nm mn j&imudj Mmin mmtf mbiMt ttm & ioj' 7 - TliRMS OP StIUSCKIPTION. DAILY, !.rv. J by carder, per weex.... 15cts flit by mail, i-r month 60ctB ' 'l by mail, jut year 57.00 WEHKLY. .' .mi !-y mail jvr, $2.09 In advance. i'ljctiiK'.! free to subscriliers. 'I';.-? A: torian guarantees to Its eu f c: i:iira the largest circulation of any iv-w.-j-.iip' -r published on the Columbia ilve.'. ; A ivi-i UsioK raleH can be had on ep- 1 llention to the 'business manager. This 1-n.por has possesion of all the t?!i-frra:li franchises, and In the only j Ri-r on the Columbia river that pub- liflies genuine dispatches. ; The Weekly Aatorlan, the third old i st weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the lanr-Kt weekly circulation In the state. Hamiley & Haas ar our Portland UK-mis and copies of the Astorlan can be bad every morning at their stand on Kirat street. tuj: ruKsimcNrs misnomer. In his upecial mcsBaga to congress Pi;'..iilcnt Cleveland said "there is now In tho treasury a comfortable surplus of more than $03,000,000, but It is not In gild and therefore does not met- our dilliculty." An exchange points out that this statement Is misleading, from- tho fact that this so-called sur plus is mado up of moneys which the pri -.'Mont a1 wit's are not available foi rell'-vliu. the embarrassments of the treasury and therefore are of little prcisiKit practical value. It was not ipiile cundld to use the fact that the linsuiy has an amount of useless or unavailable caHh on 'hand as an argu ment uguiiiNt legislation to Increase the revi-nue of the ' government, and It would have leen wiser to have omitted any reference to the Bo-called surplus. Dlwunhlon regarding It has not Im proved the public 'impression as to the condition of the treasury, but has per haps had the opposite effect. Inquiry inspired by tho president's statement has served to Mliow that tho financial department of the government Is really worse off than had been generally sup P'Wil. .... ' ; , . l-Ivei-yboily understands that what the treasury requires Is more revenue an Income at 'least sulllelnnt to balance tins outgo. . There are tho best of rea sons for tho belief that If such were tho uliuation all feeling of distrust would disappear, and wltli it the dilli culty which embarrasses the treasury. Ah was said by tfcnttt'or Allison a Hliort tiinu since, the all-Important mat ter is that of getting more revenue, but In order to do this It would be neces sary for the party In power to make nomu concessions, to Republican policy, and that neither tho president nor th Democrats In congress are disposed tc do. They know thnt thus far their pol icy bus been a failure, but thoy pro fess to believe that It will be a sue cess, though they can give no good reason for such faith. When tho tariff vi.a enacted the estimates, of Its sup porters promised not only an ample i.-veone, but a surplus. The country viih told that under the new revenue pull ..-y tho treasury would at once real ise a sulllclent Income to meet all ob ll.vtillons and that as soon as the In come (ax went Into effect, the govern ment .would have more revenue than It needed. The. actual result, however is u heavy dutleloney, amounting for tho seven months of the current llecaj' ye-tr to over $.1-1,000,000 or close to !,-(ii-lUnO u month. The revenues for tlilf . period were greater by about $t:!,000,(HK Cum for the corresponding seven months of the preceding llscal year, which Is an encouraging fact, but a Uuvu gain must bo made before the K ii.ijpls eoual t'ho expenditure. A" a.l.mionnl Income of fully $GO,000,00(! !-.-r unnum is required ty the govern iH.-jit, ami It Is a question whether It i :iK-t ihls under tho existing law. 01 i..fiit;o there Is tho revenue that will be h lived from the duty on sugar and t!:e tax ou' Incomes.' but It Is doubtfu mi H.-i-. these wfll yield the requlreu n mount, at any ratw during the prewnt ear. Jt is possible to make a tolerably acf unite - est) male ol the revenue to bi lial from suhar, but there tan be no ......... - t ... vu.ni.v4in ir a hut tho i: c tax will yield, end there is rea- a -to believe- that the Iilgher estl u iiliH will not be realized, it is manifestly a mistake to main i in Unit there is a "comfortable sur--;!!" '.while ut the same time ad-;.m;::-; that it U practically wortjilest r ii i - vi " 'he tn usury, and it 1 W --s n 'i.u ...... ' i j, .sffi'rt that the In- ,t' ifvu.iu'i of the government . 'i.1uil;ur apprehen it , a v it ureal aeai to m ;.- -.!.- . up tU feellnir of dia : ;' . :i- v.otiid at ence nmki ; n f r l.-irr-.-.I'lng the receipts of i.Mlrn !,t en that they would balance expenditure there can be no I doubt that it would exert a moat whole some influence in restoring confidence'. The adoption by unanimous vote at a rocent meeting of the Seaside Eepub- llcan club of a resolution calling upon! the Clatsop county delegation at Salem I to drop all personal preferences, and, "for the good of the Republican party," to vote for Senator Dolph's re-election, I ought unquestionably to have great weight with Messrs. Lester and Curtis. As Is well known to these gentlemen, thin resolution Is the spontaneous actlom of as intelligent and representa tive a body of voters as can be found In the state, and furnluhes, besides, a I most positive Indication of the univer sal feeling among the Republicans of the county, barring a few reckless and misguided followers of the free silver Idea who reside In Astoria. The Asto-1 rlan has contended from the beginning I that the people of Clatsop county wanica Mr. uoipn reiurneu iu nmu- imrrnn. and thouefh the overwhelming noise ana clamor oi me personal ioi- lowers of one of Mr. Dolph's late op- pononts at first deterred many from expressing their real sentiments, now as tlie time set for the adjournment of .u i i.i.,. ......M,,, hre the legislature approaches, and there Is supposed to be some actual danger of Dolph's defeat, the real, earneat, and unselfish Republlsans are beginning to assert themselves, ine yoicb im substantial yeomen and business men of the party, those who support Us candidates out of honest conviction In the truth of its principles; those who ., - .... m n A ... desire rne goou oi tlon; those who vote the party ticket out of other consideration than the loaves and lisrties a share in the offices and patronage supposed to lie In the gift of successful candidates the voice of these men Is now being heard from lino nnrl nf tlho ulntn to the other in sober, serious and emphatic protest agalnBt the attempt to overthrow a faithful and efflclont publlo servant for the mere purpose of satisfying the pre- Juillce or malice of personal enmity, or to exploit the ambition of some plrant for his place contrary to the re- , . . . , ..k.-m.i corded wishes of a substantial ma- I i ority of those selected by the people J.-..I.J - ' I to pcrrorm tne imponani ana nonor- able duty of naming the next United States senator from Oregon. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. The regular quarterly examination I . . . ... ...tlfln.toa mnAl in icuiioi. t iuu.jt w I f3iaie aipiomas win oe . u -'' street scnooi nouse,-ior - day, February 13th, beginning at II olock and continuing througli thel week. Aoollcanta for county certlfl-1 utes will be present promptly at the lime and Place specllled, Applicanu r state diplomas will be present Bat-1 nlnv Vi3.luiiut.v 1dlh At tt n'nlnnk A ' ' . . I L.XAXAN, I Sohool Supt, FREE PILLfl. ...... - - 1-1 TT ni.nlrlAnl ro.U V Mco. and a fTe sample f Dr KlnK'B New Life pills. A trial ,111 convince you of their merits. These lousness, ayspepsia, or neaaaone, ee in. v in artlon and are nartlcu- 'ause theao little pills cure them. Chas inrlv effective In the cure of constlpa-l n.. ami lnlr hnmlaehe. For malaria and liver troubles they have been prov-l ed Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free rom any deleterious auoHiance anu 10 uo pureiy vesomum. vhpv do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach and howols greatly invigorate tne system pirular alze. 25 cents per box. Bold by I bus. Rogers, druggist, uau teiiows itilldlng. CIIIjERFUL WINTER EVENINGS. N'othlna- bring! so much Joy and oom- irt to the I reside as a genial visitor- one that entertains and Instructs every leniber of the family. The latcn string nlwuys out, for the Frame warmer. r It Hlways brings a Dl weemy duo- et. It Is brighter than ever, with mt of new writers, this year. The I I'hfllikSL'lvlnir and ChrUtmas numoers I will be wortn more man a yeare illitlon. Jl.00 , gets 63 vlslw. Tne i I'rulrle Farmer, Chicago. DON'T TOBACCO BP1T OR SMOKE I YOUU UFH AWAY. the tmfhfnl, startling title of a book bout No-To-Hiu'. the harmless, ruaran- ih1 tottneoo httiblt cure tlKU braces upl Icotlnized nerves, eliminates the nloo- lna iMtitum, makes weak men galr renirth. vliror end m mi hood. You run I 10 phy:4cu;l, or financial risk, as No-To- inili-r a cunmjvtw to cure or mot refunded. Hook free. Address Sterling! temotiy Co.. New York or ciuongo. Xio Is sold by Chas. Rogers, drugguit, Murk Twain has settled down In Tar- s, ibut his heart throbs at loyally over for the literary syndicates of his tttlve land. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, 'Jruloes. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, -Vver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All 8kln B)rup lons, and positively cures Piles, or no my required. It is guaranteed to live Mrfect naiisfartlon. or money rerunaeo. "rloe. $0 cents per box. . For sale by ?hu. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. The weather clerk will not feel of 'ended If the reader of comparative 'tatlstlea of signal offices gives Italic "inpfcaaja to the line "mean tempera ture." The name One Minute Couirt Cure iiinii-ta s. medicine that relieves at .nw. and quickly cures, its use prove I . - 8 nators Chandler and Oalilnft ; I Ww Hamitilre did not apeak as they I nniwed by lt yesxs. They burled I the hatcJiet the thr day. A!1 ttfe pet'"' madtnlnee sdvertlsed i ihU nniwr. tnrer with the chote- Ht iirif(iiikry. ar.d t!"'- et" in h homrht st the lwt eirtees) at T. W. Oonn'e dnie store, opposite Oo- Milnt Hittel A 'one. Dr. Prix's Cream Baklnf; Powdaf mm-rmU Cali M I Mdw wr tr. k WW WEAK I'Ol.- and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott s fcmuision. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Scott's Emulsion is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder- iul remedy for Emaciation, Central Debility, Throat and Lung- Complaint, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Watting DiMattt or Children. Stndnr PmrntkUttuScttfi Emultit. Frtt, ScetUBnt,N.r. All Onigilita. SOctndH, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AD- Notice is .hereby given that the un- derslgned ho been, by the County court of the Btate of Oregon, for Clat- sop County, duly appointed administ rator of the estate of Casner Baltea. deceased. Persons having claims against said estate are notified and required to present the same, duly ver- lined and with proper vouchers, with- I In six months from the date of this t underilOT9ai at the ofllce of Brenham VanDusen, Esq, No. 119 1 1 Oregon.. Dated this sen day or February, 1895. Administrator of the estate of Casper Baltea, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOIICE. Noslce Is hereby sriven that I have I been appointed administrator of the fiiaie ot jenn j. neiuiricniion, ae ..ju-i All arsons havlne claims against said estate are hereby required to present nnern properly verinea, wun vouchers, at the office of John H. and I A. M. Smith, Antorla Oregnn. JOHN W. HAIST-nOM, Administrator. Toronto and Montreal have had their heaviest snow storms of the year. I VnNl nenntft riuinnt Afford to exnerU tnt. They want immediate relief. That's wfiy they use One Minute Cough Jure. Chas. Rogers. Northern New York has been swept oy a blizzard, the worst in years. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough I and Croup Cure, Is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-nve doses l only 26 cents. Children love it Soldi Conn. I im.. i- n l.til.. .V,. I new mln,Btry tu there are so many military men in It. It cures plies, it cures obstinate sores, -happed hands, wounds. It does this li iokly, Is there any good reason why ou should not use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve? Chas. Rogers. ' ' " .,nl nf T.nl nMfnrm.ll Ml A N.O orloaiu. city councilman. Indicted for brlh!1. .nited a mistrial Busy people have no time, and sensl - io people no inclination 10 use a siow remedy, une Minute uougn c-ure acts rompny ana gives permanent resuun, -os -nosers, r I . Ti..i .k -i 1 , mariuu uuuer, ui i-iumi -aiviiiin. who is only thirty-one years old, will be the youngest member of the new senate. You make no mistake when you take ye wins i.itrie Kany losers ror vn- Rogers. The premiers of the Australian col- onles have ibeen trying to arrange a oonfederatlon similar to that of Canada. The Bank of England, the first finan cial organization in the world, is go- ins- to have its charter amended and Ua m,tno, jmproved. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. 9. Qovsra t Report. The Kmperor WUHam, of Germany, has conferred the collar of the BlocK Engile ' upon the Kmperor of Japan, ,.nA Hia llli Ihn. dArnrated tha em. ,.. , nhl. ,.K TO1t -v. - - " to suppose that an imitation offers the customer any ruarantee like the original does. Take O.Wcw for example. Thb Fairbank Co. discovered it, perfected it, and epent thousands in making its merits known. It is plainly to their Interest to make and keep it whnt it is to-day the most popu lar shortening in the world. But when you come Jo except aoiy avuJuerfGHjpr these guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the merer of art imitator who deals on others reputation and who profiU only by others' loss. To ensure havin? rood cook n and healthful food Stick fj-lit to .pOTTOtBSSi and let all imiutioua sviody alone. aMlsndJ Boaadr la Made ealy by Ttio Ti. . TcIrbanK Ccmpi.ny, sr. ci :s 4 fiefft, f Irk. S "Mm If You ant to Know !Str. R. P. (Hill Leave for Tillamook as the (neather The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with through tickets are issued from by the Union Pacific Dy union racinc steamers. I nnn CAMRHDM CCi iviu , " UNOIN PACIFIC R. R. sasisrsjMStsisi for On a dark, 6l or try night, when the tide is el bing fVst and the hardy fisherman finds it almost impossible to handle his net, I'lfs' he fver ttopped to think, should it become caught on a snag, what brand of twine would stand the greatest ttrain? Did lie ever ask his brother fishermen what sort oi twine thy used? If so in nine cases out often, if they be successful fishermen, the answer has j been "MARSHALL'S It is the ONLY Brand of Twine to use. Anything about Astoria or Clatsop County, write to the Astorian Bureau of Information Astoria, Oregon. To people who want to fettle in a real li e wide-awake city, with prospects of becoming the Greatest Commercial Seaport on the Pacific Northwest, Af-toria affords more opportunities than any other. EluMORE Every Foar Days as Jlear mill permit. Union Pacific steamers for Portland and Portland to I HlamooK Bay points Company. Ship freight .: Agents, A stria i CO., Ajeat, Portlnd. TWINE." REMOVED ! REMOVED! REMOVED! B. F. ALLEN has remxsved his stock of wall paper, paints and window glass to 365 Com mercial St., dir ctly opposite Rescue Hall. REMOVAL I REMOVAL! REMOVAL J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention PaM to Supplying Ships. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POHU'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. RtUi Ruaoeable. EmbalBlnr Spltltv WHO WANTS f TWINE It aatonishei the old time makers to see how the fishermen have taken to Marshall's twine the last few years and they may. THE HIGH BOAT of last season over all the other boats on the rivet used MARSHALL'S TWINE. WHY? Because it is the strongest. Because it has not been weakened by bleaching. Because it la sold with a guarantee that if it does not prove satisfactory it can be brought back at the rnd of the season. Sortb Paeifie fireoery JOHN KOPP.Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All ordra promptly atMd4 to STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Pug et Sound Kav- lgatiott Co. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astorli for Portland and way landings at 7 p. m. Jany, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland evtrv day except Sun day at 7 a. m. C W. STONE, Aeent Astoria. Telephone No. U. E. A. Seeler, Oen'l Art, Portland. V. B. Scott, President REDUCED RATES. Betwetn Aatorta end Portland STEAMgR SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at I o clock, and Tuesday and Thursday evening; at ( o'clock. Returning- leaves Portland Sunday morning; st 7:30 and Monday and Wednesday evening; at 7:30. Round trip 13.00: single trip. S1.2S. Upper berths 60 cents; lower berths. li cents; meaia, za cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS &. CO. Qrocers, : and : Butchers Astoria aM Usser Asttfls. Fhit Tm nd 0Mer. TiMt DtMcack. Doaniflc I aa4 Trepitl BruHs. VipUH iufu naait, saa. sac. Choke Fresh and Salt Meats. S. H. W1LLETT, PLUMBING, Oaj aad 5teram Flttiaf, Hot Atr,St-ai aad Water HeaUox.-.-a. ITS Twelfth, street. Astoria. Or. . jji-b:i''t X)iiiirmiwiiirimiin'i"i-i''it -w l iHinvmtl . j -I r n 1 Is iht line to i-ike to nil (iOIUI'I EASTandSOUTK It is the DIKING CAP ROUTE It offers the bet net vice, com bini.ig SPEEDatvTOJIFOltT It l !! impui-t n il' viiib U'n v.h' THE SAFEST! It l therefoie the mine yoo hou'd take. It runs llnou.h vestibinofi trains every day id the year to St. Pail and Clap. No Change of Care. Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers. Ool; one otmne of carl PORTLAND to NEW YORK. Through Tickets To Any Fart of the civilized world. Paaaenteri ticketed vli. all boat rnuntn.. between Antorls, aalams aiid Portland. Full information conct-mlnv ram. tun ,-, trains, routes and other detail lunii-lwl application, to C. W. STONE. Aul-nt Abtorlt HteamerleitplioiiK Dock. A. D. CHPl.Tnst, Assistant Hem-rftl Pawenufr a-i. No.Lil Flint M .our. oslni.jt.i.i. Ganaflian Peclflc R A I L W A Y . AMEHICA'S Greatest Trans Ccr;tir,enta Railway System. FROW OCEflfJ TO OCEAN -1N- Palaee Dining Room and Sleeping Caps Iiuorioas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. - ALSO Observation Cars, allocuing Unbrpken " Vlems of the Wonderful Mountain Coantry. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. ' Tourist cars . the best on wheels. Equipments nf the very finest throughout , -r ALSO ' CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LIN to China ind laxin. oraprai 01 japan, jxovemoer uin. Empress of China, December 10t ' - -: - : For ticket rates and information, cab on or address. JAS. FINLAYSON. ATI. Astoria. Or A. B. Calder, Traveling; Pass. Act.. Tacotna. Wash., Oeo. McU Brow a Dlst Pass. At., Vnnfy"iver. R C. The Original & Genuine (Wohcm:8tkrshire) 25! SAUCE Imparts tba moat delicto taate sad scat to Hot A Cold nests GRAVIES, CARE, Viau, aad VeJak1 KittUU, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take Hone but Lea A Perms. Bins tan aa a kottls of ori al A sea at as Jetua OuwumH fwh r York H 1K&