tHB lUILY ASTORIA, ASTORIA, FRIDAY MORNiNQ MARCH 8, 1895 TbRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILV. derved by carrier, per weex.... lScts Sent by mall, per month 60ctg Sent by mail, per year $7.00 WEEKLY. dent by mall per year, $2.00 in advance Postage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to its sub . scrlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia ' river. ' Advertising rates can be bad cn ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. fiandley & Haas are our Portland agents and copies of the Astorlan can ' be had every morning at their stand on First street "Wise 'Republicans are not rejoicing at the feud In the Democratic party in the South on the finance issue, for it means the prevalence of a sentiment in that section which Is full of peril for the whole country. It is clear enough now that the third party folly in the West has run Us course, and that in 1896 the Republicans will regain control of all the states whldh they have usually car ried. In last November's election, prac tically speaking, they did this, but next year a Republican olean sweep of all of those states is aa certain as any polltl- j cal event in the future can be. The third party's recruiting ground at this time is the Couth. It is saf9 to say that that party will develop a greater Strentrth In the South in 1896 than It did In the West in 1892, and that it will carry some of the states of that region. This is not the way Republicans would order matters if they had the power. The prevalence, even in Democratlo lo calities of the lunacies and obliquities associated with Populism Is a prospect which is not cheering to the Republi can Republlcifh success in the presi dential and congressional elections next year will not, in the slightest degree, he dependent on any such condition of things. As between the Democrats and the Populists the Republicans would Always prefer the Democrats. The Populists have all the follies and ab surdities of the Democrats, supple mented by a pretty large assortment of idiocies and iniquities of their own. Undoubtedly the third party will seek alliance with the Republicans In the ' South next year, but the Republicans will avoid such coalitions. They have nothing to gain In that direction, while they have much to lose. The blather skite and scalawag element represented by Uie Fences, Simpsons and Bryans was, to a considerable extent, weeded out of congress by last November's election, and It is to the Interest of the Republicans both, as partisans and as patriots that it be kept out here after. The construction of the great Siber ian railroad will open a vast area of land to the use of agriculture, end It Is already apparent that the policy of Iti'osta will be to attract settlers by offering liberal terms. On the western rectton of the railroad now completed, the richest government land Is held at an annual rental of (2.25 for forty acres and the Russian emigration there is heavy. The productions are wheat, cattle, lard, wool, horse and camel's . hair and raw hides, including camel and goat skins. Students of the world's economic affairs will have a new ele ment to deal with when the railways across Siberia and South America are In full operation. The stories going the rounds of the pagers about the Allen ownership of enormous tracts of farming land in this country, and the system of rack rent under which tflie tenantry on these lands is being oppressed, are Populist fakes pure and simple, and no resptct Jbla paper ought to print them. It Is doubtful If there Is a foreign holder of American real estate today who would not be gtod to sell his land for 60 per cent of what It cost him. Tet there are demagogues and Populist alarmists who would have the people believe that a conspiracy exist among the rich men of Europe to acquire all the land 'In hls country and then reduce the people to an American feudal system'. It appears from Representative Can non's statement that In spite of the tact that the Cleveland administration has iwlttihetct from the pensioners of the country the great sum of 1 11.000.000, ye th impropriations of the last con gress, with the public work authorized to be done under contract, brings tne expenditures of the Democratic con gress up to an amount greater than the so-called billion dollar Republican con- ! press by the sum of 126,000,000. As soon as the present business em' haxrassments are overcome Europe's money will flow in this direction for Investment in as broad and deep streams as were known in the past When the real recovery from the finan cial prostration 'begins, the country is .ikely to see a business activity and prosperity such as set In in 1879, when tne resumption of specie payments nound up the panle of 1873. An exchange says the savings banks of New Tork hold $351,000,000 of money belonging to the people, which is earn ing from 2 to S per cent interest, and yet the administration has contracted to pay nearly 4 per cent Interest on 62,400,000 for the use of the govern ment. Populism hit the Republicans in 1S92, but it is likely, though possibly under another name, to hit the Democrats harder in 1896. It will hit them In the Southern states. Probably nobody now living will ever see a solid Democratic Houtb, again. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noslce Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the estate of John O. Uendrlckson, de ceased. All persons .having claims against said estate are hereby required 10 present them properly vended, wltn vouchers, at the ottlce of John H. ana A. M. BmirJj, Astoria Oregon. JOHN W. HOL-MSTROM. Administrator. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AD MINISTRATOR. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been, by the County :ourt of the State of Oregon, for Clat sop County, duly appointed administ rator of the estate of Casper wanes. deceased. Persons having claluib gainst sold estate are notified and .liiiulred to present the same, duly ver- .lled and with proper vouchers, wun- n six months from the date ol tnis ntolce. to the undersigned, at the oflice of Brenham VanDusen, I'q, JNO. uv Eleventh Btreet, Astoria, Clatsop Coun ty, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of February, 1895. F. W. BALTES, Administrator of the estate of Casper Suites, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TiaojnM . sKiA,tirvna if nv there be, to the final account of the adminis trator of the estate or l. k.. urimra, Is set for eleven o'clock forenoon of March 30, 1895, by order ot tne juage oi the County Court or uiatsop couniy, Oregon, February 26, 1895. E. M. GRIMES, Administrator. The name One Minute Cough Cure uggesls a medicine that relieves at nee, and quickly cures. Its use proves 't Oh as. Rogers. Mr. Wilson Is the LI Hung Chang of the administration. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people no Inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure art? nrnmptly and gives permanent results, ""has Rogers. John Hazen White, who was recently "looted bishop of Indiana, has so kept his youthful appearance that a photo graph taken twenty years ago Is said to be still an excellent likeness. He hat a blue eye, light auburn hair, a stal wart frame nearly seven feet In height and a resounding voice of proportionate volume. You make no mistake when you take OeWltt's Little Early Risers for bil iousness, dyspepsia, or headache, be- ause these little pills cure them. Clias .iogers. Dolly Ferguson easily leads tho pro cession of advanced women in Mary land or elsewhere. She is 118 years ot age, 'but doesn't look it. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probobly tnow that it cures a cough. Everyone lies who has used It. It Is a perfect emedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, t is an especial favorite for children, 'xlng pleasant to take, Bind quick In urlng. Ohas. Rogers. Senator Brlce's aerial navigation sdheme Is frowned down upon by the senate. The upper house regards with suspicion every movement calculated to rival Its high-flying propensities. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength.-. B. Government Report. Ex-Governor St. John, of Kansas, Is said to be studying elocution. It Is labor loat. The vocal cyclone has se cured a sufficiency of polish from the ballot box to lost a life-time. MT LIFE.' I consider It the best rem edy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Km- ney trouble, it exceiis. mve m cis. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Chicago brewers look suspiciously at the Episcopal saloon movement. What troubles them sorely is how the se date bishop caught onto the recipe for producing picoadllly collar on schooner. As Is the doth was not up in the science of atmospheric pressure. What Is the use of having a "human form dlvtne" unless you care for it and drape It and clothe it so as tr make It a source of joy to yourself and a pride to your friends T Nature sup plies the form. A. Lake, the tailor at 359 Commercial street Will make the raiment. See him. The mellowing influence of women in the legislature of Colorado was put to ths test recently, and emerged In a mutilated condition. Two masculine members painted each other's eyes, pilled some gore on the carpet, and did not apologize to the ladles. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder irVl Cold MU MkJwUtar Fk. Urn Francises- - ; 1 : Stand the Test. A popular remedy is sure to be subjected to the severest tests, both practi cal and medical. Allcock's Porous Plaster receives the endorsement of medical men and private persons everywhere as the best remedy for colds, coughs, sore throat, pains in the back, chest or limbs. lis Sot Deceived. Imitations ere not equal lolliesenuine. UelALLtoCKt and no other. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Hart no equal ai relief and cure lor coma and bunions. Brandreth's Pills purify and tone up a debilitated sys tem. They are absolutely safe. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of James W. Melson, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against said etsate are miiImi1 in nrpHAnt HlP IICIVU LJUH V. V. w - . properly verified, to J. A. Eakln, my attorney, at nis omce in Awona, Ore gon, within six months from this date March lBt, 1895. TTT.TMAn MFJTflnTvT. Administratrix of the estate of James W. Melson, deceased All thn nnroriT medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., oan be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Ai-iona. Take a dose of DeWltt's Little Early Rleern lust for the (rood they will do you. These little pills are good for in- degestlon. Good for headache, gooa for liver complaint, good for constipa tion. They are good. Unas. Kogers. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hearing of objections if any there be. to the final account or tne aamin istrator in the estate of G. K. Grimes and Son, Is set for eleven o'clock fore noon of March 30th, 1895, by order of the Judge of the County Court of Clat sop County, Oregon, February ztn, ihuo, E. M. GK1MES, . Administrator. ftorth Pacific Breuiery JOHN KOPP.Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. orders promptly attended to Japanese Bazaar SING LUNG. Prop. Says a customer of some of those new goods Uiat we have Just received for fall trade, and that we're selling so remarkably cheap: "They are the best bargains we ever got in Astoria," They are captivating In quality and style and will make a record as purse- ipeners. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's Fruit Store. Kopp's Beer Hall. Choke Wines, Llquora and Clga'i. KENTUCKY W HI9KEY Only handed over the ear. The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc. Fie Lunch. Cbas. Wirkkola, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sta. St. George's Rheumatic Bitters- Specially Manufactured tn aid those allllcti'd with kllfcUMATISM. it elves tone to the stomach and purities the blood better than any other bitters known. For sale bv all leading druggists, or Address "G. R." P.O. Box W). Astoria, Or. OR PETER BRACH, General Agent air Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. letepnoue io. a4. J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, t PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND WHARF nUILDKa Vddress. box t&i. Postoftke. ASTORIA. OR Ms mr i,j y i ! i 'mm ' Iron V-1 Works, n.ui n.rhlnl.t and Holler Work. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat 1 r t tl,.l. t ,.n.. n-crlrttistn inu engine vuii ui nv wiijjiivh. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St.. Astoiia, Or. Am nvanWtln snva irnml rlreu otienA. all doors, you should not lose sight of the tact mai a yenevi unnm uu m the main feature. Wanamaker & Brown are noted for fit, workmanship ..1 .....iitv nf miuHr'H Their rii- awau n,' 1 " - resentatlve visits Astoria every three months. omce e uetcura ismming, Dnxlan.t Or TtPHprVB Order till VOU have seen the spring line of samples. H.C. DITTRICH, Graduate of the Bauschule Holzmlnden, Germany, and Massachussets Technology Office. Root- H Sherlock BIJf .. Kortiana. ur. Who Is Williams? Why Williams the barber at 474 Com mercial street. Shaving i sets; haircut tng.$cts;bath J$cts. Th e CASINO. 7tli & Entire Change of Program, Monday MORRIL & FLOYD,"Irish' P-f T 1? VT"W A High class modern OLLIE OATMON, National Descriptive sngs, flags of all Nations. CAD WILSON bucn a nl" glrl' MAY DEVILLIOU -Character RTT.RTHA KTCILOGG.-Operatlc VERE DE-VERE rhe CaliforniB EARL LELAND,-""Ser!o-comIc Concluding with Billie Morris' laughable Admission 10 FOR TILMmOOK;, NEHALEM COAST POINTS OTHEf STEAHERS R. P. EliMORE; W. H- Haisoim, AUGUSTA. Sailins dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELHORE, SANBORN & CO, - Astoria, Oregon. 0. R. & N. CO., Agentf, Portland. w D1 71 ' fl i On a dark, stormy night, when the tide is ething fust and the hardy fisherman finds it almost impossible to handle his net, has lie t-vor stopped to think, should it become caught on a snag, what brand of twine would stand the greatest strain? Did he ever ask his brother fishermen what sort or twine they used? If 6o in nine cases out often, if they be successful fishermen, the answer has been "MARSHALL'S TWINE." It is the ONLY Brand of Twine to use. BOND STREETS. Evening, March 4th. Hebrew and Ne8ro Impersonations, Intro ducing uieir laugnaDie comeuy "LIFE IN A TENEMENT HOUSE." magic introducing startling phenomenos. t00 sln8lnK tne laiest in. i . success, nc wanted me to De his living picture. dancer. vocalist. Nightengale. Entertainer." sketch, "The Senator and the Monkey." and 20 cents. Alili Open por Special Charter. Mi REMOVED ! REMOVED I REMOVED! B. F. ALLEN has removed his stock of wall paper, paints and window glass to 3G5 Com mercial St., dir ctly opposite Rescue Hall. REMOVAL I REMOVAL! REMOVAL! J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, 1 Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POtflVS Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rain Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWINE It astonishes the old time makers to see bow the fishermen hnve taken to Marshall's twine the lnct few years and they mny. THE HIGH BOAT of last seBsou over till the other bouts on the rivei used MARNHALL'ti TWINE. WHY? Because it is the etronoePt. Bei-Riise it has not been weakened by bleaching. Because it is sold with a Kiuirnutee that if itdot-s not prove satisfactory it can be brought back at the end of the season. SEASIDE SAVMOiIi. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, ruiv tic, celling, and all kinds of finish . mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. t L. LOGAN. Prop'r qpanlrlP. OrPBTon STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Steamer Telephone. ilsjf,s? Leaves Astoria for Portland and way landings at 7 p. rn. iaily, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland evtrv day except Sun day at 7 a.m. C.W.STONE, Agent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. B. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland -.-5i?'5- STEAMER SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixor leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o'clock, and Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7:30 and Monday and Wednesday evening at 7:30. Round trip $2.00; single trip, J1.25. Upper berths 60 cents; lower berths, 10 cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Aitoria. Fhw Teas nJ Coffers. Table Dellcaclei. Dome! U and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hans, Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Mestlnj.-- 17 Tsrelth street, Astoria, Or. 1: jfrXfTK Jl 11 iggJg, n ihp mc to tKe f't nit :n;pTN EAST and SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers tlie bent hivicp, oni.i timu or Xi nil hiii i umruin It I the fioi ul r n uie with D on wliu IV 1 )n UilVi I Ml the SAFEST! It i ibeiefore the rouie sen -liou'd take. It runs through vest, biuret trains every day m the year to SI. P. Ho Change Of Crh. Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Slccptim, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers. Only ou chanife ol cais PORTLAND to NEW YORK, Through Tlchfl; To Any l"nrt nf tin- civil ze.1 woilil PasteJigerii lirkrlcrt Yin all botit rnimiiu between Ai.orlni aIhiiis i'd Por!Hnd. Full informal liii eoiin Pltiiu- ! time o Iraiii-,, inuTeii Hi'il olJmi ii-i-i. " Uhed 01. ipl.JI.'-Al to ' Ki. W- STOKE. Irelit AMO-'h fteiimer telephone Poek. A. P. CNafLTOH, A. O. P. A., N. T. R. R., 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Or. sii Psci RAILWAY. AMI2KICA.' Greatest Trans "Contirenta Railway System PROW 0CEAH TO OCEAN -IN- Piieee Dining floom and Sleepirg Cvs Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, alloaiing Unbroken Vleais of the Wonderful Mountain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of tin very finest throughout. ALSO CANADA PACIFIC ROYAL KAIL STEAMSHIP LIN To China and Jamn. Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. For ticket rates and Information, call on or address. JAS. FINLATSON, Agt. Astoria, Or A. B. Calder. Traveling Pass. Agt.. Tacoma, Wash., Sea McL Rrown. Dlst. Pass. Agt., Vnnonnvpr. R P The Original & Genuine (WORCK8TKKSHIBK) SAUCE Imparls the most delicious taste and scat to Hot 4c Cold Wests GBAVIES, SALADS, SOCPS, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take None but Lea & Perms. Htnatare 00 erery bottle of orltnal A pmilnar J aha lhaaeaa' 4not Haw York ail iQ Chi Cai fic Rarebits SPJitmaT.