The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 12, 1895, Image 4

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" hmiii- I c'luhl buy a cheaper
!v-,it. nfrlnthes tomenhere clue,
ti'd 1 don't know how
if might wear." ... , .
VERY MAN who enters a tailor
shop in ahis .city owes us bis
good will that we have made It
no difficult to sell unreliable goods,
so easy to buy the best and buy
it for so little compared to fan
Francisco or Portland prices.
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
523 Commercial Street.
To Jtfake
We will tell you how to make It
easy. All you have to do is to
induce us to quit offering
to the public, and other dealers of
)!(uor in the city will readily pay you
the aljove amount.
"Tnaraatsep Ecalap Eht"
1h not a Busslau name, but Is simply
t!ie nam? of
Spelled Backward. This Is the new
restaurant which is the talk of the
town. It opens up. for business today
opposite Olsen's Cigar Stoie, on Com
mercial street. It has the largest
range In town. It-has the only broiler
In the city. It is the place where you
are not smoked out while, eating. It Is
the place where the cook will make a
steak taste like a quail. Come and see,
Inowkdg8 is Power
And power is salvation. To do a thing
right one must know how to do It
This is as true of carpenter work as
anything else. ' "
Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will
build you anything from a wood box
to a $50,000 building and do It well.
For any kind 'of coal, hard or soft,
or coke, the bwt pla-e to get it Is of
th, Antoria Trannrer Company 423
Coinmirolal street, Telephone No. 12.
A Poor Cigar -
W. F. SCHIEB15 never made.
Don't cixpect to make,, either.
But marke this s-a-t-I-e-f-a-c-
-i t-l-i-n ,o. the 22-karct sort has
accompanied every purchase of
. one cf the cigars made by him
since he began business. We've
.- - got the notion that a satisfied
customer "cuts a big figure" In
1 building up a business. That's
. . the reason La Belle Astoria takes
so well,
Little Giant.
Seems Is If hnlf the mothers In As
torla have bouKht a pair or two of
thoHO LITTLE OIANT hool Hhoes for
their children. The other half will as
juon ns they hear of the wearing qual
ities of thoi'e that are being worn about
tho city. You can havo your choice
i.f leather, kid, grain or calf.
He sumrlsed to see what a little money
will U'y Iri the way of Jewelry and
fcilver Witre at lOMtrom s Jewelry
fcitnre. You'll i1bo be surprised to sec
what line work the engraver can do,
378 Commercial Street. .
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounfco,, Mal'l-retises, etc.
Old Fashioned
Country SAUSAGE.
. That's what the Washington
.M.-.ut Market's sausage tames Ilk.
'--'li'ii Hindu of the same Ingredients,
lixv home killed and dreed beef
mid ihm-a. our flavoring Is most
U..-ii-juua. During this cold weuth
er Uicr s no uthur dish so gooa
CIIKisl fcliN CO., Prop'r.
Not only do Grosbauer & Brach offer
CUTTER'S Whiskey."
That Is Cutter's Whisky, but they hav
taki:u the wholesale ageucy for (
-:- St. ytu. tjtf'a KhouiiatitJ Bitters. -:-
Nothing that a phjBlclan can recom
ranid will have b!ia-r effect in loniu
up our system than these bll'.ers
fcoep a bottle in your room and tuk
wvornl doses a day, and sickness an
you will be strangers.
l.neal. weather for the twenty-four
h eiiihiig at 5 p. m. yesterday. iur--.,hi.,l
hv the United States Deprt-
nit-nt ot Agriculture, weather bureau.
,. .i .vi.i.iiiai loniH'ruture. 4a degree,
-.if, 1, mi l.r.ipfrature, 34 degreea
. ...Ini. trne.
T..I.-I i!!'roiitatlnn trv.m cIvim'u1'
: , -j, in Jute. 4v3j Inches.
'. s .t !i, :!!.' ition fnm Septem-
! 1 l';'l. t l:-tti. S 7 laches.
Tlds Tab'-n for February. 1805
. K.
r. H.
V. U. I ft.rh.i.i 1 rt I ft' i ft
FriSyTr.. 1 t'"l " .1 C ;0i!0 111 as. 18 ,1M7 2k
.nr.lav... 6 :'; VJ S h: U 2S1 6 ill ail 29
H-AlAY... 1 .. ..I. . Hl 11
.,ul .... 4 a!f5 i Wl 2Mi OB
2 IX) 4 1
8 8V4 2
fll,- !-.... .V S-(t,!l'l 4100: 21X141 4 (V 01
ttVdu ljr' 0 rtV-i M;ll 40,tt6 8 8V42 6M-0S
TlmrMtay.. T'l i-illl.. ..!. .
Fri'l'ir .... ' 'iri7 2lll Mi3
SuMn.lay.. ; loii()tl'!12!:0!l4!
4 SO 4 2
6 m
8 40
7 21
8 01
5 51 H(
6 U,
7 ill 2 2
(t 21 1 It
9 111 1 I
-16 !
!Nf VI'.. 10 1 4!iM! 1 "'.' 21
'I'AIXH'I 2 llMll
5".ii ol ;;mn8
04 !
11 '
S:il 0i: K.4:7
10 (m 1 0
10 6T 1 0
1 -utrHiiuy
4 II m M 4 V.8
10 40
11 22
Friday .'! ." tk M ti : 5 .V,.(i Oi
11 ,,( ll!
Hniurilay..Hi I-! 7 1:5 5:
Ht;M)! oaiaii lvla ;
1 11
8 40.S J
2 28
8 81
jioiinny....!1 vt-j-m' hm::v
1 4; ;I II
4:itj4 l;
8 7.1,4 1
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(t !-" II 2!
r jv a !
7 4-lilHi
i l.'i' 1 1,
mu 1 2;
'uIrv...1!! 8 4H 7 f
11 d II V
4 80
tVeiln'i. i'y 20 V -V 7 7
Tliiiriwlay .21 012 01
Friihiy.... MD1I,
Snluriliiy .2;! 1 03 7 C
SL'NIJA Y..2I' 1 i'.Tt
MuikJq 1 '2 ('
TuMliir....'(! 2'" -V
e.iu'H.ry 77 2H"
Thiir.i.iy M '.
.. ..I. .
I 1 4f 7 vj
H .it v
I J 12 C
; : :"p'
I Mr
i 'i ; i
.' :-6 7 4
:t i-'. ; i-
4 81
7 4A
8 OH
The Only Restaurant
See Swope,
8 Swope about decorating.
Set Swope about decorating and sign
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the hlghat tash vrlce tor fur skins.
For the next ten days, Jackets' and
mackintoshes will be sold at wholesale
prices at the Low Price Store.
If Mr. Breckenrldge persists In giv
ing rein to IBs temper, his reputation
as a seminary troubadous will, be ser
iously undermined.'
Ladles, If you want a fine dress low-
er than any dace will sell for. co to
the Low Price Store.
The American pull tackled the Hono-
npiilled comest, lundod an exclusive
nuet-t railway franuuise
The Band Box Barber Shop Frank
iuury, proprietor mas moved irom op
poduu Buiu4ianan Biouiers' to opposite
C. xi. Cooper's.
6. E. Utzlnger is ilia agent In Astoria
for the celebrated uuiuuriiius HotHe.l
ijeer. of pouiMiiu. Lir p mm a postal
vaid und lie will call (or your oiurr.
A dispatch from Toronto reports that
Cue -beut doctors In the city "nave pull
ed a patient's leg in vain." 'i'ne size
of the patient's pno Is not given.
Watch youi watch When It runs a
little too slow or a little too fast, bring
It to J. H. BbjYMKiUii. tie will at
tend to It. He knows how. He learn-
ea nlti trade In a watch factory.
The Oregon Trading Co., having pur-
diOtovd Uie Interest of B. Freldinan &
Co., n the Consignee Sale, tne storft
(loo Commercial street will hereafter be
known as Uhe Oregon Trading Co.
There Is one man a continuance of
the gold outflow. He carta the metal
from Shop to ship and pockets $.1 for
each box.
Foard &. Stoke Co. have secured the
nuuni'V of the famous BiiswAurn
TWINK manufactured in ihulam!'.
Their new stock goods are much su
perior to any other kind.
Speaking of official economy, Phlla
delphla councilmen have the floor. They
receive no salaries, and yet some of
tl.em are known to havt made money
out of the Job,
Anv ladv wlBhlng an exclusive pat
tern of new and stylish dress goods at
lu.itnm nrices. will do well to can at
r u. CooDer's today and view
tho samples of one of the largest Im
porters In the united states.
Incidents hob up frequently tending
to confirm tne evolution in woman.
A coming woman Hi urooaiyn nreu
a stone at a street car during the
strike and actually hit it.
When a man buys a lottery ticket
and draws nothing but his breath he
feels sold. Wnen no buys his wood and
coal of the Scow Bay Wood Yard,
whose office Is opposite Fisher Bros.' he
Is pleased, as they sell only the best.
The, Boston Globe Is needlessly alarm
ed respecting the alleged desperate
condition of Nebraska people. The
"desperate condition" exists mainly In
I he active Imagination of space writ
ers. For years the Astoria Wood Yard
has given our citizens only the very
best of wood and coal. They are still
doing It. In fact, they are taking the
lead. WhyT Because they know what
the public wants, and the publlo knows
I low to save money T You'll learn the
secret by trading with Goodman
Co. The prices they quote on shoes
tell the tale. Their figures don't mean
Inferior quality of goods either, but
rather the finest proourame.
Sporlat orders will be taken for new
piing an J summer dress goods at C.
U. Cooper's today from 1 p. m.
10 6:30 p. m. Ladles should not miss
.he opportunity to examine tills mag
nificent line of dross goods.
Mr. Humphrey has some choice Chl
100k salmon at bis market near Res
Hie Hall. He also has oysters that sell
it a less price than at any other mar
ket In the city. He carries clams and
other shell Aon, and as a side issue,
has a stock of Marshall's famous knit
ting twine.
Mr. Maple, t presenting Newburger,
Ui Is & Co., Importers or Dress Goods,
-.llks, Velvets, etc., will lu Astoria
iuday, Tuesday, and will be - pleas
id to show the ladles ot Astoria the
very latest novelties In Dress Goods
or spring and summer wear, special
ir.lers taken at C. H. Cooper's, the
leading house of Astoria.
R F. Allen has engaged the services
of Mr. Shulti. the fresooer of Portland,
ui J is now prviwred to ngure on any
vork of that kind that may be want
d tn Astoria or vicinity. At present
Mr. Allen has the contract for decorat
n and frescoing Harry Hambtct'a cl-
ar store, and the indications are ttwtt
fi will turn out a Job that Mr. Harmaei
will I proud of.
It is surprising the quantity of P. C.
treiiirtiheiiilnif Masters that are blng
io!d by the I'rlnts-Craln Drug Co. They
tre no old stock that they are aaxlous
'o et rid of at sny price, but ars frerti
Irat-class goods, whlh they hare made
r ..'..m. ana are pr!MPr li-
Don't fortret the prlo and place. 15
vnts ech of two for 13 cents, at the
Prlnts-Craln Drug Store.
Floyd Osgood yesterday did an hon-
est day's work on Uie streets.
Dick Carrutnersiias sent to Puyallup
for a pair of homing pigeons.
It is said there are many fine piling
being cut on t!,.e new pipeline right-of-way.
The Bri tilth bark County of Antrim
arrived down from Portland yester
day. Harry HamUet's cigar store yester
day received a new frescoed ceiling at
the hands of an expert.
Concomly Tribe, No. 7, I. O. R. M.,
held their regular weekly meeting last
night at Pythian Castle.
Mr. McGregor is making some need
ed Improvements In front of his place
of business In Uppertown.
The British bark Earlscourt left out
for Queenstown yesterday with 41,750
sacks of wheat, valued at J43.O0O.
The steamer Queen, with considera
ble freight and several passengers for
Astoria, arrived in Sunday morning.
The two-masted schooner John F,
MUler, from San Francisco, for lum
ber, was towed In yesterday by the Be
A flurry of snow yesterday afternoon
caused many to commence preparations
for a blizzard whioh was reported not
far off.
Sunday evening the British bark Dun
earn, 100 days from Rio de Janeiro, ar
rived In hatlost. She is a vessel of
1532 tons, commanded by S. J. Gill,
I Yesterday the Brltlffli ship Samoetia
cleared for Queenstown with . 63,663
isacki f wheat ya,ued at ,52963 ot
her cargo, 2,623 sacks were loaded at
this port.
Wood will be cheap In Astoria next
winter. Thousands of cords will be
staked up along the water pipe grade
by the time the contractors are through
with the work.
One dollar per front foot per month,
Is the rent paid by the owners of the
buildings which have Just moved on
the heretofore vacant property oppos
ite Cooper's Dry Goods store.
The Library Association announce
an illustrated lecture on "Ben Hur" by
John "W. Fairbanks, on Friday even
ing, February ISth, at the Methodist
Ohuroh. Lecture 'begins at 8 p. m. Ad
mission 25 cents.
Senator Josejli Megler has a bill be
fore the Washington legislature, mak
ing it Illegal to kill any hrook, moun
tain, or bull trout during the months
of November, December, January, Feb
ruary and -March.
The most attractive entertainment ot
the season will be the one given by
the St. Agnes Guild In the Odd Fel
lows' hall next Monday evening. Tick
ets are only 25 cents and can be had
of any of the members.
Sheriff Hare yesterday sold ten acres
of land In chulsea Railroad Addition
under an execution for foreclosure of
mortgage In the case of F. Ephralm
vs. M. M. Dee and H. H. Hotaling Co.
The property brought $743.65.
The Library Association announce
that Hon. Jdhm W. Fairbanks will give
his Illustrated lecture on "Ben Hur"
on the evening of February 15th. Price
of admission, and place of exhibition
will Us advertised later.
The Harrison, wlllh supplies and pas
sengers for Tillamook, will go down on
Wednesday or Thursday next. She will
make the steamer Elmore's run to that
port for awlille, tho latter vessel lay
iiiig up for a thorough overhauling.
Yesterday In backing out of May
.er's laiulliv,,', the. steamer Telephone
went aground and remained there for
about two hfurs. The heavy east winu
prevented her from getting off sooner.
cUie did not arrive at her dock until 6
Yesterday the heavy cast wind caus
ed the British bark Dunearn to drag
her anchor and drift dangerously neat
the British ship Celtic Queen. The
Escort took the bark In tow and dropp
ed her at a safe distance further up
the channel.
Quite a large number of people vis
ited Normlle's grading camp yesterday
The work is going steadily on, and
those who have seen the work so far
as finlthed, say that Astoria will have
an excellent drive when the pipe line
Is completed.
During the past week the wholesale
price ot meat has advanced fully 60
per cent in this city. Up to date, how
ever, there has been no change In tht
price to consumers, and according to
a prominent dealer, It Is not likely to
go any higher soon.
The British ship Dunregtran, 1477 tonr-
was outside early yesterday morntnt,
hut when the tug reached the headr
she was out of sight The heavy east
erty wind made It Impossible to keep
near the lightship. She left Valparaiso
on November 2Cth for this port.
The Trucitee. which left San Francis
co for Astoria, last rrway, as ex
pected today. She was due yesterday,
but Is probably delayed somewhat by
the strong headwinds. She brings a
large cargo of freight for this port.
Later The Truckee arrived tn at
10:30 last night and went to the th
street wharf.
It was a quiet day about tht court
house. In tht county clerk's and re
corder's offices, only tht usual routine
of business was under way, and thr
ahaenct of Judge Gray madt that part
ot the building rather dull. Sheriff
Hare was about the only man, except
his dTuty, Col Praek who had any
thing out ot Uie usual on hand.
Dr. Price's Cream Boklnf Powder
Vorld's Fair Hlxeit Award.
I Peop-Who attended- thr Casino last
night wore disappointed If they ex-
pected to witness tunycblng other than
ft refined show. The "Big Four" com-
Pany now Pla"n that place of
amusement are worthy to go an any
luilllmo.A uIiiim
A large party of St. Louis capitalist
are doing the Sound county Just now,
and It Is safe -to figure, Judging from
the tone of Uie43eattle and Tacoma pe
pers, that they will not return East
via Portland, Astoria, or any other
city south of the Columbia In Oregon.
Another vessel to arrive In Sunday
evening was the British Bhlp Dlnsdale,
from Valparaiso. She comes in ballast,
but Instead of going up the river, as
was originally intended, she will pro
ceed to Port Townsend, having re
ceived orders to that effect upon her
arrival In port.
Salmon flailing on the Nehalem has
played out compeltely. Kinney's can
nery at that place has closed down
for the season on account of the scarci
ty of fish. The Chinamen who have
been working In the cannery will be
brought up on the Harrison the latter
part of the week.
The . State Evangelist of the W. C.
T.i'U., Mrs. Mead, Is now holding a
series of Bible readings In this city.
Tuesday the meetla? Is to be at the
Baptist church; afterward they will
be held at the Congregational church.
The hour of meeting Is 2:30 p. m.
Two sailors from the Dunearn, In at
tempting to cross from their vessel tr
the docks, Sunday evening, had the
misfortune to be pitched from their
boat by tfrie strong ebb tide swinging It
suddenly around. They were picked
up by the Celtic Queen crew as they
floated by that Vessel.
The Seattle Post Intelligencer runs
two columns In Saturday's paper, one
containing a lengthy article on the de
lightful weather they are now having
on Puget Sound, while the other along
side and under a general head, was a
story as told by the wires, of the aw
ful storms prevailing down East. The
comparison is quite noticeable.
A fllsherman named Chris Gurlch was
before Judge Albercromble on a charge
of beating his wife. It was thought
that the man's mind was unbalanced,
and Drs. Baker and Fulton were called
In to make an examination. . It was
finally decided that Gurich was not
as crazy as he looked, and with a se
vere lecture from his honor, he was
turned loose.
Saturday two apprentice boys from
the ship Samoena, stowed TTiemselves
away on the steamer Hassalo, and re
turned to Portland. They were not
missed until Sunday morning, when a
wire was sent to the police officials at
the metropolis to look out for them.
A search was made without success,
aind now the Samoeno will be com
pelled to ship a couple of apprentices
from this place.
Yesterday afternoon the residence of
Peter Svensen,.or sveneen s ianoing,
ausht fire and was burned to the
ground. The particulars of the fire
oould not be learned, but enough Is
'trnown to be safe in saying that the
building and most of the contents were
a total loss. The east wind blowing at
the time fanned the flames Into such a
fury that It was impossible to get
enough water on the building to do
any good.
B. F. Allen has secured the servicer
if a first-class frescoe painter, who
halls from Portland. Mr. Allen is giv-
mtr his new store a coat of paint,
and when finished It will be second to
none In the city, as far as appearances
go. He has arranged a hanging noor
in the middle room Where the gloss
cutting department will be -located, At.
arrangement has also been provided
iere, for painting large pieces ot can
vas, such as sneaire curtains, awn
ings, etc.
James Ryan, who was fined on Sat
urday UttO, or 90 days in the city Jail,
tor vagrancy, was released yesterday
i''riends came to his rescue with !u,
and after a promise to Judge Ostium
that he would hereafter lead a rt-
pectable lite, and earn his living by
the sweat of his brow, he was ailoweu
to go free. Juaga usuurn cautioncu
ulin that a second offense would bring
upon him the full penalty of the law
and that he could under no circum
stances expect any sympathy or len
iency from his court.
At a meeting Saturday last at Seat-
ile, of the exesutlve committee of the
.Shippers' Association, the proposed
.lew line of ste-tmers between Portland
and Astoria and the Orient, was dls-
jussed In detail. Most of the mem
bers who spoke on the subject were of
he opinion that prompt action should
oe taken, and President Hill and other
officials shown that Puget Sound (in
their minds) Is Iby far the most advan
tageous and desirable terminus for
mch a line. They are evidently need-
essly worried, as Portlanders seem
to have dropped the scheme.
Yesterday the Harrison arrived In
from Nehalem, where she landed her
cargo of machinery and supplies for
the Nehalem Mill Company. Mr. Cal
ender and Wm, Roseher?, who went
lown on the Harrison, started at onee
Setting the machinery In position, and
xpect to start work in SO days, cutting
115.000 feet of Jumber per day. It I
said that another mill, with a capacity
equal to that oi the (Nehalem mill, will
be erected at Nehalem by Portland par
ies. There Is an abundance of tim
er for two mills, or even more, as
C4rs can be thmtrd for a great d ta
li nee down tht Nehalem river.
Yesterday at 1:J0 tk m. the monster
cow on the gridiron at Martin's boat
hnp was successfully launched. It
as constru-ted bottom up. ar.d many
ople who have seen It during th
""irsu cf It? cf,rvtr,.,S"n, si- r t f-.
!Mar with evrh .matters, wondrptf
how they were" rolnr to ret the big I
craft right elde-". ujfc Had theyj tg
there yesterday when aha slipped into
the water, they would have seen her
! turn over as nicely and smoothly as If
but aJ1 ordlaa "llf. The barge
1 was constructed for Jno. Pickernel, cap -
1 Uklli OI Ll JUMVUIJWI.1 will trk liaoirl
as a tender for vhat vessel. It will
tune about a week to complete the
ci-ait. ..'.',"'-.
At tlhe Methodist church on next Fri
day evening, the . celebrated speaker.
Hon. John W. - FaiiOianks, .will give a
lecture on "Bon Hur." Tins gentleman
is an Interesting speaker, and will cer
tainly give, to those who are fortunate
enougn to attend, a delightful and In
structive evening. ' If will' be remem
bered that 'Mr. Fairbanks . was an
nounced for this lecture some months
ago, but through some unforseen ac
cident, was unable to keep the ap
pointment. The library association are
fortunate to secure this talented lec
turer, even at this late date.
Among the new industries that have
started up in Astoria within, the past
three, or four years, none are likely to
grow Into great proportion sooner than
Mr. George Keipoff's establishment for
the manufacture of the famous "St.
George's Bitters," a rheumatic remedy
that has received a phenomenal sale
Blnce its introduction a few years ago.
It is a pleasant drink, and scarcely a
bar In the Northwest can be found
that has not a bottle of it In sight. It
is such Institutions as this that will
make Astoria a great city some day,
and gentlemen like 'Mr. RelpoTt should
be encouraged.
The . Casino Theatre was formally
opened last evening and was crowded
to the doors..' The performance of
Messrs Smith, Martin, Williamson and
Sparks, the: "Big Four," was some
thing extraordinary, and Astorians,
both ladles and gentlemen, should not
ndss seeing this great ' treat. Lang
and Sharp, In their great act entitled
"The Asteroids," are something won
derful. Cad. Wilson and the other
members of the company give a refined
and Chaste performance such lis any
lady would be pleased to see. On ac
count of the late arrival of the com
pany, everything did not work smooth
ly last night, but this evening all the
defects will -be remedied. Don't fall
to secure your seats early, as the house
is sure to (be crowded again tonight.
In groceries as in everything else, It
pays to get the best. Everybody is not
supposed to be expert in Judging the
value of all kinds of groceries, and
must depend on the honesty of the
ICY. There isn't any doubt about it
Foard & Stokes do not claim to do the
Impossible, but they do claim to . sell
goods at lowest prices. There Is no
robbing Peter to pay Paul at their
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Judge Copies has been Invited to
address the Indian "War Veterans at
McMinnville on the 22d. When an Or
egon town gets stuck on a man there
Is Just no honor too good for him.
Will rise agaln in the bosom of a dys
peptic wise enough to substitute for the
oseudo-tonlcs, which has bamhoozled
him out of his beilief in 'the possibility of
;ure. the real invlgorant and Btomachlc,
loaterteir's Htomiadh Bitters. The Ml
lous, the. nervous, the dyspeptic, the
'.'heumatlo alike de-rive speedy benefit
from this healthful botanic medicine
Persons suffering from Indigestion will
s?ailn no positive permanent good from
the fiery, unmeditated Stimulants of
ommerce, too often used recklessly,
The Bitters Is Immeasureably to n
preferred, to these as a tonic, since
'ts mire basis is modified by the con
Junction Wfch It of vegetable Ingredi
ents of the niches remedial excellence,
Malaria -Is prevented and remedied bv
ft, and it Infuses vlror.lnto the weak
and sickly. A wlnsrlassful three times
a day is the average dose.
Gentlemen: This Is to certify that I
have used Krause's Headache Capsules
with satisfactory results. I bought a
box which cost me .to. and one caps fit
cured me of a dreadful sick h.-tddebe
My wife and myself have both used
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Llcht Mfg Co., and we re
commend them to the public as bslnv
JJust what they nre represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Twenty-flve cents, for sale by pha
Roger, Astoria, Or., sole agents.
Mr. ,T. J. Kcll, SharBsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir I am glad to say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suffering fot over thrae years
with acute neuralgia and Its consequent
'nsnmnia Irvhloh seemed to hnffle fh.
efforts of some of our best physicians)
vou suggested this remedy which eavr
me almost Instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capiules.
Gratefully Yours,
Montrose, Pa.
For sale by Chss. Rogers. Astoria. Or.
Captain 8weeny, U. 8. A San Diego
CaU, says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine I have ever found
that would me any good. Price (0
cts. Sold by J. W. Coun.
HifbMt HonorsWorld' Fair.
Off Tv3tr, F'f
jin Ammor.if, Ai.i- c .. . .:; adulttraut
40 YEARS yr.WlMRa .
It cannot be denied that Influence of!
climate upon health is great, and It Is1
in recognition of this fact that pnyst-
iclanB ,end Patients suffering with pul-l
. j " " .
"change of air." But when the sufferer,
! happens to be too poor to act upon:
the advice his lot Is hard Indeed. But;
It is not necessarily 'hopeless. - Dr. (
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery!
can be had at any medicine store, and
to It thousands whose cases were con-'
sldered desperate owe their lives.
Up to a certain point In the progress:
of consumption. Dr. Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery Is a positive remedy.
But delay is dangerous with consump
tion. In all the conditions that lead to
It, the "Discovery" is the remedy. With
severe lingering coughs of weak lungs,
nothing acts so promplty. Every di-,
sease that can be reached through the
blood yields to this medicine. Thej
scrofulous affections of the lungs that's
called consumption Is one of them. For
thls.and for "every other form of scrof
ula, for all blood-tatnts and disorders,'
and all chronic bronchial, throat, and
lung affections, the "Discovery" Is the
only remedy .so certain that, once used.
It is always in favor.
Can anything else be "Just as good"
for you to buy?
Don't you believe It. -
Cloee by would not have a more dis-
are vigorous, than an ordinary noise
n-rwrtn tlhMiA wh lrh nra unptaV onrl iiti-
strung. As a nervine, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters Is unrivalled. By pro-
motlngMlgestlon and lasslmllation they
overcome that gaiwtrio disorder, which
Is the most prolific cause of nervous
debility, and whJch, 00 long as It exists,
defeats in a large measure the action
of sedatives and opIaJDea. Such reme-
dies, moreover, necessitate the use of
increasing dtoses, and finally cease to
act altogether, except in dangerous
quanDttiea. They never reach the foun-
tain head of the trouble, and quiet the
nerves only by eemii-paralyzlng them.:
Equally oibjectlonaiDie are nery unmeai-
carted alcoholic stlmulantB. Kidney,.
bladder and liver trouble, maJario, con
stipation, and rheumlaitism are relieved
by the Bitters, which also promotes
appetiite and nightly repore.
D. F. Fuller, of CantaJiharie, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery In the house and his
family hes always found the very best
resuHs follow its use. G. A. Dykeman,
Druggist, CatsWlI, N. Y says that Dr.
King's New Discovery ts undoubtedly
the best cough remedy; that he has
ised it in his family for eight years,
and tt haa never failed to do all that
Is claimed for It. Why not try a rem
edy so long tried amd tested. Trial bot
tles free. Chas. Rogers' Drug Store, Odd
Fellows' Building. Regular size 50c and
Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After try
ing other medicines for what seemed
to be a very obstinate cough In our two
children we tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and at the end of two days the,
cough entirely left them. We will not
be without it hereafter, as our exper-
tence proves that it cures where all!
others fall." Signed, F. W. Stevens,
State Com. Why not give this great
medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed
and trial bottles are free at Chas. Rog
ers' drug Store. Regular size 60 cents
and S1.00.
See him!
See whom?
See Swope.
What for?
He decorates.
I see.
He paints signs.
Oh. ho!
He hangs paper.
Ah, ha!
He does it reasonable.
Very good!
He doe3 It In a workmanlike manner.
Still better!
He does it in the latest style.
Best of all!
He Is up to the times in his line.
You dont say so? He must be.
SWOPE, the Slgnwrlter-Derorator.
43) D. Street
Those who have used Dr. Klnit's New
Discovery know Its value, and those
who hfcve not have now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised,
Irugglst and get a trial bottle free.'
x o,m nuuicra iu n. cj, ;
Oucklen & Co.. Chicago, and tret a'
iample box of New Life Pills free, as
wr i i,ui7 ot uuue to tieaitn anu mucn good as Krause's Headache Cap
liousehold Instructor, free. All nf bi:1 Vim -vi
which Is guaranteed to do you eood
nd rost you nothing. Chas. Rogers,'
druggist. Odd Fellows Building. j
-ra na opening Monday, Feb., ir, I895
With a Strict Fint Class and Refined Entertaintment
"They who laugh last,
Laugh best,"
But they who see---
and the original BIG FOUR
WILL, Laugh Loudest,
l.ugh Longect. '
Liuigh T.T. THT T7fE
Prkft of Admisgitui .Sets.,
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are .
ThCV LclCk Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
, . . . .... , .
on e Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden image does to the
. . . , ,,, ,,, n,.
human belng-they lack strength-Ufa
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that other
. , . ,, . ... ... . , i
Mne MeB Marshall s will do 'Just
as well." They won't. They cannot. .
Will bring you to us before Jou
buy a Piano or Organ. A little
comparison will prove to you that
we sell only good pianos and or
gans. We buy and sell more ot
these goods than any other house
in Portland. The Ohlckerirt?, the
Hardman and the Fischer Pianos,
as well as the Estey Organs, are
always on our floors open for
w ann shaker
is well known as having been postmas
ter general, but Is better known as
Wanamaker & Brown, the celebrated
tailors of Philadelphia. As a result cf.
enterprise they have representatives In
every part of the Union. There Is one
located In Portland, 64 Dekum bulldlnT,
Who visits Astoria every three months.
Kindly reserve tall orders until he
calls, due notice of which will bf
""T A "VT1
Given by the
Fisher's Hall, Feb. 22, 1895.
For the best snslaine'l clmr
acters, thtre will l-e tin'.-'
prizes for Gent-lenm) and
three for l adies. Priz's ca'i
be seen at Foard tt Stokes Co.
Tic' et s G-n t. le n i o n "S ! ask
ers, 1.00. L.itly Maakeis frep.
Spectat.iM. 50 cen s.
Have you any little ones? If
so, buy a lot on the Seashore, and
build them a summer hon e. .
Ther ts no more beautiful plsre
than Sliver Point Cliffs. E. Z.
Ferguson, agent. Astoria Ab
stract Company.
This ts to certify that I have used
Krause's Headache Canstilea
cally for over a year, and have very
have always proved verv beneficial and
fcave relieved me In from ten to llftesn
mum pleasure lr stat ni that tn. v
minutes, i nave beer a sufTerer frtirci
hr nrinrha far mnnv .- k.
never found anything to' do me as
T.nma Tirnnfivr
234 Poplar St.. Wichita. Kari,
For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria.
Kesrvcl siid Bnx'r?r30.