The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 19, 1895, Image 2

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    tiiii daily AsioiuM IsToak, itE8DA itokviNti, jpafeifcV ift, l89S
Kcrved by carrier, per wcex.
IS ota
Hent by mall, per tnontn
Hent by mall, per year 5T.W
Sent by mall per year, 12.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
The Astorlan guarantee to Its sub
Hcribere the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
river. . '.
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the third old'
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has,
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state,
Handley & Haas are our Portland
agents and copies of the Astorlan can
be toad every morning at their stana
on First street
The United States cannot escape n-
ponslblllty In Hawaii. (The duty may
be faced bravely and the necessary re
latlonship maintained In honorable and
manly fashion, or It may be met with
cowardice and every act made to re
veal a government trying to escape the
problems which It is called upon to
solve. The Intercourse may be such
as to give us pride or bring us shame.
But the Intercouse, either for good or
for evil, wlU go on Just tho same. Civl
llted nations, like civilised men, can
not escape from- one another. Hawaii
is bound to the United States by indls-
sollublo ties. Commercial relationships,
treaty pledges, bonds of blood, military
necessity, and diplomatic complications,
make the severance of communication
impossible. The "cold cut" is not avail
' able for nations who would shuffle off
their friends or their dependents. Ha
waii cannot do without the United
States, and American predominance In
the Islands is something which cannot
wlsjly or patriotically be sacrificed by
this government The little republic
may be annexed or It may remain Inde
pendent, but whatever its status It
will look to America as a child looks to
a parent, and we can no more with
honor get rid of that responsibility
than the parent can. He may And the
child very troublesome, but he keeps an
eye on It, nevertheless. A cable whicfh
Shall always be under ths control of the
United States Is desirable, entirely
apart from all questions of national
extension and aggrandisement. It
demanded by established American
trade Interests and by political and
diplomatic obligations which cannot be
'escaped, however much we might wish
It, without the total surrender of digni
ty and the frank confession that our
Ideal of national bliss Is a nunnery In
which we can live apart from all the
world. We are hardily yet prepared
for a new series of Non-Intercourse
act. Tho American tonnage at Hono
lulu Is 146,993 tons, being larger than
that of any other foreign port except
Southampton and Yokohama. The to
tal American tonnage to Hawaii Is
181,817 tons, while that of Great Britain
is 111,655 tons. The Paclflo Is one of
the places where the United States has
managed to preserve Its shipping. The
Canadian lines are competing more and
more, and the enly way to keep our
supremacy Is to make ourselves Ha
wall's nearest neighbor. As Senator
Hlggtna In his speech of Wednesday
said: "Bohtnd a cable from San Fran
Cisco to Honolulu rest American Inter
ests. Behind a cable from Vancouver
by way of Honolulu to Australia are
British Interests."
The correspondence between our gov1
eminent and that of Germany, retatlv
to the discriminating duty on sugar,
which was recently sent to the senate
tn response to a resolution requesting It,
discloses the fact that there exists In
Germany a feolln that this country
acted in bad faith In Imposing a duty
on German sugar after having obtained
concessions from that country on the
understanding that Its sugar should be
exemped from duty. The German am
bbasador, In a communication to the
state department, said that "the ex
citement which prevails In German ag
ricultural and manufacturing circles on
account of this inequitable treatment of
a German production Is the more vehe
ment and the lees easily resisted lnas
much as It Is generally believed that
the United States, in the agreement of
August 22, 1S91, guaranteed exemptlo
to Germany from the duty on sugar, In
return for the conversion of the couven
tlrnial duties on American agricultural
products, and the removal of the re
strictions on (he Importations of swine,
This was written while the tariff bill
was undiT consideration In the senate,
anj it sJiows that the German govern
nii-r.t wft not influenced altogether by
J rnnnme4 duty could
n,.t he reconciled with treaty stlpula
Huns In fotve between Gvrmany and
The last Democratic president, Mr.
Buchanan, was not able to place a (
per cent bond of the United States.
After all the losses of the great civil
war the nation under Republican laws
paid off Its debt so steadily that obli
gations of the United States could have
been placed two years ago at 2 1-2 per
cent. General prosperity was the basis.
A nation adding $1,200,000,000 every year
to Its wealth may very well borrow
money at 2 1-2 per cent, while the same
nation, If it is adding nothing to Its
wealth, may borrow with difficulty at
J 3-4 per cent., It is altogether too
much the fashion at Washington to
Ignore the condition of the people, and
to think only of the concise pharseology
of the bond. Exactly the same bond
wblch Secretary Foster coutd have
placed two years ago at 2 1-2 per cent,
Secretary Carlisle Is now glad to place
at a rate just 60 per cent higher.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
been appointed executor of the last
will and testament of I. W. Case, Se
ceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate are requested tr
present them duly verified, within six
months from this date, at Astoria Na
tional Bank. D. STUART,
Astoria, February 15, 1895.
Mrs. P. Carpenter, who lives near
Kansas City, in 1894 made and sold
1,206 pounds of butter, $301.50; sold eggs
for 139.86, and poultry, $16.60; sour milk
to the value of $37.45; total, $395.31. Be
sides this she cared for one boarder,
trave 150 music lessons, and taught a
ilass tn the Sunday school for fifty
Sundays, attended twenty-six meetings
of the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, sewed the buttons on her hus
band's shirts, and nevor got mad.
As a remedy for all kinds of headache
Eleatrlo Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effect a permanent cure,
tnd the moat drsaded sick headaches
yield to Its Influence. We urge all Who
ire afnioted to procure a bottle and
five the Bitters a fair trial. In cases
f habitual constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep
less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled
irith Dlizy Spells, Eleatrlo Bitters Is
:he Medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by Its use.
Large bottles only one dollar, at Chas.
Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build
In seven years the bequest of $1,000,000
for a free publlo hospital in Boston,
to bear his name, made by Peter B.
Brlgham, a inatlve of Vermont, eight
een years ago, will become available.
At the end of twenty-five years, dur
Ing whloh, by the terms of the will
the sum was to draw Interest and ac
cumulate, the trustees will have nearly
(3,000,000 tot their hands.
Nothing brines so much joy and com'
fort to the fireside as a genial visitor
one that entertains and Instructs every
member of the family. The latch string
Is always out, for the Frame Farmer,
for It always brings a Dig weekly Dua
get It is brighter than ever, with a
host of new writers, this year. The
Thanksgiving and Christmas numbers
will be worth more than a year's sub
scription. $1.00 gets 62 vlslU.-Tne
Prairie Farmer, Chicago.
Charles Gayarre, the famous Louisia
na historian, died last Monday, at the
age of 81 years. He was probably the
widest known literary man the South
ver produced, his history of Louis.
I ana and of Philip II being almost as
well known in Europe as in America,
Ha was born In New Orleans January
Take a dose of DeWltt's Little Early
Risers just for the good they will do
you. These ll'.tle pills are good for In
degestlon. Good for headache, good
for liver complaint, good for conatlpa
Hon. They are good. Chas. Rogers,
N. H. It. Dawson, brother-in-law of
President Lincoln, died at Selma, Ala,
Friday. He was a South Carollan by
birth and ancestry, a descendant of
Paul Hamilton, who was secretary of
the navy In 1812, and of several of
the colonial governors of his native
The name One Minute Cough Cure
suggests a medicine that relieves at
once, and quickly cures. Its use proves
It. Unas. Rogers.
Many of the most Influential persons
In Germany have signified their In
tention of making valuable presents to
Prince Bismarck on his coming 80th
alrthday, on April 1. Almost every Jew
eler of prominence In Berlin Is at work
on some souvenir.
Notice Is 'hereby given that the un
derslgned has been, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Clat
sop County, duly appointed admlnlse-
trator of the estate of Casper Unites,
deceased. Persons having claims
cgalnat said estate are notified and
required to present the same, duly ver
I fled and with proper vouchers, with
In six months from the date of this
ntolce, to the undersigned, at the office
of Brenham VanDuaen, Esq, No. lit
Eleventh street, Astoria, Clatsop Coun'
ty. Oregon.
Dated this 8 an flay or February. 1S95,
Administrator of the estate of Casper
BaJtea, deceased.
European newspapers call the Coun'
teia Wagner "an Intrepid Amaion." At
Ponte Salario. near Rome, she recently
created a great sensation at a success
ful fox hunt, getting In at the death tn
fine style.
All the natent medtolne advertised
In this paor, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc,
n h houeht at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oo-
oident Hotel. Astoria.
I like breakfast parties, fcecause no
one Is ronrvlied before 1 o'clock In the
diy. Smith.
Or. Price's Cream Caking Powder Women
with pale or sallow complexions,
or suffering from skin eruptions
or scrofulous blood, will find
quick relief in Scott's Emulsioa
All of the stages of Emaciation,
and a general decline of health,
are speedily cured,
takes away the pale, haggard
look that comes with General
Debility. It enriches the blood,
stimulates the appetite, creates
healthy flesh and brings back
strength and vitality. For Coughs,
r.old. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak
Lunes, Consumption and wasting uf
ate of Children.
Send for cur pamphlet. Mailed tithe.,
ScottBown.N. Y. All Druggists. tL
Ed" Partridge, the Chicago wheat
speculator, Is guarded by a detective
Wherever he goes. He recently receiv
ed notice that If he does not make
wheat rise ten cents a bushel he will
be killed.
It cures piles. It cures obstinate sores,
chapped hands, wounds. It does this
qi ickly. Is there any good reason wny
you should not use DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve? Chas. Rogers.
Mr. Gladstone at one time had
beautiful tenor voice and was much
given to ballad singing. His favorite
scng was "My Pretty Jane," though
he was not above the Christy minstrel
style, when 'Mrs. Gladstone would join
In with him.
Busy people have no time, and sens!
ble people no inclination to use a slow
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts
oromptly and gives permanent results,
Chas Rogers.
Alexander Dumas Is no greenhorn !n
business matters. When his publisher
offered him $100 for "U Affair Clemen
eau" he didn't' make a scene. He
simply salted the novel down and wait
ed for better times. They came at last
and he got $5000 for his work.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Strength V. S. aovsmment Report.
Prince Bismarck ban a curious super
stition In regard to the number three
He has served three German emperors
he has fought In , three wars, he has
"igned three treaties of peace, he ar
ranged the meeting of the three em
perors nnd established the triple al
Captain Bweeney, U. S. A., San Diego
Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine I have ever found
that would in me any good. Price 60
cts. Sold by J. W. Coun.
Raillery Is a mode of speaking in
favor of one's wit against one's good
nature. Montesquieu.
i . i
See that St-e-e-dman Is spelt w1h
two ees when you buy t-e-e-d's Boom
ing Powders. Beware of spurious Imi
Refinement creates beauty anywhere,
Most people cannot afford to experi
ment. They want immediate relief.
That's why they use One Minute Cough
Cure. Chas. Rogers.
A suspicious parent makes an artful
child. Hallburton.
Noalre In hereby Kiven that I have
been appointed administrator of tho
Mtata nt John O. Hendrlckson, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required
to present them properly verified, with
vouchers, at the office of John H. and
A. M. Smith, Astoria Oregon.
The library of the German Reldhstagr
has foeen enriched by a series of draw
lngs from the hand of Emperor Wil
liam. The sketches represent vessels
of recent construction, selected from the
navies of France, the United States and
Japan. Every sketch bears the Em
peror's signature, " W. I. R." and
the date upon whloh he made the draw.
Growing 4
iMore Liberal
W That' what the human race J
Cal. doing -particularly theW
C American part ol It. r
rJ There are a few left who are
W satisfied with ancient history. f
OS But most people are ready to Iff
Oft apply modern progress andfy
rk common-sense tothetreatment q
of ,the human stomach-au
Morgan that demands it rights W
whether or no ; that resents the M .
t Insults of worn-out methods. i
WAU this is to emphwlie the jZ
9 facts about
() There was once a prejudice V
tJ against Cottonseed oiL But VP
rJ Popl live " V?
v L .i hM nn hirotrr
&h Increasing ; a proof that It is
appreciated by appreciative rvi
fV persons. Askyonr grocer for it. W
tO stettaiMiawBwndlPalla
tart, mm . k,l
Pin their composition, haveW
tO fonni thatpure, fefinedcotton- H
(fa seedoil combined with selected
CVeTery conceivable way thanW
tO kog'a lard. Ad to they wisely M
h nse it for cooking and are cor-A
t. respondingly healthy and hap
tO py. The sales of Cortowrt V
If You Want to Know
Anything about Astoria or Clatsop
County, write to the
Astorian Bureau of Information
Astoria, Oregon.
To people who want to settle in
a real live wide-awake city, with
prospects of becoming the Greatest
Commercial Seaport on the Pacific
Northwest, Astoria affords more
opportunities than any other.
Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
on the weather. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
O. R. & N. CO.,
On a dark, storey right, when tho tide is
ebbing fast and the hardy fisherman finds it almost
impossible to handle his net, has he ever etopped
to think, should it become caught on a snag, what
brand of twine would stand the greatest strain?
Did he ever ask his brother fishermen what sort 01
twine they used? If so in nine cases out often,
if they be successful fishermen, the answer has
It is the ONLY Brand
of Twine to use.
Open por
Special Charter.
Astoria, Oregon.
Aj;enU, Portland.
a , aaiai av
B. F. ALLEN has removed
his stock of wall paper, paints
and window glass to 305 Com
mercial St., dir ctly opposite
Rescue Hall.
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships.
: first Class Funerals :
POtfb'S Undertaking Parlors,
Rate Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty
It astonishes the old time makers to
see how the fishermen have tuken to
Marshall's twine the last few years and
they may.
of lant season over all the other
boats on the rivet used MARSHALL'S
Because it is the strongest. Because
it lias not been weakened by bleaching.
Because it is sold with a gunrautee that
if it does not prove satisfactory it cun'be
brought back at the cud of the season.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. V. L. LOGAN. Prop'r.
RABslfle. Oregon.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav.
lgatlon Co.
Steamer Telephone.
Leaves Astoria for Portland and way
landings at 7 p. m. daily, Sunday ex
cepted. Leaves Portland every dav except Sun
day at 7 a.m. C.W.STONE,
Agent Astoria.
Telephone No. 11.
E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland.
U. B. Scott, President
Between Astoria and Portland
Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria
Monday morning for Portland at 6
o'clock, and Tuesday and Thursday
evening at & o'clock. Returning leaves
Portland Sunday morning at 7:30 and
Monday and Wednesday evening at
Round trip $2.00; single trip, $1.25.
Upper berths 50 cents; lower berths,
75 cents; meals, 25 cents.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
Fine Teat and Coffm. Table Delicaclei, Domestic
anil Tropical Fruits. Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Haais, Bacon. Etc
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
Oas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heatlnj."---
178 Twelfth street. Astoria, Or.
" ifci, ' v 11
Is the line to take to all
It offers the nest service, com,
It Is tne popul'ir ri ute with tlios who to tiiivul ou
It In then-fore the route you should
tVe. It runs through vestiuuied
trains every day lu the year to
St. Fail id Cfiicap.
No Change of Cars,
Elegant Pullman Sleepers,
Superior Tourist Sleepers,
Splendid Free Seeouri-class Sleepers,
Only one ouunge of cars
Through Ticket
To Any Part of ttu- civilized woiid
FHftr.eriKers ticketed via. all botttfc ruuun'.i
betwoen Auturiti, Jiaiama iu d l'i iflaud.
full liitoniatlnn concrm: w nn. rlin;
trains, romm and oilier uHnri. .i.rin-imd t.
C. W. St ONE.
At!!l AbLOtl '
.Stt'HiiiLr leli'pLoi.e Do K.
Assistant General Passeuger Agen
No. Ul First Bt..c. r. vv..iiiiii..u,
Portia !d.(jram.
ri t n
uanaaian m
Greatest Trans - Continent a
Railway System
Palace Didng Room ard Sleeping Cars
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation Cars, allosmng Unbroken
Viecas of the Wonderful ' fountain
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars
the best nn wheels Equipments of the
very finest throughout.
To China and lanan.
Empress of Japan, November 12th.
Empress of China, December 10th.
For ticket rates and Information, call
n nr Hiidt?!
ABtorla, Or
A. B. Ca'.der, Traveling Pn. Ant..
Tacoraa, Wash.,
Qeo. McLu Brown. Dint. Pass. At..
Vannouver, B. C
The Original & Genuine
Imparta tho moat delicions tute and test to
Hot & Cold Heats
Take None but Lea fi Perrins.
Slparare cn erery borll of orltnal k tanaiak.
JatLA Dnncaja,s Sons, Kew Trk,
3 R
Am ny Coli MUI MtfwiaNr rK. at macao
ibt t'nitod Siates.