ilk liAiLv ASMiAi AffikUi Eli'iV MbitM'u, JiAfttill 8, mi,' I Aiou Jeouli fcuy a thtaptr i gfelothci tomewhtrt the, M' i don't jbnow Aow tt might wear." EVERY MAN who enters a tailor Chop in this city owes us bis good will that we have made It so difficult to sell unreliable goods, so easy to buy the best and buy it for- so little compared to Pan Francisco or Portland prices. chas. Mcdonald, , The Tailor. - 523 Commercial Street How To Make $1,000! We will tell you how to make it easy. All you have to do is to induce us to quit offering HOPH WtflSIEY to the public, and other dealers of liquor in the city will readily pay you the above amount. The OFFICE. GOOD STEAKS How many people have gone in to tha restaurants ot Astoria and tried to get a good, tender steak and bee . HEARTSICK Over their failures? Simple enough now; anybody can obtain one by stop ping in at The Palace Restaurant And giving your order when, Presto! There you have, suitable for a king. That's what makes us so busy. Knowledge is Power And power Is salvation. To do a thing right one must know how to do it This is as true of carpenter work as anything else. C. G. PflLfrlBEG, Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will build you anything from a wood box to a $50,000 .building and do it well. What About Your Shoes?- Aren't they worn out around the sole somewhere? Don't they need a patch on the side? We will make them good as new. i S. A. GIMRE. Kitty Cornerfrom Fisher Bros.' store. A Poor Cigar. W. F. SCHIEBE never made. Don't expect to make, either, But marke this s-a-t-I-s-f-a-c- t-l---n of the 22-karet tort has accompanied every purchase of. one of the cigars made by him since he began business. We've got the notion that a satisfied . customer "cuts a big figure" In building up a business. That's . the reason La Belle Astoria takes so well. Little Giant. Seems to If half the mothers in As. toiia have bought a pair or two of those LITTLE GIANT school shoes for their children. The other half will as thev hear of the wearing qual ities of those that are being worn about the city. You can have your cnoice cf leather, kid, grain or calf. ' JOHN HAHN & CO You'll n nrnrliiail in what a little monev will buy In the way of Jewelry and Sliver Ware at Bkitrom's Jewelry Store. You'll also be surprised to see what One work the engraver can uo. ASTORIA - MATTRESS - FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street Manufacturers of every description of Lounges, Mattreeues, etc. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Old Fashioned Country SAUSAGE. That's what the Washington Moult Murket's sausage tames like. It's made ot the same Ingredients, too -home killed and drtxwed beef and pork. Our flavoring Is most delicious. During this cold weath er thore's no other dish so good. WASIIINQTON MEAT rURKET, CMRISTEN3EN ft CO., Prop'rs, We'll Warrant that the most com' fortabie aipetlte in the city may he spoiled by drinking lKor whisky. We've studied and studied all the whisky fads and ideas and we have learned that "CUTTER'S Whiskey." Is the best made. But you must be sure you get Cutter's. Borne people advertise It but don't keep it; we do. GR05BAUCR BRACH'5 "RESORT." TESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at t p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the United State Depart auent of Agriculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature 57 degrees. Minimum temperature, 45 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total preciltatlon from September 1st, 194, to date, 61.32 Inrhea. jCxcees of precMtsidim from Septem ber It. Wt, to date, 1.S3 iiuhea. T NT . JL -.V-. CORSETS are the best fitting, the cheapest, and wear the long est oi any corset on the mar ket. Give them a trial! Albert Dunbar. Just received a new stock of hair cloth. NOTICE. The tax roll for 1894 Is now In my hands for collection. Taxes will be come delinquent on March 30, 181)5. i February 19, 1895. , ' JAMES W. HARE, Sheriff of Clatsop County. "JEFF'S" ' The Only Restaurant See Swope. 8p Swope about decorating. ''' See Swope about decorating and sign work. Meany la the leading tailor and 'pays the hlgbnat ash price for fur skins. Something new in the line of Sachet Powders Just received at the Prlntz Craln Drug Store. Why do you suffer with that cold when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure it; for sale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store. Motners and nurses all the world over have given their teething babies and fevenlsh children St-e-e-dman'a Sootta- The Band Box Barber Shop Frank Drury, proprietor has moved from op posite Shanahan Brothers' to opposite C. II. Cooper's. Beaver Hill Coal. No Smoke, no Soot. For sale at Flnlayson's shipping and commission agency, 9th street Wharves, at $5.50 per ton. S. E. Utzlnger Is the agent in Astoria lor tne celebrated Uambrlnua Hottle Deer, of Portland. DrD him a costal cara ana ne win can lor your oider. Watch your watch When It runs little too slow or a little too fast, bring it to j. il. BisxMUUK, He will at tend to it. He knows how. He learn' ed his trade in a watch factory. Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the agency of the famous STEWART'S TWINES, the only GENUINE FLAX TWINE manufactured in IRELAND, Their new stock goods are much su perlor to any other kind. When a man buys a lottery ticket and draws nothing but his breath he feels sold. Wnen he buys his wood and coal of the Scow Bay Wood lard whose office Is opposite Fisher Bros he Is pleased, as they sell only the best For years the Astoria Wood yard has given our citizens only the very best of wood and coal. They are still doing It. In fact, they are taking the lead. Why? Because they know what the public wants, and the public knows them. How to save money? Tou'U learn the secret by trading with Goodman Co, The prices they quote on shoes tell the tale. Their figures don't mean Inferior quality of goods either, but rather the finest procurable. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn,, says, "Shllor's Vitallzor 'SAVFD MY LIFE." I consider It the best rem' edy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid ney trouDie, it exceiis. riive ii rts. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Mr. Humphrey has some choice Chi' nnok salmon at his market. near Res one Hall. He also has oysters that sell at a less price than at any other mar ket In the city. He carries clams and other shell fish, and as a Bide Issue, Huh a stock of Marshall famous knit ting twine. Just arrived One thousand pairs of men s ixuus. They are genuine bar gains. Also Just received a large line of trunks and valises; a full line of men's shoes, the best in the market, and to he sold at lower prices than anywhere In the city. Oregon Trading Co., boo Commercial street. In groceries as hi everything else, it pays to get the best. Everybody is not Hupposed to be expert In Judging the valuo of all kinds ot groceries, and must depend on the honesty of the iKaler. HONBSTY IS THE BEST POL ICY, There Isn't any doubt about it, Foard ,v Stokes do not claim to do the Impossible, but they do claim to sell goods at lowest prices. There is no robbing Feter to pay Taul at their store. The U. S. Gov't Reports Show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. PHBEI! FRHI3! FREE! Oommnncln g Monday, Maroh 4th, 1S95 Bind tiurmg the week, we will give pole and fixtures to every pair of lace curtains sold, price from $1.25 per pair ana upwards. Call before they are sold out. One hundred pairs to select from. See di8 play bi our window. ; SHANAHAN BROS. CARD OF THANKS. We take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown by our many friends during the late bereavement Of our beloved son, Clarence. MR. AND MRS. FRED WRIGHT, Upper Astoria. MEDIUM AtlD CLAIRVOYANT. Madam Nelson, reads he a 4 and palm. also cards, and tells past, present and future. Consultation on all affairs. Price, 50 cents and upwards. Recom mendations from several hundred per sons. 455 Exchange street, corner of 10th street Ur. Price's Cream Biking Powder WorU'i Fair Highest Award. AROUND TOWN. . County court will toe in session Mori-day. Circuit court will be Tuesday next. in session on Judge T. A. McBrlde will spend Sun day in Portland. Wm. McGregor has moved Into ills new house near .e Eagle cannery. John Kopp yesterday raised a large smokestack over his new Ice machines. The case of H. A. iSmlth vs. Clatsop county Is set for hearing on Friday, March 8th. B. F. Allen Is contemplating putting In an electric motor for grinding and mixing (paint. The British ship General and the Car novan 'Bay, are expected down from Portland today. The pilot schooner Is still In port, having been unable to go outside on account of heavy weather. The schooner Harrison did not go out yesterday morning as Intended, on account of rough weather. Loggers will start on Monday next getUnlg out logs for the big raft which will he constructed at Stella. Wm. Whipple has bought out Mr. Gallagher In the Palace Restaurant, and now owns the place himself. The wife of Captain Phil. Johnson is still confined to her ibed with an aggravated case of rheumatism. Johan August Nelson and Emma So phia Wecfkstrom procured a marriage license at the clerk's office yesterday. This will !be an economical Lent, and not hard to keep. Smelf are selling In the local markets at 75 cents pei 100 pounds. A homing club will be organized in this city within a few days. Several pens of thoroughbred birds are owned by local parties. On account of sickness Rev. P. Steen Is obliged to postpone the services at Fort Stevens next Tuesday evening until March 12th at 7:30 p. m. Rldhard Lemon, who has been at St. Mary's Hospital for several weeks with rheumatism, was removed yester day to the residence of airs. Grant. Messrs, Lewis, Clark, and Crandall, composing the local civil service ex amination board, were in session yes terday. Six applicants were examined. The Bailey Gatzert will be given a trial trip at Portland today. She has not as yet been Inspected, therefore only the crew will accompany her on the Initial trip. Besides a cargo of coal from Comox the new whaleback collier Everett will take ten passengers and the ownere from Port Townsend for a trial trip down the coast. Shorlli' Hare yesterday received word that the "Linn County Case'" for test ing the legality of the present salary lw, will come up hefore the supreme court during the March term. Rescue Club had the usual crowded house last night who enjoyed an ex cellent program. The club is doing good work and Is appreciated, as is evidenced by the continual large at tendance. After an absence of several months in the suniny climes of Southern Cali fornia, Mrs. J. T. Ross returned yes terday on the steamer Queen. Her heailtlh has greatly Improved during her absence. The Scandinavian Packing Company have erected a new two-story moss house for accommodating their fish ermen and are about to erect new net racks to accommodate 50 nets Just north of the street railway power house. Owing to the fart that the pnlnt and varnish was not dry enough to stand the expee.tod rush, the Gannbrinus Cold Storage Was not thrown open to the public last evening but delayed till some time later this week, the an nouncement of which will be made later. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs Albert Dunbar lust evenlnif there va a very pleasant gathering In honor of the first anniversary of the weddlnp of Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Thing. Only e few Intimate friends were present and the evening was spent with cards and games. Deputy Clerk Harry Smith is busy writing up the circuit court Journal. The djeket has been cleared of a great many cases that have never been dismissed, but have been settled out of court, and when court convenes again a pretty clean Journal will be presented. Deputy County Clerk Wherrtty has a pet frog outside his window and it sings day and night. He and Deputy Smith are figuring on establlshlnr frog hatchery In the swamp north of llhe' courthouse. Deputy Smith has thoroughbred frog with a pedigree that insures excellent Btook. J. O. Hanthorn is putting In a new motor and dynamo. The dynamo has sufficient capielty for 100 IS-candle power Incandescent lamps, or thirty electrical soldering Irons. These sol derlng livns were made expressly for him by a Detroit, Mich., company, and ere the best used upon the coast. People In Astoria are beginning to assume an air of confidence in regard to the butkllng of rhe railroad by Messrs. Banner and Hammond. Dur ing the past week there has been a decided charure of sentiment regard ing the situation, and many buslnest men havs already caught a spirit of better tlmea and are preparing to ex tend their buMtneta. For the month of fVbruary the coun ty clerk nt county recorder show the same amounts of fees received, being the sum of 1224.25. The receipt In the Sheriff's office were $114.30. In the clerk's office the amount is slightly above the average on account of cir cuit court fees, but in the recorder's office It shows a decided advance. It is said that parties in Astoria who contemplated building a theatre three years ago when Gobs was building his railroad, have decided to have It erect ed "when the railroad comes." The Minerva entertainment at the old Uppertown school house last night for the benefit of Mrs, Chrlstoffersen was a decided success, and netted the sum of 134. Ed. Lund, A. Halseth, H. Par son, the committee in charge, feel very grateful and express the thanks of the society to those who so kindly partici pated and made the affair the success It was. ' ' .; Last evening Mrs. Tih. Olsen gave a 'mpll'8 Recital'.' at No. 1 Engine House, and an excellent program was rendered to a large assemblage of in vited guests. The program consisted of ten piano selections and the manner in which they were rendered showed not only careful study on the part of the pupils, but the thorough training of an experienced teacher. At the close of the program Mrs. Olsen presented eaoh of her ..pupils wltlh. a beautiful bouquet of choice flowers. Captain Louis, of the five-masted schooner Louis, came over from Knapp ton yesterday and purchased his sea supplies. They were placed on board the Relief, which took a run down to the bar, and took a peep outside. Be. tween the heads It was pretty rough and It was decided not to attempt to take any vessels out until a calmer sea prevailed, hence Captain Hatch was In town last evening enjoying him self In company with brother mariners. The Louis is loaded and ready for sea, having on board a little less than L00O, 000 feet of lumlber for Sani Francisco. She will go out today providing the weather Is suitable. As a rule the citizens of Clatsop coun ty liable to , poll tax are not f amllar with the recent order of the county court doing away with the old Idea of working out their tax, and In Its stead lmioelog a $2 levy, together with a two-mill special tax levy in conform lty with Aartlcle 4, Section 4084, of the Oregon road laws, tha money to be turned over to the supervisors and they to improve the roads and pay foi the labor In cash. Of course there it a big kick, and it Is a remarkable fact that a large majority of the klckert finally wind up their argument with a claim that they are over 60 years of age, "and not liable to poll tax." Down in the burnt district last night me scene presentea a picture of Astoria during the palmy days when salmon crawled over one another In their ef forts to navigate the Columbia, and twenty dollar gold pieces were as plen tlful as they are now scarce. JOvery saioon was crowclea with a thoroughly cosmopolitan crowd, and "knock down and drag outs" occurred in several places. It was a good-natured' crowd on the whole, and gave the police force But little trouble, where the people came rrom is a mystery, and many strange faces were seen among the crowd. It was a forerunner of what will be when the railroad construction begins. The Pacific Can Company have added to their plant here an automatic ma chine to solder the bottoms onto oval flat salmon cans. It Is one of the! own Inventions, and the value of It can be understood when one realizes that during the last season a man would by hand solder up only one thousand oval cans a day, while this machine with the aid of two boys, will solder at least 'ooo ovals an hour, or 20.000 a day Superintendent Kendall states that hlF comiwny is having a duplicate of this machine made at the Astoria Iron Works whidh when completed will be sent to she salmon packing establish ment of J. G. Mewler & Co., Brookfleld, Wash., who intend operating it for part of their next season s pack. Loander Lebeok will commence work Monday on the Improvement of the following public streets In Uppertown Commencing at the White Swan sa loon, upixwlte George & Barker's can nery, running south one block on 36th Btreet. Then running west three blocks to the new school house; then south one block to Mrs. 'Lelnenwebber's resi dence. The streets running north and south are 75 feet In width, and those running east and west 60 feet In width This Is the first street work that has been done In Astoria In two years. The work Is liable to be followed by the completion of the alleyway through blocks 2, 3 and 4, forming a connection with old 2d street at the Tongue Point saloon, givlmr a street entrance to th residents of Alderbrook. Friday evening at Olney the residence of v. Olsen, merchant at that place whs destroyed by fire, together with nearly all Its contents. The family were Bleeping In the front room down slalrs. and about 15 minutes to 11 o'clock Mr. Olsen awaftened and ln stantly discovered the fire above. The family hurrricdly left the burning Minding and the alarm of fire given which was oulckjy responded to by every man In the vlllace. It was use- loss to fight the fire, however, as by the time assistance arrived It was un dor such headway that to extlrwulsh It was Impossible. So rapidly did the flumes srroul that but little of the fur niture and clothing was saved. The tire originated from a defective fluf where It went through the roof. Mr. Olsen had only recently moved into the pdaoe. The house was vahied at SHOO, on which was $450 Insurance There was no Insurance on the contents of the building. A number of fruit trees growing near the residence were ruined by the Intense heat. Mr. Olsen will hereafter reside tn the rooms ovei his store. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all parties hoTdln'g Clatsop county warrants in dorsed prior to September 5th, 1S90, to present Bhe same to the county treas urer for iayment, as Interest will cease thereon after tthls date. Dated this 4th day of March, A. D 1S95. B. L. WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop County. Awarded HighcBt Honors World's Pair. DR.' CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE k put Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret tan Ammonia, Alum or any 0 titer adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. mm ARE TOE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Cold Leaf grown In Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY URE Hot Stuff ! Here It a Story About A Cow. A man had a farm; he planted pop corn. He filled the barn-with popcorn. The barn caught fire; the corn began to pop It burst tiie bam, and spread Over the fields, and. a near-sighted cow thought the popcorn was snow and froze to death. The cow made a mistake. Now don't you make a mis take and buy your next suit of clothes anyw"here else but at our store. We have Just received five hundred suits at prices that MUST be appre ciates. . PHIL. STOKES, The Clothier. OREGON'S NEW SENATOR. What a Leading Chicago Democratic Dally Has to Say of Illm. (Chicago Herald.) The senator from Oregon, Mr. Mc Brlde, has been for many years an ln valid. A few weeks ago he was In New York for special treatment and his niece, Mrs. Marshall Cuslhlng, of this city, spent a month at his bed side nursing him. Mr. McBrlde was at that time In very low spirits and when urged by his friends to return to Oregon and make a fight for the sen- atorsblp, replied that he was too near I death s door to think of such a thing. "Besides," he added, "Senator Dolph is my friend. I will Btand by him to the last. Mr. MoBrrde s friends endeavor ed to convince him that an election to the senate, open tog out a new career for him, mlpht save his life by having something to live for, but Mr. Me Bride would not take this optimistic view of the situation. At the last mo ment he comes to tihe front as a winner of the long contest with no treachery to his friend, Senator Dolph. Ten or twelve years ago Mr. McBrlde was thrown from a wagon and esverely In Jured. He has been a cripple ever strtce, and much of his life has been paswed In bed. Dven while wasted with sickness and tortured with pain his iron win and Indomitable energy have enabled him to accompllHlh more than most men In perfect health could do. While secretary of the state of Oregon he caused a room at the cap! tol to Ibe fitted up as a chamber and transacted the business of his olllce While lying In bed. Before his accl dent he was a great lover of out-door sixrts, an enthusiastic horseman and a dead shot with a rifle. He hns a pas sion for owning land and is rich. Hf Is not married. A year ago today Albert Dunbar was '...gltatlniT In his own mind whether to go to Portland and look for a situa tion or open up a store for himself in his city. He came to the conclusion that Astoria was on as good a road to prosperity bs any other town In Amer ica, that there was as much money paid out here by the cannerymen every season to fishermen as there was gold produced by all the mines In Oregon. Tt did not take him Ion to decide what his future course would be and the building where he Is now located wa rented and soon after occupied with a small but first-class stock of dry ifoods and notions. Everything he hnnclled was of the best, and with hlr thorough knowledge of the business he stands today with a trade that would be a credit and Joy to a much inrger houco than his. still, he sayr this Is but a beginning. last evening the Astoria Mandolin Clulb visited the residences of a num ber of prominent citizens Bnd pave theli nooupants a Bereinacle. It was a per fect ntpht out, and old Luna Bmlled down on the city wtrh a Badness that was In pleasinc harmony with the poft and enchanting music of the guitar and mandolin, as the tnys went aout from place to place and rendered the most exquisite music. The Astorian force was not slighted, for the musicians called on their rounds and plaved sev eral excellent pieces. WANTBD In a good, paying busi ness, a imrtner to go on rhe road. Five dollars a day guaranteed at the pres ent time. Also two men, good Balary and expenses paid. No experience re quired. Apiy at the Parker House at once. S. Williams, Room 44. The CASINO. Entire Change of Program, Monday Evening, March 4th. MORRIL it FLOYD -rish, Hebrew and Negro Impersjnatjons,. Intro ducing their laughable comedy 'LIFE IN A TENEMENT HOUSE." Prof.LEVlNA.-High class modern magic introducing startling phenomenos. OLLIE OATMON-National Descriptive songs, flags of ali Nations. CAD WILSOX-"Such a nite girl, too," Singing the latest N. Y. success, "He wanted me to be his living picture. MAY DEVILLIOU -Cnaracter dancer. BERTHA KELLOGG.-Operatlc Vocalist. VERE DE-YERE -rhe Californic Nightengale. EARL LELAND -"Sen o-com!c Entertainer." Concluding with Billie Morris' laughable sketch, "The Senator and the Monkey," AdmlHsIon 10 Wdd (Tabid tot kacii, BIOS WATER DATE. P. H. h.m I ft. h.m I ft h.m I fl h.m I ft Friday. . Saturday. BUNDAY Monday.. Tufulay. , . II SMH 7 4 ((!.'. ..21 411 S 7 5 00 II II . 3 4 64 HI! 6 0950 .4 6 4 10 5 7 8fi5:l .. 5 1 II 62 H 8 9 OH 6 6 10 00 lu , U .il 2 1 10 51 9 1 10 10 2 5 1154 0 8 10 6 5 3 3 . ..I. . 1 10 07 0 8039 23i 04 . 1 48 4 1 8 42 -4) 1 8 28 4 0 4 40 -0 6 4 4084 5 3CHI 8 6 3H 2 5 6 13 -0 8 6 28 1 7 6 M -0 6 7 15 0 9 7 31 -0 1 7 66 0 4 8 111 -0 4 8 43 0 1 8 611 1 1 9 84 0 1 92ll 19 10 27 0 2 10 05 2 8 11 28 0 5 11060 8 5 12 37 0 8 1161 4 4 .... 160 0 8 1 88 4 5 2 69 tft) 811 4 2 8 60 0 7 4 17 8 9 4 43 0 5 60534 5 22 05 5 45 2 9 6 55 0 6 6 19 2 3 6 22 0 8 6 60 1 7 6 47 0 9 713 18 711 11 7 42 0 8 7 42 14 816 0 4 8 OH 18 8 650 2 8 37 2 2 9 3601 911 25 10 20 0 2 9 50 8 0 WeduuMtlay 0 Thursday.. 71 Friday 8! Bnturday...9j HUNDAY. 10 Monday. ...11 Tuesday... V2 Wedn'nd'y l.'l Thursday. H Friday.... Is fintiirday. 1H BUNDAY. .17 Monday. ..IN Tuesday,.. 10 Wedn'Hd'y ao murauay..zi Friday.... 22 Saturday.. 2.'! BUNDAY. .21 Monday ...25 Tuesday ...2rt Wedn'sd'y 27 Thusday,..2 Friday.... 29 Saturday.. 30 80H83 10186 1 9 H 4 1108 It 9 10 23 8 7 11 52,7 6 11 ax 9 .. .. . . 0 808 2 12 219 0 10687 1 12 89 14219 0 2 00 8 6 2 209 1 24881 2 68,9 I 8 Ml" 3 8 .WHO 48205 4 20,8 6 6 36169 6 10,8 2 7 00153 6 00,7 7 8 45,5 3 7 13i7 3 10 07,6 7 8 2671 I05163 v un mn am v 10 2Hlf 8 116017 2 Jl 15 74 .. .. . . 0 12 7 6 11 64 7 6 0 8078 1 00 8 1 1 26le 8 1 52J8 0 2 22i8 7 2 6D8 8 8 368 6 12 31 7 5 10776 1 4376 2 25 7 2 80669 8 56 6 5 4 62 6 1 SUNDAY.. 81 florth Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. Al orden promptly attended to Japanese Bazaar SING LUNG. Prop. Says a customer of some of those new goods Utat we have Just received for fall titwe, and that we're selling so remarkably cheap: "They are the best bargains we ever got in Astoria" They are captivating in quality and style and will make a record as purse- openers. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's Fruit Store, Kopp's Beer Hall Choke Wines, Liquors and Clgars. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the Bar, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5c. Free Lunch. Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sr- St. George's ftheumatie Bitteps Specially Manufactured to aid those afflicted with KHhUMATISM. It plves tone to the stomach and purities the blood better than any other bitters known. For sale bv all leadiu drug-gists, or Address "G.'R." P.O. Box t6, Astoria, Or. OR PETER, BRACH, - General Agent 47 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 34. J. A PASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND WHARF BUILDER. Address, box 1B0, Postoflice. ASTORIA, OR Dalgitcj Iron Works, 'A wmm .'il General ruchinlst and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Stenmhoa: and Engine Work of anv Usciii ujii. Castings of all kinds made to ouler. Foot of Lafayette St., Astoi ia, Or. As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not luue sight of the lact that a pertect fitting suit Is the main feature. Wanamaker i Brown are noted for fit, workmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Olllce 61 Dekum Building, Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you have seen the spring line of sample. H. C. D1TTRICH, Graduate of the Bauschule Holzminden, Germany, and Massachusets Technology Office, Room )i Sherlock BIJg., Portland. Or. ffilhMAf.lS Who is Williams? Why Williams the ah Com mercial street, having i5cts; hair cut ting 25 cts; bath 25cts. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts.. 50 cts.. and Jl.flO. Sold by J. W. Conn. and 20 cents. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Hulldliu over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. L. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 678 Third street. W. IL LAFORCB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavelo Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Flavel's bilck building. fhamk J. Taylor. FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria Oreson. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his olllce until id o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until S p. m., and from S until 7:30 evenings. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, JO to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. J. S. BISHOP, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. Office and rooms In Kinney Block. Olllce Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30. Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe cialty. LIBERTY P. MTJLLINIX. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6S4H Third at, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgeiy. Office over Danzlger'n utore, Astoria. Telephone Xo. 51 JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A.Mj .'COUCHEUR. Office, Rooms & and 6, Pylhlun Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. German Physician. Eclectic. DH. J. EIMIN BARTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office west of Ross, Higins & Co.'s store, CIS Bond street. Prices, calls, il; confinements, $10.00. Operations at office free. Medicines furiilshed. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A V A. M. Regular communications hplrl on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. G. HOWELL, W, M. E. C. HOLDEN, .Secretary. FOR SALE. JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 529 Third street. WANTED WANTED To Rent A dwelling with Mo H rooms by a small famlv. Aiirh-f-ss. V. -M. , care Astorian Office. WANTED A yr.untr clrl to tnke ram of child and assist about light house work. Apply at this office. WANTED A tood house. rtntrnJlu located, by private family. Will oav vasonaule rent. Address. "Pmmnt ay," Astorian Office. WANTED Position as driver or salesman in a store. Sueak Rnsrllsh Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian. Ad- "ffcs i. t. a., care Astorian officii. WANTED Pushing Canvasser r,f good address. Liberal salarv and pv. penses paid weekly; Permanent posi tion. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen Portland, Oregon. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-S4 Crocker Building, San Francisco. Cal. WANTED SALESMEN $75.00 per week, seiiing electric light outfits for houses, stores and shops. Motors for running machinery, and other riomilar patented articles, outfits complete when packed. Best people buy. Permanent situation. No experience. W. P. Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus. Ohio. $5.00 to $15.00 PER DAY at home sell ing Lightning Plater, and plating Jew elry, watches, tablewear, etc. Every house has goods needing plating. No experience; no capital; no talking; some agent? are making $a a day. Perma nent position. Address H. K. Delmo & Co., Columbus, Ohio, MISCELLANEOUS. LOST Open face silved watch, mon ogram on back W. H. H. Finder will be rewarded 'by returning same to j. O. Han thorn. FOR RENT A new house, bath, fur nace, and moJorn conveniences. Cheap ront to desirable tenant. Address this olHce, Money to loan on first-class approved security. Frank Spittle, attorney at law. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Victors need not miss their morning paper irhlie there. BEVERAGES. WIXES AND BRANDIES. Use 2in, Nndel wine instead of coffee or tea. ruiy cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and aprlcct brandy. Also French fVmR nrl wine at Alex nthrt' ONLT THE PUREST Win, and liquor are sold at Alex Campbell'.