt by men putting up their own money, engaging In the project on their own individual respon sibility, and under suoh changed con ditions the people of Astoria must take that under contrfderatlon. The require. menta as to time of construction anxl personal guarantees that Astoria will carry out Its part of the contract muxt also be considered. ''Mr. Stanton, who is now in Astoria, will be Identified with me in any fu ture operations I may undertake In the construction of the road." Regarding the Oregon Pacific road which Hammond and his buslnesa asso ciate, Bonner, purchased some weeks ago for 1100.000, Mr. Hammond aaid: "Until the supreme court decides up- - not In a jxsitlon to do anything. the action of Judge iFullerton In con. firming the sale to us Is upheld, the road will be put In first-class physical condjuoin, the bridge aii thoroughly repaired, and then the extension of the road .will be taken under considera tion. The extension of that road would develop a great lumber Interest and would make it a valuable piece of prop- erty, if properly handled and needed connections made. "The first extension will be to Inde pendence Prairie, twelve miles east ct the present terminal, where it would connect with a wagon road from Prlne-1 vllle and command the trade of East. em Oregon. Valley connections will also be made In due time, if the decis ion of the supreme court is favorable." MR 6TANTON HERE. He Says That Work on the ltoad Will Commence Saturday. It has been a long time since a hap- pier lot of people have roamed the streets of Astoria than were Ho be seen yesterday. Mr. J. C. Stanton, repre- aonfclnir Mr. Hammond, arrived on yes- terday mornlnig's boat and soon the in. formation was given out that actual work on tfhe construction of the road would commence on Saturday next. Of course this was cheerful newB for every ne. and was the chief topic of conver? sation during the whole day. Mr. Stanton is accompanied hy his wife, and they have apartments at th Occident. He looks as hale and hearty as when here four monldhs ego, and is as enthusiastic over the future of As. torla as he was on the day he left foi the East In company with Mr. Ham mond Immediately after signing the contract with the subsidy committee. In conversation with an Astorian re porter Mr. Stanton said: "I am glad to get back to Astoria and announce that the long-talked-of and equally lorag-ihoped-for railroad will be built. Since leaving here In Novem ber, I have spent the greater part of the time In New York In company with Mr. Hammond, who, by the way, Is the greatest and most determined worker it has ever been my pleasure to meet. He is one man in ten thousand, and l doubt If another could have been found Who would have accomplished wihat he has in connection with this project, . He will! herein- Saturday or Monday, and therf can tell you more about his f iture plans. I can positively state, .however, that actual work on the construction of the road will commence on Saturday at Tongue Point, and thence east. One thing is certain: Work once started, and there will be no Stop until the road Is fin tohxd. As soon as Mr. Hammond ar rives then the details of the work will be gone over and he will decide what will be done." "Is It a fact, Mr. Stanton," asked the reporter, 'tlhat you were not Interview ed by a newspaper man at Portland, as stated in an evening paper of thli city?" "Weill, I must say I have not seen any of your evening papers, but can say positively tiha't I was Interviewed by a reporter for the Oregonian, and the manner In which I was quoted in that paper, also in your own dispatch from Portland, is correct. The report- er made a mistake, Hhough, In what he paid outstde of the Interview: that Mr. Hammond would ask for some changes, In speaking further on the subject of the railroad construction, Mr. Stan, ton eitated tfhat a corps of engineers would start out today and cross-sec- on the appeal brought before ft we tion the line near Tongue Point, where prisoners, and return the lands appro the work will commence. It was at prlated for the natives under he name first intended to commence the work with a pile driver, but on account of being unable to secure a sufficient num. ber of piles in time for the work, It was decided to start through the meek of Tongue Point. As soon as Mr. Hammond arrives he Seashore road matter iwfll be taken up and the first payment of 130,000 will probably be made. It Is under stood that Mr. Hammond (has associat ed himself with some very substantial New Tork men, anj Is prepared to meet all options. Mr. Jamleson, a civil engineer of Portland, accompanied Mr. Stanton ytsterday and will take charge of the preliminary survey. It is understood that Chief Engineer Kennedy, of the O. R. and N will be chief engineer of the new road. LI HUNO CHANG. It Is Thought in Official Circles that His Wound Is Very Serious. Washington, March 27. Although notfhlng Is said at either the Japanese r Chinese legations as to the condi tion of LI Hung Chang, it Is known that advices have been received In of ficlal circles that serious results are apprehended from the wound. In fact Information has been such as to cau some discussion as to the effect his death mkgbt have on the situation. It Is believed it will prevent Japan frorr securing as good terms as she Intended to Insist Upon. ' , V 'HARRISON WELL, Iryllanapolls, March 87. Ex-President Harrison has fully recovered. JAPiNISNOTSEUE j;ile Wjil Not be Unreasonable With China. JOQUINE MILLtR HOME. AGAIN Says That Political Prisoners at Honolulu are Dying1 for Want of Air and Food. Associated Press. Victoria, B. C, March 27. Yokoha ma advices to March 12 by the steam ship Tacoma, which arrived tonight state the reasons why Japan Is for the first time hopeful with regard to urn na's overtures for peace can now bt explained. By means of indirect cor respowderree through the delegations of the united btates in tokio ana renin it was dltscoveml that the reluctanc of the Chinese emperor to confer MM power upon an amDassaaor was caus. ed by his dread that the Japanese con' dillons of peace would be overwhelm. ingly oppressive, and that It would therefore be unsafe to authorize any delegate to discuss them on his ow responsibility. "With genuine desire to facilitate progress, the Japanese gov' ernmenlt decided shortly after the de ptwture of Ithe unacceyuable messen gers, Chang and Bkao, to waive a point which they had' previously maintained with firmness, and to relieve their ad vsnmry of the worst of his apprehen slons by comimunicatlmg an outline of tihe terms to be exacted. This was done also Dhrough the medium of the American legations, with the result that Li Hung Chang was Immediately designated to act as ambassador, and the strongest assurances were given to Mr. Denby that on this occasion his credentials should be satisfactory In every particular. It Is not understood thtat Japan's pur poses have been disclosed minutely, but enough has been imparted to show that Ohlna need not fear absolute degrada' tlon or the imposition of Intolerable burdanB- POET OF THE SIERRAS. Joaquin Mliller Returns Suddenly From ' . ; the Hawaiian Islands. San Francisco, March 27. Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierras, arrived from Honolulu today, where he hat been for several months preparing, a history of Hawaii for an Eastern pub lishing bouse. The poet left Honolulu suddenly with no otlher baggage than a copy of hils poems. His Intended de parture was kept secret as he says hs was afraid the officers of the govern ment would put him in prison. Miller Is very bitter against the men in con trol In Hawaii He denounces the treatment accorded to political prison ers as barbarous in the extreme, and says that men are dying In prison foi want of air and proper food. He pre diets that a filibustering expedition will be organized 'to Honolulu and rescu the political prisoners. When asked If he was done wt)h Hawaii, the poet said: "I 'have not beaun. I am going to wait and see who goes down there to liberate those men. PosBllily they may be set alt liberty wben their captors got badly scared, for they arc awfu! cowards. But If they do not liberate they, evsry last and lowest of political of crown lands, I shall go to Jatan. I am no stranger at the Japanese court. I think I shall only have to state the case and promise political rights to the oppressed 20,000 contract slaves pt Japrn dawn here, to get an Ironclad. There are hundreds of good men down there kept in the vilest prisons by men who 'betrayed a woman and robbed her, and there Is plenty of gold and a king dom waiting for whoever will liberate those good men. Soldiers down there will not fight for Dole. They won't flgnt to keep those men In prison. It is not human; In fact, they are all failing out, and I doubt if Dole has any friends, at all .wbo are not under pay as the civil or military oncers, or In some way selfishly interested In his oligarchy. Thiere has been nothing nearly so monstrous since the reign of terror." flTOPPBD WtiTtMArL. Washington, March 27. All malls hereafter addressed to iB. J. Dnnorest, Puerto Cortes, Honduras, or care of Central American Express, Port Tarn-J pa City, Fla., will be stored by Die government and returned to the writers through the forwarfdlng postmaster, or Highest of all in Leavening Power. F3H f Krnr- sent to the dead letter office for confln coition. Pemorest Is jrslU-nt of tl Honduras Lottery Company, and an order Instructing all poatmuaters to In. tercerpt all (his nwJl wa3 l.i'M' ty thi postofflce department today. The de partment, has heretofore been able1 to intercept only itho nigrltttered mall ad dressed to the conniany or Its ofllcera, but under the new 1arw all communica tions are suppiosed to be of a lottery nature. IS A BIMETALUST. Governor McKlnlcy iFavors a Double Standard. Washington, Mardh 27. There ha been of late a good deal of comment and speculation concerning the posi tion of Ooveror McKlnley upon the sil ver ' question, but It can be stated authoritatively that Governor McKin ley's attitude Is accurately expressed by the latest promunclamento of the Republican party. It's plank in the platform adopted In Minneapolis June 10th, 1892, said: "The American people from tradition and lwtereet favor bi metallism, and the Republican party demands the use of both gold and sil ver as standard money, with such re strictions and under soma such, pro visions to be determined by legislation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals so that the purchasing and' debt paying power of the dollar, whether gold or silver or paper, shall at all times be equal. We commend the wise, patrlotlo steps already taken by our government to secure International conference to adopt suieh measures as will Insure a parity of value between go(M and sil ver for use as money throughout 'tht world." DAVIS ESTATE BEnrnLEP. ) The Rill Filed for Probate, and ths Heirs Now Satisfied. Butte. Mont.. March. 27. Rumors which have been afloat for some time with reference to the settlement of the celebrated Davis will case have not been without foundation, for today the alleged will of , the dead millionaire was filed for probate. The proponents, or Davis heirs, and the contestents, rep- represented by Henry A. Root, of Hel ena, Montana, have been figuring on a sattletnent for some months, and reach ed an agreement yesterday, and the court has ratified the agreement by a decree which will 'be final unless other parties claiming Interest In t'he eotats put In legal appearance witliln the year, .The estate Is -valued rt nrij seven million. doJlaj-a. Th.a!en;t::H of the great legal battle wn brought about Iby the heirs themselves, who, after holding several conferences with this object In view, concluded It would be better tg .gvt. something out of it than to permit'! to dwindle away In Che bands of attorneys. .There are about itwenty heirs. . AFRAID OF THE1 LADIES. Minority Report of the Utah Elections Committee Against Woman Suf frage. ' Salt Lake, March 27. A minority re port from the committee on elections was" submitted to the constitutional convention today. The report oppos.; woman suffrage, The minority feam that -this privilege In the bands of the women would destroy the present equal Ity of the parties, and awaken temp tation on the part of those who ruled before to resume their sway by work ing on the generous Impulses and rcg lous Instinct of women, which would result In political If not social end business ostracism of the minority. They favor leaving the question to the legislature. The report by a vote of 7 to 12, went to the calendar to be takwi up tomorrow. PRICES GOING UP, Chicago Meat Dealers Have Raised '. Prices 25 per cent. Chicago, March 27. The Post says: Prices of all kinds of tnat w!H be higher this summer than they have been for ten years past. Even the high prices which iwere made by some deal, ers during the World's iFalr period will be exceeded by tbe figures asked fur roasts, steaks and chops from now on. It Is not probable that much relief will come before fall. Prices have already advanced about 25 per cent bji.1 an additional advance of about I'm same proportion is almost certain. Ths cause of this is the Bhort supply of cattle, followed by the necessary In crease In value, wJilcb has forced the dealers to raise prices to consumer. NEW APPOINTMENTS. Olympla, Martin 27. The gover.ior re appointed Enastus (Bralnerd, of -u-Uie, and 8. J. Chadwfck, of Colfax, as mem bers of the stae land commission un der I he new law. T. M. Reed, Jr., iH dropped, an'd will prolMdbly have nm: new place. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I