The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 05, 1895, Image 4

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    iM. BiiiV ' AsMiAi isldiu, MistM kBkSiNd; stAfttk k, mL
' I Inow I could buy a cheaper
1uit of clotliet lomewhere tht,
lmt J don't know how
it might wear."
EVERT MAN who enters a tailor
shop in this city owes us his
good will that we have made it
'"- oo difficult to sell unreliable goods,
oo easy to buy the best and buy
it for bo little compared to Pan
Francisco or Portland prices.
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
523 Commercial Street
' U : .
To Make
We will tell you how to make It
easy. All you have to do is to
Induce us to quit offering
to the public, and other dealers of I
liquor in the city will readily pay you
me above amount.
How .many people have gone in to
the restaurants of Astoria and tried to
get a good, tender steak and bee
Over their failures? Simple enough
now; anybody can obtain one by stop.
ping in at
The Palace Restaurant
And giving your order when, Presto!
There you have, suitable for a king.
That s what makes us so busy.
knowledge is Power
And power Is salvation. To do a thing
right one must know how to do it
This Is as true of carpenter work as
anything else.
C. G. PflLlWBBO,
Whose shop is at 473 Fourth street, will
build you anything from a wood box
to a 130,000 building and do It well.
What' About
Your Sboes?-
Aren't they worn out around the
sole somewhere? Don't they need a
patch on '.the side? We will make them
good as new.
Kitty Corner from Fisher Bros, store.
A Poor Cigar.
W. F. SCHIEBE never made.
Don't expect to make, either.
But marke this s-a-t-l-s-f-a-c-
t-l-.-n of the 22-karet tort has
accompanied every purchase oi
one of the cigars made by him
. since he began business. We've
. got the notion that a satisfied
. customer "cuts a big figure" In
, building ud a business. That's
. the reason La Belle Astoria takes!
so well.
Little Giant.
a.omi la if half the mothers In As
toria have bought a pair or two of
those LITTLE GIANT school shoes for
their children. The other half will as
innn na thev hear of the wearing qual
ities of those that are being worn about
the city. You can nave your cnuice
cf leather, kid, grain or calf.
Be surprised to see what a little money
will bt'y in the way of Jewolry and
Sliver Ware at Ekitrom's Jewelry
Store. You'll also be surprised to seo
What fine work the engraver can ao.
378 Commercial Streot.
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Mawrtasea, eta.
Old Fashioned
Country SAUSAGE.
That's what the Washington
Muwf Mu-ket's sauauge tastes like.
-- It's mud a of the Bume Ingredients,
too homo killed and dressed beef
and pork. Our flavoring is most
. delicious. During lilts cold weath-
er there 1 no oilier dish so good.
Warrant that the most com-
fortable appetite In the city
may be spoiled by drinking
poor whisky. We've studied
and studied all the whisky
fads and IdeUs and we have
learned that
"CUTTER'S Whiskey."
Is the beat made. But you must be
sure you get Cutter's. Some people
advertise It but don l keep It; we do.
TjvaI weather for tha twenty-four
hours ending at t p. m. yesterday, fur-
ntshed by the United state Depart
wnt of Agriculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, bl degrees.
(Minimum temperature, 2J degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, li. to date, incnea
Excess at precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1S94, to date, 1.27 Inches.
are the best fitting,
the cheapest,
and wear the long
est oi any corset on the mar
ket. Give them a trial!
Albert Dunbar.
. Just received a new . stock
of hair cloth. ' , , .
The tax roll for 1894 is now In my
nanus for collection. Taxes will be
come delinquent on March 30, 1815.
February 19. 1895.
Sheriff of Clatsop County.
The Only Restaurant
See Swope.
See Swope about decorating.
See Swope about decorating and sign
Meany is the leadln tailor and pay
the hlghat ash price for fur skins.
Something new in the line of Sachet
Powders just received at the Prlntz-
Craln Drug Store,
Why do you suffer with that cold
when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure it;
for sale at the Printz-Craln Drug store.
have ,ven thelr teotMrig ftnd
feverish children St-e-e-dman'a Sooth-
The Band Box Barber Shop Frank
Drury, proprietorhas moved from op
posite Shanahan Brother' to opposite
u. ii. cooper s.
iseaver Hill coal. No Smoke, no
Soot. For sale at Flnlayson's shipping!
ana commission agency, 9th street
wharves, at 15.50 per ton.
S. E. Utzlneer Is the agent In Astoria
for the celebrated Uamurtnus Mottle.!
lieer. or Portland. Dr D him a costal
cura ana ne win can tor your oiaer.
waicn yout waton wnen it runs n
little too slow or a little too fast, bring
it to J. it. BUXMUUit. He will at
tend to It. He knows how. He learn
ed his trado in a watch factory.
Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the
agency of the famous STEWART'S
TWINE manufactured in IRELAND.
Their new stock goods are much su
perior to any other kind.
When a man buys a lottery ticket
and draws nothing but his breath he
feels sold. Wnen tie buys his wood and
coal of the Scow Bay Wood Kard.
whose office is opposite Fisher Bros.' he
Is pleased, as they sell only the best.
For years the Astoria Wood Yard I
has given our citizens only the very!
best of wood and coal. They are stir
doing it. In fact, they are taking the
lead. Why? Because they know what
the publlo wants, and the public knows
How to save money? You'll learn the
secret by trading with Goodman
Co. The prices they quote ,on shoefl
con me iaie. u neir ngures aon i mean
Inferior quality of goods either, but
rather the finest procurable.
Mr. Humphrey has some choice Chi
nook salmon at his market near .Res-
0110 Hall, lie also has oysters that sell
at a less price than at any other mar
ket in the city. He carries clams and
other shell flsh, and as a side issue,
has a stock of Marshall famous knit
ting twine.
In groteiies as n everything else, li
pays to get the best. Everybody Is not
Hiipposed to be expert In Judging the
value of all kinds of groceries, and
must depend on the honesty of the
ICY. There isn't any doubt about it.
1oard Stokes do not claim to do the
Impossible, but they do claim to sell
iroods at lowest prices. There is no
robbing Peter to pay Paul at their
A butcher In Belfast, Maine, Is train
ing a hog to harness, driving htm be
hind a sled. He has also two tame
skunks, who act as trump discour
TtlG U. S. OOV't RepOtiS
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to alt others,
Commencing Monday, March 4Uh, 1896
and during the week, we will give a
pole and fixtures to every pair of lace
curtains sold. Price from $1.25 per pair
and upwards.
Call before they are- sold out. One
hundred pairs to select from. ..See dis
play In our window.
What la tihe use of having a "human
form divine" unless you care for It
and drape it and clothe It so as tc
make It a source of Joy to yourself and
a pride to your friends? ' Nature sup
plies the form. A. Lake, the tailor at
359 Commercial street will make the
raiment. See trim.
WIANTETD In a good, paying busi
ness, a nartner to go on the road. Five
dollars a day guaranteed at the pres
ent time. Also two men, good salary
and expenses paid. No experience re
quired. Amiy at the Parker House
at once. S. Williams, Room 44.
Notice la heroby given to alt partlea
hoMlnw Clatsop count ji warrants In
dorsed prior to September urn, isw. 10
present Che same to the county treas-
urer for payment, as interest will cease
rhitisvm ntvr fihtil date.
nated this 4th day of Marcn, a. v
1895. "H. IWAJU.,
Treasurer of vlatsop county.
Dr. Prica'i Cream Biking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Workmen commenced the 12th street
ewer yesterday.
A plain drunk forfeited $3 in police
court yesterday.
The iManzanita went to Tillamook
Rock yesterday morning.
The Cascades came down yesterday
wlith rock for the jotty.
Lost nlgtit's steamer carried good
lists of passengers to Portland.
The steamer Queen is due to leave
out for San Francisco this morning.
Up to last nigh the sum of 13,057 had
been received by Sheriff Hare on 189
After an Illness of several days Jen
Hansen was able to be on the street
again yesterday.
The fishermen of Unlontown are busy
now working tihtlr lines preparatory
to hanging their nets.
Tillamook will raise $50 toward re
pairing the telegraph line from Uiat
city to Forest Grove.
Unlontown can boast of more new
buildings erected within the past sea
son than any other section of the city.
8. Danzlger will leave for San Fnm
clsco next Sunday on a flying business
trip. He will be gone about three
The statement that next year will be
the only leap year for eight years has
frozen a look of horror on the faces
of the Albany girls.
At Kopp's brewery they are brewing
twice each 24 hours. The brewery Is
running at full capacity now with plefr
ty or orders ahead.
(Miss Genie Lewis was substituted
yesterday morning as teacher at Miss
Warren's select Behool In place of Mrs.
Trulllnger, who Is 111.
A portion of the A. F. C. entertain
ment will 'be kept in Astoria for the
benefit of local charities. The balance
goes to Nebraska sufferers.
The pilot schooner San Jose, the five-
masted schooner Louis, for San Fran
cisco, and the Linlithgowshire, for Port
Townsend, went out Sunday.
Justice AJbercromble yesterday dis
missed the suit of the California Saw
Company vs. the West Shore Mills
Company on account of Insufficient evi
Lots of new goods arriving daily at
Oregon Trading Co.'s store. Prices
lower Uhlan ever. Shoes are going fast
Gat your next pair at 600 Commercial
Miss Nellie Sherman leaves today on
Che Queen for San Francisco, where
she will undergo medical treatment
She accompanies her brotiher, W. A.
It Is getting pretty close to the time
When the Astoria youngster will be
gin to store away eggs for Easter. That
interesting event will occur this year
on April 14th.
Steward A. McGillls made his last
trip on the Telephone yesterday. TO'
day he stays In Portland and will su
perlntend the fitting out of the interior
of the Bailey Gatzert.
Mr. Will Sherman will go to San
Francisco on the ocean steamer today
where he will remain for a month
Clerk Beill will assist Mr. Lounsberry
during Mr. Sherman's absence.
Sunday the Mendell took down
numlber of hands for the Jetty work
Work on the Jotty commenced with a
full force yesterday morning and will
be pushed with all vigor to completion.
It is said that 'there is an Innocent
young girl in this city who confiden
tially Informed her Willie boy that
ilie was so hoarse from a cold that
if he attempted to kiss her she couldn't
'Master Earl Fisher Is building hlm
self a new henhouse. One of the at
tractions he has for his playmates is
pigeon which 'has undertaken the Job
of hatching out a couple of Bantam
hen eggs.
Mr. E. P. Althaver, of Chauwell, was
In the city yesterday. He says that far
mors in the Lewis aivd Clarke country
are preparing for the 1895 crop, and the
proHjeots are that tihoy will finish their
planting early.
Yesterday was the golden wedding
amnlversary of Col. Jno. C. Hell and
Sarah Ward Hell, parents of Mrs. J. II
D. Gray, Sunday Mrs. Gray and daugh
ter G'Ussle went to Portland to be pres
ent at an Informal celugratlon of the
hapjiy event.
Agents for the Beaver Hill Coos Bay
coal, the finest ever sold In Astoria, re
port a good sale for the product of
the Soutlhern Oregon mines. There Is
no reason wny .Asionans anoum go
outside the state for their coal, as there
is plenty of It here.
Five out of every six men who pass
ed the new Gambruius saloon Sunday
'had Just enough of the Mother Eve
curiosity In them to reach out their
hands and feel of Uie new marbellzed
post that has Just been painted at the
entrance of that resort.
Sheriff Hare was out yesterday circu
lating among the county wards. He had
pocket full of summons which he
served on each' of the county depend
ents. They are wanteU before tne
court today, where their oases of char
ity will toe Investigated.
Everyone should turn out to tha As-
tort Football Club entertainment to-
night, the proceeds of wtilch will be
"pent in Astoria for the purchase of
provisions for Nebraska's drought suf
forera. An excellent program haa been
arranged. The Astoria Amateur Brass
Borid will furnish muslo for the occa
ston. The admission price will be 25
cents, a sum within the reach of oil.
A team from the British ship Gan
tock Rock will pull a club team In the
tug-of-war at the A. IF. C. entertain
ment tonight. The sailors are all good,
strong, healthy men, and will give the
Astoria boys a hard pull.
A lady granger In the city who wa
out walking yesterday afternoon, wore
a beautiful emfbroltlered cape which
caused half the women In town tc
catch cold looking through the crack In
the door in their endeavors to get a
good look at It.
Geo. Hartley, of Seaside, will take
charge today of the new Gamfarinus
Beer Hall as sole proprietor, instead
of Fred L. Nellson, as was at first In
tended. The notice of the time of the
grand opening' will appear in the next
issue of the Astorian.
The Bailey Gatzert was not given her
trial trip Sunday as previously reported
she would. She was In readiness, but
Just before starting It was discovered
Khat one of the feed pipes was cracked,
making it necessary to postpone the
trip until Hater this week.
A party in Portland la negotiating
witlh a local steamer owner for a
steamer to be used in deep sea Ashing.
The intention is to establish a large
market In Portland, from which sev
eral Interior markets will be supplied.
The party will use a trawl and catch
anything that comes along, from a
crab to a shark.
Contractor Faataibend Is driving piles
In the gap caused by the high tide at
the old Seaside cannery last Novenv
ber. After tlhe wharf Is rebuilt the
stakellRiht removed to Smith's Point
will probably be replaced, as the pres
ent location gives the steamer captains
no end of trouble and annoyance.
Yesterday the Mendell went to the
Jetty with a couple of barges and re
turning went to Scow Bay for a raft
of piles. While attemptlnk to take
them out her propellor fouled with the
hawser, disabling her for the time be
ing. She was taken to the Atsorla
Iron Works and beached, where the
propellor was cleaned. The Dwyer did
Che towing for the Mendell yesterday.
It may be that you are dissatisfied
with your' grocer. If so, why not give
Foard & Stokes a trial? They satisfy
others, and feel pretty sure that they
will suit you. Many a dollar is lit
erally thrown away by those who buy
groceries of an Inferior quality. It's
penny wise and pound foolish to give
good money for goods that are almost
All persons wishing to pay their
taxes partly with coumty warrants
must do so before they become delin
quent, which is on the first Monday in
April. The statutes of Oregon explicit-
ly state that after that date no war
rants can be applied in. payment oi
taxes. A great many people are undei
the impression that the county court
haa power to extend the time for pay
merit of taxes but this it cannot do.
D. K. Johnson and George KaJboth
have renated the Smith's channel wa
ter frontage of D. K. Warren. Mr.
JohnBon Is getting his diving appara
tus ready and will shortly go down
ami pull out all the old trap poles or
the grounds, which, when cleared, will
be used as seining grounds. They art
natural seining grounds, the slope oi
the sandy bottom being gradual an
with no steep inclines. Both gentlemea
are experienced seiners.
Seaside will be well represented ir
Justice Abercromble's court today
when Chas. WiMard, a resident of that
place, will be tried for threatening tc
kill Mrs. E. M. Grimes. A number o:
witnesses have been summoned on both
sides. Wtllard, who has lived for sev
eral years In a peculiar-looking housi.
of wood and canvas, and located Ir
Grimes' grove, has always been consld
erod, if eccentric, a peaceable and law-
abiding citizen, and the charge brought
against him is a surprise to his many
Captain Logon, of the British bark
Dunreggon, says he has a new char1
of the North Pacific oeeanpne he
made while cruising off the mouth o!
the Columbia river. He says that the
report that his vessel is unmanageable
Is not well founded and he is prepared
to run her with the fastest vessel of
any kind on the coast. He took great
pride yesterday In standing on Flavel'e
dock and pointing out to his friends
the clean cut lines of the bark. She
has a pretty model and shows up beau
tifully under the new coat of green
pal iiit.
The Cross road law, wiluleh, prin
cipally through the efforts of Judge
Gray was amended at the 4ast session
of the legislature, has been signed by
the governor. The amended section (1)
Is made to read as follows: "The coun
ty court of any county In this state
shall have power as hereinafter pro
vided, to fciy out, construct, or Improve
by straightening, grading, draining,
graveling, macadamizing, laying pun
cheon upon or lanking any county
road or putollo highway, or any part
of such roads within the limits of their
respective counties." j
Highest Honors World's Fair.
K putt Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre
Horn Ammonia, Alum or any otlier adulterant
On the flret day of March the popu.
lar resort conducted by Harris &
Wright changed their prices on bit
drinks to 10 cents, and Kopp's cele-
brated beer to 5 cents per glass. They
propose to keep along with the pro
cession ae will be seen toy their an
nouncement which appears In tomon
row's Astorian.
The Signal arrived in yesterday with
nine Chinamen and 360 tons of cool
and general merchandise for this port
She has two Chinamen for Portland.
In the future the Signal should be
counted among the fast vessels on the
coast, as she made the round trip to
Vancouver B. C, taking on a cargo at
the Sound, in eight days.
Present indications, says the Eugene
Herald, point to some active railroad
operations In Oregon this year. The
Astoria railroad and the extension of
the Oregon Pacific are both likely to
be pushed forward. There has been
mudh speculation about the Oregon
Paolflo Jately, but those best posted
say that Messrs. Cornier and Hammond
mean ibusiness and will begin work on
the road as soon as the road is de
livened to them by the courts, which
the public hope will be very soon
The county court, now that the Crose
road la whas been amended, is ar
ranging to push road work in Clatsor
county and has In contemplation a
thoroughfare from this city to Neha
lem, that, when completed, will be in
condition for travel the year through.
Judge Gray, as well as the commis
sioners, is an earnest worker in behalf
of better roads into the country, and
one can safely predict that the end
of their administration will see a de
cided Improvement In the county rood
system of Clatsop county.
The article published from the Port
land Teflegram about Bonner and Ham
mond, the Albany Democrat learns was
quite visionary. A good many of the
Telegram's ralllroad articles, says that
paper, are put up that way. In the
firet place, Bonner and Hammond have
not been raising money in London;
but have been In New York. Work will
prdbaJbly begin on the Astoria road, but
not until the right season. The part
about the Oregon Pacific was simply
written to fill In with. It is to be
hoped, though, that there is something
In it. Mr. Hammond will be here In a
week or so; But Mr. Bonner will re
main in New York for some time yet.
The result of the survey finished not
long ago by Superintendent Heogart,
around the government reservation at
Fort Stevens, leaves a number of par
ties trespassing on government tide
lands. The line as surveyed years ago
give the government all the water
frontage along the Kindred place and
a greater portion of New Astoria. The
new survey simply confirms theatlrst
survey made. Parties owning net
racks, traps and other Improvements
alonsr this waterf ron tage have been
notified that they are trespassing on
government tide lands and must get
off. There will probably be considera
ble litigation over the matter before it
Is finally decided who really has a
right to the tide lands In question.
For the benefit of local gunners the
following Is given: The new game law
as passed iby the legislature to protect
fish and game, and to appoint fish and
game warden, makes closed seasons as
follows: Mountain sheep, between De.
cemlber 1st and August 1st; grouse,
pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, quail,
and partridge, from December 1st to
September 1st, except for breeding pur
poses; prairie chicken from October 1st
to July 1st. No gaane birds to (be killed
in greater numbers than 20; prohibits
robbing of nests of any game bird, and
prohibits sale in open market. Prohib
its killing at any time of any spotted
fawn, or killing deer at night or with
hounds; fine, $25 to $200. Prohibits kill
ing all large game for hides at any
time. Approved February 23; not in
effect for three months.
Some time ago, shortly after the
death of Davis, the mate of the Ught
chip, the Oregonlan contained a piece
severely criticising the life saving
crews of Canby and Fort Stevens tot
not keeping a more careful watch on
the lightship, stating that if they had
done so, the signals said to have been
displayed at the time would have been
sm'ii by one or the other and assistance
spnt in r?inse. The members of both
crows feel rather sore at Uie statement
of the Oregonlan, and state that nevei
have they allowed their diligence to
relax in this respect. They say that
during the three days Davis' body was
lying aboard the lightship they fre
quently sighted her with the glasses
and failed to make out any unusual
signals. Vessels were coming and go
lug at the time and once the tug wai
within a couple of miles of the light
ship, yet none of them saw the signals..
Entire Change of Program,
Monday Evening, March 4th.
MORRIL it FLOYD,-"'511' Hebrew and Negro Impersonations, Intro
ducing their laughable comedy
Prof LEVINA H'fih. class modern magic introducing startling phenomenos.
OLLIE OATMON.National Descriptive songs, flags of aii Nations.
CAD WILSON""" "Such a ni" e'rl' to0'" S'n'n2 the latest N. Y. success, "He
' wanted me to be his living picture."
MAY DEVILLIOU.-Cluracier dancer.
RERTHA KELLOGG,Operatic Vocalist
VFRE DE-VERE rile Californfe Nightengale.
EARL LELAND,"Ser:woink Entertainer."
Concluding with Billie Morris' laughable sketch, "The Senator and the Monkey.
' Admission 10 and 20 cents.
Hot Stuff!
Hen if Story
About A Cow.
A man had a farm; he planted pop
corn. He filled the barn with popcorn,
The barn caught fire; the corn began
to pop it burst the barn, and spread
over the fields, and a near-sigiiteu
cow thought the popcorn was snow
and froze to death. The cow made a
mistake. Now don't you make a mis
take amd buy your next suit of clothes
anywhere else but at our store.
We have Just received five hundred
suits at prices that MUST be appre
The Clothier.
A Call Upon Mr. Thompson to become
a Candidate for Ee-electlon as
His Graceful Acknowledgement and Ac
ceptance. .
Mr. H. C. Thompson!, City:
Dear Sir: We, the undersigned tax
payers and citizens, recognizing your
fitness therefor, and having full confl
dence in you, respectfully request you
to become a candidate for School Di
rector at the approaching election, to
succead yourself, and we pledge our
earnest support and best endeavors to
secure your election to that honorable
Frank J. Taylor,
Theodore Bracker,
W. T. Beveridge,
Otto F. Heiiborn,
Tina Amundsen,
J. L. Carlson,
John Toumala,
J. H. Palmer,
W. Li. McCrosky,
Jacob Moore,
Charles McDonald, Christina Young,
xi. iKBirom,
H. F. Prael,
J. "Winterholder,
H. E. Topping,
Chas. E. Kunyon,
M. K. Anderson,
Bath. Wall,
F. Brown,
Chas. H. Stockton,
J. E. Panttaja,
F. Norberg,
J. A. Wallin,
Charles Wilson,
E. Malagamba,
Johan Henrikson,
John Gustafsen,
Jacob Jackson,
C. A. Westerlund,
Andrew Holm,
Matt Thompson,
Isaac Lugnet,
August Rautle,
John Suamela,
William Broanda,
Peter J. Shlstod,
Martin Johnson,
Thomas Mokko,
b '. f'eakes,
J. E. Higglns,
D. Stuart, Jr.
F. R. Stokes,
H. G. Smith,
C S. Gunderson,
F. L Parker,
C W. Stone,
W. T. Chutter,
Wm. C. A. Pohl
E. A. Taylor,
J. W. Conn,
E. Z. Ferguson,
Gelo F. Parker,
George Davidson,
C. R. Higglns,
D. Campbell,
Frank Patton,
Chas. Rogers,
P. A. Stokes,
William Bock,
H. J. Wherrlty,
W. T. Schofield,
James W. Hare,
F. I. Dunbar,
C. S. Gunderson,
S. A. Kozer,
O. B. Estes,
Alex. Campbell,
C. H. Cooper,
August Olsen,
Knut Larsen,
John Ktiberg,
A. E. Minard, .
P. J. Goodman&Co.
John Kampplla,
Jacob Kaukonan,
John Mattson,
Paul Paulson,
Th. Olsen,
F. Sohoene,
Shanahan Bros.,
W. L. Uhlenhart,
D. Malagamba,
J. L. Haysetn,
G. A. Nelson,
W. Peterson,
H. M. Loi-ntsen,
A. Seafeldt,
J. T. Bullack,
E. Hauke,
Abram Sotka,
Benjamin Young,
P. Peterson,
Ida Thompson,
John Wuopio,
E. Carlsen
Mrs. A. E. Minard, Andrew Karl,
Theo, Kredericksen, J. Jackson,
John Lace, Henrv Makela,
Max Young, M. Matlln,
Elizabeth Young-, A. Jolmar,
Mrs. C. Johnson, A. Borg,
L. Agren, o. Meldaus.
Mrs. L. Agren, Abraham Lugnet,
Mrs. Betty Stream, A. Hendrlckson,
Alfred Obron, Paul Aho,
K. Folden, Lucas Lucason,
M. L. McEwan, Carl Newman,
Johanna Norberg, Wm. B. Adair,
R. Wevang,
Mrs. R. Cornelius
Matti Relstakka,
Mrs. J. L. Hayseth,
W. II. Barker,
P. II. Johnson,
Jacob Bonhart,
John Robertson,
Jdhn Kopp,
Autaist Larsen,
D. Saltenstahl,
C. P. Nelson,
John Jackson,
M. Saldan,
Eric Peterson,
R. G. Anstead,
Gust Holmes,
John Peterson,
Marie G. Haaven,
A. L. Clark,
Mrs. J. Nelson,
Anna Brokke,
H. A. Larsen,
C. Tlmmins,
Mrs. F. C. Reed,
M. J. Wood,
Mrs. G. W. Pardee, Mrs. G. Holmes.
M. Knutsen, T. S. Cornelius,
Jacob Utzinger, Fred Sherman,
Peter Neufer, Fred Barker.
Otto Nelson and numerous others.
To the ladies and gentlemen whose
names appear as signers of the fore.
going communication:
I take this means of expressing my
acknowledgment and appreciation of
the high compliment paid me, and heg
to assure each and all of you that if
my fellow citizens of Astoria see fit to
honor me with another term as school
director, it shall be my earnest and
constant endeavor to so discharge the
duties of that Important office as to
merit In the greatest possible measure
the distinction thus conferred upon me,
Yesterday Sheriff Hare sold at sher
Iff's sale lots 17 to 23 In Alfred Kin
ney's subdivision of Block 72, Shivaly's
Astoria, under execution for the fore
closure of a mortgage for $708.96 In the
case of the Astoria National Bank vs
E. A. Seeley. The plaintiff purchased
the property.
' M.M,. W.
Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building,
over C. H. Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN. D. D. 8.,
Mansell Block. S73 Third street.
Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Flavel s Brick
Office in Fiavel's brick building.
frank J. Taylor.
Astoria, Oregon.
May be found in his office until 1
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until i
p. m., and from S until 7:30 evenings.
Office on Second Saiet, Astoria, Or.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
J. S. BISHOP, M. D.,
Office and rooms in ' Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30.
Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe
Office, GS414 Third St., Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronlo
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger'M store. Astoria
Telephone No. 51
Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
5. Residence', 639, Cedar street.
German Physician.
Office west of Ross, Hlg?ins & Co.'s
store, CIS Bond street. Prices, calls,
(1; confinements, $10.00. Operations at
ollice free. Medicines furnished.
TEMPLE LODGK NO. 7. A. P on,-,
A. M. Regular communications h,.i,i
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary.
ecelved Just what you want, at Wlm's, 629 Third street.
WANTED A vounff clrl rn tnVo ,-a
A child and assist about light house
work. Apply at this otllce.
WANTED A eood house wnimii,.
lrnnt..(4 K,. r...t..n. "
v3 Olivine luinny. will
itru.uiia,iie rent. Address
Pay," Astorian Office.
WANTED Position
as driver or
Speak English,
salesman in a store.
Finnish. Swedish and Norweg-.'an. Ad
dress C. V. S., care Astorian olfice.
RANTED A pents to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co. of
Montpeller. Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, S2-S4 Crocker Building;, San
Francisco. Cal.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, jewelry,
and table ware. Plates g-old, sliver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
oig proms, w. P. Harrison &
Clerk No. II, Columbus, Ohio.
$5.00 to $15.00 PER DAT at homo pin
ing Lightning Plater, and Dlatinc Ipw.
elry, watches, tablewear, etc. Everv
house ha? goods needing dating. Nn
experience; no capital; no talking; some
agent? are making $25 a day. Perma
nent position. Address H. K. Dolmn
& Co., Columbus, Ohio.
LOST Open face silved watch, mon
ogram on back VV. H. H. Finder will
be rewarded ty returning same to J
O. Han thorn.
FOR RENT A new house, bath. fur.
nace, and modern conveniences. Cheap
rfnt to desirable tenant. Aiirlr thio
Honey to loan on first-class approved
security. Frank Spittle, attornev at
Handley Haas. 150 First street. n1
get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need
not miss their mornlnar minor nhn.
fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea.
Fifty rents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and apricot brandv. Also Vrennh
r,"n k and win lit Atei OMbrf
liquors are sold at Ale Oimnhoii'.
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts., SO cts.. and $1.00.
Sold by J. W. Conn.