The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 10, 1895, Image 3

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The regular quarterly examination
of teadliers for county certificates and
state diplomas will be held at Court
Street school house, Astoria, Wednes
day, February 13th, beginning at 1
o'clock and continuing through the
week. Applicants for county certlfl
cates will be present promptly at the
time and place specified. Applicants
for state diplomas will be present Sat
urday, February 10th, at 9 o'clock a,
m. H. S. LYMAN,
Sohool Supt.
Thinkers have their 'hands on the
wheels of the world.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money reiunaea.
Price, 25 cents per box. For Bale by
Chas. Roeers, Odd FcHiws' Building.
Tact wins when gieat gifts without
it would fall flat.
Most people cannot afford to experi
ment. They want immediate relief.
That's why they use One Minute Cough
Cure. Chas. Rogers.
The ?ss we have, the more angels
wonder when we give.
SHILOH'S CURE, the great Coagh
in In irrpat demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 25 cents. Children love ic. doiu
by J. W. Conn.
When an honest man stays away
from the polls the devil votes.
It cures piles, It cures obstinate sores,
chapped hands, wounds. It does this
qi lckly. Is there any good reason why
you Bhould not use DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve? Chas. Rogers.
When good seed is sown, the better
the ground the .better the crop.
Busy people have no time, and sensi
ble people no Inclination to use a slow
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts
promptly and gives permanent results.
Chas Rogers.
The selfish man is about the ugliest
thing upon whloh angels have to look.
You make tio mistake when you take
DeWltt's Little Early Risers for 'bil
iousness, dyspepsia, or headache, be
rausf thesa little pills cure them. Chas
If our faults were written on our
facer, how quick we would all hang
our heads.
The name One Minute Cough Cure
suggests a medicine that relieves at
once, and quickly cures. Its use proves
it. Chas. Rogers.
The lazier a man Is the greater
things he Is going to do w'hen tomor
row comes.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
can be bought at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. A-toria.
There Is no bigger fool than the man
who thinks he can get rich by robbing
someone else.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest ot all in leavening
Strength. V. S. Government Report
A stereotyped prayer may possibly
be belter than none, but It never brings
down fire from heaven.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego
Cul., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is tne hist medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good. Price 6u
us. Sold by J. W. Conn.
It is more needful to be able to suf
fer long and be ikind than It is to preach
with the tongue of an angel.
Take a dose of DeWltt's Little Early
Risers just tor tne good they will do
you. These li'.tle piUs are good for In
digestion. Uood for headache, good
for Iwer complaint, good for constipa
tion. They are good. Chas. Rogers.
Had the serpent in Eden been as Ig
norant of human nature as some
preauiiers, there would "have been no
CeiiUemen:-I have always recom
mended Kiu'iae's Headacne Capsules
wherever 1 have hud a chance. Tney
have proven a veritable boon In my
ieuU-clie. ioufS truly.
Leavenwortn, Koiuuut.
For sale by Ciias. itugers, Astoria,
OictJU, oulu ttjjeuu
it U eabiei' to niiUie sieum without
flru t-un u 13 to keep from 'Backsliding
vii'ftuai gui..ri' n pwer-meeuint.
You ought to know this: DeWltt's
Viiicj. luuMi t,aive will heul a burn and
stop ihe pam u;buuitly. it will cure
L-aaiy ciawed liiuids, ugly wounds,
aores and u a wtil-known cure lot
piles. Ciios. Rogers.
M. Barthlemy St. HHaire, who will
be SO tola year, has Just completed the
Mogmphy of of Victor Cousin.
paine Is always a terrible visitant,
and uai itself with one tor
Hie inls lui.iction is preveatlble, In
cases of rheumausis. by at Imeiy resort
to Husteturs' Stomach Bitters, which
cheivd the encroachments of this bbsti
nale an" dangerous malady at the out
set. The term "dangerous. Is used
advisedly, for rheumatism Is always
liable to attack the vital organs and
terminate life. No testimcny Is more
conc.usive and concurrent than that
of physicians who testify to the excel
lent ertect of the bitters in this disease.
Persons Incur a wetiing in rainy or
snowy weather, and who are exposed
to draughts, should use the bitters as
I preventive of ill effects. Malaria, dys
tpsia, liver and kidney trouble, ner
vousness and debility are also among
Ihe aTmenU to which this popular
Jnedl'tne is adapted. For the Inunnl
tles soreness and stiffness of the aged.
It Is highly beneficial.
Jud-e Gelger, a Kansas official In
Phillips County, sentenced his son-in-law
to eighteen months in the peni
' tcntitiry fcr burglar recently.
Dr Prix's Cfea:3 &iL'5s Poster
'arUi Flr Ki;hcrt Medal aaa Dtetaas.
State of Ohio, County of ToUdo, Lu
oaa County, ss.
Frank L. Cheney makes oith that
he Is the senior partner uf the firm of
F. J. Cheney Ac Co, doing business in
the clity of Toledo, County and state
aforesaid, and that the said II rm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber. 1888 A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal.) v Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internal'
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Mme. Pattl, who has been laid up at
Vienna this week with an attack of
pharyngeal catarrh, was compelled to
cancel tier Lelpslc engagement.
How often do we hear of this in do
mestic life at this day. But what Ic
more appalling than the living body
made repulsive with skin and scalp
diseases, salt rheum, tetter, eczema,
and scrofulous sores and swellings.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Is the positive cure for all these dis
eases. If taken In time it cures lung
scrofula, commonly known as pulmi
nary Consumption. By druggists.
Kayser, N. C.
Dr. R. V. Pierce: Dear Sir When
about three years old I was taken with
mumps, also had fever, finally I had
that dreadful disease, Scrofula. I had
running scrofulous sores on the left
side of my neck and face. I was small
and weakly when eight or nine years
old, and In fact was nearly a skeleton.
Six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery wrought marvelous
ahanges. Although the sores were
healed in eight months, I did not quit
taking it until I was sure It had been
entirely routed from my system. The
only signs left of the dreadful disease
are the scars which ever remind me
of how near death death's door I wan
until rescued by the "Discovery." I
am now eighteen years old and weigh
148 pounds; and have not been sick
In five years.
Yours respectfully,
Agent for Seaboard Air Line.
For constipation and headache, use
Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
Tom Red says that one of the great
est trials incidental to his being made
into a presidential candidate, is a mall
of such proportions that he could spend
all of his time reading it.
But ride Inside the Electric Lighted
and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment
Car trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee,
and St, Paul Railway, and you will be
as warm, comfortable, and cheerful as
In your own library or boudoir. To
travel between Chicago, St. Paul or
Minneapolis, or Between Chicago and
omutia, in these luxuriously appointed
trains, Is a supreme satisfaction; and
as the somewhat ancient advertisement
used to read, "for further particulars
see small bills." Small bills (and large
ones, too) will be accepted for passage
and sleeping car tickets. All coupon
ticket agents on the coast sell tickets
via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway, or address C. J. Eddy,
General Agent, Portland, Or.
Stillcon Hutchins, of New Hanpshlr
has received $225,000 from the National
Typographic Company as a commission
for negotiating the type-setting ma
chine patents for England In 18S9.
Vnm a letter written bv Rev. J. Gun-
derman, of Dimondole, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: i
have o hesitation In recommending
rr trins-'H New Discovery, as the re
sults were almost marvellous In the
case of my wife. While I was pastor
of the Baptist Church at Rives June-
tion, she was brought down wun
PnanmnnlR. ftupreedin2 La Grippe. Ter
rible paroxysms of coughing wculd last
hours with little Interruption and It
seemed as if She could not survive
them. A friend recommended Dr.
mno-'a Mw niacoverv: it was Quick In
Its work, and satisfactory in Its re-
suits." Trial bottles rree at unas.
Rogers' Drug Store. Regular size 60
cents and (1,00.
Walter Gay, the American artist, has
been created a chevalier of the Legion
of Honor.
The original deed for Harper's Ferry,
West Virginia, Is owned by Thomas
Preston, of Weverton. Washington
county, Md. The tract covers about
28 acres, and Is known In the deed as
"Diar Bought."
Having the needed merit to more
than make good all the advertising
claimed for them, the following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each
oottle guaranteed Electric Bittersthe
great remedy for stomach, liver, and
Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica SaJve, the
best In the world, and Dr. King s Mew
Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All
these remedies are guaranteed to do
Just What is claimed for them, and the
dealer whose name Is attached here
with, will be glad to tell you more
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
One of the most noteworthy contract
ors of Boston is Mrs. D. Henry Cram.
She is Boston born and bred, and is
a young woman of charming personal
ity. She is a member of the profes
sional Woman's League of that city.
We might tell you more about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probobly
know that It cures a cough. Everyone
does who has used it It Is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness.
It is an especial favorite for children,
bring pleasant to take, and quick in
curing. Chas. Rogers.
The total tonnage passing through
the Sault Ste Marie during the season
was valued at IU3.000.000.
"A talented editor."
Gentlemen: I had occasion to uss
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which Is remarkable.
Yours, respectfully.
Ed. Renovo fPa.) Record.
For mle br Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or, solo agiiBL
$1.00 Bottle.
Onaoent adoee.
It is sold on a rnhnniea bv all drug
gists. It oures Incipient Consumption
sod Is the beat Cough and Croup Cur. ,
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
XTntlA la hAPAhv plvn thtlt thft Cfim-
mon Council of tue City of Astoria,
Oregon, have determined to improve
Duane street from tne east Biue oi mm
street to the west side of Liih street,
aviont tha rrnnainir nf llLh Street). Ut
In the city of Astoria as laid out and
recorded by John Mcuiure anu ex
tended by Cyrus Olney. by removing
on Hoiwtivo hIIhs cans and stringers,
and putting In new and sound tlr plies,
posts and sills Wherever nectBsary, anu
new caps and stringers, and planking
,Qma with new a.nd sound tir olank
four Inches in thickness, and by build
ing sidewalks on both sides thereof;
all the Improvements to be made to
.k tn wirtHi and established erade
of said street, and to include railings
where necessary, and to De done in
accordance with plans and specifica
tions amd ordinances in relation there-
t0The lands and premises upon which
the special assessment shall be levied
to defray the cost and expense of such
Improvements and the district embrac
ing said lands and premises, be and the
same are designated as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at the southweBt corner
of Lot one (1) of Block numbered 44,
Chence easterly along center lines oi
Duni.a ii anA Rl tn the eastern boun-
Xiiin. . U...U v,
darles of Block numbered 64, thence
northerly along eastern oounoanes oi
Blocks 61 and 01, to the northeast cor
AM n Tt ninnW numhered 61. thence
westerly along center lines of Blocks
61 and 60, to the west Dounaaiy oi
Block numbered 60, thence southerly wootnOTi hnnnHarles nf Blocks 60
and 44, to point of beginning; contain
ing Lots 1, 2, 3, ano , in xiuck
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, in Block 64;
t nta s q in 11 12 IS nd 14. in Block
61, and Lots 6. 6, 7, and 8, In Block 60,
all In the town (now city) or Astoria,
as laid out and recorded by John Mc
Clure, and extended by Cyrus Olney.
Estimates of the expense of such
Improvements and plans and dlagramf
of such work or improvement and of
the locality to be improved, havo been
deposited by th3 City Surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge for pub
tin evRmlnatlon. and may be lnupected
at the odlce of such officer.
At t-ho npvt reeTilar mectiTiff of tn(
Common Council, after ten days fron
the final publication of this notice, to-
r WoHnoarinv Marph Bth. 1S95. B
the hour of 7:30 p. m. at the City Hall.
Nh. bdm pnnnnll will rnmglripr anv ob
jections to such Improvement helm-
made, and If a remonstrance apains'
sudh Improvement, slpnert bv persnnr
nnnlnv mnfa than nnp-Tmlf nf the nron
erty In such district herein described
and In which the special nsppwrnien!
Is to be levied, shall be filed with thp
Auditor and Police Jude ibef.-ire thr
raid time of meeting of the Common
Council, no such Improvement or work
shall be ordered except by the con
currence of all the CounMlmen elect,
and if such remonstrance shall be Blpn
ed by the persons owning three-fonrthr
of all the property In suoh district anc"
filed with the Auditor and Police Jud 'e
before the said time of meeting of tt-e
Common Council, no such lmprovemf nt
or work shall be ordered In any event.
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judge
Astoria, Oregon, January 31, 1835.
Notice is hereby given that sealet
plans, specifications, strain diagrams,
and bids will be received by the cour.
ty court of the County of Clatsop.
State of Oregon, until Monday, Marcl.
I, 1805, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tlx
building, erection and construction Oj
a bridge across Northrup Creek, lr.
Clatsop County, Oregon, according tc
such plans, specifications, and dia
irams, at a point where the counts
road leading from Jewell Fostofllce tc
Hopkins postoflice crosses said creek
said point being where former bridp
was located. Each bidder shall dp
posit with his bid, c4sh or a certified
check, payable to the order of th
county clerk, to the amount of ten pel
lent of his bid, which shall be forfeltefi
to tho county ln case the award 1;
made to him and he falls, neglects, oi
-efuses for the period of two days attoi
urh award Is made, to enter Into con
'.ract and 01o his bond In the manne:
required by and to the sstlRfaction of
Ihe said county court. The payment
'or Bald contract to be by an ordei
in the county treasurer.
The right to reject any or a',1 bldf
Is hereby reserved.
By order of the cnuntv rnmmlKHlon
ers. . F. I. DUNBAR,
County Clerk.
Dated, February 6th, 1895.
Senator Carey, of Wyoming, defeated
Tor re-election for voting against frtv
silver, weighs 300. He was onc
jquelched In debate by Senator Wol
-ott, who quote! the Spanish proverb.
"It is a waste of lather to shave ar.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power cs tho Royal.
Miss Crabtree, otherwise Lotta. the
ever effervescent and perennial, Is pass
ing the winter In Cleopatra's land, anfi
Is muoh benefitted by her prolonged
rest. She Is said not to have any defi
nite idea When she will return to the
tuily, Quiskly, Permanently r.ejtcred.
Weakness, Rtrroasnes,
Denim?, no "
of enwiromw'ij err"," ...
overwork, nirkn. worry.
Cl. r ui
....., mr.ii f.nt! tnve:i LCI
cvn end p'n-ilc 'j
ofllic-l.'lv. r.,u,:.!'.r.:.'.
E?.!EKDICAU3.f Buffalo, H.Y.
: . a.'-. k
S f 'HERB?
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season, a
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or set
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
Concomly St., foot of Jackson. Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Slum
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
rnort notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
Snap R Kodak
at any man coming out of
our storo unci you'll net a
port nil t of a man brimming
over witli pleasant tho'iKlits.
Hwli quality In Uu liquors
we Inive to offer are enough to
Corr?e and Try Them.
hughes & CO.
Japanese Bazaar
Savs a customer of some of those
new goods that we have JuBt received
for fall trade, and that we're selling
so remarkably cheap: "They are the
best bargains we ever got in Astona.
Thev are captivating in quality and
style and will make a record as purse
openers. 417 Bona street, next uoor to juouier
Fruit Store.
wens, r-argo x wo. onu
Pacific Express Co-
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant.
5oa Bond Street.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Only handed over the tar, . The largest glass
ot N. P. Brer. Half-and-half, jc.
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Concomly and Lafayette St.
Insurance Agent,
The Following Companies I
lerman-Amerlcon. New York City, N. Y.
Union Fire and Marine, of New Zealand.
National Fire and Marine Ins Co.. ot Hartford.
Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford.
Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco.
New York Plate Ulass Ins. Co.
'haenlx, of London, Imperial, of Londou
George's Rheumatic
Specially Manufactured to aid those
alllicted with WHfiUMATISM. It gives
tone to the stomach and purities the Mood
better lhan any other bitters known.
For sale by all k'adiug druggists, or
Address "G. R." P.O. Box06t.
Asloria, Or.
General Agent
4)7 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon.
Telephoue No,.a4.
Hunter Epicures say the best
1 " Pork Sausage combines
the fl.ivnr nf of lean pi?
.lergen's.pork with the flaky fat
ind the fines herbs.
We furnish the table with this kind of
ajsage that pleases the veriest epicure.
Portland Butchering Co's Mark
Corner Second and Benton streets.
Corner Third and West Eighth street
Vd dress, box iBo, Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR
groceries, Flour, Feed,,Provlsions, Fruits,
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
'or. Cass aud Squemoquc Streets. Astoria, Ore.
J3&i$- Works,
General riochinlst and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
md Engine Work of anv Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St, Astoila, Or.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
in the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
nouldliids and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
ind prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
nt mill. H. L. LOU AN, Prop'r.
fVairMe, Oregon.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, flrst-clas) honieahoelng, etc
til OlDey street, between Third ai.d
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
Commercial Street.
You don't want a carpet swespor tha
barks the furniture or brushes the life
out of the carpet, or kicks up dust In
stead of gathering it, or lops Its bandl
about for you to trip over. You may
come across that sort under one name
or another. Pass on, and remember
Blssell's Grand Rapids Sweeper. It
comes as near to "broom work" as a
machine can. No noise, no drag on
you to run it, almost sucks the dust
up, and dumps with a touch; the
brush Just skims, or digs In as you press
lljrhtly or heavily on the handle.
You'll say it monopolizes the Sweeper
virtues. And the price la only 12.99.
The Celebrated Buttermilk Soap
(lu a cuke.
This Kt'lli'ctor Lamp, with chimney
wick Hnd burner, 3dc.
Lnrire Bnftle Household Ammonia 130.
Wash Boitrdfl 7o. to SUo.
Comforts 1.13.
Veiling per yard 12o.
Lace from lo a jord to 14c.
Overalls 60c.
Quilts IIBo,
Silk Garter Weh per yard lOo.
Brenkfnst Shawls 2ro.
Bindlni'S tier roll 2o.
Pearl Buttons from 7c to l!io a dozen.
Smoked Pearl Buttons 5c to 8c a dozen.
Towels 5o.
Tahle Oil Cloth 19 and 20o a yard.
Bovs Pants lac
LRilies Underwear all prices
Corset Wnist lllc.
Men's Underwear nil prices.
De Long's Hook and kves i-er card 12o.
Snfetv Pins per dozen iio.
2 Foot Rules 8o..
Shoe Brushes lOo. , ,
Nursin? Bottles Oo -
Vaseline, larsre bottle 5o
Boys' Suspenders 10.
Men's Suspenders all prices,
Umbrellna 81.22, UM.
Ladies' Hose 9o.
PlavitiK Cards 8(t, lOo, .
Ladies' Aprons 24 27c, 34c.
Men's Hose 5e to 32o,
Dinner Bells 4o, Sic, 20c.
Coffee Mills tlist hold a pound, B7o.
Oval Top Lookiug Ulass, 'ific.
Glass Syrnp Pitchers 21c.
Padlock 7o, 12o. 15o.
Chcppinff Bowls 13, 27o, 80c,
Clothes Pins 25 for 5c.
Glass Tumblers 3(!o a set.
No. 2 Lamp Chimueys tio.
No. 8 "Never Break" Skillets 84o.
Tin Pot Covers 3n, 4c, 5c.
C.'ike Lifters 5o.
Scallnped Shelf Paper 30 sheota 5c.
3(1 Feet of Clothes Line 4c.
Bottle of Kewiiix Machine Oil 4c,
Nickel Aliirni Clocks 91o.
Preperve Kettles lUc, 12f, 14c.
2ho Novels c.
Decorsted Chamber Pails 33c.
Utfleotor Lamps with burner and
chimney 33o.
Travelling Alcohol Lamps 15a.
eat haws 33o.
Cost Hooks 0 for 5c.
Fire Shovels 6c, 9o, 17c.
Tea Spoons per set 6a
Iron Shelf Brackets per pair 4, 9, 22o.
K mves and Forks per set from 42c to Vl.Os
Meat Broilers 7o.
Dover Ekk Beaters 10c
Wire Hair Brushes 15c., 23a.
Armlets 6c.
Files, 12c.
Dog Chains 15c.
Butt Hlnffes from 2c. to 9c.
Bread Boxes, 35c, &5c., 76c.
Corn Poppers, 7c, 14c
Strap Hinges, 3c, 6c 7c, c.
Red Ink, 4c, a bottle.
Knife Bsskels 43c.
20urt Coffee Pot 10e.
3 )2a.
4 " 13c
2 Qnart Copper Bottom Coffee Pot 15c.
3 ' " " " " l'Jc.
4 He,
Tea Trays tic, llo. lSc.
14 Quart Tin Pail l!)o.
IMsh Pans lrfo.
Dnst Pans 8c
Pint Cns, 2 for 5c.
Large Glaas Pitt hen 19c, 28c.
Bnntern Globes (ic.
I.Hntems 45c
Pktare Hooks lc.
Window Shades with spring rollers 83c.
Commercial Street.
' 'uTr2(tMtx..SM,,t.iii,f1
. ; f H Ai"i"6liIflbAyHiGSM(4K
a . .( r, m a n A
0 Acts as irUKiTO ior oirnii.m
individuals. Deposits uui;iir.
i.i.uui n,lll I .a nllnwer) n wlnW
deposit at the rate of 4 per cent per
annum. ,
J. Q. A. BOWLBT President
HENJ. YOUNG Vice President
W. a DEMENT Secretary
J, e. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ
Young, A. S. Red, D. P. Thompson,
W. E. Dement.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
! , f tha "mirllntrton
Route," 250 Washington st, Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, ana aavise you as i
hm.h .... t .ia tn anv nnmt. reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you wun inrougn ucttem
via either the Northern. Union, South-
fiB-ninn rf. old o onit f.rnat Korth
VI II. w ...v, " " " .
em railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route is generally
conceded to be the finent equipped rail
road In the world for all classes ot
Wagons & Vehicles In Stock
Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers
Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors
and Windows.
Provisions, Flour, and Mill Fd
Astoria, Oregon.
These tiny Capsules are superior
to Balsaar of Copaiba,
Culicba and Injoctiona, (fffflf
They cure In 48 hours the
same diseases without any Incon
The Oasis of the
Colorado Desert
Dry and Pure Tropical,
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indto
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to take
advantage of Its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Paclflo Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
eral Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indlo sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. They are fur
nlthed with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure artesian water, and so
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de
lltfhtful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
'In the heart of the great desert of
the Colorado whloh the Southern Pa
cific road traverses there is an oasis
called indlo, which, In our opinion, It
the sanitarium of the earth. We be
lieve, from personal Investigation, that
for certain Invalids, the-e Is no spot or
this planet so favorable."
O. T. Stewart, M. D write: "Tht
purity of tho air, and tho eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health resort, -here Is the moat per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil,
for rain Is ap unknown factor; pure
oxygen, de-urn atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired T
It Is the place, above all others, for
lung trouMcs, and paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." INDIO,
lis 62 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Paclno Company agent,
or address
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co.
UUt. pass. Ant
Cor. First aod Aider Ets, Portland. Or.
0. t S fl. Go.
E. JlcNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Tmo Transcontinental
t- .a. .
Ogden, Denver
Omaha or ,
St. Paul.
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourlat Sleepers
Free Reollnlng Chair Cart,
Astoria to 5an Francisco.
Queen, Wednesday, February 13th.
Columbia, Monday, February 18th.
Queen, Saturday, February 23d.
Columbia, Thursday, February 28th.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'a boat
will run aa follows, between Astoria and
Portland. The Thompson will leave As
torta at 6:45 a. m. dally except Sunday,
and Portland dally at 8 p. m. except
Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave
Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland
at 1 a. m. dally except Sunday.
For rates and general Information call
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. Paa. Agt, Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
Ea sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This la the ;
And all Point3 East and
Their Magnificent Track. Peerlest Ves-
tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Train and Motto:
Hava given thla road a national reputa
tion. All classes of pasuensfra curried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Khlp your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
Gen. AK-nt. Trav. I'. uuJ r. ..j
tiH .WaaUUigtca St., i orutu, .