The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 12, 1895, Image 4

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I know I could buy a cheaper
fait of clothe lomewhere the,
hut J don't know how
it might wear."
T VERY MAN who enUn a tailor
r-4 . shop in this city owes us his
L good will that we have made It
so difficult to sell unreliable goods,
-so easy to buy the best and buy
It for so little compared to Pan
'Francisco or Portland prices.
chas. Mcdonald,
! . .. The Tailor.
' " 523 Commercial Street
To Jvlakd
We will tell you how to make It
easy. All you have to ao is 10
Induce us to quit offering;
to the public, and other dealers of
liquor in the city will readily pay you
the above amount.
TTnnr mnnv TWOnlB fiaVS KOXIB In tO
the restaurants of Astoria and tried to
get a good, tender steaK ana Dee
Over their failures? Simple enough
now; anybody can obtain one by stop
ping in at
The Palace Restaurant
And giving your order when, Presto!
There you nave, suiiawie iur a mug.
That's what maices us so ousy.
knowledge is Power
And power Is salvation. To do a thin
right one ,must know how to do It.
This Is as true of carpenter work as
anything else.
Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will
... , , . v,
build you anything from a wood box
to a 150,000 building ana ao u wen.
What About
Your Shoes? r
Aren't they worn out around the
sole somewhere? Don't they need a
patch on the side We will make them
good as new.
. r. s.'fl. GIMRH.
Kitty Corner from Usher Bros, store,
A Poor Cigar
' ' " ,
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
Don't expect to make, either,
o... i. a
oui - - - - -
t-In of the 22-karet bort has
accomDanled every purchase ol
on of the cigars made by him
w.n himinPHg ' We've
since ne began business, we ve
got the notion that a satisnea
customer "cuts a big figure" In
building up a business. That s
, the reason La Belle Astoria takes
, so well.
Little Giant.
nm. i. if hnif tha mothers In As.
hiva bnuicht a pair or two of
h. T.ITTT.K! m ANT school shoes for
their children. The other half will as
on as they hear of the wearing quai-
Hies of those that are being worn about
the city, xou can n juui
cf leather, kid, grain or calf.
rta sumrlsed to see what a little money
will bvy In the way of Jewelry and
Sliver Ware at Ktotrom's Jewelry
Store. You'll also be surprised to see
what fine work the engraver can ao.
".' - -FACTORY,
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of I
Lounges, Mattresses, etc.
Old Fashioned
Country SAUSAGE.
That's what the Washington
Meat Mt-rket's sausage tastes like.
It s mtule ol the aume Ingredients,
too home killed and dretwed beef
and pork. Our flavoring is most
delicious. During this cold weath-
er there's no other dish so good,
CHKL5TEN5EN CO., Prop'rs,
Warrant that the most com-
fortable appetite In the city
may be spoiled by drinking
poor whisky. We've studied
and studied all the whisky
fads and Ideas and we have
learned that.
CUTTER'S Whiskey."
Is the best made. But you must be
sure you get Cutter's. Some people
advertise, it but don't keep It; we do.
Local weather for the twenty-four
hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, fur
sashed by the United States Depart-
sncnt of Agriculture, weatner Bureau.
Maximum tmiralturo, 48 degrees,
Mlntmum temperature, 40 Inches. .
Preclinltation. M inch.
Total prentpttatkm from September I
IbL isal. to date. 61.53 Inches. I
Dandency of precipitation from 6ep-
temper im. i.. to . urcn. j
Twenty yards
One Dollar.
. ' . . ' j
Albert Dunbar.
Cor. Commercial and 9th St.
Try th P. N. Cbraet and
you will use no other,
NOTICE. . l .
The tax roll for 1894 Is now In my
hands for collection. Taxes will be
come delinquent on March 30, 18J6.
February 18, 1895.
Sheriff of Clatsop County,
The Only Restaurant
Se Swope.
Set Swope about decorating.
Sef 8wope about decorating and sign
Meany la the leading tailor and pays
(be bignst asn price lor iur sums.
Something new in the line of Sachet
Powders Just received at the Prints-
Crain Drug Store.
Why do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. cough syrup will cure It
for sale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store.
Beaver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no
Soot. For sale at Flnlayson's shipping
and commission agency, 9th street
wharves, at $5.60 per ton.
S. E. Utzlnger is tha agent In Astoria
for the celebrated Uamurlnus 'Mottle.!
Liver, of Dr n iiim a twiata.)
card ana ne win can for your Older.
v tttLii yuui wtttuu vv urn 11 runs u
.. .. ' .. . . .
it to J. H. SEYMOUR. He will at
tend to It. He knows how. He learn.
Art hln trada. In a. vntih fftptnrv
- - - . -
For years the Astoria Wood Yard
has given our citizens only the very
best of wood and coal. They are still
doing it. In fact, they are taking the
lead. Why? Because they know what
tha public wants, and the public knows
Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the
agency of the famous btewakts
twines, the only genuine flax
Their new stock goods are much su-
pcrlor to any other kind.
When a man buys a lottery ticket
and drawi nothing but his breath he
feels sold. Wnen he buys hlB wood and
coal of the Scow Bay Wood lard.
hQ omce , oppOBlte FiBher Bros.' he
,g pIeaBe)1 M they Bell only tne be8t.
How to save money? Tou'U learn the
secret by trading with Goodman &
Co prlceg they quoU fn
te tne tale Tnelr ngrUreg don't mean
inferior quality of goods either, but
rather the finest procurable.
Mr. Humphrey has some choice Cht
nnnk salmon at his market near Res,
cue Hall. He also has oysters that sell
at a lens price than at any otner mar
ket In the city. He carries clams and
other shell fish, and as a side issue,
has a stock of Marshall's famous Knit
ting twine.
It may be that you are dissatisfied
with your grocer. If so, why not giv
TT-.m r.A J. atnlnn a trial? TheV natlnfv
otllerg and feel pretty sure that they
win SUlt you. Many a aonar is m-
erally thrown away by those who buy
groceries of an inferior quality. It's
Dennv wise and pound foolish to glvt
good money for goods that are almost
The U. 5. Oov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to ait others.
Our $3,000 wants and our 32.00 shoes
ore the talk of Whe town. They ar
wonders for tlhe money. Do not forget
us; Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial
I offer for sale my seining grounds
near Pillar Rock (deeded from State
of Oregon) with dock 100x40 feet and
house 2CxG6, newly built; six horses,
two seines and boats, everything com'
plete for seine fishing. Address Sam
Oliver, care of Astorlan.
The Druggists of the pity held
meeting last evening at the office of
Dr. O. B. Eutes and formed a perma
nent organization, to toe known as the
Astoria Retail Druggists' Association.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: President, Charles
Rogers; Secretary, N. J. Craln; Treas
urer, Theo. Olsen. The following agree
ment was entered Into:
We, the undersigned druggists of As,
torla, do hercfay bind ourselves to sell
all drugs and medicines at the regular
advertised price from this date.
Dated. Astoria, Or., March . 1S95.
J. W. CONN. '.-
We will rive a pole and fixtures to
every pair of lace curtains sold. Price
from 11.25 per pair and upwards.
Can before Miey are sold out. one
hundred pairs to select from. See dis
play in our window.
On behalf of the relatives of the late
Patrick Campbell I herefcy exit end thrlr
sincere thanks to all the friends who! so
kindly assisted them durlns; his last
sickness and After his Heath.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
nWCoM MW If Uvriatir Sa fnochct
She Arrived Yesterday After
noon With Colors Flying.
A Floating: Palace and a Speedy One
at That -A Description of the
Magnificent Steamer. '
Yesterday was Bailey Gaitzert day
on the Columfbla and from Portland to
Asborla the populace gathered along
the shores on either side, cheered for
the new boat, as she passed by, or
slipped gracefully Into a landing and
to9k on passenger after passenger until
her decks were swarming with people,
The Bailey Gatzert left Portland at
7 o'clock a. m. on the Telephone's old
time, havlnig on beoard, besides the
officers of the Columbia River and P-
get Sound Navigation Company, to
whom the splendid steamer belongs, a
large numlber of passengers, many of
whom were making the Journey out of
a desire to be numbered among those
who would go with the boat on her
maMen trip. The day promised to be
ratlher heavy when Hhe Journey began,
but about noon the clouds parted, and
drifted away, leaving a flood ol warmth
and sunshine over the whole river dur
lag the balance of the trip. A good
many of the passengers were looking
for the Gatzert to have a brush with
the Potter on the way down, but in
this they were doomed to disappoint
ment, for Captain Creng didn't propose
to take any chances with the new
steam steering gear, which he had
never before handled, and Chief Engin
eer Evans had too muoh regard for
his new machinery to risk heating It
by a fast run, on the very first day
out. One or two minor accidents hap.
pemed on the way down, 'but tlhey caus
ed no delay or inconvenience to speaik
of, and mlghlt have happened on any
other occanton, under ordinary circum
stances. All mornlngi the passengers went
from one part of the vessel to another
and viewed with delight tlhe magni
ficence of the steamer's decorations end
aacommodations. Whhlhever way ont
turned almost, Chelr reflection stared
at them from odd-looking mirrors, set
h pillars and walls. The richness of
the deep, soft carpets on the different
"ablns, the richly colored walls, with
exquisite hanid-palnted panels; the
many-oolored fan-lights over the state
rooms; the myriad of electric lights;
beautiful tapestries, everything that
could add to the elegunce and comfort
of the vessel, caused one to stare with
Incredulous wonder at the splendor ol
this floating palace of a western river.
Sudh things would not, perhaps, cause
unusual comment on the Mississippi
or Hudson river steamers, for down
there the steamboats must necssarlly
be of the very finest ibufld and equip
ment to be alble to compete with the
railroads for passenger traffic. None
of the Eastern steamers, however, have
finer staterooms than those of the Bai
ley Gatzert. Her sleeping apartments
are roomy, well, ventilated and nicely
furnished. A new feature of the boat
Is her upper deck, on wihloh Is a for
ward and after "texas." In the lattei
are fourteen staterooms, there being
two sllnigle berths In each apartment
They are perhaps the 'beat sleeping
apartments on 'the iboait, as they are
away from the noise of the lower cab
Ins, and besides are unusually well ven,
tlUted. Like the lower staterooms
which have two double berths in each,
those rooms are well furnished. Just
off the ladies' cabin are two exquisitely
rurnusnea "Driaaa cnambers, a peep
at Which la like looking Into a perfect
Ultra fairy bower. Elegant cushioned
and upholstered chalirs are about the
ladles' caibin In abundance, and around
the walls are magnificently upholstered
seats. This latter feature can also be
found In the gentlemen's cabin. Stew
ard McGlllls and Purser Donahue have
comfortable quarters on the first cabin
floor, while up In the forward texaa
Captain Crang, Pilot Larklns, and Chief
Engineer Evans and other officers of
the boat have large and commodious
quarters. The pilot house is another
splendid feature of tlhe boat.' It Is
reached from the upper deck by
long, ibroad stairway, and when once In
the house Its size surprises one. The
steering gear Is operated with steam
and moves much more quickly than
on the Telephone, which ges its powei
from hydraulic pressure. Down m the
engine room the arrangement Is very
similar to the old Telephone, except
than an electrlo light plant has been
added, and slightly different engines
drive the Wg wheel at a terrific speed.
New cylinders nave replaced tne old,
but aside from this but little change
has been made. A system of electric
bells connects with the pilot house and
proves a great convenience. There are
many minor points that could be de
scribed about the splendid equipment
of the steamer but tack of space for
bids furtlher mention, unless it be of
three frames that hiang on the forward
pillar of the gentlemen's cabin. The
frames are of magnificently carved an
tique oak, and Inclose the licenses of
Captain Crang, Pilot Larklns and the
The trip down the river was a series
of ovtatkms from the people along the
route. At dathlamel flags were dipped
from several poles lr honor of the Gat
zert, and ithe Inhabitants were all on
'hand to witness the arrival and de
parture. When she reacflied Tongue
Point the iManianlta gave her a rous
ing salute which was answered by the
hoarse-voiced whistle of the Gatiert.
An unexpected surprise awaited the
steamer at her dock, where hundreds
had congregated to witness her arrival.
Instead of going directly to her dock
she took a run down the bay as far
as Elmore's cannery where she turned
and came up to her wharf. Last night
after the electrlo lights were tumes
on, many people -visited ths steamer
and looked her over from stem to stern.
She mode a pretty sight as she left us
the river under cover of darkness.
Too much credit cannot be given the
officers and crew of the Gatzert for the
manner in which they looked after the
guests, each and every one of them
doing their utmost to make their trip
one of pleasure and comfort.
The new ohemloal engine is expecteM
in a few days.
J. A. Devlin and wife came down on
the Patter yesterday afternoon.
Major Klnzle, of Fort Cartby, re
turned from Portland yesterday.
Yesterday Dhe Scow Bay foundry
started up after a protracted Idleness,
Gertie Dow, a confirmed opium amok,
er, yesterday forfeited $5 In Judge
Osburn's court.
Circuit court will be In session again
today, with Judge Stevens, of Portland,
on the ibench.
Miss Sadie Crang, who has been In
Portland several Jays visiting friends
returned home yesterday.
Rev. Steen will hold services at Fort
Stevens Tuesday, March. 12th, at 7:3C
p. m. AM are welcome.
The BrtUsh ships Glonalvln and Gar,,
tock Rock, 'Were towed -up the river
yesterday, lashed to a single tug.
A. J. KlaffW is having a neat two-
story residence built on Irvine avenue,
between EJg'hth and Ninth streets.
Sunday evening on the steamer Un
dine, the remains of- P. H. Campbell
wire taken to Portland for burial.
A number of logs and piling are being
received from the Washington shore,
by the mills and canneries of this city
W. F. iMcGregor Is having telephone
connection estaiblished between his of
fice and his new residence near Alder-
The Danish ibark Prlnoesse Marie,
with 35,673 sacks of wheat valued at
$38,900, left 'out for Queenstown yester
day morning.'
. As a result of Yesterday's school
election, H. C, Thonfpsom was elected
by an overwhelming majority. A good
vote was polled.
The steamship Columbia left out Sun
day for San Francisco with 6,000 bun
dies of shooks and twelve tons of mis
cellaneous freight.
The steamer Signal, with a cargo of
flour for Hong Kong and four China
men who failed to land, left out Sunday
for Vancouver, B. C.
Mrs. W. (B.-Levrich left last week
for Somoro, California, where she will
undergo a three months' treatment for
the cure of consumption.
Contractor Leback received a barge
load of lurrfber from the Knappton
Mills yesterday. It Is to be used on the
Improvements of Duane street.
The naphtha launch formerly the
"Examiner," and now owned by G. O
Moen, Is In the Ninth street warehouse
receiving a thorough overhauling.
Mr. D'Elfa and Mr. Carlson have
made some much-needed improvements
In the way of substantial walks In
front of their residences on Scow Bay,
Sam E. Hutchinson, of 'the Portland
Ganeral Electric Company, came dowr
on the Bailey : Gatzert yesterday. H
Is suiperinteld'lng the putting in of tht
electric lights on that steamer.
The steamer Alarm, which has been
at Clifton for some time, was brought
dawn Sunday 'evening and beached at
the Dalglty Iron Works, where she
will receive some necessary repairs.
The steamship -Alice Blanchard ar
rived In Sunday morning from San
Franolsoo. . : 6he brought a small
amount of merchandise for local mer
chants and 30 tons of chain for the
raft at Stella.''
The Astoria football boys went over
to SMpanon Sunday and played an In
terestlng gameiwlth a picked nine from
that place. After kicking the ball until
it was flat as a pancake, the game was
called a draw, the result being S to 2.
Chief Loushery played In luck yester
day While out gunning, bringing home
an even dozen ducks to represent a
few hours' shooting. Several of his
fi'lends were remembered with a pair
each, of the delicious fowl.
Judge Stevens came down on tht
Bailey Gatzer yestenlay and will hold
circuit court here during the abseuct
of Judge McBride. His wife and daugh
ter, who accompanied 'him from Port
land, returned on the steamer test
On Sunday test the Congregation at
tlhe Caitlhollc church In this city en
Joyed a rare musical treat from Mme
Alberta FInck and Prof. Emil Thell-
norn, wnicn wiu be long remembered,
fey the parties who had the good for- j
tune to he present. Mrs. Flnck was
In good voice, and delighted her hearers
with Ithe rendition of Luzzi's Ave
Marie. She was well supported with
the Professor's violin obligato.
The ship Persian Monarch, trans
formed from a steamer to a sailing ves.
sel, and now loading at Baltimore for
this' port, says the Commercial News,
'has been naturalized, her American pa
pers having been granted. It may be
hailed as a good omen by the women
who are working for the emancipation
of their sex that the ship Is no longer
a persfan monarch, but a Yankee moid
en. May Flint; that being the name
the ship Is re-dhristened.
It Is understood from rood authority
that the light at Cape Disappointment!
win soon "be changed from a flrst-class .
light to a fourth-class light, probably -
cole red Hg-ht. The light now at the 1
Cape will tve removed to North Head. 1
a point about a mile north of the pres
ent location. A road will be cut through
to the new UgMthouse from Fort Cas-
WHY are so many per
sons blind to their own inter
eats? A little though will of
ten save great trouble.
WHY will women do so
many imprudent things and
then suffer when there is no
need of it?
WHY will men become
careless and overdo when by
care they can avoid it all?
WHY will people permit
headaches, lassitude, debility,
strange pains and broken
health when alican easily be
WHY in fact, wi .l men
and women suffer when they
can become healthy and pro
long their lives by the use of
Warners Safe Cure?
WHY will people foolishly
experiment with inferior
things when this ''best known
and only reliable remedy is so
easily with n their reach?
WHY, when you know
. .is i i
these thing?, reader, do ou
delay? There is'no time like
the present.
by. thence down onto North Beach.
This will give an excellent thorough'
fare through to the beach, which will
be greatly appreciated by the residents
of the fort.
A prominent lower river saw-mill
man said yesterday, that the Portland
mills were alble to purchase logs arid
have them towed 50 to 75 miles to that
city, at a rate from 50 to 75 cents
cheaper than the lower Columbia mills.
The only explanation he could give
was that they paid for them in Port
land and not at the logging camp as do
the lower river mills, hence they were
able to dictate the price.
It was reported yesterday, says the
Colonist, that the new wlhaleback
staamer City of Everett, which, has Just
made her Initial trip to San Francisco,
with coal, will he docked In Esquimau
.when she again comes north. The sttup
Is looked for at Port Townsend, where
she oallls to land passengers. Before
proceeding from there to the colliery
she will, it is sold, be docked to have
her bottom receive a second coat ol
paint. If such Is the case, the oppor
tunity afforded Victorians for the shlp'i
Inspection will no doubt be taken ad
vantage of.
There was a large attendance at tht
M. E. church Sunday night when Dr.
Bushong delivered one of the most in
teresting sermons heard In Astoria for
some time. "Preachers and Preaching,
or the Cause and Cure for So Many
Poor Sermons," was a subject for a
great display of eloquence and thought,
and the masterly manner In which the
reverend gentleman bandied his sub
ject showed careful and thoughtful
preparation. A compliment was paid
the merribers of the church for the
beautiful manner in which, the walls
and celling had been frescoed and dec,
orated, and he spoke of the great
pleasure It gave him to know that he
had the honor and pleasure of presld
Ing over the congregation ibefore him
Mr. RolMnson, wno 1s 'building the
big raft alt Stella, is very .hopeful re
gardlng the present venture. Sunday
the Ali''e iBlanohard discharged 30 tone
of chain at Stella which will be used
In binding the thousands of piles to
gether, though It will take 30 additional
tons of chains to complete the Job. Tt
avoid a disaster such as occurred to
the raft towed out of the Columbia
last fall, Mr. Robinson is having
strong bulkhead put In each end of the
raft, which he thinks will effectively
prevent any of flhe piles from working
loose. Instead of a tug, this raft will
be towed to San iFranclsco by a largt
ooean steamer, one of the fleet plying
between the Sound and San Francisco
Arrangements have been made so thai
the raft will he towed out of the rivet
by a tug and picked up flby the steam
ship on one of her down trips.
Sunday afternoon ttbout 1 6"clock fire'
'broke out in the seaond-hand store al
667 Commercial street, owned by Max
Stral. Before 4t could be placed under
control the adjoining three-story build
ing, occupied by Louis Boentgen and
family, was afire, tout aside from a
severe scorching and a flood of water,
but little damage was done to this
.building. The second-hand store.
whioh was packed full of goods, was
completely gutted, and overhead, where;
Mr. Stral and family Hved, the con
tents of the rooms. Including a number
of valuable and cherished keepsakes,
were burned. Adjoining 667, Mr. Stral
has another store room, but this de
partment was not burned by the fire.
The firemen did some very good work
in preventing the blaze from spreading
to the adjoining 'buildings. The loss
to Mr. Stral will amount to aoout $1490,
on which was $300 insurance.- The fire
originated, it is supposed, by fire drop
ping from an upper floor through onto
a mattress on the ground floor, and was
not discovered until too late to pre
vent Its spreading beyond immediate
Madam Nelson, reads head and palm,
also cards, and tells past, present and
future. Consultation on all affairs.
Price, 50 cents and upwards. Recom-
mendations from several hundred per
sons. 45S Exchange street, corner of
10th street.
Hot Stuff!
Here Is Story
About A Cow.
'( i
A man had a farm; he planted pop
corn. He filled the barn with popcorn.
The barn caught fire; the corn began
to pop It burst tiie barn, and spread
over the fields, and a near-sighted
cow thought the popcorn was snow
and froze to death. The cow made a
mistake. Now don't you make a mis
take and buy your next suit of clothes
anywhere else but at our store.
We have Just received Ave hundred
suits at prices that MUST be appre
ciated. PHIL. STOKES,
The Clothier.
UPPOSE you could have your
Whisky handed out to you over
the finest bar in the city? And
suppose it is the J. H. Cutter
celebrated whiskythe whisky
we have been selling ever since we'v
been here? And suppose that all you
have to pay us is
Would't you rather come here than
go to some other places you know of?
One thing more: Suppose that at
the same time your friend wants
Kopp's celebrated N. P. Beer, and you
know you can have It served to him
in style at the White House Corner
for 5 cents a glass? Won't you come
here? Why of course you will, and we
await your coming.
Corner 9th and Bond.
Saturday, March 16,
At 566 Commercial Sireet,
Museum & Optical Illusion Exhibition.
Nine beautiful and mystifying Illusions
Pleasing stage perform nnce. An enter
tainment expressly for Ladies and child
reu. Will be open daily from 1 to 10 p.
m. Exhibitions every 30 minutes.
Admission 10c, Reserved chairs 5c extra.
!orth Pacific Brecaery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Al orders promptly attended to
Japanese Bazaar
Says a customer of some of those
new goods Uiat we have Just received
for fall trade, and that we're selling
so remarkably cheap: "They are the
best bargains we ever got In Astoria
They are captivating In quality and
style and will make a record as purse
openers. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler s
Fruit Store.
Kopp's Beer Hall
a Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigt's.
Only handed over tha par. The largest glass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc.
Fiee Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sis.
thine need no artvertiS'
inv but la, lies we just
want to toll yim the extra
onlinurv low i.ilce of
millenerv noil t for
ni.rinu and mtmmer wear.
o come Mild sue lis bo-
foro riiirchKsiiiK.
Cor. 10th and Commercial ila.
What the Gambrinus Beer Hall tried
to do In selecting their liquors was to
pick out what intelligent people would
want If they knew it as experienced
people should know it. Make a note
of this If you want pure liquors. George
BarCley, Proprietor.
Yesterday's Oregonlan has an arti
cle to the effect that steamboat men
are rather dubious about 'the future of
steamiboaiting on the lower Columbia
When once a railroad la built into As,
torla The article leaves a wrong im
presslon, for as far as could be oscer,
tiatned by an Astorlan reporter, the
steamboat men expect a far llveliei
business after the railroad is finished
than heretofore, or even when the line
la under construction. While the road
is being Ibuflt there wfll certainly be
a great amount of freight to haul, and
as Astoria grows the passenger traffic
Is sure to Increase.
In Portland It Is a foregone conclu
on that .Astoria is to have a railroad.
and that Messrs. Bonner and Ham
mond are to he the 'builders. Portland
ers, as a rude, are surprised, whe 1
coming to Astoria, to hear the people
or tnis cny saying dbulJtful things
nftmit the proposition. Ye-'terd'.v'F
Portland Sun contahwd a smith tn th
effect that upon good authority It wop
reported tlhat Mr. Bonner had sold out
his Interests In tlhe Astoria railroad
to 'Mr. Hammond. The absurdity oi
the report is at once apparent to those
Who know of the business relations of
those gentlemen. The "good author ty'
orw wen tne sun so knowingly speaks,
is probably the same from which a
similar rumor sprung in this city one
day last weex.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
K puie Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
iocn Ammonia, Alum or any otlier adulterant
Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian
over C. H. Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8.,
Mansell Block. 671 Third street.
Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flaveli Brick
Office in Flavel's brick building.
Astoria, Oregon.
May be found in his office until II
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I
p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings.
Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to U.
J. S. BISHOP, M. D.,
Office and rooms in Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30.
Surgery and Disease's of Women a Spe
Office, 6S4V4 Third Bt, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronla
Special attention to diseases ' wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger'M store. Aatnrlft
Telephone No. 52.
Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
6. Residence, 639. Cedar street.
German Physician. Eclectic.
utnee west of Ross, Hlggins & Co.'s
store, 618 Bond street. Prices, calls,
$1; confinements, $10.00. Operations at
office free. Medicines furnished.
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary.
received Just what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 629 Third street.
WANTEuOSituation, housework, bv
day, week, month or hour. Children
taken care of. Address 258 Bond street,
Jiuiveen tith and 7uh.
WANTED A Ctiml hi iiluo ncnM 11..
located, by private family. ' Will pay
reasonable rent. Address. "Prnmnt
ay," Astorlan office.
WANTED Position as driver or
salesman in a store. Speak English,
I-mnish, Swedish and Norwegian Ad
dress c. P. ii., care Astorlan office.
WANTED Ac-enls
old National Life Insiimnno n .
Montpeller, Vt. For further informa
tlon. address G. M. stnln r:onai r. .
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Fruncisco, Cal.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and sellln.
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelrv.
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
ois pronts. , w. P. Harrison
& Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
TO MAKE BIG MONEY selling our
raeotrln Tplanhnnn n..
..v.. toi aeiier
on earui. sent ail complete, all readv
to set up; lines of any distance. A prac
tical Electric Telenhnna Our
makeS $5 to $10 a day, easy. Everybody
buys. Big money without work. Prices
low. Anyone can make 175 rjer
Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk
No. 11, Columbus. Ohio.
Owner can have same Ibry applying to
A. V. Allen and ravins' tew nnn.,
Money to loan on flrst-class amrovei
security. Frank SDitUe.
Handley Haas, 150 First street, and
get the Dally Astorlan. Visitors neei
. wua meir morning
paper thjie
TTTTXY7i-t a .
rondel wine Instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forr-t
peach and apricot brandy. Also Frenrti
Cognac and wine st Alex rjlbert
uquors are sold at Ales CsinpN-ir.
ypur blood clear your complexion, rear
ulate your Bowels, and make your he.ri
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WsrkrsFsiT HixkutMeiUlud Oiohsas.