The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 06, 1895, Image 4

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    rius daily astoIuan astgma, Wednesday mounlng, makcr c, im.
'I know I could buy a cheaper
tbiit of clothe tomewhcre elie,
'tt I don't know how
tt might wear."
PVERY MAN who enter a tailor
shop In this city owes us bis
I ' good will that we have made It
so difficult to sell unreliable goods,
so easy to buy the best and buy
It tor so little compared to Ban
Francisco or Portland prices.
'. chas. Mcdonald,
, , The Tailor.
52 j Commercial Street
To Jtfake
We will tell you how to make It
easy. All you nave to ao is 10
. induce us to quit offering
to the public, and other dealers of
liquor In the city will readily pay you
1 lie a oove tuwuuu
(100D STEAKS .
How many people have gone In
tha restaurants of Astoria and tried
get a good, tender steak and bee
Over their failures? Simple enough
now; anybody can obtain one by stop
ping In at '
The Palace Restaurant
And giving your order when, Presto!
There you nave, buhbwib iur .
That's wihat makes us so busy.
knowledge is Power
And power Is salvation. To do a thlni
riirht one must know how to do It
This Is as true of carpenter work as
anything else.
Whose shop is at 473 Fourth street, will
build you anything from a wood box
to a $50,000 building and do it weii.
What About
Your Shoes7-
Aren't they worn out around the
sole somewhere? Don't they need a
patch on the side? We will make them
good as new.
Kitty Corner from Fisher Bros, store.
A Poor Cigar,
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
. Don't expect to make, either.
But marke thls--a-t-l-s-f-a-c
t-l--n of the 22-karet tort has
, accompanied every purchase ol
on. r.f the claars made by him
ha hpo-an business. We've
. . got the notion that a satisfied
m.atnmer "cuts a big figure" In
. hniiflintf un a business. That's
the reason La Belle Astoria takes
,, so well.
Little Giant.
V.1 4V a tmntrtArl itl Aft'
. B?em. of
tona nave uuukih -- .
those LITTLE GNT school shoes for
their children. The other half will as
joon as they hear of the wearing qual
ities of those that are being worn about
..... iA vniip nhnlce
tne city, iou
ci learner, riu, "' v-..
Be surprised to see what a little money
will buy In the way of Jewelry and
mi Ttr.. L'l.trnm'i jewelry
Oliver tyio -
Store. You'll also be surprised to see
what One work tne engraver tn .
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Matitresses, eto.
Old Fashioned
Country SAUSAQE.
- That's What the Washington
- Mut Mo-kefs sausage tastes like,
- it's mula of the same Ingredients,
- too homt killed end dretwed beef
and pork. Our flavoring Is moat
- delicious. During this cold wealh-
- r there's no other dish so good.
CHRI3TBN5EN CO., Prop'rs,
Warrant that the most com
fortable appetite In the city
1 may be spoiled by drinking
poor whisky. We've studied
and studied all the whisky
fads and Ideas and we bav
learned that
'CUTTER'S Whiskey."
T u lMit nuula. But you must be
sure you get Cutter's. Some people
auveruse u vu uua 1 atx-'p w uu.
Local weather for the twenty-four
aours ending at p. m. yesteraay, mr-
ttshed by the umua states Depart
snent of Agrloulture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 65 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 40 degrees.
Trwlutatlon. none.
Ttal preoijrttaiJon from September
... , Is. .into F.I M lnchM.
jai., . - '
ker 1st, to ". inohw
are the best fitting,
the cheapest,
and wear the long
est ol any corset on the mar
ket. Give them a trial!
Albert Dunbar.
Just received a new stock
of hair cloth.
The tax roll for 1894 Is now In my
hands for collection. Taxes will be
come delinquent on March 30, 1895.
February 19, 1895.
Sheriff of Clatsop County
"JEFF'S" '
The Only Restaurant
See Swops.
See Swope about decorating.
Se 8wope about decorating and sign
Meany la the leading tailor and pays
the hlghat asn price ior iur pun
Something new In tine line of Bachet
Powders Just received at the Printz-
Crain Drug store.
Whv do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure it;
for sale at the Prlntz-crain jurug store.
Manners and nurses all the world over
hn. lvdn HMr tuott hi Tiff hcihlAll and
feverish children St-e-e-dman' Sooth-
The Band Box Barber Shop Frank
rirum nnrfftnnhfia mnvfed from od-
poslte'shanahan Brothers' to opposite
0. ti cooper s.
Beaver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no
Soot. . For sale at Finlayson's shipping
and ' commission agency, 9th street
wharves, at $5.50 per ton.
C IT la thA ntrnnt In Autnrla
for the celebrated Uanibrlnus Mottle!
Liter, of Portland. Dr -p htm a postal
card and he will call for your oider.
Watch yout watch When It runs a
little too Blow or a little too fast, bring
it to J. H. SEYMOUR, He will at
tend to It. He knows how. He learn
ed his trade In a watch factory.
For years the Astoria Wood Yard
has given our citizens only the very
best of wood and coal. They are still
Hninir it. in fart, thev are taklncr the
lead. Why? Because they know what
the public wants, and the publlo knows
Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the
n.rwv r.f iha fnmnna STEWART'8
TWINE manufactured in inv,un.iu.
Their new stock gooas are mucn su
perior to any other kind.
TUIhan a man hllvH ft lotterV ticket
and draws nothing but his breath he
feels sold. Wnen he buys his wood and
coal of the Scow Bay Wood Yard,
whose office is opposite FlBher Bros.' he
Is pleased, as they sell only me oesi.
XTnTU tn anvil monevf You'll learn the
secret by trading with Goodman &
Co. The prices tney quote on nu
inii .ha tain Their firures don't mean
Inferior quality of goodB either, but
rather cne nneat proouraom.
r ir..mnh,.A, .hoa anma flhntce Chi
111. 11 U - -
t hla market near Res
oue Hall. He also has oysters that sell
at a less price uuui at any oiner mar
ket In the city. He carries clams and
other shell fish, and as a Bide issue,
has a stock of Marshall's famous knit
ting twine.
It may be that you are dissatisfied
with your grocer, ir so, wny nox give
Foard & Stokes a trial? They satisfy
others, and leel pretty sure uiai wiej vnu ianv a dollar is lit
erally thrown away by those who buy
groceries of an Inferior quality. It's
penny wise ana pouna iooimn io e-ivt
good money for goods that are almost
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others,
Commencing Monday, Miarah 4th, 1895
ami durLrur the week, we will give s
nnle and fixture to every pair of lace
ourtalns sold. Price from 1125 per pair
and UDwards.
Call before thev are sold out. One
hundred pairs to select from, See dis
play hi our window.
WIANTHD In a rood, paying busl
nes, a partner to go on the road. Five
dollars a day sruaranteea at tne pros'
ent time. Also two men, good salary
and expenses paid. No experience re
quired. Apivly at tli Parker House
at once, S. Williams, itoom 44.
I offer for sale my seining grounds
near Pillar Rock (deeded from State
of Oregon) wlttti dock 100x40 feet and
house 26x66, newly built; six horses,
two seines and boats, everything com
plete for selna fishing. Address Sam
Oliver, care of Astorlan.
Madam Nelson, reads head and palm.
also cards, and tells past, present and
future. Consultation on all affair.
p4ra Ml rants and UDwards. Recom
mendations from several hundred per
sons, 455 Exchange street, corner of
10th street.
Pawnitlntf tha iiiatipa nf vour re
quest for representation on the school
board and thanking you ior me nonor
conferred In your petition. I announoe
mysolf candidate for director at the
coming election the 11th Inst.
Very Rep-ctfullr.
Or. Prt' Crwua BiUb PfwM
Woitf'i Vilx Kfsbeat AjrI.
: - . u - . '" rt-fiTli
The Columbia left San Francisco yes
terday for Astoria.
The city council will ihoM their reg
ular meeting tonlgM.
Mr. George Flavel yesterday paid In
to the county treasury over $6,000 foi
1894 taxes.
Mr. Nicholas Clinton Is building . a
new pile driver In the slip near Foard
& Stokes' Junk store.
The principal business before the
county court yesterday was the exami
nation of tfhe county wards.
The Hayward, with the British Mer
dhant m tow, left Portland Monde,
morning and is expected down today.
The Ocklalhama, whdeh left Portland
Monday morning with the Camavon
Bay was aground yesterday at Mar
tin's Island.
The eteamrfhlp Queen left out for San
Francisco yesterday morning after tak
ing on 42 tons of general merchandise
at this port.
The British ship Glenavor, now on
Puget Sound, was chartered yesterday
to load wheat at Portland for the
.United Kingdom.
The Alice Blanchard left San Fran
cisco yesterday for Astoria, She will
put In at Coos Bay on the way up and
'load coail for this port.
The case of Olsen vs. Dr. Walkei
was on trial yesterday, but up to the
time of the adjournment of court had
not gone to the Jury.
The Telephone was several hours lati
yesterday on account of a slight acci
dent to her machinery on the trip ui
the river Tuesday night.
At all the canneries In Upper Asto
ria the fWhermen are busy stretchlnt
lines and preparing for the opening of
the season w-hdoh. Is near at hand.
A young man named Larsen w!ho has
been confined at the hospital for the
past week with a broken leg, was re
moved to his home in Uppertown yes
terday. Workmen began driving piling yes
teruUy on the east side of MoGregor't
mill. They will be used by the Fisher
men's Paoklng Company on which to
erect net racks.
Yesterday Charles Laity, a native
of Russia, declared his Intention before
Deputy County Clerk Smith, of be
coming a good a.nd reliable citizen of
the United States.
At the close of business last night
the county tax receipts were $10,636.26,
Sheriff Hare has his "books In such
Bhape that each evening he can tell
exactly the amount of taxes paid In.
Judgment was affirmed yesterday bj
tlie supreme court In the cases of Chas
W. Shlvely, appellant vs. Sylvester Pen-
noyer, et. ail., respondent; the Astoria
Exchange Co., respondent, vs. Chas,
W- Shlvely, appellant.
A slight blaze, caused by sparks from
the smoke stack alighting on the Scow
Bay Wood Yard Shed, caused some ex
citement in that vicinity early yester
day morning. The damage was but
slight before the fire was extinguished
Dr. J. A. Fullon was yesterday re-
delving the congratulations of his
friends on this aippolntment as health
officer of this port. He received notlfl
atlon yesterday from Secretary of
State Klncald, that lie had been ap
The case against Charles Wlllard,
for threatening to kill Mrs. E. M
Grlmefl, of Seaside, tried yesterday in
the Justice court, resulted In the dis
missal of the defendant there being In
sufficient evidence to substantiate the
alleged charges.
Judge Gray says he does not want all
tfhe credit for the amendments made
to the Cross road law. He generously
states that to Senator Smith and Rep
resentative Lester belongs the honor
of getting the measure through, ai
they did all the heavy work.
Prof. Miller has met with gratifying
encouragement from the business men
of Astoria, and on Saturday will make
his balloon ascension and parachute
drop. He Is one of the best aerial
artists In the country and has made
hundreds of successful trips Into the
The members and friends of the Nor
wegian Lutheran Chun of Uppertown
are building the pastor a residence
alongside of the churcJi. T. Knutson
Is doing the work and fhe has the lum
bor towed down from the Klaskanlne
In rafts. The building when finished
will Ibe one and one-half stories Ir
Griffin & Reed have a new style ruler
that is bound to revolutionize that in
dustry. It Is a combined ruler and
counting machine, and with but the
slightest manipulation one Is able to
figure up the most difficult column of
Ami res ever written and In a remark
ably short space of time. Its cheapness
will guarantee a ready sale.
Mesdamea Klmberiy and Warren, of
Portland, have opened a confectionery
hoo directly opposite the Astorlan or
flee on Commercial street. In Portland
they have a candy factory, and their
too will be keot freah and weU sup-
oiled. It Is altogether probable that
the factory will be removed to Astoria
this summer. Their window evidence
that the business Is In the hands of
those who thoroughly understand tt.
Yesterday afternoon. W. H. Bancroft,
imarintendent of the mountain divis
loa of the Union Pacific, and wife; Mrs
T. M. Sohumaker, wife of the genera1
agent of the Union Paclflo at S
Franctsoo, and Walter Anderson, con
neotetf with the Union Paclflo at Oma
ha, arrived on the Potter and spent the
remainder of the day In company wltt
Agvnt Lounsberry, looking over th
city. They returned! to Portland last
ilg-ht 00 ttie Pottor.
Contractor Lebeck Is well started
with his work on 37th and Duan
streets. A large force of men are at
work and It will not be long before a
decided showing will be made. Th
Improvements will necessitate the mov-
Ins: back of several residences In tiiat
vicinity. Mr. PeterBon, whose pretty
place lias been the admiration of every
one w0o Dassed that way, will not only
be compelled to move his house back,
but raise tt as well.
The new wfialeback Everett, now in
Ban Francisco, has accommodation foi
about twenty-five passengers. She is
splendidly lighted with electricity, and
her different compartments are all
modern and very commodious. Her ma
chinery will drive her at the rate of
fifteen miles an hour when light and
In Jail, stating that he has been an ex-
loaded. This speed she has already
attained. The City of Everett Is con-
eWeralbay larger than the Wetmore, and
her cabin compartments are differently
arranged. It is believed that she will
be a more seaworthy vessel than the
one Just named. Capt. Chrlstensen said
before he started he believed that In
a storm she would be in comparative
safety while other colliers would be
in great danger. It Is expected that
the Everett will make the return trip
from Son Francisco In about ten days.
Oscar Llndross was given his freedom
yesterday after serving several months
In the county Jail. He was bound over
by the police Judge on November t
last on a charge of larceny from the
person. The last grand Jury Indicted
him and a day or so later he was tried
and convicted, and yesterday set for
sentence. In the meantime the friends
of Llndross raised $100 and yesterday
When he was brought up for sentence
the court was asked to fine the young
man Instead of making It a Jail sen
tence. As the grand Jury had recom
mended that the court show the prison
er some leniency, JudgeJMcBrlde made
the fine $100, the sum raised by the
prisoner's friends. The court was as
sured that Llndross would be furnish
ed employment at once and his good
behavior was vouched for toy respon.
slble parties. When he stepped out
into the warm sunshine and was told
that the whole world was free to him,
he could hardly restrain himself for
Joy. Sheriff Hare gives the young man
a good word for the time he has been
In Jail, stating that he has made an ev
emplary prisoner.
A last evening's contemporary has
the following local:
"The fore-and-aft eohooner Mary
Dodge, which left San Francisco Jan
uary 27 for Tacoma, has not only failed
to reach that port, but has never been
heard of Bince she cleared the mouth
of the hartoor. "
In Sunday morning's Astorlan the
following appeared among the Asso
ciated Press dispatches:
Seattle, March 2. The schooner Marj
Dodge, Captain Bergman, 32 days out
from an Francisco, loaded' with 100
tons of dynamite, vas towed Into port
tonlsht by the tuff Magic. It was fear
ed the had been blown up by the dyn
amite. On, February 17, while entering
the stralu? she encountered a north
east wind which carried her 180 miles
out to sea. One week later while she
was entering the straits another wind
caught her and carried her out sixty
miles. Last night She succeeded In
getting inside.
San Francisco, March 6. Arrived
Schooner Neptune, Gray's Harbor;
schooner Albion, Sluslaw River;
sdhooner Annie Gee, Gray's Harbor
schooner Viking, Gray's Harbor;
sdhooner C, T. Hall, Wlllapa Bay.
Cleared 'Umatilla, for Victoria and
Port Townsend.
Departed Wellington, for Nanalmo
Columbia, for Astoria and Portland;
Mackinaw, for Tacoma; Alice Blan
hard, for Portland; barkentlne Cath
erlne Sudden, for Gray's Harbor; Gae
lic, for Hong Kong and Yokohama.
Freights and charters British bark
Cammony, now at Hastings Mills, lum
ber thence to Cork; American schooner
E. K. Wood, lumber from Blakeley tc
Shanghai; British ship Glenavon, now
on Puget Sound, Wheat from Portland
to United Kingdom, Havre, Antwerp
or Dunkirk; British ship Ollve'oank,
now at Hastings Mills, lumber thence
to South Africa.
Washington, March 6. The exoduf
of members and ex-members of con
gress from Washington which began
Immediately after adjournment wai
kept up today. Ex-Speaker Crisp, whf
was among those who came to the
capltol, said he expected to remain li
the city until Friday, when he wouk"
leave for home for a season of rest and
recreation. A majority of the senators
will probably remain In Washingtor
for a week or ten days but several left
Immediately for their homes. Some
senators have business to close up
which will require some time, whll
not a few from the North who are
comfortably situated In Washington
will remain here during the spring.
New York, March 5. There Is a
shortage In the accounts of the Amer
ican church missionary society, and
the books of the society have been
found to be in such confusion that ex
perts are not In a position to make a
detailed statement. The statement Im
plicates Rev. Wm. A. Newbold, of
Mount Clal, N. J., and the treasurer,
Henry A. Osklry, of New York City.
Galeaburg, ID., March 8. Col. R
Clendenln, U. S. A., who served wltl
distinction during the civil war ant'
was retired In 1S91, died today. H
was one of the military committee that
tried the conspirators who planned the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
New York. March 5. General O. H
LaGrande was today sworn In as fire
commissioner of this city to succeed
President Scannei Gen. LaGrande Ti)
formerly superintendent of the mint at
Pan Francisco, and served under Gen
Grant during the war.
The Two Senators Tendered a Recep
Hon Last Night. '
Portland, March 6. Senator John M.
Thurston, of Nebraska, and Senator
George W. MoBrlde, of Oregon, wert
tendered an Informal reception by the
Multopor Republican Club this even
ing. Only a few invitations were is
sued and aside from the two senators
and Gen. John C. Co win, of Omaha,
there were no guests present. The re
oeptlon was attended by about fort
members of the club, Including Attor
ney General Idleman, who Is president
of the club. Lunch was served in th.
club rooms, after which the senator
made a few brief remarks.
Two Prominent Men Will Arrive on
Today's Steamer.
Portland, March 6. John M. Egan,
manager for the General Manager's As
soclation during the great strike last
summer, arrived here today. His name
is mentioned in connection with the re
ceivership of the Oregon Short Line.
Mr. Egan denies that he is here in con
nection with the Short Line case. Hi
will go to Astoria tomorrow with ex
Senator Saunders, of Montana.
New York, March 6. Count and
Countess de Castellane will sail for
Southampton tomorrow. They havi
ohosen the steamship New York fo;
their honeymoon voyage.
Lincoln, Neb., March 6. The house
today passed the antl-clgarette bill.
Omaha has (been especially bitter in
this fight, but the dhurohes have suc
ceeded In influencing their members.
Anderson, Ind., March 6. The most
destructive natural gas explosion in the
history of the Indiana gas belt occurred
this morning. The $75,000 Tenhune bus
iness iblook on Courthouse square was
blown all over tine central part of the
city. Fire followed the explosion, which
was like an earthquake, and destroyed
the debris. It ds feared that Attorney
Ballard and County Commissioner Met
calf have perished. The loss of the
building and contents will reach $400,
000. The fronts of all the business
houses in the neighborhood of the ex
plosion were demolished, paved streets
pere ripped open and telephone cablet
torn down.
St. Louis, March 6. Late dispatches
from Havana state that the governoi
of the province of Santiago has re
ported to the governor general that
the rioters ait Blalre are disposed to
surrender. The entire band of Insurg-
gents In the Jaguay Grande, with Mar
riero, their leader, have surrendered
Barteolo Mosso, commanding 200 men
In the district of Manza, has taken reft
uge In the mountains and Is completely
discouraged. There is a band of 10(
men under Amador Gurra and a small
band stationed at Bayamo, headed by
Esteben Temayo. The military com
mander of Guantanamo reports that
several members of Pedro Pere's banc
have surrendered. Officials of the dis
trict assert that the rebel force there
number only 180 poorly armed mer
who have but very little ammunition
It Is thought that they expect a sup
ply from abroad, and warships ar-
cruising along the coast to Intercept
all vessels that may bring ammuni
Portland, March 5. The case of Hen
ry Reed, Receiver McNeill and thi
Farmers' Loan and Trust Company ti
have the order appointing McNeill sc
modified as to absolve him from paylnt
about a half million dollars contracted
while the Union Pacific receivers wer
operating the O. R. and N. came up to
day. They contend that the order war
made through an error, owing to thi
fact that the correspondence was car
ried on by wire, and that full detail
of the arrangement made In New York
were not fully understood when Mc
Neill was appointed. They ask that the
order 'be now modified and that th.
equity of the cflalms be adjudicated bj
master In chancery. The Oregon Im
provement ask to be made intervenori
in order to secure a claim of about $70,-
000 against the O. R. and N.
Yokohama, March 5. The captured
Chinese warships have arrived here
Reports of Japanese commanders art
favorable to raising the sunken wai
vessels of China at Wei Hal WeL The
Japanese have aljandoned the Shar
Tung peninsula. Including Wei Hal We.
after destroying the fortifications. Johr
Wild, alias Howie, the American wh
planned to Wow up the Japanese wai
ships In a novel manner, and was cap
tured at Wei Hal Wei after bavins.
been released on parole, has beei
brought (back to Japan for trial.
Washington, March R. President
Cleveland, accompanied by Dr. O'Reil
ly, Commander George F. Wild, of thi
lighthouse board, and Commandei
Tamberton, insuector of the 6th light
house district, left this morning on th
Violet for a ten day's shooting on In
land waters of North Carolina-
New York, March 6. The board of
health refused to record the marrlagt
certificate of Anna Gould and Count
De Castellane today on the ground thai
It contains defective vital points. 'Al:
Information was refused by the board
It is said that no date was given in the
New York. March 5. Mrs. Rose Ken
nelty, aged 50, periaOied by fire toda;
In the six story flat building at 370 Col
umbus avenue, and for a time forty
other occupants of the building wer
In great peril.
Harry Casey, a bricklayer, who Uve
at 29 Eighth avenue, was mortally
burned this morning. A man named
Mike, whose other name Is not known
Is also missing.
loa Angeles, March 5. Judge Era
kin e M. Roes took the oath of offio
for United States circuit court Judge
this morning.
PltteSmnr. March S. Three thousand
railroad miners In the Pittsburg dis
trict struck today for an advance of
14 cents per ton.
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will- find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Hot Stuff!
Here Is a Story
About A Cow.
A man had a farm; he planted pop
corn. He filled the bam with popcorn,
The barn caught fire; the corn began
to pop It burst the barn, and spread
over the fields, and a near-signteo
cow thought the popcorn was snow-
and froze to death. The cow made a
mistake. Now don't you make a mis
take and buy your next suit of clothes
anywhere else but at our store.
We have Just received five hundred
suits at prices that MUST be appre
The Clothier.
f UPPOSE you could have your
wlilsky handed out to you over
the finest bar In the city? And
1 suppose it is the J. H. Cutter
celabrated whisky the whisky
we nave oeen selling: ever since we vi
been here? And suppose that all you
nave to pay us is
Would't you rather come here than
go to some other places you know ofl
One thing more: Suppose that at
the same time your friend wants
Kopp's celebrated IN. P. Beer, and you
know you can have It served to him
In style at the White House Corner
for 5 cents a glass? Won t you come
here? Why of course you will, and W(
await your coming.
1 Corner 9th and Bond
In the Price of Drugs at Rogers, as
follows :
Hood's Sareaparilla, 75 cents.
Ayer's Sarsaiparllla, 75 cents.
Hall's SarsaparIHa, 75 cents.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 75 cents.
Jaynes' Expectorant, 75 cents.
Rogers' Sarsaparilla, 75 cents.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
id cents.
Radway's Ready Resolvent, 75 cents,
Oregon Blood Purifier, 75 cents.
Scott's Emulsion, 75 cents.
Wampole's Emulsion, 75 cents.
Rogers' Emulsion, 75 cents.
Simmons' Liver Regulator, 75 cents
Lydia Plnkham s Comp., 75 cents.
Allen's Anti-Fat, $1.25.
Warner's Safe Cure, $1.00.
Wells Richard's Butter Color, 71
Shiloh's Vitallzer, 50 cents.
Mexican Linament, large, 75 cr-nts.
J. I. C. Linament, large, 75 cents.
Wizard Oil, large, 75 cents.
Painkiller, large, 75 cents.
Cutlcura Resolvent, 75 cents.
Miles' Nervine, 75 cents.
Miles' Heart Cure, 75 cents.
Beef, Iron and Wine, 75 cents.
King's New Discovery, 40 and 76
Haiti's Honey, Hoarhound and Tar,
75 cents.
Hostatter's Bitters, 75 cents.
Ayer's Hair Vigor, 75 cents.
Hall's Hair Restorer, 75 cents.
Seven- Sisers, 75 cents.
'Mrs. Alllen's Hair Restorer, $1.00.
Sulphur Bitters, 75 cents.
Skookum Root -Hair Restorer, 75
Dement's Cough Syrup, 40 cents.
One Minute Cough Cure, 40 cents.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure, 20, 40 and
7a cents.
Allen's Lung Balsam, 20, 40 and 75
Acker's English Remedy, 20 and 40
All 50 cents Cough Medicines 40 cents
All 50 cent Liniments 40 cents.
Gunn's Pills, 20 cents.
Morse's pi'lls, 20 cents.
Beedham's Pills, 20 cents.
Haj'.loway's Pills, 20 cents.
All other 25 cent pills, 15 cents.
Oun Own White Oaii Liniment, 40
All 60 cent Llnaments,, 40 cents.
Strengthening IPlasters, 10 cents.
Benson's Plasters, 20 cents.
Collen's Plasters, 20 cents.
Cutlcura Plasters, 20 cents.
All other plasters, 15 cents.
Vaseline, 5 cents.
Roijers' Bronchial Pastiles, 10 cents.
Brown's Troches, 20 cents.
Cuticoira Soap, 50 cents a box.
Pears' Soap, 15 cents a cake.
And a general reduction on a thous
and and one things.
Cash mall orders promptly attended
459 Commercial street, Astoria.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
pure Grips Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
7 cm Ammonia, Alum or any otlier adulterant
KU i-it u.v-4-.
Rooms 1 and t, Pythian Building.
over C. H. Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.,
Man sell Block. 672 Third street.
Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavel 0 Brick
Office in Flavel's brick building.
Astoria, Oregon.
May be found in his office until II
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 1
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
Office on Second' Strset, Astoria, or.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
J.' S. BISHOP, M. D.,
Office and rooms in Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30.
Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe
Office, 6S4'i Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronlo
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger's store. Astoria.
Telephone No. 52.
Office, Rooms 4 and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
5. Residence, 630, Cedar street
German Physician. Eclectic.
Office west of Ross, Hlggins & Co.'s
itore, 518 Bond street. Prices, calls,
jl; confinements, $10.00. Operations at
jffice free. Medicines furnished.
A. M. Regulur communications held
m the first and third TueBday evening
if each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary.
JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out Just r
ecelved Just what you want, at Wing
'.ee's, 629 Third street.
WANTED A young girl to take care
'f child and assist about light house
work. Apply at this office.
WANTED A good house, centrally
icated, by private family. Will pay
easonable rent. Address, "Prompt
?ay," Astorlan Office.
WANTED Position as driver or
alesman In a store. Speak English,
Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian. Ad
iress C. P. S., care Astorlan office.
WANTED Agents to represent the
ild National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. For further Informa
'ion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, S2-S4 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
ind table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
$5.00 to $15.00 PER DAY at home sell
Ing Lightning Plater, and plating Jew
elry, watches, tablewear, etc. Every
house has goods needing plating. No
experience; no capital; no talking; some
gent are making $25 a day. Perma
nent position. Address H. K. Delmo
& Co., Columbus, Ohio.
LOST Open face sllved watch, mon
ogram on back W. H. H. Finder will
be rewarded 'by returning same to J
O. Hanthorn.
FOR RENT A mew house, bath, fur
nace, and modern conveniences. Cheap
rent to desirable tenant. Address this
Money to loan on first-class approved
security. Frank Spittle, attorney at
Handley A Haas. 150 First street, and
get the Dally Astorlan. Victors naad
not miss their morning paper while
fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty rents per gallon. Don't fnreet
peach and apricot brandy. Alun FYoneb
Coamsc and wine at Alex GUN.--
nXT,T THE PUREST Win. .ri(j
Honor t sold at Alei Camtbell't
Gem. '
Blood purifier, glvea freshness and
clearness to the com!-non and caie
Constipation, ti eta, St eta . $1.00.