V THE DAILY ASTOKlAiX, ASTORIA, TLESD A Y AtOltNlMU, MAliCIl .12, 18. ODD OOLLBCTION. two 2BStoSelL..1lta..vl.ted lata Section two Is nnTZ. 01e 18 lare hunting. , . Section one contains which w ,t, eg' contents of ints Soritu- j'Hj'BiKai suner- ties tw n ltwo contains a few bot- kindred trouS t''ents and relieve It'hV w- .U has done more to amy ohor l ?rlnsB 01 wncn than any other medicineknown l0 science. 'PllO tllnm. Indianapolis Journal: She-And did lpa 8eem "Bry when you asked his? He Whv nn tit. , .. i.ikii ne iea me irom the room by the ear and kicked me down stairs he laughed all the time. 1 never khw , - - llnul , Bucn Beemlng good ihumor. A STORM ATSEA. illTVJ dl"fort of the voy w fVen wnen ne weather Is not tempestuous he is lialble to sea sickness. Whey who traverse & t?h T"1688 snoud e provided BlttersWhlch quiets disordered stomachs with grat tt.Mrffl64 and.oey. To the hurtful Influence of a. tropic, malarious wpi.eoTS!uVr damP climate, as well as to the (baneful effects of un. wholesome diet and ibad water. It is a hS22" a1tUUJte- Commercial travelers by sea. or land, mariners, miners, west ers pioneers, and all who have to en counter vicissitudes of climate and temperature, concur in pronouncing It the best safeguard. It prevents rheu matism and pulmonary attacks In con sequence of damp and cold, land It Is an etllcient defense against all forms of malaria. It can toe depended upon in dyspepsia, liver and kidney trouble. Judge: Hojack (reading) The em peror of China has ordered the Peking bankers to advance him the money he needs or lose their heads. Tomdik-That sounds like an Amer ican imvtatlon to office holders to makt voluntary campaign contributions. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell, Sharpsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over throe years with acute neuralgia and its consequent Insomnia (which seemed to baffle the efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almost Instant relief. Words fail to express the praise I should like to bistow on Krause's Headache Capsules. Gratefully Yours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES, Montrose, Pa. Kor sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., Washington Star: "You don't hear anytihiing of kyphosis blcycltstrarum any more," remarked the observant man. "No," replied the physician. "It's a pretty bad deformity, 'hut nobody takes any notice of it since bloomers came Into use." A THOUGHTFUL PERSON. Consults his best Interests by having a box of Krause's Headache Capsules at hand: taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the cause in fact if your skull were cracked it would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, and by taking the cap sules at the approach of a headache, you will never have another. Twenty five cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria Oregon. Sole Agent Syracuse Port: First Boston Lady Isn't it awful, incomprehensibly terrl tie? Second Boston Lady What? First Boston Lady That the city should lallow the trees to ipose as living pictures all the winter long. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by J. W. Conn. The value of standing pine in Minne sota was offlalally estimated in the last census at 560,000,000. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After try. ing other medicines for What seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without It hereafter, as our exper. ience proves that it cures where all others fall." Signed, F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not gjve this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and -trial bottles are free at Chas. Rog ers' drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and il.00. Mottled brlcys are coming into use or building purposes. They t give a house the appearance of Castile soap. Most people canr.ot afford to experi ment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. The Frenah government proposes to Impose fines upon railway companies for trains that start after the time mentioned in the time tables. It cures piles, It cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, wounds. It does this qi Ickly. Is there any good reason why you should not use DeWitt s Witch Kazel Salve? Chas. Rogers. Philadelphia Enquirer: Wife (at break fact) I didn't hear you when you came in last night. Husbtnd I guess that's the reason I dlln't hear you. You ought to know this: DeWitfs i, .i.i. u,i Col vp will heal a burn and stop the pain instantly. It will cure tadly chapped hands; ugly wounds, sores and is a well-known cure for piles. Chas. Rogers. Detroit Free Press: Joseph What are you doing to relieve the unemployed in this cold weather? James iMe? Joseph Yes. you. James I'm trying every day to get Job. Dr. ifics' Cream Biking Powder World's Fair Hie'aest Award. UVsOro a A CASE IT W ILL N OT ill HETji Ansgreeable Laxative and NERVE TON10. Bold by Drugglstsor sent by mall. 5x. 600, end 1.00 per package. Samples free, TA TTA The Favorite TOOTH POWtU ill) iiUfortheTeethaudBea4h,J!ao. For Sale by J. W. Conn. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will he received by the committee on streets and public ways at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria until Tuesday, March 12th, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, for the improvement of alleyway running through blocks 2, 3, 4, and 6, in that part of the city of Astoria laid out and recorded ry jonn auuu, huh west line of 38th street to the west line of 42d street, lnaccordance wiin me provisions of ordinance No. 1928, and i ar.A oriflrn firms of the City Surveyor now on file In the office of the Auditor and Police juuge. The improvement herein provided for shall be completed on or before the 10th day of April. 1895. Bids must be strictly in accordance with the printed blanks which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge, par tlcular attention being called to the bond on the back of said bid. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. No bid will be received that does not embrace all of said work. By order of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the City of Asto rla, Oregon. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Polio Judge. Astoria, Or., March 7th, 1895. Since Hon. Igniaclous Donnelly retired from the reform business the Minne sota legislature ihas become a staid, plodding, business body. Verbal pyro tedhnlos no longer agitate St. Paul. The trustees of Sing Sing. New York, have decided to adopt the new name of Wescovo. for tfhe village. Wescova was (the name of an Indian chief from whom .the site of itlhe town was pur chased over 200 years ago. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, until Tuesday, March 12th, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of 35th street from the north side of Franklin avenue to the south side of Duane street in accordance with the provisions of Or dinance No. 1927, plans and specifica tions of the City Surveyor now on file In the office of the Auditor and Po lice Judge. The work must be completed on or before the 10th day of April, 1895. Bids must be strictly in accordance with the printed blanks which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge, par ticular attendtion being called to the bond on back of said bids. The right Is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids; no bid will be received that does not embrace all of said work. By order of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., March 7th, 1895. Atchison Globe: Considering the op portunity the Lord has for finding peo ple out, we don't see where he gets any angels. Ram's Horn: "There is one sign that should be placed over every letter box in the city." "What Is that? Post no biais.'" IT MAY DO AS MUCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., write. that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back, and also that his bladde was affected. He tried many so-called Kidney cures, but without any good resuts. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief a once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all kidney and live troubles, and often gives almost in stant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price, only 60 cents for large bottle, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Harper's Bazaar: "Slang Is very vul gar," said Miss Hlckslby. "But sometimes very expressive, I thing," said Mr. Jones. "That may be," returned Miss Hlcks by, "but it don't cut any Ice with me, Just the name." The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pare or so great in leav ening power as the P.oyal. Detrole Free Press:' iMrs. Watte You have a most remarkably ban face, to tell you the truth. Dismal Dawson .Yes'm, (that Is be cause it is so dry. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Ah!" Void the statesman, "the government Is try ing my plan at iast " Wife What's that? Statesman Borrowing money. EXECUTOR'S NOTICK. Notice Is hereoy given that I havt been appointed executor of the last will and testament of L W. Case, de ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested tc present them duly verified, within six months from this date, at Astoria Na tional Bank. D. STUART, Executor. Astoria, February lo, 1895. Easily, Quickly, Permaiently Restored, WealintM, Nervon sdcm, ...... j , " - - - or evua iiTjratariy crnn. ui Lmlcr en eescs. the result of overor:c. birke. worry. .. tall ;rcnfrin, oevei- ieitn Mi: nd portion ; V-'. r: ,W i ... . imnviiL n "il.-.-f I ' ate i,.nroyemi-l seen. xplaaatio- ad proof a-aiil nestled) free. ERIE MEDIO. CO., Buffalo, MX VIBOR MEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Common Council of the City of Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1924, enti tled, "An Ordinance Appointing Vlew "ers on an extension of James street, "proposed by Ordinance No. 1916 and "Ordinance No. 1923," of the City of Astoria, passed and approved February 2th, 1895, duly appointed W. B. Adair G. Zeigler and Maxwell Young, View ers, to view the said extension of said James Btreet proposed to be laid out and established In said city, hereinafter described, and make an assessment of damages and benents as required by Section 113 of the Charter of the City of Astoria,' and fix Monday, March 11th, 1895, at 9 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the city hall in said City of Astoria, as the place of meeting of such viewers. The following are the boundaries and terminus of the propos ed street to be laid out and established as aforesaid, the same being an ex tension of James street In said city, to-wit: A strip of land sixty feet In width, ani thirty feet in width on each side of the line as heretofore surveyed, mark ed and staked out, as follows: Begin ning at a point In the center of the east end of James street In Central Astoria In said City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, and running thence South 89 degrees and 45 minutes east 990 feet; thence south 0 degrees 15 min utes west 174.6 feet; thence on a 20 degree curve to the left 377.5 feet; thence south 75 degrees 15 minutes east 691.3 feet; thence on a 15-degree .05 min ute curve to the left 212.7 feet; thence north 72 degrees 40 minutes east 980.7 feet; thence south 17 degrees 20 minutes east 300 feet; thence north 72 degrees 40 minutes east 300 feet; thence south 81 degrees 50 minutes east 740.5 feet; thence north 52 degrees east 457.6 feet; thence on a 15-degree curve to the right 574.4 feet; thence south 41 degrees 50 minutes east 144.6 feet; thence on a 10-degree curve to the left 685 feet; thence north 79 degrees 40 minutes east 372.9 feet; thence south 47 degrees .05 minutes east 217.4 feet; thence south 74 degrees 28 minutes east 1563.8 feet; thence south 88 degrees 49 minutes east 1137.7 feet; thence south 1 degree .06 minutes west 667.8 feet; thence south 53 degrees 13 minutes east 2060 feet; thence south 19 degrees 56 minutes east 146 feet; thence south 43 degrees 16 minutes east S31.4 feet; thence south 22 degrees 31 minutes east 361 feet; thence south 1 degree 39 minutes west 740.4 feet; thence south 25 degrees 42 min utes east 825.3 feet; thence south 49 degrees 56 minutes east 505.7 feet; thence south 74 degrees 15 minutes cast 163 feet; thence south 25 degrees 65 minutes east 1092 feet; thence south 73 degrees 25 minutes east 742.3 feet, thence south 67 degrees 65 minutes east 1684.7 feet; thence on a six-degree curve to the left 353.3 feet; thence south 89 degrees 7 minutes east 10S9.1 feet; thence south 0 degrees and 53 min utes west 316.6 fett; thence south 23 degrees 11 minutes east 674.6 feet; thence north 80 degrees 44 minutes east 466.4 feet; thence south 54 degrees 31 minutes east 517 feet; thence south 85 degrees 51 minutes east 468 feet; thence south 49 degrees 11 minutes east 350 feet to a point on the south boundary line of section 26, paid point being 3.13 feet west of the corner to sections 23, 24, 25 and 26, Tp. 8 N., R. 9 wtst of the Willamette Meridian, In said county and state. The boundaries and descriptions of the private property to be apportioned for such' street and over and across wnich the said proposed street runs cn the courses and distances above set fcrth, are as follows: TRACT No. 1 Beginning at a point SO feet East of the S. E. Corner of Block No. 93, in the Town of Astoria (now City of Astoria) as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely, at a point established by Hay den Gearhart; run ning thence easterly with south boun dary of Bald town 23, 84 chains; thence tfcuth 41.68 chains to the south boun dary line of the Donation Land Claim of J. M. and Susan L. Shlvely; Thence west along said south boundary of said claim 23.58 chains; Thence north 39.03 chains to place of beginning. Charles W. Shlvely, owner. Lying within said tracts are Tracts No. 1 1-2 and 2, herein described: TRACT No. 1 1-2 Beginning at a certain stone monument marked X, In the D. C. L. of J. M. and Susan L. Shlvely, same being the northwest cor ner of that certain tract of land owned by A. S. Bennett, and Geo. Noland, as per deed recorded In Book 9, at page 20, Records of Deeds for Clatsop coun ty, described in tract 3 herein; thence south 0 degrees 19 minutes E. 2553.46 feet, to the south boundary of said Donation Land Claim; Thence north 89 degrees 45 minutes west along the said south boundary line of said claim 171 feet; thence north 0 degrees 14 min utes west 2539.36 feet, to the south line of Shlvely's Astoria aforesaid; thence north 85 degrees 45 minutes east on Eaid south line of Shively's Astoria, 171.5 feet, to place of beginning. As toria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner. TRACT No. 2. Beginning at a stake cn the east boundary line of the Town of "Central Astoria," as laid out and recorded by B. VanDusen, E. A. Noyes, and H. G. VanDusen, In the City of Astoria, 396.35 feet Bouth of the north east corner of said Central Astoria, new marked with a stone monument; thence south on said boundary line 400 feet; thence east at right angles 250 feet; thence north 400 feet; thencs west 250 feet, to the place of begin ning. ALSO, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Beginning at the S. E. corner of Block No. 94, In the Town of Astoria, (now City of Asto ria) as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely; thence South 411.22 feet. Thence East 30 feet; Thence North 413.65 feet, to the South boundary line of said Town of Astoria, aforesaid; Thence westerly 30.10 feet, to place of beginning. City of Astoria, Owner. TRACT No. 3. Ten acres of land off the west end or side of that certain tract of land, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: That certain 200 acre tract of land in the Southeast corner of the Donation Land Claim of J. M. and Susan L. Shlvely, in said county and State, bounded on the North by the Town of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlvely, and on the east by the East boundary line of said Donation Land Claim, and on the South by the South boundary line of said Donation Land Claim, and on the west by a line drawn north and south and parallel to the east boundary lln of said claim, and a sufficient distance west therefrom to Include and com prise 200 acres of land. A. S. Bennett, and Geo. Noland, Owners. TRACT NO. 4. That certain ten acre tract of land, bounded on the north by the south boundary line of the Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. l. Shlvely, In said county and state, and on the south by the south boundary line of the J. M. and Susan L. Shlve ly Donation Land Claim, and lylnf: Immediately east of and adjoining the tin acre tract above described. James W. Welch, Owner. TRACT NO 6. j, The orth one-half of that certain 20 acre tract of land lying immediately east of and adjoining the ten acre tract described In "Tract No. 4," above, the north and south boundaries being identical. Northwestern Lumber Com pany, Owner. TRACT No. 6 . That certain ten acre tract of land lying Immediately east of and adjoin ing that certain 20 acre tract bounded and described in "Tract No. 6." here of, the north and south boundary lines being identical. Sarah F. Wood. Own er. TRACT NO. 7.- Tht certain 50 acre tract of land ly ing Immediately east of and adjoining to the tract last above mentioned. In "Tract No. i." hereof, the north and south lines being idantlcal. Astoria Real Estate Association, Owner. I ItACT NO. 8. . The east one-half of the following described reel estate, to-wlt: That cer tain 200 acre tract of land In the south east corner of the Donation Land Claim of J. M. and Susan. U Shlvely, In Clatsop County, Oregon, and bound ed on tha north by the Town of Asto ria, now City of Astoria, as laid out end recorded by J. M. Shlvely, on the east by the east bounuarynne or tne Donation Land Claim of Said J. M. and Susan L. Shlvely, on the south by the south boundar line of said Donation Land Claim, and on the west by a line drawn north and south from said south line of said Donation Land Claim, to the South Line of said town ot Astoria, and parallel to the east boundary line of said claim, and a sufficient distance west of said east boundary line of said Claim, to Include and comprise 200 acres of land. Nancy Welch and As toria Savings Bank, Owners, TRACTS NO. 9 ' Lots Nos. 1 and 2, la Block No. 4, Mariret Y. Gowan. Owner. Lot No. 3. Block No. 4, Mrs. M. M. Cvrus. Owner. Lot 4, W. 1-2 Lots 5, 14, Lots 15, 16, 17 18. Hlk. No. 4. .VI. J. Kinney. Owner. E. 1-2 Lots 6, 14, and Lots tt, 7, 8, , and 13, Block No. 4. Astoria Savings RRnk. Trustee. Owner. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, W. 1-2 Lots 7 and 20, Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, To, and Z6, in Block No. 3. M. J. Kinney. Owner. The E. 1-2 of Lot No. 7, and 20; Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, Block No. 3, Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner. Lot No. 13, Block No. 6, J. C. Roberts, Owner. All in the town of Kinney's Astoria, as laid out and recorded by M. J. Kinney. TRACT NO. 10. All of Lot No. 2, In Section No. 16, in Township No. 8, North of Range No. 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, excepting a strip of land 181 and 1-2 feet wide across the soutn slue tnereot, Alfred Kinney and Mary R. Smith, Owners. ALSO, a strip of land 181 and 1-2 feet In width across the south side of Lot No. 2. See. No. 16. Tp. No. 8 N., R. 9 W., Will. Mer the Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner. TRACT NO. 11 Lot No. 1. In Section No. 16, Tp. No. 8 N., R. No. 9 W. Will. Mer., AugUBt C. Kinney, Owner. TRACT NO. 12 The Northeast one quarter of the Southeast one quarter Sec. No. 16, Tp. No. 8 N. R. No. 9 W., Will. Mer., M. J, Kinney, Owner. TRACT NO. 13. The North 1-2 of Blocks 19 and 20, and all of Blocks No. 31, 26 and 34, In Hill's First Addition to the Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by Geo. Hill; Geo. Hill, Owner. TRACT NO. 14 Block No. 1, in Extension to Railway Addition, as laid out and recorded by L. P. W. Quimby, Trustee; L. Sr. W, Quimby, Trustee, Owner. TRACT NO. 15. A tract of land containing 20 acres of land, bounded on the east and on the west by the east and west lines re spectively of the Donation Land Claim of Robert and Ann Shortness, and on the south by a line running east and west across said Donation Land Claim, and parallel with the South boundary line thereof, and a sufficient distance north thereof to include and comprise 90 acres of land, and bounded on the north by a line running across said Do nation Land Claim east and west, and parallel to said last mentioned boun. dary line, and a sufficient distance north thereof to Include and comprise 20 acres of land; Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner. TRACT NO. 16. The west one-hoilf of a tract of land containing ninety acres off the south end of the Donation Land Claim of Robert and Ann Shortness, In said county and state; Alexander Gilbert, owner. TRACT NO. 17. Lots No. 2, in Sec. No. 22, Tp. No. 8, N. of R. 9 W., of the Will. Mer.; George Hill, Owner. TRACT NO. 18. All of Blocks 2, 3, 4, and 6, in Mel rose Addition to the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. L. Sharpsteln; J. L. Sharpsteln, Owner. TRACT NO. 19. The southeast one quarter of the Northeast one quarter of Sec. No. 22, In Tp. No. 8, N. of R. No. 9, West of the Will. Mer., excepting therefor, 16 rods off the east side of said tract; Sarah K. Saxe, Owner. TRACT NO. 20. The northeast one "quarter of the southeast cne quarter of Sec. No. 22, In Tp. No. 8, N. of R. 9, West of the Will. Mer., August C. Kinney, Owner. TRACT NO. 21. The Northwest cne'quarter of the Southwest one quarter of Sec. No. 23, In Tp. No. 8 N., of R. No. 9 West of the Will. Mer., excepting the southerly one-fourth thereof; August C. Kinney, Owner. ALSO the most southerly one-fourth of the above described tract; M. J. Kinney, Owner. TRACT NO. 22 The east one-half of the Southwest one quarter of Sec. No. 23, In Tp. No. 8 N., of R. No. 9 West of the Will, Mer., excepting therefrom the south east one quarter of the Southwest one quarter and the south one-halt of the Northeast one quarter of the South west one quarter of said Sec. No. 23, Tp. 8 iN., R. No. 9 W Will. Mer.; James W. Welch, Owner. Also, the Southeast one quarter of the southwest one quarter, and the South one-half of the Northeast one quarter of the Southwest one quarter of said Sec. No. 23", Tp. No. 8 N., It. No. 9 West of the Will. Mer.; Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner. TRACT NO. 23. West one-half of the southeast quar ter of Sec. No. 23, Tp. No. 8 N., of R. No. 9 West Will. Mer., Mary A, Twi light, Owner. TRACT NO. 24. West 1-2 of Southeast one quarter of Southeast 1-4 Sec. 23, Tp. No. 8 N., R. No. 9 West Will. Mer.; F. O. Affeld, Owner. TRACT NO. 25. The East 1-2 of the S. E. 1-4 of the S. E. 1-4 Sec. 23, Tp. No. 8, N. of R. No 9 West Will. Mer.; Elizabeth Goodrich. Owner. Eaoh and all of the above described tracts being and lying in the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Ore gon. By order of the Common Council Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, City of As toria. Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 27, 3895, LOOK OUT FOR COLD WEATHER But ride lnnMA tha Tnn-tn r - " UIKHHU and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment tar trains or the Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway, and you will be as warm, comfortable, and cheerful in your own library or boudoir. To travel Between Chicago, Bt. Paul or Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and Omaha. In these luxuriously annotated trains, is a supreme satisfaction; and as the somewhat ancient advertisement used to read, "for further Dartlmiiar. see small bills." Small bills (and large ones, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeping car tickets. All couoon ticket agents on the coast sell tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, or adilreu rv T Eddy General Axent, Portland, Or. BWOPE, the Blgnwriter-Docorator, 45) D. Street Thelf eade. Commercial Street. WE KEEP NO BOOKS. NO BAD DEBTS STRICTLY CASH. You don't want a carpet sweeper tha barks the furniture or brushes the life out of the carpet, or kicks up dust In stead of gathering it, or lops Its hand! about for you to trip over. You may come across that sort under one name or another. Pass on, and remember Blssell's Grand Rapids Sweeper. It comes as near to "broom work" as a machine can. No noise, no drag on you to run It, almost sucks the dust up, and dumps with a touch; the brush Just skims, or digs In as you press lightly or heavily on the handle. You'll say it monopolizes the Sweeper virtues. And the price la only J2.99. The Celebrated Buttermilk Soap Do a enke. This Kerlector Lsmp, with himney wick nml burner, 3'ic. Lfime Bottle Household Animoaial3o. Wash Boards l7o. to !3l)o. Comforts 1.13. Veiling per yard 12c. Lnce from lo a yard to 14c. Overalls 50o. Quilts 98o, bilk Garter Web per yard lOo. Breakfast Shawls 2!o. Bindings per roll 2a Pearl Buttons from 7c to 15o a dozen. Smoked Pcnrl Buttons 5u to 8c a dozen. Towels oo. Table Oil Cloth 10 and 20o a yard. Boys Pants 19c. Ladies Underwear all prices Corset Waist 19c. Men's Underwear till prices. De Long's Hook nud Eyes .er card 12c. Saft'tv Pins per dozen 2o. 2 Foot Rules 8o. Shoe Brushes 10c. Nuraii)f Bottles 9c Vaseline, large bottle Co Boys' Suspenders 10c. Men's Suspenders nil prices, Umbrellas 81.22, 11. CI). I.mlW Hose 9o. Plavinn Cards 8o, 10c, Ladies' Aprons 24c, 27c, 34c. Men's Hose 5c to 32c, Dinner Bells 4o, 9c, 20c. Coffee Mills that bold n pound, C7o. Oval Top Looking Ulaes, 25o. Glubi Syrup Pitchers 21c. Padlocks 7o, no, l.ro. Choppinv Bowls 13c, 27o, 80c. Clothes Pins 25 for 6c. Glass Tumblers 30c a set. ' No. 2 Lamp Chimneys (lo. No. 8 "Never Break" Skillets 34o. Tin Pot Covers 3c, 4c, 6c. Cake Lifters 5o. Scalloped Shelf Paper 30 sheets 6c. 30 Feet of Clothes Litie 4c. Bottle of SewitiK Machine Oil 40. Nickel Alarm Clocks 91o. Preserve Kettles 10c, 12c, 14c. 25o Novels Of. Decorated Chamber Pails 33o. Kellector Lamps with burner and chimney 33o. Travelling Alcohol Lamps 15c Heat Saws 33o. Coat Hooks 6 (or So. Fire Shovels 5c, 9o, 17c. Tea Spoons per set 5c. Iron Shelf Brackets per pair 4, 9, 22o. Knives aua uotub per set from 4zc tosi.u Meat Broilers 7o. Dover Eik Beaters 10c Wire Hair Brushes 15c., 23o. Armlets 6c. Flies, 12c. Dog Chains lGc. Butt Hinges from 2c. to lo. Oread Boxes, 35c, 65c, 75c. Corn Poppers, 7c., 14c, Strap Hinges, 3b., 6c, 7c, 9c. Red Ink 4c, a bottle. Knife Baskets 43c 2QuartCoireePotl0c. 3 )2o. 4 " " " 13c. 2 Quart Conner Bottom Coffee Pot 15c. 11 " ' 11 ' 19c. 4 " " 21ft Tea Trays 9c, llo. lSc. 14 Quart Tin PaLJ 19c. Dish Pans 18c. Dnst Pans 8c. Pint Cnps, 2 for 6c. Large Glass Pitchers 19c, 28c. Lantern Globes 6c. Lanterns 45c Picture Hooks lc. Window Shades with spring rollers 83c. The "ARGADE" Commercial Street b'wW cents! THE flSTOfp SAVINGS M Acts as trustee for corporations and Individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on saving deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBY President BENJ. YOUNG Vice Presldnnl FRANK PATTON Cashier W. a DEMENT Secretary DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, Bonj Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson, W. E. Dement Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A C Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington st., Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve Fleeplng car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern. Union, South ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route Is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road in the world for all classes of travel. FISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons & Vehicles in StocU Fitrm Machinery, Paints, Olli. Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Ftlrbink'j Scales, Doors b . and Windows. Provislona, flour, and Mill Fd Astoria, Oregon. These tiny Ccpsules aro superior to Ualsam ol Uopalba, n Cubcbs and Injdctlona. They cure In 43 tours the some diseases without anylncon vonlence. SOLDBYALLDRUGQISTS Indio The Oasis of the Colorado Desert H ealtb Resort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The' objections urged against Indlo In the past by the large numbers who otherwise would have been glad to take advantage of Its beneficial climate, lias been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Paclflo Company, takes pleasure in announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. They are fur nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado which the Southern Pa cllio road traverses there is an oasis called Indlo, which, In our opinion, li the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, that for certain Invalids, the-e is no spot oi this planet so favorable." O. T. Stewart, M. D writes: "The purity of tho air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight Nature lias accomplished sc much that there remains but little for man to do. As to Its possibilities as a health resort, here is the most per feet sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy in recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO. lis 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information Inquire of any eoutnern racino Company agent, or aaaress . E. P. ROGERS. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. KIRKLAND. Diet Pass. Agt. cor. First ana Alder Sts.. Portland, Or E. flcNElL, Receiver. o o, S ! o iluo Gives Choice of Tftio, Transcontinental Koutee, Via Spokane and St. Paul. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or! St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Fleeter Free Reclining Chair Cars, ' Astoria to 5an Francisco. OOEAN STEAMERS Columbia, Sunday, March 10. -Queen, Friday, March 15. Columbia, Wednesday, March 20. Queen, Monday, March 26. Columbia, Saturday, March SO. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. . Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'a boat will run as follows, between Astoria and Portland. The Thompson will leave As torla at 6:45 a. m. dally exceot Sunday. and Portland dally at 8 p. m. except ounaay. Tne t. J. potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. For rates and general Information call on or address C. F. OVELRBAUGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oen. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN 1 LINE. " -the CHICAGO, ST. PAUjL, MINNEAPOLIS .! " and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ; ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Tbelr Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME,1 Have given this road a national reputa tion All Idbum nt rmmtnirm rAi-rtt on the vestlbuled trains without extra cnarge. enip your irvignt ana travel over this famous line. All agents have ticket. W. H. MEAD. F. C. BAVAGH, Gen. Agent. Trav. P. and P. Agt. tig Washington st, Portland. Or, U:rA 1