The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 26, 1895, Image 4

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There is a "differeno between
biiiio oiiH liihttna lhait ifXTA IcnOW Of.
rilftere-nee Is the Shaping, another
tiie workmanship, end anwner
Itii trln of DVwula Nfl.l"lv all CI 0
Hre imported cloths; you can see
iiia.1 wny every irara naui mb
and why ours look different. It takee
m ire than wood and Iron to make th
ihn.riti Uvwn a ffcrrvJtxmt and a
2-cfay ocean Btcamer.
1 chas, Mcdonald,
The Tailor,
J23 Commercial Street.
OOOD WHISKY. That Is the test
of a saloon's etock. Competition ior
long time ran to tiff mirrors. Folly
if iho, urom nil ihn saloon businesi
might quickly capitulate to the sense
of stirht. and not to laaie. uur ih
tv.. rmna mmA Vina hppti toward aual
itxr Thfl ta )w rennnn we obtained tru
a tnr H1PU WHT8KY. RTlrf the
more cultivated and critical your taste
Is the better chance our wnisxy 'win
Your Mouths,
One great basis principle of the Pal
ace Restaurant is mutual dependence.
To thrive and grow, each dish must be
better than any one else's. Our aim ii
to reach the only roomy trade place,
the top. No lower Idea can be per
mitted. And when the top, our top, li
reached toy any other restaurant, we
will lift the top.
The Palace Restaurant
knowledge is Power
And power Is salvation. To do a thin
right one must know how to do It
This Is as true of carpenter work as
any thins else.
Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will
build you anything from a wood box
to a $50,000 building and do It well.
What About
Your Shoes?-
Aren't they worn out around the
sole somewhere? Don't they need a
patch on the side? We will make thein
good as new.
Kitty Corner from Fisher Bros, store.
A Poor Cigar..
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
Don't expect to make, either.
.But . marks this s-a-t-l-s-f-a-c-
t-l--n of the 22-karet fcert has
accompanied eVery purchase ol
one of the cigars made by him
since he began business. We've
got the notion that a satisfied
. customer "cuts a big figure" In
. building up a business. That's
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
so well,
Little Giant.
Seems is If half the mothers in As
toria have bought a pair or two ol
those LITTLE GIANT school Bhoes for
tholr children. The other half will as
joon as they hear of the wearing qual
ities ot those that are being worn about
the city. You can have your choice
of leather, kid, grain or calf.
Be surprised to see what a little money
will buy In the way of Jewelry and
Silver Ware at Ek-itrom's Jewelry
Btore. You'll also be surprised to see
what fine work the engraver can do.
n onus.
We buy fertilizers ami fertilizing no
tarial of evttry dom!iiiliou, llimea, lioniN
eta, Hii t pay hiwhat cash prices. Benu
us a trial Bliipiucut.
Western Bone-Mtml Co.
771 MisHion Street,
Sun Fnanoisco, Cul.
878 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description ot
Lounges, Mattresses, eto.
When the tide sets one way there Is
always a cause for it.
Women don't come here to buy roasti
teaks, and all other kinds of meat
simply because It's Christensen & Co.'s.
Of course there aro a few, a very
few, who buy out of compliment, or
from Urnorance. but the great mass or
housekeepers buy where they can get
the twt and for that reason we supply
the majority of the families in Auto-
rla.for they know by exiwlenv'e that
vie nave only the best.
Warrant that tho most com
fortable appetite in the city
may bo spoiled by drinking
poor whisky. We've studied
and studied all the whisky
v fads and ideas and we have
learned that
'CUTTER'S Whiskey."
t. ii.u i.PHt mude. But you must be
nne you get Cutters. Some people
advertise it but don l keep it; we ao,
Loa weather for the twenty-four
iKTurs endlnir at i p. yf.
waned by the unnea oinw.
lUnt of Agriculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temiwrature, 61 d.vrves.
Minimum t..fiv'raure, 43 degrees. prwd citation from September
list, lt to oat-. "i"" a-.
. . .a from S?n""t"
Will buy you .
an all wool
dress, in black
or colored.
Albert Dunbar.
Sole Agent for the P. N. Corset.
Tin. tiLX roll for 1804 Is now In my
hands for collection, 'taxes win ue-
come delinquent on juarcn ju, last.
February 19, 1895.
Sheriff of Clatsop County.
The Only Restaurant
See Swope.
8ee Ewope about decorating.
8e Swooe about decorating and sign
Mcany is the leading tailor and pay
the hlght tash price for fur skins.
Something1 new In the line of Sachet
Powders Just received at the Prlntz
Craln Drug Store.
Best goods, lowest prices. Clothing,
Hats, Shoes, Rulbber Goods, Oil Cloth
tag. Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commer
cial street.
Why do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure it;
for sale at the Printz-Craln Drug store.
Braver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no
Soot. For sale at Flnlayson's shipping
and commission agency, 9th street
wharves, at $5.50 per ton.
S. E. Utzlnger Is the agent in Astoria
for the celebrated Gumbrlnus Mottle!
beer, of Portland. Dr -p him a postal
curd and he will call for your older.
Watch yout watch When it runs a
littla too slow or a little too fast, bring
It to J. H. SEYMOUR. He will at
tend to it. He knows how. He learn
ed lila trade In a watch factory.
t?- tho Antnrln. Wood Yard
Una l..An nun rlll?.i.nil nnlV thfi VerY
una IS 1 L " " " ' - -
best of wood and coal. They are still
doing it. In fact, they are taxing me
lead. Why? Because they know what
the Dublio wants, and the public knows
i?An RtnlrAi Pa hnvA secured the
AKPncv of the famous STEWART'
n.nrT.TL1 MdnnfaMlirAll In IRELAND.
Their new stock goods are much su
perior to any oiner num.
Whim a man buys a lottery ticket
and draws nothing but his breath he
feem sold. Wnen he buys nis wooa ana
coal of the Scow Bay wood xara.
whose ofllce Is opposite Fisher Bros.' he
Is pleased, as they sell only the best.
if tTnmrthrnu has flnme choice Cht-
1,11, II IUl.1'1.1 ' J -
nook salmon at his market near Res-
... n.,11 la aan hnH AVHtpm that Belt
at a leas price than at any other mar
ket In the city. He carries clams and
other Bhell fish, and b a side Isbuc
nan a stock of Marshall s tamous mul
ling twine.
It may be that you are dissatisfied
with your grocer. If so, why not give
Foard & Stokes a trial? 'rney sauaij
others, and feel pretty sure that the)
will suit vou. Many a dollar Is lit
erally thrown away by those who bu
groceries of an inferior quality. It't
penny wtBe and pound foolish to glvi
good money for goods that are almost
worthless. ..J .iitiul
The U. 5. Gov't Reports
Bhow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Wanted A sober, industrious man;
steady employment for two years to
wear out a pair of uooomon a uo. s
Jl shoes.
C- E. Ward, who runs a barber shop
at 219 Astor street has placed in con
tention with his place two Russian
baths for the accommodation of thi
pirbllc. He guarantees them as first
class In every particular. Ladles' and
gentlemen's donrtment separate.
The Finnish Brotherhood will meet at
Pytlilan Hall Tueudlay, April 2J, at 1
p. m. A full attendance Is desired.
Financial Secretary.
Mailnm Nelson, reads head and palm,
also curds, and tells past, present and
future. Consultation on all affairs.
Price, DO cents and upwards. Recom
mendations from Beveral hundred per
sons. 4o5 Exchange street, corner of
10th street.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
pure Crspe Oeam of Tartar Powderl Fr
loin Ammonia, Alum ot tny otl.ef adultiranl
Victor Mlckelson ts on the. sick l)st,
Mrs. Sherman Case, of iSeastde, s rt
ported very ill.
W. E. Tallant returned from Port
land yesterd'ay.
J. G. 'Megler was In- the ctty yesterday
from Brookfleld.
For all kinds of nipples, tubing, baby
bottles and food, go to Rogers.
Mr. C. P. 'Bryant returned Sunday
from a trip to iKas-tern Oregon.
A pawn shop will be open for busi
res J soon opposite the Parker House.
J. A. Howenton, of Ilwaco, went tc
Ean Francisco yesterday on t'he Queen,
Wm, McGregor was a passenger on
the Queen yesterday for San Francisco.
Charles Carlson, who burned his leg
so severely some time ago, is now at
the hospital.
Yesterday 'Mr. iE. B. Stoner and
Postmaalter Johansen, of Seaside, spent
the day in Astoria.
"Westward the course of empire
wends its way" the massage treat
ment has reached Astoria.
The bark Dumtfrless-shlre, with 62,654
sacks of wheat for Queenstown, wat
towed to sea yesterday morning.
Charles Davis, a itrapman. from Chi
nook, was In the city yesterday buy
ing supplies from our merchants.
A genltleman from the East Is in the
city preparing to open In the near fu
ture a large retail grocery store.
'Mr. Duncan Stuart has leased the res
idence of the late I. W. Case and will
occupy It about the flrat of April.
Tho steamship Queen, with 290 tone
of shooks and 150 sacks of oysters from
this port, left .out yesterday at noon.
Mr. Pederson. who was arrested Sat
urday afternoon on a charge of Insan
ity, was examined yesterday and dis
charged. Mr. Hawes, brother of E. R. Hawee,
who (has been on the coast for several
weeks, left yesterday morning for fate
home in Maine.
Yesterday was a banner Bay for the
tax collectors. The sum of $4,505.62 was
paid in during the day, making the to
tal up to date, $35,110.09.
J. W. Hopp, one of the publishers of
the Genesee News, Genesee, Idaho, was
a -passenger on the Queen yesterday en
route to San Francisco.
Yesterday the pilot schooner San
Jose sailed Into port for supplies. She
came in on ithe flood tide and made
good time up from the heads.
The schooner Garfield, with lumber
from the Knaippton Mills, for San
Francisco, was towed out yesterday
from anchorawe at Sand Island.
The lighthouse tender Columbine left
Seattle Friday with coal for the Cape
Flattery and Destruction Island lights.
She will probably arrive in today.
The only transfer at the recorder
ntllce yesterday was that of Paul E
ITIckman to Mrla Grulbe, lots 9 and 10
block 8, Elk Crok Beach No. 1, $40.
The large reservoir of the city watei
works was emptied Saturday and thor
oughly cleaned. The basin was ther
pumped full of fresh water on Sunday .,
Ninety-seven and one-half cents cash
has beven paid In the past few dayr
Tor county warrants. This Is a bettei
figure than that paid this time last
The sum of $4.75 was stolen early yes
terday morning from Swan's Choi
Mouse, by some one who gained an en
trance by opening the front door with
a tkeleton key.
Ju Fin, a member of the Chinese ilrrr
jf Hong Ylk Co., died yesterday ol
consumption. The deceased was 30
years of age. He will be buried today
In the Clatsop cemetery.
Government barge No. 4 was towed
up to the Dalglty Iron Works yester
day afternoon and beached. She was
In a sinking condition. She will b.
examined and repaired at once.
A. C. Mo-wre-y. who is cutting Bpiles
tor Nick Clinton at Stella, writes that
the bnow Is eo heavy in the woods on
that aide of the river that it to impos
sible to do much timber cutting at
Mr. Edward Atkinson has written for
the April unniber of The Forum an ar
ticle of unusual economic Interest on
"The Battle of Standards and the Fall
tf Prices." showing why prices have
declined and on what articles.
The .Evergreen Society will give a
graind literary and musdeal opening en
tcntalnnicin Thursday evening at Ever
grxm Hall, O'Brien building, between
32d and 33d streets, Vppertown. The
program will begin at 8 o'clock.
A new hand rail has been placed
.i.ur th uter edire of the sidewalk on
17th atrmnt. -near Commercial, and
nwithnra who have children who are
compelled to pass that way to and
from school can now breath easier.
Mr. John Mlnto, an old pioneer cltl
sen of Salem, came down on the Bailey
nt,.rt veaterdaar afternoon. He has
boon In Astoria before, having made
the trip down tho Columbia in an In
dlan oanoe 50 years ago last January.
Harry Crlbb is bulMing yht that
has every appearance of being a racer
She Is 27 feet over all, S eet depth ol
hold, 7 feet 6 toiche-s beam, and 17 feeJ
on the water line. Sh will be a ceil-
ter4arder. ami carry over 200 yard
of canvas.
Some people's pantry may be bare
and show out at the toes, but they
will wear a bosom pin. and for that
reason another Jeweler Is encouraged
to open up his shop In tMi city. It
will be in the store room at he rear
of AlVrt DurAar's. A
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
The steamer -Eclipse brought in a
box of butter a few mlghta ago consign
ed to Foard & Stokes. lit was left on
the dock as usual until the next morn
ing, or at least the box was, as it had
been emptied of its contents some tims
during the night.
Gus Peterson and Grler Farlandi
Frank Cox and Oelta Peterson were
made happy yesterday by County Clerk
Dunbar and his force of deputies when
they Issued them licensee to wed. No
other excitement occurred In the clerk's
ofllce during the day.
The street car line was not In opera
tion until after 8 ip. m. yesterday, while
repairs were being made on the boilers.
A new 50-horse power boiler will be put
In at the power house eoon and then
tt Is expected delays of this sort will
not be experienced.
Judge Osbum yesterday disposed of
three plain drunks, one of whom will
serve out his five dollar sentence In the
city Jail. The eentence of Ave and
twenty days on Mueh Harris and Sam
ron Douglas was suspended providing
they skip the town, which they did last
night, being tenth-class passengers on
the alley Gatzert.
Mr. W. H. Mallock, the eminent Eng
lish student of Socialism,' has written
for the April number of The Forum
one of the most luminous expflanatlons
of the fallacies of Socialism which has
ever auDeared. entitled, "The Real
'Quintessence of Socialism.' " It Is a
striking essay In Mr. Mallock's usual
lucM style.
Fishermen are all very busy getting
In readiness for the fishing season
Nearly all of the fishermen who have
been working outside during the win
ter are now at work 'getting their boats
and nets ready. If there are any flsh
runnlns -when the season opens, there
will be plonty of flrst-calss fishing out
fits ready to catch them.
An evening of Scotch songs will be
qlven Tuesday, April 16th at the Meth
odist church under the direction and
ma-natf-ement of IMrs. Samuel Elmore
and Mrs. H. T. Crosby, in aid of tht
ohurch debt. The success of these la
dles in former entertainments Is a
promise to the public of a very enjoy,
able evening on the date mentioned.
K. J. Johannsen, who has been In the
employ of George & Barker for the last
four years, arrived on 'the Bailey Gat-
out from Portland yesterday. Ho sur
prised his many friends by bringing
home a young and handsome bridt
.-.lorn? with him. The happy couple In
;end to make Astoria their future
home, as both bride and bridegroom
are delighted with the toltyby the sea,
Mr. Duncan Shaw, of Seattle, wll'
soon move to this 'city with his fam
ily and take charge of the dry goodi
department which the Oregon Trading
Company will add to their business.
It is the Intention of the Oregon Trad
In? Company to make this new brand
of their trade a specialty and they
expect to put in one of the most com
plete stocks of the kind ever brought
to Astoria, which will be sold at popu
lar 'prices.
Geo. W. (Bell,' of South Bend, now
Unlte-d States consul at Sydney, Aua-
tralla, has a finely written article on
Australian literature in the November
number of Cosmos Majgazlne of that
riiw His opinion Is that there Is
really no distinctive Australian lltera
ture as It follows the asingltsh style
too closely. He thinks there will be
no distinctively Australian literature
until Australia becomes an Independ
ent nation.
ITof. Wright's class of young ladle
of the Mothodlst Sunday school, will
entertain, the public of Astoria on
Thursday evening, March 2Sth, at tht
Methodist church. They will be ably
assisted, by the High Bohool choir, the
Schubert Club male quartet, Sunday
school choir, and other talent. Novel
innovations will be introduced. A mer
ry time Is anticipated. Terms of par
ticipation In the evening's pleasu will
be published before Thursday evening.
The telegraph line between Tillamook
and Forest Frove is to be repaired at
once, the cltlxens of the former place
having raised $50 to pay the expenses
of fixing up the broken line. The line
has been down all winter and the
Bay city has had no other communl
caUon with the outside world than
by mall or boat. Tt Kill be a conven
ience to shippers at this point, when
the line Is In. operation little
trouble Is now experienced m keeping
track of steamers In and out of that
port. There is only one feature against
the Tillamook line, and that is the ex-
cesslve tolls.
The folly of shlppln coal to New
castle, saya the Oregon Ian. is often
quoted as an illustration of the extreme
foollshns, but what can be said of a
man. wiihtof to "hip jHm from Port
Jand. to Astoria? Yesterday a ?n J
a boat, towing two ordinary looking
plies, came along side the Bailey Gat
,ori and wanted the piles taken on
board to be delivered at Astoria. He
explained to the astonished crew that
they were Intended for masts for a
small schooner, but Just why it was
necessary to carry them from Portland
he did not explain. The sticks were
too long to be taken on board, but the
captain promised that eiteh he had
taken on some 20 tons of sewer pipe
at the pottery below town, he would
try to stow them somewhere.
The British bark Thlatlebank attract
ed quite a number of people to the
waterfront yesterday when she hoisted
her canvas and gilded down the chan
nel and out into the open sea under
a spanking easterly breeze. The morn
ing was clear and her white canvas
glistened in the sunlight as she gnace.
fully sped away and disappeared In
the dlue distance of a western sky.
It was one of those eights that can
only be witnessed in such seaports as
Astoria, where a big vessel can sail
in and out with perfeot safety.
Yesterday 46 Chdnamen went to Sao
Francisco on the steamer Queen. They
go from that city to Alaska, where
they will work In the canneries. Just
before they started on board tht
Queen, their baggage was overhauled
by the customs officers, who had re
ceived a tip that a quantity of opium
was being carried away by the Mon
golians. A careful eearch, however
failed to disclose any of tho contra.
band dope. On the steamer leaving
here April 4th, 80 Chinese and 20 whlu
men will go to San (Francisco en routt
to the Alaska canneries. ,
Died, at 4:45 p. m., March 25th, ot
Brlcht's disease, Mrs. M. J. Ferguson,
wife of the late A. W. Ferguson. De
ceased was 74 years of age, and has
lived in Astoria for many years. Salem
and The Dalles papers please copy,
Funeral announcement later.
Mrs. Ferguson, with her husband, ar
rived at Salem in 1852, from Lexington,
Va Where she was born. After resld-
In Salem four years, they came to
Astoria, where she ihas resided ever
since. She leaves five children, as fol
lows, all of Whom are married: Ada
Griffln, wife of J. N. Griffin; H. B., F.
W., J, E., and E. Z. Ferguson.
The milkmen of Astoria will soon
organize a "protective association, the
object of which will be to protect each
other from people who take milk but
never pay for it. It has been the habit
of a good many people In Astoria, ac
cording to the story of one of the
milkmen, to run, up a bill for several
months with one dealer, then when
pi-essed for "payment, go to some other
dealer for imllk. With the proposed as
sociation It Is expected to keep track
of this class, thus putting a stop to
what has always been a great leak in
the revenues of the milkmen.
The vocal concert to be given at the
Prelbytarlan church this evening will
be a very enjoyable musical treat, as
sjloctlwis from the list of old favorite
songs will be rendered by the following
named ladies and gentlemen, whose
ability is well known in Astoria: Mes
dames C. W. Fulton, B. VanDusen,
S. Danzlger, W. S. Kinney, J. T. Ross
and Miss Pearl Holden; Messrs. H. G.
Smith, W. H. Barker, J. T. Ross, H. C.
Thompson, and J. Garner; also the
Three Maids from Lee. Miss Maude
U'arren, accompanist, Mr. Fredrlckson,
cello, accompanist. Tickets, 25 cents,
to be had at Messrs. Ross, Hlggins&
Co.'s or J. B. Wyatt's store, and aiso at
the door. Coffee and sandwiches In the
basement after t'he concert for a
u' you .wish.
The AldeHbrook Social Club Gives a
Splendid Affair Sunday Night.
The Aldei'brook Social Club gave an
cnteiluilnm-ent for Its members and
their fi'lends at their hall In Aliier
urook last Sunday evening. This club
was organized ait the beginning of the
year and has held weekly social meet
ings from then until last Sunday,
which was the las't meeting this win
ter. The club will again begin to hold
meetings this fall and continue during
the winter. The following officers were
elected for the coming term: President,
FreJ Johnson; vice-president, Miss An
nie Amundsen; secretary, Miss Mary
Johnson; treasurer, Chas. H'luge.
A splendid program was then ren
dered, after which the debate was dis
oussed: "Which is Ithe prettiest, Na
ture or Art." Aflter a lively dlscussloil
it was decided that nature was the
.prettier. The club's paper, the "Phono
graph," was then read and loudly ap
plauded. The colored minstrels, com
posed of Alfred and Hairry Insklpp,
Chas. 'MoEwan, Fred Amundson, Al
fred and Fred Johnson, then kept the
audience In continual laughter, with
their Bongs and humorous Jokes. Af
ter this everybody partook of a splen
did lunieh prepared by tho club, and
concluding by singing "Home, Sweet
Ilwaco citizens are feeling very kind
ly toward Astoria Just now on account
of the fish law as It now stands.
Marcus Wise, who has a good word
for everybod on both sides of Baker's
Bay, has purchased the building here
formerly owned by Mr. Graham, con
taining billiard and pool tables. Mr.
Wise has Just returned from Portland
with the finest and largest stock of
cigars ever brought to this place.
Fish Commissioner Crawford and his
deputy, A. L llouchen, have gone to
Chinook to supnily the trupmen with
the necessary licenses.
Mrs. E. A. King and children have
returned home from a three months'
visit at Oregon City.
Mr. E. A. King is getting the Seoborj
mill ready for operation. At present
they have the largest number of choice
kSs In then- boocn In year.
TVMce Okptain Hallock is out again
after a two week' Illness.
How often this expression is heard
and how much oftener is it felt. Alas!
women do suffer. Why, we often can
not tell, but we know there is one great
cause, and that Is weakness. The head
aches, the depressed feelings, the pains,
the discouragements, -Indeed, almost all
the mistery has a common cause weak
ivuta. At such times a woman always
needs a friend What can be relied upon,
and such a friend for more than twen
ty years, has been that greatest of all
remedies, Warner's Safe Cure. By its
purity and its power It furnishes a
prompt relief for women in their hours
of need, and if the grateful expressions
which come up from the homes of the
alnd about what Sate Cure has done
were printed. Whey would fill volumes.
If you, reader, are a sufferer, can you
not take hope from this suggestion?
Yesterday morning the observer at
the cape reported a square-rigger out
side, but too far away to make out her
rig. Observer Giwer questioned the
cape man closely regarding the ves
sel, as there was a great deal of specu
lation here as to whether or not It was
the Cuplca. The cape observer wired
back that the captain of the life-saving
orew had examined the vessel through
the "glass and was positive that she
was a square-rigger. Later a report
came in that she had been lost sight
of. An afternoon report said that a
schooner was outside. When Mc
Coy returned with, the Relief, he stated
that he h!a)d sighted a schooner thought
to be the Beulah, about 15 miles off
the cape, a little to the northward,
but had seen nothing of the square
rigger reported from the Cape. Judg
ing from this, Captain McCoy figure
that the vessel reported must hav
been out at least 25 or 30 miles, which
ao3ounts for the Cape observer being
unalble to make out her rig. Regarding
the probability of the Cuplea putting
In an appearance, Captain McCoy said
there was really no cause for alarm
until they begin bidding for re-Insurance,
a fact that would show the own
ers bad practically given up hope.
Tido Table for March, 1896.
P. M.
A. U.
h.m I II
Ih.m I ft.
h.m I ft'
Friilnv. ...1" 8318
4 OS II f I
Ill Ul I "
8atunly...'j UIS7
6 00 II Ii
IV -II i 1
11 54 0nj
U SO 3 91
in in 2.'
Illf.7; 'A
1 1.1, I"
2:i; i!
I .0 41
WU.SUAY.. 3 4 54 8H
Monday. . .4; 6 4 8 ft
Tuesday.... fi, it ft! 3 3
Wednesday!) 8 08 8i
Thursday.. 7! II-J0 8 4
Friday 8:10 23 8 7
6 0950
7 Dfi 5 .S
9 08 ft 6
10 18 6 I
11 1)8 III"
I is 4 1
3 2-1 I (II
II 62,71)
I-2J19 0
4 40 '! I
Saturday... flll IWHO
6 :is 2
11 2-1 1
7 ir I)
li 1 . -II
7: 1'--)
8 io;-o
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E WANT you to make no
lowarcs. Our Gents' fum
bhings are as good as i
sav tliev are. Do you tiiin!
how rare such agrev;m-!it i ;
We run a clothing stw for m;n wit.
no dead places in it! You know how eas
It is to heap up a lot of things that noboJx
wants and so make a show of plenty
But the pawed over stock ain't the on
you care to pick at. There is'nt a trash
eddy in all the tide of men's tilings rush
ing throUbh this store.
The Clothier.
HarJTimes Have Come
Trying to Make it Easy,
We wish the public to understand
that we sell exclusively nothing
For 10 cents a drink, and Kopp's cele
brated N. P. Beer at 6 cents a glass.
The whisky is the same as we havt
been selling ever since we have beer
in business, and we are going to con
tlnue the same as long as we can get
square deal on both sides.
Corner 9th and Bond.
-k KFATINQ & CO will open their
www Musli- Hdl' tt 3-"0 Astor street,
Saturday the 10th. They will
it i keep numberless good liquors
ud dears besides having good music all the
Saturday, March i6,
At 566 Commercial Sireet,
IHaseam & Optical Illusion Exhibition.
Nine beautiful and mystifying Illusions
Pleasing stBge performance. An enter
tainment expressly for Ladies and child
ren. Will be open daily from 1 to 10 p.
m. Exhibitions every 30 minutes.
Admission 10c, Reserved chairs 5c extra.
things need no advertis
ing l"t Iftdlen we Just
vint to tell you the extrm-
onlmary low price o(
millenery (roods for
spring and summer wear.
Ho come and see us be
fore purt-haiDe.
Cor. 10th sud Commercial o(-
What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried
to do In selecting1 their liquors was to
pick out what intelligent people would
want If they knew it as experienced
Deoole should know it Make a note
oTthis if you want pure liquors. George
Hartley. Proprteter.
Rooms I and t, Pythian
over C. H Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN, D, D. 8.,
Mansell Block. 67S Third Btreel
Rooms 5, e and 7, Flavels Brick
Offlce in Flavel's brick bulldintj
Astoria Oregon.
May be found in his office until II
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2
p. m., and from S until 7:30 evenings.
J. ti. A. BOWLBY,
AT LA1"'.
Office on Second Sti-vet, Astoria. Or.
Ofllce over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m.: 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
Office and rooms in Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30.
Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe
Office, 6S414 Third Bt, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronic
Special attention m dineuoe ' "m
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger' store Arwn
Telephone 'o. 52.
jay tuttle. m. d.
physician, surgeon. mi'
Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc
5. Residence, 039, Odar s'thpi
German Physician. Eclectic.
Otllce west of Ross, Hig?lns & Co.'s
store, 518 Bond street. Prices, calls,
jl; confinements, $10.00. Operations at
illlee free. Medicines furnished.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon.
Chester V. Doiph.
Poi'tla-nd, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All leg-a.1 and tol
lectton business jj.-on:p..y a t nlj ,o.
Claims against the government a spe
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A.. F. ana
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
W. . IIOWEI.L. W, M.
K. C HOLDEN, Secretary.
nv(n -. vr.r
JAPANESE GOODS. .T'iKt ,,,,1 -.),.
ccelved Just what you want, at Wing
1 ,ee's, 529 Third street.
WANTED To rent, or will buy at a
fair price, a second hand type-wrlttr.
3mlth machine preferred. Inquire at
this office.
WANTED A girl to do general
housework. Apply to E. Gustln, 525
Commercial street, Uppertown.
WANTED Agents to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
$75.00 A WEEK paid to ladies and
gents to sell the rapid dish washer.
Washes and dries tiiem in two min
utes without wetting the hands. No
experience necessary; sells at sight;
permanent position; Address W P. Har
rison & Co., Clerk No. 14. Columbus,
Money to loan on first-class approved
security. Frank Spittle, attorney at
Hondley A Haas. 150 First street, and
get the Dally Astoiian. Visitors need
not miss their morning paper -while
fandel wine instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and ap'lcot bmndy. Also French
Cocnac and wine at Alex Gilbert's.
liquor r M -lin K.U j
I " , . ,
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
I tU Gold MU MJwW Tr. S.- Fmun
ler 1st, ISO, to date, .99 Inch.