The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 03, 1895, Image 3

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tSe Ar pTtttlr be lealttr they'll
NoMil p. rce " Favrite Prescription.
? eU1 11 111 building up a
Sun! iiTlfth' ln relat"'S and
Senfh. ' "T natural '"notions. It
beari 6 PttlnS and burdens of chlld
weak nJ""port strengthens
an abuS?S nlothera- and Promotes
an abundant secretion of nourishment.!
a hiV.. J" "". restorative tonic.
remedy 7,7, . . Drat'"'S nervine, and a
In BvirJ .. ," . u" 1118 ana ailments.
or wmiL. i.l,K! Iemae complaint"
oT,t ut ft, 'f 80 beneficially that,
once used, It Is always ln favor.
Delicate diseases affecting male or
h m L!y, Tvd' mtrated book
tlon ia-i i f"11'1. Medical Assoc a
tll. 00.1 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mood Hows through "the" bones al
most as freely as through the flesh of
very young: children.
menu ?w ' enuis" sometimes. All
fa? oHel Ve a'e alt to consider triv
atroelm,. eniW'.. vhm"Bh nelect. nt
"ira Tn da"--ous in them,
selves and productive of others. It Is
o? ll? Sfhrd f,the earller cations
uL.mM.iJ0. . -tab-,. k..,.-', Ul maiaaies on a
. moreover, there are rer-
sucndftr7 neldent to til sreLCon
asalnst wh 't , and eumatism
to fortlfv " 18 aJwaya durable
io loitlfy the system after exDosure
Coldhedamd1UonT Whlch Prouuceem!
i-oia, damp and misosma are surelv
BUt'eT Vt bY "teVlto'S
miners Alter you have incurred risk
& eTs"il!Ut'nc8' a 'nSfful'of
riostetter s Stomach Bitters directly
malaria"1 ZM BWa'"wed! For
maiana, dyspepsia, liver complaint
kidney and bladUer trouble nervous.
ten?at We? ""a" of and P
S'sin wlneg-lassful before
miu,i8 promotes appetite.
If a man strikes another with a wea
pon in Madagascar there is but one law
and that law is death.
D. P. Puller, of Canlajlharie, N. Y.,
vJS nf he Uways k Dr. King's
r,Z, D'8C0Vry m the house and his
r J . ,1 alway3 found the very best
results follow its use. G. A. Dykeman,
Druggist, QUskill, N. Y., says that Vr.
Kings New Discovery Is undoubtedly
the best cough remedy; that he has
tsed it In his family for eight years,
and i! has never failed to do all that
Is claimed for it. Why not try a rem
edy so long tried and tested. Trial bot
tles free. Ohas. Rogers' Drug Store, Odd
Fellows' Building. Regular sJze 50c and
The medura Is a true sea-waiter jelly
which, abandoned by the waves on
the beaoh, melts and disappears.
''Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you." is sympathetically
shown in the following lines, the pre
MMiiiiucin being that sympathy Is burn,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause's
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. I have always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only thing that relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or., Sole Agent.
The Boston police board has recom
mended to the legislature the enact
ment of a law providing for the ap
pointment of an assayer of liquor for
that city.
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. The medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the re
lief and cure of all Female Complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct influence
In giving strength and tone to the or
gans. If you have loss of appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting
Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Ex
citable, Melancholy, or troubled with
Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the
medicine you n?ed. Health and strength
are guaranteed by its use. Large bot
tles only 50 cents at Chas. Rogers' Drug
Store, Odd Fellows' Building.
The churches In the new town of
Enid, O. T., have no bells yet, and the
town fire toed is rung every Sunday to
announce tine hour of religious ser
Consults his best interests by having
a box of Krause's Headache Capsules
at hand: taken as directed will prevent
or stop any kind of a headache, no
matter what the cause In fact if your
skull were cracked It would prevent
pain. The frequency of the attacks
will diminish, and by taking the cap
sules at the approach of a headache,
you will never have another. Twenty
five cents per box.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria
Oregon. Sole Agent
,7 i , -n-ot Inicotlnlzed nerves, eliminates the nico
There are several places in the West, Llrw poiaoni make8 wealc mm gaJr
especially in the Rocky Mountain re- j
gions, where large trees, standing erect
and perfectly transformed to Btone,
may b? found.
The best salve In the world foi Cuts,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chopped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pav required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
Paper straws for drinking iced bev
erages, which are superior to the nat-1
:ural straws, are being placed on thep
market, ana so m a. pecuimi twin
per for printing bank notes on. '
SHILOH'S CURE Is sold on a grar-
ntee It cures incipient cuiipumimuu. i
: i vM rvMio-h r.iro. f mlv one 1
.1 IB Ui , .
ent a dose, za cents, m ., mm j.vv
For Sale by J. wr. Conn.
tt Iqa teeth for horses, which Were
suggested by the "president of a French (
humane society a tew yeara ago, im.c
actually been Invented and are coming
into general use in Europe. ' ' " '
.,h 'n linnv this! DeWltt'B
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and !
stop the pain instantly, li win cure
badly chapped hands, ugly wounds,
sores and is a well-known cure for
piles. Chas. Rogers.
The municipal technical school com
mittee of Manchester, which is one of I
the best In England, has decided to es- j
ta.bllsi a testing 'houes, to test earn- i
pies of raw and manufactured goods.
. . Dr. Prlcc'f Crearq .Baking Powder
" w4' Fair Hlshest Medal sod Diploma.
si.oo Bottlers; y m 3
One cent a dose. V"'g yr?j
Ttia until nri a, firu grantee bv nil rim v.
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption,
and il the best Cough ardtCroun Cure. ,
For Bale by J. W. Conn.
This Is to certify tflat I have used
Krause's Headache Capsules periodi
cally for over a year, and have very
much pleasure ir stating that they
have always proved very beneficial and
have relieved me in from ten to fifteen
minutes. I have been a sufferer from
headache for many years, and have
never found anything to do me as
much good as Krause's Headache Cap
sules. Yours Truly,
234 Poplar St., Wichita, Kan.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Mr. G. Calllouette, Druggist, Beavers,
vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the phy
sicians for miles around, but of no
avail, and was given up and told I
could not live. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery ln my Btore I sent for a bot
tie, and began to use it, and from the
first dose began to get better, and after
using three bottles was up and about,
again. It is worth its weight ln gold.
We won't keep store or house without
It." Get a trial bottle free at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build
Having the -needed merit to more
than make good . all the advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each
bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the
great remedy for stomach, liver, and
kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, and Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All
these remedies are guaranteed to do
Just What is claimed for them, and the
dealer whose name is attached here
with, will be glad to tell you more
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
Of all the reigning sovereigns of the
earth the czar of Russia possesses the
greatest number of titles.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those
who not have now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle free.
Send your name and address to H. E
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a
'.sample box of New Life Pills free, as
well as a copy of Guide to Healtn anu
Household Instructor, free. All of
which Is guaranteed to do you good
and cost you nothing.- Chas. Rogers
druggist. Odd Fellows Building.
An eagle with seven feet spread of
wings was caught ln a wolf trap near
Brady Island, Neb., recently.
Close by would not have a more dis
turbing effect upon the nerves which
are vigorous, than an ordinary noise
upon tfoos which are weak and un
strung. As a nervine, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is unrivalled. By pro'
moting digestion and assimilation they
overcome that gastric disorder, which
is. the most prolific cause of nervous
debility, and which, so long as It exists,
defeats In a large measure the action
of sedatives end opiaJtes. such reme.
dies, moreover, necessitate the use of
lnoreaslng doses, and finally cease to
act altogether, except in 'dangerous
quantities. They never reach the foun
tain head of the trouble, and quiet the
nerves only by earml-paralyzing them.
Equally objectionable are fiery unmedl
eated alcoholic Btlmulants. Kidney,
bladder and liver trouble, mafaria, con
stipation, and rheumatism are relieved
by the Fitters, which also promotes
appetite and nightly repore.
The smallest coal burning locomotive
in America, 235 pounds, was made by
C. D. Young, of Denver, ln 1891.
Is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaran
teed tobacco haiblt cure that braces up
strength, vigor and manhood. You run
no phyrtcal, or financial risk, as No-To.
under a guarantee to cure or money
refunded. Book free. Address Sterling
Remedy Co., New York or Chicago.
Bao is sold by CWas. Rogers, druggist,
The "witdh tree" of Nevada and
Southern California, exudes or exhales
a phosphorescent substance which
makes every branch, leaf, and section
of its bark visible on the darkest night.
The World's Fair Tests
showed BO baking powder
bo pare or so great In leav
' ealng power as to Royal'.
Watches originated at Nuremberg as
early as 1477. They were at first called
Nuremberg eggs, wfalch hey' resemble
.,,-V, tn ahona .oywI oi-ro .Thw wok
Y"fr . ' - ' i r
orten niiea imo wie xops oi warning
Easily, GiiicWy, Pcrxaoeatly Ficsfored.
lat-r ert-ttfw. iu reftutuoc
fptr-;r. w.iu:tiveato
nr, . ,.. ar.l portion
' . i . ... - not.
cm i
T.lVfVllCUl rV0.
Failure l;nivv
expWtioD .J P2f i IJU
ES! KESIGAkCj.-, titfa!,H.Y.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria, by Ordinance No. 1924. entl
tied, "An Ordinance Appointing View
"era on an extension of James street,
"proposed by Ordinance No. 1916 and
"Ordinance No. 1923," of the City of
Astoria, passed and approved February
2th, 1895, duly appointed W. B. Adair
G. Zelgler and Maxwell Young, View
ers, to view the Bald extension of said
James street proposed to be laid out
and established in said city, hereinafter
described, and make an assessment of
damages and benefits as required by
Section 113 of the Charter of the City
of Astoria, and fix Monday, March
11th, 1895, at V o'clock a. m., as the
time, and the city hall ln said City of
Astoria, as the place of meeting of
such viewers. The following are the
boundaries and terminus of the propos
ed street to be laid out and established
as aforesaid, tihe same 'being an ex
tension of James street in said city,
A strip of land sixty feet in width,
and thirty feet in width on each side of
the Hue as heretofore surveyed, mark
ed and staked out, as follows: Begin'
ning at a point ln the center of the
east end of James street ln Central
Astoria In said City of Astoria, Clatsop
County, Oregon, and running thence
South 89 degrees and 45 minutes east
990 feet; thence south 0 degrees 15 mm
utes west 174.6 feet: thence on a 20-
degree curve to the left 377.5 feet;
thence south 75 degrees 15 minutes east
691.3 feet; thence on a 15-degree .05 mln
ute curve to the left 212.7 feet; thence
north 72 degrees 40 minutes east 980.7
feet; thence south 17 degrees 20 minutes
east 300 feet; thence north 72 degrees
40 minutes east 300 feet; thence south
81 degrees 50 minutes east 740.5 leet;
thence north 62 degrees east 457.5 feet;
thence on a 15-degree curve to the
right 674.4 feet; thence south 41 degrees
60 minutes east 144.6 feet; thence on a
10-degree curve to the left 685 feet;
thence north 79 degrees 40 minutes east
3S2.9 feet: thence south 47 degrees .05
minutes east 217.4 feet; thence south
74 degrees 28 minutes east 1563.8 feet;
thence south 88 degrees 49 minutes east
1137.7 feet: thence south 1 degree .06
minutes west 667.8 feet; thence south
63 degrees 13 minutes east 20W) leet
thence south 19 degrees 66 minutes east
146 feet; thence south 43 degrees 16
minutes east 331.4 feet; thence south 22
degrees 31 minutes east 361 feet; thence
south 1 degree 39 minutes west 4U.4
feet: thence soutii 25 degrees 42 mln
utes east 825.3 feet: thence south 49
degrees 66 minutes east 505.7 feet
thence south 74 degrees 15 minutes cast
163 feet; thence south 25 degrees 65
minutes east 1092 feet; thence south 73
degrees 25 minutes east 742.3 feet,
thence south 67 degrees 65 minutes east
1684.7 feet: thence on a six-degree curve
to the left 353.3 feet: thence south 89
degrees 7 minutes east 1089.1 feet;
thence south 0 degrees and 63 mln
utes west 316.6 feet; thence south
23 degrees 11 minutes east 674.6
feet; thence north 80 degrees 44
minutes east 466.4 feet; thence south
64 degrees 31 minutes east 617 feet
thence south 85 degrees 61 minutes east
408 feet; thence south 49 degrees 11
minutes east 350 feet to a point on the
couth boundary line of section 26, paid
point being 333 feet west of the corner
to sections 23, 24, 25 and 26, Tp. 8 N., R. 9
west of the Willamette Meridian, ln
said county and state.
The boundaries and descriptions of
the private property to be apportioned
for such street and over anl across
wnleh the said proposed street runs
cn the courses and distances above set
fcrth, are as follows:
TRACT No. 1 .Beginning at a point
80 feet East of the S. K Corner of
Block No. 93, in the Town of Astoria
(now City of Astoria) as laid out and
recorded ty J. M. Shlvely, at a point
established by Hayden Gearhart; run
nlng thence easterly with south boun
dary of said town 23, 84 chains; thence
fouth 41.68 Chains to the south boun
dary line of the Donation Land Claim
of J. M. and Susan L. Shively; Thence
west along said south boundary of
said claim 23.58 chains; Thence north
39.03 chains to place of beginning.
Charles W. Shively, owner. Lying
within said tracts are Tracts No. 1 1-2
and 2, herein described:
TRACT No. 1 1-2 Beginning at a'
certain stone monument marked X, ln
the D. C. L. of J. M. and Susan L.
Shively, same being the northwest cor
ner of that certain tract of land owned
by A. S. Bennett, and Geo. Noland, as
per deed recorded ln Book 9, at page
20, Records of Deeds for Clatsop coun
ty, described ln tract 3 herein; thence
south 0 degrees 19 minutes E. 2553.46
feet, to the south boundary of said
Donation Land Claim; Thence north
89 degrees 45 minutes west along the
said south boundary line of said claim
171 feet; thence north 0 degrees 14 min
utes west 2539.36 feet, to the south line
of Shively's Astoria aforesaid; thence
north 85 degrees 4o minutes east on
Eald soutlh line of Shively's Astoria,
171.5 feet, to place of 'beginning. As
toria Savings Bank, Trustee, Owner.
TRACT No. 2. Beginning at a stake
cn the east boundary line of the Town
of "Central Astoria," as laid out and
recorded Iby B. VanDusen, E. A. Noyes,
and H. G. VanlDusen, ln the City of
Astoria, 396.35 feet south of the north
east corner of said Central Astoria,
new marked with a stone monument,
thence south on said boundary line
400 feet; thence cast at right angles
250 feet; thence north 400 feet; thence
west 250 feet, to the place of begin
ning. ALSO, the following described
tract of land, to-wlt: Beginning at the
S. E. corner of Block No. 94, in the
Town of Astoria, (now City of Asto
ria) as laid out and recorded by J. M.
Shively; thence South 411.22 feet,
Thence East 30 feet; Thence North
413.65 feet, to the South boundary line
of said Town of Astoria, aforesaid',
Thence westerly 30.10 feet, to place of
beginning. City of Astoria, Owner.
TRACT No. 3. Ten acres of land off
the west end or side of that certain
tract of land, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt: That certain 200 acre
tract of land ln the Southeast corner of
the Donation Land Claim of J. M. and
Supan L. Shively, ln said county and
State, bounded on the North by the
Town of Astoria, as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Shively, and on the
east by the East boundary line of said
Donation Land Claim, and on the
South by the South boundary line of
said Donation Land Claim, and on the
west by a line drawn north and south
and parallel to the east boundary line
of said claim, and a sufficient distance
west therefrom to Include and com
prise 200 acres of land. A. S. Bennett,
and Geo. Noland, Owners. )fl
TRACT NO. 4. '
That certain ten acre tract of lanfl,
bounded on the north by the soutjh
boundary line of the Town of Astoria
as laid out and recorded by J. H
Shlyely, In safoj cpnty and i state, arid
on the south by the south boundary
line of the J. M. and Susan L. Shlvt
ly iWatldn Land Claim, and lyinjr
immediately east of and adjoining the
t n acre tract above described. James
W; Welcs, Ownen .' I l ' 1 i I - I
TRACT NO 5. ' i
The north one-half of that certain
20 acre tract of land lying Immediately
east of and adjoining the ten acpe
tract described in "Traot Ntt 4,"i above,
the north and south boundaries being
Identical. Northwestern Lumber Com
pany. Owner. . . -. i i . I
TRACT No. 6.
That certain ten acre tract of land
lying Immediately east of and adjoin
ing that certain 20 acre tract bounded
and described in 'VTract SJo.' S,t here
of, the north and south boundary llrj
being IdentlcaK Sarah P. Wood. Own-
er. , . ,
'Thpt certain 50 acfe tract of land ly
ing immediately east of and adjoining
Jo, the tract Jast. Above mentioned. In
"Tract No. ," hereof, the north 'and
soubh lines being identical. Astoria
Real Estate Association, Owner.
The east one-half of the following
described retl estate, to-wlt: That cer
tain 200 acre tract of land In the south
east corner of the Donation Land
Claim of J. M. and Susan L. Shively,
ln Clatsop County, Oregon, and bound
ed on tha north by the Town of Asto
rla, now City of Astoria, as laid out
end recorded by J. M. Shively, on the
east iby the east boundaryllne of the
Donation Land Claim of Said J. M. and
Susan L. ahlvely, on the south by the
south boundary line of said Donation
Land Claim, and on the west by a line
drawn north and south from said south
line of said Donation Land Claim, to
the South Line of said town of Astoria,
and parallel to the east boundary line
of said claim, and a sufficient distance
west of said east boundary line of Bald
Claim, to Include and comprise 200
acres of land. Nancy Welch and As
toria Savings Bank, Owners.
Lots Nob. 1 and 2, In Block No. 4,
Marget Y. Gowan, Owner.
Lot No. 3. Block No. 4, Mi's. M. M.
Cyrus, Owner.
Lot 4, W. 1-2 Lots 3, 14, Lots 15, 16,
17, 18, Blk. No. 4, M. J. Kinney, Owner.
E. 1-2 Lots 5, 14, and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9,
and 13, Block No. 4, Astoria Savings
Bank, Trustee, Owner.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, W. 1-2 Lots 7 and
20, Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26, In
Block No. 3, M. J. Kinney, Owner.
The E. 1-2 of Lot No. 7, and 20; Lots
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and
19, Block No. 3, Astoria Savings Bank,
Trustee, Owner.
Lot No. 13, Block No. 6, J. C. Roberts,
All in the town of Kinney's Astoria,
as laid out and recorded by M. J
TRACT NO. 10. -
All of Lot iNo. 2, ln Section No. 16,
ln Township No. 8, North of Range
No. 9 West of the Willamette Meridian,
excepting a strip of land 181 and 1-2
feet wide across the south side thereof,
Alfred Kinney and 'Mary R. Smith,
ALSO, a strip of land 181 and 1-2 feet
ln width across the south side of Lot
No. 2, Sec. No. 16. Tp. No. 8 N.. R.
9 W., Will. Mer., the Astoria Savings
Bank, Trustee, Owner.
Lot No. 1, ln Section No. 16. Tn. No.
8 N., R. No. 9 W. Will. Mer., August
J. Kinney, ywner.
The Northeast one quarter of the
eoutneast one quarter Sec. No. 16, Tp.
No. 8 N. R. No. 9 W., Will. Mer., M. J.
Kinney, Owner.
The North 1-2 of Blocks 19 and 20,
and all of Blocks No. 31, 26 and 34, ln
Hill's First Addition to the Town of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
ueo. Hill; Geo. Hill, Owner.
Block No. 1, ln Extension to Railway
Addition, as laid out and recorded by
L. Y. W. Qulmiby, Trustee; L. P. W
Qulmby, Trustee, Owner.
TRACT NO. 15. 1
A tract of land containing 20 acres
of land, bounded on the east and on the
west by the east and west lines re-
T-ectively of the Donation Land Claim
of Robert and Ami Shortness, and on
the south by a line running east and
west across said Donation Land Claim
and parallel with the South boundary
line thereof, and a sufficient distance
north thereof to include and comprise
90 acres of land, and bounded on the
north by a line running across said Do
nation Land Claim east and west, and
parallel to said last mentioned boun'
dary line, and a sufficient distance
north thereof to Include and comprise
20 acres of land; Astoria Savings Bank,
Trustee, Owner.
The west one-haflf of a tract of land
containing ninety acres off the south
end of the Donation Land Claim of
Robert and Ann Shortness, in said
county and state; Alexander Gilbert,
Lots No. 2, ln Sec. No. 22, Tp. No. 8,
N. of R. 9 W., of the. Will. Mer.;
George Hill, Owner.
All of Blocks 2, 3, 4. and 6. ln Mel
rose Addition to the City of Astoria,
as laid out and recorded by J. L.
Sharpsteln; J. L. Sharpsteln. Owner.
The southeast one Quarter of the
XNortneast one quarter of Sec. No. 22,
m Tp. No. 8, N. of R. No. 9, West of
the Will. Mer., excepting therefor, 16
roas ore itne east s de of said tract
Sarah K. Saxe, Owner.
The northeast one Quarter of the
scuuneast cne quarter of Sec. No. 22,
in Tp. No. 8, N. of R. 9, West of the
Will. Mer., August C. Kinney, Owner.
The Northwest-cne ouartcr of the
Southwest one quarter of Sec. No. 23,
In Tp. No. 8 N., of R. No. 9 West of
the Will. Mer.. excepting' the southerlv
one-fourth thereof; August C. Kinney,
ALSO the most southerly one-fourth
of the above described tract; M. J.
Kinney, Owner.
The east one-half of the Southwest
one quarter of Sec. No. 23, In Tp. No,
8 N., of R. No. 9 West of th Will
Mer., excepting therefrom the south
east one quarter of the SouthweBt one
quarter and the south one-half of the
Northeast one quarter of the South
west one quarter of said Sec. No. 23.
Tp. 8 iN., R. No. 9 W., Will. Mer.;
James W. Welch, Owner.
Also, the Southeast one quarter of
the southwest one quarter, and the
South one-foalf of the Northeast one
quarter of the Southwest one quarter
of said Sec. iNo. 23, Tp. No. 8 N., R.
No. 9 West of the Will. 'Mer.; Astoria
Savins Bank, Trustee, Owner.
West one-half of the southeast quar
ter of Sec. No. 23, Tp. No. 8 N., of R.
NO. 9 West Wi . Mer.. Marv A Twi
light, Owner.
West 1-2 of Southeast one miartpr nt
Southeast 1-4 Sec. 23. Tn. 'No. 8 N.. n.
No. 9 West Will. Mer.; F. O. Affeld,
The East 1-2 of the fi. E. 1-4 nt th
S. E. 1-4 Sec. 23. Tn. No. 8. N. of P. Vn
9 West Will. Mer.; Elizabeth. Goodrich,
Eadh and all of the aJinvn
tracts being and lyinsr ln ih riiv r.t
Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Ore
son. "
By order pf the Common CouncIL' !'
Attest: - - K.'dftRiinv!
Auditor and Police. Judge, City of As-
Astoria, Oregon, -Feb. 27, 1895. j
But ride Inside '"the" Electric Lighted"
and Steam Heated yastlbuje Apartment
"5...." VL Yiycpe'K Milwaukee
and fit J'aul Rallwayaod vou win be
as warm, coVnfr(ibIe,Jaua iwreif ul as
ln our own "library ;or boudoir. To
travel between Chicago1, -fit. Paul r
Minneapolis, .r. Bet waen Chfc&go and
Omaha, in. these luxuriously appointed
trains, Is a supreme, satisfaction; arid
as the sonttwiiat ahelentavertlsement
used red,i f'fd tUrikt particulars
see small bills." Small bills (and large
ones, foo) wilUle icceptM P880
and sleeping car tickets : All coupon
ticket'agents on' the coast sell tickets
via (he .Chicago, .Milwaukee,, and St.
Paul Railway, or address C. J. Eddv
General Agent, Portland, Or.- . T
, 1 '
BWOPEV' the- WgnwriteK-beooratorj
5J D. Street
The Jtecide.
Commercial Street.
You don't want a carpet sweoper tha
barks the furniture or brushes the life
out of the carpet, or kicks up dust ln
stead of gathering it, or lops Its handl
about for you to trip over. You may
come across that sort under one name
or another. Pass on, and remember
Blssell's Grand Rapids Sweeper. It
comes as near to "broom work" as a
machine can. No noise, no drag on
you to run it, almost sucks the dust
up, and dumps with a touch; the
brush Just skims, or digs ln as you press
lightly or heavily on the nantne.
You 11 say it monopolizes tne sweeper
virtues. And the price is only S2.99.
The Celebrated Buttermilk Soup
!)c a cake.
Tbia iteHector Lamp, with chimney
wick and burner. 33c.
Larue Boftle Household Amn) ouiulGo.
Wash Boards 17o. to 30o.
Comforts 1.13,
Veiling per yard 12o.
Lace from lo a yard to 14c.
Overalls 50o.
Quilts 08o,
Bilk Garter Web per yard 10c.
Breakfast ShawlB 25o.
Bindings per roll 2a
Penrl Butlons from 7c to 15o b dozen.
Smoked Penrl Buttons Dc to 8c a dozen.
Towels 5o.
Table Oil Cloth 19 and 20o a yard.
Boys Pnnts 19c.
Ladies Underwear nil prices
Corsot Waist Ilk!.
Men's Underwear all prices.
UeLong's Hook and Eyes card 12o.
Safety Pins per dozen 2o.
2 Foot Rules 8o.
Shoe Brushes lOo.
Nursing Bottles 9c
Vaseline, large bottle 5o
Boys' SuBpenders 10c.
Men's Suspenders all prices, ,
Umbrellns 81.22, $1.09.
Ladies' Hose 9o.
Playing Cards 8o, lOo,
Ladies' Aprons 24c, 27c, 34c.
Men's Hose 5c to 32c,
Dinner Bells 4b, 9c, 20c.
Codce Mills that hold a pound, 57o.
Oval Top Looking Olass, 25c.
Glass Syrup Pitchers 21c.
Padlocks 7o, 12o, loo.
Chopping Bowls 13c, 27o, 80c.
Clothes Pins 25 for 6c.
Glass Tumblers 3(ic a set.
No. 2 Lamp Chimneys lie
No. 8 "Never Break" Skillets 84o.
Tin Pot Covers 3c, 4c, 6c.
Cake Lifters 5o.
Scalloped Shelf Paper 30 sheets 6c.
30 Feet of Clothes Line 4c.
Bottle of Sewing Machine Oil 4o.
Nickel Alarm Clocks 91o.
Preserve Kettles 10c, 12c, 14c.
25o Novels 0c.
Decorated Chamber Pails 33o.
Reflector Lamps with burner and
chimney 33o.
Travelling Alcohol Lamps l5o.
Meat Baws 33o.
Coat Hooks G for So.
Fire Shovels 5c, 9o, 17c.
Tea Spoons per Sbt 6o.
Iron blifll 15 rackets per pair 4, 9, TZo.
K Dives and Forks per set from 42c to $1.08
Meat Broilers 7o.
Dover Egg Beaters 10c
Wire Hair Brushrs 15c., 23c.
Armlets 5c.
Files, 12c.
Dog (Chains 15c.
Butt Hinges from 2c. to Sc.
Bread Boxes, 36c, 65c, 70c.
Corn Poppers, 7c, 14c.
Strap Hinges, ac, Be, 7c, 9c
Red Ink 4c, a bottle.
Vif.'.-:? jV''V'-vw.W' i f-'-t." -a
Knife Baskets 43c.
2 Quart Coffee Pot 10c. ' . .. j
4 " '"'13c. ' '
2 Quart Copper Bottom Coffee Pot 15o.
Tea Trays 9c. llo.lSc.
14 Quart Tin Pail 19c.
Dish Pans 18o.- .....
Dust Pans 8c. .1 , . a -
Pint Cnps, 2 for 5c.
Large Glosg Pitchers life. 28c. .
Lantern U lobes' tic.
Lanterns AZo. " ' - '
Picture Hooks lc. -
Window. 8 bade with spring rollers 33e,
. . - i
Commercial Street
Acts as trustee for corporations and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBY President
BENJ. YOUNG Vice President
W. B. DEMENT Secretary
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson,
W. E. Dement. '
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route." 250 Washington St., Portland,
He will mail you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to me
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish vou with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great .North'
em railroads at the very lowest rates
Tha Burlington Route is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road n the world for all classes of
Wagons & Vehicles in Stock
Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers'
Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors
and Windows.
Provtalona, Flour, and Mill Pud
Astoria, Oregon.
Those tiny Capsules aro superior
to iialaam ot Uopalba, yv
Cubebs and Injoctlona. (jJDYj
They cure ln 43 hours Uio yry
same diseases without Bnylncoa-
The Oasis of the
Colorado Desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung . Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urfred again Ht Indio
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been triad to take
advantage of its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Pacific Company,
takes pleasure ln announcing that sev
eral. Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. They are fur
nlthed with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence ln this de
lightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert ol
the Colorado which the Southern Pa
cllic road traverses there Is an oasis
called Indio, which, ln our opinion, ti
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lleve, from personal investigation, thai
for certain invalids, the-e is no spot oi
tnis planet so favorable."
a. T, Stewart, M. D., writes: "The
purity of tho air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight,
mature nas accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to its possibilities as a
health resort, 'here is the most per
rect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil,
for rain is an unknown factor: pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired?
It is the 'place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for' rheu
matics. Considering' the -number of
sufferers who.have btercured, I havt
no hesitancy In recommending this
rental oasis as the haven of the afflict'
' is;'6l2 rp'iles from.. .
' and 130 miles from t ;
...... -LOS ANf ;j?LES
u t . j
Paf from Los Angeles - fj.'oo
For further information Inquire of
any lSoutliorn' I'sclflo Company agent,
or aadress
. Asst. Ccn, Pasa. Art..S. P. Ce.
-, - - " f.-;r. fi.Ki?tKj.AiiD..
tm A J.j...... Bftit: -Pass. Art.
Cor. First and Alder Sts Portland, Or
E. HcNEIL, Receiver.
f -N
Gives Choice
jmo Transcontinental
St. Paul.
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourist Sleepera
'free Reclining Chair Cars,
Astoria to 5an Francisco.
Queen, Wednesday, February 13th,
Columbia, Monday, February 18th,
Queen, Saturday, February 23d.
Columbia, Thursday, February 28th.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'s boats
will run as follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As
torla at 6:45 a. m. dally exceDt Bundav.
and Portland daily at 8 p. m. except
Hunaay. Tne r. J. rotter will leave
Astoria at 7 t. m. dally, and Portland
at 7 a. m. daily except Sunday.
For rates and general Information call
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. Fas. Agt, Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This Is the
And all Points East and
South.- -
.i.rA r ;ia i 1 ;i .
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves-
tlbuled Pining- and Sleeping Car -
:". Trains and Motto: '
Ifave irlven thla ma
t!or. All clHssea of passenger carrtsd
on tha yentlbuled trains without extra
charge. 8hlp your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents hava
tickets. .....
W. H: MEAD.' ' . F. C? BAVAnW
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Airt.
W Washington st, Portland, Or.